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Milan Parmar (GSET, M.Phil) Department of English Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University Bhavnagar

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Milan Parmar

(GSET, M.Phil)
Department of English
Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar
Plan for the study…….
To understand What is Indian writing in
English ?
Role of English in Indian Renaissance
 Major writers- poets, dramatists, novelists
Minor writers- poets, dramatist, novelists
So, What is Indian writing in
 There are many English literature, like British English
literature……American Literature…. African
Literature……Canadian Literature, Australian Literature and so on.

 All are written in a single language, English, then why not call it
simply “English Literature” only?

 Though all written in one common language, all differs from each
other in their subject matter, theme, style, and use of language.
So, What is an Indian writing in
 Indian writings in English are a product of the historical encounter
between the two cultures—Indian and the western—for about one
hundred and ninety years.

 Indian English Literature refers to the body of works by authors in India

who write in English and whose native or co-native language could be
one of the numerous languages of India.(Wikipedia)

 M.K. Naik a well known critic in his book, ‘A History of English

Literature’ defines Indian English literature as “literature written
originally in English by authors Indian by birth, ancestry or nationality.”

 K. R. S. Iyenger states “Indians have been writing in English for

communicating with one another, and with the outside world, for self
expression and for creative writing in English”. (Iyengar)
 ……..2.

 It differs from other English literature in matter of subject, style, use of

language, geographical setting, cultural background, and themes.

 It is literature written about/on Indian subjects, setting is basically Indian

rural and urban places, and it presents variety of cultures of India, use of
Indianized English, and basically express Indian feelings and emotions.

 The Early writers of IWE includes Henry Dorezio, R.Tagore, Bankimchandra,

Arbindo Ghosh, Nirad C. Chaudhari, Sarojini Naidu, Toru Dutt, R.K.
Narayan, Raja Rao, Mulkraj Anand, Manohar Malgownkar etc.
Debate of the term

 Which term should be used….

 Anglo-Indian ….? Iyengar

“a literature written by Englishman on theme and subject related to India”

 Indo-Anglian ….? P.Lal,

“a genre written and created by the Indians through English language.

 Indo-British ….? Indian + British, creators are Indian but the language is

 Commonwealth literature/Third world literature …?

“literature produced in countries once were colonies of England.

 What is problematic…?
“most of the above mentioned terms have
racial and colonial connotation thus at the
present time ‘Indian writing in English’ is
agreed term by literary critics”
The Beginning….
 It begins with the colonial encounter when India and British came face to
face, and begin the exchange between the two culture, language, and

 English education began as early as 1717 in Madras, 1718 at Bombay, and

1720 at Calcutta.

 The Hindu College established in 1817 at Calcutta with efforts of Raja

Rammohan Roy, David Hare and sir Edwin.

 English education brought new life, and opened new Vistas of knowledge.

 With English education and study of English literature, Indians learnt at

first to read and speak and comprehend English, and they soon started

 This Indian writing in English- in variety of forms referred to as literary

renaissance in India.
 The study of English literature stimulated literary creation in regional
languages. The Novel remained a center of attraction for Indian authors.

 Indian Writing initially begins with the translation of works original works
written in their mother tongue.

 The renaissance in modern Indian literature begins with Raja Rammohan

Roy. His interest and inquiries ranged from the rights of women and the
freedom of press to English education…

 Raja Rammohan Roy could be named as first of the Indian masters of

English Prose.

 Henry Derozio, Kashiprasad Ghosh, and Micheal Madhusudan Dutt were

important writers of the beginning.
Conti….The beginning…
 Henry Derozio- (1809- 1831)
 Poet, journalist, teacher
 Became a teacher of English literature in the Hindu
College at the age of 18.
 “He does not only taught English Literature, but also
made his pupils to ask questions, think for themselves,
and not shrink from the right answers.”
 He loved India and loved Nature, he also loved his
students- are reflected in his poems.
 His works are influenced by French Revolution and
English Romantics.
 He has written many short lyrics, and sonnets.
 His most famous work is Fakir of Jungheera-1828.
Kashiprsad Ghosh (1809- 1873), poet,
journalist, editor.
He was educated at Hindu College and passed
out in 1828.
He edited an English Weekly, The Hindu
One of the first Indian to publish a regular
volume of verse.
The Shair and Other Poems (1830)
 Michael Madhusudan Dutt(1827-1873)
 Poet, Lawyer
 Influenced by English Romantic.
 His fame as poet rest upon his
great Bengali Epic “Meghnad Badha”
 narrative poem “The captive Ladie” appeared in
Madras in 1849.
 It evokes Muhmmad Gazni’s vision of slaughter of
Hindus in Old Delhi.
 He is known as Poet’s Poet in Bengal.
 Sri Aurobindo said about this poet, “The God himself
took thy pen and wrote.”
Role of English In Indian Renaissance
 English has played a very crucial role in Indian renaissance.

 Most of the Indian thinkers and reformers either have studied under English
education or influenced by English culture and Literature.

 It is through the study of English, these thinkers gain new knowledge, and insight
over the diseased body of India.

 Those who studied In English Education system defied idolatry, orthodoxy,

superstition and rituals.

 For, Western Education was open sesame to knowledge, freedom and power.

 Raja Rammohan Roy had been attracted to west, and learned that even in
Christianity there are ills.

 In fact all the reformers are in one or another way influenced by English language,
culture and religion.
Major writers
• Toru Dutt (1856-1877)
Indian poet who wrote
in English and French
• A Sheaf Gleaned in French
• Her poem, Our Casuarina Tree,
and Savitri are most famous.
• Bianca, or the Young Spanish
• Ancient Ballads and Legends of
 Rabindranath Tagore- (1861 – 1941)

 Novelist, Poet, Dramatist, painter

 First non-European to win Noble prize in literature 1913

 Known mostly for poetry but is multi-talent personality.

 King George V, gave him Knighthood, which he gave up in

1919 in protest against Jaliyawala Bagh Massacre.

 Novels : The Wreck (1905), Gora(1910), The Home and the


 Poems: Gitanjali (1913), Golden Boat, Balaka ("Wild Geese“).

 From his poems two are selected as national anthem, Jan
Gan Man in India, and Amar Shonar Bangla- Shrilanka.

 Drama: The Post Office (1912), Chandalika (Untouchable

Girl), Chitra, Sanyasi-1887, Sacrifice

 Short Stories:- The Beggar Woman, The Runaway", 1895 and

other stories.
Sarojini Naidu (1879–1949)
 Poet, freedom fighter, Nightingale of India.
 First woman governor.
 Her Poems : Her first collection of poems, The Golden
Threshold (1905), it was admired by G.K. Gokhle, and
even by British press for its Indian qualities.
 The Bird of Time was published in 1912, it consist 46
poems.- “song of life and Death”
 The Broken Wing was published in 1917- 61 poems-
Tagore highly praised this work.
 The themes and background of her poetry were
purely Indian and she portrayed the festivals,
occupations and life of the Indians.
 Lyricism, imagery, mysticism and native fervor, are
the remarkable qualities of her poetry
 Her most famous poems are, The Weaver, The Flute
Player of Brindaban
 Mr. Gasworth compared her with Mrs. Browning for
her poem “The Temple: A pilgrimage of Love. (218)
Nissim Ezekiel
Born 16 December 1924 – Died 9 January 2004
Indian Jewish poet, actor, playwright, editor and art-critic
Nissim Ezekiel is considered to be a pioneering figure in modern Indian
English Poetry.
He enriched and established Indian English language poetry through his
modernist innovations and techniques, which enlarged Indian English
His Poetry:-
1952: Time To Chang, 1956: The Discovery of India, 1960: The Unfinished Man,
1982: Latter-Day Psalms,
His famous poem is “The Night Of The Scorpion”
• Aurobindo Ghosh (1872-1950)
• Nationalist, philosopher, poet, reformer
• Founder of Sri Aurobindo Ashram
• His Literary works: The Life Divine, Synthesis
of Yoga, Savitri: A Legend and a Symbol, The
Renaissance In India And Other Essays On
Indian Culture(1918)
• His works also include philosophy, poetry,
translations and commentaries on Hindu
Epics like Mahabharata and Bhagvad Geeta.
• Plays: Purseus the deliverer, vassavadutta,
Rodogune, and Eric.
Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay: (1838-1894)
Poet, journalist, novelist
His Novels- Rajmohan's Wife(1864),
Kapalkundala (1866), Mrinalini (1869), The Poison
Tree(1873), Krishnakanta's Will(1878),
Anandamath(1882), Durgesh Nandini(1865).

National song of India “Vande

Mataram” is taken from
The “Trinity” of Novelist
• Raja Rao (1908-2006)
• Novelist and short story writer
• Sahitya Akademi Award in 1964
• His work
• Novels:- Kanthapura (1938), The Serpent and the
Rope (1960), The Cat and Shakespeare: A Tale of
India (1965).
• Short Stories:- The Cow of the Barricades (1947),
The Policeman and the Rose (1978).
• His works are deeply metaphysical in nature,
themes of his works are nationalism, Indian
culture, spiritualism.
Mulk Raj Anand(1905-2004)
• IWE Novelist, Classic Writer.
• Notable for his depiction of poor and downtrodden
people’s life in India. his novels attacks on the social
structure of India.
• Novels: Untouchable (1935),
• Coolie (1936), Two Leaves and a Bud (1937),
• The Village (1939), The Sword and the Sickle (1942),
• The Private Life of an Indian Prince (1953)
• Munna in Coolie and Bakha in Untouchable are the
product of his sympathy for poor.
• His works are highly critical of British rule
in India and India's caste system and oppression of the
R. K. Narayan (1906-2001)
Author, famous for creating an
imaginary Place “Malgudi”
Sahitya Academy award in 1958

Novels: Swami and Friends1935, The Bachelor of Arts

1937, The English Teacher 1945, The Financial Expert-
1952 Waiting for the Mahatma 1955, The Guide1958,
The Man-Eater of Malgudi1961,
Short Story collections: Malgudi Days-1942, An
Astrologer's Day and Other Stories-1947, Lawley Road
and Other Stories-1956, A Horse and Two Goats-1970
Autobiographies: My Days-1974, My Dateless Diary-1960
“His works highlights the social context and everyday
life of his character. And also Gandhian movement”
• MLA Style
• Wikipedia contributors. "Indian English
literature." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.
Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 17 Nov. 2017.
Web. 12 Dec. 2017
• Naik, M K. "A History of Indian English
Literature." Naik, M K. New Delhi:
SahityaAkademi, 1995.
• Iyengar, K R Srinivasa. "Introduction."
Iyengar, K R Srinivasa. Indian Writing In English.
Sterling Publishers, 1983.

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