HMPE3 Culinary Nutrition Syllabus
HMPE3 Culinary Nutrition Syllabus
HMPE3 Culinary Nutrition Syllabus
Pillarican education is a life-long journey towards total transformation so that everyone becomes a pillar of peace, justice, love of humanity with preferential option for the poor and deep concern for
the environment.
OLPC-SMI, a Catholic college, as evangelizing arm of the local church, envisions a totally transform community.
Thus, OLPC-SMI as a sharer in the life and mission of the local church commits to:
A. Provide equal opportunity and access to equality education integrating Gospel and Filipino cultural values, responsive and relevant to the needs of the times.
B. Create in the school community an atmosphere and opportunities for individual transformation that lead to Christian community living.
C. Reach out to people enriching their faith-life experience needed in building a just and humane society.
Lifelong learners
The College of Hospitality Management envisions to become locally and globally recognized leading college in hospitality education producing transformed Christians and competent hospitality
A. Provide opportunity for experiential learning within the hospitality environment putting into practice the theories and principles in hospitality management;
B. Create and maintain a positive public presence by actively responding to the needs of industry, government, and society in order to prepare the playing field for employment
and to become productive members of society; and
C. Reach out to people and help alleviate lives through transfer of technology and capability building using practical application of hotel and restaurant operations.
1. Produce competent, proficiency and effective hoteliers and restaurateurs who can integrate Gospel and Filipino Cultural Values in the pursuit of local and national goals;
2. Develop hospitality business leaders imbued with social conscience and who can actively involve themselves in socio-economic development;
3. Hoteliers and restaurateurs who can respond effectively to the changing demands of the hospitality sector and the community as a whole; and Equip prospective hoteliers and
restaurateurs to the world of hospitality industry.
5. Pre-requisite: THC 2: Risk Management as Applied to Safety, Security and Sanitation, HPC1: Kitchen Essentials and Basic Food Preparation
6. Course Outcomes:
Differentiate between different menus needed for various retail and contract facilities.
Examine the needs of an operation's menu using demographics, menu mix and theme, nutritional value and integrate the capabilities of staff and the limitations of the facility.
Appraise the balanced nutritional menu created for an operation and evaluate the importance of basic nutrition for restaurants and the food service industry.
- Recommended Dietary
Allowances for Nutrients
1. Calculate and interpret Interpret and apply Chapter 2: Nutrients and Energy PowerPoint presentation and discussion 12 hours/4 weeks
nutrient composition of nutrition concepts to about Nutrients and Energy
foods evaluate and improve the - Carbohydrates
nutritional health of
2. Apply scientific research, individuals with medical - Fats and Other Lipids Film-viewing: Nutrition Disorders
including microbiology, conditions
food science and food - Protein and Amino Acids
safety to functions of Individual Activity: List the foods you
ingredients in food and - Energy Metabolism include in your daily meals. Check and
process controls see if you use the amounts of food
- Fat Soluble Vitamins indicated in the daily food guide.
3. Identify and Familiarize
about the different - Water Soluble Vitamins
disorders of nutrition.
- Major Trace and
- Water, Fluids,
Electrolytes, and Acid
Based- Minerals
- Disorders of Nutrition
Produce food products and 1. Demonstrate basic food Identify and apply food Chapter 3: Meal Planning and Discussion on Meal Planning and 9 hours/3 weeks
services complying with preparation, quantity food principles to food and Management Management
enterprise standards. production, and food nutrition systems.
presentation skills - Food Guides for selecting Individual Activity: Design your desired
an Adequate Diet menu for family and different age
2. Modify recipes and recipe groups based on the given guidelines.
proportions for individual, - Meal Planning for the
group dietary and volume Family
- Meal Planning for
3. Summarize health various age groups
promotion and disease
prevention theories and - Meal patterns
guidelines and explain the Chapter 4: Foods PowerPoint Presentation and Discussion 9 hours/3 weeks
role of food in promotion on food preparation processes
of a healthy lifestyle - Food Selection, Purchase
and Storage
4. Analyze foodservice Tandem Activity and Demonstration:
operations using the - Food Preparation Design and Prepare Food for the chosen
foodservice systems age groups.
approach - Effect of Preparation on
Food Components
5. Design and prepare meals
for various age groups - Factors affecting Food
6. Design and prepare menu
for individuals with - Food Sanitation and
different meal patterns Hygiene
Plan and implement a risk 1. Apply biological, Interpret and apply Chapter 5: Diet Therapy PowerPoint Presentation and Discussion 12 hours/ 4 weeks
management program to biochemical and nutrition concepts to - Adaptation of Normal on Diet Therapy, adaptation and normal
provide a safe and secure physiologic scientific evaluate and improve the Diet diet.
workplace. principles to nutrition nutritional health of
practice individuals with medical - Principle of Diet Therapy Individual Activity: Design Meal Plan
conditions and Therapeutic for the different medical conditions
Articulate and discuss the 2. Interpret of medical Nutrition
latest developments in the terminology and
specific field of practice. laboratory parameters - Nutrition in Infections,
relating to nutrition Fever, and Lung Disease
- Nutrition: Addictive
Behaviors in Anorexia
Nervosa, Bulimia, and
5. Evaluate medical
treatments for obesity
6. Identify techniques of
eating right when eating
7. Recognize behavior
modification techniques
for weight management
Suggested Readings:
- Mudambi, S.R, Rajagopal M.V (2007), Fundamentals of Foods, Nutrition, and Diet Therapy
- Marcus, Jacqueline B. (2013), Culinary Nutrition: The Science and Practice of Healthy Cooking
- Brown, Judith E. (2018), Nutrition Now 6th Edition
Course Requirements:
- Design menus for a full service Nutrition Food Service Facilities incorporating all the nutritional guidelines discussed
Grading System:
The minimum requirement for a passing grade is 75% as reflected in the Grading System of the institution which is composed of the following:
Quizzes 30%
Class Standing 30%
Major Examination 40%
Total 100%
The cumulative system is applied which is one-third of the previous and two-thirds of the present.
Aside from academic deficiency, other grounds for failing a course are:
Cheating during major examinations
Incurred more than 20% of the total number of contact hours in a semester
Failure to take a major examination with no valid reason
Classroom Policies: