January 2015 (IAL) MS - C34 Edexcel PDF
January 2015 (IAL) MS - C34 Edexcel PDF
January 2015 (IAL) MS - C34 Edexcel PDF
January 2015
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January 2015
Publications Code IA040487
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© Pearson Education Ltd 2015
PhysicsAndMathsTutor.com January 2015 (IAL)
2. The Edexcel Mathematics mark schemes use the following types of marks:
M marks: Method marks are awarded for ‘knowing a method and attempting
to apply it’, unless otherwise indicated.
A marks: Accuracy marks can only be awarded if the relevant method (M)
marks have been earned.
B marks are unconditional accuracy marks (independent of M marks)
Marks should not be subdivided.
3. Abbreviations
These are some of the traditional marking abbreviations that will appear in the
mark schemes.
4. All A marks are ‘correct answer only’ (cao.), unless shown, for example, as A1
ft to indicate that previous wrong working is to be followed through. After a
misread however, the subsequent A marks affected are treated as A ft, but
manifestly absurd answers should never be awarded A marks.
PhysicsAndMathsTutor.com January 2015 (IAL)
5. For misreading which does not alter the character of a question or materially
simplify it, deduct two from any A or B marks gained, in that part of the
question affected.
6. If a candidate makes more than one attempt at any question:
If all but one attempt is crossed out, mark the attempt which is NOT
crossed out.
If either all attempts are crossed out or none are crossed out, mark all
the attempts and score the highest single attempt.
2. Formula
Attempt to use correct formula (with values for a, b and c).
2. Integration
Power of at least one term increased by 1. ( x n x n 1 )
Use of a formula
Where a method involves using a formula that has been learnt, the advice given
in recent examiners’ reports is that the formula should be quoted first.
Exact answers
Examiners’ reports have emphasised that where, for example, an exact answer is
asked for, or working with surds is clearly required, marks will normally be lost if
the candidate resorts to using rounded decimals.
Scheme Marks
1 y 7 at point P B1
3x 2 dy ( x 2) 3 (3x 2) 2( x 2)
y M1A1
( x 2)2 dx ( x 2)4
Sub x = 3 into d y 11 M1
1 y7
x 11 y 74 0 cso M1A1 cso
11 x 3
(6 marks)
B1 For seeing y 7 when x 3 . This may be awarded if embedded within an equation.
M1 Application of Quotient rule. If the rule is quoted it must be correct.
It may be implied by their u 3 x 2, u ' .., v x 2 , v ' .. followed by their vu '2uv '
If the rule is neither stated nor implied only accept expressions of the form
( x 2) 2 A (3 x 2) B ( x 2)
A, B 0 condoning missing brackets
( x 2)2
Alternatively applies the Product rule to 3 x 2 x 2 If the rule is quoted it must be correct.
It may be implied by their u or v 3 x 2, u ', v or u x 2 , v ' followed by their vu ' uv '
If the rule is neither stated nor implied only accept expressions of the form A x 2 2 B 3 x 2 x 2 3
If they use partial fractions expect to see 3x 2 P Q dy R S
y y ( P 3, Q 4)
( x 2) 2 ( x 2) ( x 2) 2 dx ( x 2) 2 ( x 2) 3
You may also see implicit differentiation etc where the scheme is easily applied.
A1 A correct (unsimplified) form of the derivative.
Accept from the quotient rule versions equivalent to dy ( x 2) 3 (3x 2) 2( x 2)
(x 2)2
2 dx
dy 2 3
Accept from the product rule versions equivalent to 3 x 2 2 3 x 2 x 2
dy 2 3
Accept from partial fractions 3 x 2 8 x 2
or ( x 2)2 dy y 2( x 2) 3 from implicit differentiation
FYI: Correct simplified expressions are dy 3x 4x 4 or 3x 2
4 3
dx (x 2) (x 2)
M1 Sub x = 3 into what they believe is their derivative to find a numerical value of dy .
M1 Uses x = 3 and their numerical value of y with their numerical at x = 3 to form an equation of
a normal. If the form y mx c is used then it must be a full method reaching a value for c.
A1 Correct solution only Accept A ( x 11 y 74) 0 where A N. from correct working.
Watch for correct answers coming from incorrect versions of dy with eg. ( x 2) 2 on the
PhysicsAndMathsTutor.com January 2015 (IAL)
Scheme Marks
( 4 sin 1)(sin 3) 0
sin M1
(5 marks)
M1 Solves their 3TQ in sin with usual rules by factorisation, formula or completing the square. They
must proceed as far as sin .. Accept an answer from a calculator. You may have to pick up a
calculator to check their values.
A1 Either of awrt 0.25, 2.89 (2dp) in radians or either of aw rt 14.5,165.5 (1dp) in degrees
Accept either of awrt 0.08 , 0.92
A1 Correct solution with only two solutions aw rt 0.253, 2.889 (3dp) within the given range.
Accept equivalents such as awrt 0.0804 , 0.9196
Ignore any extra answers outside the range.
Note that incorrect factorisation (4 sin 1)(sin 3) 0 would lead to correct answers. As this
mark is cso, it would be withheld in such circumstances.
PhysicsAndMathsTutor.com January 2015 (IAL)
Scheme Marks
V shape just in Quad 1and correct position B1
(b) x 1 B1
x 5 (8 2 x ) x 13 M1A1
3 5
(d) f '(x ) 2 x 3 min at x min M1A1
2 4
Maximum value = 5 B1
„ f ( x )„ 5 A1
(12 marks)
PhysicsAndMathsTutor.com January 2015 (IAL)
B1 Accept a V shape just in quadrant one with the left hand end meeting the y - axis, the minimum
point on the x - axis and the right hand section being at least as high as the left hand section.
Look for either or shape just in quadrant one. Don’t accept a curved base.
B1 The graph meets or cuts the y axis at (0, 8) only. Allow just 8 and condone (8,0) written on the
correct axis. There needs to be a graph for this to be awarded
B1 The graph meets the x axis at (4, 0) only. Allow 4 and condone (0,4) written on the correct axis
There needs to be a graph for this to be awarded.
B1 For stating that x 1
M1 For an attempt at the ‘second’ solution.
Accept x 5 (8 2 x ) x .. . or ( x 5) 8 2 x x .. . or equivalent
Do NOT condone invisible brackets in this case
Accept x 5 2 (8 2 x ) 2 x ..
A1 x 13 and no other solutions (apart from x = 1). Accept this for both marks as long as no
incorrect working is seen. Eg x 5 8 2 x x 13 is M0 A0
M1 Scored for a full method to find fg(5).
Accept x 5 being substituted into 8 2 x and the result being substituted into x 2 3 x 1
Accept an attempt to substitute x 5 into 8 2 x 3 8 2 x 1
Special case: Allow the answer from a graphical calculator as long as it is given with the evidence of a
correct sketch. Allow from a table as long as the value at 1.5 is calculated. Score 4/4
Just the (correct) answer, no working, special case award 1,1,0,0
PhysicsAndMathsTutor.com January 2015 (IAL)
Scheme Marks
4 x 2 sin 2 cos B1
1 1
dx 2 cos (d ) M1
3 3
4 x 2 2
4 4sin 2 2
1 1 1
sec 2 (d ) OR (d ) M1
4 4 cos 2
tan dM1A1
Uses limits 0 and in their integrated expression
1 3 3
4 0 4
(7 marks)
Uses 1 sin cos and simplifies integral to
2 2
M1 C sec 2 ( d ) or ( d )
Again you may condone a missing d
sec2 tan
A1 3 .
PhysicsAndMathsTutor.com January 2015 (IAL)
Scheme Marks
5 (a)
1 1
1 2 x 2 1 2 x
1 1
1 2 2
1 2x 2 2! M1A1
1 x x 2 ...
2 3x 3
(2 3 x )(1 x x 2 ... M1
1 2x 2
2 5x 6x 2
(b) Sub x 1 into both sides of 2 3 x 2 5 x 6 x 2 M1
20 1 2x
43 10 453 dM1
oe 43 453 3
60 200 20 200 10
1359 4300
10 Accept A1
430 1359
(7 marks)
PhysicsAndMathsTutor.com January 2015 (IAL)
M1 Uses the correct form of the binomial expansion with n 1 and ' x ' 2 x to achieve
1 1
1 2 x
2 2
2 x … You may condone missing/invisible brackets.
2 2
Candidates cannot just write down the answer 1 x 3 x 2 .
There must be an intermediate line showing some working for at least the x 2 term.
1 3
1 2 2
Correct (unsimplified expression) 1 2 x 2 x
2 2
Condone poor notation such as 2 x 2 for 2x if it is subsequently corrected.
Scheme Marks
6(i) x tan 2 4 y 8tan 4 y sec2 4 y oe M1A1
dy 1 1 1 1
, M1,M1A1
dx 8tan 4 y sec 4 y 8tan 4 y(1 tan 4 y) 8 x (1 x) 8 x x1.5
2 2 0.5
dV dV
(ii) 2, V x 3 3x2 B1,B1
dt dx
dV dV dx
Uses M1
dt dx dt
dx 2
dt x 4 3x
cm s1 M1A1
(10 marks)
2 2
M1 Differentiates tan 4y to get an expression equivalent to the form C tan4ysec 4y
You may see tan 4 y A sec 2 4 y tan 4 y B sec 2 4 y from the product rule or versions appearing
from x tan4y Ax0.5 ... Bsec2 4y or
Ax0.5 Bsec2 4y... x sin 2 4 y
d x cos 2 4 y A sin 4 y cos 4 y sin 2 4 y B cos 4 y sin 4 y
cos 2 4 y cos 2 4 y
from the quotient rule
A1 Any fully correct answer, or equivalent, including the left hand side. 2tan 4 y 4sec2 4 y
Also accept the equivalent by implicit differentiation 1 8 tan 4 y sec 2 4 y d y
dy dx dx
M1 Uses 1 Follow through on their .
dx dy dy
Condone issues with reciprocating the ‘8’ but not the trigonometrical terms.
If implicit differentiation is used it is scored for writing dy as the subject.
M1 Uses sec2 4y 1 tan2 4y where x tan2 4y to get their expression for dy
or in terms of just x.
dx dy
x 1
If they use other functions it is for using sin 4y and cos 4y where x tan 4y to
2 2 2
1 x 1 x
get their expression for dy or in terms of just x.
dx dy
1 1
x x
A1 Correct answer and solution. Accept , or A=8, p =0.5and q =1.5
8 x0.5 x1.5 8 1
Candidates do not have to explicitly state the values of A, p and q. Remember to isw after the
sight of an acceptable answer.
PhysicsAndMathsTutor.com January 2015 (IAL)
1 dy 1 1 1 12
Alt (i) using y arctan x 2 x
4 dx 4 1 x 2
B1 States or uses d V 2. It may be awarded if embedded within the chain rule and assigned to d V
dt dt
B1 States or uses 3 x 2 . It may be awarded if embedded within the chain rule and assigned
1 2
dV dx 1 3
to You may also see x V 3 V
dx dV 3
Accept any variable, for example s, l, a in place of x.
M1 Uses a correct chain rule, eg. d V dV d x with dV 2 and their value of d V OR
dt dx dt dt dx dV
You may see different versions of this. Eg d V d V d x
dx dt dt
M1 Substitutes x=4 into their chain rule to find a numerical value for d x .. .
dx 1 3
Accept a substitution of V 64 V to find a numerical value for d x ..
dV 3 dt
Condone poor notation for and the appearance of an answer from the substitution of x = 4 into
an incorrect chain rule expression will be sufficient to award this mark.
A1 cso
dt x 4 24
cm s 1 . Accept awrt 0.0417
PhysicsAndMathsTutor.com January 2015 (IAL)
Scheme Marks
7(a) 2 co s( x 30 ) sin( x 3 0 )
2 (co s x co s 3 0 sin x sin 3 0 ) sin x co s 3 0 co s x sin 3 0 M1A1
2cos30 2tanx sin 30 tan x cos30 sin 30
1 3
sin 30 , cos 30 B1
2 2
2 3 1 3 2
tan x tan x 3 3 4 dM1A1*
3 2 3 2
(b) ta n ( 2 + 1 0 ) 3 3 4 M1
2 +10=50.1, 230.1 .. dM1
2 0 .1, 1 1 0 .1 A1,A1
(9 marks)
PhysicsAndMathsTutor.com January 2015 (IAL)
M1 Uses identities for cos( A B ) and sin( A B ) with A x , B 30 .
Condone missing bracket and incorrect signs but the terms must be correct.
A1 Fully correct equation in sinx and cosx
B1 Replaces sin 30 by 1 and cos 30 by 3
throughout their expanded equation.
2 2
If candidate divides by cos30 it will be for tan 30 3 or equivalent
dM1 Either for collecting terms in sinx and cosx to reach (...) sin x (...) cos x , before then dividing by
cosx to reach sin x (...) or tan x (...) .
cos x (...) (...)
Alternatively, by dividing by cosx first, producing an equation in tanx , then collecting terms
reaching tan x (...)
An intermediate line must be seen. ( 3 2) tan x 2 3 1 tan x 3 3 4 is dM0
Similarly ( 3 2) sin x (2 3 1) cos x tan x 3 3 4 is dM0
A1* Reaches final answer by showing rationalisation with no errors.
2 3 1 3 2
Accept as a minimium tan x tan x 3 3 4
32 3 2
M1 For using part (a) to produce (or imply) an equation tan(2 ) 3 3 4
Condone 0 and being replaced by x.
dM1 Dependent upon the previous M. Score for an attempt at the correct method to find one value of θ
invtan 3 3 4
Look for tan(2 ) 3 3 4
A1 One correct answer awrt 1dp 20.1 or 110.1
A1 Both 20.1 and 110.1 awrt 1dp and no other solutions within the given range. Ignore extra
solutions outside the given range.
M1 Expands both sides (see part a) using correct identities, divides by cos 2 and proceeds to an
equation of the form tan 2 ...
2 cos 40 sin 20
Note that the correct answer is tan 2 0.84219
2sin 40 cos 20
dM1 Uses correct order of operations from tan 2 ... arctan ... to find at least one solution
A1A1 Follows
Scheme Marks
B1 Accept either boundary: V 23000 or V 23000 or Vmax 23000 for the upper boundary and
V 1000 or V 000 or V m in 1000 for the lower boundary. Answers like V 23000 are B0
B1 Completely correct solution.
Accept 1000 V 23000 , 1000 Range or y 23000 , (1000,23000], V 1000 and V 23000
M1 Score for a d V A e 0.2 t B e 0.1t , where A 18000, B 4000
M1 Sub t 10 into a d V of the form A e 0.2 t B e 0.1t where A 18000, B 4000
Condone substitution of t 10 into a d V of the form A e 0 .2 t B e 0 .1 t 1 0 0 0 A 1 8 0 0 0, B 4 0 0 0
A1 Correct solution and answer only. Accept 634 following correct d V 3600e 0.2 t 400e 0.1t
Watch for students who sub t 10 into their V first and then differentiate. This is 0,0,0.
Watch for students who achieve +634 following d V 3600e 0.2 t 400e 0.1t . This is 1,1,0
A correct answer with no working can score all marks.
M1 Setting up 3TQ in e0.1t AND correct attempt to factorise or solve by the formula.
0.2 t
For this to be scored the e term must be the x term. 2
A1 Correct factors (9e0.1t 7)(e0.1t 1) or (7e0.1t 9)(e0.1t 1) or a root e 0.1t
dM1 Dependent upon the previous M1.
This is scored for setting the a e 0.1t b 0 and proceeding using correct ln work to t ...
9 1 9 1 7 7
A1 t 10ln . Accept alternatives such as t ln , ln , 10ln
7 0.1 7 0.1 9 9
If any extra solutions are given withhold this mark.
PhysicsAndMathsTutor.com January 2015 (IAL)
Scheme Marks
4 1
9 (a)
, Area of R = y dx (d t ) B1, M1
dt t 2 t 2 (t 2)
Correct proof with limits and no errors Area = dt
t (t 2)
4 A B C 4 A B
(b) 2 or 2 2 B1
t (t 2) t t (t 2) t (t 2) t (t 2)
3 3
1 2
4 1 2
dt = 2 dt ln t ln(t 2) M1A1
t (t 2)
t t (t 2) t 1
1 1
2 2
ln3 ln5 ln1 ln3
3 1
5 4
ln dM1A1
9 3
(c) 4
Sub t e 2 into y 2 y
x 4
, ( x ln 2)
t x
2 M1A1
(12 marks)
B1 States or implies dx 1 . Accept dx 1 dt
dt t2 t2
You may award this if embedded within an integral before the final answer is given
4 1
For example accept Area = y dx dt
t t2
PhysicsAndMathsTutor.com January 2015 (IAL)
functions of t.
both y and dx by functions of t. There is no need for limits and you can award even if there is a
lack of a dt
A1* Correct proof with no errors or omissions on any line for the integrand and there must be a dt in
all integrals in t. The limits need only be correct on the final line and they may have just been
written in. The two separate fractions must be combined into a single fraction
4 A B C
B1 Scored for use of partial fractions. Accept the correct form 2 2 but also
t (t 2) t t (t 2)
4 A B
award for the form 2 2
t (t 2) t (t 2)
M1 Substitute values of t and/or use inspection to determine A, B and C from a form equivalent to
4 At (t 2) B(t 2) Ct 2 . The partial fraction must be of the correct form
4 1 2 1
A1 For = 2 .
t (t 2) t t
(t 2)
A C ..
M1 dt ..ln(t 2)
t 2
(t 2) t
4 A B
Note this can be scored from an incorrect assumption that 2
t (t 2) t (t 2)
dM1 Dependent upon previous M. Sub in limits, subtracts either way around and uses a correct log
law at least once to get expression of the form a ln b .
5 4
A1 Correct solution only ln
9 3
M1 Rearranges x ln(t 2) to reach t e x 2 and sub in y 42 to get y in terms of x
Alternatively substitutes t or equivalent into x ln(t 2) and attempts to rearrange to y =..
A1 y . Remember to isw.
e 2
You can ignore any reference to the domain, x ln 2, for this mark.
PhysicsAndMathsTutor.com January 2015 (IAL)
Scheme Marks
x 2 ln x dy 2 x ln x x 2
10(a) y 2x 4 , 2 M1A1, B1
3 dx
3 3x
2x ln x x2
2 0 x 2ln x 1 6 x .. dM1
3 3x
x A1*
1 ln x 2
x awrt 2.273
1 ln 2.27 2
(10 marks)
PhysicsAndMathsTutor.com January 2015 (IAL)
x2 ln x x2 ln x
M1 2
Applying the product rule to x ln x or multiples of it such as and even
3 3 3
If the rule is quoted it must be correct. It may be implied by, for example,
u , v ln x , u ' .., v ' .. followed by their vu ' uv '
If it is not quoted nor implied only accept expressions of the form Ax ln x Bx 2
x2 ln x 2x ln x x2
A1 A correct (unsimplified) derivative for
3 3 3x
B1 The derivative of the 2x 4 term is seen or implied to be 2
dM1 Dependent upon the previous M being scored. It is for setting their d y 0 , taking out a common
factor of x and proceeding to x..Alternatively they could state that d y 0 and write out a line
2x ln x x2
from their derivative equivalent to 2
3 3x
A1* Correct solution only x . Note that this is a given answer.
1 ln x 2
All aspects need to be correct. 2 ln x 1 ln x 2 1 may just be stated
Note: If the candidate multiplies by 3 to get 3 y x 2 ln x 6 x 12 3 2 x ln x x 6 before setting
0 they can score all marks if they proceed to the given answer.
If they multiply by 3 and leave the subject as y (or perhaps ignore the lhs) they can score a special
case 1 0 1 1 0 for 2 x ln x x 6 0 x ( 2 ln x 1) 6 x 6 6
(2 ln x 1) (ln x 2 1)
M1 Attempts . Awrt 2.273 implies this method
1 ln 2.27 2
A1 x awrt 2.273 . The subscript is not important. Mark as the first value given.
M1 Deduces the x coordinate of A is 2.3. The sight of 2.3 is sufficient to award this as long as their
values in (b) round to this.
Alternatively uses their (rounded) answer from part (b) and substitutes it into equation for y to
find the y coordinate of A. In a similar way to that of the x coordinate, the sight of 0.9 would be
sufficient evidence for this award.
A1 (2.3, 0.9). Accept x =2.3, y =0.9
PhysicsAndMathsTutor.com January 2015 (IAL)
Scheme Marks
2 q
11 (a) 1 . 2 2 q 1 2 4 1 0 q 3 M1A1*
4 1
(b) Equate the y and z coordinates
14 2 p 3
6 1 7 2 6 1 7 2 M1
13 4 4 1 13 4 4 1
Full method to find either or dM1
(2) 1 2 subbed into (3) 13 8 4 4 3
Sub 3 into (2) 6 1 7 2 3 5 A1either
Sub values back into x coordinates 14 2 5 p 3 3 p 5 ddM1 A1
14 2 ' 5' 3
(c) Point of intersection is 6 5 1 OR 7 3 2 = (4, 1, 7) M1,A1
13 4 4 1
2 6 2
(d ) AX 1 OB OA 2 AX 2 2 1
4 3 4
2 10
OB 0 OB 4 A1A1
M1 Attempts to find a solution for q by setting the scalar product of the direction vectors = 0
Condone one sign error in 2 q 1 2 4 1 0 leading to q ..
Alternatively set q 3 and attempt the scalar product
A1* q 3 . This is a given answer.
In the alternative, there must be a statement (=0) and a conclusion, (hence true/hence perpendicular)
PhysicsAndMathsTutor.com January 2015 (IAL)
. X (4, 1, 7) 5
. A (6, 2,3) 4
2 10
A1 Gives one possible vector OB 0 2i 11k or OB 4 10i 4 j 5k
11 5
A1 Gives both possible position vectors or coordinates
PhysicsAndMathsTutor.com January 2015 (IAL)
Scheme Marks
12(a) 0.9242 exactly B1
(b) Strip width =0.5 B1
Area 0.5 2 1.2958 2 (1.3041 ' 0.9242 ' 0.9089 M1
=2.393 A1
x2 ln x
(c) 2 x 4 dx
x3 x3 1
= ln x dx, x 2 4 x M1A1, B1
9 9 x
= ln x
x2 4 x A1
x3 x3 2 1
Area = ln x x 4 x 3ln3 1 9 12 1 4 dM1
9 27 1 27
ln 27 A1
B1 0.9242 exactly either in the table or within the trapezium rule in part (b)
B1 Uses a strip width of 0.5 or equivalent.
M1 Uses the correct form of the trapezium rule, a form of which appears in the formula booklet.
Look for
2 1.2958 2 (1.3041 their 0.9242 0.9089
Accept for this the sum of four trapezia
A1 Awrt 2.393 (3dp)
PhysicsAndMathsTutor.com January 2015 (IAL)
M1 Uses integration by parts, the correct way around.
2 x2 ln x x2 ln x
Accept integration on either x ln x or multiples like or even
3 3 3
Accept as evidence an expression of the form px3 ln x (dx)
x3 x3 1
A1 Using integration by parts to arrive at an intermediate form ln x d x where k most
k k x
likely will be a multiple of 3.
B1 Integrates the 2x 4 to x 2 4 x (c) . Ignore any constants.
Watch for candidates who take out a common factor 1 .. 6 x 12 to 1 ... 3 x 2 12 x ( c )
3 3
x2 ln x x3 x3
A1 The correct integral for Accept equivalent expressions to ln x (c )
3 9 27
This is independent of the integral for the 2x 4 term.
dM1 Dependent upon the M mark – it is for substituting in both x=3 and x=1 and subtracting (either
way around).
A1 Correct solution only ln 27 26 . The answer must be in this form and 3ln3 ln 27
M1 Uses their answer obtained by integration in part c and their answer obtained by the trapezium
rule in part b and calculates c b
A1 Accept awrt ±2.6%.
B1 Makes a reference to increasing the number of strips. Accept decrease the width of the strips,
use more trapezia Be generous with statements like more values or strips as the intention is clear.
Also accept more x’s, more y’s but don’t accept use more decimal places.
PhysicsAndMathsTutor.com January 2015 (IAL)
Scheme Marks
13(a) R 109 B1
tan awrt16.70 M1A1
(b)(i) Max height = 12+ ‘ 109 ’= 22.44 m M1A1
(ii) Occurs when 30t '16.70' 180 t 5.44 M1A1
(c) 18 12 109 cos(30 t 16.70) cos(30 t 16.70) ( 0.57..) M1A1
30t 16.70 arccos t .. dM1
t aw rt 3.61 (2dp) A1
B1 Accept R 109 . Remember to isw after a correct answer. Eg R 109 10.....
3 10 10 3
M1 For tan or tan . If R is used to find , only accept cos or sin
10 3 'R' 'R'
A1 aw rt 16.70 (2dp). Condone 1 6 .7
Note that the answer of awrt 0.29 radians scores A0.
M1 For 12 +their R
A1 Awrt 22.44 m. Accept 12+ 109
(b) (ii)
M1 For arriving at a solution for t from 30t '16.70 ' 180 t ..
If radians were used in part a then accept 30t '0.29 ' t ..
A1 t awrt 5.44 only.
If multiple solutions are found, 5.44 must be referred to as their ‘chosen’ solution
Answers from calculus will be rare. They can be scored as follows.
From the original function:
For (b)(ii) M1 d H 0 3 0 t 1 8 0 ' arctan 3 ' t .. A1 t awrt 5.44 only
dt 10
(b)(i) M1 Sub their t awrt 5.44 obtained from d H 0 A1 Awrt 22.44 m
From the adapted function:
For (b)(ii) M1 d H 0 30 t '16.70 ' 180 t .. A1 t awrt 5.44 only
(b)(i) M1 Sub their t awrt 5.44 obtained from d H 0 A1 Awrt 22.44 m
M1 Attempts to substitute H 18 into H 12 10cos30t 3sin 30t and use their answer to part (a) to
proceed to cos(30t their '16.70 ') ...
A1 cos(30 t their '16.70 ') or awrt 0.57 . It may be implied by 30t '16.70' awrt125
dM1 Dependent upon previous M. Score for cos(30 t '16.70 ') ... t ..
The cos(..) must be negative, the order of operations must be seen to be correct with the ‘invcos’
being attempted first and the second quadrant must be chosen for their calculation.
A1 t 3.61.
The answer with no incorrect working scores all 4 marks.
If multiple solutions are found, 3.61 must be referred to as their ‘chosen’ solution
M1 Attempting 30t 360 t .. or 30t 720 t ..
A1 24 minutes. Both 24 and minutes are required.
PhysicsAndMathsTutor.com January 2015 (IAL)
PhysicsAndMathsTutor.com January 2015 (IAL)