Beginners Python Cheat Sheet PCC PDF
Beginners Python Cheat Sheet PCC PDF
Beginners Python Cheat Sheet PCC PDF
Infinite Skills Zen of Python
If you had infinite programming skills, what would you Simple is better than complex
Returning a value build?
If you have a choice between a simple and a complex
def add_numbers(x, y): As you're learning to program, it's helpful to think solution, and both work, use the simple solution. Your
"""Add two numbers and return the sum.""" about the real-world projects you'd like to create. It's
return x + y code will be easier to maintain, and it will be easier
a good habit to keep an "ideas" notebook that you for you and others to build on that code later on.
can refer to whenever you want to start a new project.
sum = add_numbers(3, 5)
If you haven't done so already, take a few minutes
and describe three projects you'd like to create. More cheat sheets available at