Pre-Leaving Certifi Cate Examination, 2016 Triailscrúdú Na Hardteistiméireachta, 2016

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Pre-Leaving Certificate Examination, 2016

Triailscrúdú na hArdteistiméireachta, 2016





Answer three questions from Section A and five questions from Section B.


Relevant data are listed in the Formulae and Tables booklet, which is available from the Superintendent.

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SECTION A (120 marks)

Answer three questions from this section.

Each question carries 40 marks.

1. In an experiment to investigate the relationship between the acceleration of a body and the
force applied to it, a student recorded the following data.

F (N) 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8

a (ms–2) 0.08 0.18 0.28 0.31 0.45 0.51 0.6

Describe the procedure involved in measuring the acceleration of the body. (12)

Using the data above, plot a graph showing the relationship between the acceleration of the
body and the force applied to it. (10)

From your graph, find the mass of the body. (9)

After completing this experiment the student found that the graph did not go through the origin.

Suggest a possible reason for this and describe how the apparatus should be adjusted so that
the graph would go through the origin. (9)

2. The specific heat capacity of water was found by adding hot copper to water in a copper
calorimeter. The following data was recorded:

Mass of calorimeter = 55.7 g

Mass of calorimeter + water = 101.2 g
Mass of copper + calorimeter + water = 131.4 g
Initial temperature of water = 16.5 oC
Temperature of hot copper = 99.5 oC
Final temperature of water = 21.0 oC

Describe how the copper was heated and how its temperature was measured. (9)

Using the data, calculate

(i) the energy lost by the hot copper
(ii) the specific heat capacity of water.
Give two precautions that were taken to minimise heat loss to the surroundings. (16)

Explain why adding a larger mass of copper would improve the accuracy of the experiment.
(specific heat of copper = 390 J Kg–1 K–1)

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3. In an experiment to measure the speed of sound in air, a cylindrical column of air closed at one
end and three different tuning forks were used. A tuning fork of frequency f was set vibrating
and held over the column of air. The length of the column of air was adjusted until it was
vibrating at its first harmonic. Its length l was then measured. This procedure was repeated for
each tuning fork. Finally, the diameter of the column of air was measured.

The following data was recorded.

f (Hz) 512 480 426

l (cm) 16.0 17.2 19.4

Diameter of column of air = 2.05 cm


(i) How the length of the column of air was adjusted

(ii) How the frequency of the column of air was measured
(iii) How the diameter of the column of air was measured. (9)

How was it known that the air column was vibrating at its first harmonic? (9)

Using all of the data, calculate the speed of sound in air. (16)

Give two ways of minimising errors in the experiment. (6)

4. The following is part of a student’s report on an experiment to measure the resistivity of

nichrome wire.

“The resistance and length of the nichrome wire were found. The diameter of the wire was
then measured at several points along its length.”

The following data was recorded.

Resistance of wire = 32.1 Ω

Length of wire = 90.1 cm
Diameter of wire = 0.19 mm, 0.21 mm, 0.20 mm, 0.21 mm, 0.20 mm

Name an instrument for measuring the diameter of the wire and describe how it is used. (8)

Why was the diameter of the wire measured at several points along its length? (7)

Using the data, calculate a value for the resistivity of nichrome. (10)

Give two precautions that should be taken when measuring the length of the wire. (10)

The experiment was repeated on a warmer day. What effect did this have on the measurements? (5)

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SECTION B (280 marks)

Answer five questions from this section.

Each question carries 56 marks.

5. Answer any eight of the following parts (a), (b), (c), etc.

(a) Two forces are applied to a body as shown. What is the magnitude of the resultant force
acting on the body?


(b) State Newton’s third law of motion.

(c) State Boyle’s Law.

(d) What is the Doppler Effect?

(e) A capacitor of capacitance 2200 μF is charged to a potential difference of 20 V.

What is the energy stored in the capacitor?

(f) Draw a sketch of the magnetic field due to a long straight current-carrying conductor.

(g) What is meant by the polarisation of waves?

(h) The activity of a radioactive isotope decays to 1/16th of its original value after 36 years.
What is the half-life of the isotope?

(i) How are electrons produced in an X-ray tube?

(j) A kaon consists of a strange quark and an up antiquark.

What type of hadron is a kaon?


Draw the symbol and truth table for the AND gate.

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6. Define displacement and acceleration. (6)

A body is travelling with a velocity u in a certain direction. It then accelerates uniformly in

the same direction for a time t.

Show that s = ut + ½ at2, where s is the displacement of the body and a is the acceleration.
A car accelerates uniformly from rest to a speed of 15 ms–1 in a time of 4 s. It then moves at a
constant speed for the next 6 s.
(i) Draw a graph showing the variation of velocity with time over the 10 seconds of
motion. (6)
(ii) Calculate the total distance travelled by the car. (6)
(iii) Calculate the average speed of the car over the whole journey. (6)

State Newton’s universal law of gravitation. (6)

A satellite is in a circular orbit of a given radius around a planet. Show that the speed of the
satellite is proportional to the square root of the mass of the planet and independent of the
mass of the satellite. (8)

One of the moons of Saturn is in an orbit which has the same

radius as that of the Earth’s moon. Given that the speed of
Saturn’s moon is 10 times the speed of the Earth’s moon,
calculate a value for the mass of Saturn. (9)

(mass of the Earth = 6.07 × 1024 kg)

7. Define specific heat capacity and specific latent heat. (12)

1 kg of water at a temperature of 15oC is placed in a freezer. The freezer has a power rating
of 250 W and is 75% efficient.
(i) Calculate the energy required to convert the water into
ice at a temperature of –20oC.
(ii) How much energy is removed every second from
the air in the freezer?
(iii) How long will it take the water to reach a temperature of –20°C? (27)

Allowing a liquid to evaporate in a closed pipe inside the freezer cools the air in the freezer.
The vapour is then pumped through the pipe to the outside of the freezer, where it condenses
again. Explain how this process cools the air in the freezer. (12)

The freezer causes the room temperature to rise. Explain why. (5)

(specific heat capacity of ice = 2100 J kg–1 K–1; specific heat capacity of water = 4200 J kg–1 K–1;
specific latent heat of fusion of ice = 3.3 × 105 J kg–1)

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8. Define power. (6)

Define resistivity. (6)

Describe an experiment that demonstrates the heating effect of an electric current. (12)

The ESB supplies electrical energy at a rate of 2 MW

to an industrial park from a local power station whose
output voltage is 10 kV.

The total length of the cables connecting the industrial

park to the power station is 15 km. The cables have
a diameter of 10 mm and are made from a material of
resistivity 5.0 × 10 –8 Ω m.

(i) The total resistance of the cables. (9)
(ii) The current flowing in the cables. (9)
(iii) The rate at which energy is “lost” in the cables. (9)

Suggest a method of reducing the energy “lost” in the cables. (5)

9. State the laws of refraction of light. (6)

Draw a ray diagram showing the formation of a real image by a converging lens. (8)

An erect image, three times the size of the object, is formed when an object is placed 10 cm
from a converging lens. Find the position of the image and the focal length of the lens. (9)

The power of the eye when looking at a distant object should be 60 m–1. A person with
defective vision has a minimum power of 66 m–1. Determine the focal length of the lens
required to correct this vision. (12)

What type of lens is used? Name the defect. (6)

A swimmer cannot see properly when they open their eyes underwater. When underwater:
(i) Why does the cornea not act as a lens?
(ii) Why do objects appear blurred?
(iii) Explain how wearing goggles allows
objects to be seen clearly. (15)

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10. Answer either part (a) or part (b).

(a) State one law of electromagnetic induction. (6)

Draw a labelled diagram of an induction coil and explain how it works. (12)

Define magnetic flux, φ. (6)

A flat circular coil of radius 1.6 cm and consisting of 80 turns of wire lies in a plane which
is perpendicular to a magnetic field of magnetic flux density 0.20 T. Calculate the
magnitude of the induced e.m.f. when the flux density is steadily reduced to zero in 0.50 s.
Explain the principles involved in each of the following.
(i) When a small metal cylinder is dropped through one
end of the copper tube shown in the figure, it falls
freely under gravity. If the small cylinder is first
magnetised, it then takes much longer to fall through
the tube. (12)
(ii) If a transformer had a solid iron core, the core would
get hot when the transformer was in use. (10)

(b) What is an alpha particle? (6)

When an alpha particle is emitted what is the change in (i) the atomic number of a
nucleus and (ii) the mass number of a nucleus? (12)

Outline an experiment to investigate the range of alpha particles in air. (12)

In 1911, Ernest Rutherford proposed a new model for the structure of the atom.
Describe Rutherford’s model of the atom and outline the principle of the experiment
that led to this model. (10)

Complete the following nuclear reaction and state its historical significance. (6)
14 17 1
N + ? → 8O + 1H

The radioactive isotope radium-226 undergoes alpha decay and has a decay constant of
1.35 × 10–11 s–1. Calculate the number of alpha particles emitted per second by a 2 μg
sample of this isotope. (10)

(1 mol of radium-226 = 226 g; the Avogadro constant, NA = 6.02 × 1023 mol–1.)

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11. Read the following passage and answer the accompanying questions.

Microgeneration of Energy
Around the world the definition of microgeneration can vary. Microgeneration is defined by
ESB Networks as electricity generation up to a maximum rating of 11kW when connected
to the three phase portion of the distribution grid (400V). The vast majority of domestic and
agricultural customers are connected to the single phase portion of the distribution grid (230V).
A microgenerator might use any one of the following technologies to generate electricity:
• Wind turbine
• Photovoltaic panels (also known as solar electric panels)
• Micro-hydro (scaled down version of hydro-electricity station)
• Micro-CHP (fuelled by biofuels or fossil fuels)
Two or more of the technologies may be combined
to create a hybrid system. Domestic and small
commercial wind microgeneration involves using a
small-scale wind turbine system to harness energy
from the wind. In general, it is at its most competitive
and cost effective in remote, exposed areas or for
charging batteries on boats, caravans and holiday
cabins i.e. where grid connection might be too
expensive or impractical. Where wind energy is not
practical photovoltaic panels might be considered.
Micro-CHP units are Combined Heat and Power
(CHP) units. These are basically engines that generate electricity, but the heat by-product is
used to heat water. Therefore more of the energy is usefully employed and less is wasted to
the atmosphere or surroundings.

(Adapted form:

(a) What does the symbol k represent?

(b) Define the unit of voltage.

(c) Explain how a photovoltaic panel produces electricity.

(d) The average value for the solar constant in Ireland is 1.2 × 102 Wm–2. What is meant by
the term ‘solar constant’?

(e) Voltages are expressed as root mean square (RMS) voltages. If the RMS voltage of a
source is 230 V, what is the peak output voltage?

(f) Small scale wind turbines can be used to charge batteries. The AC output has to be
converted to a DC voltage. How is this achieved?

(g) What is the tip speed (the linear velocity of the end) of a wind turbine blade of radius
30 cm if it completes a revolution every 3 seconds?

(h) Micro-CHP units are engines that generate electricity. State the principle of operation
of an electric motor. (8 × 7)

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12. Answer any two of the following parts, (a), (b), (c), (d).

(a) Define density and pressure. (4)

State Archimedes’ principle. (6)

Weather balloons are released regularly into

the atmosphere and carry equipment to monitor
atmospheric conditions. A weather balloon made
from a material of mass 6 kg is inflated by filling it
with hydrogen gas. The total volume of the inflated
balloon is 15 m3.

(i) The up thrust on the inflated balloon. (6)
(ii) The total weight of the inflated balloon. (Assume that the volume of the gas
is the same as the volume of the balloon.) (6)
(iii) What is the maximum load that the balloon can carry? (6)

(Density of air = 1.25 kg m–3; density of hydrogen = 0.12 kg m–3; acceleration due to
gravity = 9.80 m s–2.)

(b) Explain the term resonance and describe a laboratory experiment to demonstrate it. (15)

Give two characteristics of a musical note and

name the physical property on which each
characteristic depends. (9)

Explain why a musical tune does not sound the

same when played on different instruments.

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(c) Define electric field strength and give its unit of measurement. (9)

The diagram shows a negative charge of 2 μC, positioned 25 cm away from a positive
charge of 5 μC.

10 cm 15 cm

–2 μC P 5 μC

Copy the diagram into your book and show on it the direction of the electric field at point P.
Calculate the electric field strength at P. (15)

Under what circumstances will point discharge occur? (4)

(d) “No-one really In 1939 Lise Meitner discovered that the

thought of fission uranium isotope U–238 undergoes fission
before its when struck by a slow neutron.
Barium–139 and krypton–97 nuclei are emitted
Lise Meitner along with three neutrons.

Write a nuclear reaction to represent the reaction. (12)

In a nuclear fission reactor, neutrons are slowed down after being emitted.
Why are the neutrons slowed down? How are they slowed down? (9)

Fission reactors were once suggested as a partial solution to Ireland’s energy needs.
Give one positive and one negative environmental impact of fission reactors. (7)

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