(2247059X - Pneumologia) Asthma-COPD-Bronchiectasis Combination - An Unstudied Triplet

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Editorial • DOI: 10.

2478/pneum-2019-0015 • 68 • 2019 • 58-60


Asthma–COPD–Bronchiectasis combination:
an unstudied triplet

Florin Mihălțan*, Ancuța Constantin

Pulmonology Department, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila Bucharest, Bucharest 050474, Romania


Even if the coexistence of asthma and chronic obstructive (BCOS), and is known to be associated with an increased risk
pulmonary disease (COPD), known as asthma–COPD overlap of all-cause mortality (6). Other researchers reported a lower
(ACO), is progressively more approached for studies in recent prevalence rates of BCOS: 5% in Global Initiative for Chronic
years, if one should try to find out what does the existence Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) stage III and 7% in GOLD
of bronchiectasis in the above-mentioned ACO patients stage IV of the disease (ECLIPSE cohort) (7) or higher—20.8%
involve, he or she would be deeply disappointed by the low (in COPDGene Study) (8). Many authors analyzed the relationship
number of articles addressing this subject. The so-called ACO between COPD and bronchiectasis because this associations
is a common overlap whose prevalence and prognosis are could have important clinical implications, since both diseases
highly dependent on various factors such as the moment of have different and complementary therapeutic approaches.
diagnosis, the therapeutic intervention, or the severity of the Identification of bronchiectasis in patients with COPD is directly
obstruction (1). This is heavily influenced also by the lack of proportional with the severity of the disease (9). ACO guidelines
evidence about the pathophysiology of ACO and the mixture are focusing especially on definitions, differential diagnosis,
of the inflammatory patterns (T Helper cells type 1 (TH1), treatment algorithms, phenotyping, etc., but there are only a few
characteristic for COPD and T Helper cells type 2 (TH2), articles where the authors are assessing the impact of frequently
specific for asthma). As a stand-alone entity, bronchiectasis associated comorbidities. One of them, bronchiectasis, remains a
has also many unknown aspects, like the variation of challenge for all the lung physicians dedicated to this subject.
prevalence, estimated as ranging somewhere between 42 Browsing through GOLD guidelines (which incorporated a
and 566 cases per 100,000 (2) and the interferences with consensus document developed jointly with the Global Initiative
other diseases where this condition leads to changes to both for Asthma (10), which defines ACO and proposes a different
prognosis and therapeutic management. approach) or the Spanish Guidelines for COPD (11), and
A 28.4% prevalence of bronchiectasis reported in Spanish Guidelines for Asthma (GEMA) (12), we found only few
uncontrolled moderate-to-severe asthma (2), means that one mentions about the presence of bronchiectasis.
in three asthma patients experiences this type of association. ACO and BCOS are associated with an increase in clinical
Previous studies revealed that the association is related to severity and mortality. The common scenario for identifying
the severity of asthma, the presence of chronic expectoration, bronchiectasis in this triplet is at least controversial. First of all,
lower levels of fractional exhaled nitric oxide (Fe NO), and the practitioners are discovering the COPD/asthma disease (of
a previous history of pneumonia (3). In the literature, the course with the difficulty of defining exactly what is dominating,
prevalence of bronchiectasis among patients with asthma what was a primary condition, etc.). Second, the occurrence
ranges from 2.2% (4) to 77% (5). This broad variation is during therapeutic management of events, such as failure to
caused by some influence factors such as smoking status respond to standard treatment, frequent exacerbations, large
(more obvious in association with COPD), High-Resolution volume of sputum production, isolation of Gram-negative
Computed Tomography (HRCT) techniques used, and allergic organisms in sputum, or severity of COPD or asthma that seems
bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA). out of proportion to the reported smoking history, are key triggers
On the other way, bronchiectasis were identified in 57.2% of for inducing further investigation (13). This also leads to a certain
patients with moderate-to-severe COPD (6). This association delay of the final complete diagnosis. There are some features
is recognized as Bronchiectasis-COPD overlap syndrome pleading for the diagnosis of ACO in favor of asthma: a lower
*Corresponding author: Florin Mihălţan
E-mail: [email protected]

Open Access. © 2019 Florin and Ancuța, published by Sciendo

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 License.
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Mihălțan and Constantin: Asthma–COPD–bronchiectasis combination

diffusion capacity, a higher number of comorbidities, and The report of Brode et al. (21) underlines the statistically
higher levels of neutrophils and interleukin-6 (IL-6) in the blood significant association between non-tuberculous
(14). The presence of bronchiectasis is difficult to identify mycobacterial pulmonary disease (NTM-PD) and current
because the level of neutrophils is higher and they present use of ICS for patients with COPD only (asthma absent,
also in some cases lower diffusing capacity. The things are adjusted odds ratio [aOR]: 1.96, 95% confidence interval
more complicated if we are thinking that overlap syndrome is [CI]: 1.62–2.36) and for patients with ACO (aOR: 1.74, 95%
more prevalent in older patients (15) with a higher chance to CI: 1.32–2.28), but insignificant for patients with asthma only
have bronchiectasis. (COPD absent, aOR: 1.56, 95% CI: 0.93–2.62). However, an
Scientific publications mention that, statistically, ACO- interaction analysis did not detect a statistically significant
bronchiectasis phenotype is less frequent than COPD– difference in risk between individuals with asthma, COPD or
bronchiectasis or asthma-BCOS (16). In a study based on ACO (P = 0.21) (21).
the evaluation of comorbidities among chronic obstructive Regarding the impairment of physical activity (PA), a
pulmonary phenotypes, the author showed an ACO prevalence common problem in obstructive airway diseases, it should be
of 13%, with an average age of 62.8 ± 15.8, and, interestingly, addressed by multifactorial actions, in correlation to the level
half of these patients also suffering from diabetes (17). of impairment and the associated characteristics. Compared
How does the prevalence of comorbidities in the triplet look to controls, patients diagnosed with severe asthma,
like? There are no studies in this area, probably due to several bronchiectasis, and COPD accumulated less steps/day, a
causes: median difference of −2255, −2289, and −4782, respectively
(P ≤ 0.001) (22).
1. Often there is a misdiagnosis of COPD and asthma The new concept promoting individualized therapy for
because of the overlapping symptoms, and patients COPD and ACO, targeting only specific features and proving
with bronchiectasis are particularly at risk of evading improved health outcomes, should probably be applied also
evidence (18). to this association of three conditions (23).The “treatable
2. Patients with clinical features of both asthma and COPD traits” approach might be the only useful strategy to help
have been excluded from big-data clinical trials; the result clinicians consider the many different aspects that must be
was a small patients’ population that is not representative in addressed for appropriate clinical management of patients
routine clinical practice. Even so, where asthma and COPD with bronchiectasis, considering also ACO.
occur together it seems that there are increased rates of
bronchiectasis compared with asthma or COPD alone (19).
The exacerbation rate also seems to be higher in this triple
association, with very few evidence for this subject. Sadigov We could conclude that ACO represents a distinctive clinical
et al. found that ACO and non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis phenotype characterized by more frequent exacerbations,
lead to more exacerbations compared with bronchiectasis longer hospitalization durations, worse health-related quality
alone (4.2 ± 1.8 vs 2.0 ± 0.9; P < 0.001) (19); also the FEV1 of life, higher risk of death (24), and higher healthcare costs
at the time of admission to hospital was lower in the first than either disease alone. If the association of bronchiectasis
cohort (42 ± 16.8% vs 67 ± 14.6%; P < 0.001). They found (another disease) could change the clinical outcome for these
a more complex microbiome, especially a higher presence patients remains to be clarified.
of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, more severe clinical features, Regarding this triplet, several issues would probably need to
a higher mortality rate and need for non-invasive ventilation be addressed in the future:
and oxygen support, intensive care unit (ICU) admissions and
multilobe involvement on computed tomography (CT) lung 1. There is a need for a consensus for ACO stand-alone and
scan in the first group of patients (19). in association with bronchiectasis;
Referring to ACO-bronchiectasis treatment, the majority of 2. Design of clinical trials intending to elucidate the
the studies are avoiding to clarify how these cases should epidemiology and pathophysiology and to ascertain the
be managed. There are some reports signaling higher optimal management strategies for this triple combination;
reduction of exacerbations in a cohort of patients with ACO 3. Implementation of the “treatable traits” (25) approach to
treated with combination therapy inhaled corticosteroids patients with bronchiectasis, hoping to contribute to a more
(ICS) – long-acting beta-agonists (–0.42 vs +0.17) and in personalized and precise management of these patients
a cohort of patients with BCOS treated by mucolytic drugs and, eventually, to improved clinical outcomes;
(–0.57 vs +0.88) (20). Regarding ICS, there still is a big 4. Physicians facing this type of patients may have difficulties
dilemma regarding their use for the triplet. to consider which is the “predominant disorder”(26);

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