Alinas vs. Alinas 551 Scra 154: As To Lot 896-B-9-B (With House)

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ALINAS 551 SCRA 154 not be held responsible for the non-payment of the loan with RBO and the
eventual foreclosure of petitioners' Lot 896-B-9-A.

Spouses Onesiforo and Rosario Alinas (petitioners) separated and left behind Petitioners do not assail the validity of the foreclosure of said lot but argues
two lots that respondent spouses merely redeemed the property from RBO. This is,
1. Lot 896-B-9-A with a bodega however, belied by evidence on record which shows that ownership over the
2. Lot 896-B-9-B with petitioners' house lot had duly passed on to the RBO, as shown by TCT No. T-11853 registered
in its name; and subsequently, RBO sold the lot with its improvements to
respondent spouses. Needless to stress, the sale was made after the redemption
Petitioners alleged that they entrusted their properties to Victor (Onesiforo’s period had lapsed. The trial court, therefore, correctly held that respondent
brother) and Elena Alinas (respondent spouses) with the agreement that any spouses acquired their title over the lot from RBO and definitely not from
income from rentals of the properties should be remitted to SSS and to RBO petitioners.
for the payment of petitioners' loans. Onesiforo alleged that he left blank
papers with his signature on them to facilitate the administration of said
properties. As to Lot 896-B-9-B (with house)
Although petitioners were married before the enactment of the Family Code
on August 3, 1988, the sale in question occurred in 1989. Thus, their property
Sometime in 1993, petitioners discovered that their two lots were already relations are governed by Chapter IV on Conjugal Partnership of Gains of the
titled in the name of respondent spouses. Family Code.

 Lot 896-B-9-A was extra-judicially foreclosed and a new TCT was Art. 124. The administration and enjoyment of the conjugal
issued in the name of RBO. However, RBO executed a Deed of partnership property shall belong to both spouses jointly. x x x
Installment Sale of Bank's Acquired Assets conveying the lot to
respondent spouses and a new TCT was issued in favor of the In the event that one spouse is incapacitated or otherwise unable
latter. to participate in the administration of the conjugal properties,
 Lot 896-B-9-B was foreclosed by the SSS. However, pursuant to a the other spouse may assume sole powers of administration.
SPA signed by Onesiforo in favor of Victor, the latter was able to These powers do not include the powers of disposition or
redeem the lot from the SSS for the sum of P111,110.09. encumbrance which must have the authority of the court or the
Onesiforo's signature also appears in an Absolute Deed of Sale written consent of the other spouse. In the absence of such
selling Lot 896-B-9-B to respondent spouses. A notarized authority or consent the disposition or encumbrance shall be
document captioned Agreement was also allegedly executed by void. x x x
Onesiforo acknowledging that:
 Victor used his own money to redeem the lot from the
lot, thus Victor became the owner of said lot. Also, Homeowners Savings & Loan Bank v. Dailo provides:
 Onesiforo waived whatever rights, claims, and interests The sale of a conjugal property requires the consent of both the
he or his heirs, successors and assigns have or may husband and wife. In applying Article 124 of the Family Code,
have over the subject property. xxx the absence of the consent of one renders the entire sale null
and void, including the portion of the conjugal property pertaining
to the husband who contracted the sale. x x x
Petitioners filed a complaint for recovery of possession and ownership of By express provision of Article 124 of the Family Code, in the
their conjugal properties with damages against respondent spouses. absence of (court) authority or written consent of the other spouse,
any disposition or encumbrance of the conjugal property shall be
RTC: void.
1. Lot 896-B-9-A is owned by respondent Spouses
2. Lot 896-B-9-B is owned by petitioners Thus, pursuant to Article 124 of the Family Code and jurisprudence, the sale
 Onesiforo's sale was without the consent of his wife of petitioners' conjugal property made by petitioner Onesiforo alone is void in
being null and void and defendant spouses' redemption its entirety.
thereof from the SSS not having conferred its
ownership to them
It is true that in a number of cases, this Court abstained from applying the
 Petitioners have not proven that they entrusted defendant spouses
literal import of a particular provision of law if doing so would lead to
with the care and administration of their properties
unjust, unfair and absurd results. But in the present case the Court does
 Plaintiffs have not proven their allegation that defendant spouses
not see how applying Article 124 of the Family Code would lead to injustice
agreed to pay rent of P1,500/month for the occupancy of the house,
or absurdity. It should be noted that:
which rent was to be remitted to the SSS and RBO to pay off
 Respondent spouses were well aware that Lot 896-B-9-B is a
plaintiffs' loan.
conjugal property of petitioners.
 Plaintiff Onesiforo's allegation that defendants concocted deeds of
 They knew that the disposition being made by Onesiforo is without
conveyances (Exh. M, N & O) with the use of his signatures in
the consent of his wife, as they knew that petitioners had separated,
blank is not worthy of credence.
and, the sale documents do not bear the signature of petitioner
CA: Affirmed and modified.
 The fact that Onesiforo had to execute two documents, namely: the
1. Onesiforo's sale of Lot 896-B-9-B together with the house
Absolute Deed of Sale and a notarized Agreement, reveals that
standing thereon in so far as his wife's share of one half thereof is
they had full knowledge of the severe infirmities of the sale.
concerned, of no force and effect;

WON the sale of Lot 896-B-9-B with the house standing thereon, as part of
the conjugal properties, was null and void only in so far as the wife’s share is
NO. It is null and void in its entirety.

As to Lot 896-B-9-A
RTC and CA is correct in finding that the records are bereft of proof to
support the petitioners allegations that they left the care and administration of
their properties to respondent spouses; and that there is an agreement between
petitioners and respondent spouses regarding remittance to the SSS and the
RBO of rental income from their properties. Thus, respondent spouses may

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