Part - 03: Exercise - 1 Q. 1. Correct The Following Sentences

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NOUN Part - 03
Exercise - 1 5. Your ... are not functioning properly.

Q. 1. Correct the following sentences : (a) bowel (b) bowels

1. Politics (a)/ are an (b)/interesting subject. 6. A.........of events has taken place in this
(c)/ No error (d) town.
2. Her cattles (a)/were grazing (b)/in the (a) series (b) serieses
field.(c)/ No error (d) 7. All my......are laborious and intelligent.
3. Please cut (a)/it with (b)/a scissor.(c)/ No (a) offspring (b) offsprings
error (d) 8. Aditi has lost her..............
4. My spectacle (a)/is (b)/missing.(c)/ No (a) binocular (b) binoculars
error (d)
9. My spectacles......missing.
5. I sold all (a)/my deers and (b)/left this
(a) is (b) are
village for ever.(c)/ No error (d)
6. Our peasantry (a)/is (b)/very poor.(c)/ No 10. infectious disease.
error (d) (a) is (b) are
7. The peoples of India (a)/are (b)/marching 11. The second innings......not yet over.
ahead.(c)/ No error (d) (a) is (b) are
8. The gentry of (a)/the town has (b)/ 12. Your scissors......not very sharp.
assembled here.(c)/ No error (d) (a) is (b) are
9. Everyone (a)/likes (b)/vegetable.(c)/ No
13. Fifty sheep......grazing in the field.
error (d)
(a) was (b) were
10. He is (a)/suffering (b)/from measle.(c)/ No
error (d) 14. This deer......beautiful horns.

11. His (a)/Mathematics (b)/is weak.(c)/ No (a) has (b) have

error (d) 15. The first innings......just over.
12. Mathematics (a)/require (b)/practice.(c)/ (a) is (b) are
No error (d) 16. These poultry......mine.
13. Politics is the outcome (a)/rather than the (a) is (b) are
cause (b)/of social change.(c)/ No error
17. These virmin......disease.
(a) spread (b) spreads
14. Most men’s politics (a)/sits much too (b)/
loosely about them.(c)/ No error (d) 18. The gentry......people of good social
Exercise - 2
(a) is (b) are
Q. 2. Fill in the blanks with the suitable forms
19. favourite subject.
of the Nouns given in brackets:
(a) is (b) are
1. The......cannot live without water.
20. Where...... my spectacles ?
(a) fish (b) fishes)
(a) is (b) are
2. The hunter shot three.......
21. Diabetes......not as serious as cancer.
(a) deer (b) deers
3. The......are grazing in the field. (a) is (b) are
(a) cattle (b) cattles 22. Politics......a vital role in village life.
4. His......have been stolen from the waiting (a) play (b) plays
room. 23. His means......small.
(a) belonging (b) belongings (a) is (b) are

Exercise -3 2. Coffee with smoked (a)/ salmons is

(b)/what I like to have, whenever (c)/
1. The measles are (a)/a disease that causes
I c om e to th is res tau rant . ( d)/ N o
(b)/ fever and a red rash. (c)/ No error (d)
error (e)
2. Mathematics (a)/ is indeed (b)/ a difficult
3. Fishes contain a large amount (a)/ of amino
subject. (c)/ No error (d)
(b)/ acid which is good for heart. (c)/ No error
3. The first inning (a)/ of the match (b)/ was
very sensational (c)/ No error (d)
4. Issues related to (a)/the deal of (b)/
4. My father gave me (a)/ a pair of binocular
aircrafts between India (c)/ and France
(b)/ on my birthday. (c)/No error (d)
have begun to heat up. (c)/ No error (d)
5. The scissor is (a)/ lying on (b)/ the table.
5. The old woman (a)/ asked me (b)/ if I
(c)/ No error (d)
could look after her sheeps after her
6. The scissors that you asked for (a)/ was death(c)/ No error (d)
in the desk drawer (b)/ in the bedroom.
6. Where is the headquarter (a)/of Delhi
(c)/ No error (d)
police (b)/situated in Delhi. (d)/No error
7. The Cattles (a)/ are grazing (b)/ in the (d)
fields. (c)/ No error (d)
7. He said that (a)/his means was (b)/
8. When I was passing through the forest limited, so (c)/he had of live a budgeted
(a)/ I happened to see (b)/ a number of life. (d)/No error (e)
deers. (c) No error (d)
8. An army barrack (a)/ in the south of (b)/
9. The beautiful (a)/ surrounding of the place the city has been busted. (c)/ No error
(b)/ enchanted me. (c)/ No error (d) (d)
10. He is too (a) proud of (b)/ his riches. (c)/ 9. It is said that (a)/ Gandhi was a self- made
No error (d)
person (b)/and he learnt everything (c)/
11. The (a)/ young man (b)/ had no manner. from his surrounding. (d)/ No error (d)
(c)/ No error (d)
10. The news is (a)/ that belonging worth
12. Last evening I went to the optician and (b)/ 50 Lac have been (c)/stolen from
bought spectacles Ramya’s house. (d)/ No error (e)
(a)a spectacle (b) two spectacles 11. You must have a (a)/ binocular with (b)/
(c) a pair of spectacles you, while you are on trekking. (c)/ No
(d) No improvement error (d)
13. He gave me an old scissor. 12. The interviewer (a)/ asked me (b)/ if I had
(a)old scissor (b) an old scissors a saving account (c)/ with a scheduled
(c) a pair of old scissors bank. (d)/ No error (d)

(d) No improvement 13. I want you to (a)/ distribute these (b)/sweet

among the children. (c)/ No error (d)
14. The Cattles are grazing in the field.
14. All the news published (a)/ in the Mid-
(a)cattle is(b) cattle are
day (b)/ are gathered from reliable
(c) cattles were (d) No improvement
sources. (c)/ No error (d)
15. The gentry of the town was invited.
15. The peasantry of (a)/ this country is not
(a)is invited (b) has been invited satisfied (b)/with the present land
(c) were invited (d) No improvement acquisition bill. (c)/ No error (d)
Exercise - 4 16. I saw (a)/ three (b)/ cattles grazing in the
1. Virat Kholi could not (a)/ play well (b)/ field. (c)/ No error (d)
in the first inning (c)/in the last test 17. She does not (a)/ want to (b)/ buy this
match. (d)/ No error (e) house, (c)/ it is infested with vermins. (d)
No error (d)
18. You will have (a)/ to turn right (b)/at the 35. He said to her, (a)/ “what a (b)/nice
next crossroad.(c)/ No error (d) goggle!”(c)/ No error (d)
19. The waitress said (a)/ that poultry 36. The authorities (a)/ have the power to
were (b)/ not served there.(c)/ No seize (b)/ the asset of (c)/convicted drug
error (d) dealers.(d)/ No error (e)
20. The village folks gather (a)/ on the bank 37. She takes order (a)/ only from (b)/ the
(b)/ of the river (c)/to celebrate the president.(c)/ No error (d)
festival.(d)/ No error (d) 38. The government is (a)/ struggling to
maintain law (b)/and orders in the
Exercise - 5
country. (c)/ No error (d)
21. The public (a)/ was fighting, so (b)/the 39. Some people (a)/ think that it (b)/is their
police were called in.(c)/ No error (d) religious (c)/ duty to give alm to the
22. Three summons have (a)/ already been poor.(d)/ No error (d)
served on him, (b)/ but he has attended 40. Fire fighters needed (a)/ breathing
to none yet. (c)/ No error (d) apparatuses to (b)/ enter the burning
23. He has been disturbed (a)/ since he house. (c)/ No error (d)
rec eived (b)/ a summon from the 41. Last evening (a)/ I went to (b)/ the
court.(c)/ No error (d) optician and bought spectacles.(c)/ No
24. Many of them (a)/ have been found (b)/
42. He gave (a)/ me (b)/ an old scissor (c)/
suffering from mump. (c)/ No error (d)
No error (d)
25. Measles are caused (a)/ by infection (b)/ 43. My father gave me (a)/ a pair of binocular
with rubeola virus. (c)/ No error (d) (b)/ on my birthday, (c)/ No error (d)
26. I have heard (a)/ her chanting (b)/ 44. The scissor is (a)/ lying on (b)/ the table,
something while offering vesper.(c)/ No (c)/ No error (d)
error (d) 45. The scissors that you asked for (a)/ was
27. There is (a)/ no amend (b)/ for the sin in the desk drawer (b)/ in the bedroom,
you have committed.(c)/ No error (d) (c)/ No error (d)
28. An investment is (a)/ always made with 46. The measles are (a)/ a disease that causes
(b)/ fever and red rash. (c)/ No error (e)
(b)/an expectation of good return.(c)/ No
error (d) 47. Mathematics (a)/is indeed (b)/a difficult
subject. (c)/ No error (d)
29. Your success depends (a)/ on the amount
48. The first innings (a)/of the match (b)/was
(b)/ of pain you take.(c)/ No error (d)
very sensational. (c)/ No error (d)
30. I love being (a)/among gentries, because 49. There are (a)/several meanses (b)/of
it is they (b)/ who make a good society.(c)/ transport in Delhi. (c)/ No error (d)
No error (d) 50. My means (a)/ is not enough to have
31. It is your (a)/ deeds that (b)/ go down in savings (b)/for the future. (c)/No error
the (c)/ annal of the history.(d)/ No error (d)
(e) 51. The cattles are (a)/not being (b)/ fed
32. I need (a)/ a plier (b)/to mend it.(c)/ No error properly. (c)/No error (d)
(d) 52. The entire folks can be (a)/seen enjoying
33. How many trousers do (a)/ you want (b)/ the festival (b)/with great fervour. (c)/No
error (d)
to buy today?(c)/ No error (d)
53. Billiard is played (a)/all over (b)/the world.
34. Stratford has (a)/an embarrassment of
(c)/No error (d)
rich, (b)/ really, what with three (c)/
54. He has received a (a)/summon from (b)/
theatres and lovely country side, too.(d)/
the court. (c)/No error (d)
No error (d)

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