Helping Fertility, by The Book: The Essential Fertility Plan For Healthy Pregnancy and Clearing Blocked Fallopian Tubes

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Naturally Healthy Publications

The Essential Fertility Plan For Healthy Pregnancy
And Clearing Blocked Fallopian Tubes

About The Author

Robert Redfern – Your Personal Health Coach

Robert Redfern (born January 1946) has helped hundreds of thousands of people in
over 24 countries through online health support websites, books, radio/TV interviews,
and his nutritional discoveries. His new series of books brings this work together in
an easy-to-read format that everyone can follow to help resolve their chronic health
problem – once and for all.

Robert’s interest in health started when he and his wife Anne decided to take charge
of their family’s health in the late 1980s. Up until 1986, Robert had not taken much
notice of his health – in spite of Anne’s loving persuasion. It took the premature death
of his parents, Alfred and Marjorie, who died in their sixties, to shock Robert into
evaluating his priorities.

Robert and Anne looked at the whole field of health, available treatments, and the
causes of health problems. They found, from doctors researching the causes of
disease, that lifestyle and diet were the most important contributions to health. Robert
and Anne changed their lifestyle and diet and, together with the use of HealthPoint™
acupressure, the improvement to their health was remarkable.

As well as good health, they feel and look younger and more
energetic than all those years ago – before they started their
plan. At the time of printing, Robert, aged 73, and Anne have
every intention of continuing to be well and looking younger,
using their unique understanding of Natural Health.


This book is dedicated to Jacob

and Daisy:

Jacob’s Story
It breaks my heart when I hear of the desperation and the to get serious again. I followed the Fertility Plan and the
huge amount of money couples are forced to spend by the recommended diet, and within a month, I was pregnant
medical system with no guarantee of success. The fertility again. This time, it stuck. I made sure I followed the health
problems are not confined to women; the sperm count of pregnancy plan and maintained the diet throughout, and
men has fallen by over 50 percent in close to a 40-year the pregnancy went like a dream -- so much easier than
period, with no signs of stopping. [1] last time. My labour also went like a dream, and now I have
a little girl, Daisy, to complete my family.”
Our daughter-in-law Sian, who is the mother of Jacob and
Daisy, said she is happy for me to tell her story so it may We are all so happy for Sian and our son Nicholas, and we’re
inspire others to follow her example. Sian, like many of looking forward to helping more couples start a healthy
today’s females, had decided to leave having babies to “new life.”
later in life but then had many problems with spontaneous
miscarriages, which the medical system had no successful Best wishes to you and your healthy, growing family,
solutions for.
Robert Redfern 
Like many women, Sian was getting desperate, and so she
started on my plan. It was not an obvious move for her as
members of my family do not automatically come to me
for help, even though I help many thousands around the
world. Sian did ask for my help, and although she went
onto the supplement plan, she did not take on board the
diet recommendations.

The plan seemed fine, and she became pregnant. Things

were okay at first, but then on her first scan, the medics
noticed a growth, which they said was probably a fibroid.
She increased her iodine drops and started to follow the diet
to clear this, but again, she miscarried. She then decided
to keep to the plan, and the growth was gone in as little
as eight weeks.

Now it was time to get serious, and Sian took my advice, which
was that the diet was critical. She stopped all carbohydrates
and sugar, as well as alcohol, and kept to the Really Healthy
Foods plan in this book. The supplement plan was also
tightened up and improved. Sian soon became pregnant
again, and she kept to the plan and diet meticulously.

This time, everything went perfectly, and Jacob Michael

Redfern started his new life. The news gets even better:
Jacob is now turning 4 and was overjoyed to meet his new
baby sister, Daisy Mia Redfern, earlier this year. Of Daisy’s
birth, Sian says, “After giving birth to my little boy, Jacob, I
expected when we started to try and get pregnant again it
would be easier. No such luck; once again, I had spontaneous
miscarriages and an ectopic pregnancy! So, it was time

© 2019 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved. 3


This book is not for resale and cannot be

printed for commercial use.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may
be reproduced in any form, or by any means,
without the written permission from the author.
To contact: [email protected]

From the Publisher:

This book does not intend to diagnose disease nor provide
medical advice. Its intention is solely to inform and educate
the reader in changing to and living a healthy lifestyle.

Disclaimer: Product recommendations may change as

current research is updated. Products and packages offered
on websites may have some adjustments not yet reflected in
this book but still have my recommendation.

Warning: Some information may be contrary to the opinion

of your medical adviser. It is not contrary to the science of
good health.



Provides step-by-step guidance on:

Fertility Problems Affecting
Men & Women

Using the Science of a Non-Inflammatory Lifestyle

to Achieve Fertility and Conceive a Child

All content anywhere in a Naturally Healthy Publications communication is commentary or opinion and is protected under Free
Speech. Naturally Healthy Publications takes sole responsibility for all content. Naturally Healthy Publications sells no hard
products and earns no money from the recommendation of products. Naturally Healthy Publications material is presented for
educational and commentary purposes only and should not be construed as professional advice from any licensed practitioner.
Naturally Healthy Publications assumes no responsibility for the use or misuse of this material.

© 2019 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved. 5



What is infertility? 8
The modern day epidemic 9
Women and infertility 10
Men and infertility 11
10 primary lifestyle choices that affect fertility 13
Pesticides in produce work against IVF 18
Excess sugar and your unborn baby 20
What is too much sugar? 21
Vaccine dangers and children 22
Saving mothers’ lives and protecting babies against deadly infection 23
Diet and endometriosis 24
Fertility drugs 25
Artificial insemination 25
Infertility and debt 25
Can I reverse infertility? 26
Throwing out the baby with the bathwater 27
Down to basics 28
The nutrients you need 29
Why doesn’t my doctor tell me about this plan? 30
Infertility Rehabilitation Plan 31
1. Clearing inflammation and promoting healing. 32
2. Immune recovery and strengthening. 33
3. Supplement missing nutrients. 34
4. Drinking enough water. 35
5. Cutting out un-natural foods. 35
6. Eating Really Healthy Foods. 36
7. Staying active daily. 41
8. Learning proper breathing. 42
9. Stimulating acupressure points. 43
10. Getting out into the sun as much as possible. 43
More about clearing inflammation and promoting healing 44
More about immune strengthening formulations 46
More about missing/optional nutrients 48
More about acupressure 49
In conclusion 62
Sample Daily Fertility Rehabilitation Plan 63
References 66




I Committed To a non-inflammatory lifestyle to achieve fertility
I Committed To drinking 6-8 glasses of water a day
I Committed To getting out in the sun for 20 minutes a day (except when contraindicated)
I Read Robert’s Infertility Book
I Ordered The necessary supplements to facilitate my plan and my healing
I Planned My Daily Menu with
I Started My breathing exercises
I Started Massaging the acupressure points
I Reread Robert’s Infertility Book
I Reviewed The necessary supplements to facilitate my plan and my healing
I Reviewed My water intake
I Reviewed My menu
I Reviewed My breathing exercises
I Reviewed My life-giving sun exposure (except when contraindicated)
I Reviewed Massaging the acupressure points
I Recommitted To a non-inflammatory lifestyle to achieve fertility
I Recommitted To Robert’s Infertility Book
I Recommitted To taking the necessary supplements to facilitate a non-inflammatory lifestyle
I Recommitted To my water intake
I Recommitted To following my menu
I Recommitted To doing my breathing exercises
I Recommitted To life-giving sun exposure (except when contraindicated)
I Recommitted To massaging the acupressure points

© 2019 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved. 7


What is infertility? When conception doesn’t take place,

where does the problem of infertility
According to the A.D.A.M. (Animated Dissection of Anatomy lie? Of those who are infertile:
for Medicine) medical encyclopedia:
• One out of three men has a problem.
• One out of three women has a problem.
Infertility simply means the • The remaining one out of three may have a problem
inability to conceive or get with both partners.

Even with this seemingly
straightforward explanation, the
definition of infertility can be
expanded to cover two types of

1. Primary Infertility - A year of regular sex without

protection produces no pregnancy. (For a woman 35
or over, the time frame is a minimum of six months.)

2. Secondary Infertility - At least one pregnancy in the

past with no subsequent pregnancies.

It sounds easy enough to make a baby. Conception is simply
the process of bringing a woman’s egg together with a man’s
sperm. Yet according to recent evidence, this process is
getting increasingly difficult.

What is needed for

conception to occur?

Other than sexual intercourse three

times per week during the female
fertile days (just before, during, and
just after ovulation), you need:
“For couples who’ve been trying to conceive
The right hormones in the right amounts. Conception for more than three years without success,
cannot occur without luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle- the likelihood of getting pregnant naturally
stimulating hormone (FSH). within the next year is 25 percent or less.”

- NHS Choices


Stop Press! and lack of nutrients include the epidemic of infertility,

blocked fallopian tubes, cysts, preeclampsia, fibroids,
In a rigorous data meta-analysis conducted from endometriosis, and most gynecological problems.
1973 to 2011 by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
researchers found that sperm concentration has
declined by 52 percent among all men from Western The facts:
countries. Total sperm count has declined 59 percent.
Not only is this significant decline not expected to level 1. Infertility is an epidemic.
off any time soon, but such poor semen quality among 2. It is breaking many hearts.
so many men can increase the risk of hospitalization 3. It is bankrupting many couples.
and death. [1]
Diet, sugary drinks, and lack of essential nutrients are the
Just how widespread is our global sperm dysfunction? prime cause. There may be other reasons, but breeders of
In the comprehensive study, researchers investigated pedigree dogs and horses know that supplements and the
more than 42,935 male patients who gave semen very best diet are essential for healthy offspring.
tests from 1973 and 2011. The study samples over
the 40-year test period were taken from 50 different
Nutrition facts and studies show:
I will discuss some of the most common causes of • High levels of carbs and other high-sugar foods and
male infertility, including lifestyle factors, on page 11. drinks increase the risk of fetal damage by over 100
percent. [2-7]

The modern-day • Taking iodine supplements (or having iodine-rich foods

in the diet) eliminates the risk of children being born
epidemic with learning difficulties by 100 percent. [8, 9]

• Zero level of carbs and high-sugar foods in the diet

produces children who do not need glasses. [10, 11]
In Scotland, the sperm count
has dropped 30 percent in It’s almost unfathomable to think that a woman’s diet
before and during pregnancy could have an impact on
25 years. Even in France, the her offspring for three generations, but it’s true. In 2016,
America’s Washington University researchers were the first
country famed for its cooking to discover that a woman’s obesity -- even before she’s
pregnant -- can trigger genetic abnormalities that pass down
and healthy eating, it has the female bloodline for up to three generations. The negative
effects of a mother who eats a high-fat, high-sugar diet may
dropped by 25 percent in just predispose a grandchild and great-grandchild to a number
of obesity-related conditions, including heart disease and
17 years. type 2 diabetes. Study authors emphasize the importance
of these findings, considering that two thirds of women of
It is heartbreaking for couples who may have left it a little reproductive age are obese or overweight. [7]
longer than they intended before starting a family (we
are at our most fertile by age 20). When they go down It is 99 percent certain that a junk diet and a lack of critical
the medical route, the money they saved to be able to nutrients are to blame for the devastating drop in fertility in
afford children is spent on dramatically expensive fertility women and sperm count in men. Blocked fallopian tubes
treatments. In most cases, it costs thousands with no and scarring are also on the rise. Studies are clear that
guarantee of success. junk food diets and a lack of critical vitamins and minerals
contribute in approximately 50 percent of all birth defects.
Of course, doctors never discuss the science and
research that shows how diet, sugary drinks, and a lack of “Infertility is estimated to affect as many as
nutrients are to blame in the majority of cases. They may 186 million people worldwide.”
then have to admit that it’s also the cause of most other - Human Reproduction Update,
diseases. Some of the problems caused by wrong foods Vol. 21, No. 4 pp. 411–426, 2015

© 2019 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved. 9


Women and infertility Female infertility is also

associated with:

• Cancer and cancer treatments. Some types of cancer,

A woman with fertility issues especially those affecting the reproductive organs,
may have: radiation, and chemotherapy can increase risk of
infertility. Chemotherapy specifically can stop ovaries
• Irregular periods or amenorrhea from working, permanently or temporarily.
(complete absence of menstruation) • Diabetes and other medical conditions. These may
• Painful periods include extreme hyperthyroidism (Cushing’s disease),
• Two or more miscarriages sickle cell disease, and kidney disease, all with the
potential to affect reproductive organs, hormones,
and sexual function.
• Early menopause (before 40). Menopause is when
Female fertility problems menstruation stops, and the ovarian follicles are
• Hormonal imbalance. Too many hormones or not
Female infertility can stem from one enough, leading to imbalance, is considered one of
or a combination of factors: the primary causes of female infertility. Hormonal
imbalance is most frequently caused by poor diet,
• Anovulation. A condition marked by the inability to lifestyle, and environmental factors.
ovulate correctly, meaning the ovaries are unable to • Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). PID refers to
release eggs. sexually transmitted infections (STIs) of the uterine
• Damage to or blockage of the fallopian tube. lining, fallopian tubes, or ovaries. Delayed treatment can
Blockage or damage is often due to inflammation of cause scar tissue to form in the reproductive organs
the fallopian tube. that leads to infertility.
• Endometriosis. When tissue from the uterus • Scar tissue that forms pelvic adhesions. Adhesions
attaches and grows outside of the womb, can be a result of infection, appendicitis, or certain
endometriosis is diagnosed. This tissue growth can types of surgery.
alter how the egg, ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes, • Thyroid disorders. Hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism
and even the sperm do their job. can interfere with the menstrual cycle.
• Hyperprolactinemia or elevated levels of prolactin. • Uterine fibroids. Non-cancerous tumors found in the
Prolactin is the hormone responsible for the uterine wall, called fibroids, are not uncommon between
production of breast milk and can affect ovulation. the ages of 30 and 50. These benign tumors prevent the
• Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). In spite of fertilized egg from embedding properly. A much less
its name, PCOS does not just affect the ovaries; common scenario is the blockage of the fallopian tubes.
it affects the entire body. PCOS is an endocrine
condition, systemic in nature. PCOS occurs when the Eating a typical Western diet, a.k.a. a processed food diet,
body produces too much of the androgen hormone, not only creates the inflammation that can lead to infertility-
causing issues with ovulation. PCOS may include a causing disorders like a blocked fallopian tube or PCOS, but
collection of reproductive disorders, like polycystic it exposes women to harmful chemicals that can also cause
ovaries, anovulation, infertility, and pregnancy loss. infertility. George Washington University Milken Institute
School of Public Health researchers in the U.S. discovered
in 2016 that those who frequently ate fast food had as
“In many cultures, women who do not have children much as 40 percent higher levels of pthalates, harmful
suffer from stigmatization, discrimination, and ostracism, chemicals that may damage the reproductive system and
even if the underlying cause lies in their male partners or lead to infertility. [12] Pthalate exposure may also cause
husbands.” miscarriage between weeks 5 to 13 of pregnancy. [13]

- Sarah Hodin, Project Coordinator II,

Women and Health Initiative,
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health


Men and infertility

Men also need to take care
A man with fertility issues may have: of their prostate gland as
• Inadequate sperm count. Low sperm count may be
this organ is responsible for
due to a decrease, a blockage, or sperm dysfunction. producing semen.
• Medical complications. Testicular, prostate, or
sexual dysfunction are all problems that can affect
fertility in men. The prostate:
• Provides nourishment for and carries the sperm
Male fertility problems successfully through the female’s reproductive tract.
• Pushes out the semen and the sperm, precisely
when an ejaculation (usually thought of as the male
Male infertility can stem from orgasm) takes place.
one or a combination of factors:
• Cancer and cancer treatment. Some cancers can Are men risking their health with
cause poor sperm quality in men, even before
treatment, whereas cancer treatments like radiation and every cell phone call?
chemotherapy can hinder or even kill sperm production.
• Exposure to high-heat situations. Testicles remain Speaking to environmental factors, UK researchers
slightly cooler than the abdomen because of their uncovered a perfectly logical explanation for what may be
location below the torso. Elevated, high temperatures contributing to a rise in male infertility. In 2014, University
can destroy sperm -- with the potential for damage of Exeter scientists found that men who keep their cell
from sauna, hot tub, and laptop use. phone in their pant pocket may be compromising their
• Hormonal imbalance. Too many hormones or not fertility. Sperm motility and viability in the study group of
enough can lead to imbalance. As seen in women, 1,492 samples fell by 8 percent on average following this
hormonal imbalance and subsequent low sperm count mobile phone exposure. Researchers pointed out that
are most frequently caused by poor diet, lifestyle, and most adults around the world own a mobile phone, and
environmental factors in men. Hormonal imbalance in more high and middle-income couples are having trouble
men may also be caused by soy foods, excess alcohol conceiving. [14]
use, and stress.
• Impotence. The inability to have an erection, or erectile
dysfunction, may be caused by injury or disease that
damages the blood vessels or nerves signaling blood
flow to the penis. Examples include atherosclerosis,
diabetes, spinal cord injury, surgery, and some
psychological factors.
• Retrograde ejaculation. Instead of semen discharging
through the urethra, retrograde ejaculation occurs when
semen discharges through the bladder. This condition
can result in a “dry orgasm” and is linked to diabetes,
surgery, and certain types of prescription drugs,
including those used to treat hypertension.
• Too many infections. Infections of the male reproductive
organs, often caused by sexually transmitted diseases,
are considered a main cause of male infertility.
Infections without symptoms can easily go untreated
to cause blockages, scarring, and potential damage to
reproductive organs.

© 2019 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved. 11


Not only does keeping a cell phone in a pocket or on a belt • With the protection of QuantoGram Technology, the
lower sperm motility and viability, it can cause sperm to die safety plan is reversed since it only offers protection
three times faster and cause up to three times the amount of if it is about your person or in a handbag, if the bag is
mitochondrial damage among the swimmers that make it. connected to you. In other words, when protected by
[15] As frightening as it sounds, there’s a simple explanation. a HoloGuard that is in a pocket, hand, or bag, you are
Multiple scientists who have examined the effects of cell practicing cell phone safety to support optimum fertility.
phone radiation and Wi-Fi exposure on humans explain that Men and women can safely use any wired headset and
the testicular barrier, which houses and protects sperm, even Bluetooth with their HoloGuarded-protected cell
is the most sensitive tissue in the body. It’s also 100 times phone, safely.
more absorbent. • I also rely on the Quantogram SafeHouse device to
keep my home and my family healthy; it neutralizes
Making matters worse, male sperm is considered more the Electrical Magnetic Frequencies (EMFs) emitted
vulnerable to DNA mutations than female eggs found deeper from all wiring, lighting, TVs, computers, and electrical
inside the body. However, cell phone exposure can affect the equipment around the house. The SafeHouse offers
fertility of both men and women. Regular and ongoing cell safety for everyone while they are in the property from
phone radiation and Wi-Fi exposure has also been associated all devices, whether or not they have the HoloGuard-
with brain cancer risk, thyroid hormone imbalance, disrupted protected phone about their person.
sleep patterns, and poor mental health.

Here lies the problem. Cell phones and electronic devices When a healthy child is conceived, maintaining this electrical
have taken over every area of our lives -- often making smog protection remains equally important. Scientists began
life more convenient. But what’s a couple to do who has investigating how electromagnetic fields could disturb our
difficulty conceiving? health by examining high-voltage power lines in the late
1960s. The first study on this topic was published by an
Technology may create these dangers, but it also presents American epidemiologist named Nancy Wertheimer in 1979.
us with a simple and preventative solution. [16] She discovered that children diagnosed with leukemia were
more than twice as likely to live near high-current power
lines, areas with increased EMF exposure. [17] A 2011 study,
also conducted in the U.S., found that pregnant women who
were exposed to high levels of EMFs had children with an
How to protect vulnerable sperm and increased risk of asthma. [18]
help restore damaged fertility
Quantum computing is on the horizon -- and currently in
development by IBM. Today, we have the same opportunity to
Men at risk can neutralize any harness the benefits of quantum mechanics in our everyday
harmful or positively charged fields lives. Something as simple as using quantum devices at
home and on our wireless electronics can preserve our
surrounding a portable Wi-Fi device health and protect our fertility.
with QuantoGram Technology:

• QuantoGram Technology uses quantum energy to

neutralize and protect men and their sperm, as well as
women and growing children, from the harmful effects
of wireless radiation.
• I recommend and personally use a QuantoGram “When it comes to conceiving a baby, diet and lifestyle
HoloGuard on my mobile phone, tablet, laptop, Wi- are just as important for men as for women.”
Fi routers, and Bluetooth devices. The QuantoGram
HoloGuard resonates a healthy frequency to neutralize - Sharon Denny, MS, RDN,
the dangerous wireless radiation emitted from hands- The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
free and cordless phones too.


10 primary lifestyle
choices that affect
The vast majority of factors
affecting fertility stem from
lifestyle choices and the
inflammation that follows!

The top 10 primary lifestyle choices

that affect fertility include choosing to:

1. Have a child later in life

2. Smoke New research is regularly being introduced on how changing
behaviors, diet, and vitamin supplementation can impact
3. Live under stress natural fertility. In 2015, Fertility Research and Practice
scientists deemed it a doctor’s job to help couples identify
their modifiable risk factors that need improving, before
4. Use prescription and/or considering the cost and time commitment of fertility
recreational drugs treatments. Most patients are receptive, researchers said,
to making simple lifestyle “tweaks” that could maintain
5. Have excess body weight fertility. In cases where a doctor may overlook lifestyle and
recommend fertility drugs instead, it’s up to the patient to take
matters into their own hands -- researching and supporting
6. Exercise too much their recovery through methods proven to boost fertility, like
moderate exercise and nutritional therapy. “Making these
7. Abuse alcohol lifestyle modifications may aid in achieving the ultimate
goal of a healthy pregnancy,” researchers say. [19]
8. Use caffeine
9. Expose oneself to environmental
“The growing interest and amount of research in this
10. Consume a poor diet without field have made it evident that lifestyle factors have a
significant impact on fertility.”
supplementing the missing
nutrients - Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology, 2013

© 2019 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved. 13


1. Having a child later in life 3. Stress

Choosing to have a child later in life can present a problem. Stress, unfortunately, is one of the primary hindrances to
Stage of life or age affects fertility primarily in women. As good health, as well as fertility, in today’s society. It may
a woman ages, her chances of conceiving a child diminish affect as many as 30 percent of couples who are infertile.
after she turns 35. When the body is compromised, several hormones are
released, which can affect egg production and testosterone
levels. Stress may also decrease blood flow to the uterus and
diminish the proteins in the lining, which are necessary for
2. Smoking the egg to attach. Stress-relieving techniques are indicated
when this occurs and can range from practicing meditation
Study after study after study reveals the link between and deep breathing exercises to receiving foot reflexology.
smoking and infertility for both men and women alike.
In what’s now famously called the “German study,” a German
The more cigarettes smoked, fertility clinic examined the effects of acupuncture on 160
women undergoing IVF treatment. For the women who
the longer the wait to become received acupuncture treatment 25 minutes before and
after their embryo transfer, pregnancy success rates were
pregnant. substantially improved. Thirty-four of the 80 patients in the
acupuncture treatment group got pregnant, compared to
21 out of 80 in the control group. Providing all the same
Female smokers have over a 50 percent higher rate of benefits as the ancient practice of medicinal acupuncture,
delayed conception than females who don’t partake in but without needles, the HealthPoint™ electro-acupressure
smoking. Secondhand smoke is also a factor. device can be used to support reproductive recovery and
healthy conception at home. [20] Read more on page 49.

Along with infertility, women smokers Engaging in intimacy often is obviously the number one
also experience higher rates of: factor in making a baby, but it’s not enough. Relaxation is
key and a major component in overcoming infertility.
• Miscarriage
• Stillbirths
• Low birth babies
4. Prescription and/or
recreational drugs
A woman’s ovaries and hormones are compromised from
smoking, making natural conception and in vitro fertilization Infertility caused by taking certain prescription drugs or
(IVF) that much more difficult. engaging in the use of recreational drugs may be temporary
and cease to exist when the drugs are no longer taken. It is
Men who smoke and/or are exposed to secondhand smoke important to address the health concerns the prescription
see fragmentation of their sperm’s DNA, leading to a negative drugs are being prescribed for and to address any addiction
outcome when utilizing in vitro fertilization. problems.

Male smokers also see negative changes Drug effects on fertility are
in their sperms’: manifested through:

• Density • Compromised ovulation

• Motility • Decreased ability for sperm to travel
• Numbers (22 percent decrease on average) • Decreased ovarian reserve
• Structure • Diminished sex drive
• Erectile dysfunction/impotence
Impotence or erectile dysfunction may become a problem • Less seminal fluid
when blood vessels are damaged by smoking, and there is • Low sperm count
less blood flow to the testicles. • Misshapen sperm
• Sporadic menses
• Testicle atrophy


5. Excess body weight of 6,763 men found those who were above a normal, healthy
weight had a substantially increased risk of dying from
prostate cancer and that “obesity may be a risk factor for
Body weight is a considerable factor in fatal prostate cancer.” A healthy prostate, not to mention
the ability to have a baby. good health in general, is crucial to a man’s fertility. [22]

The effects of obesity have been Obesity for men and women also
studied and found to be responsible comes with:
for an over 30 percent increased
risk of: • A constant state of low-grade inflammation.
• A diet too high in the wrong kinds of foods, resulting in
• Irregular periods excess fat storage and free radical formation.
• Miscarriage • Higher levels of insulin.
• Cesarean sections
6. Exercising too much
And infertility.
The benefits of exercising are well-known. Exercise helps
Other effects of being obese include an increased risk to maintain a healthy body weight and BMI, strengthens
of breast cancer (28 percent), endometrial cancer (18.1 the immune system, decreases stress, facilitates a good
percent), birth defects (23.7 percent), and stillbirth (14.1 night’s sleep, decreases the risk of chronic disease, and
percent). lowers blood pressure.

A very telling finding came out of a large study which looked The usual components of a good
at whether or not a young woman’s body mass index (BMI)
at the age of 18 would affect her fertility in the future. The exercise program hold true for those
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute in the U.S. tells us trying to have a baby:
BMI is a measure of body fat based on height and weight
that applies to adult men and women. The outcome of the • Aerobic/cardiovascular training
1994 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology study • Strength-training
conducted on 116,678 female registered nurses? [21] It’s • Stretching/flexibility
very likely an above-normal body mass index at age 18
-- that is, one that falls into the overweight or obese range But you can have too much of a good thing.
-- is a risk factor for future infertility related to ovulation.

Hormones are also key when dealing Over-exercising can compromise

with infertility and weight: fertility by:
• Fat cells are responsible for taking in, and then at a • Decreasing amount of sperm
slow rate unleashing, estrogen, the female hormone. • Decreasing estrogen to inadequate levels

• The more overweight a woman is, the more estrogen

she has stored in her fat cells, and the more she is “The research indicates preconception weight loss and
unleashing into her body. exercise improve women’s reproductive and metabolic
health. In contrast, using oral contraceptives alone may
Why is this a concern? When a woman has her menstrual worsen the metabolic profile without improving
cycle, her pituitary gland increases her production of follicle ovulation. Lifestyle change is an important part of any
stimulating hormone (FSH), a hormone which causes a fertility treatment approach for women with
woman to ovulate. The excess estrogen from the fat cells PCOS who are overweight or obese.”
suppresses the pituitary gland; therefore, FSH production
- Study authors, Dr. Richard S. Legro, Professor and Vice
is affected and so is ovulation.
Chair of Research of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Public
Health Sciences at Penn State College of Medicine; The
A 1984 American Journal of Epidemiology study composed
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 2015

© 2019 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved. 15


7. Abusing alcohol
While an occasional cocktail, beer, or glass of wine is one
of life’s little pleasures for many of us, imbibing can lower
the chances of having a child.

How does drinking manifest itself in

the female body?
• Irregular menstrual cycles
• Negative impact on hormones necessary
for reproduction

How does drinking manifest itself in

the male body?
• Creates hormonal imbalance
• Leads to zinc malabsorption
(zinc is necessary for sperm production)
• Lowers sperm count you drink matters. Organic is preferable, as is researching
• Raises the number of abnormal sperm the brand you select. Fungal toxins found in coffee, which
can cause fungal infection in the body that contributes
to reproductive diseases as well as yeast infections,
are often more thoroughly screened in Europe than
8. Caffeine in the U.S. Notably, decaf coffee is also often higher in
mycotoxins because caffeine inhibits fungal growth.

Organic black coffee with a dash of coconut milk is the

Nutrients are crucial to healthiest choice I can recommend.
achieving fertility, and excess If you’re moderating caffeine to support a healthy conception,
caffeine can rob nutrients. coffee is what usually comes to mind; however, caffeine
is also present in soda, tea, and even some forms of
prescription drugs. Chocolate, while inherently caffeine-
But the latest research shows us that coffee drinkers may free, may have some caffeine added in. Chocolate, or
not have to give up their daily pleasure altogether. When more specifically cacao, does contain a caffeine-like
taken in excess, caffeine, due to its stimulating properties, substance called theobromine -- making sugary sweets
increases levels of cortisol in the body. Cortisol is the stress like chocolate off-limits too. Drinking up to two cups of
hormone, and consistently high levels compromise the coffee a day may be safe during conception and pregnancy,
adrenal glands. Too much caffeine can create a hormonal under the care of your healthcare provider. In 2016, a higher
imbalance. miscarriage risk was linked to both men and women
drinking more than two caffeinated beverages a day in the
And yet, in the last two decades, new studies have revealed weeks leading up to conception. Drinking more than two
that daily coffee drinking plays a role in health and longevity. caffeinated beverages a day also increased miscarriage
A 2017 study conducted by the University of Southern risk during the first seven weeks of pregnancy. [25]
California in the U.S. found that drinking a cup of coffee a
day could reduce the risk of death related to heart disease, “More than two alcoholic drinks per day in women is
cancer, stroke, kidney disease, and diabetes by 12 percent. associated with an increase in infertility.”
Drinking two to three cups of coffee a day was even better
-- reducing the risk of death by 18 percent. [23, 24] Where - Dr. David Reichman, Cornell Fertility Specialist
fertility and health are concerned, the quality of coffee interviewed by NY Chi Acupuncture, 2014


9. Environmental toxins

One example of the importance of avoiding environmental washing hands often with un-fragranced soap and water,
toxins, specifically pesticides, can be found in a 1977 Lancet dusting and vacuuming regularly, reading product labels
study conducted on men who actually made their living to avoid fragranced and especially phthalate ingredients,
working at a pesticide factory in California. [26] switching to green cleaning products, and reducing plastic
food storage, plastic bag, plastic cling wrap, and canned food
More than half the workers were diagnosed with azoospermia use. As recommended in this book, eating organic foods as
or oligospermia. Azoospermia, when no detectable sperm much as possible and drinking pure, filtered water can also
can be found in the semen, and oligospermia, a low limit endocrine-disrupting chemical exposure in the home.
concentration of sperm in the semen, are both affiliated
with very low fertility.

While precise causes weren’t pinpointed in the most

recent 2017 Hebrew University of Jerusalem study,
revealing more than a 50-percent plummet in our
Western male sperm count, triggers for the decline have
been theorized. Drastically dropping sperm counts are
most likely linked to environmental and lifestyle factors,
including adult pesticide exposure, prenatal chemical
exposure, stress, smoking, and obesity. Low sperm
count, researchers say, may hint at an even greater risk
to men’s health created by our modern environment. [1]

Environmental toxins affect women too, before and during

pregnancy, as well as our children after they’re born. The
plastics we use around the house and the fragranced
products we pick up at the drugstore contain synthetic
chemicals. These synthetic chemicals can mimic the body’s
hormones and interfere with its endocrine system, the same
endocrine system that regulates development, behavior, and
metabolism. Babies may be the most vulnerable.

For pregnant women hoping to carry a healthy and well-

developed child, this means that hormone-disrupting
chemicals from everyday household products can disrupt
an unborn baby’s development, causing irreversible changes
to important organs like the brain and the liver.

Prenatal exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals --

like the man-made PCB chemicals found in our electrical “Results suggest that when a mother is exposed to an
equipment, motor oil, tapes and adhesives, floor finish, endocrine disruptor during pregnancy, her son and the
and plastics -- may affect brain development for up to son’s future generations may suffer from decreased
two generations. [27] fertility or hormone insufficiency.”

Exposure to these endocrine-disrupting chemicals can be - Radwa Barakat, B.V.S.C., M.Sc., lead study author
minimized and potentially eliminated during pregnancy by presenting at the Endocrine Society’s 100th meeting,
ENDO 2018, U.S.

© 2019 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved. 17


But eating these anti-

10. Western Un-Natural inflammatory foods will lead
Food Diet to improved reproductive
The “Balanced Western Diet” (now better described as the health in the majority of cases.
Western Un-Natural Food Diet) is the number one disease-
In October 2014, The Robinson Research Institute of the
promoting and inflammation-producing diet in modern
University of Adelaide conducted a workshop to assess
society. It is consumed more and more on a daily basis. clinical practices and government policies related to the
lifestyle, societal, and biological factors that influenced
This highly inflammatory diet is made up of sugary foods reproductive health. Specifically, Australian researchers
in the form of breads, pastas, cereals, and potatoes. The examined modifiable lifestyle factors that included nutrition
Western Un-Natural Food Diet is far too high in unhealthy and diet. Figuring out an “optimal preconception diet” and
fats and lacks the antioxidants and phytochemicals that the best way to achieve this diet were matters of high
are crucial for eliminating free radicals. priority. “There is increasing research examining the effect
of preconception nutrition on outcomes, including fertility
and pregnancy and child outcomes,” researchers wrote.
For the best results:
• Stop all GMO foods or meats fed on GMO feed — To support healthy conception, researchers recommended
studies show genetically modified foods are a cause reducing dietary glycemic load, i.e., reducing starchy carbs
of reproductive problems. and sugars; lowering animal protein intake; improving fatty
• Throw away your weapons of mass destruction — such acid profiles by decreasing trans fats found in processed
foods and increasing omega-3s instead; and adhering to
as the microwave oven.
a Mediterranean-style diet. As described, a Mediterranean-
• Stop all starchy carbs, high-sugar foods, sugar, chemical style diet is free from Western, inflammatory foods and is
drinks, and all junk foods. rich in vegetables, dark-skinned fruits and avocados, healthy
• Follow the Really Healthy Foods plan in this book.

This typical Western diet is also

lacking in high-fiber foods and foods
that provide the essential nutrients
necessary to prevent or control
infertility, like:

• Any kind of vegetables - focusing on non-starchy

vegetables, especially dark, leafy greens. (Yams/sweet
potatoes are fine in moderation.)
• Legumes - beans, peas, and lentils of all kinds.
• Alternatives to grains and cereals - quinoa, millet,
buckwheat, and other seeds. (Hemp seeds daily.)
• Low-sugar, dark-skinned fruits like avocados, blueberries,
blackberries, black currants, etc.
Nothing affects us more than what we choose to eat at least
three times a day, every day. Most of us lack the essential
“Eating lots of carbs that digest quickly (fast carbs),
nutrients in our diet, perpetuating inflammation. The absence
white breads, bagels, rice, potatoes, and sugared sodas
of nutrients combined with one or a combination of the
increases the risk of ovulatory infertility.”
other nine primary lifestyle choices that affect fertility can
lead to an infertile lifestyle.
- Tracy Cherry, RD, CDN, University of Rochester,
Women’s Lifestyle Center


oils, oily fish, and healthy carbohydrate alternatives. Making organic to organic foods can reap great results.
these changes, researchers said, has been associated with an When researchers asked women in the study to swap out one
easier time getting pregnant, a reduced risk of ovulatory infertility, high-pesticide vegetable or fruit each day for a low-pesticide piece
and possibly a better chance of conception using IVF. [29] of produce, odds of conception increased by an astonishing 79
percent. Odds of live birth using IVF rose to 88 percent higher.

Pesticides in produce To counterbalance the contaminants that come from the modern
diet, organic, green vegetables should take up most of your
work against IVF plate. Green vegetables are an essential source of antioxidants
needed to fight off the free radical damage that can contribute
to infertility. Green vegetables are also considered a number one
Eating Really Healthy Foods -- mainly vegetables and some fruits health-boosting food because of their high vitamin, mineral, and
-- is critically important for the men and women who want to fiber content. Nutrient-rich green foods encourage the body to
conceive and bring a healthy baby into this world. But what if cleanse, releasing harmful toxins that accumulate over time.
the healthy foods you’re eating day in and day out have hidden
chemicals in them that are working against you, reducing your A recent animal study, published in the Journal of Genetic
chances of success when undergoing a costly treatment like IVF? Engineering and Biotechnology in 2018, found that chlorella and
spirulina, the green microalgae that naturally contain bioactive
In 2017, Harvard scientists in the U.S. interviewed 325 women compounds, could alleviate the ovarian dysfunction caused by
using assisted reproductive technologies within their Earth and eating monosodium glutamate, or MSG. MSG is a controversial
Reproductive Health (EARTH) study. To best examine what the and, ultimately, harmful food additive used as a preservative or
women ate, fruits and vegetables were categorized by their levels to improve taste. The female mice in the study given MSG for
of pesticide residues, tracked through the U.S. Department of 28 days had lower egg quality and maturation, but consuming
Agriculture’s surveillance data. Diet was examined, and pregnancies chlorella and spirulina had the opposite effect. Microalgae helped
and live births in each IVF cycle were tracked. improve egg quality and maturation, with the potential to relieve
the ovarian dysfunction and infertility caused by eating MSG. [30]
Sadly, you may know where this is heading. The well-meaning
women who ate fruits and vegetables with the highest pesticide Organic chlorella and spirulina are two of the healthiest green
residues, like strawberries and spinach that made the top of the foods you can find in nature. Our bodies are constantly inundated
Environmental Working Group’s 2017 “Dirty Dozen” list, had a with outside pollutants, from fish to mercury fillings to smog to
lower chance of pregnancy and live birth using IVF treatment. The MSG, making chlorella’s natural detoxification properties even
women who ate fruits and vegetables with low pesticide residues more important for daily use. Spirulina, considered the cousin to
did not have the same link to low pregnancy and live birth rates. [28] chlorella, can also effectively remove toxins, and both superfoods
can support the body’s ability to self-heal. Internal repair may
Overall: make all the difference in successfully conceiving and delivering
a healthy baby.

• Women eating produce with the highest pesticide Just imagine the changes that could take place when pesticides
exposure were 18 percent less likely to conceive than are eliminated completely by switching to all organic foods.
women eating produce with the lowest exposure.
• Women eating the highest pesticide produce were also 26
percent less likely to have a live birth.

“In conclusion, intake of high-residue FVs [fruits and vegetables] “Shopping at farmer’s markets or big-box stores is a
was associated with lower probabilities of clinical pregnancy and great way to get organic fruits and vegetables at a
live birth among women undergoing infertility treatment. Our lower price… Start cooking again! Simply switching
findings are consistent with animal studies showing that low-dose from processed foods to home-cooked foods will have
pesticide ingestion may exert an adverse impact on sustaining a dramatic impact on your kids’ diets. And get your
pregnancy,” Jorge E. Chavarro, M.D., Sc.D., senior investigator at
children involved in cooking, because kids who become
the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health, said. This study
represented the first findings of how pesticides predicted fertility confident cooks won’t be dependent on junk food for
treatment outcomes in humans. the rest of their lives.”

If you are a woman trying to conceive, and especially if you are - Dr. Kellyann Petrucci, naturopathic physician;
a woman who plans to invest in IVF treatment, the simplicity of Functional Foodie Nutrition interview, 2017
this study carries a powerful lesson. Eating organic, pesticide-
free foods is no longer optional. It matters more than many of
us realize. Thankfully, making even a small transition from non-

© 2019 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved. 19


Excess sugar and your

unborn baby

Serious diseases caused by excess Scientists are urging mothers to remember that damage
from high-sugar drinks and foods appears equal to
sugar can start in the womb: alcohol and smoking, but governments still fail to protect
our kids from all of these harmful foods and drinks.
University of California researchers assessed the diets of
454 mothers of babies born with neural tube defects, like
spina bifida. Their diets were compared to the diets of 462
mothers of healthy babies.

The study was published in the American Journal of Clinical

Nutrition. For expectant mothers, the results were shocking.
The risk of birth defects doubled in pregnant women that ate
high-sugar foods, including white rice, white bread, potatoes,
and some soft drinks. The risk of birth defects quadrupled
in obese women. [31]

Mothers eating high-sugar

foods while pregnant has been
tied to birth defects in children.
For close to a century, independent nutritionists have
cataloged how high-sugar diets can burden our health;
expectant mothers who consume foods with excess
sugar are more likely to have babies with birth defects. As
mentioned on page 9, one 2016 study in the U.S. found that
pregnant women who eat a high-sugar, high (unhealthy)
fat diet could pass on genetic abnormalities through the
female bloodline, increasing the risk of obesity and related
conditions for up to three generations. These metabolic
problems in future generations may still be present even if
the children start to eat a healthier diet. [7, 32] A UK study
published in 2017 confirmed that a high maternal sugar
intake in pregnancy can increase risk of allergies and asthma
in children. [33] The mothers who ate the highest amount of
sugar, when compared to the mothers who ate the lowest
amount of sugar, saw a 101 percent increased risk of allergic
asthma in their children.

More research may be needed, but these studies provide us “Our findings indicate that a mother’s obesity can
with a powerful link between sugary foods and devastation impair the health of later generations.”
to our bodies. I continue to insist, with this proof and more,
that these high-sugar foods are unfit for our diets and really - Kelle H. Moley, MD, Washington University
should be eliminated completely, particularly for pregnant School of Medicine’s James P. Crane Professor of
women. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2016


What is too much sugar?

Twelve teaspoons a day may seem generous, but it is very small
compared to the 60-70 teaspoons consumed in the average
Western diet. 60-70 teaspoons of sugar is UNFIT FOR HUMAN

Sugar in the Western Diet can add up

• 1 cup of milk = 2 teaspoons of sugar
• 1 bowl of breakfast cereal with milk = 8 teaspoons of sugar
• 1 cup of rice (cooked) = 9 teaspoons of sugar
• 1 banana = 5 teaspoons of sugar
• 1 baked potato (not including skin) = 7 teaspoons of sugar
• 2 slices of bread = 4 teaspoons of sugar
• 1 average soda/soft drink = 8 teaspoons of sugar
• 1 large soda/soft drink = up to 32 teaspoons of sugar

Poison or Moderation?
The unfortunate truth is that the average sugar intake in the
modern Western diet is 60 to 70 teaspoons each day. This is
causing disease and birth defects — hidden in junk foods, such
as breads, cookies, cakes, pasta, parsnips, sodas, fruit juices,
breakfast cereals, corn products, white rice, white potatoes, and
of course, all processed foods.

If you make it your goal to eat a maximum of 6-12 teaspoons

of sugar or 30-60 grams of carbohydrates per day, you will be
far ahead of the curve. This sugar must come from fresh, whole
foods, outlined in this book.

“We already knew that women with diabetes

were at significantly increased risk for having
children with congenital heart disease. What we
now know, thanks to this new research, is that
women who have elevated glucose values during
pregnancy that don’t meet our diagnostic criteria
for diabetes also face an increased risk.”

- Dr. James Priest, postdoctoral scholar in

pediatric cardiology; JAMA Pediatrics, 2015

© 2019 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved. 21


Vaccine dangers and children Does the dose make the poison?

I talked about toxins and pollutants affecting your hormones In this case, I would insist that it’s never worthwhile to put
and reproductive system, but what about your children after your fertility, your health, your unborn child’s health, and
they’re born? Recently, a reader wrote me a distressing email your children’s health at risk. You’ll find that the Fertility
that immediately got my attention. She was alarmed by how Rehabilitation Plan outlined in this book can provide you with
different vaccines, often loaded with mercury, are affecting a practical way to naturally strengthen your immunity -- and
the health of our babies as soon as they are brought into can be used for the whole family. In our modern world, it is
the world. Many of you who are parents or who are hoping weak immune systems, made much worse by a processed
to conceive may share this same concern. food diet, that are linked to most disease.

My reader went on to say that when she asked her doctor

about vaccines, she was told that there was no mercury
in them. But after she insisted, her doctor tried to prove
her wrong and pulled up the vaccine information on the
computer in front of her. Her doctor was shocked to discover A new flu shot warning
that vaccine preservatives are full of mercury! It is this for pregnant women
mercury that we are pumping into our children in the hopes
of “improving their health” starting from birth.
Most doctors urge pregnant women to get
Has your doctor recommended a flu the flu vaccine to protect both mother and
baby -- without providing the necessary
shot to protect you during flu season? warning. A 2017 study published in the
Flu shots are frequently pushed on the vulnerable populations Vaccine journal discovered that women
-- the children, the elderly, and pregnant women -- and the who received the pH1N1 flu vaccine for
irony couldn’t be more apparent. Even the common flu two years in a row had an increased risk of
vaccine contains mercury as a preservative. having a miscarriage within 28 days. Most
These vaccines have been banned in Canada, Australia,
post-flu vaccine miscarriages took place
New Zealand, and other countries, yet many Western in the first trimester, with some in the
government agencies in countries where the vaccines are second. The new research supported the
still used continue to insist that thimerosal, the mercury- many claims made by pregnant women
containing vaccine preservative, is safe. But a 2014 analysis who reported miscarrying hours or days
published in BioMed Research International confirmed that after having their flu shot.
more than 165 studies conducted on thimerosal used as
a children’s vaccine preservative have determined it to be
harmful. The CDC in the U.S. leans on six studies that claim Getting the flu shot in the early stages
to demonstrate the safety of mercury in vaccines, compared of pregnancy was associated with almost
to a body of research conducted by independent scientists eight times the risk of miscarriage. [36]
over the past 75 years that continues to prove the dangers
of thimerosal. [34]

Even worse, 2015 Clinica Chimica Acta research shows

thimerosal to have limited effectiveness when used as a
vaccine preservative. The same study linked thimerosal,
a.k.a. mercury, exposure in vaccines to birth defects and
fetal and infant death. Children receiving mercury-laden
vaccines may also suffer from poor performance testing “The literature is pretty supportive of the
and developmental disorders. Thimerosal most often results fact that vaccines have much greater adverse
in neuronal damage/death. Researchers concluded that,
outcomes on the genotype of the body, the
“The effects of thimerosal in humans indicates that it is
a poison at minute levels with a plethora of deleterious immune system of the body, the brain of the body,
consequences, even at the levels currently administered and the intracellular functions of the body than
in vaccines.” [35] we are willing to tell the public about.”

- Dr. Lawrence Palevsky, board-certified

pediatrician, lecturer, and published author


Saving mothers’ lives and Do we need any more proof that natural is better, especially
when it comes to our most vulnerable populations? This
protecting babies against is the same issue we see when examining the widespread
and often life-threatening side effects of vaccines: We need
deadly infection to give our children the best chance at natural health as
they enter the world.
The benefits of getting good bacteria into the gut are well-
documented. Every one of us needs protective probiotic
bacteria in our digestive tracts to maintain our health and
Probiotics for mothers
reduce the risk of disease. But it’s not often we hear about
giving our babies this protection from birth. Expecting
carrying babies and for the
parents are schooled on safety and nutrition, with little
information provided about enriching the thriving, living
babies they birth are no longer
communities of microbes living in their newborn’s gut. optional. Inoculating the gut
Probiotics, particularly among infants, can be life-saving. A
U.S. study from the University of Nebraska Medical Center
with probiotic bacteria from
released in 2017 found that good bacteria in a newborn’s
gut can reduce incidences of sepsis -- documented in India
birth could save a baby’s life.
for the study -- by as much as 40 percent, while costing only
a dollar per baby. [37] A highly dangerous complication of
bacterial infection responsible for an estimated 1 million
infant deaths each year around the world, sepsis causes
the immune system to shut down and fight itself. In a
defenseless baby, sepsis can result in tissue damage
that leads to organ failure and death. Sepsis often occurs
in developing countries, making the news of a potential
probiotic treatment all the more important, but no infant
is exempt.

Sepsis is one of the top killers of babies

Symptoms of sepsis in a baby are easy to miss. A mother
may notice that her new baby has grown lethargic, cries
frequently, or stops breastfeeding. Even after being rushed
to the hospital, a baby can still die. But, as researchers
found, babies who ate good microbes for just a week saw
a dramatic drop in their risk of sepsis and death. Along with
the 40 percent decrease in sepsis attributed to probiotic
bacteria, the probiotics helped ward off other types of
newborn infection, reducing respiratory infection rates by
30 percent.

For new mothers who are also susceptible to infection “The beneficial bacteria that live in a baby’s
after giving birth, both probiotics and vitamin C can help. intestine are all-important to an infant’s health,
A 2017 Chest study found intravenous vitamin C to nearly growth, and ability to fight off infections. A
neutralize the fatal effects of sepsis, or blood poisoning, strong, robust population of microbes in the gut
that leads to death in up to 60 percent of cases. Where provides colonization resistance, and pathogens
sepsis responds poorly to conventional medicine -- causing
can’t invade and infect an infant who has that
roughly 11 million deaths a year -- taking vitamin C by IV
can reduce the rate of death five-fold, or by 500 percent. resistance as easily.”
[38] Like so many chronic illnesses, sepsis is not medical.
It’s a lifestyle condition, and it can be “cured” by improving - Kelly Tappenden, University of Illinois College
gut health and by supplying missing nutrients to strengthen of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental
immunity. Sciences professor of nutrition and
gastrointestinal physiology

© 2019 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved. 23


Diet and endometriosis

This one’s not as controversial as it is Dietary considerations at-a-glance
unfamiliar; this information is not well-
known to the average consumer: • Fiber. Even though fiber is a carbohydrate, it’s the
part of fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grains, and
legumes that is indigestible. It’s essential for health
Millions of women suffer from and unavoidable when eating Really Healthy Foods
endometriosis, a painful gynecological as fiber is only available in plant-based foods. Fiber
disorder. increases production of an anti-inflammatory protein
and, because it doesn’t raise blood sugar, helps keep
The female reproductive hormones are implicated in this insulin levels down too. It’s imperative to drink plenty
medical condition, and research has shown women who of water throughout the day when eating fiber. This
consume carbs, high-sugar foods, and animal products is because fiber waits in the large intestine to exit the
have a much better chance of fostering endometriosis body, and while it waits, it takes toxic waste from the
and endometrial cancer than those who eat a healthier body in the form of liquids. This combination of fiber
diet. [39-41] The Western Un-Natural Food Diet is also and liquids form what we know as feces. This waste
responsible for the hormonal imbalances that help create can be: cholesterol, any number of carcinogens, or even
these problems. Similar findings have linked these diets to hormones. Ridding the body of excess hormones, like
fibroids in the uterus and cysts in the ovaries. [42] All three estrogen, can relieve symptoms of endometriosis and
of these conditions are associated with infertility. benefit fertility.
• Other fats. Other fats in the form of trans fats, saturated
Animals and animal products are now fats, and cholesterol hinder the body’s use of omega-3s.
mainly fed on grains, cereals, and other Trans fats are naturally occurring in small amounts in
un-natural foods and contaminated certain meats and dairy products; however, the majority
of trans fats are a result of converting oils into solid fats
with growth hormones, antibiotics, and (processed foods). These fats have a negative impact
pesticides. on a woman’s ability to ovulate. Saturated fats increase
prostaglandin production, leading to an inflammatory
Cows are a prime example. Bovine growth hormone (rBGH), state, and these fats, along with cholesterol, are found
when injected into cows (which is very often) increases primarily in animal foods. (The cholesterol in plant foods
IGF-1, insulin-like growth factor, a natural hormone already is negligible and not a factor in health one way or the
present in cows. This is what takes a fairly small calf and other.)
grows it into a fairly large cow. This hormone causes cell
• Protein. Protein is always a foremost concern whether
growth, including the growth of pre-existing cancer cells
trying to become pregnant or not. A 2008 American
(which we all have). Cows, their meat and their milk, are
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology study involving
full of other hormones too, and these hormones increase
over 18,000 married women with no fertility problems
even more when the cow is pregnant. looked at which source of protein, animal or vegetable,
affected ovulatory infertility. The findings: “Consuming
Cows are also: 5 percent of total energy intake as vegetable protein
rather than as animal protein was associated with a
• Capable of retaining pesticides in their fatty tissue. more than 50 percent lower risk of ovulatory infertility.”
• Fed or shot full of antibiotics. The conclusion: “Replacing animal sources of protein
• Full of natural hormones, which are still present even with vegetable sources of protein may reduce ovulatory
in organic milk labeled “no added hormones!” infertility risk.” [44]

Links have also been found between serious prostate

diseases and a diet of dairy products, eggs, and meat fed
“Couples today face the added complications of a plethora
on un-natural foods. [43] The conclusions of this and other of foods that are rancid, processed, prefabricated, and extruded,
research suggest that “animal product consumption may laden with additives, preservatives, and synthetic vitamins, full
be risk factors for poor prostate health.” of refined sweeteners (or artificial sweeteners) and caffeine,
and carrying GMOs, antibiotics, and chemical sprays.”
This confirms that the health of the - Vicki Braun, natural family planning (NFP) instructor; Wise
prostate and thus male fertility are Traditions in Food, Farming, and the Healing Arts, the quarterly
dependent upon eating really healthy journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Summer 2016


Fertility drugs Infertility and debt

Maybe it’s time for a different approach. Total spend for
So what is the usual course infertile couples is approaching many billions annually as
they try to increase fertility; only a percentage of these
of treatment when ovulatory couples (up to 35 percent) are approved for reimbursement.

infertility is a problem?
Fertility drugs!
These drugs, whether swallowed or injected, are supposedly
the answer. Ovulation occurs when a mature egg is released
from the ovary, pushed down the fallopian tube, and is
available to be fertilized. When a woman experiences
ovulatory infertility, the ovaries do not release an egg;
therefore, ovulation does not occur.

Since men don’t ovulate, do men need to take fertility drugs

too? Well, yes and no. Both men and women obviously need
to contribute physiologically when it comes to making a baby.
However, fertility drugs are only a third as successful when
used by men. These drugs, which by the way are the same for
both genders, encourage ovulation as well as the production
of sperm. There are very few fertility drugs that have the
government go-ahead for use by men; however, a fertility
doctor can recommend them when deemed necessary.

For women, anti-estrogen drugs like Clomid or Serophene

work by stimulating the release of the hormones that are
responsible for egg production in the ovaries. Live birth
success rates are estimated at 23 percent. [45] Common New research on the side effects of taking fertility drugs,
side effects include bloating, headache, nausea, hot flashes, both for mothers and babies, is ever on the horizon. A 2017
distorted vision, and increased risk of multiple births. Ben-Gurion University and Soroka University Medical Center
study found that babies born to mothers who used fertility
Injecting hormones is another popular alternative in women’s treatments had a greater risk of developing a number of
fertility treatment, which can bring on severe anxiety. This pediatric cancers and tumors. “The research concludes that
anxiety can be due to the process of having to actually inject the association between IVF and total pediatric neoplasms
oneself with hormones on a regular basis or the emotional [tumors] and malignancies is significant,” said Professor Eyal
roller coaster brought on by the hormones themselves, Sheiner, M.D., Ph.D., Soroka physician and vice dean of the
not to mention the stress of trying to conceive. Live birth BGU Faculty of Health Sciences (FOHS). “With increasing
success rates are estimated at 32 percent and having twins numbers of offspring conceived after fertility treatments,
or triplets is more likely. [45] Common side effects include it is important to follow up on their health.” [46]
infection, blood blisters, swelling, bruising, tenderness, ovarian
hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS), and increased risk of
multiple births.

Artificial insemination “Fertility clinics are free to set their own costs just like
any other private healthcare provider. This means that
There are several expensive approaches to artificial the same treatment could be two or even three times
insemination, with in vitro fertilization (IVF) being the most more expensive depending on which clinic you choose.”
used. These approaches usually require the use of fertility
drugs as well and have a less than 30 percent success rate, - Human Fertilisation & Embryology Authority
which decreases after the age of 34.

© 2019 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved. 25


Can I reverse infertility?

Since most cases of infertility are brought on by lifestyle
choices, the answer is yes — except in a few rare cases.

Medicine does not offer any cures. (Many people argue

that this is on purpose since it would put Big Pharma out
of business.) However, everything has a cause. Take away
the cause, apply the science of a non-inflammatory lifestyle,
and your body will be able to repair itself with a little bit of
help. Support tissue regeneration with a healthy lifestyle
and the proper nutrients, and in the majority of cases you
can become healthy again.

Remember, these conditions are inflammatory in nature and,

therefore, will benefit from an anti-inflammatory approach.
By hydrating the body {6-8 x 500ml (16oz) glasses a day}
with pure, clean water and replenishing it with the proper
nutrients and antioxidants in the form of vitamins, minerals,
essential fatty acids, healthy carbohydrates, and amino
acids, the repair and healing of the body can start to take

Nutritional therapy supports healing.

The initial detox can be uncomfortable but only temporarily.

Eating right can minimize the effects.

. . . regenerate with healthy

lifestyle and nutrients . . .

“We’ve all heard about the health benefits of

antioxidants. But what most people don’t know,
is that they can play an important role in fertility.
They help to neutralize the harmful effects of
free radicals in our bodies. Free radicals can affect
virtually every step in the reproductive process,
from egg maturation to pregnancy.”

- Martha McKittrick, RD, PCOS expert


Throwing out the baby with the

For women in their reproductive years, it’s a constant struggle
to maintain their health. Bouncing between contraceptives
and fertility treatment and back again, a woman may need
to make important choices about her reproductive health
for close to 30 years.

The birth control pill has been the most popular form of
contraception since it was first approved, and originally
intended to exclusively treat menstrual conditions, in 1960.
Over the next half-century, evidence on the potential dangers
and controversy surrounding the birth control pill would
grow. The American Association for Cancer Research
linked high-dose estrogen pills and some other forms of
oral contraceptive with increased breast cancer risk in 2014.
[47] The following year, in 2015, a MedLink Neurology report
found the stroke risk associated with birth control pill use
to be small but significant for the more than 100 million
women who have or currently use the pills worldwide. [48]
A 2016 Epilepsy Research study showed that hormonal
birth control pills increased seizure risk in women with
epilepsy. [49]

At the same time this troubling

research was being released, a Swedish
physicist, also a woman of reproductive
age facing the same issues, was
coming up with a natural solution.
In 2014, the nuclear physicist Elina Berglund Scherwitzl
began to examine the accuracy of the age-old method used
for natural conception: the rhythm method that tracks a
woman’s cycle for the purpose of abstaining from sex during
her time of ovulation. For Scherwitzl, the rhythm method
wasn’t good enough. Its efficacy was only 76 percent.

Scherwitzl crunched the numbers, putting her skills in

advanced mathematics and data analysis to use, and
created her own method. Similar to the rhythm method
but officially declared as effective as the oral birth control
pill at 99 percent, Scherwitzl launched her Natural Cycles “Women over 30 years old are less likely to use
app in 2014 to help women better target their ovulation. contraception or condoms... And, in spite of the
Scherwitzl’s all-natural and side effect-free form of birth dozens of options now available to men and
control became the first ever tech-based device to be women, the birth control pill, condoms, and
certified for contraceptive use in 2017. [50] Women can now withdrawal are still the top three contraception
use an accurate, natural method, like the Natural Cycles app, methods.”
for two distinct purposes: to pinpoint the time of ovulation
for the purpose of preventing pregnancy and to also identify - The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
the exact time of ovulation to aid in conception. of Canada survey, 2016

© 2019 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved. 27


Down to basics A digital ovulation test can be used to test a woman’s urine
once a day at the same time each day. When tested during
Pregnancy is (or should be) the result of sexual intercourse the anticipated time of ovulation in a cycle, an ovulation
in a loving relationship. As unromantic as it sounds, it may test kit can provide up to 99 percent accuracy in detecting
take a little planning and timing. LH hormone surges. Manual ovulation tracking or a digital
test can identify a woman’s monthly fertile window prior
to conception. I also recommend using the more than
99-percent accurate Natural Cycles app, mentioned on the
Ovulation previous page, to pinpoint the time of ovulation precisely.
There is just one time in the monthly cycle when a woman
is fertile. This falls a few days before, during, and after
ovulation. Ovulation occurs when the most mature of the
eggs is released into one of the fallopian tubes. To conceive,
sperm must reach the mature egg before it dies.

A typical egg can live 12 to

24 hours after ovulation,
while sperm can survive up to
five days in a healthy vaginal

Therefore, fertile days are the five days preceding ovulation

and up to two days after ovulation. This lasts about a week.
Strange as it seems, this week can be easily missed, unless
you time it just right. By having sexual intercourse three
times just before ovulation, the chances of pregnancy For couples struggling to conceive and for women hoping
dramatically increase in a healthy couple. to regulate their cycles, this is a critical time to practice self-
care. Spanish and Austrian researchers discovered in 2012
Ovulation testing kits that women are likely to be more vulnerable to infection,
like those caused by sexually-transmitted diseases and
If you don’t want to chance missing your fertile window, pathogenic candida yeast, during ovulation. [51] As we
you can take advantage of inexpensive technology. Digital already know, day-to-day stressors, including the stress
ovulation tests are now available, such as the Clearblue of trying to get pregnant, can have a big impact on when
Digital Ovulation Test. A test like this is designed to measure and if a woman ovulates. Ohio State University researchers
the rise of LH ovulation hormones 24-36 hours before in the U.S. discovered in a 2014 study that women with
ovulation to determine the best two days to conceive the highest levels of stress took 29 percent longer to get
within a cycle. pregnant. These women also had a doubled infertility risk
compared to the women with lower stress levels. [52]

Timing sexual intercourse “You can begin looking for pregnancy symptoms
as early as a week after fertilization. You can also
within these two days will begin testing for pregnancy as early as 7-10 days
past your ovulation date with an Early Detection
provide the best odds of Pregnancy Test.”
conception. - American Pregnancy Association


The nutrients you need

Studies show the following nutrients will help
prevent or control infertility in most people:

Serrapeptase SerraEnzyme with MSM and Trace Minerals - Clears

any scarring and inflammation in the reproductive organs, such
as the fallopian tubes or testicles. [53] Take 2 x 3 times a day, 30
minutes before eating. Drop to 1 x 3 after one month (plan on four

Curcumin - Can relieve any pain and inflammation in the body, in

particular the sex organs. Curcumin may also halt breast cancer
stem cell growth. [54] Take 1 capsule x 3 times per day.

Nascent Iodine - Supports the thyroid gland and the immune

system. Iodine deficiency is thought to be the cause of ovarian
cysts and polycystic ovaries. [55] Importantly, it is essential for
proper brain formation to be in the diet of the mother BEFORE
becoming pregnant. Take 1-3 drops in 1/2 ounce of water, 2-3
times per day.

Astaxanthin™ with DHA - Powerful antioxidant that can boost

and enhance the immune system. Astaxanthin™ can also aid and
improve male and female fertility. [56] Take 1 veg softgel, 3 times

Maca Extract - Balances the endocrine and hormonal system. [57]

Take 1 teaspoon daily.

130 Essential Vitamins and Minerals - Supports the whole body

and immune system. Take 3 capsules, 2 times per day after eating.

Vitamin D3 - Supports healthy hormonal balance and the immune

system. [62] Take 1 capsule, 1-2 times per day.

“Vitamin D supplementation might be a safe and

affordable treatment option in PCOS or might
support couples who want to have children.”

- Dr Elisabeth Lerchbaum, Medical University of

Graz; European Society of Endocrinology, 2017

© 2019 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved. 29


Why doesn’t my doctor tell me

about this plan?
The Non-Inflammatory Lifestyle Program can help you get
better! Your doctor is obliged to conform to the medical
model that is designed to maintain the monopoly that the
pharmaceutical industry, the GMC in the UK, and the AMA
in the USA have over all things connected with the health
of individuals.

These organizations make profits by caring for sick

people and do not have a business model that caters to
real healthcare and recovery. They pursue a patented drug
model where they can charge exorbitant prices for a lifetime
of drugs that, at best, help individuals feel better and, at
worse, speed up their death.

These industries are not

designed to get anyone
healthy, ever!

In the USA, they are shielded by the FDA and in the UK by

the MHRA. The political parties and the most powerful
politicians all receive money from these organizations and
are responsible for making the laws that perpetuate this
disease management monopoly.

When carefully followed, the Non-Inflammatory Lifestyle

Program will show results within 30 days.

“The two most common impediments to

pregnancy are problems with ovulation and
infertility for which no obvious cause can be
found. For these, lifestyle changes that include
an optimal diet, appropriate levels of exercise,
reducing unnecessary stress, and eliminating
exposure to nicotine can improve fertility.”

- Dr. Jorge Chavarro, Dr. Walter C. Willett, and

Patrick J. Skerrett, The Fertility Diet


Infertility Rehabilitation Plan

Your 10 steps to a healthy future
The following protocol works for any type of infertility, to some extent:

Clearing inflammation Eating really

1 6
and promoting healing. healthy foods.

Taking nutrients
Walking and
2 missing from food 7
moving daily.
in supplement form.

Strengthening your
3 Breathing properly. 8
immune system.

4 acupressure 9
enough water.

Avoiding Getting out into

5 un-natural/junk the sun as much 10
foods. as possible.

It is almost unheard of for a person applying a good percentage of these lifestyle changes to their daily life
to not clear their infertility symptoms to some extent, and in many cases completely.

© 2019 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved. 31


For details of the following suggested formulas, turn to page 44.

1. Clearing inflammation and promoting healing.

Helping Fertility Pack - Essential
SerraPlus+™ 80,000IU - Clears any scarring and inflammation in the reproductive organs. Take 2 x 3 times a day, 30 minutes
before eating. Drop to 1 x 3 after one month (plan on four months).

Active Life™ Capsules - Contains a full spectrum of 130 vitamins and minerals. Take 3 capsules, 2 times per day after eating.

Curcuminx4000™ - Contains Meriva® (root) Curcuma longa extract; relieves pain and inflammation in the body. Take 1 capsule x
3 times per day.

Nascent Iodine Drops - Contains iodine in its atomic form; regulates metabolism and supports the thyroid gland. Take 1-3 drops
in 1/2 ounce of water, x 2-3 times daily on an empty stomach or as directed by your healthcare provider.


2. Immune recovery and strengthening.

Helping Fertility Pack - Ultimate
SerraPlus+™ 80,000IU - Clears any scarring and inflammation in the reproductive organs. Take 2 x 3 times a day, 30 minutes
before eating. Drop to 1 x 3 after one month (plan on four months).

Active Life™ Capsules - Contains a full spectrum of 130 vitamins and minerals. Take 3 capsules, 2 times per day after eating.

Curcuminx4000™ - Contains Meriva® (root) Curcuma longa extract; relieves pain and inflammation in the body. Take 1 capsule x
3 times per day.

Nascent Iodine Drops - Contains iodine in its atomic form; regulates metabolism and supports the thyroid gland. Take 1-3 drops
in 1/2 ounce of water, x 2-3 times daily on an empty stomach or as directed by your healthcare provider.

Astaxanthin™ with DHA - Enhances the immune system and supports fertility. Take 1 veg softgel, 3 times daily.

MacaPro® - Balances the endocrine and hormonal system. Take 1 teaspoon daily.

Vitamin D3 - Contributes to hormonal balance. Take 1 capsule, 1-2 times per day.

Ancient Magnesium Oil Ultra - Magnesium can reduce the risk of a baby developing cerebral palsy during pre-term birth, as well
as the risk of fetal death.

© 2019 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved. 33


3. Supplement missing nutrients.

Recommended nutrients - but suggested for the first 1 to 2

months at least.
UB8Q10 Ubiquinol - Supports strong sperm in Rosavin - Reduces stress and balances emotions in
males. [63] Take 1 capsule, 2 times daily. If over both men and women. [64] Take 1 capsule, 2 times
35 years old, take 2 softgel capsules a day.
x 2 times per day.

While this book is designed to improve fertility in women, a sample male fertility plan can be found below:


The health plan below is designed to improve sperm count and male fertility. By following the supplement regimen and choosing
a naturally healthy lifestyle in the long term, it’s possible to boost your fertility and overall health.

Your 4-8 Week Plan, From My eBook Improving Men’s Health in 30 Days, by Robert Redfern

Supplements to support men’s fertility - in order of priority:

UB8Q10 Ubiquinol - Essential for stronger sperm. [63] Eight times more effective at restoring cell energy than CoQ10. Take 2
capsules x 2 times a day with food.

Active Life™ Capsules - A full spectrum of 130 vitamins and minerals. Take 3 capsules, 2 times per day after eating.

Prostate Plus+ - Aids in healthy sperm flow and may protect against prostate cancer. [66] Take 2-4 capsules per day.

Nascent Iodine Drops - Regulates the metabolism, supports the thyroid gland, and may reduce prostate cancer risk. [67] Take 1-3
drops in 1/2 ounce of water, x 2-3 times daily on an empty stomach or as directed by your healthcare provider. Note that iodine
needs a supplement containing selenium to activate it such as Active Life™ Capsules or Daily Immune Protection.

Astaxanthin™ with DHA - A powerful antioxidant that boosts and enhances the reproductive system. [55] Take 1 veg softgel, 3 times daily.

MacaPro® - Balances the hormonal system. [57] Take 1 teaspoon daily.

B4 Health Spray - Contributes to hormonal balance. [68] Take 5 sprays a day.

Ancient Magnesium Oil Ultra - Magnesium can reduce the risk of a baby developing cerebral palsy during pre-term birth, as well
as the risk of fetal death. Apply 1-4 sprays of magnesium to arms and legs 20 minutes before showering. Wash off after 20

Pack 1 - Men’s Fertility Essential Pack 2 - Men’s Fertility Ultimate


4. Drinking more water. 5. Cutting out un-natural

Drink 6-8 glasses of distilled or RO
filtered water per day, with a large Until pregnant and a healthy baby is
pinch of bicarbonate of soda (baking finished breastfeeding, stop eating
soda) for internal organ support. all starchy carbohydrates (breads,
pastry, cookies, breakfast cereals,
potatoes, and pasta), processed
foods, and cow’s milk products.

© 2019 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved. 35


6. Eating Really Healthy Foods.

Make sure to eat some of these foods every
two hours for the first few months of recovery:

Eat 9-14 portions of fresh or frozen veggies daily (in soups, juiced, stir-fried, steamed,
etc.); 50 percent raw juiced (use the pulp in soups) and organic if possible. Blended makes
for better digestion.

Eat 5 portions of antioxidant-rich, dark-skinned fruits (blueberries, cherries, red grapes,

etc.) daily.

Avocados are the all-time superfood with nearly a full spectrum of nutrients. If they are
available where you live, make sure you have at least 2 per day for good health recovery.
All fertility issues (as well as cancer and heart disease) are helped by these.

Eat 5 portions of beans, nuts, and seeds (soaked and mashed for the nuts and seeds).


If you want to eat meat, then choose pasture-fed meats or chicken and eat only a small
amount weekly. Grass-fed is healthier than grain or corn-fed animals.

If you eat fish, then eat at least 3-4 portions per week of oily fish and vary it by choosing
fish such as salmon, sardines, mackerel, etc. Even canned fish is very nutritious, and wild
caught fish is best.

Include Hemp, Omega-3, or Krill oil and other healthy oils like Olive oil and Coconut oil.

As healthy alternatives to carbs, consider Quinoa, Chia Seeds, Amaranth, Buckwheat, Millet
Seeds, and healthy pasta made from pulses and stocked in many good grocery stores.
Cous Cous can be used, except for those who are allergic to gluten proteins (celiacs, etc.).

Take 3-5 (depending upon your body mass and the heat) teaspoons of Sea or Rock Salt
daily in food or a little water. Sea or Rock Salt does not contain the critical mineral iodine,
so add Nascent Iodine to your daily dose.

© 2019 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved. 37


Recommended vegetables
Note: Vegetables may not be available in all countries.

• Artichoke • Garden Peas

• Asian Vegetable Sprouts • Garlic
(wheat, barley, alfalfa, etc.) • Kale
• Asparagus • Kohlrabi
• Avocado • Kumara
• Beetroot • Lettuce (Kos and various types)
• Broad Beans • Mangetout Peas
• Broccoli • Mushrooms
• Brussel Sprouts • Okra
• Cabbage (various types) • Onions (red and white)
• Capsicum • Petit Pois Peas
• Carrots • Radishes
• Cauliflower • Runner Beans
• Celeriac • Seaweed - All Types (Kelp, Wakame,
• Choko Noni, etc.)
• Cucumber • Silver Beet
• Dandelion Leaves • Spinach
• Dried Peas • Squash
• Eggplant (aubergine) • Sugar Snap Peas
• Fennel • Zucchini (Courgettes)

Recommended fruits
Note: Fruits may not be available in all countries.

• Apple • Limes
• Apricot • Lychees
• Avocado • Mango
• Bilberries • Nectarine
• Blackberries • Orange
• Blackcurrants • Pear
• Blueberries • Pineapple
• Cherimoya • Plum/Prune (dried plum)
• Cherries • Pomegranate
• Damsons • Rambutan
• Dates • Raspberries
• Durian • Salal Berry
• Figs • Satsuma
• Gooseberries • Strawberries
• Grapefruit • Tangerine
• Grapes • Western Raspberry (blackcap)
• Kiwi Fruit


The Garden of Eden Pyramid

Natural fish

Olive, fish, Nuts/seeds: 2-3

hemp oils

Choice Is

Beans/pulses: 2-3 Fruits: 3-5

Vegetables (excluding root): 9-14 servings a day;

1/2 raw veggies: salads, etc.

© 2019 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved. 39


Movement is a vital part of your recovery plan.


7. Staying active daily.

Contrary to the opinion of fitness fanatics, there are two simple ways to get your body working better and stronger.
And no, they do not include swimming and cycling, although you can add these later if you want to.

Keep your head held high.

One of the two simple Look 15-20 feet

ways to exercise is to in front of you.

build up to walking 3-5 Let your shoulders

Walk with your chin
parallel to the ground.
miles per day, in a fast, swing freely.

purposely strong way

with as long a stride
Keep your
as you can. Keep your abdomen tight.
hands moving from
chest level to belt level
Keep your pelvis
as you move with each Swing your arms in a tucked under
natural walking motion. your torso.

Use weights or wrist

weights as you improve.
If this is difficult for you
at the start, and your Walk with your feet
lungs are weak, then parallel to one another,
shoulder-width apart.
lie down to exercise to
make it easier.

Lie down in a comfortable place. On your bed (if it’s firm enough) when you first
wake up is a great time and place for this. Bring a knee up to your chest as high as
you can get it and then alternate with the other knee. Do as many of these as you
can while keeping count. Do this every day and set yourself targets to increase the
speed and the number as the weeks go by. You should be doing enough to make
your lungs and heart beat faster. At the same time, as you improve your count on
your back you need to start your walking and build this up.
The second great exercise for strengthening your lungs is to build up slowly where
you can exercise at maximum rate for 2 minutes, 6 times per day. It does not matter
what exercise you do, e.g., skipping, star jumps, running on the spot; just about
anything works, as long as your heart and lungs are working at maximum capacity.
By working at maximum rate, your muscles connected with your heart and lungs will
get stronger, and skin health will balance perfectly.

© 2019 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved. 41


8. Learning proper HOW TO BREATHE PROPERLY

breathing. The simple way to learn is to lie on your back in a firm bed
or on the floor on a blanket or mat. Put a bit of weight over
It is critical to breathe properly for a healthy body. Oxygen your belly button, such as a heavy book. Take a breath into
is the prime source of health. your nose so that the book rises as you fill your diaphragm
(tummy) with air. Hold the breath in your tummy for the
There are two ways to breathe: count of 4 and then breathe out through your nose and
feel your tummy deflating. Let go of any tension you may
1. Anxious Breathing: In the chest. have with the out-breath. Then repeat. Your upper chest
2. Relaxed Breathing: In the diaphragm should not move at all, which shows you are relaxed and
or stomach area. not stress breathing.

Practice over and again while lying

down, and once you have really got
the long, slow rhythm of relaxed
breathing, then try it standing up.
You may feel dizzy to begin with
getting all this fresh oxygen, but
you must practice this every spare
minute you have. You can access
more resources on breathing
lessons at GoodHealthHelpDesk.

The first breath in the chest is part of the stress response

and involves hormones such as cortisol. This type of
breathing should last no longer than it takes to deal with
a problem in life and then another hormone kicks in to
create relaxed breathing. If this stress type of breathing
becomes chronic or habitual, then the cortisol and
retained carbon dioxide become part of the problem,
and the body’s natural healthy systems cannot function
properly. It also weakens the immune system and opens
you up to infections.

Your goal is to relearn relaxed, healthy breathing, where

you clear cortisol and carbon dioxide. Too much carbon
dioxide in your bloodstream destroys something called
hemoglobin, which is the blood’s method of carrying
oxygen around the body. So it’s critical to be able to
breathe in a relaxed way from the diaphragm.


9. Stimulating
acupressure points.
Another part of your fertility plan is to stimulate acupressure
points connected to the reproductive system. There are
various points that you can massage gently with your
finger or stimulate with an electronic stimulator that
mimics the action of acupuncture. The recommended
device is HealthPoint™, and you can read more about
this on page 49.

10. Getting out into the

sun as much as possible.
A critical vitamin for a healthy body is Vitamin D3. There Recommendations for sun
is a large dose of this in the important supplement I exposure:
recommend on page 46, but it is still important to get
some Vitamin D from the sun.
A: Expose as much skin as you can
The sun is the bringer of all life, and a silly myth has to the sun each day, such as on your
developed that the sun is our enemy, and we should keep
out of it, or worse still, put some toxic chemicals all over morning walk.
us so we can go out in it.

I am not saying that we can go out on a really hot sunny B: Build up your sun exposure
day and lie in the sun for six hours for the first time. We gradually from spring to summer
are supposed to build the skin’s tolerance to the sun over seasons.
many weeks in the spring to stimulate protection from it,
so that by the time the hot summer sun comes along we
can tolerate much more. C: Try to stay out of the sun in
midday without a cover-up; a cover-
up is preferred to sunscreen.

D: If you do use sunscreen or sun

cream, purchase organic products
instead of chemical-based, name-
brand creams.

E: It’s important to remember that

the sun is your friend and sunshine
can be enjoyed in moderation!

© 2019 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved. 43


More about clearing inflammation be cured and unneeded miscarriages and

birth defects avoided by supplementing
vitamin B3 (niacin). [69] Pregnant women
and promoting healing can get their highly absorbable Vitamin B3
when taking daily Active Life™ Capsules.

Researchers made another exciting

SerraPlus+™ Active Life™ discovery in 2017, underscoring the
importance of daily nutrition for all
80,000IU Capsules Capsules pregnant women. After studying 270,000
pairs of mothers and children in Sweden,
a Drexel University research team found
SerraPlus+™ with pure MSM is the Active Life™ Capsules have been that taking a multivitamin during the early
Serrapeptase enzyme that helps to prevent formulated with only your wellbeing in stages of pregnancy could reduce the risk
and remove dead tissue and unhealthy mind. Just as the name suggests, Active of autism. [70]
Life™ Capsules can help to support a busy,
inflammation, allowing the body’s naturally modern life where stress, high demands,
healthy processes to function. Taking and a poor diet are often a reality. Active
A Critical Warning for All
Serrapeptase can clear scarring and Life™ Capsules are a complete all-in-one Pregnant Women: Are You
inflammation in the reproductive organs. nutritional supplement to complement Taking the Right Folate?
any Active Life-style, offering an all-natural
source of 130 vitamins, minerals, and other If you are pregnant or are trying to
nutrients. become pregnant, you’ve probably
Ingredients: Birth Defect Prevention
been advised by your doctor to take a
multivitamin that contains folic acid.
in a Bottle? Taking folic acid daily, starting at
• Serrapeptase - 80,000 IU least a month before conception and
The vitamin B3 found in Active Life™ through early pregnancy, can prevent
• Trace Minerals - 50 mg Capsules may be especially beneficial to severe birth defects, called neural tube
pregnant women to prevent miscarriages defects, in children. But many medical
and birth defects. A new study released in professionals make the mistake of
• MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) making “folic acid” and “folate” sound
2017 showed that this information could
- 350 mg change the way doctors treat pregnant like identical nutrients.
women. Nutritional therapy has merit
-- the latest research supports vitamin Folate comes in several different forms;
Dosage: B3’s ability to correct common molecular folate and folic acid are both forms of
deficiencies that lead to miscarriage and the water-soluble B9 vitamin. Folate is
birth defects. Australian researchers from the nutrient found in the food form, like
Take 2 x 3 times a day, 30 minutes legumes, leafy greens, nuts, and beans.
Victor Change Institute considered these
before eating with water. to be “breakthrough, blockbuster” findings. Folic acid is the synthetic form added to
Drop to 1 x 3 after one month (plan This significant discovery may address the many of our enriched foods, like cereals,
on four months). major cause of miscarriage, as well as the breads, and flour. You’ll also find synthetic
cause of the many heart, kidney, spinal, folic acid in a number of commercial
and cleft palate defects in newborns. supplements, though it does little good.
Due to a common genetic variation, only
“The ramifications are likely to be huge. about 25 percent of people can fully
This has the potential to significantly absorb synthetic folic acid. Even worse,
reduce the number of miscarriages and this folic acid is completely useless in the
birth defects around the world, and I do not body if it is not in a form that can cross
use those words lightly,” Professor Sally the blood-brain barrier.
Dunwoodie of the Victor Chang Institute
said. 5-MTHF is the new, activated, and patented
form of folate in Active Life™ Capsules and
A simple deficiency in a critical is the only type of folate that can cross
molecule, called nicotinamide adenine the blood-brain barrier. Active 5-MTHF
dinucleotide (NAD), is enough to keep a folate can also be found in our sublingual
baby’s organs from properly developing B4 Health Spray. This means that 100
in utero. The body relies on vital NAD percent of people, including pregnant
synthesis for energy production, DNA women, can use and absorb this folate
repair, and cellular communication. compared to other synthetic forms found
Genetics and environmental exposure in over-the-counter supplements. Though
can interrupt the production of NAD and doctors have neglected to recommend
cause deficiency. NAD deficiency can be only the biologically active form of
particularly dangerous during pregnancy, vitamin B9, or folic acid, to pregnant
as researchers discovered. Dunwoodie women, I can now confidently say that
5-MTHF is the only usable and absorbable
and her team stated that, following their
form of folate that can help to prevent
12 years of research, they learned that a
neural tube defects during pregnancy.
potentially crippling NAD deficiency may


Ingredients: Curcumin Nascent Iodine Drops

• Niacin - Vitamin B3 (from Curcumin (from Turmeric) has been used for Nascent Iodine is totally different from the
Niacinamide) - 80mg, 588% thousands of years for its antibacterial, anti-viral, typical iodine in its denser state sold as an
anti-inflammatory, and anti-fungal properties. antiseptic, or as iodine tri-chloride (claiming to
• Folate (as(6S)-5- Curcumin’s disease fighting potential has been be atomized), or as added to potassium iodide
methyltetrahydrofolic acid) ( studied and demonstrated against several types to make it soluble in liquid. Nascent iodine in its
equivalent to 1600 mcg of (6S)- of cancer, diseases of the vascular system, type atomic form -- consumable and paramagnetic
5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid, II diabetes, atopic dermatitis, arthritis, psoriasis, -- is highly preferable to its molecular form. This
and Crohn’s disease, among others. is the form of iodine that is well-recognized by
glucosamine salt***) - 800mcg,
the thyroid and easily used.
500% Due to its inherent poor absorbency, high doses
of ordinary Curcumin 95 percent have been Health conditions like ADHD, autism, learning
• Plus other essential pregnancy needed to achieve the dramatic effects show disabilities, autoimmune thyroid disorders, and
nutrients, for a total of 130 vitamins, in worldwide studies. Now Curcuminx4000™ cancers of the thyroid, breast, ovaries, and
minerals, and nutrients. resolves this with its unique high utilization uterus can often be caused by iodine deficiency.
formulation. All cells in the body utilize the critical mineral
iodine and rely on it for daily function.
Adults and children over age 12 - take Ingredients:
up to 3 capsules twice per day after • Meriva® (root) Curcuma longa
meal. Children under age 12 - take 1-2 extract – 600mg • Iodine (in its atomic form) - 315 µg
capsules per day or as directed by a
healthcare professional. If taking thyroid
or iron medication, wait 2 hours before
Dosage: Dosage:
using Active Life™ capsules
Take 1-3 drops in 1/2 ounce of water, x
Take 1 capsule x 3 times per day. 2-3 times daily on an empty stomach or
as directed by your healthcare provider.

© 2019 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved. 45


More about immune strengthening

Astaxanthin™ with MacaPro® Vitamin D3™
MacaPro® balances the endocrine and Vitamin D is a precursor hormone — the
hormonal system. Maca is a plant that grows building block of a powerful steroid hormone
Astaxanthin™, combined with pure DHA, only on the high Junin Plateau in Peru and has in your body called calcitriol. As a hormone,
is a powerful antioxidant that boosts and been highly esteemed for its unique nutritional calcitriol controls phosphorus, calcium,
enhances the immune system. Studies have value for over 2000 years. and bone metabolism and neuromuscular
shown that this new antioxidant exhibits function in the body. For centuries, Vitamin
strong free radical scavenging activities Maca is not a drug or a vitamin, it is a food D was considered to be only essential to
and protects against lipid peroxidation and source that is very high in polypeptides maintaining bone health, but recently, more
oxidative damage of LDL-cholesterol, cell (building blocks of proteins), amino acids, and more studies are linking Vitamin D to
membranes, cells, and tissues. Astaxanthin™ and fatty acids — together with an impressive overall body wellness and hormonal balance.
may prevent damage to the retina caused by array of bioactive compounds, any or all of
strong sunlight; DHA is a nourishing omega-3 which may be responsible for its remarkable
fatty acid, and both nutrients can support benefits. Ingredients:
fetal development.

Ingredients: • Vitamin D3 (Natural

Ingredients: Cholecalciferol) – 5000IU
• Maca Extract - 1140mg • Calcium (Natural Calcium
• DHA oil – 180mg Carbonate) – 100mg
• AstaReal® Astaxanthin™ 10% –
12mg Dosage:
Take 1 teaspoon daily.
Take 1 capsule, once per day.
Take 1 veg capsule, 3 times daily.


Ancient Magnesium Oil Ultra

Magnesium oil applied as a topical spray can improve the uptake of magnesium ions, enhance cell membrane permeability,
increase joint mobility, and even ease inflammation to aid in pain management. For pregnant women, and for all people, this
recommended daily mineral is imperative. In 2017 and 2018, ground-breaking discoveries were made about the mineral’s use
during pregnancy. Not only is taking magnesium during pregnancy perfectly safe at the suggested dose (and required by the
body for daily function), but when magnesium is taken before the 32nd week of pregnancy, it can reduce the risk of a baby
developing cerebral palsy during pre-term birth, as well as the risk of fetal death. [65] UK and Canadian researchers say that,
for mothers and unborn babies, magnesium is neuroprotective. Magnesium taken during pregnancy also helped to protect
fetal heart rates, reducing the need for infant resuscitation by 10 percent.

When topical magnesium is combined with OptiMSM®, it improves the absorbability of the MSM dramatically. MSM is a critical
source of organic sulfur, and sulfur is the third most abundant mineral in the body. (Magnesium is the fourth most abundant

• Purified water
• Genuine Zechstein™ Magnesium Chloride
• Methylsulfonylmethane (OptiMSM® from Bergstrom)
• Other ingredients: Other naturally ocurring trace

• Adults - Apply 1-4 sprays of
magnesium to arms and legs
20 minutes before showering.
Wash off after 20 minutes.
100 mg of elemental magnesium
per 1 ml is 6 sprays.
• Children - 1-2 sprays.
Apply to arms and legs
20 minutes before

Caution: Avoid direct

contact with eyes and
other sensitive areas.

© 2019 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved. 47


More about missing/optional nutrients

Recommended nutrients - but suggested for
the first 1 to 2 months at least

UB8Q10 Ubiquinol Rosavin

CoQ10 or coenzyme Q10 is a greatly beneficial vitamin-like Siberian Rhodiola Rosea provides an adaptogenic response
enzyme that is present in almost all plant, animal, and human to a number of environmental stressors. It helps to fight mood
cells. Coenzyme Q10 is considered as your body’s POWERHOUSE swings, enhance memory and mental performance, assist in
ENHANCER and ANTIOXIDANT. UB8Q10, also known as maintaining energy levels and stamina, increase circulation in
Ubiquinol, is a Coenzyme Q10 that is 8 times better absorbed the brain, and aid weight management.
compared to ordinary Coq10! UB8Q10 supports strong sperm
in males, according to studies.

• Proprietary Blend – 100mg
• Ubiquinol CoQH* - 100mg • (Standardized 3% Siberian Rhodiola Rosea)
bioactive Rosavin, Rosin, Rosarin, and Salidroside
Take 1 capsule, 2 times daily with food. If over 35 years
old, take 2 softgel capsules x 2 times per day. Take 1 capsule, 2 times a day on an empty stomach.


More about acupressure

Stimulating the points on page 8.26 of the book Mastering
Acupuncture will help to balance the reproductive system.
Target these acupressure
These points can be effectively and safely stimulated points for fertility and the
using the HealthPoint™ electro-acupressure kit. The
advantage of the kit is it gives you the power to precisely birthing process
locate the acupuncture point, and indeed other points,
Of all traditional healing methods, acupuncture is the
so you can enjoy the benefits of acupuncture at home
most widely accepted in the West. Our culture might
and without any needles.
be skeptical about many of Eastern medicine’s holistic
In 2016, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative techniques, but it’s hard to argue with an ancient prac-
Medicine researchers examined how acupuncture tice that has over 2,000 years of history and significant
can affect fertility in our modern-day world. Within a scientific evidence to prove it highly effective.
randomized, controlled trial, infertile women were
given either acupuncture and lifestyle interventions or Working with the body’s own natural healing system,
lifestyle interventions only. Those in the acupuncture acupuncture has been used for millennia in Tradition-
group conceived at 5.5 weeks on average compared to al Chinese Medicine to improve reproductive health,
10.67 weeks in the lifestyle-only group. Women receiving fertility, and conception, without the need for invasive
acupuncture treatment felt that their fertility awareness treatments or prescription drug side effects.
and overall well-being increased, leading to a conception
time that was halved. [71] This extensive history reinforces acupuncture’s safety,
and it’s supported by decades of research. The Ameri-
Stimulating targeted acupuncture points but without can Pregnancy Association also states that “acupunc-
needles, the HealthPoint™ electro-acupressure device can ture is generally safe regardless of a person’s medical
be used to provide the same fertility-enhancing results history” for cases of infertility. [72]
at home. HealthPoint™ is safe and gentle enough to be
used in pregnancy, by children, and even by those wearing Early acupuncture texts from the Song dynasty, span-
a pacemaker, while still remaining effective. ning 960 to 1279 A.D., identified conception as an act
performed between two people, the yin and yang, to
HealthPoint™ is also painless and easy to use. It includes create a child. Seeing reproduction as a partnership,
an instructional DVD and book covering over 150 pain then, is key to regaining this harmony and balance.
and non-pain conditions that can be helped, such as Ancient concepts and clinical research show that acu-
headaches, back, neck, and joint problems. puncture can restore ovarian and uterine blood flow,
The gentle and systematic stimulation of the body’s helping to thicken the uterine wall and improve implan-
natural healing system can speed recovery in many cases. tation. Men’s infertility is also often diagnosed as defi-
HealthPoint™ breakthrough technology was developed cient qi, or life force energy. [73]
with leading pain control specialist Dr. Julian Kenyon, MD,
25 years ago, and today features the latest microchip Those who swear by acupuncture say it doesn’t hurt,
technology to quickly locate acupuncture points key to but electro-acupressure may feel even more soothing.
specific health conditions, such as the points for infertility. Stimulating acupuncture points – either with needles,
massage, or electronic pulses using a handheld device
– is now a common treatment for hundreds of health

© 2019 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved. 49


A couple may use these points after being unable to
conceive without protection for 12 months, when they
meet the medical definition of infertility. But since
electro-acupressure gently restores reproductive health
and balance, these points can be used at any time, even
early on, to aid in conception.


For women:

Yintang - This lies directly between the eye-

brows, just above the bridge of the nose.

Gv26 - This is at the junction of the upper third

and lower two thirds of a line joining the nose
and the middle of the upper lip.

Li4 - This lies on the side of the bone that runs

from the forefinger knuckle down towards the

Cv6 - This lies one and a half thumbs’ width

below the navel.

B31 - This lies at the top of the sacral bone one

and a half thumbs’ width away from the midline.

S36 - This lies three thumbs’ width below the

joint under the kneecap, lying on the outer side
of the knee; one finger’s width back from the
sharp edge of the shinbone.

Liv3 - This lies in between the tendons of the big

toe and the first toe, two thumbs’ width towards
the top of the foot from the web.



For men:

Cv4 - This lies two thumbs’ width above the

pubic bone.

Cv6 - This lies one and a half thumbs’ width

below the navel.

B23 - This is one and a half thumbs’ width to

each side of the second lumbar vertebra.

B34 - This lies at the top of the sacral bone, one

and a half thumbs’ width away from the midline
and three fingers down.

S36 - This lies three thumbs’ width below the

joint under the kneecap, lying on the outer side
of the knee; one finger’s width back from the
sharp edge of the shinbone.

Liv8 - This lies on the inside of the knee in the

hollow between the two tendons when the knee
is bent.

Sp6 - This lies one hand’s width (four fingers) up

from the inner ankle joint. It lies just behind the
tibia bone at this point.

© 2019 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved. 51


Morning sickness
While this can be treated effectively by
electro-acupuncture, treatment before the end of the
third month of pregnancy should be given under
medical supervision only.

P6 - This lies two thumbs’ width up from the
palm wrist crease towards the elbow, directly
in the centre between the two tendons.

S36 - This lies three thumbs’ width below the

joint under the kneecap, lying on the outer side
of the knee; one finger’s width back from the
sharp edge of the shinbone.

S44 - This lies in the web between the second

and third toes.

Sp6 - This lies one hand’s width (four fingers)

up from the inner ankle joint. It lies just behind
the tibia bone at this point.

Ear - Ear point.

**During the first three months of

pregnancy, please call the Help Line
for guidance on the use of electro-

UK Tel: 03337 777 333

International Tel: +44 203 746 3283

USA & Canada Tel: 1 800 455 9155


Fluid retention
This may arise for many reasons. In women, it is often
due to hormonal imbalance. Electro-acupuncture can
be useful in treating some cases of fluid retention. A
balanced diet including appropriate vitamin and mineral
supplements can also be of great value.


B23 - This lies one and a half thumbs’ width to

each side of the second lumbar vertebra.

K3 - This lies midway between the tip of the

inner ankle bone and the Achilles tendon (in the

Liv2 - This is one finger’s width up from the web

between the big toe and the second toe

Liv3 - This lies between the tendons of the big

toe and the first toe, two thumbs’ width towards
the top of the foot from the web.

S36 - This lies three thumbs’ width below the

joint under the kneecap, lying on the outer side
of the knee; one finger’s width back from the
sharp edge of the shinbone.

Sp6 - This lies one hand’s width (four fingers)

up from the inner ankle joint. It lies just
behind the tibia bone at this point.

Sp9 - This lies just below the inside of the

kneecap and below the top of the tibia.
This point is usually tender when
pressed with a fingertip.

© 2019 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved. 53


All people with constipation should pay particular
attention to diet. A high-roughage routine
of eating healthy carbohydrate alternatives like quinoa
and lots of vegetables, particularly raw carrots,
cauliflower, and cabbage, is recommended. Processed
foods should be reduced as much as possible. It is also
advisable to eat plenty of fresh fruit.

Li4 - This lies on the side of the bone that runs
from the forefinger knuckle down towards the

Liv2 - This is one finger’s width up from the

web between the big toe and the second
toe tendons.

S25 - This is situated two thumbs’ width to

each side of the navel.

Ear - Ear point.

This is due to regurgitation of stomach acids up the
esophagus. Heartburn affects most expecting moth-
ers, especially in the third trimester when there’s more
pressure on the stomach. Heartburn happens because
the progesterone hormone that keeps muscles relaxed
during pregnancy can also relax the stomach valve.
When the stomach valve can’t keep acid from moving
to the esophagus, heartburn can result with a burning
in the chest. A balanced diet including appropriate vita-
min and mineral supplements is also a great help.

Cv12 - This lies halfway between the lower end
of the breastbone and the navel, exactly in the

S36 - This lies three thumbs’ width below the

joint under the kneecap, lying on the outer side
of the knee; one finger’s width back from the
sharp edge of the shinbone.

Ear - Ear point.


General leg pain, varicose

veins & tired legs
Veins in the legs become swollen and twisted. The
condition is increasingly common from the late teens
onwards, and in women, it often begins at the time of
pregnancy. Electro-acupuncture can help in providing
comfort from the symptoms -- with potential for com-
plete resolution, according to one American Journal of
Acupuncture case report. [74]

B40 - This lies directly behind the knee joint in
the centre of the crease.

B57 - This lies in the centre of the back of the

calf, just where the fleshy mass of muscle
narrows down into tendon.

G34 - This is just below and in front of the

knobby head of the fibula, which is the bone just
below the outer side of the knee. This point is
in a slight depression and is sometimes tender
when pressed with a fingertip.

K3 - This lies midway between the tip of the

inner ankle bone and the Achilles tendon.

Liv3 - This lies in between the tendons of the big

toe and the first toe, two thumbs’ width towards
the top of the foot from the web.

S36 - This lies three thumbs’ width below the

joint under the kneecap, lying on the outer side
of the knee; one finger’s width back from the
sharp edge of the shinbone.

Sp6 - This lies one hand’s width (four fingers) up

from the inner ankle joint. It lies just behind the
tibia bone at this point.

P6 - This lies two thumbs’ width up from the

palm wrist crease towards the elbow, directly in
the centre between the two tendons.

Ear - Ear point.

© 2019 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved. 55


Insomnia, snoring &

sleep apnoea
This is lack of sleep, which most commonly occurs af-
ter the first trimester. Purely symptomatic approaches
(sleeping tablets) therefore tend to have been the rule
but may no longer be safe during pregnancy.
Electro-acupuncture can help address pregnancy
insomnia related to back pain, discomfort, heartburn,
frequent urination, hormonal changes, and more. You
should also abstain from food after 7pm.

Gv20 - This point lies right at the top of the head
where two imaginary lines cross - one drawn
from the top of one ear to the top of the other
ear, the other line drawn from the top of the
nose right over the top of the skull to the back of
the skull. Where these lines cross is Gv20.

H7 - This lies on the little finger side of the palm

wrist crease just inside the small prominent

K3 - This lies midway between the tip of the

inner ankle bone and the Achilles tendon (in the

L7 - This lies one and a half thumbs’ width up

from the inside wrist crease, on the thumb side
close to the radial pulse.

Li4 - This lies on the side of the bone that runs

from the forefinger knuckle down towards the

Sp6 - This lies one hand’s width (four fingers) up

from the inner ankle joint. It lies just behind the
tibia bone at this point.

Yintang - This lies directly between the

eyebrows, just above the bridge of the nose.

Ear - Ear point for snoring - Shenmen.


It’s only recommended to use electro-acupressure to induce labor when you’re past your due date, at least one
week overdue. Please also consult your healthcare practitioner before trying to induce labor. Stimulating the right
points can help encourage labor to start and can also speed the process along when active labor is stalled.


Inducing labor:

Li4 - This lies on the side of the bone that runs

from the forefinger knuckle down towards the

G21 - This lies halfway between the knob of

bone in the center at the bottom of the neck
and the tip of the shoulder, in the fleshy mass of
muscle passing over the shoulder.

B32 - This lies at the top of the sacral bone, one

and a half thumbs’ width away from the midline
and one finger down.

Sp6 - This lies one hand’s width (four fingers) up

from the inner ankle joint. It lies just behind the
tibia bone at this point.

B60 - This lies midway between the tip of the

outer ankle bone and the Achilles tendon (in the

© 2019 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved. 57



Pain management:

G21 - This lies halfway between the knob of

bone in the center at the bottom of the neck
and the tip of the shoulder, in the fleshy mass of
muscle passing over the shoulder.

B28 - This lies one and a half thumbs’ width to

each side of the center of the top the sacrum.

B31 - This lies at the top of the sacral bone one

and a half thumbs’ width away from the midline.

B60 - This lies midway between the tip of the

outer ankle bone and the Achilles tendon (in the

K3 - This lies midway between the tip of the

inner ankle bone and the Achilles tendon (in the

Liv3 - This lies in between the tendons of the big

toe and the first toe, two thumbs’ width towards
the top of the foot from the web.

G30 - This lies in the upper, outer part of the

buttock muscle. It is usually tender on deep
fingertip pressure.


Postnatal recovery

Lactation - mastitis
Lactation means to start or increase the flow of breast
milk. Mastitis, or nodular mastitis, is a harmless
condition of tender lumps in the breast and is
experienced by many women at some time in their life.

B31 - This lies at the top of the sacral bone one
and a half thumbs’ width away from the

B32 - This lies one finger’s width below B31.

B33 - This lies one finger’s width below B32.

B34 - This lies one finger’s width below B33.

Cv17 - This lies in a depression at the centre of

the front of the chest on a line joining
both nipples.

S18 - This lies directly beneath the breast on

each side.

S36 - This lies three thumbs’ width below the

joint under the kneecap, lying on the outer
side of the knee; one finger’s width back
from the sharp edge of the shinbone.

Ear - Ear point.

© 2019 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved. 59


Haemorrhoids are varicosities of the veins around the
lower end of the rectum. A balanced diet including
appropriate vitamin and mineral supplements can be of
great value. Diet is particularly important in controlling
/easing haemorrhoids, which can occur in the third
trimester or during delivery.

B40 - This lies directly behind the knee joint in
the centre of the crease.

Gv1 - This lies right at the base of the spine

below the tip of the coccyx, midway
towards the anus.

Gv20 - This point lies right at the top of the head

where two imaginary lines cross - one
drawn from the top of one ear to the top
of the other ear, the other line drawn from
the top of the nose right over the top of
the skull to the back of the skull. Where
these lines cross is Gv20.

G30 - This lies in the upper, outer part of the

buttock muscle. It is usually tender on
deep fingertip pressure.

Ear - Ear point.


Urinary incontinence
In older people, urinary incontinence is common. Also in
women who have had many children, there is sometimes
difficulty in holding the urine, especially when coughing or

B23 - This lies one and a half thumbs’ width to each
side of the second lumbar vertebra.

B28 - This lies one and half thumbs’ width to each

side of the centre of the top the sacrum.

B40 - This lies directly behind the knee joint in the

centre of the crease.

Cv2 - This lies just on the upper edge of the pubic

bone in the midline.

K7 - This lies two thumbs’ width above the bone form-

ing the inner ankle joint.

Liv3 - This lies in between the tendons of the big toe

and the first toe, two thumbs’ width towards the top
of the foot from the web.

Sp6 - This lies one hand’s width (four fingers) up from

the inner ankle joint. It lies just behind the tibia bone
at this point.

Sp9 - This lies just below the inside of the

kneecap and below the top of the tibia.
This point is usually tender when pressed
with a fingertip.

Ear - Ear point.

© 2019 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved. 61


In conclusion:
The Non-Inflammatory Lifestyle Program is a complete
program, one designed to address all aspects of what is
You will always end up
required to prevent or control your infertility. healthier with this plan.
Infertility is essentially a lifestyle disease, meaning if the
lifestyle is changed, there is every likelihood of some The worst thing that can happen with this plan is that
recovery. With the changes in this 10 Step Plan put you will get healthier but still need to take drugs if they
into effect, the body is perfectly capable of healing and or the disease have damaged you to the extent that you
recovering good health. are reliant on them.

Drugs won’t improve Take it all slowly and

your health. step by step.
Unless you are already used to making changes in your
Drugs do not work in that they do not make you healthy.
life, you will find adopting these habits of healthy living
At best, drugs will help you feel better; at worst, they will
can be difficult to sustain. Persist. Because…
speed up degeneration and contribute to premature death.

The pharmaceutical business would prefer you continue

your present, ineffective treatment plan, only utilizing toxic
Make no mistake...
pills in the form of immune-suppressing drugs and avoiding
the true path to prevention and healing.
Your life is worth it.

You are now learning Robert Redfern, Your Health Coach

there is a better way. Email [email protected]
for step by step coaching and support.
The Non-Inflammatory Lifestyle
Program is structured for those
patients struggling to prevent or
control their infertility, even after
other medical treatments have failed:
• A program that can help you learn how to love
your health and improve your quality of life through
treatment in the form of exercise, education, and

• A personalized program that incorporates therapy

and support, assisting the person in achieving the
maximum results possible.

The Non-Inflammatory Lifestyle Program is detailed within

this book and, when carefully followed, will show results
within weeks.


Sample Daily Fertility Rehabilitation Plan


Take 1 capsule, 2 times per day. If over the
30 minutes before eating UB8Q10™ Ubiquinol
age of 35, take 2 x 2 times per day.

Just before eating Rosavin Take 1 capsule, 2 times a day.

Apply 1-4 sprays of magnesium to arms and

Before showering Ancient Magnesium Oil Ultra legs 20 minutes before showering. Wash off
after 20 minutes.


30 minutes before breakfast SerraPlus+™ 80,000IU 2 capsules, with water.

Just before eating Curcuminx4000™ Take 1 capsule.

Just before eating Nascent Iodine Drops Take 1-3 drops in 15ml (1/2 ounce) of water.

With breakfast MacaPro® Take 1 teaspoon.

Any time after breakfast Astaxanthin™ with DHA Take 1 capsule.

Any time after breakfast Active Life™ Capsules Take 3 capsules.

30 minutes before lunch SerraPlus+™ 80,000IU Take 2 capsules, with water.

Just before eating Curcuminx4000™ Take 1 capsule.

Just before eating Nascent Iodine Drops Take 1-3 drops in 15ml (1/2 ounce) of water.

With lunch Astaxanthin™ with DHA Take 1 capsule.

30 minutes before evening meal SerraPlus+™ 80,000IU Take 2 capsules, with water.

Just before eating Curcuminx4000™ Take 1 capsule.

With the evening meal Astaxanthin™ with DHA Take 1 capsule.

With the evening meal Vitamin D3™ Take 1 capsule.

After the evening meal Active Life™ Capsules Take 3 capsules.

© 2019 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved. 63


Your notes:


All of the products you see in this book

can be obtained from the following links:

Good Health Naturally UK (and Europe)
Tel: 03337 777 333
(Open Mon-Fri 9am-5pm)

Good Health USA
Tel: 1800 455 9155
(Open Mon-Fri 7am-3pm Pacific)

Good Health Canada
Tel: 1 800 455 9155
(Open Mon-Fri 7am-3pm Pacific)

Good Health Australia
Tel: + 61 (0)7-3088-3201
From 9am to 5pm AEST

Good Health India
Tel: +91 9640428251
From 10am-6pm IST

© 2019 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved. 65



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