A Classification System For Research Designs in Psychology
A Classification System For Research Designs in Psychology
A Classification System For Research Designs in Psychology
Murcia (España)
http://dx.doi.org/10.6018/analesps.29.3.178511 ISSN edición impresa: 0212-9728. ISSN edición web (http://revistas.um.es/analesps): 1695-2294
Título: Un sistema de clasificación de los diseños de investigación en psi- Abstract: In this work we devise a conceptual framework and develop
cología. some basic principles to promove a classification system for the most usual
Resumen: En este trabajo se elabora un marco conceptual y se desarrollan research designs in psychology based on three strategies (manipulative, as-
unos principios básicos para fundamentar un sistema de clasificación de los sociative and descriptive) from which emerge different types of studies,
diseños de investigación más usuales en psicología basado en tres estrate- three for manipulative strategy (experimental, quasi-experimental and sin-
gias (manipulativa, asociativa y descriptiva) de donde emanan varios tipos gle-case), three for associative strategy (comparative, predictive and ex-
de estudios, tres para la estrategia manipulativa (experimentales, cuasiexpe- planatory) and two for descriptive strategy (observational and selective).
rimentales y de caso único), tres para la asociativa (comparativos, predicti- Key words: Research methodology; research design; experimental design;
vos y explicativos) y dos para la descriptiva (observacionales y selectivos). non experimental design.
Palabras clave: Metodología de la investigación; diseño de la investiga-
ción; diseño experimental; diseño no experimental.
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Un sistema de clasificación de los diseños de investigación en psicología 1039
& Delaney, 2004), and assess aspects such as effect size and experimental designs (see Vandenbroucke et al., 2007;
the practical and clinical significance of results (Thompson, Jarde, Losilla & Vives, 2012). The most interesting ques-
2002a). The type of validity related to the pillar of analysis is tions of research design that should grab the attention of
validity of the statistical conclusion (whether the statistical researcher and evaluator are the following:
analysis procedure used is correct and if the value of esti-
mates approaches that of the population). The selection of the sample of participants, in particular
It is important to point out that, from a methodological their number and representativity regarding to the popu-
viewpoint, even if the research is perfect in its substantive lation, has important consequences for both the power
conception, it can be ruined if the methodological pillars of (validity of the statistical conclusion) and the generaliza-
design, measurement and analysis are not properly used. tion of the results (external validity). The justification of
Contrary to what many researchers believe, the use of so- optimal sample size has usually been treated within pow-
phisticated statistical techniques does not improve the re- er analysis and the tradition of hypothesis testing (Bono
search results if it was poorly designed or if appropriate & Arnau, 1995; Kraemer & Thieman, 1987; Lenth,
measures were not used. It is then crucial for the researcher 2001). It is most advisable to determine the optimal
to focus on the selection and application of an appropriate sample size by performing a prospective power analysis
design, valuing its potentialities and drawbacks to achieve the before using the software (eg G * Power3, see Faul, Erd-
greatest degree of balance between internal and external va- felder, Lang & Buchner, 2007), but the applied research-
lidity. er must know that some statistical packages (e.g., SPSS)
use retrospective, observed or post-hoc power analysis
Basic principles of the research design and (after the study), a practice that some defend (e.g., Lenth,
evaluation process 2007; Onwuegbuzie & Leech, 2004), while others hold as
unacceptable (e.g., Hoenig & Heisey, 2001; Levine & En-
There are some general principles that many reviewers of re- som, 2001). It is highly advisable for the researcher to
search articles often use as a guide to ensuring a coherent re- plan their study with a prospective power analysis and
search process and can help the researcher to generate a re- then check results with a retrospective power analysis,
port and objectively assess their work (see a more complete particularly where their hypothesis was not significant
presentation of such principles in Light, Singer & Willet, (Balkin & Sheperis, 2011).
1990, Kline, 2009 and many chapters of the Hancock & The definition of variables, independent (predictors or
Mueller Reviewer's Guide, 2010): probable causes), dependent (responses or probable ef-
1) All research is designed to respond to one (or more) spe- fects) and other additional variables (covariates) pro-
cific objectives. The reviewers of a research report hope to posed to respond to the aims of the research is another
find direct correspondence between the research problem key design issue, from where other important aspects of
and the specific design used in its potential solution. the process derive, such as the optimum number of in-
2) The most important methodological reason justifying the dependent variables to be included, their metrical (nu-
publication of a research article is to enable its replication. merical or categorical) nature, whether they are manipu-
The reviewers expect that the research report will contain lated or simply observed, the definition of groups or
all relevant material to facilitate other researchers' replica- conditions of treatment, intervention or classification, if
tion of their work and to allow the application of methods necessary, and in such case the assignment of partici-
of study integration (meta-analysis) in order to contribute pants to the groups, which may be random, not random
to the accumulation of scientific knowledge. but known and not random.
3) With regard to the measurement of research variables, a The control of extraneous variables is another crucial
research article should include precise information on the question in a research design that receives insufficient at-
instruments of data collection and the metric nature of the tention in non-experimental studies, since in experi-
empirical data, including the definition and operationaliza- mental studies manipulation of the independent varia-
tion of the variables, together with other technical aspects ble/s and random assignment allow the researcher to
such as reliability, validity and cut-off scores of the data balance the effect of third variables and analytically ad-
collection instruments used (Knapp & Mueller, 2010). dress cause and effect relationships. The random assign-
4) Regarding design, the research report should include a de- ment of participants to treatment groups can control the
tailed description of the participants, the processes of se- influence of third variables, identified and unidentified
lection and assignment or group membership, the context when ideal conditions exist, but it is well known that
in which the work is performed and the procedures for when some foreign variable has a more powerful impact
controlling the potential foreign variables as well as an as- on the response variable rather than the causal, the ran-
sessment of the generality of its findings, among other rel- domization effect usually fades. It is therefore essential
evant issues. It should be noted that many aspects of de- to strive to identify the third variables that can potentially
sign are not adequately addressed in research reports, espe- cause confusion. The methodological status of a research
cially in the case of quasi-experimental and non- design depends to a great extent on the degree of effec-
tive control of the foreign variables (Shadish, Cook & It is also worth noting that many researchers, after apply-
Campbell, 2002). Although there is an abundant array of ing statistical techniques, only give interest to p values of
techniques for controlling foreign variables (see Ato, significance, within the tradition of the contrast of statistical
1991 and Ato & Vallejo, 2015), in general, experimental hypotheses ("Null Hypothesis Significance Testing", NHST
control techniques (elimination, constancy and various approach). This tradition has generated much controversy
forms of equilibration, such as randomization, pairing (see Balluerka, Gómez & Hidalgo, 2005; Harlow, Mulaik &
and blocking), if they can be used, are preferable to sta- Steiger, 1997; Kline, 2004; Pascual, Frías & García, 2004)
tistical control techniques (in particular, standardization, and has led to the suspicion that it may even delay the accu-
adjustment and residualisation). There are other appro- mulation of knowledge (See Schmidt, 1996; Gliner, Leech &
priate control techniques in research areas such as social Morgan, 2002). In 1996, the APA established a Committee
psychology and clinical psychology (e.g., single / partial / to deal with questions on the application of statistical meth-
double blind procedures or use of quasi-control groups, ods in psychological research. A paper by Wilkinson and the
see Kirk, 2013, pp. 22-23), and other more promising Task Force on Statistical Inference (1999) suggested includ-
specific techniques, such as propensity scores (see Aus- ing in any research report, in addition to the classic signifi-
tin, 2011; Shadish & Clark, 2004) and the technique of cance tests, measures of effect size, measurement indicators
instrumental variables (Bollen, 2012). or uncertainties by means of confidence intervals and a se-
When experimental research and some non-experimental lection of appropriate graphics. This has also been recom-
designs are applied it is common to distinguish three in- mended in recent editions of the Publication Manual of the
dependent components of the variance. The primary var- American Psychological Association (APA Manual, 2010),
iance is attributed to the independent variables that form but most papers centralize all results around p values, and
the fundamental nucleus of the research, the secondary very few use point estimates with confidence intervals and
variance is attributed to other variables other than the appropriate graphics (Cumming et al., 2007; Cumming,
fundamental that the researcher must strive to control, 2012).
and the error variance represents the remainder of varia- The inclusion of effect size indicators has been repeated-
tion that is neither primary nor secondary variance and ly recommended to assess the practical significance of a re-
which may take simple forms (e.g., a level or a single er- sult against statistical significance and, in health sciences, to
ror component) or complex (e.g., more than one level or clinical significance (Kirk, 2005; Thompson, 2002a; Pardo &
several error components). The MAXMINCON princi- Ferrer, 2013). Although many have been developed (recent
ple (Kerlinger, 1985) is a general principle of research de- reviews can be found in Ellis, 2010 and Grissom & Kim,
sign whose goal is to achieve maximization of primary 2012), two basic types of indicators have been highlighted
variance, minimization of error variance and control of (Rosnow & Rosenthal, 2009): d-type (based on standardized
secondary variance. mean difference) and r-type indicators (based on correlation
and the ratio of explained variance). In both cases, the most
5) For statistical analysis, the statistical methods must be usual interpretation utilizes the labels proposed by Cohen
used in sufficient detail to be understood by other re- (1988), "low" (r = 0.1), "moderate" (r = 0.3) or "high" (r =
searchers, as well as the procedures used for the treatment 0.5), although this practice should be abandoned in favour of
of missing data (Graham, 2012) and compliance of as- using confidence intervals and assessing the discrepancy be-
sumptions on which they are based (Garson, 2015). It is tween p-values along with magnitude effect indicators (see
important to note that, given a research design, multiple Sun, Pan & Wang, 2010), as well as trying to compare indica-
analytical procedures are possible in response to a research tors that address a common problem within the same study
problem. In this case, the researcher must justify the selec- and among different studies. In a recent review, Peng, Chen,
tion of the procedure used. Hancock & Mueller (2010) Chiang & Chiang (2013) appreciate the significant increase in
proposed, for each of the most common statistical proce- the use of indicators of magnitude of effect in recent years,
dures in Psychology, a set of desiderata that should fulfill but criticize the persistence of some inappropriate practices
its application. in research reports such as: (a) the use of unadjusted (or bi-
ased by sample size) indicators, coupled with a reduced use
Referring to the rigorous use of statistical procedures in of other less biased and more desirable indicators such as
research reports to use in psychology, a study by Bakker and omega square (ω2) and intraclass correlation (Ivarsson,
Wicherts (2011) used a random sample of 281 research arti- Andersen, Johnson & Lindwall, 2013); (b) the use of Cohen's
cles published in impact journals and found that almost 20% labels without any contextualisation or interpretation (Valen-
of the statistical results are incorrectly reported and the error tine & Coopers, 2003); (c) the persistent lack of clarity in the
prevalence was significantly higher in low impact journals. In use of standard indicators and in the outputs of some
15% of published articles, there was even significant evi- statistical packages (eg, SPSS), which coincide in one-way
dence in favour of the author’s (s) hypothesis which on be- ANOVA models but differ in factorial ANOVA models
ing recalculated was found to be not significant. (Pierce, Block & Aguinis, 2004 and Richardson, 2011), (d)
confidence intervals for both statistical test estimators and
effect sizes (see Kelley & Preacher, 2012 and Thompson, a process in four stages: 1) the specification of an equation
2007), and (d) the lack of integration between statistical sig- (or a set of equations) with the basic ingredients to be in-
nificance tests and size effect indicators. In this respect, Lev- cluded in the model, 2) the adjustment of the model accord-
in & Robinson (2000) suggest using the so-called coherence ing to pre-established criteria and its re-specification if is not
of statistical conclusion when statistical significance and ef- properly adjusted, 3) the evaluation of its statistical assump-
fect size coincide in the same result. tions, and 4) the interpretation of the finally accepted model.
An analytical alternative to the NHST approach emerged In contrast to the NHST approach, a model has only inter-
as a silent revolution against the NHST approach at the end pretative interest when it is acceptable to the empirical data
of the 20th century (Rodgers, 2010) and is gaining popularity (Ato & Vallejo, 2015, Losilla, Navarro, Palmer, Rodrigo &
among researchers (Judd, McClelland & Ryan, 2009; Max- Ato, 2005). Table 1 presents a classification of the most
well & Delaney, 2004). Its aim lies in the comparison and ad- common modeling structures in psychological research as a
justment of probability models, where the model as a whole function of the number of equations required by their speci-
(as opposed to the contrast of a particular hypothesis) plays a fication, the distribution that follows the response variable
fundamental role (Kaplan, 2009). This new approach applies and the number of error terms needed.
The LM (classical linear model) structure models are the Classification of Empirical Research Designs
most well-known and are characterized by using one (or in Psychology
more) response variable (s) with normal distribution and
specifying a single equation with one or more fixed compo- It is essential for a researcher to know the design very well in
nents and a single error term (Agresti, 2015). This structure order to understand the principles of its application and the
includes the analytical procedures of regression analysis, key aspects to highlight in their report (following the basic
ANOVA and ANCOVA (for a response variable) and mul- principles and conceptual framework developed above). Alt-
tivariate regression, MANOVA and MANCOVA (for more hough several systems of classification of empirical research
than one response variable). The GLM (Generalized Linear designs in Psychology have been proposed (e.g., Montero &
Model) structure models can use exponential family response León, 2007, Martínez-Arias, Castellanos & Chacón, 2014),
variables (which include the normal distribution as a particu- and starting from the principle that any system of classifica-
lar case), but also specify a single equation with an error tion will be ambiguous, our proposal to classify research in
term. This structure includes lesser known analytical proce- psychology distinguishes between strategies, studies and re-
dures such as log-linear analysis, logistic regression, Poisson search designs and is structured as follows :
regression and logit analysis (Agresti, 2013, Ato & López,
1986; Hardin & Hilbe, 2007). LMM (mixed linear model) - Theoretical Research
models also require response variables with normal distribu- - Instrumental Research
tion and an equation with all fixed and random components - Methodological Research
that are desired (West, Welch & Galecki, 2007). This struc- - Empirical Research
ture also includes multi-level analysis procedures (Gelman,
2006; Hox, 2011; Snijders & Bosker, 2011). The generaliza- Theoretical research
tion of the LMM structure for exponential family response
variables defines the GLMM (generalized linear mixed mod- This category includes all papers compiling advances
el) structure models, which may include any combination of produced in substantive theory or methodology on a specific
fixed and random effects (Hedeker, 2005). The SEM models research topic, as well as research reviews or updates not re-
also use any distribution of the exponential family but re- quiring the use of original empirical data from primary stud-
quire the specification of several equations, each with its ies. We have excluded theoretical subjective reflection works
own error term (Kline, 2011; Kaplan, 2009). not based on a detailed review of other authors’ findings.
The narrative review is a revision or theoretical update of in other sciences for testing theories through causal explanation,
primary studies on a research topic, rigorous but merely prediction, and description (Pearl, 2009).
subjective, without any empirical contribution by the re- The manipulative strategy aims at analysing a causal rela-
searcher (eg, Sánchez, Ortega & Menesini, 2012). tionship (through the formulation of causal hypotheses) be-
tween two or more variables and can adopt one of three types
The systematic review is a revision or theoretical update of
of studies: experimental, quasi-experimental and single case.
primary studies, with a systematic development of the pro- Experimental studies represent the ideal of research and must
cess of accumulation of data (selection of studies, codifica- meet two requirements: 1) at least one variable must be manipu-
tion of variables, etc.), but where statistical procedures are lated and 2) the participants should be randomly assigned to the
not used to integrate the studies (Eg, Orgilés, Méndez, Ro- levels of the manipulated variable. The first requirement is es-
sa & English, 2003; Rosa, Iniesta & Rosa, 2012). sential in studies of manipulative strategy; the latter is often
The quantitative systematic review or meta-analysis is an lacking in quasi-experimental studies and in most single case
integration of primary studies with quantitative methodol- studies used in applied contexts.
ogy (see Sánchez-Meca & Marín-Martínez, 2010), contain- The associative strategy seeks to explore the functional rela-
ing both a systematic development of the data accumula- tionship between variables (formulation of covariation hypothe-
tion process and the use of statistical methods to integrate sis) and can adopt three types of studies depending on whether
the studies (e.g., Rosa, Olivares & Sánchez-Meca, 1999; the object of the exploration is the comparison of groups (a
Sánchez-Meca, Rosa & Olivares, 2004). comparative study, also known as observational), the prediction
of behaviours and / or group classification (predictive study) or
Instrumental research the test of theoretical models for their integration into an under-
lying theory (explanatory study). The distinction between causal
This category includes all works analysing the psychometric explanation and empirical prediction is treated in Shmueli
properties of psychological measurement instruments, either (2010). Causal analysis is sometimes possible in some compara-
new tests, for which it is recommended to follow the tests vali- tive and explanatory studies, but not in predictive studies
dation standards developed jointly by the American Educational (Schneider, Carnoy, Kilpatrick, Schmidt & Shavelson, 2007).
Research Association (AERA), the American Psychological As- The descriptive strategy is intended to describe events as
sociation (APA) and the National Council on Measurement in they occur, without any manipulation of variables, nor compari-
Education (NCME), published in their latest edition in 2014, or son of groups, nor prediction of behaviours, nor testing models,
the translation and adaptation of existing tests for which it is and can adopt two types of studies: observational and selective.
recommended to follow the guidelines proposed by the Interna- In the classification presented in this paper it is assumed
tional Test Commission (ITC, see Muñiz, Elosua & Hambleton, that each research design corresponds to a study belonging to a
2013). specific strategy, depending on the aim. In their basic forms,
It is strongly recommended that authors of instrumental re- taken in this work together with some of their most common
search also read the "Guide for the presentation of psychometric tests generalizations, each design cited has its own characteristics dis-
validation tests in Psychology, Education and Social Sciences", which can tinguishing it from others. It should be noted, however, that in
be found on the website of the journal Anales de Psicología / An- practice, designs are not usually presented in basic form and not
nals of Psychology. often flexible to be adapted to particular research, but in this
work we only deal with the basic forms, as presented in several
entries in the Encyclopedia edited by Salkind (2010). Figure 2
Methodological research summarizes our proposed classification of research designs, en-
compassed in a type of study that has been generated under a
This category includes all papers presenting new methodol- particular strategy.
ogies for the correct treatment of any topic related to the
aforementioned three basic pillars of empirical research : design A. Manipulative strategy
(e.g., Jarde, Losilla and Vives, 2012), measurement (Cuesta,
Fonseca, Vallejo & Muñiz, 2013) and analysis (e.g., Cajón, Ger- A.1. Experimental studies
villa & Palmer, 2012, Vallejo, Ato, Fernández & Livacic, 1996)
and review of methodological procedures in use (e.g., Barrada, Experimental research has evolved until now from the evo-
2012). lution of two great research traditions: the classic laboratory
Empirical research tradition, typical of the natural sciences and based on intraindi-
vidual variability, and the most modern statistical tradition of
To respond to research problems in Psychology, three gen- the field, typical of the Social sciences and based on interindi-
erally accepted strategies are commonly used (see Light, Singer vidual variability (Ato, 1995a; Cook & Campbell, 1986). From
& Willett, 1990; Arnau, 1995a): manipulative, associative and the former there is a characteristic form of experimental re-
descriptive strategies. The first is the set of studies common in search practised in some areas of applied psychology associated
experimental research; the others comprise a second set of stud- with single case designs. To the second belongs the experi-
ies that together represent non-experimental research. These mental research methodology practised mainly in basic psychol-
correspond in great measure to the three procedures developed ogy and some applied areas linked to experimental designs. In
those areas where it is not possible or ethical to apply experi-
mental methodology, an alternative form of research has been ments administered to groups with the same participants, and
developed with the name of quasiexperimental designs. mixed designs, which combine both forms of comparison.
An alternative classification, less popular but more ingrained
from the model comparison approach (Ader & Mellenbergh,
1999; Bailey, 2008; McConway, Jones & Taylor, 1999; Milliken
& Johnson, 2009) begins with the formulation of a structural
model, each of whose elements is associated with one of three
types of structure. The advantage of this classification lies in the
optimum fusion of the pillars of the design and statistical analy-
sis, allowing a better understanding of the nature of the design
and clearly distinguishing two aspects often confused: the re-
search design and the statistical model used to analyze it (Ato &
Vallejo, 2015).
1) The first structure, called treatment structure, concerns
the number and way of grouping treatments into a piece of re-
search and allows distinguishing between a simple (a single fac-
tor of treatment) and factorial structure (more than one treat-
ment factor), and within it, either a crossing between two or
Figure 2. Strategies of research in Psychology more factors (whether all levels of one factor can be combined
with all levels of the other) or a nesting relationship (if all levels
Experimental designs (or their equivalent in health sciences, of a factor can only be combined with one and only one of the
randomized controlled trials) are characterized by the fulfillment levels of the other).
of two essential requirements in a rigorous investigation: 1) ma- 2) The second, called control structure, refers to the num-
nipulation of at least one treatment independent variable, and 2) ber and way of grouping the experimental units in order to con-
control by randomization of the potential foreign variables in trol potential foreign variables, and can use one of two possible
order to guarantee the initial equivalence of the groups. These options, experimental control (using control techniques such as
two requirements are justified when the researcher pursues the randomization, pairing, and blocking) or statistical control (us-
analysis of cause and effect relationships between variables. ing statistical adjustment techniques such as residuals or the use
Quasi-experimental designs only meet the first requirement of covariates). An essential requirement determining the combi-
(manipulation), but are usually applied in situations where it is nation of a treatment structure with a control structure is that
not possible or is unethical to comply with the second (control any interaction between elements of the structure of the treat-
by randomization), although they may also be proposed for the ments and the structure of the control is assumed to be non-
analysis of cause and effect relationships provided that alterna- significant.
tive procedures for controlling foreign variables are used that 3) A third additional structure, called error structure, refers
fulfill their purpose. The credibility of the cause-effect relation- to the number of different sizes (or levels of aggregation) of the
ship under analysis depends on the rigour and effectiveness of experimental units and associated error components that are
control procedures (Pearl, 2009). Three basic criteria are con- postulated in the statistical model associated with the research
sidered necessary to approach conclusions of the cause-effect design, and distinguishes between single error structure (the
type (Bollen, 1989; Cook & Campbell, 1979), namely the associ- model has only one single size or aggregation level of experi-
ation criterion (existence of covariation between cause and ef- mental units and therefore one single error term) and multiple
fect), the criterion of direction of the cause) and the criterion of (the model has two or more sizes or aggregation levels and
isolation (absence of confusion or spuriousness). But note that therefore several terms of error). For example, in research de-
there are two different, though essentially compatible approach- signed to evaluate the response of patients belonging to differ-
es to explain causal inference in applied research (Shadish, ent diagnostic categories, it is necessary to distinguish the varia-
2010): Campbell's classic tradition (see Shadish, Cook & Camp- tion of the patients from the variation of the diagnostic catego-
bell, 2002), used in almost all Social Sciences and Psychology in ries. Both types of variation constitute different types of error
particular, and Rubin's statistical tradition (see Rubin, 2004), and require different aggregation sizes / levels.
more common in Health Sciences and other experimental sci-
ences. Given an error structure, the most common experimental
designs in psychological research may be defined in this context
A.1.1 Experimental designs as a peculiar combination of the treatment and control struc-
tures depicted in Figure 3. Assuming in principle a single error
The most popular classification of experimental designs structure, the combination of a simple treatment structure (a
used in Psychology is based on the comparison strategy that al- treatment factor, defined with fixed or random effects) and an
lows and distinguishes between subjects designs, which analyze experimental control structure through full randomisation
the differences between averages of randomly administered (where each subject in the sample randomly receives a treat-
treatments to groups with different participants, within subjects ment) represents the Completely Randomized Design (CRD, as
designs, that analyze the differences between averages of treat- in Briñol, Becerra, Gallardo, Horcajo & Valle, 2004), the most
basic experimental design from which all others are constructed,
The basic repeated measures design can also be generalized designs was in its time the multivariate approach, but although
to factorial treatment structures, where each experimental unit it is still quite popular today , in academic circles the mixed ap-
represents a block receiving all treatment combinations and the proach is considered more appropriate (Maxwell & Delaney,
set of units constitutes a unique group (e.g., Blanca, Luna, 2004; Milliken & Johnson, 2009; Vallejo & Fernández,
López, Rando & Zalabardo, 2001). When the set of experi- 1995), a more complex approach that is already available to us-
mental units is also divided into groups based on some variable ers of all professional statistical packages (particularly, GEN-
of interest for research, the result is the between-within or STAT, SAS, SPSS, STATA and R), but is more suitable for ana-
mixed design (MXD), so called as it consists of between subject lyzing between and within subjects experimental designs (Ato &
and within subject parts, each representing a different aggrega- Vallejo, 2015).
tion size or level of experimental unit and therefore a proper er-
ror term (e.g., Ruiz-Vargas & Cuevas, 1999). The MXD design A.1.2. Quasi-experimental designs
is very similar to that in agricultural and biological research
called Split Plot Design (SPD). In the experimental forms of Quasi-experimental designs have the same aim as those
RMD and MXD designs it is assumed that the order of treat- which are experimental, i.e. establishing causal relationships, and
ment of within subject levels is established randomly or at least meeting the requirement of manipulation of at least one VI, but
using some assignment sequence that guarantees group equiva- it is not possible (nor ethical) to meet the requirement of ran-
lence. Where the latter cannot be randomly assigned or guaran- dom assignment to ensure there are no differences between
teed (for example, when a temporal sequence is involved) RMD groups before assigning a treatment or program. As a conse-
should be treated as a quasi-experimental design or, if none of quence, we cannot guarantee the equivalence of groups before
the variables are considered manipulated, as a comparative de- treatment (selection bias) or the exclusion of third variables that
sign. may explain the treatment effect (spurious or confounding). To
A different factorial structure is required when factors are in compensate for this bias, it is common to turn to the use of
a nesting relationship, which can occur with both treatment and treatment groups, control groups, pretest and posttest measures
control structures. In both cases, experimental units of some and other experimental control techniques (e.g., matching
level of aggregation are nested within other higher level units, methods, see Stuart & Rubin, 2008) and statistical control tech-
with their corresponding error terms and the result is the Hier- niques (e.g., use of covariates, See Steiner, Cook, Shadish &
archical Design (HID, e.g., García-Sánchez & Rodríguez, 2007). Clark, 2010) in order to balance preexisting differences between
The generalization of this situation to any number of variables groups.
employing two or more experimental unit sizes or some nesting However, in certain areas of applied psychology quasi-
relationship leads to the vast family of multilevel designs experimental designs are more commonly used than other de-
(MLD), which also include the two forms of repeated measures sign alternatives. Obviously, as a consequence of the initial non-
design (RMD and MXD), as they employ two levels of aggrega- equivalence of the groups, causal analysis presents many more
tion of experimental units and are therefore multiple error difficulties in quasi-experimental designs than in experimental.
structures. It is possible to distinguish two basic multilevel de- Even so, there are some statistical procedures, such as propensi-
signs where smaller units (e.g., participants, patients, customers) ty scores (Rosenbaum & Rubin, 1983; see also Luellen, Shadish
are nestled within larger units (e.g., classes, clinics, companies): & Clark, 2005), whose purpose is to construct a function of all
in the first, subjects within each group are randomly assigned to explanatory variables estimating probability for each participant
treatments; in the second, groups as a whole are randomly as- to belong to a group, in order to achieve (through pairing or
signed to treatments. For the treatment of multilevel data with statistical adjustment) what would have been obtained had ran-
experimental designs the most recommended references are domization been used.
Dziak, Nahum-Shani & Collins (2012), Hoffman & Rovine There are many varieties of quasi-experimental designs.
(2007) and Milliken & Johnson (2009). Shadish, Cook and Campbell (2002) present a detailed classifica-
The type of statistical analysis applied to experimental de- tion of these. A shorter presentation can be found in Ato
signs is another issue of interest to the applied researcher. With- (1995a), Vallejo (1995a) and Ato & Vallejo (2015). Following
in the context of statistical modeling, several analytical ap- Judd and Kenny (1981), the classification used here requires the
proaches are distinguished. For intersubjective designs the most researcher to first decide between two forms of comparison of
popular is the univariate approach, which uses the procedures treatments, cross-sectional (where the essential comparison is
of the classical linear model (regression, ANOVA and AN- between subjects or between non-equivalent groups) or longi-
COVA), where all factors are assumed fixed. In very simple sit- tudinal ( essential comparison is within subjects or between
uations and high regularity conditions, some statistical packages multiple measures) and secondly on how to use non-random as-
also include random factors (although the resulting model signment (known or unknown).
would rather have the structure of a mixed linear model), but It is possible to distinguish two basic modules, generally
for other more complex situations, such as those derived from called preexperimental designs, from which all quasi-
hierarchical and in general multilevel designs, the univariate ap- experimental ones are constructed. The first module is the post-
proach is not recommended due to the problems it brings (see test only design (POD), which has an experimental group that
Ato, Vallejo & Palmer, 2013; Quené & van den Bergh, 2004). the program, intervention or treatment is administered to, and
For within subject designs the univariate approach is valid only another control group, but lacks pretest measures, and therefore
if the sphericity assumption is met (Ato & Vallejo, 2015). The only uses between subject comparisons. The second module is
alternative to the univariate approach to analyze within subjects the pretest-posttest design (PPD), which has a single pretest and
versible and non-reversible designs) and, in a second dimension, Mueller, 1974) are also known in the literature as multi-element
depending on the comparison strategy used (between series, designs. Among those with mixed comparisons the most popu-
within series and mixed designs). They are represented in Figure lar is the multiple baseline design (MBD, e.g., Bornstein, Bellack
5. & Hersen, 1977; McClannaham, McGee, McDuff & Krantz,
The most basic single-case design is the basic two-phase A- 1990), which has several meanings depending on which baseline
B design, which may be intraseries (basic design with N = 1 or data are recorded between behaviours, between subjects or be-
SABD) or mixed (basic design with multiple N or MABD). tween contexts. More detailed information on single case de-
Reversible designs are classified into two large groups, based signs can be found in Ato & Vallejo (2015) Bono & Arnau
on the reversal process, in simple or complex. Depending on (2014), Gast & Ledford (2014), Kazdin (2011), Kennedy (2005)
the number of phases, simple reversion designs can be of two and Kratochwill & Levin (2010a).
types: 1) intraseries designs, which include the three-phase de- Many different procedures have been proposed for the sta-
sign (ABAD), the four-phase design (ABABD) and the with- tistical analysis of single case designs, ranging from simple de-
drawal design (BABD), and 2) mixed designs, which also have scriptive and non-parametric procedures to those more com-
four phases, and can be inversion or more commonly generali- plex and parametric that address the problem of serial depend-
zation (four phase design or 4PD). Among the complex rever- ency. The most popular choice (but also the most likely to
sion designs, currently popular in applied areas are the multi- commit type I errors when practised by non-experts) is visual
level design (MUD), the multiple treatment design (MTD) and scanning, which evaluates the change based on three essential
the interaction design (IND). There are many works that use factors: level of the response variable from condition to condi-
reversion designs in the literature (eg, Tincani, Crozier & tion, the trend that follows in the set of observations and the la-
Alazetta, 2006; Munro & Stephenson, 2009). tency that requires the response variable to change after a change
in conditions. The most common nonparametric procedures are
randomization tests (Edgington, 1992, 1995; Ferron & Fosters-
Johnson, 1998) and several statistical effect size indices based
on non-overlapping data (Parker, Vannest & Davis, 2011). Par-
ametric procedures allow the statistical problem of serial de-
pendence, in particular time series analysis, to be treated statisti-
cally with applications of ARIMA and AR models (see Velicer
& Molenaar, 2013), linear using generalized least squares estima-
tion (see Swaminathan, Rogers, Horner, Sugai & Smolkowski,
2014), and the most flexible multilevel analysis capable of mod-
eling diverse problems such as serial dependency, regression
analysis for autocorrelated data nonlinear trends, and between-
and within-subject heterogeneity (see Baek & Ferron, 2013,
Shadish & Rindskopf, 2007 and Shadish, Kyse & Rindskopf,
B. Associative strategy
numerous potential threats to internal validity in retrospective B.1.3. Prospective (or longitudinal) studies
studies. Shadish, Cook, and Campbell (2002, p.131-133) discuss
up to 53 general threats to validity in case-control design, mak- In prospective or longitudinal studies, IVs and DVs are seen
ing causal relationships practically unfeasible in these studies after the initiation of research (although IV may sometimes re-
(see Farrant, 1977). However, some retrospective or ex post fac- fer to an earlier situation). Hence, it is much more costly and
to studies often find interesting relationships that may subse- time-consuming to complete a prospective study than a retro-
quently be the subject of experimental research and we can of- spective one, but it does however appreciably improve reliabil-
ten use sophisticated control procedures to achieve conditions ity. And due to their longitudinal status, some potential threats
somewhat similar to those obtained through randomization that to the internal validity of retrospective studies are not consid-
allow analysis of cause-effect relationships (see Vélez, Egurrola ered in prospective studies, although the drawbacks to establish-
and Barragán, 2013). ing cause-and-effect relationships remain patent, mainly prob-
lems of bias selection and confusion, which also aggravate as a
B.1.2. Cross-sectional Studies result of the abandonment of subjects (attrition) that often oc-
curs the longer the research proceeds.
Unlike retrospective studies, cross-sectional ones are de- One of the most common prospective designs is the pro-
fined at a specific time point and follow an eminently associa- spective cohort design (PCD), whose methodology is similar to
tive tradition where interest in establishing cause-and-effect re- the retrospective cohort design, but the cohort is evaluated for-
lationships is secondary. While retrospective and prospective ward, at various points over time, using one or more relevant
cohort studies are the best means of assessing incidence issues DVs. This design usually includes a single cohort and extends
(i.e., the number of new cases being developed during a specific over time to determine the outcome of interest (for example,
time interval), cross-sectional studies are primarily used to assess the incidence of depression), in which case cohort members
prevalence issues ( they aim to determine the number of cases who do not develop depression serve as internal controls. How-
that exist in a given population at a specific time point). Cross- ever it may also include more than one cohort, one exposed and
sectional studies are also suitable for the study of DVs that re- one unexposed, in which case the latter group serves as an ex-
main stable over time, i.e. they are not susceptible to change. ternal control (Mann, 2003). A design with a similar structure to
In Epidemiology and Psychopathology, cross-sectional the retrospective case-control one is the nested case-control de-
studies use one or more groups of participant subjects evaluated sign (NCCD), in which cases and controls are selected from
at a given time in one or more DVs. The simplest is the cross- within a prospective study, allowing a significant reduction in
sectional cohort design (XCD, see Hudson, Pope & Glynn, time and cost compared to the case-control design (see Ernster,
2005), which uses cross-sectional cohort samples and then ret- 1994).
rospectively evaluates the history of exposures (IVs) and out- There are several prospective or longitudinal designs of
comes (DVs) in cohort members in a specific period of time some interest in several applied areas of Psychology (Arnau,
(e.g., Stefani and Feldman, 2006). Obviously, due to the sam- 1995c; Bijleveld et al., 1998; Taris, 2000). Although it does not
pling process, some participants will not have had exposure (IV) have a strictly longitudinal orientation, the most basic is the
or have experienced any result (DV). This is an essential differ- simultaneous cross-sectional design (SXD), where several
ence with cohort studies (retrospective and prospective), where groups that differ in IV (e.g., years from graduation) are meas-
the history of exposures and / or outcomes affects all subjects ured at the same time in a response variable (e.g., employment
in the cohort (Mann, 2003). of graduates in Psychology). Its generalization consists of re-
In some areas of applied psychology the use of the natural peated cross-sectional design (RXD), comprising at least one
groups design (NGD, see Shaughnessy, Zechmeister & SXD administered at two or more time points (e.g., in 2010 and
Zechmeister, 2012) whose aim is the comparison in one or 2015). In both cases, the researchers' interest is to study change
more DVs of preexisting groups, where groups are selected us- at the individual level in some variable of interest, but not
ing participants that belong at levels of variables that are sources change due to age, which is the subject of developmental stud-
of individual differences (e.g., sex, intelligence, ethnic group, ies. The longitudinal panel design (LPND), where one or more
psychopathological disorder, etc.), and also to the same culture. groups of subjects are evaluated in a limited number of tem-
When natural groups belong to different cultures the result is poral moments, is a generalization of the SXD design (if multi-
cross-cultural design (XCUD, see Matsumoto & van Vijver, ple cohorts are used), of the RXD (if each of the different co-
2011). The development of influential transcultural question- horts constitute different age groups) and the LPD (if the sam-
naires, such as the European Social Survey or the Program for ple of participants making up the cohort is evaluated at different
International Assessment of Students' Achievements (PISA), times). Arnau (1995d, e, f) and Gómez (1995) deal in detail with
has popularized this type of research and allowed the explora- some analytical questions of many longitudinal designs.
tion of new analytical options that had not previously been con- Bijleveld et al. (1998), Fitzmaurice, Laird & Ware (2009),
sidered (Davidov, Schmidt & Billiet, 2011). Menard (2008) and Singer & Willett (2003) cover all relevant is-
Cross-sectional studies require minimal effort in cost and sues of longitudinal data design and in-depth analysis.
time and are quite efficient when proposing associative hypoth-
eses, but they pose serious validity problems proposing causal- B.1.4. Developmental studies
effect hypotheses.
In the context of developmental psychology, comparative
studies have traditionally been concerned with analyzing differ-
ences or changes in behaviours or abilities of evolutionary inter- an equivalent sequential design reduces by half the time required
est in terms of age or development. It is very important to de- for the study, using a group of 5-year-olds (Observed at ages 5,
termine if the interest of the researcher is age/maturation dif- 7 and 9) and another group of 9-year-olds (observed at age 9, 11
ferences or non-age related changes to decide whether a study is and 13). More information on research methods in develop-
developmental (Schaie & Caskie, 2006). mental psychology can be found in Laursen, Little & Card
Three basic developmental designs have been defined with- (2013) and Teti (2006).
in this tradition (Baltes, Reese & Nesselroade, 1977; Schaie,
1965; Rosel, 1995). First, cross-sectional developmental design B.2. Predictive and explanatory studies.
(XDD), which uses samples from different age groups evaluated
with between subjects level at the same time point, aims to find Another type of non-experimental research deriving from
differences according to age in the measurement of one or more associative strategy is studies whose main purpose is to explore
DVs. Despite its name, the longitudinal dimension in this de- relationships between variables to predict or explain their be-
sign is due to the comparison between different age groups. The haviour. They have also largely been known under the generic
differential characteristic that justifies the inclusion of this de- name of correlational studies, but this term is now considered
sign in developmental studies is that the key variable is age, incorrect as the type of statistical analysis is not exactly the cru-
while in cross-sectional studies and simultaneous cross-sectional cial subject in this type of study (Cook & Campbell, 1979).
design, age is a control variable (Taris, 2000). The design is quite However, for those predictive studies that only explore relation-
efficient, as it allows a longitudinal study to be approached from ships between variables using correlation coefficients we will
a cross-sectional perspective, but it is not possible to evaluate continue using the term correlation designs in this paper.
the intraindividual change and the age effects are confounded Three distinctive features allow us to define these types of
with the developmental effects. Second, longitudinal develop- studies operationally in relation to other non-experimental stud-
mental design (LDD), is concerned with the analysis of change ies:
that occurs in a group of individuals observed repeatedly over - The existence of a single sample of participants not usually
time. Third is the time-delayed developmental design (TLD), randomly selected;
where observations are recorded at various time points, such as - The measure of each participant in the sample in two or more
in the longitudinal design, but a sample of individuals of the variables usually of a quantitative nature (i.e. measured varia-
same age group is used for each temporal moment. bles, not manipulated) but occasionally also categorical in na-
These three designs are special cases of the general devel- ture, and
opmental model of Schaie (1965), who postulated that any de- - Availability, as a starting point to address interpretation of an
velopmental change may be associated with one (or more) of array of correlations (or covariance) between variables.
three independent dimensions chronological age ( the number
of years from birth to the chronological moment in which the Following Pedhazur & Smelkin (1990), we have classified
behavior is evaluated), cohort or generation (referring to the the works that follow this line of research, depending on the
group of individuals that participate from a common context in complexity of the aim, in predictive and explanatory studies,
the same chronological moment) and period (the time the and represented in Figure 7.
measurement is made). The three dimensions are confounding
so once two of them are specified, the third is determined. For B.2.1. Predictive studies
example, an individual from a cohort born in 1950 and evaluat-
ed in the 2010 period is known to have an age of 60 at the time The most basic form usually adopted by these types of stud-
of measurement. Thus, in XDD design, age and cohort are con- ies occurs when the aim of the research is simply to explore a
founding and therefore no effects due to the period can be ob- simple functional relationship between two or more variables,
served, since the studied age groups should belong to different with no distinction between them. Since no form of control of
cohorts. The LDD design is less affordable in terms of time and extraneous variables is used over the functional relationship, the
cost than the XDD, but age and period are confounding and resulting design is called simple correlational design (SCD). The
therefore effects due to the cohort cannot be observed. On the statistical analysis of the association between variables often uti-
other hand, in the TLD design, period and cohort effects are lizes a correlation coefficient or a correlation coefficient matrix
confounding (Schaie, 1994; Schaie & Caskie, 2006). appropriate to the metric nature of the variables (e.g., Sicilia,
However, by imposing appropriate constraints on one of Aguila, Muyor, Orta & Moreno, 2009). But other alternative an-
the three dimensions of the model, it is possible to analyze the alytical techniques are also possible.
other two components and their interaction (Arnau, 2005; It is obvious that in SCD the degree of control exercised
Bijleveld et al., 1999; Menard, 2008). Three strategies have been over the third variables that can potentially affect the analysed
proposed to analyse all combinations of two of the three com- relation is null and that all variables have the same methodolog-
ponents, producing three alternative design forms to classic de- ical status, this being the reason why this design is highly prone
velopmental designs called generically sequential designs (see to the most threats to internal and external validity. Fortunately,
Schaie, 1994): cohort-sequential design (CSD), cross-sequential it can be significantly improved when the functional relationship
design (XSD), and time-sequential design (TSD). In general, between the variables is scanned by controlling one (or more)
these are much more efficient than the basic developmental de- third variable (s). The most appropriate control procedure in
signs. For example, a longitudinal design with children aged 5 to this case is statistical control through residualisation or partiali-
13 observed every 2 years requires completion of 8 years, while sation, in which case the resulting design is called a controlled
correlational design (CCD). Statistical analysis usually uses par- If the researcher has many predictors, there are two alterna-
tial or semi-partial correlation coefficients of k order, where k tive means of introducing them into a regression equation: ei-
refers to the number of controlled variables, or a matrix of par- ther all at once (simultaneous) or through a series of steps (se-
tial or semi-partial correlation coefficients (eg, Del Rey, Elipe & quential). In the latter case, there are two general options for de-
Ortega, 2012; Piamontesi, Esteban, Furlan, Sánchez-Rosas & termining a logical order of introduction of predictors: either
Martínez, 2012). through an automatic stepwise selection procedure, or a hierar-
chical procedure, directed by the researcher according to the
aim of the research. There are several reasons for preferring the
latter to the former (Snyder, 1991; Thompson, 1995, 2001),
mainly that with hierarchical selection one can incorporate vari-
ables in the first stages of the process control that the investiga-
tor considers pertinent, to analyze the predicted object of the
research from the influence of the control variables in the final
stages. There are many examples in the psychological literature
on applications of stepwise and hierarchical selection (eg, Gar-
cía-Izquierdo, García-Izquierdo & Ramos-Villagrasa, 2007 and
Cejudo, López-Delgado & Rubio, 2016).
Both correlational designs and cross-sectional predictive de-
sign are essentially single-measurement. A generalization of the
XPD to the longitudinal case leads to the longitudinal predictive
design (LPD), which is characterized by recording an intensive
measurement of the criterion variables and by attempting to
eliminate many methodological artifacts (Mindick & Oskamp,
Figure 7. Predicitive and explanatory Studies 1979), although it also suffers from problems associated with
longitudinal research in terms of cost and time. LPD applica-
SCD: Simple correlational design.
CCD: Controlled correlational design. tions are less abundant and use more sophisticated statistical
XPD: Cross-sectional predictive design. procedures than XPD (e.g., Rosenberg, Frees, Sun, Johnson &
LPD: Longitudinal predictive design. Robinson, 2006).
OVD: Observed variables design.
LVD: Latent variables design. B.2.2. Explanatory studies
GCD: Growth curve design.
MGD: Multiple groups design.
PLD: Panel longitudinal design. Another type of research deriving from the associative strat-
egy is explanatory studies, whose essential aim is the testing of
When the aim of the research is to explore a functional rela- models regarding the existing relationships between a set of var-
tionship through prediction of some criterion variable from one iables, as they derive from an underlying theory. In a regression
or more predictors, a cross-sectional predictive design (XPD) is model, the basic statistical model of predictive designs, we clear-
applied, where it is common to use the terms predictor, inde- ly define predictor and criterion roles, but postulate very simple
pendent variable, and criterion, replacing those of dependent modeling structures (usually one criterion and several predic-
variable. XPD does not usually employ control procedures and tors) and consider all variables as manifest or observable and
the most common statistical procedure is to specify an appro- measurements without error, which considerably limits its ap-
priate linear or non-linear regression model, depending on the plicability. Its generalization to more advanced models, includ-
nature and distribution of the criterion variable, and may also be ing simultaneous modeling structures and unobserved or latent
treated from a multilevel perspective. The generalized linear variables, allows us to define a system of regression equations
models (Ato, Losilla, Navarro, Palmer & Rodrigo, 2005; Dob- where variables can exchange their predictor and criterion roles.
son, 2002; Hardin & Hilbe, 2007) and multilevel models (Hox, To further clarify their role in the context of each regression
2011) are especially recommended in this context. When the cri- equation of the system, the terms of exogenous variables (out-
terion variable is numerically and normally distributed, a normal side the system) and endogenous variables (inside the system)
regression model is usually specified (e.g., Jiménez, Martínez, are used alternately, instead of the terms of predictor variables
Miró and Sánchez, 2012), when the variable is binary or dichot- and criterion variables.
omous a logistic regression model (eg, Planes, Prat, Gómez, Two research situations are contemplated here (see Figure
Gras and Font-Mayolas, 2012) and when a hierarchical structure 7). Firstly, the observed variables design (OVD), characterized
presents a multilevel model (e.g. Núñez, Vallejo, Rosario, Tuero by defining a structural network of relations between variables
& Valle, 2014). In many cases it is possible, and often conven- that can be represented by a system of regression equations, as-
ient, to evaluate the efficacy of the prediction through a classifi- suming that all variables are manifest or observable. The result-
cation of participants. In addition to logistic regression, it is use- ing model belongs to the SEM structure (see Table 1). The most
ful in this context to apply other multivariate techniques such as appropriate statistical procedure to analyze this type of design
discriminant analysis, hierarchical classification and segmenta- data starts from an array of correlations (or covariates) and then
tion, and neural networks (see Levy and Varela, 2003). applies the path analysis. The adjustment of the empirical data
to the proposed model is evaluated using appropriate adjust-
ment measures for structural models (see Kline, 2011). Howev- experimental studies as it does not fulfill any of the two basic
er, as noted above, researchers should always be aware that this criteria of experimental research (manipulation of variables and
analysis assumes that the overt variables are reliable manifesta- control by random assignment). But while in the associative
tions of their corresponding constructs, which cannot always be strategy the research objectives are translated into hypotheses
justified (see Cole & Preacher, 2013). seeking comparisons between groups or the prediction or ex-
Given a functional relationship between a predictor and a planation of behaviours or processes, in the descriptive strategy
criterion, one of the most interesting applications of the OVD the aim of the research is the definition, classification and / or
design is the evaluation of the effects of one or more third vari- categorization of events to describe mental processes and mani-
ables (Ato & Vallejo, 2011), justifying the significant increase of fest behaviours, which in essence do not usually require the use
research that submit to mediation and moderation test models of hypotheses.
(Jose, 2013, Hayes, 2013). In its simplest form, a mediation There are two major types of studies included in the de-
model is concerned with intervening processes that produce a scriptive strategy, which also represent alternative forms of data
functional relationship or a treatment effect (eg, Gartzia et al., collection used in most non-experimental studies: observational
2012), while a moderation model is concerned with processes studies, where behaviours are observed and classified in accord-
that affect the magnitude of the relationship or effect (e.g., Ro- ance with arbitrary codes, and selective, where opinions or atti-
drigo, Molina, García-Ros and Pérez-González, 2012). tudes are recorded on a response scale usually by questionnaire
Second, the latent variables design (LVD) distinguishes a or interview. Following Kish (1987), the essential characteristic
structural part in a model (representing a structural model of re- of an observational study is the realism with which the behav-
lations between variables, as in the OVD design) and a part of iours , object of the research are investigated, whereas the basic
measurement (including the different indicators that define a la- characteristic of a selective study is the representativeness of the
tent construct or variable) and is also represented by a system of selected sample regarding the target population. In contrast, the
structural equations, where some variables are observable and essential feature of an experimental study is random assignment.
others are latent. They are Structural Equation Models (SEM) It is important to note that the data analysis that is expected
with latent variables. There are at least two appropriate statisti- in a descriptive study is not necessarily descriptive; in many cas-
cal approaches to estimating the SEM model parameters, a co- es; a more complex analysis is performed using a wide reper-
variance-based SEM procedure which is most widespread toire of univariate and multivariate analytical techniques (e.g.
(Kline, 2011; Levy and Varela, 2006). That specific analysis pro- classification, dimensionality or scaling techniques, but also pro-
grams (embodied in the AMOS, CALIS, EQS, LISREL, cedures derived from the classic or generalized linear model).
MPLUS and R packages) have been designed, and a variance- The type of research does not therefore depend on the statisti-
based SEM method, called partial least squares path modeling cal analysis carried out, but on the aim pursued. When the aim
(PLS-PM), usually applied in cases where the severe conditions of the research is descriptive, the researcher does not usually
required by the former regarding sample size, multivariate nor- pose specific hypotheses for empirical testing and will present
mality and independence of observations are not met (Esposito results that appropriately describe behaviour or mental process-
Vinci et al., 2010; Hair, Hult, Ringle & Sarstedt , 2013), and for es, either with descriptive statistics or with more sophisticated
which there are also appropriate analysis programs (e.g. the analytical techniques.
PLS-PM program included in package R).
The LVD design allows controlling any foreign variable C.1. Observational studies
simply by including it in the structural model as observable vari-
ables and specifying relationships with the rest of variables, ob- An observational study is a research plan of great procedural
servable and latent (e.g., Rosario, Lourenço, Paiva, Núñez, versatility to record the spontaneous behaviour of a unit (partic-
González-Pienda & Valle, 2012). In addition, mediation and ipant, dyad, team, etc.) using specific observation techniques
moderation effects can also be tested often by comparing the fit and following a sampling plan of behaviours in natural contexts
of two alternative models that differ by either including effects (Rabadán and Ato , 2004).
of the third variables or not (e.g., Buelga, Cava and Musitu, According to Anguera (1995) and Shaughnessy, Zechmeis-
2012). ter and Zechmeister (2012), observational studies are generally
An interesting generalization of LVD designs that can be distinguished according to the method of observation used, or
used to model longitudinal data in which repeated measure- indirect observation (non-reactive) of behaviours that occurred
ments of at least one variable are observed very often leads to previously, as when a crime scene is analyzed for evidence or
the growth in curve design (GCD). An affordable introduction archival records are consulted on behaviours of interest, or by
to this type of design can be found in Arnau and Balluerka direct observation. In the latter case, the researcher must create
(2004) and Preacher, Wichman, McCallum & Briggs (2008). an observation context that can vary along a continuum from
Other explanatory longitudinal designs employing SEM models, the use of methods without intervention (naturalistic observa-
such as the multiple groups design (MGD) and the panel longi- tion) in the context of observation to the use of intervention
tudinal design (PLD), can be found in Little (2013b). methods, among which (the observer plays a dual role, observ-
ing behaviours and participating in the observed situation) and
C. Descriptive strategy structured observation (where the observer intervenes in the
situation in order to facilitate the recording of behaviours
The descriptive strategy represents, together with the asso- Through naturalistic observation as in the studies of Piaget). In
ciative strategy, one of two characteristic forms of non- all these situations, the researcher must take into account the
of European citizens). Selective surveys using non-behavioural new sample using the same instrument for each wave, usually
research are not included here. keeping the age constant, longitudinal sequential probabilistic
An essential question in the application of a selective study survey design (LPSD), where a sample is used at various time
is the representativeness of the sample in relation to the popula- points to evaluate the change, keeping the cohort constant, and
tion, a question that concerns the external validity of the re- longitudinal cohort sequential probabilistic survey design
search. Represtantiveness should be established using a set of (CSPSD), which combines elements of the three previous de-
sociodemographic variables unrrelated to the subject of the sur- signs by studying cohorts longitudinally as new cohorts are add-
vey and verifying that the sample estimates do not differ from ed sequentially.
the population parameters within a pre-established margin of Within the descriptive strategy, the selective studies of inter-
error. The highest degree of representativeness is reached when est are obviously descriptive and not analytical. The latter must
probabilistic sampling is used, but it is very common in applied be considered within the associative strategy. However, the
psychology to use non-probabilistic sampling, and in particular common feature is the use of the survey. The selective designs,
subjective sampling methods, with the lowest degree of repre- whether descriptive or analytical, constitute an arsenal of proce-
sentativeness. dures of the so-called survey methodology that differ according
to representativity (probabilistic vs. non-probabilistic) and the
time of data collection (see Figure 9).
The entire process of application and estimation of a survey
can be consulted in Gómez (1990) and Martínez Arias (1995a,
b, c). More detailed information regarding the survey research
can be found in a two-volume Encyclopedia edited by Lavrakas
Based on a contextual framework and postulating some basic
principles to support the methodological aspects of develop-
ment, articulation and evaluation of a research report, this paper
addresses a classification of the most common research designs
in psychology where methodological and analytical criteria are
unified to facilitate their identification.
It is obvious that any classification will be ambiguous by its
Figure 9. Selective Studies very nature, and that in some cases we will find designs that do
not have an easy location. This paper presents a total of 70 basic
XPSD: Cross-sectional probabilistic survey design. designs, which can be easily generalized to cover a wide spec-
TSPSD: Time series probabilistic survey design.
LPSD: Longitudinal probabilistic survey design.
trum of all the design options available to a researcher. The fu-
CSPSD: Cohort sequential probabilistic survey design. ture intention of its authors is to update this preliminary presen-
tation in successive re-editions, including new basic designs that
XNSD: Cross-sectional non probabilistic survey design. may not have been taken into account, eliminating designs that
TSNSD: Time series non probabilistic survey design. may be obsolete and developing a more detailed presentation
LNSD: Longitudinal non probabilistic survey design. where each design is treated with possible extensions, analytical
CSNSD: Cohort sequential non probabilistic survey design.
options and some examples of application in practice.
In addition to the aim of the research, the design of a selec- Given the problem in our country of needing to publish to
tive study should take into account the information collection achieve new academic and professional goals, our strong rec-
procedure (probabilistic versus non probabilistic) and adopt a ommendation is to encourage closer collaboration between sub-
number of essential decisions prior to sampling, during sam- stantive experts and methodological experts to strengthen the
pling and post-sampling (Martínez-Arias, 1995c). Selective de- development of more competitive research in psychology.
signs can be classified according to various perspectives. From a
methodological perspective they can be descriptive (when the Acknowledgments.- Our special thanks to the editorial team of
aim of the study is to obtain particular information from popu- the journal Anales de Psicología / Annals of Psychology, for giving us the
lations by placing emphasis on precision in parameter estimates) opportunity to develop this work, and also to fifteen experts on
psychological issues and methodology, who have responded to our
and analytical (when the objective is group comparison, predic-
call to review a first draft and have provided us with very valuable
tion or explanation of behaviour). From a temporal perspective, to improve it. The final version contains many of the suggestions
selective studies may be cross-sectional probabilistic survey de- received. The errors that still persist in the work should only be im-
sign (XPSD), where one or more samples from the same popu- putable to their authors. This English translation was published in
lation are used, keeping time constant, time series probabilistic December 2017.
survey design (TSPSD), which are cross-sectional surveys with a
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(Article received: 3-6-2013; accepted in Spanish: 4-7-2013; translated: 7-12-2017)