Test Booklet: Student Name

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Student Name

Grade 5
Test Booklet
Practice Test

Unit 1
Unit 1

Today, you will take Unit 1 of the Grade 5 Mathematics Practice Test. You will not
be able to use a calculator.
Read each question. Then, follow the directions to answer each question. Mark
your answers by completely filling in the circles in your answer document. Do not
make any pencil marks outside of the circles. If you need to change an answer, be
sure to erase your first answer completely. If a question asks you to show or
explain your work, you must do so to receive full credit. Only responses written
within the provided space will be scored.
If you do not know the answer to a question, you may go on to the next question.
If you finish early, you may review your answers and any questions you did not
answer in this unit ONLY. Do not go past the stop sign.


Directions for Completing the Answer Grids

Unit 1
1. Work the problem and find an answer.

2. Write your answer in the boxes at the top of the grid.

3. Print only one number or symbol in each box. Do not leave a blank box in the
middle of an answer.

4. Under each box, fill in the circle that matches the number or symbol you
wrote above. Make a solid mark that completely fills the circle.

5. Do not fill in a circle under an unused box.

6. Fractions cannot be entered into an answer grid and will not be scored. Enter
fractions as decimals.

7. See below for examples on how to correctly complete an answer grid.


To answer 632 in a question, fill in To answer .75 in a question, fill in

the answer grid as shown below. the answer grid as shown below.

632 .75
\\\\\\ .....
000000 000000
!!!!!! !!!!!!
22»222 222222
3»3333 333333
444444 444444
555555 55»555
»66666 666666
777777 7»7777
888888 888888
999999 999999


1. Which statement about the corresponding terms in both Pattern A and

Unit 1

Pattern B is always true?

Pattern A: 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30

Pattern B: 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60

A. Each term in Pattern A is 2 times the corresponding term in Pattern B.

B. Each term in Pattern A is 1 times the corresponding term in Pattern B.


C. Each term in Pattern A is 5 less than the corresponding term in Pattern B.

D. Each term in Pattern A is 10 less than the corresponding term in

Pattern B.


2. An expression is shown.

Unit 1
5 + 3
6 12

Which expressions have like denominators that could be used as a next step
to add the two fractions?

Select the two correct answers.

A. 5 + 1
6 4

B. 5 + 3
6 6

C. 10 + 3
12 12

D. 5 + 6
12 12

E. 5 + 6
12 24

F. 20 + 6
24 24


Use the information provided to answer Part A through Part C for

Unit 1

question 3.

Shannon is building a rectangular garden that is 18 feet wide and 27 feet long.

3. Part A

Write an equation that represents the area of Shannon’s garden. In your

equation, let g represent the area of Shannon’s garden. Then solve your

Enter your equation and your solution in the space provided.

Part B

Shannon is putting a fence around the garden, except where there is a gate
that is 3 feet wide.

One foot of the fence costs $43. The cost of the gate is $128.

Write an expression that represents the total cost of the fence and the gate.

Explain how you determined your expression.

Enter your expression and your explanation in the space provided.

Part C

Use your expression from Part B to find the total cost, in dollars, of the fence
and the gate.

Enter your answer in the space provided.


4. Which statement correctly compares two values?

Unit 1
A. The value of the 6 in 26.495 is 1 the value of the 6 in 17.64.

B. The value of the 6 in 26.495 is 10 times the value of the 6 in 17.64.

C. The value of the 6 in 26.495 is 1 the value of the 6 in 17.64.


D. The value of the 6 in 26.495 is 100 times the value of the 6 in 17.64.

5. What is the volume of the rectangular prism in cubic units?

= 1 unit cube

Enter your answer in the box.


6. In this right rectangular prism, each small cube measures 1 unit on each side.
Unit 1

• What is the volume of the prism?

• Explain how you found the volume. You may show your work in your
• What would be the dimensions of a new right rectangular prism that has 20
fewer unit cubes than the original prism?
• Explain how you determined the dimensions of the new right rectangular

Enter your answers and your explanations in the space provided.

7. Select the two correct statements.

A. The product of 3 and 4 is greater than 4.


B. The product of 3 and 4 is less than 3 .

5 5

C. The product of 1 1 and 2 is greater than 1 1 .

2 2

D. The product of 1 1 and 2 is less than 2.


E. The product of 13 and 5 is greater than 13 .

4 2 4

F. The product of 13 and 5 is less than 5 .

4 2 2

8. Which figure is always a rectangle?

Unit 1
A. square

B. rhombus

C. quadrilateral

D. parallelogram

9. Which expression matches the statement, “the sum of 2 and 4 subtracted

from 9”?

A. 2+9−4

B. 9−2+4

C. 9 − (2 + 4)

D. (2 + 4) − 9


Use the information provided to answer Part A and Part B for question 10.
Unit 1

Diana works at a clothing store. She sold 1 of the total number of green shirts on
Monday and 3 of the total number of green shirts on Tuesday.
10. Part A

What fraction of green shirts did Diana sell on Monday and Tuesday?

A. 8

B. 4

C. 5

D. 27

Part B

Diana sold 2 of the total number of green shirts on Wednesday. What is the
difference in the fraction of the total number of green shirts that were sold on

Tuesday and Wednesday?

A. 7

B. 5

C. 1

D. 1


11. Greg is volunteering at a track meet. He is in charge of providing the bottled

Unit 1
water. Greg knows these facts:

• The track meet will last 3 days.

• There will be 117 athletes, 7 coaches, and 4 judges attending the track
• One case of bottled water contains 24 bottles.

The table shows the number of bottles of water each athlete, coach, and
judge will get for each day of the track meet.
Bottled Water for Track Meet

Person Attending Number of Bottles

Athlete 4

Coach 3

Judge 2

What is the fewest number of cases of bottled water Greg will need to
provide for all the athletes, coaches, and judges at the track meet? Show
your work or explain how you found your answer using equations.

Enter your answer and your work or explanation in the space provided.


12. Which of these are equal to 83.041?

Unit 1

Select the two correct answers.

A. eighty-three and forty-one tenths

B. 8 × 10 + 3 × 1 + 4 × 1 + 1 × 1
10 100

C. eighty-three and forty-one hundredths

D. 8 × 10 + 3 × 1 + 4 × 1 +1× 1
100 1,000

E. eighty-three and forty-one thousandths


Unit 1
You have come to the end of Unit 1 of the test.

• Review your answers from Unit 1 only.

• Then, close your test booklet and answer document and raise your
hand to turn in your test materials.


Unit 2

Unit 2

Today, you will take Unit 2 of the Grade 5 Mathematics Practice Test. You will not
be able to use a calculator.
Read each question. Then, follow the directions to answer each question. Mark
your answers by completely filling in the circles in your answer document. Do not
make any pencil marks outside of the circles. If you need to change an answer, be
sure to erase your first answer completely. If a question asks you to show or
explain your work, you must do so to receive full credit. Only responses written
within the provided space will be scored.
If you do not know the answer to a question, you may go on to the next question.
If you finish early, you may review your answers and any questions you did not
answer in this unit ONLY. Do not go past the stop sign.


Directions for Completing the Answer Grids

1. Work the problem and find an answer.

2. Write your answer in the boxes at the top of the grid.

3. Print only one number or symbol in each box. Do not leave a blank box in the
middle of an answer.

Unit 2
4. Under each box, fill in the circle that matches the number or symbol you
wrote above. Make a solid mark that completely fills the circle.

5. Do not fill in a circle under an unused box.

6. Fractions cannot be entered into an answer grid and will not be scored. Enter
fractions as decimals.

7. See below for examples on how to correctly complete an answer grid.


To answer 632 in a question, fill in To answer .75 in a question, fill in

the answer grid as shown below. the answer grid as shown below.

632 .75
\\\\\\ .....
000000 000000
!!!!!! !!!!!!
22»222 222222
3»3333 333333
444444 444444
555555 55»555
»66666 666666
777777 7»7777
888888 888888
999999 999999


13. Len walks 3 mile in the morning to school. He walks 2 mile in the
10 5
afternoon to a friend’s house.

Len says that he walks a total of 5 mile in the morning and afternoon.
Which two statements are true?
Unit 2

A. Since 3 plus 2 is 5 , the total of 5 is reasonable.

10 5 15 15

B. Since 5 is less than 2 , the total of 5 is not reasonable.

15 5 15

C. The fractions 5 , 3 , and 2 are all less than 1 , so the total of 5 is

15 10 5 2 15

D. The fraction 5 is 1 , and 1 is greater than 3 . Since 5 is greater

15 3 3 10 15
than one of the addends, the total of 5 is reasonable.

E. The fractions 3 and 2 are each greater than 1 , so the total must be
10 5 4
greater than . The fraction 5 is less than , so the total of 5 is not
2 15 2 15


Use the information provided to answer Part A and Part B for question 14.

There are two tanks at the aquarium, Tank A and Tank B. Each tank has two

14. Part A

The volume of one section of Tank A is 24 cubic feet. The volume of the other

Unit 2
section of Tank A is 96 cubic feet.

What is the total volume, in cubic feet, of Tank A?

A. 4

B. 72

C. 120

D. 2,304

Part B

Tank B has the same volume as Tank A.

The volume of one section of Tank B is 45 cubic feet. What is the volume, in
cubic feet, of the other section of Tank B?

Enter your answer in the box.

15. Which expression is equal to 7 ?


A. 8 − 7

B. 7 × 8

C. 8

D. 7 ÷ 8


16. Kurt drew a rectangular maze with a length of 3 foot and a width of 5 foot.
4 12
What is the area, in square feet, of Kurt’s maze?

A. 15

B. 8
Unit 2


C. 20

D. 15


17. Select the three statements that correctly describe the point plotted on the
coordinate plane.


Unit 2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910

A. The point is located at the ordered pair (4, 6).

B. The point is located at the ordered pair (6, 4).

C. The x-coordinate is 6 and the y-coordinate is 4.

D. The x-coordinate is 4 and the y-coordinate is 6.

E. The point is 4 units to the right of the origin on the x-axis and 6 units up
from the origin on the y-axis.

F. The point is 6 units to the right of the origin on the x-axis and 4 units up
from the origin on the y-axis.


18. An egg farm packages 264 total cartons of eggs each month. The farm has 3
different sizes of cartons.

• The small carton holds 8 eggs, and 1 of the total cartons are small.

• The medium carton holds 12 eggs, and 2 of the total cartons are medium.

• The large carton holds 18 eggs, and the rest of the total cartons are large.
Unit 2

Determine how many of each size of carton is needed each month. Then
determine how many eggs are needed to fill the 264 cartons. Show your work
or explain your answers.

Enter your answers and your work or explanations in the space provided.


19. Part A

Select the two equations that are correct when the number 20 is entered in
the box.

A. × 85 = 1,700

÷ 4 = 50

Unit 2

C. 1,500 ÷ = 75

D. 120 × 6 =

E. × 50 = 100

Part B

Select the two equations that are correct when the number 200 is entered in
the box.

A. × 85 = 17, 000

B. ÷ 40 = 50

C. 15, 000 ÷ = 75

D. 1,200 × 6 =

E. × 50 = 1, 000


20. A teacher drew an area model to find the value of 6,986 ÷ 8.

Teacher’s Model for 6,986 ÷ 8

800 N P R
Unit 2

8 M 560 Q

not to scale

• Determine the number that each letter in the model represents and explain
each of your answers.
• Write the quotient and remainder for 6,986 ÷ 8.
• Explain how to use multiplication to check that the quotient is correct. You
may show your work in your explanation.

Enter your answers and your explanations in the space provided.


Unit 2
You have come to the end of Unit 2 of the test.

• Review your answers from Unit 2 only.

• Then, close your test booklet and answer document and raise your
hand to turn in your test materials.


Unit 3

Today, you will take Unit 3 of the Grade 5 Mathematics Practice Test. You will not
be able to use a calculator.
Read each question. Then, follow the directions to answer each question. Mark
your answers by completely filling in the circles in your answer document. Do not
make any pencil marks outside of the circles. If you need to change an answer, be
sure to erase your first answer completely. If a question asks you to show or
explain your work, you must do so to receive full credit. Only responses written
within the provided space will be scored.
If you do not know the answer to a question, you may go on to the next question.
If you finish early, you may review your answers and any questions you did not
answer in this unit ONLY. Do not go past the stop sign.
Unit 3


Directions for Completing the Answer Grids

1. Work the problem and find an answer.

2. Write your answer in the boxes at the top of the grid.

3. Print only one number or symbol in each box. Do not leave a blank box in the
middle of an answer.

4. Under each box, fill in the circle that matches the number or symbol you
wrote above. Make a solid mark that completely fills the circle.

5. Do not fill in a circle under an unused box.

6. Fractions cannot be entered into an answer grid and will not be scored. Enter
fractions as decimals.

7. See below for examples on how to correctly complete an answer grid.


To answer 632 in a question, fill in To answer .75 in a question, fill in

the answer grid as shown below. the answer grid as shown below.

632 .75
\\\\\\ .....
000000 000000
!!!!!! !!!!!!
22»222 222222
3»3333 333333
444444 444444
555555 55»555
»66666 666666
777777 7»7777
888888 888888
999999 999999
Unit 3


21. Enter your answer in the box.

0.35 × 1.5 =
Unit 3


22. Jim uses ribbon to make bookmarks. Jim has 9 feet of ribbon. He uses 1 foot
of ribbon to make each bookmark.

What is the total number of bookmarks Jim makes with all 9 feet of ribbon?

Enter your answer in the box.

Unit 3


Use the information provided to answer Part A and Part B for question 23.

Mia is playing several rounds of a word game. Each coordinate pair shows the
number of a round and Mia’s score for that round. She is keeping track of these
coordinate pairs on a coordinate plane.

• Round 1: (1, 3)
• Round 2: (2, 6)
• Round 3: (3, 3)

23. Part A

Which coordinate plane correctly shows Mia’s scores for the first three rounds
of play?

A. y B. y

10 10
9 9
8 8
7 7

6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
x x
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rounds of Play Rounds of Play

C. y D. y

10 10
9 9
8 8
7 7


6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
Unit 3

1 1
x x
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rounds of Play Rounds of Play


Part B

In round 4, Mia scores the same number of points as in rounds 2 and 3


What is the coordinate pair that represents Mia’s score for round 4?

A. (4, 5)

B. (9, 4)

C. (5, 4)

D. (4, 9)

24. Enter your answer in the box.

1,534 ÷ 26 =

25. Which two conversions are correct?

A. 7 mm = 70 cm

B. 7 cm = 0.07 m

C. 7,000 m = 7 km

D. 0.7 cm = 70 mm

E. 7 m = 7,000 km

Unit 3


26. A cereal box has a height of 32 centimeters. It has a base with an area of
160 square centimeters.

What is the volume, in cubic centimeters, of the cereal box?

Enter your answer in the box.

27. On Saturday, Craig rode his bike 5 of a mile. On Sunday, he rode his bike 1
8 2
of a mile. Craig added 5 and 1 to find the total distance, in miles, he rode
8 2
his bike on the two days. Craig said 5 + 1 = 6 and plotted 6 on this
8 2 10 10
number line.

0 1

• Explain why Craig’s answer is not reasonable.

• Find the total distance, in miles, Craig rode on his bike on Saturday and
• Explain how to use the number line to show your answer is correct.

Enter your answer and explanations in the space provided.

Unit 3


28. Jen makes a rectangular banner. It is 3 yard long and 1 yard wide.
4 4
What is the area, in square yards, of the banner?

A. 3

B. 3

C. 1

D. 3

29. Which explanation about figures is correct?

A. All rhombuses are parallelograms. Parallelograms have 2 pairs of parallel

Therefore, all rhombuses have 2 pairs of parallel sides.

B. All rhombuses are parallelograms. Parallelograms have exactly 1 pair of

parallel sides.
Therefore, all rhombuses have exactly 1 pair of parallel sides.

C. Only some rhombuses are parallelograms. Parallelograms have 2 pairs of

parallel sides.
Therefore, only some rhombuses have 2 pairs of parallel sides.

D. Only some rhombuses are parallelograms. Parallelograms have exactly

1 pair of parallel sides.
Therefore, only some rhombuses have exactly 1 pair of parallel sides.

Unit 3


30. Which two statements about rounding decimals are correct?

A. The number 5.066 rounded to the nearest hundredth is 5.07.

B. The number 5.074 rounded to the nearest hundredth is 5.08.

C. The number 5.117 rounded to the nearest hundredth is 5.10.

D. The number 5.108 rounded to the nearest hundredth is 5.11.

E. The number 5.025 rounded to the nearest hundredth is 5.02.

Use the information provided to answer Part A and Part B for question 31.

Tom has a water tank that holds 5 gallons of water.

31. Part A

Tom uses water from a full tank to fill 6 bottles that each hold 16 ounces and

a pitcher that holds 1 gallon.

How many ounces of water are left in the water tank?

Enter your answer in the box.

Part B

Tom drinks 4 pints of water a day.

How many full tanks of water will he drink in 30 days?

Enter your answer in the box.

Unit 3


You have come to the end of Unit 3 of the test.

• Review your answers from Unit 3 only.

• Then, close your test booklet and answer document and raise your
hand to turn in your test materials.

Unit 3


5 ­ MTH


1117040 1 2 3 4 5 A B C D E Printed in the USA ISD20028

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