3me01: Dynamics of Machines Assignment 1: Dynamic Force Analysis and Flywheel

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Assignment 1: Dynamic Force Analysis and Flywheel

Q.1 Define the terms: Inertia force, Inertia torque, Mass moment of Inertia, Static force, Dynamic
force, Turning moment diagram, Crank effort Co-efficient of fluctuation of speed, Co-
efficient of fluctuation of steadiness, Co-efficient of fluctuation of energy.

Q.2 State and explain D’ Alembert’s principle.

Q.3 What do you mean by dynamically equivalent system?

Q.4 Define the flywheel and state its function and importance. What are the types of flywheels?

Q.5 Draw the turning moment diagrams for the following types of engines:
(i) For a single cylinder double acting steam engine
(ii) For a four stroke cycle I.C. engine and
(iii) For a multi cylinder engine.

Q.6 What do you mean by fluctuation of energy and fluctuation of speed of crank-shaft? Also
explain the terms maximum fluctuation of energy and maximum fluctuation of speed.

Q.7 Derive a relationship for the coefficient of fluctuation of speed in terms of maximum
fluctuation of energy and the kinetic energy of the flywheel at mean speed.

Q.8 Derive an expression for the hoop stress (σ) produced in the rim of the flywheel due to
centrifugal forces in terms of linear velocity and density of the material of the rim.

Q.9 What is a punching press? Describe with a neat sketch the operation of the flywheel in a
punching press.

Q.10 The maximum and minimum speeds of a flywheel are 121 r.p.m. and 119 r.p.m. respectively.
The mass of the flywheel is 2600 kg and radius of gyration is 1.8 m. Find
(i) Mean speed of flywheel
(ii) Maximum fluctuation of energy and
(iii) Co-efficient of fluctuation of speed.
Ans: (i) 120 r.p.m. (ii) 22227.8 N.m and (iii) 0.0167

Q.11 Find the maximum and minimum speeds of a flywheel of mass 3250 kg and radius of gyration
1.8 m when the fluctuation of energy is 112 kN.m. The mean speed of engine is 240 r.p.m.
Ans: 242 r.pm. and 238 r.p.m.

Q.12 The turning moment diagram for a multi-cylinder engine has been drawn to a scale of
1 mm = 650 N.m vertically and 1 mm = 6° horizontally. The areas above and below the mean
torque line are -30, +382, -260, +310, -306, +248, -380, +265, -229 mm2 when taken in order
from one end. The engine is running at a mean speed of 900 r.p.m. The total fluctuation of
speed is not to exceed ±1.8% of the mean speed. If the radius of flywheel is 1.05 m, find the
mass of the flywheel.
Ans: 84.54 kg

Q.13 The radius of gyration of a flywheel is 1 meter and the fluctuation of speed is not to exceed
1 % of the mean speed of the flywheel. If the mass of the flywheel is 1670 kg and the steam
engine develops 600 kW at 270 r.p.m., then find
(i) Maximum fluctuation of energy and
(ii) Co-efficient of fluctuation of energy
Ans: (i) 13350.26 N.m and (ii) 0.1

Q.14 The turning moment diagram of a steam engine running at 150 r.p.m. gave the following area
moments (in mm2) taken in order above and below the mean torque line: +450, -200, +230,
-370, +180, -350, +230, -210. The scale of the turning moment is 1 mm = 450 N.m and for
crank displacement 1 mm = 5°. The total fluctuation of speed is 1.5 % of the mean speed.
Determine the cross section of the rim of the flywheel which may be assumed rectangular
having the axial dimension to be 1.5 times the radial dimension. The mass density of the
material of the flywheel is 7500 kg/m3 and the allowable hoop stress 3 N/mm2.
Ans: 201 mm and 301.5 mm

Q.15 A punching machine is required to punch 5 holes per minute of 50 mm diameter in 40 mm

thick plate. The ultimate shear strength of plate material is 225 MPa. The punch has a stroke
of 100 mm. Find the power of motor required if mean speed of flywheel is 18 m/s. If the
coefficient of fluctuation of energy is 4%, find the mass of the flywheel.
Ans: 1745 kg

Q.16 An electric motor drives a punching press to which a flywheel of radius of gyration 0.5 m is
fitted. The flywheel runs at 240 r.p.m. The press is capable of punching 600 holes per hour
with each punching operation taking 2 seconds and requires 15 kN.m of work.
(i) The rating of the motor and
(ii) Mass of the flywheel if its speed does not drop below 220 r.p.m.
Ans: (i) 2.5 kW and (ii) 792.95 kg

Q.17 A 5 kW induction motor running at 750 r.p.m. operates a riveting machine. A flywheel of
mass 80 kg and radius of gyration 0.45 m is fitted to it. Each riveting takes 1 second and
requires 10 kW.
(i) Number of rivets closed per hour and
(ii) Fall in speed of the flywheel after the riveting operation.
Ans: (i) 1800 and (ii) 38.5 r.p.m.

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