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Original Article

https://doi.org/10.12965/jer.1836082.041 Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation 2018;14(2):301-305

Effects of ankle strengthening exercise program on an

unstable supporting surface on proprioception and
balance in adults with functional ankle instability
Sun-Young Ha, Jun-Ho Han, Yun-Hee Sung*
Department of Physical Therapy, Graduate School of Kyungnam University, Changwon, Korea

The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of ankle ance ability. In the results, both proprioceptive sense and static dynam-
strengthening exercise applied on unstable supporting surfaces on the ic balance ability were significantly different between before and after
proprioceptive sense and balance in adults with functional ankle insta- the intervention in the experimental group (P< 0.05). When such results
bility. As for the study method, 30 adults with functional ankle instability are put together, it can be seen that ankle strengthening exercise ap-
were randomly assigned to an ankle strengthening exercise group and plied on unstable supporting surfaces may be presented as an effective
a stretching group on unstable supporting surfaces, and the interven- treatment method for enhancing the proprioceptive sense and balance
tions were implemented for 40 min. Before and after the interventions, a ability in adults with functional ankle instability.
digital dual inclinometer was used to measure the proprioceptive sense
of the ankle, the Balancia program was used to measure static balance Keywords: Ankle instability, Ankle strengthening exercise, Proprioception,
ability, and the functional reach test was used to measure dynamic bal- Balance

INTRODUCTION daily living activities (Freeman, 1965; Kaminski et al., 2003).

Balance refers to the ability to keep the center of gravity with
The ankles are important parts that play the role of weight bear- minimum postural sways occurring on the bearing surface (Shum-
ing and the role of adjusting lower limb movements during walk- way-Cook et al., 1988). Balance training in ankle damage patients
ing and exercise, which are important in daily living (Gao et al., can improve postural control and the proprioceptive sense and is
2011). The ankles as such are frequently damaged in daily life, widely used as a treatment method to improve the stability of the
sports, and leisure activities. Among ankle damage patients, 20% ankle joints (Arnold et al., 2009; Mattacola and Dwyer, 2002;
to 40% progress into chronic ankle instability (CAI) that shows Ross and Guskiewicz, 2006). The balance ability associated with
pain and ankle joint instability (Hardy et al., 2008; Kaminski and ankle damage is affected by various forms of sensations, including
Hartsell, 2002). CAI patients are highly likely to be exposed to the visual and cutaneous sensations. Among them, the proprioceptive
risk of other injuries when walking on irregular ground surfaces sense is obtaining stimuli through conscious/unconscious process-
or conducting sport activities. CAI can be divided into mechani- es in the sensory motor system and is divided into motor sense
cal ankle instability (MAI) and functional ankle instability (FAI). (kinesthesia) that sense the movements of the limbs and joint po-
MAI means state of relaxation of the ligament identified through sition sensation that sense the static positions of the limbs. When
objective physical examinations of the talar tilt and anterior draw- the proprioceptive sensory function has deteriorated, the postural
er sign and FAI means repetitive ankle sprains or redamage and control ability, protective reflex ability, joint movement ability,
the complaint of subjective feelings such as ankle giving away in and balance ability to respond to postural sways become more

*Corresponding author: Yun-Hee Sung https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4877-9784 This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons At-
Department of Physical Therapy, College of Health Sciences, Kyungnam University, tribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/)
7 Kyungnamdaehak-ro, Masanhappo-gu, Changwon 51767, Korea which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Tel: +82-55-249-6334, Fax: +82-50-5999-2173, E-mail: [email protected]
Received: February 19, 2018 / Accepted: March 25, 2018

Copyright © 2018 Korean Society of Exercise Rehabilitation 301 http://www.e-jer.org pISSN 2288-176X
eISSN 2288-1778
Ha SY, et al. • Ankle strengthening exercise improves proprioception and balance

likely to be deteriorated (Bennell et al., 2003; Park, 2007). Stud- ter (Dualer IQ Digital Inclinometer, J-Tech, Salt Lake City, UT,
ies reported that ankle instability is attributable to the deficit of USA) was used as a tool to measure the ankle joint proprioceptive
the proprioceptive sense, and that to improve the proprioceptive sense. The test was performed by having the test subject maintain
sense, balance training through unstable supporting surfaces is the set targeted angle for 5 sec. While his/her vision was blocked,
necessary (Han et al., 2006; Willems et al., 2002). come back to the starting point, and actively return to the set an-
To treat FAI and manage activity disorders, proprioceptive gle. The measurement was conducted three times repeatedly in
sense training using balance training and unstable supporting total and the error angle deviated from the set angle was used as
surfaces, muscle strength exercises for strengthening weakened the test result value (Willems et al., 2002).
muscles through elastic band and isokinetic exercise, and manual
therapy are implemented among others (Mattacola and Dwyer, Static balance
2002; Willems et al., 2002). In particular, although exercises that To assess the static balance ability in the standing position, all
strengthen ankle muscles, proprioceptive exercises, and exercises participants took off their shoes and stood on the Wii comfortably
that improve balance account for a large part of ankle damage re- with their arms put down on both sides when the static balance
habilitation, systematic exercise programs for ankle instability ability was measured. The measurement was conducted for 30 sec
have not yet been concretely presented. Therefore, the present with both eyes open and was repeated three times and the average
study aimed to investigate whether ankle strengthening exercise value was used (Clark et al., 2010). Balancia software ver 2.0
programs applied to adults with FAI on unstable supporting sur- (Mintosys, Seoul, Korea) was used for analysis.
faces affect the improvement of the proprioceptive sense and bal-
ance ability of the ankle joints. Dynamic balance
The functional reach test (FRT) is used to measure dynamic
METERIALS AND METHODS balance ability. This method was used to measure a subject to in-
structed to stand a flat floor at a 5-cm distance from a wall, spread
Participants the legs shoulder width apart, stand comfortably, extend the el-
The subjects of the present study were 20 male and female bows, bend the shoulder at 90°, move the body forward as maxi-
adults recruited using social network service after explaining the mally as possible using only the ankle joint, and extend the body
purpose and method of the study. The study subjects sufficiently parallel as maximally as possible. Then the distance to the tip of
understood the purpose of the present study and voluntarily agreed the middle finger (3th metacarpal bone) was measured (In et al.,
to participate in the study. The subject selection criterion was those 2016).
with the score of the Cumberland Ankle Instability Tool (CAIT)
not higher than 24 points, which corresponds to FAI and 30 sub- Ankle exercise program
jects were selected. The selected subjects were randomly divided The ankle exercise for experimental group was applied for 40
into an experimental group (ankle exercise applied on unstable min as shown in Table 1.
supporting surface) and a control group (general exercise).

Functional ankle instability Table 1. Ankle exercise program applied on unstable bearing surfaces
FAI was measured using the CAIT scale (Hiller et al., 2006). Step Program Time (min)
The evaluation tool consists of nine items that assess subjective Warm up Stretching around the ankle joint 5
feelings such as ankle pain, whether the ankles are instable in dai- Exercise 30
ly activities, and recovery time after ankle spraining and defines Bare floor & aerostep Ankle dorsiflexion and plantarflexion in
24 or lower points out of the full score of 30 points as FAI (Dona-
One leg standing
hue et al., 2011).
Ankle plantarflexion in one leg standing
Wobble board Circle a clockwise and counterclockwise
Proprioceptive sense direction in double support standing
The proprioceptive sense of the ankles was measured through One leg standing
ankle’s active joint position sense tests. A digital dual inclinome- Cool down Standing wall pushing, stretching 5

302 http://www.e-jer.org https://doi.org/10.12965/jer.1836082.041

Ha SY, et al. • Ankle strengthening exercise improves proprioception and balance

Statistical analysis Effects of ankle exercise o static balance after intervention

The statistical analyses were conducted using IBM SPSS Statis- Whereas the experimental group showed significant differences
tics ver. 21.0 (IBM Co., Armonk, NY, USA). Shapiro–Wilk tests in sway area (P<0.05), the control group showed no significant
were used for homogeneity and normality tests. Paired sample difference (P>0.05). The amounts of changes between before and
t-tests were used to compare the effects appearing before and after after exercise in the two groups showed statistically significant
exercise within the groups, and independent sample t-tests were differences (P<0.05) (Table 4).
used to compare the effects between the groups. All values are ex-
pressed as mean ± standard deviation. The significance level of sta- Effects of ankle exercise on dynamic balance after
tistical analyses was set to P<0.05. intervention
In FRT, whereas the experimental group showed significant
RESULTS differences between before and ankle exercise (P<0.05), the control
group showed no significant difference (P>0.05). The amounts of
General characteristics changes between before and after exercise in the two groups showed
The general characteristics of the subjects are as shown in Table 2. statistically significant differences (P<0.05) (Table 5).
The experimental group and the control group showed no signifi-
cant difference in ages, heights, or body weights (P>0.05). DISCUSSION
Effects of ankle exercise on the proprioception sense after The proprioceptive sense plays important roles of controlling
intervention the movements of joints and maintaining stability through recep-
The angles of dorsiflexion and plantar-flexion after intervention tors located in muscles, tendons, ligaments, and articular capsule
were significantly different in the experimental group (P<0.05), (Lephart et al., 1994). In the present results, the error angles of
but not in the control group (P>0.05). Changes between before both dorsiflexion and plantar-flexion angles decreased in the ex-
and after exercise in the two groups also showed significant differ- perimental group but increased in the control group. Eils and
ences (P<0.05) (Table 3). Rosenbaum (2001) reported that when proprioceptive sense exer-
cise was applied to patients with unstable ankles, significant im-
Table 2. General characteristics of the subjects (n= 30) provement in dorsiflexion and plantar-flexion of joint position
Group Age (yr) Height (cm) Weight (kg) Sex, male/female sense tests was shown consistently with the results of the present
Experimental 20.13± 1.81 163.33± 7.98 65.12± 13.63 4/11 study. The application of muscle strengthening exercise and af-
Control 19.93± 1.01 167.45± 9.39 68.04± 16.25 4/11
Table 4. Comparison of static balance before and after ankle exercises (cm2)
Values are presented as mean± standard deviation.
Sway area (area 95%) Experimental Control P-value

Table 3. Comparison of dorsiflexion and plantar flexion before and after ankle Pre 10.64± 5.39 8.68± 2.74 0.22
exercises (°) Post 9.03± 4.20 10.13± 4.25 0.48
Post-pre -1.61± 2.74 1.45± 2.75 0.00*
Proprioception Experimental Control P-value
P-value 0.04* 0.06
Values are presented as mean± standard deviation.
Pre 4.03± 1.88 3.49± 1.77 0.43
*P< 0.05.
Post 1.84± 0.87 4.01± 1.62 0.00*
Post-Pre -2.19± 1.68 0.52± 1.25 0.00*
Table 5. Comparison of dynamic balance before and after ankle exercises (cm)
P-value 0.00* 0.13
Plantarflexion Functional reach test Experimental Control P-value
Pre 4.74± 1.93 4.43± 1.67 0.65 Pre 35.56± 6.38 35.61± 4.48 0.97
Post 2.03± 0.95 5.28± 1.44 0.00* Post 36.91± 7.63 35.05± 4.78 0.42
Post-Pre -2.71± 1.68 0.85± 2.30 0.00* Post-pre 1.35± 2.17 -0.57± 1.53 0.00*
P-value 0.00* 0.18 P-value 0.03* 0.18
Values are presented as mean± standard deviation. Values are presented as mean± standard deviation.
*P< 0.05. *P< 0.05.

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Ha SY, et al. • Ankle strengthening exercise improves proprioception and balance

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