Water Assignment

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Water is essential for your health but you know why? what impacts are of water on health?

Human body’s majority weight is comprised of water about 70%. Water is important for every part
of body. It maintains the balance of body fluids which are responsible for various functions in the
body. Water is directly related to health conditions, as there are many benefits of water to humans
as it can cure many diseases.
Infections cured by proper hydration
•Kidney and urinary tract infections.
•Yeast infections.
•Drinking enough quantity of water can cure such infections by flushing toxins out of the

Respiratory diseases
•Heals asthma.
•Respiratory viral infections due to weather.
•Respiratory infections lead to dehydration by suffering from breathing difficulty,vomiting
and diarrhea.

High Blood Pressure

•By taking suificient amount of water, helps regulating pressure and thinning blood to
make easy for heart to pump blood.
•Blood becomes acidic due to dehydratiion which leads to rise LDL level of
cholesterol,which can be decreased by keeping body hydrated.

Lubricates the joint

•80 percent water is present in cartilage,which is present in joints and disks of spine.
•water helps brain,spinal cord and other sensitive tissues to perform proper function and
maintain their structure as well.

Water regulates and maintains the body temperature.

•Water helps digestive system to work properly , regulate the bowel movement.It also
decreses the risk of heartburn and stomach ulcers.
•Keeping body hydrated helps to enhance performances while engaging in work out and
heavy activities.
•It helps in weight loss.
•it also helps skin to boost health and beauty.
Water is a miracle no doubt. Water is playing major role in mitigating the risk of recently worldwide
blown out the deadly new disease caused by SARS-CoV-2, or severe acute respiratory syndrome
coronavirus 2.Mainly its risk can be lower be washing our hands for 20 seconds with warm water
moreover taking steam bath is very beneficial for prevention.
Consequently, taking adequate amount of water intake is one the best and simplest way of
improving over all health of our body.

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