Analysis of Indonesian Public Diplomacy Through Friends 2018

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Analysis of Indonesian Public Diplomacy Through Friends

of Indonesia: Fellowship for Future Ambassadors Program


Muhaimin Zulhair Achsin

Khairunnisa Nadhifa
Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan FISIP Universitas Brawijaya
Jl. Veteran, Malang, Jawa Timur, Telp. (0341) 575755, ext.121

The aim of this writing is to understand the Indonesian Public Diplomacy and how
it works through one of the implemented program which is Friends of Indonesia:
Fellowship for Future Ambassadors 2018 carried out under the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs of Indonesia. In addressing to this subject, this writing will analyze the
implementation and the impact of Public Diplomacy by the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs of Indonesia with the concept of Mark Leonard’s three dimensions of Public
Diplomacy, specifically in the dimension of Relationship Building in order to see the
picture of Indonesian Public Diplomacy in the Friends of Indonesia program.

Keywords: Friends of Indonesia; Public Diplomacy; Relationship Building.

1.1. Introduction to Public Diplomacy
In brief historical review, public diplomacy has always been usedfor centuries by
state actors even before the break out of 9/11 in the United States of America,
where suddenly the whole global attention shifted to the public diplomacy of “War
On Terror” reign, resulted in shifting the global aspect of perspectives between the
West and the Middle East countries. Jan Melissen(2005: 3)stated that in early
seventeenth century France went to much greater lengths in remoulding their
country image abroad than other European powers, and they put enormous effort
into managing their country’s reputation. Others countries followed suit, such as
Turkey in the aftermath of the Ottoman empire. Kemal Attaturk changed the face of
his country and identity.
Nevertheless, Public Diplomacy was a form of formal technical instrument of
foreign politics in order to shape image of countries’ perspective in general all
according to their own interest of view. For instance, during the First World War in
which the birth of International Relations grew to the study of states relations’
heavily implies on the subject of public diplomacy as one of soft power’s tool used by
the states to shape perspectives to the world. As of for now in the current global era,
Gorontalo Journal of Government and Political Studies
Volume1, nomor 2, Oktober 2018

Public Diplomacy is used as a common instrument by states and non-state

actors to be used in order to seek or promote interest through understanding and
influence through various form of activities to win “hearts and minds” of foreign
In general form of understanding, according to Joseph Nye (2008: 108), public
diplomacy is an important tool in the arsenal of smart power (combining hard and
soft power), but smart public diplomacy requires an understanding of the role of
credibility, self-criticism,and the role of civil society in generating soft power.Soft
power is the ability to affect others to obtain the outcomes one wants through
attraction rather than coercion (sticks) or payment (carrots) and power itself is the
ability to affect others to obtain the outcomes you want. Furthermore, Nye stated
that promoting positive images of one’s country is not new, but the conditions for
projecting soft power have transformed dramatically in recent years. Politics in an
information age “may ultimately be about whose story wins” (Arquila and Ronfeldt
1999 cited in Nye 2008: 100).
The many examples of the common implementation of public diplomacy varied
from different activities such as exchange of culture, international fairs, music and
food festivals, films and et cetera. Through these types of activities, the states were
able to create a bridge between other countries in order to show them a new
perspective from the representative country in an exchange of public opinion and
this is one of the things that pushes the effects towards other aspects to improve.
One of them is to plant an image from one country to another that will allow them to
build relation in better further condition than before.
Application of public diplomacy traditionally involves the leaders of state-to-
state interaction in government-to-government exchange however the latter
interaction can be done through government leaders to the people in government-to-
people contact. The form of public diplomacy allows to improve the implementation
and opportunities therefore in the contemporary understanding, the definition
transforms as the process of direct contact of actors from one state to another in
order to achieve interest and to share values they represented.
If we were to describe Indonesia’s form of Public Diplomacy in general, there are
several factors that created the image of Indonesia through public diplomacy that
involves these several factors. First is that Indonesia being one of the country with
the most populated Muslims in the world, allows them the possibility to have close
relations with other Muslim countries such as in Middle East. Second, Indonesia is
a democratic country therefore the diplomatic activities conducted by the country
involves in spreading the democratic values and principles (example freedom,
dignity, decolonialization 1955 Bandung Conference) to other countries. Third,
Indonesia builds the image as one of the country to have the highest economic
capabilities in Southeast Asia in the development of market, tourism and foreign
The strategic situation of Indonesia as a middle power in Southeast Asia creates
the image of Indonesia as a potential country to be able to influence their relations
with other countries in Asia or even on broader international scale. Indonesia’s
capabilities as a middle power can be looked through the aspects of politics,

P-ISSN: 2614-2120, E-ISSN: 2614-2104

economy, security, military, as well as social-culture, which are great potentials to

be used as diplomatic instruments to secure the image of Indonesia’s foreign politics
and policies. On the other side, Indonesia proves to be able to win the hearts of
other countries in international scale through soft power especially in the case of
public diplomacy.
The focus of public diplomacy implemented by Indonesia, specifically handled by
the Indonesia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA), highlights on the instruments of
political and cultural exchange. Indonesia’s best strategy in winning the hearts of
other countries is through exchanges of ideas, values, and culture resulting in
influencing actors in the exchange. On that account, Indonesia continue to work by
the use of both state and non-state actors in the activities. One of the well
mentioned works by the MoFA is the establishment of the annual Bali Democracy
Forum in order to share the democratic principles in maintaining Indonesia’s image
as a democratic country in the international level. Afterwards in the aspect of
culture, Indonesia was able to showcase exchanges in cultural festivals abroad
through Indonesian embassies, film discussions and offering art scholarship to
foreigners to learn Indonesian traditional arts and language.
One of the newest programset by the MoFA is the Friends of Indonesia:
Fellowship for Future Ambassadors 2018 (FOI). The program was created to invite 10
young diplomats from 10 different countries to visit Indonesia for 2 weeks in order
to learn about Indonesia through people-to-people contact, furthermore to bond
closer with the diplomats from 10 different countries in understanding Indonesia
intimately. In addition, the program hopes to leave an impression from the invited
diplomats about Indonesia and uses this opportunity to build bridges of diplomatic
context in hopes to remind of Indonesia once they had achieved success in their
career in the future. This journal is written to discuss and analyze the implemented
program of FOI 2018 as a form of public diplomacy process in Indonesia.
The several previous works that particularly explained Indonesian public
diplomacy were Azyumardi Azra (2015) Indonesia’s middle power public diplomacy:
asiaand beyond, which explained the pattern of Indonesia’s public diplomacyfrom
Sukarno to post-Suharto era, Rizal Sukma(2011), Soft Power and Public Diplomacy:
The Case of Indonesia, and Sukawarsini Djelantik (2008), Theory and practice of
Indonesian diplomacy and foreign relations. However, this paper offers a novelty
regarding newest program of Indonesia’s public diplomacy namely Friends of

2.1. Type of Research
This following research is a descriptive-analytic research type with qualitative
attributes. The analysis of this research uses the concept by Mark Leonard’s three
dimensions of public diplomacy (2002) of News Management, Strategic
Communication, and Relationship Building.
2.2. Location of Research

Gorontalo Journal of Government and Political Studies
Volume1, nomor 2, Oktober 2018

This location of this research is at the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign affairs in

Jakarta as well as following the program of Friends of Indonesia held in Bandung as
well as Bali.
2.3. Data Gathering
This research collected both of primary and secondary data. The technique of
data gathering used in this research is through interviewsas well as documentation.
In-depth interview is a data gathering technique conducted where the researcher
will ask directly to the primary sources such as the staff of Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, the Director from the Directorate of Public Diplomacy, and the 10 diplomats
from the foreign countries. Documentation is a form of data gathering technique
where the researcher documents all of the primary and secondary sources based on
acquired data.

2.4. Data Analysis

Data analysis of this following research is through qualitative analysis
thoughmanagement of data, reduction of data, data interpretation based on
findings, validity check, and conclusion in the end of the analysis.


The MoFA of Indonesia is solely responsible for all of the activities related to
international relations on a formal legal basis from the government as an institution
to carry out national duties and responsibilities. Public diplomacy under Indonesia’s
MoFA can be described as festive as the Directorate of Public Diplomacy, a specific
department that is responsible for all of Indonesia’s public diplomacy duties,
regularly host events, programs and offer scholarships in order to maintain the
bridge between Indonesia and the rest of the world.
One word to uphold by the Directorate of Public Diplomacy in maintaining the
bridge of relationship is to call these countries “the best friends of Indonesia” in
order to keep the perspective that in gaining favors with foreign actors. Generally,
the principles of activities carry out by this department is based on achieving
partnership, networking, promotion, dissemination and people-to-people contact. So
all of the activities carried out by the MoFA needs to be based on these principles
because it underlines the main point and mission of Indonesia to carry out public
diplomacy instruments in the field.
By the writer’s analysis on the job performance carried out by MoFA in
managing the public diplomacy, there are several positive and negative points
during the process of work. First and foremost, towards the positive box; there are
several good points in managing the events and programs to be carried out
throughout the year. Regular meets and discussion as well as deep research helps
to enrich the events and programs to become more adequate and compelling which
draws more exchange of ideas formally well. There is actual good intention delivered
by the Directorate of Public Diplomacy as they carry out their tasks by dividing into
5 different categories in their sub-directorates which are Politics and Security,
Economy and Development, Actual and Strategical Issues, Social and Culture, and
Empowerment of Indonesian Citizens Abroad. The division of these are based on the

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missions each sub-directorate carries out for their goals, resulting in extensively
accomplishing Indonesia’s public diplomacy achievements in short amount of time
throughout the year which counts as an impressive note due to their lack of staff.
On a more negative points, in a realistic view in carrying out huge amount of
events and programs to accomplish in a year-term, the preparation was handled out
short and lacking. The writer was able to take note on how the management in the
institution lacks staff therefore pressures the deadline works and resulting staff to
not have the chance to plan out for the long term post-events and programs during
the meetings and research. If we were to draw a conclusion, the whole picture
creates the notion that the institution progress fairly well in preparation and the
implementations but not so much on the following up afterwards.
This draws the understanding that MoFA was not able to create longer term of
continuous contact after the event and programs ended, lacking in creating further
communication and thus losing the opportunity to strengthen the bridges of actors
involved. This creates Indonesia’s public diplomacy as merely simple tool or reason
to be used in carrying out the extensive events and programs but after the
implementation carried out, there are no further progress on the post-activities,
declining the chance of creating deeper relationship through communication
between the actors. If the MoFA were able to carry out this plan of ongoing
communication then there would be changes of gaining favors from foreign
ministers in other countries in case of emergencies or aid in general for example in
economic or security matters when Indonesia is being challenged in the
international scale, there would be allies to back up Indonesia in the field.
Bringing on the attention towards the program FOI 2018. In brief review, the
program FOI 2018 was designed to fulfill the mission principle of people-to-people
contact from the institution. FOI program involved 10 young diplomats from
different countries which are from Bangladesh, Fiji, Guyana, Cambodia, Japan,
Mexico, Nigeria, Papua New Guinea, and Portugal. The initiative for this program
was proposed to give positive opportunities for the young diplomats and Indonesia.
The programcarried out on 18th- 26th of July 2018, held on three different locations
which were in Jakarta, in focusing political and security aspects by visiting
Indonesia’s MoFA, independent media office and the UN Peacekeeping Training
Centre. The second location was in Bandung, focusing on economic industries and
Museum of Conference Asia-Africa. The last location is in Denpasar, focusing on
social and cultural aspects of Indonesia from different tourist attractions of Bali. By
the end of this program, FOI was able to create close relationship between the young
diplomats and Indonesia as they are attentively interest in various sectors.
Judging by the data the writer was able to gather, the job performance of this
specific program went fairly well in carrying out the mission of people-to-people
contact by the foreign young diplomats to Indonesia actors whether they might be
officials from the MoFA or the non-state actors from the representative sectors they
come in contact with. The preparation for the program had been short by meetings
and discussion filled with research and communication through the embassies of
the representative countries, the program was able to place a tight schedule for the
implementation to be carried out.

Gorontalo Journal of Government and Political Studies
Volume1, nomor 2, Oktober 2018

Even though the program lasted only for 2 weeks, it was able to create the
impact greatly on the young diplomats who participated. The young diplomats who
participated from this program acts as the representative from their own respective
countries however they also act as intel by gathering many information as possible
so that they were able to analyze in their own perspective and carry out their
information as personal agenda towards their own foreign ministries from their
home countries. The information they wrote in their personal agenda may be able to
become useful for their own information-gathering research as they explore more of
Indonesia’s capabilities to their own benefits. Not only that this is quite a smart
move but also opportunistic in which they are able to gain the benefits from
Indonesia’s resources so that they are able to gain a few favors for themselves in the
future as well.
Alongside from that aspect, there are also negative points derived from this
program as well. Firstly, one of the things that lacks in the program of FOI is the
schedule that was tightly packed to be conducted. Although the purpose is to use
the full time possible in showcasing Indonesia’s sides in any way however it would
be a waste if the participants were not given time for self-learning and self-exploring
deeper into Indonesian communities. It would be one of the greatest chance for the
young diplomats to have deeper sense of connection to the Indonesian people when
they are able to see the part that the institution does not show them to see directly,
so that engagement by the participants to more non-state actors can create better
form of public diplomacy. Secondly, there is a lack of effort in maintaining
communication in the post-program activities. The institution sees that once the
program ended, the form of personal agendas and memories as well as ceremonies
seemed enough for the public diplomacy to be carried out, however this is where the
lack of push by the Indonesian performance on public diplomacy lacks very much –
which is the maintenance of connecting the communication bridge with the involved
participants of this program. It would seem that the MoFA believes that there is no
need for more effort in the aftermath of the program because the schedule of the
program was just enough but that is clearly not the point of the public diplomacy
carried out.
Based on the concept of Mark Leonard’s three dimension of public diplomacy,
included three dimensions that connected to this analysis. Although the three
dimensions can be as vastly important, the writer would like to specify mostly on
the dimension of relationship building. While analyzing though the dimensions of
News Management and Strategic Communication, there are several key point
activities accomplished such as the participants of FOI created personal agenda in
order to send out their information gathering and analysis of Indonesia to their own
respective foreign ministries and also where media comes into play along in creating
news articles about this program to several online media in order to bring attention
of this form of public diplomacy activities towards Indonesia and foreign countries to
showcase Indonesia’s efforts in maintaining the image. However, it fails to deliver
the timing of delivering these messages as it is appearing in very little of attention in
result and the institution do not seem to boast about the development of the

P-ISSN: 2614-2120, E-ISSN: 2614-2104

program for further communication much so it does fail to conduct as a whole since
there is less effort in reaching for better understanding.
For relations building it is very important to note it involves three spheres which
are political/military, economic, societal/cultural, which are brought up through
the public diplomacy acts of introducing these spheres to the young diplomats
participated. However, there were less effort of creating a long term effect based off
of this program in further on trying to follow up through communication. As
mentioned before, the lack of effort to push for the communication build up after the
program ended do not seem to be in the plan-making of the procedure when clearly
the aftermath communication is the most important fact to be conducted after the
public diplomacy carried out.
It would seem to lost the value of “building relations” when there is no progress
of the post-program networks. When no communication follow-up appeared then it
would be very likely that the connections between the young diplomats to Indonesia
would dimmed out in the future as it serves no more interest for their own benefits,
just solely due to the lack of communication from Indonesia’s part. Another
information regarding to this finding that it would seem very short of Indonesian
MoFA to not round up their efforts further on by indulging more time on
communication in the post-program rather just solely focusing on the implemented
program occurs. Rather than just holding out programs, the institution should also
carry out more resources by acting as intel by the available diplomats from the
MoFA to participate in other countries’ programs and not just creating them.
Obtaining networks by participating is also very opportunistic for national interests
as well, especially when it comes to serve from government to diplomats directly.

In the overall view, public diplomacy involves actors, primarily state actors, in
the attempt to achieve for their interests through various degrees of peaceful
activities, usually through many examples of different activities such as exchange of
culture, international fairs, music and food festivals, films and others. The focus of
public diplomacy implemented by Indonesia highlights on the instruments of
political and cultural exchange as the best strategy carried out is through exchanges
of ideas, values, and culture.Friends of Indonesia: Fellowship for Future
Ambassadors 2018 is a program of Indonesia’s public diplomacy, created to invite
10 young diplomats from 10 different countries to visit Indonesia for 2 weeks in
order to learn about Indonesia through people-to-people contact, furthermore to
bond closer with the diplomats from 10 different countries in understanding
Indonesia intimately.
Based on the findings, FOI maintained the bridge of relations between Indonesia
and the young diplomats from different 10 countries and were able to showcase and
exchange information of Indonesia’s aspects of politics, economy, and social-culture
however based on the analysis, it failed to conduct further communication follow-up
after the program ended resulting in weak of relationship building in the form of
public diplomacy carried out by Indonesia. Suggestions for future references in case

Gorontalo Journal of Government and Political Studies
Volume1, nomor 2, Oktober 2018

another program like this would occur, it is highly advisable to maintain

communication after public diplomacy activities ended in which the connection
between actors would not weaken in time.

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