CBSE Class 12 Revised Accountancy Syllabus 2020-21
CBSE Class 12 Revised Accountancy Syllabus 2020-21
CBSE Class 12 Revised Accountancy Syllabus 2020-21
Syllabus 2020-21
Part B Computerized Accounting
Note: Net Profit Ratio is to be calculated on the basis of profit before and after tax.
Note: Previous years’ Proposed Dividend to be given effect, as prescribed in AS-4, Events occurring after the
Balance Sheet date. Current years’ Proposed Dividend will be accounted for in the next year after it is declared
by the shareholders.
Project Work
From session 2020-21 onwards, there would be only ONE project (specific) to be prepared.
Note: Kindly refer to the related Guidelines published by the CBSE.
Part B: Computerised Accounting
Prescribed Books:
Financial Accounting -I Class XI NCERT Publication
Accountancy -II Class XI NCERT Publication
Accountancy -I Class XII NCERT Publication
Accountancy -II Class XII NCERT Publication
Accountancy – Computerised Accounting System Class XII NCERT Publication
Guidelines for Project Work in Accounting and Practical work in computerised Accounting Class XII CBSE
Suggested Question Paper Design
Accountancy (Code No. 055)
Class XII (2020-21)
Theory: 80 Marks 3 hrs.
Project: 20 Marks
N Typology of Questions Marks Percentage
Remembering and Understanding:
Exhibit memory of previously learned material by recalling facts, terms, basic concepts,
and answers.
44 55%
Demonstrate understanding of facts and ideas by organizing, comparing, translating,
interpreting, giving descriptions, and stating main ideas
Analysing, Evaluating and Creating:
Examine and break information into parts by identifying motives or causes. Make
inferences and find evidence to support generalizations.
Present and defend opinions by making judgments about information, validity of ideas, or
17 21.25%
quality of work based on a set of criteria.
Compile information together in a different way by combining elements in a new pattern
or proposing alternative solutions.
TOTAL 80 100%