UT-9061 User Manual
UT-9061 User Manual
UT-9061 User Manual
Model: UT-9061
(WiFi Transfer RS-232/485/422)
1. Product Characteristics………………………………………………………………..….….3
3 . H a r d wa r e In s t a l l a t i o n a n d A p p l i c a t i o n … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 3
6. Interface Description………………………………………………………………….………6
7. Function Description………………………………………………………………..…..…. …7
8 . U A R T A u t o ma t i c F r a m i n g F u n c t i o n … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . … . . … 9
11. FAQ…………………………………………………………………………….……….…..35
I. Product Characteristics
◆ Communication Interface: RS-232, RS-485, RS-422
◆ Protection grade: RS-232 interface, 600W surge protection
RS-485/422 interface, 3KA lighting protection of each wire
2KA lighting protection at power source interface
◆ Supply voltage: 9-30VDC
◆ Working current: 9V@200mA
◆ Standard transmission rate: 300~115200bps
◆ Working mode: optical transceiver, asynchronous half duplex and asynchronous full duplex.
◆ Antenna impedance: 50Ω (standard configuration is 360°rotation and 90°folding. SMA splice antenna)
◆ Working temperature: -40℃~ +85℃
◆ Overall dimension: 97mm×65mm×26mm (excluding antenna)
◆ Support 802.11b/g/n wireless standard
◆ Support wireless work in STA/AP/AP+STA mode
◆ External antenna
◆ Provide AT+ command set configuration
◆ Provide Web configuration page
◆ Support heartbeat signal, WIFI connection indication
◆ Support ex-factory parameters customization settings
RXD+/RXD- stands for receiving A+/B- and VCC stands for input or output power supply. GND stands for
common ground wire, point to point, point to multi-point and half duplex communication connect with two wires
which are T/R+ and T/R-; point to point, point to multi-point and full duplex communication connect with four
wires which are T/R+, T/R-, RXD+ and RXD-. TXD stands for sending and RXD for receiving.
When the converter is used as full duplex or half duplex for wiring, in order to prevent signal reflection and
interference, a matched resistance (parameter: 120Ω1/4W) should be installed at line terminal.
When the module receives data from UART, it will check the interval time of 2 adjacent bytes. If the
interval time is greater than a certain value, then the frame is considered to be finished, otherwise receive data all
the time until the data is more than 4K bytes. When the module determines that the previous frame of serial port
is over, the module will transmit it to WIFI interface.
The default interval time between 2 bytes by the module is 50ms, i.e. when the interval time is more than
50ms, one frame is over.
Besides, the interval time can be set to be 10ms by commands to satisfy the customers’ requirements for
transmission efficiency of serial port. By testing, when the setting is 10ms, the loop of WIFI à UART à WIFI,
if the data is not large, the delay is about 40~50ms.
But if the time interval is 10ms, the customer’s MCU can’t ensure the next byte will be sent within 10ms,
and then the serial port data may be disunited.
The interval time can be set by AT command, AT+FUARTTE=fash/normal. Fast corresponds to 10 ms and
normal corresponds to 50ms. This command is ex-factory settings command. AT+RELD is invalid to it.
For the detailed UART automatic framing operations, please refer to “AT Commend Set”
UARTF/UARTFT/UARTFL command instructions
The illegal invader can connect the STA in network to illegal AP by establishing the same SSID/ESSID wireless
network so as to achieve network leak. By binding BSSID address, the STA can be prevented to connect illegal
network and improve the safety of wireless network.
Safety mode
Secret key
Working mode
Transparent transmission or agreement transmission mode
As indicate below, making use of the transparent transmission function of UT-9061, the user can regard
UT-9061 module as a virtual serial port line and then send and receive data according to ordinary serial port
mode, that is, the original serial port equipment of the user. The user can directly replace the connected serial
port lines into cost module and realize wireless data transmission without any modification.
UT-9061 module supports AT+ command of serial port. Please refer to the chapter of “AT Command
Instructions” file.
UTEK can make ex-factory default configuration according to the users’ customization parameter settings
which will greatly reduce the configuration time of MP modules. At the same time, if the user needs to set
different parameters for each module or to configure modules in batches, UTEK can provide batch configuration
tool to promote configuration efficiency for the user. Please contact the technicians of UTEK to obtain further
batch configuration support.
The settings in this page contain two charts. The above one is STA wireless settings, including SSID
needing to connect AP and safety settings, etc. The below chart is about network connection mode settings,
including DHCP and static connection mode.
Apps Settings
The network side can be set into 3 modes: TCP Server, TCP Client, UDP.
Since UDP has no connection, there is no Server or Client. If the setting is TCP Server, it doesn’t need to input
IP address. For other settings, the opposite terminal IP address needing to be connected should be input at IP
address bar. Put the agreement port number at the port column. The port number at the two ends of
communication must be the same.
9.7 Module management page
Module management contains user name/password settings, recovering ex-factory settings and software
upgrading function.
“Restart module” button: when the user set parameters in different pages, click “OK” to confirm the set
parameters. But these settings can be effective only after the user click “restart” module management page. After
“restarting” is clicked, the module will restart and refresh the original configuration information in internal
In order to facilitate introduction, we use 2 general programs as debuggers:
One is serial port debugger, ComTools.
Another is internet access debugger, TCPUDPDbg.
2 kinds of connection mode can be used in debugging. The user can test as per actual applications:
Use STA interface, UT-9061 and one PC connect with a wireless AP respectively and another PC connect
with UT-9061 by serial port, as indicated below:
Use AP interface, a PC connect with the AP interface of UT-9061 and another PC connect with UT-9061
by serial port, as indicated below:
CommTools debugger
Open TCPUDPDbg program in PC2. Set the parameters of the page according to the previous applications
and create a connection. If the UT-9061 is set to be Server mode, then the client-side connection should be
created, otherwise the server mode connection should be created.
And then select TCP/UDP, agreement port and IP address according to the parameters of the settings page of
Since UT-9061 module supports transparent transmission mode in default, it’s allowable to send data to
TCPUDPDbg tool via CommTools tool or to CommTools via TCPUDPDbg. All the data will be entirely
transmitted to the other side and displayed.
As indicated above, the UT-9061 is used as AP and the serial port connects user equipment. The devices
such as smart phone can support connection to UT-9061 module.
User equipment
User equipment
Remote Connection Application Graph
In the graph, the UT-9061 module is used as STA and is connected to Internet via gateway. The module is
set to be TCP Client which is connected with the server of Internet.
Such networking application can send the data acquired by user equipment to the server for disposal and
storage. The server can control the user equipment by commands.
Two UT-9061 modules can form transparent serial port, as indicated below.
LAN IPadd:
As shown in picture, set the left UT-9061 in AP mode, SSID and IP address are default. Set the network
agreement in TCP/Server mode. The agreement port is 8899 in default; set the right UT-9061 in STA mode, set
SSID to be the SSID of AP (UT-9061), with default of DHCP. Set the network agreement in TCP/Client mode
and the agreement port is 8899. Set the opposite terminal IP address as the address of the left module, i.e.
When the right module starts, it will find AP (SSID: UT-9061) and then automatically start TCP client side
and connect the TCP Server of the left module. When all the connections are finished automatically, the UART
at two sides can transmit data transparently.
Note: the IP address at the LAN port should be modified into one which is beyond the same network
segment at WAN port, as shown below:
The address obtained from the left module by DHCP at WAN port is 10.10.100.xxx.
Start TCP Server on PC, and all the TCP UT-9061 modules start TCP Client to connect with PC.
As a result, the data acquired by each DAQ card can be transmitted to PC for uniform disposal and
X. AT Order Instructions
10.1 Module operating mode
UT-9061 module has 2 kinds of working modes. In default case (i.e. in starting), it will actively enter
transparent transmission mode, in which the user can switch the module into command line mode by serial port
The parameters configuration at default UART port in the mode is as follows: (relevant settings shall be
made to the hyperterminal of PC)
In command line mode, the user can set the module with AT+ command at UART port. The functions can
completely cover the settings in web page.
When “+++” and confirmation code of “a” are input, there is no echo at serial port, as indicated above.
The inputting of “+++” and “a” shall be finished in a certain time to reduce the probability of entering
command mode in normal work status.
In command mode, you may make AT+ command at UART port to set, inquire or restart the module and
return to transparent transmission mode by AT+ command. Refer to next chapter for the details of AT+
Response message
+<RSP>[op] [para-1,para-2,para-3,para-4…]<CR><LF><CR><LF>
+: response message prefix
RSP: response character string, including:
ok: representing success
ERR: representing failure
[op]: =
[para-n]: return to parameters during inquiry or error code during errors
<CR>: ASCII code 0x0d
<LF>: ASCII code 0x0a
error code
UT-9061 module can work in either AP or STA mode. Use different commands to set WIFI parameters. AT+E
Function: open/close echo function
+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
When the module switches from transparent transmission mode to command mode, the default echo
function is open. Close echo function after inputting AT+E for the first time and then open echo function
after inputting again. AT+ENTM
Function: enter transparent transmission mode
+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
When this command is executed correctly, the module switches from command mode to transparent
transmission mode. If it needs to enter command mode again, you may input “+++” and confirmation code
to return to command mode. AT+NETP
Function: set/inquire network agreement parameters
Inquire: AT+NETP<CR>
+ok=<protocol, CS, port, IP><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
Set: AT+NETP=<protocol, CS, port, IP><CR>
+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
Protocol: agreement type, including
Function: set/inquire serial port parameters
Inquire: AT+UART<CR>
+ok=<baudrate, data_bits, stop_bit, parity, flowctrl><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
Set: AT+UART=<baudrate, data_bits, stop_bit, parity><CR>
+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
baudrate: baud rate, allowable
1200, 1800, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400, 345600, 460800
data_bits: data bit, allowable
5, 6, 7, 8
stop_bits: stop bit, allowable
1, 2
parity: check bit, allowable
NONE: without check bit
EVEN: even check
ODD: odd check
MARK: positive check
SPACE: negative check
flowctrl: hardware flow control (CTSRTS)
NFC: without hardware flow control
FC: with hardware flow control
The set parameters will be effective after the module is restarted. AT+UARTF
Function: open/close automatic framing function
Inquire: AT+ UARTF<CR>
+ok=<para><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
Set: AT+ UARTF=<para ><CR>
+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
para: both disable or enable may be valued, representing close or open automatic framing function AT+UARTFT
Function: set/inquire automatic framing triggering time
Inquire: AT+ UARTFT<CR>
+ok=<time><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
Set: AT+ UARTFT=<time><CR>
+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
time: automatic framing triggering time, the unit is ms. Value range:100~10000. AT+UARTFL
Function: set/inquire automatic framing triggering length
Inquire: AT+ UARTFL<CR>
+ok=<len><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
Set: AT+ UARTFL=<len><CR>
+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
len: automatic framing triggering length, the unit is byte. Value range: 16~4096. AT+TMODE
Function: set/inquire data transmission mode (transparent transmission modeor agreement mode)
Inquire: AT+TMODE<CR>
+ok=<tmode><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
Set: AT+ TMODE=<tmode><CR>
+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
tmode: data transmission mode, including
Through: transparent transmission mode
Agreement: agreement transmission mode
The set parameters will be effective after the module is restarted. AT+WMODE
Function: set/inquire WIFI operating mode (AP or STA)
Inquire: AT+WMODE<CR>
+ok=<mode><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
Set: AT+ WMODE=<mode><CR>
+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
mode: WIFI operating mode, including
AP: wireless access point mode
STA: wireless terminal mode
The set parameters will be effective after the module is restarted. AT+WSKEY
Function: set/inquire encryption parameters in WIFI STA mode.
Inquire: AT+WSKEY<CR>
+ok=<auth,encry,key><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
Set: AT+ WSKEY=< auth,encry,key><CR>
+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
auth: authentication mode, including
encry: encryption algorithm, including
NONE: effective when auth=OPEN
WEP-H: effective when auth=OPEN or SHARED (WEP, HEX)
WEP-A: effective when auth=OPEN or SHARED (WEP, ASCII)
TKIP: effective when auth= WPAPSK
AES: effective when auth= WPAPSK
key: password, when encry=WEP-H, the password is hexadecimal number, 10 or 26 bits; when
encry=WEP-A, the password is ASCII code, 5 or 13 bits; otherwise the password is ASCII code, less than
64 bits and more than 8 bits.
This parameter is only effective in STA mode. The set parameters will be effective after the module is
restarted. But such parameters can be set as well in AP mode. AT+WSSSID
Function: set/inquire AP SSID in WIFI STA mode
Inquire: AT+WSSSID<CR>
+ok=<ap’s ssid><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
Set: AT+ WSSSID=<ap’s ssid ><CR>
+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
ap’s ssid: SSID of AP
This parameter is only effective in STA mode. The set parameters will be effective after the module is
restarted. But such parameters can be set as well in AP mode. AT+WSLK
Function: Inquire link status in wireless STA mode (can only be used in STA mode)
Inquire: AT+ WSLK<CR>
+ok=<ret><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
If there is no connection: return “Disconnected”
If there is connection: return “SSID of AP (MAC of AP)”
If WIFI is not open: return “RF Off” AT+WEBU
Function: set/inquire login parameters of WEB page (user name, password)
Inquire: AT+WEBU<CR>
+ok=<usr,password><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
Set: AT+ WEBU=< usr,password ><CR>
+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
usr: user name for WEB page visiting
password: password for WEB page visiting AT+WAP
Function: set/inquire parameters in WIFI AP mode
Inquire: AT+WAP<CR>
+ok=<wifi_mode,ssid,channel><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
Set: AT+ WAP=<wifi_mode,ssid,channel><CR>
+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
wifi_mode: WIFI mode, including
ssid: SSID of AP mode
channel: WIFI channel selection, AUTO or CH1~CH11
This parameter is only effective in AP mode. The set parameters will be effective after the module is
restarted. But such parameters can be set as well in STA mode. AT+WAKEY
Function: set/inquire encryption parameters in WIFI AP mode
Inquire: AT+WAKEY<CR>
+ok=<auth,encry,key><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
Set: AT+ WAKEY=< auth,encry,key><CR>
+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
auth: authentication mode, including
encry: encryption algorithm, including
NONE: effective when auth=OPEN
WEP-H: effective when auth=OPEN or SHARED (WEP, HEX) AT+MSLP
Function: module enters into sleep mode (WIFI is not available)
Inquire: AT+ MSLP <CR>
+ok=<sta.><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
Set: AT+ MSLP=<on/off><CR>
+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
During inquiry, sta.: whether the return module is sleeping, e.g.
on, representing no sleeping
off, representing sleeping
During settings, off means that the module enters into sleep mode, on means that the module exits sleep
When the module enters into sleep mode, input AT+MSLP=on again, the module will exit sleep mode. The
module is still in command mode. AT+WSCAN
Function: search AP in STA mode
+ok=<ap_site><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
ap_site: searched AP station points AT+TCPLK AT+TCPDIS
Function: link/disconnect TCP (only effective in TCP Client)
Inquire: AT+ TCPDIS <CR>
+ok=<sta.><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
Set: AT+ TCPDIS=<on/off><CR>
+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
During inquiry, sta.: return whether TCP Client is in linkable status, e.g.
on, representing linkable status
off, representing not linkable status
During settings, the module is set to be not linkable status for off, i.e. when the command is sent, the
module will disconnect link immediately and never connect again; the module is set to be linkable status for
on, i.e. when the command is sent, the module will connect again immediately. AT+WANN
Function: set/inquire WAN settings, only effective in STA mode
Inquire: AT+WANN<CR>
+ok=<mode,address,mask,gateway><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
Set: AT+ WANN=< mode,address,mask,gateway ><CR>
+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
mode: IP mode of WAN port, e.g.
static, static IP
DHCP, dynamic IP
address.: IP address of WAN port
mask: subnet mask of WAN port
gateway: gateway address of WAN port AT+LANN
Function: set/inquire LAN settings, only effective in AP mode
Inquire: AT+LANN<CR>
+ok=<address,mask ><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
Set: AT+ LANN=<address,mask ><CR>
+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
address.: IP address of LAN port AT+DHCPGW
Function: set/inquire DHCP gateway address
Inquire: AT+ DHCPGW<CR>
+ok=<address><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
Set: AT+ DHCPGW=<address ><CR>
+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
address.: DHCP gateway address AT+TCPTO
Function: set/inquire TCP timeout
Inquire: AT+ TCPTO<CR>
+ok=<time><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
Set: AT+ TCPTO=<time ><CR>
+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
time.:TCP timeout, <= 600 (600 sec), >=0 (0 represents no timeout), the default is 300 AT+MAXSK
Function: set/inquire max. TCP connection number
Inquire: AT+ MAXSK<CR>
+ok=<num><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
Set: AT+ MAXSK =<num ><CR>
+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
num: max. TCP connection number, may support 1~32, the default is 32.
When it’s set as TCP Server, the module can support max. 32 TCP connections. Since the user needn’t so
many connection numbers, you may properly reduce the settings of such parameter. AT+TCPB
Function: enable/disable TCPB function
Inquire: AT+TCPB <CR>
+ok=<sta.><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
Set: AT+ TCPB=<on/off><CR>
+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
During inquiry, sta.: whether the returned TCPB function is enabled, e.g.
on, representing enabled TCPB
off, representing disabled TCPB
The set parameters will be effective after the module is restarted. AT+TCPPTB
Function: set/inquire port number of TCPB
Inquire: AT+TCPPTB <CR>
+ok=<port><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
Set: AT+ TCPPTB=<port><CR>
+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
port: agreement commodity, decimal number, less than 65535
The set parameters will be effective after the module is restarted. AT+TCPADDB
Function: set/inquire server of TCPB
Inquire: AT+TCPADDB <CR>
+ok=<add><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
Set: AT+ TCPADDB=<add><CR>
+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
add: server address of TCPB (both the IP address or domain name of server can be input).
The set parameters will be effective after the module is restarted. AT+TCPTOB
Function: set/inquire TCPB timeout
Inquire: AT+ TCPTOB<CR>
+ok=<time><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
Set: AT+ TCPTOB=<time ><CR>
+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
time.: TCPB timeout, <= 600 (600 sec), >=0 (0 represents no timeout), the default is 300 AT+TCPLKB
Function: inquire whether the TCPB link has been created
+ok=<sta><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
sta.: return whether the TCPB link has been created, e.g.
on, representing the link has been created
off, representing the link has not been created AT+EPHY
Function: open/close 以太网接口
+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
In order to reduce power dissipation, the Ethernet is disabled when the module is in default. After inputting
such command, the Ethernet port is enabled. This command is not saved, i.e. the Ethernet will still be
disabled after restarting. If the settings of enabled Ethernet need to be saved, the ex-factory settings
command needs to be used.
Module power dissipation can be reduced when the Ethernet port is closed; so it’s recommended that set to
be closed when the Ethernet port is not used. The Ethernet port is closed in default settings. AT+STTC
Function: enable/disable STA port scan function
Inquire: AT+STTC <CR>
+ok=<sta.><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
Set: AT+STTC=<on/off><CR>
+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
During inquiry, sta.: return whether the STA port scan function is enabled, e.g.
on, enabled STA port scan function
off, Function disabled STA port scan function
Set: AT+FRLDEN=<on/off><CR>
+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
on/off.: return whether enabled nReload pin function, e.g.
on, enabled nReload pin function
off, disabled nReload pin function
Note: AT+FRLDEN is F- settings, i.e. the recover ex-factory settings is invalid to this setting. AT+RELD
Function: recover ex-factory settings
+ok=rebooting…<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
This command can recover the ex-factory settings of the module which will automatically restart later on. AT+Z
Function: restart module
restart module AT+MID
Function: inquire module ID
Inquire: AT+MID<CR>
+ok=<module_id><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
module_id: module ID, Format
yymmdd: representing production date, year, month and date respectively
nnnn: representing production series number AT+VER
Function: inquire software version
Inquire: AT+VER<CR>
+ok=<ver><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
ver: return the software version of module AT+H
Function: help command
Inquire: AT+H<CR>
+ok=<commod help><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >
commod help: command line description
11.1 Two UT-9061 modules are interconnected, how to set if use UDP agreement as transparent serial port?
As shown in picture
Use 1# as AP and change the agreement into UDP, IP address is
2# module WAN IP: Use 2# as STA, WAN port address or dynamic acquisition or static settings
(suggest using static address), e.g. set as
The settings for TCP agreement of 2# module is as follows: UDP, port 8899 unchanged, IP address is LAN IP
address of of 1# module (namely AP).
The LAN IP of 2# module shall be changed into another network segment. (
11.2 Two UT-9061 modules set as STA and are interconnected by AP, how to set if use as transparent serial port?
As shown in picture, since the UT-9061 can also be used as AP. Here take the AP of UT-9061 module as an
1# module is AP, it will be all right for default settings.
2# module is STA, WAN IP is, TCP Server
3# module is STA, WAN IP is, TCP Client, and the agreement address is the WAN IP of of 2# module. The port of both 2# and 3# module is the same, i.e. 8899.
Change the LAN IP of 2# module into 10.10.99..254 and the LAN IP of 3# module into to prevent
11.4 The UT-9061 module is connected with PC (server) respectively, how to set it?
As shown in picture, the 3 modules connect with 3 TCP created by PC:
3 modules are used as DAQ cards. 1# is used as AP. PC and other 2 modules connect with WIFI of 1# module.
The IP address of PC is, used as TCP server. The port is 8899.
1# module agreement settings: TCP client,
2# module WAN IP is, agreement settings: TCP client, 10.10.100:8899
3# module WAN IP is, agreement settings: TCP client,
Change the LAN IP of 2# module into and the LAN IP of 3# module into to prevent