Basics of Pressure Piping For Junior Engineers
Basics of Pressure Piping For Junior Engineers
Basics of Pressure Piping For Junior Engineers
➢ ASME Standard:
• Section B is for Piping & Pipeline
• ASME B31.1: Power piping – Clauses starts with 100
• ASME B31.3: Process piping – Clauses starts with 300
• ASME B31.4: Liquid transportation pipeline – Clauses starts with 400
• ASME B31.8: Gas transportation pipeline – Clauses starts with 800
• ASME B36.10: Dimensional standard for CS & AS
• ASME B36.19: Dimensional standard for SS
➢ B31.3
• Package piping is not included
• Equipment piping is not included
• Thick lines are covered in the code and thin lines inside the packages are not covered
• Shall: Mandatory
• Should, Will, May: for recommendation
• Battery Limit: Fig 300.1.1 Process Plant
➢ Fluid Category – B31.3
• Group N: Normal
• Group D: Utility (Nitrogen, water, Steam, air)
• Group M: Hazardous (Flammable, toxic, harmful for human body i.e. hot oil)
• Group High pressure
▪ 0-7 bar low p
▪ 7-22 medium p
▪ 22 < high pressure
➢ MSS SP 25: Standard Marking System for Valves, Fittings, Flanges, and Unions
• Pipe marking – 7 items: Type – Material – Dimensional STD – Thk – Pipe End – Length
➢ Pipes
• Seamless (Type: S)
• Welded pipes: (One seam weld, Two seam weld), 4 welding methods in 302.3.4
▪ ERW: Electrical Resistant Welding (No electrodes). Type: E (Piping drawing) or EJ (Mechanical
drawing) - EJ = 0.85
▪ FBW: Furnace Butt Welding (low quality). Type: F - EJ = 0.6
▪ EFW: Electrical Fusion Welding (High quality). EJ = 0.8 without RT, EJ = 0.9 with RT
▪ SAW: Submerged Arc Welding EJ = 0.95 For each operator randomly, NDT 30% of their
welding length
▪ Ex: E = 1: 100% of the weld length has been tested
▪ Strength
o S – Before welding
o S ′ – After welding
o S ′ ≤ S : S ′ = S ∗ EJ (EJ ∶ Joint Efficieny) 0 ≤ EJ ≤ 1
o EJ : changes with 3 factors: Type of weld, The location, Scope
➢ Tensile strength and Toughness (the amount of energy absorption by the material in impact test)
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• (0 − Sy ) : Allowable Stress
• S : depending on Temperature and Material
➢ ASTM Standard:
• Metal
▪ Ferrous (A): CS, SS, AS
o Carbon < 2% →Steel
o Carbon ≥ 2% → Cast Iron
o CS
- Low CS - C < 0.15%
- Mild CS - 0.15% < C < 0.3%
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- Medium CS - 0.3% < C < 0.5%
- High CS - 0.5% < C < 1%
▪ Non-Ferrous (B)
• Non-metal
• %C Vs Weldability, Strength and Toughness
Tensile Strength 𝐒𝐮
Yield Strength 𝐒𝐲 30,000 35,000 40,000
• UNS equivalent is also included
• ASME Sec II Part A, B, C is also standard for material and spec
• CS materials
▪ Pipe: A53, A106
▪ Fitting: A234
▪ Flange: A105
▪ Valve: A216
▪ Bolt: A193 B7
• SS Material
▪ Alloy constitution
o Group 200 Chrome and Nickle (Replace with Manganese)
o Group 300 Chrome and Nickle
o Group 400 Chrome
▪ SS microstructure groups
o Austenit (usually 300). For low temp and non-magnetic
o Ferit
o Martensit
o Duplex
▪ SS TPs base on alloy constitution
▪ A312: Pipe
o 304 & 316 have less strength and more weldability
o 316 has more Mb and used in humid and salty environment
o Table 4 for fillers and electrodes
▪ A182: flange
▪ A403: Fitting
▪ A193: Bolt (CS & SS)
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o B7 CS
o B8 SS
▪ A350: Valve Gr. CF8M
➢ Pipe has 3 features in dimensional standards: OD, Thk, Weight
• NPS ≤ 12" NPS < OD
• NPS > 14" NPS = OD
➢ DIN equivalent (Nominal Diameter)
• NPS 1⁄8 = DN 6
• NPS 1⁄4 = DN 8
• NPS 1⁄2 = DN 10
• 4” and above NPS + 25 = DN
➢ Tubes:
• Shell & Tubes
• Pneumatic piping
• Steam tracing
➢ ̅) 304.1.2 sec
Thickness calculation (t min , t nom , T
• Thickness: ASME B36.10, B36.19, API 5L
• Thin wall by code: t < D⁄6
• Hoop Stress σHoop = 2t
→ t min = 2S
• t min = t + C
Where: C: Mechanical thickness + corrosion + Erosion
C: ASME B1.20.1 Pipe threads, general purposes
C. A = C. R ∗ age – C.R: Corrosion Rate
Ex: C.A = 3mm for 30 years, Sea water 0.1 to 0.2 mm/year
• Po < PD < Pt , Operation < Design < Test
• Modified Hoop Stress eq. t = 2(SEW+PΥ)
Where: Sy ∶ Allowable Stress
S: A. 1
E: 302.3.4
W: 302.3.5 – Weld joint Reduction Factor for temp > 427 ⁰C
Υ: 304.1.1
• Ex 1: Material A106 Gr. B SMLS NPS=14”
Condition: PD = 300 psi, TD = 400 F, C. A = 30 yrs
A) t min
NPS = 14" → OD = 14"
300 psi ∗ 14 ∗ 25.4
t min = + 1.5 = 2.66 + 1.5 = 4.16mm
2(19900 ∗ 1 ∗ 1 + 0.4 ∗ 300)psi
Where: E = 1 & W = 1 T < melting T Table A. 1
B) If the manufacturer wants to use its mill tol for A106 (-12.5% - B36.10) what is the t nom ?
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t min
t nom =
(100 − tol)%
2.66 + 1.5 4.16
t nom = = = 4.75mm
(100 − 12.5)% 0.875
C) What is the pipe order?
14" SCH. 10 T̅ = 6.35
D) How maintenance team will consider thk according to corrosion and erosion?
t min = t + C, 2.66 + 1.5 = 4.16mm
• Ex 2: Material A53 Gr. B (Type E) 6”, mill tol 12.5%,
Condition: PD = 250 psi, T = 300 F, C. A = 30 yrs
250 ∗ 168.3
t min = + 1.5 = 1.23 + 1.5 = 2.73mm
2(20 ∗ 1000 ∗ 0.85 ∗ 1 + 0.4 ∗ 250)
t nom = = 3.12mm
(100 − 12.5)%
6" SCH. 10 T̅ = 3.40
• Ex 3: Material A106 Gr. B 1 1/2”, mill tol 12.5%, C (thrd) B1.20.1
Condition: PD = 50 psi, T = 100 F, C. A = 30 yrs
50 ∗ 1.14 ∗ 25.4
t min = + 1 + 0.0869 = 1.546mm
2(20000 ∗ 1 + 0.4 ∗ 50)
t nom = = 1.76mm
B36.10 SCH. 10 T ̅ = 2.77mm
• Ex 4: Material A312 TP316 5” SMLS, mill tol 12.5%
Condition: PD = 50 psi, T = 900 F
50 ∗ 141.3
t min = = 0.248mm
2(15.6 ∗ 1000 ∗ 1 ∗ 0.91 + 0.4 ∗ 50)
t nom = = 0.283mm
5" SCH. 5S T̅ = 2.77mm
➢ Manufacture weight
• It is the oldest type and was developed for B36.10 CS & AS which had STD, XS and XXS in each size.
• The weight method has advances and added SCH method after 15 yrs to B36.10
• SCH.: 5, 10,20,30,40,60,80,100,120,140,160
• And for SS in B36.19 SCH.: 5S,10S,40S,60S,80S
• NPS ≤ 10" SCH 40 = STD
• NPS ≤ 8" SCH 80 = XS
➢ Main reason of the reduction is corrosion
➢ MAOP: Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure
• Maximum of MAOP is PD
• During operation MAOP should be measured after couple of years with UT method and smart pigs as
the pipe may has been damaged by pitting, cracks etc.
• The extra thk (T ̅ − t nom ) is very useful is piping and can be used for MAOP
• For pipeline it is not efficient to have extra thk so API 5L has more thk which are indicates by dots (…)
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• API 5L materials are equal to ASTM
➢ MAWP: Max Allowable Working Pressure
• MAWP is the maximum pressure that can be put through the system
• For the extra thickness, we can have WAMP in the beginning of the operation
➢ Pressure Temp Allowance
• Appendix B for Permissible conditions
• 302.2.4:
▪ Increase pressure 33% for max 10 hrs & no more than 100 hrs in a year
▪ Increase pressure 20% for max 50 hrs & no more than 500 hrs in a year
▪ F: Occasional variation
➢ Pipe connection type
• Screwed pipe, PE or TE (TC: C for coupling). For other components it uses Scrd, Thrd, Sc.
• TE pipes are galvanized (Zinc coated) usually used for water
• All TC pipes come with one coupling at one end
• If it is PE, the other components should be looked at to realize if it is thread.
• PBE: Plain both ends
• BBE: Bevel Both ends
• TBE: Thread both ends
• Socket weld pipes are usually in small sizes (less than 2”): PE: Plain End
• Butt Weld, BE: Bevel End pipe, Ex: Refer to 328.4.9
• Pass: Every 360⁰ around the pipe
• B16.25 NPS ≥ 2"
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• NPS < 2"
▪ PE
▪ TE
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• All pipes are TRD and fittings are SCR
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5” SMLS pipe SS A312 TP 304 SCH 40 BE ASME B36.19 20m
1 ½ “ FBW pipe CS A53 Gr. A SCH 40 PE ASME B36.10 5m
➢ PMS: Piping Material Specification
• Nelson Table for material selection
• API 520 PR02 – for design temperature range
• UG66 ASME Sec. VIII – Relaxing Min Temp
▪ MDMT : Min Design Min Temp – UG66a, UG66b, UG66c
• B16.34 Material Table 1
• Sun exposed temp 60 to 85⁰C
▪ 85⁰C: for equipment
▪ 60⁰C: for pipe with flow
• Design material → condition (P,T) / Flowrate / Fluid → designer
• Designer: Access way / Maintenance / Plotting
• Catalogue man will input PMS into PDMS and lock it to be used by designer
• Line No.: 14”-E-82-0006-DJ01-C
14”: Size or biggest size
E: Media
82: EPC
DJ01: Piping class
• Piping Class:
▪ L N L N (L: Letter, N: Number) [material Rating Service CA]
▪ L L N N (L: Letter, N: Number) [Flange Rating material Service index]
➢ Welding
• Welding Standards
▪ Root gap SMAW: 1.5 ± 0.5
▪ Root gap GTAW 2.5 ± 0.5
▪ GTAW CS: AWS A5.18
▪ AS: AWS A5.4
▪ SS: AWS A5.5
▪ AWS A5 = ASME Sec II Part C
• SMAW: Shielded Metal Arc Welding. (+ for Stick and – for plate, In pipeline Vice versa). Use E
• GTAW or TIG: Gas Tungsten Arc Welding or Tungsten Insert Gas. Use ER (Electrode Rod) & Argon
(noble gas)
• CAD weld: Cable to pipe welding
• Welders wear red dresses because of the radio activity from Tungsten.
• For any material that has more than 11% chrome (SS) we have to Argon purge as Chrome has a high
tendency to oxidize (Cr2O3) during welding.
• If has access to the back of the welding area (tanks, large bore pipes) we use back weld (grind the
oxide area and weld again)
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• AWS A5.1 to 5.31 for welding:
• AWS A5.4 SMAW for alloy steel
• AWS A5.1 SMAW for carbon steel. Details about current, position, cover metal etc.
• WPS: Welding Procedure Specification
▪ Standard: ASME Sec IX QW 200
▪ Combination of AWS, ASME and B31.3
▪ Welding Process: SMAW, GTAW
▪ Welding Type: Manual, Automatic
▪ Name of the welder
▪ Page No.
▪ Shape of the connection V Type etc.
▪ First and Second material
▪ Thickness range
▪ NPS range
▪ Type of weld: Butt, Fillet etc.
▪ Standard: Ex: CS AWS A5.1
▪ Electrode type
▪ F No.: filler & no. A No.: Chemical Analysis of the electrode
▪ Electrode diameter
▪ PWHT: B31.3 331.1
▪ Type, Purity and flow rate of the purge gas. Ex: Argon
▪ Backing: If the purge is req for the back. Ex.: For SS is a must and is the same as the front as
in gas purging
▪ Position: 1G, 2G, 3G, 1F, 2F, 3F etc.
▪ Pre Heat: B31.3 330 (depends on the thickness & material)
▪ Qty of the electrode on the stick (Single or double wear)
▪ Initial and inter-pass cleaning: Brush & grinding
▪ Type of the Tungsten if it is Argon welding
▪ Oscillation
▪ Orifice or gas cap size. Depends on the ceramic size
▪ Method of back gouging. Welding from back. The method of cleaning the initial weld. It can
be grinding or gouging (special electrode that melts and also melt the initial weld)
▪ Multiple or Single pass. (Single pass can fill thk<3mm)
▪ V & A of the electricity
• PQR: Procedure Qualification Record
▪ Bending test. It should break from the base metal not the weld
▪ Tensile test. It should break from the base metal not the weld
▪ Impact test (For below zero temp or large thk): Put the item in liq Hydrogen for 30s to 1 min.
It should break from the base metal not the weld
▪ PQR can be done infinite times until it accepts for once
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➢ Pipe Dimensions:
• Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe: ASME B36.10
• Stainless Steel Pipe: ASME B36.19
• Same size pipes OD is constant, and ID varies with SCH. In tubes ID is Constant and OD changes
• More than 14” OD = NPS
➢ Alloy steels has min 1.25% Molybdenum which makes it stronger against high temp and pressure. Ex: Steam
➢ LTCS (low temp CS) or KCS (Killed CS). A333 Gr. 1 to 12 - Is completely deoxidized steel, no free Oxygen is left
in the steel. Resulting uniform composition and superior toughness against below zero temp. ex: Ammonia
➢ Galvanized pipes are usually for potable water, instrument air, Co2.
➢ ASTM A: ferrous materials, B: non-ferrous material, C: concrete, etc., D: material properties, E: test, etc.
➢ A106 CS pipes Gr. A, B, C. (Grade B is the most common grade)
➢ A312-304, 309, 310, 316, 317, 321, 327, 347 etc. for SS.
➢ A312 - 316, 316L, 316H, 316N, 316LN, 316TI, 316CB different grades for 316. L: Low carbon, H: High carbon,
N: Nitrogenized, TI: Titanium, CB: Columbium.
➢ Tapering for grinding inside the pipe. Welding of two same size pipes with different schedules.
➢ According to piping handbook A249 nipple is less than 30 cm
➢ IPS -C-PI-240 7.3 suggests NPS ≤ 12” Nipple 5cm or 4xthk the greater one, NPS ≥ 14” min nipple is 10cm
➢ B31.3 341.4.6 min width of the HAZ is 1”
➢ B31.3 Table331.1.1: for CS or KCS: Ver: 1998 – 2002 thk > 19mm, Ver: 2002-2012: 20mm, Ver: 2014: 25mm up
to 90°C Preheat (B31.3 330.1.1) then PWHT to prevent hydrogen crack is not required.
➢ Alloy steel thk > 13mm PWHT.
➢ NACE: (National Association of Corrosion Engineering) material consists of H2S. PWHT is mandatory
➢ Dissimilar welding. Ex: AS to SS welding. Use buttering method. Min 5mm coating of SS creation by electrode
on AS then no PWHT is required.
➢ TT (Time-Temperature) graph is for PWHT. (720°C for AS)
• Heating rate (ASME Sec VIII Div 1 UCS55): for 150°C/hr.
• Holding time (B31.3) AS:13-50mm 2 hrs, thk>50mm, thk*2.4=Time(min)
• Cooling rate (ASME Sec VIII Div 1 UCS55): 200°C/hr
➢ After PWHT grinding small parts of HAS, base metal and weld on 0, 90, 180, 270° for hardening test.
➢ Calculating pipe wall thickness: Size, pressure, temp, E: joint efficiency, S: stress allowable, corrosion
➢ Fittings:
• Changing direction: Elbow, Bend, Return, Mitered Elbow
• Changing dimeter: Reducer, Swage (Swage Nipple)
• Make branch: Tee, Olet
• Pipe connection: Coupling, Union, Half Coupling
• Etc: Cap
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• Fittings will change the fully developed fluid, therefore V will drop
• Dimension BW: B16.9
• Dimension SW & Thrd.: B16.11
• Material CS BW: A234 Gr. WPB,A,C
• Material CS SW or Thrd.: A105N.
• Material AS BW: A234 Gr. WP11, WP22
• Material AS SW or Thrd.: A182 Gr. F11 or F22
• Material SS BW: A403 WP304, H, L, LN, N, 309, 316
• Material SS SW or Thrd.: A182 Gr. F304, 316
• Material LTCS BW: A420 Gr. WPL6
• Material LTCS SW or Thrd.: A350 Gr. LF2
• All BW fittings are WP: Wrought Pipe
• SW, Thrd. fittings are F: Forged
• A105N: Normalized CS to make it stronger against below zero temp.
• Sch. is used for BW
• Thrd. Class: 2000#, 3000#, 6000#
• SW Class: 3000#, 6000#, 9000#
• B16.11 Table 2
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• Ex: 4” Elbow LR SCH 40 CS A234 WPB ASME B16.9
• Work PP wrought
▪ WPA Wrought steel product Gr. A
▪ WPA Wrought steel product Gr. B
▪ WPA Wrought steel product Gr. C
• Ex: A216 WCA / WCB / WCC – Cast
• P for forged: cold or hot. Will not change the chemical structure
• C for cast: will change the chemical structure
• MTO methods for pipe between BW elbows
ASME B16.9: Table 1 LR Elbows. Table 2: LR Reducing Elbows
Table 7.2.1 Req t for the pipe to be bend = 1.25 ∗ 2.78 = 3.48
̅ then it would be covered (if T
If we have extra thk in T ̅ > 𝑡 then bend is OK)
▪ Bucking in inner wall
OD2 + OD3
Depth = |OD1 − |
If A/Depth ≥ 12 then bend is acceptable (Pa 6.2 in PFI-ES-24)
➢ Mitered Bend (Fig 304.2.3 B31.3)
• Max pressure will be calculated in 4a or 4b (based on the miter geometry)
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➢ Branching Methods:
• Pipe to Pipe (304.3)
• Tee
• Olet
➢ Pipe to pipe
• ASTM F681 for branch connection
• Pipe to pipe (Header & Branch): Usually for normal media like gravity line for water.
• Pipe to pipe for normal temp and pressure, using RFP (reinforcement pad) with same size and thk (or
one sch. Greater) as the header. Pad should have a 6” hole to help welding gases exit, also for soap
test (B31.3 RFP test: 25 psi) (Fig 304.3.3)
• Pipe to pipe with RFP up to class 150# or greater that 12”
• RS Pad – Reinforced Saddle
A2 + A3 + A4 ≥ A1 (Appendix H has examples)
A1 : The hole area on the header
A2 : The area caused by T − 𝑡𝑚𝑖𝑛 on the header
A3 : The area caused by T − 𝑡𝑚𝑖𝑛 on the branch
A4 : The area of RS & its fillet welds
• Pad made from header with same thickness d2 = 2d1
➢ Tee Red
• D1 ≤ 20” - Max D1-D2=8”
• 22” ≤ D1≤ 34” - Max D1-D2=10”
• D1≥ 36” - Max D1-D2=12”
➢ Olets:
• Usually for vent and drain
• Latrolet and elbolet are similar
• Elbolet is to make a reducing tangent branch on LR & SR elbows
• Sweep olet is reinforced type of weldolet
• All olets are BW to header.
• Usually argon welding up to 5-6mm thk
• All olets are forged
• Material: CS - A105N
• Material: SS - A182 Fxxx
• Dimension: MSS SP-97
• Max size 10” / 12”
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➢ Cross: not used in industrial environment
➢ Lateral: connect AG to collective BG for sanitary
➢ Y junction: for corrosive fluid (i.e sea water, H2S) Y junction is used to reduce the speed
➢ Flange:
• BW Weld Neck, SW, Lap Joint, Blind, RJ or RTJ (Ring Type Joint), Slip on, Spectacle Flange or Fig 8 or
Spectacle Blind
• Lap joint Flange consists of: Lap joint (CS A105N) + Stub End (SS) and it is always for SS lines. BW
welding type. Lap joint flange always should be sand blasted & painted.
• RTJ flanges uses API 6A (Spec for wellhead & Xmas Tree equipment)
• S.O flanges are 1/3 in strength compare to W.N.
▪ Not enough space
▪ When we are in min P point in the class
▪ Ex: B16.5 Table 2-1.1 19.6 barg working pressure if the pressure id 2 barg we can use S.O
19.6/3 = 8 bar S.O can be used up to 8 bar
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▪ When the material is expensive i.e. Mg, Cr, Ni we can go for S.O if pressure allows us
• Lap Joint Flange: when pipe is special (SS421) and expensive or the flange does not exist (Stub end +
CS Flange) – Ex:
▪ 4” Flange WN SS 150# R.F Sch 10S A182 F304 B16.5
▪ 10” Flange WN CS 150# R.F Sch 20 A105 B16.5
▪ 16” Flange SO CS 150# R.F A105 B16.5
• All flanged are forged except Stub End which is wrought pipe.
• Stub End dimension standard is B16.9 as it is WP.
• Flange CS: A105
• Flange SS: A182 Gr. Fxxx
• Flange KCS: A350
• Dimension Standard B16.5: ½” <Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings NPS ≤ 24”
• Dimension Standard B16.47: flanges NPS ≥ 26”
• Table 1A list of materials Specification
▪ 1.1 material pressure – Temp rating table 2-1.1
▪ 1.2 material pressure – Temp rating table 2-1.2
▪ 1.3 material pressure – Temp rating table 2-1.3
• To stop the flow and close the pipe or nozzle
▪ Blind
▪ Spectacle (spacer & spade)
▪ Blank B31.3 Pa 304.5.3 to calc blank thk
• ASME PCC1 to bolt up (Table 2: Torque Increments / Table 1: Target Torque)
▪ 2 hole
▪ 12 o’clock line
▪ Clockwise numbering
▪ PCC1 table 4 for cross pattern
• Flange class identifies the piping system class, change in class will be shown and happen in flange
• Ex: ASTM A105 T=200⁰C PD = 61 barg
A) Find the Flange Class
A105 is in group 1.1 (Table 1A B16.5) then P-T rating table 2-1.1 → Flange class 600#
B) T=270⁰C PD = 58 barg
Flange class 600#
C) As we know we must do hydrotest after installation piping system – pressure test is as below
Ptest = 1.5 PD ST /SD
ST : Allowable stress in test temp
SD : Allowable stress in design temp
PD = 16barg TD = 25⁰C Ttest = 25⁰C A105
= 1 Ptest = 1.5 ∗ 16 = 24 barg
Flange Class? 150# Max P = 19.6 bar * 1.5 = 29.4 barg – Flange can be used as the table os for
working pressure
➢ Sizing calculation
• PFD (T,P) → class and material → sizing (Process dept)
• PFD → flow rate (Q) and service feature (Density & viscosity)
Q 4Q
• V = A → V = πd2 where V & d are unknown
• Ex: Q=158259 kg/hr Service: Naphta ρ = 704.7 kg/m3 υ = 12 cst service in pump section single
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kg 1 1m3
Q = 158259 ∗ ∗ = 0.06 m3 /s
hr 3600s 704.7kg
Guess 1: d=12” OD=12.750” =323.8 mm* 10−3 m
0.06 ∗ 4
V= = 0.72
3.14 ∗ (323.8 ∗ 10−3 )2
Criteria: pump suction over 12” subcooled →0.9 – 3 m/s – Not satisfied
Guess 2: d=10” OD=10.750” * 25.4 = 273.5 mm
0.06 ∗ 4
V= = 1.02 m/s
3.14 ∗ (273.5 ∗ 10−3 )2
Criteria: pump suction over 8” to 10” subcooled →0.8 – 1.5 m/s – satisfied
➢ Pressure drop
• Water and sewage: Hazzer – Williams
𝐿 𝑉2
• O&G: Darcy – Wisbach Δp = ρf 𝐷 2
, where f=0.02 to 0.025
▪ Reynolds 𝜀 = 𝑒/𝐷 moody table
▪ f = 64/Reynolds (laminar)
▪ f = kulbrug white (Turbulent)
kg 100m 1.022
Δp = 704.7 ∗ 0.02 = 2682.44 pa = .026 bar
m3 10.750∗.0254 2
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B) If the piping system has 14” pipe and class 150# (A) and the pipes are A106 Gr B C.A=1.5 mm/30yrs,
calculate the pipe thk ? Sch B36.10 =? We must use 17.7 (as per the flange Max P) 2-1.1
With P&T →Flange class → pipe T calculation → fitting BW / SW
T=70⁰C P (for 150#) = 17.7 barg A106 is SMLS only then E=1 & w=1
Υ = 0.4 t min = 2(20000+0.4∗17.7∗14.5) + 1.5 = 3.76mm mill tol 12.5% t nom = 4.3mm
̅ = 6.35mm (B36.10)
SCH 10 T
C) If we want to use a 14” elbow, what thk it would be? Elbow BW → SCH identifies the thk
➢ Gasket
• Standard for metal gasket ASME B16.20 & B16.21
• Octagonal Ring for Ring Type Joint (RTJ) for higher classes
• RF flanges/Spiral wound gaskets usually up to 600# or TD < 450⁰𝐶
• CNAF or CAF (Compressed Non-Asbestos Fiber) for 150 & 300 #.
• PTFE gasket: Teflon Gasket for acid line.
• Rubber gasket for GRE lines used with Flat Face flanges.
• Flange insolation kit, electrical gasket for cathodic protection.
• Type of Flange and gasket:
• FF applications for I.F. (Insulating flange) The most common IF has flat face, nonmetal gasket and
plastic washers for flange
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• Cathodic protection: pipe is the + pole and the electron will be shared with pipe
▪ Scarifying anode: i.e. Mn
▪ Direct Electrical
• Insulation Joint
▪ For pipelines and to separate UG & AG
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• Vent & Drain Class
2000# 3000#
➢ Bypass design
• Equipment maintenance
➢ Valve
• ASME B16.10: Dimensional standard for valves (face to face or end to end)
• API 600 & API 602: internal parts
• API 598 for test piping valves – Manufacturer test valves
• API 6D for pipeline valve testing
• If the fluid way section is circle: Bore and if not circle: Port
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• CV is For control valve – flowrate in standard condition (60F, 1 atm) when the up-stream and down-
stream has delta of 1 psi
• Bore (Smaller bores are used to control the flow and cost of valves)
▪ Full bore – ID bore > 0.9 ID pipe
▪ Standard bore – Bore is one size smaller than pipe
▪ Reduced Bore – Bore is more than one size smaller than pipe
• Body
▪ Weld
▪ Flange
▪ TRD: ASME B16.34 Class 800, 900 for TRD body valves
• Trim
▪ Seat
▪ Stem
▪ Disc
• Bonnet
▪ Weld
▪ Flange
➢ Gate Valve
• Full bore fully open/close and usually used for maintenance and is fully open on operative lines
• Not used for adjusting the flow because of high pressure drop
L V2
▪ Ploss = ρf D 2
• Where D is equivalent length
• on/off situation: 13 to 15
• D
half open situation: 350
• It is also very slow to open or close so we use Rotary to be fast
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• BBOSY: Bolted Bonnet Outside Screw & Yoke
• Port: The passages that allow fluid to pass through the valve
• Handwheel moves the stem up & down to open and close the disc vertically
• Min 3 specs should be on the body: Size, Flange class, Material
• It can be installed on both directions so there is no flow direction is marked on the body
• It has permissible leakage. API 598
• Stem
▪ Rising stem (outside screw)
▪ Non-rising stem (inside screw)
• Disc
▪ Wedge
• Solid wedge – will jam, ten they made it flexible (2 parts)
• Flexible wedge (Split wedge)
▪ Slider
➢ Globe Valve
• The disc moves horizontally
• It can be partially open to control the flow
• When look at the valve class the flow is from left to right
• Handwheel and stem moves up and down together
• Y type globe used as on/off when we want it partially open for a long time in line
➢ Ball Valve (Rotary Valve)
• Used for fast discharge when the fluid has sediment
• Full bore, low pressure drop, fast and easy to control the flow
➢ Butterfly Valve (Rotary Valve)
• It is a big valve but has a small width and used for water lines
• It has O ring for sealing – not very good on sealing
• OPGB (Operated Gear Box)
• All gearbox valves are perpendicular to the valve
• Low pressure drop, fast and used for flow control
➢ Plug Valve (Rotary Valve)
• It is like ball valve but instead of a ball it has a cylinder and has the best sealing for Passing
• It is used for lines with flammable media
• To be fully open/close
• It can be used as a fitting to change the flow direction – unique application of the valve
• Port
▪ L ported
▪ T ported
▪ Four way
➢ Check Valve
• It has no handwheel
• Features and types:
▪ Swing – on horizontal lines
▪ Ball – on hydraulic (hot oil) lines
▪ Lift – in vertical line
▪ Piston – not very common
▪ Tilting
▪ Wafer
• In flanged type there is a disc that swings by the flow, and closes by pressure drop
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➢ Control Valve (CV)
• Usually don’t have handwheel
• Disc moved by the actuator (IA → Regulator → Solenoid valve → Disc)
• Body can be globe, ball, gate or butterfly
• Fails Modes: FC: fail close (Most cases) or FO: fail open
➢ Safety & Relief valve
• Gas line: Safety
• Liquid line: Relief
• Gas/Liq: Safety/relief
• k X + mg > Pi − Close
k X + mg = Pi − Start point
k X + mg < Pi − Open
kX +mg
• Pset = A
X: calibration factor
To change the Pset , x should be changed as the other factors are cte.
• Safety should be calibrated after each use, so they are used as dual or more for safety or
contingency. Relief can be used couple of times
• Inlet nozzle ≥ outlet nozzle (Class)
Inlet nozzle ≤ outlet nozzle (Size)
• After relief valve use 3% sloped line to drum
• TSV / TRV: operates when we have thermal hazard, but the mechanism is the same as PSV, PRV.
(based on PV=RT)
• ASME SEC VIII DIV 1: Opening characteristics
• API 520 PR2 – relevant standard
➢ Diaphragm valve
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• For high corrosive media
➢ Needle valves
• For throttling, small size and convert liquid to gas – by high pressure drop
➢ Pump type
• End – Top Pumps (Suction – Discharge) Horizontal is the suction and vertical is the discharge nozzle
• Top – Top
• Side – Side
• Piston Type (Suction from bottom and discharge from the top)
• API 620 for pumps, Maintenance is by API 610
• Standard API 686 to design piping for pumps
• For End-Top & Side-Side uses reducer & straight run before the suction
➢ Pump piping
• NPSHave > NPSHreq
▪ fully open = 15 to a7
▪ 𝐷
half open = 350
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• Rec Con at the discharge
▪ Prevent pump body overheat
▪ Fast discharge
▪ Prevent turbulence
• 3 to 5 x NPS = straight run (Or refer to vendor spec)
• 1 – Top Flat Ecc Red in pump suction to avoid positive pocket (straight line pump)
• See exhibit 5-12 Hunt’s book for vertical pump suction layout
➢ Filter
• Y type – for horizontal lines
• T type – for vertical lines
• Basket type – for pre-comm
➢ Cooling Tower
• Ex: cools the hot 39°C for 10°C and turn it to 29°C
• Induced impellers suck the air from openings and blow it outside the tower
➢ Steam Tracing
• Steam tubes parallel to the line in several qtys then use insulation
• Spiral steam tubes for equipment
➢ Electrical Tracing
• Use special cables for to heat up either the pipe or equipment
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➢ Jacketing
• When the media is sensitive and chocks rapidly i.e.: liq urea or Bitumen
• The main pipes in inside another pipe and steam inserts from the jacket pipe
• Reducer flange to be weld to the jacket and main pipe
➢ Flare
• Collect the waste by piping and K.O drum to collect the condensate
• API 537: Flare Details for General Refinery and Petrochemical Service
• All inlets are 45°
• Flare line has 2D expansion loop
➢ Pipe Rack
• Pipe rack width should be designed by piping
• L1=OD, L2=Distance between pipes (Including insulation), L3=Distance to structure
• L1+L2+L3=Z + 40%Z = Piping requirement. Total width = EL req + IN req + PI req
• Max width should be not more than 14m. For more req with add more levels
• Consider 25% extra width for future req
➢ Insulation
• 5>T>60 requires insulation according to IPS
• Thickness is related to size and temp, which should be read from the graph
• Cold insulation: Polyurethane (Isocyanates 50% + Polyol 50%)
• Hot insulation: Rock wool
• Mastic silicon to seal all gaps
➢ Static Equipment
• Exchanger – Hunt’s book exhibit 6-2
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▪ Shell and Tube Tubes: ASTMA179, A201
• U Tube
• Fixed Tube
• Kettle
▪ Plate
▪ Spiral
▪ Double pipe
▪ Air cooler
• TEMMA standard for Heat Exchange – Exhibit 6-28 Nozzle configuration
• Standard manhole size is 24”
• Monkey ladder with a cage for towers
• DJ: Dismantling join for maintenance of big valves, usually for water lines
• Pipe Davit to open/close the manhole door and at the top of the tall equipment
• SG (Sight Glass): Used tempered glasses for inspection
• Standpipe: Usually 3” pipe used for Level/Temp/Pressure; Indicator, Gauge, Transmitter
• Pipe clip to support the brackets (pipe supports) out of the tower. Installed in different elevations
• Nozzle orientation: Elevation cannot be changed by piping, however the orientation can be indicated
by piping
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▪ Maintenance (Operator access)
▪ Access way
• Pipe to pipe
▪ B31.3 Ch. 5 Fig 328.5.4 A,B,C / R.S: Reinforcement Saddle
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Pipe to Pipe Weld Type Weld Size
H – R.S Fillet H
B – R.S Fillet B
• Spool: B31.3 part V: fabrication / assemble / erecting
▪ Should be able to carry
▪ Maintenance – shouldn’t affect on maintenance
▪ Fit-up
• NPS<2”, Suit as site
• Handwheel orientation will be indicated on Isometric
• UDD: Utility Distribution Diagram
• UFD: Utility Flow Diagram
➢ Blasting
• Sand Blast: Sand, Copper Slag.
• Shot Blast: Metal
• Grit Blast: Garnet
• Standard: SSPC (Steel Structure Painting Council)
• Use device to measure the roughness as we should reach a specific roughness
➢ Painting & Wrapping
• Air compressor used to apply paint
• Air-less method uses hydraulic jacks to prevent air to enter the paint
• Pipe without insulation has 3 layers (Primer, Intermediate, Final Coat (UV resistant layer)) and
insulated pipes have 2 layers.
• Use elcometer to check the thickness of each layer
• Shop primer is the first layer applied in the factory
• Cross Cut check against the table (from SSPC standard) to check the quality
• Holiday Test: To detect holes and defects in wrapping. (Speed 1m/3 Sec)
• PVC or PE tapes to wrap around the pipe.
• For large bore PE applies in the factory on the pipe
• Bitumen is the first layer to apply
➢ Road Crossing
• ERC: Electrical Road Cross
• IRC: Instrument Road Cross
• PVC pipes as sleeve
➢ Orifice Flange & Plate
• The orifice is from the perimeter to the hub.
• It is used to drop the pressure
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•If the media is gas the orifices are 45° upward
•If the media is liq the orifices are 45° downward
•If the media is steam the orifices are horizontal
•It is installed on horizontal lines, because of the static pressure in vertical line
•Upstream is the straight line before the O.F. and Downstream is the straight line after O.F.
•Design standard is ASME – MFC – 3M
•Dimension standard is ASME B16.36
•Max O.F. size is 24” (Flange Tap: branch is from the flange) for 26 and up the branch is from the line.
These instrumental branches are called Tapping (Line Tap)
• Jack screw used to inspect and replace O.P. & gasket.
• Descriptions are written on the O.P. handle and always face the flow direction.
• O.F. rating starts from 300# and min size for the hole on the flange is 0.5”
• The weld should be grinded from inside the O.F. to make it smooth
➢ Day Tank
• It is located in the process unit for day to day processing activities
➢ Storage tank
• Dike wall with min height 1.8 m with 20% extra to stop the wave
• 80% of the capacity for the tank farm to design the dike wall
• Tank plot – NFPA 70
• Distances – NFPA 30
• 3 possible piping from pump to tank
• UG: requires cathodic protection / more powerful pump
• AG: turbulence in media / more powerful pump
• Through the wall: make holes in the wall and not ideal for dike wall
• Tank level
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Ex: KO drum residence time is 2 min
• Q l (min) ∗ t (min) = V(m3 )
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▪ Adrum =
• Demister or Eliminator pad: to separate droplets prisoned in gas, before the compressor to have dry
• KO drum
• Feeder
• Surge
• Reflux
➢ Tower
➢ Utility
• Utility stations or hose stations has 15m long hoses and 30m apart
• PW: Potable water
• FW: Fire water
• CWS: Cooling water supply
• CWR: Cooling water return
• SW: Service water
• DM: Demin water (0 ppm)
• HHPS: High high pressure steam
• HPS: High pressure steam
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• MPS: Medium Pressure steam
• LLPS: Low low pressure steam
• LPS: Low pressure steam
• PA: Plant air
• IR: Instrument Air
• Nitrogen: Gas Blanketing: Supply over dangerous liq in tanks with breather valves over them or
Nitrogen Purge: Supply in equipment, pipeline, etc
➢ Stress
• Primary
▪ Sustained (weight & pressure)
▪ Thermal (expansion, contraction)
▪ Occasional (snow, wind, earthquake)
• Secondary
• Water: heaviest liq / vapor: heaviest gas
• Allowable deflection: MSS-SP-69 Table 3
▪ Process: 2-4 mm
▪ Utility: 12mm
• Support
▪ Show support
• Saddle
• Clamp
• I beam
▪ Trunnion
▪ Dummy leg / lug
▪ Tie rod hanger
▪ Spring support
• Recommended NDT by B31.3 Sec 5 is VT & RT
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