The Ark Academy
The Ark Academy
The Ark Academy
The Ark Academy (sponsored by ARK – ‘Absolute Return for Kids’) is located in close proximity to Wembley Stadium. It specifically states in the ‘Planning Design and Access
Statement’ (page 4) from the Ark Academy school plans that ‘the site is directly in line with Olympic Way, the north-south axial approach to the stadium’ [1].
1: Ark Academy. 2,3: ‘Planning Design and Access Statement’. 4: Wembley Stadium orientated north, towards the ARK Academy. 5: Olympic Way. 6: Olympic Way linking
the two sites (Ark Academy to the north, Wembley Stadium to the south)
Three sets of twin towers were destroyed in the last decade, all in controversial circumstances.
1:WWII fuel reserve tanks, US, June 2001: ‘The demolition was conducted for no apparent reason, and drew numerous complaints ...The site remains vacant ...a reason for
the demolition has never been disclosed’ [2,3]. (Reserve tanks’ owners Keyspan Energy, subsidiary Keyspan U.K. 1-3 Strand, London, within the John Adam St Gang network
(‘Olympians’ or ‘Committee of 300’) [4,5] .
2: The twin towers New York City, 2001. 3: The Wembley twin towers, 2003. 4: Berlin 1936 olympic stadium, twin towers and olympic rings between. 5: Masonic pyramid
between twin towers, is this what Wembley Arch represents? . 6: Wembley Stadium arch. 7: Olympic Stadium Stratford.
Wembley Stadium symbolised as an arch
‘Monarch’ – one arch, pronounced ‘mon – ark’. Adjective - ‘cunning; crafty; sly’. Noun (obsolete) - person who is preeminent; a chief.
1,2,3: Wembley Arch, lit up similar to Lucis Trust logo, Lucis Trust state they originated as the Lucifer Publishing Company [6]. No evidence has been found for this
company. 4: The ‘Theosophical Publishing Company Limited’ clearly publishes Blavatsky’s ‘Lucifer Magazine’, at Adelphi, London [7], within the John Adam St Gang network,
aka the Committee of 300 or the Olympians . 5,6: Wembley Stadium logo similar to galactic alignment. 7: Monodraught’s stated ‘Arc de Triomph’ (‘suncatcher’ and
‘windcatcher’ ventilation system) with Wembley Arch (outlined) in background [8] . 8,9: The film ‘Arlington Road’– arch with unspecified characters within it and circular
design next to it. Is there a capacitor beneath the Ark Academy in Brent? Is the coil beneath the arch at image 8 below representing an electrical discharge, and is it possible
that a capacitor beneath the Ark Academy could emit such a discharge, to reach the arch? 10: School plans also contain circular design.
1,2: Solar symbol on‘Planning Design and Access Statement’: states ‘the site is directly in line with Olympic Way, the north-south axial approach to the stadium’ [1] .
3: This solar image over laid on a map of the area with Olympic Way outlined [9] . 4,5: The statue standing in ‘olympic square’ outside Wembley Park station, at the position
of the sun symbol. 6: From ‘Brent Brain’ website (now closed) which symbolises the trajectory of the laser, down Olympic Way and over the stadium. Does this symbolise a
spark which competes an electric circuit?
The soccerball over the Arch – human re-engineering
1: David Beckham lights the Olympic Cauldron, trumpets playing. 2,3,4: Soccerball, and soccer ball as a Buckminster Fullerene (a hollow carbon molecule). Other atoms can
be placed inside it. 5: Paul Fryer’s ‘art’ (funded by ARK trustee Michael Platt), titled ‘Metatron’ (a soccerball). 6: Sculpture of exploded soccerball in Wembley. 7: Soccer ball
over the Wembley Stadium Arch. 8: New growth at the base of Tarot Card ‘The Tower’. 9,10: New growth the soccer ball, the hollow buckminster fullerene molecule. 11:
School logo. 12: SPORT as social engineering.
ARK as the Ark of the Covenant.
During the construction of Solomon's Temple, a special inner room, named Kodesh Hakodashim (Eng. Holy of Holies), was prepared to receive and house the Ark
(1 Kings 6:19)......Zion was consecrated because of its containing the Ark (2 Chron. 8:11) [10]
1: London as Zion. 2,3: ARK sponsors ‘King Solomon Academy’, Westminster, London [11] . 4: Screen shot of academic paper ‘Partition function for a singular background’
referring to scalar field and zero point energy, funded by ARK trustees Paul Dunning, Blaine Tomlinson [12]. 5: Ark of the Covenant electrical apparatus 6: Solar Symbol
overlaid on area map, indicates two illuminated arches bending towards one another [9]. 7: Uma Thurman, Arpad Busson, Queen Rania of Jordan, at ARK’s fundraiser 2011.
(Jordan: Hebrew origin, meaning "down-flowing", Arpad: Hebrew, meaning ‘the light of redemption’).
The term ‘omphalos’ means a ‘navel’, a stone which is deemed to mark a centre of the earth, the most famous at the oracle in Delphi. (The term omphalos in Greek
or umbilicus in Latin means a "navel"). The Ark in the Temple in Jerusalem rested on the Foundation stone marking the "navel of world". [13]
1: Location map. The following all lie on or close to the Strand - Ark HQ, Adelphi House, St Martin in the Fields overlooking Trafalgar Square, Charing Cross – geographical
centre of London. 2,3: Sculpture outside St Martin in the Fields titled ‘In the beginning’ - omphalos stone (latin Ombilicus mundi). Inscription: ‘In the beginning was the word
and the word became flesh and lived among us.’ (John 1. 14). 4: An ‘omega’ symbol engraved on the side, with bent cross-bar similar to that of 5: the letter ‘A’ on the Cross
of Hendaye. [14] Is this Alpha and Omega? ‘And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is thirsty of the
fountain of the water of life freely.’ (Rev: 21:6). 6: The olympic countdown omega clock in Trafalgar Square.
Ark Academy and the capstone.
Freemasons state they are building the invisible temple, to the example of the Temple of Solomon. [15]
The following images represent the pyramid (or diamond) about to be capped, symbolising the temple.
1: Ark Academy school logo - the serpent as the laurel/acacia rising from the underworld to take its place at the top of the pyramid. 2: The acacia surrounding the United
Nations logo. 3,4,5: HSBC logo and red temple about to be capped. 6: Schweppes Messiah, at the base of the logo, the pyramid (letter A) capped with the messiah/angel
[16] 7: Image of the temple capped with gold, also symbolised by the pyramid, and the diamond. (NB: Rothschild, meaning ‘Red Shield’, supporters of Ark).
1,2,3,4: Pre-existing unspecified structure, no planning permission, which acted as the foundations for the Ark Academy and emanates a strong electric field. 5: Data
trunking’ – ‘In total 2,640m of Profila data trunking has been installed in classroom areas’ [18] 6: Aecom, Faber Maunsell produce Energy Strategy [19] , Aecom Edaw
involved in children’s playgrounds elsewhere. 7: Wind Catchers and Sun Catchers - Monodraught’s stated ‘Arc de Triomph’ – for ventilation [8]. Do the Monodraught
features on the roof of this school bear any relationship to the two ventilator towers? ‘Planning Applicaton Design & Access Statement’, p.13: ‘Two ventilator towers give
additional emphasis to the terraced steps of the roofscape.’ [20] One possibility for ventilation towers is that a building is sealed and the windows do not open. 8: These
windows obviously do open. 9: Adjacent building which Mansell staff consistently visited over a 6 month period, in hazmat suits. 10: Same building in background, showing
first floor level entrance (suggested to be an electrical substation, although unknown). 11: Mansell logo ‘On Time’; also involved in the construction of the Stratford
Olympic site. 12,13: Two images of the spire above Wembley Park Underground station, unknown use. (DfES were prohibited from access to the Ark Academy construction
site, except by prior arrangement with an unspecified and non-DfES approved person) [21].
Other corporations/institutions associated with Ark Academy in Brent.
1: Challice Consulting, (representing the chalice) produced the ‘Aboricultural Report and Tree Survey Plan’ [22]. 2: Builders Willmott Dixon Construction, representing the
chalice/womb. 3,4: Current and previous logos for ‘Crown Consultants’ representing England as a tree, and the tree crowned. [23] 5: Nitin Parshotan, passionate promoter
of the Ark Academy, with ‘Shishukunj’, who ‘honour Baal as God’ (‘Baal Devo Bhava’).
1: Ark funds Hope and Homes for Children (HHC) - in control of the ‘Eurochild’. 2: Ark funds Laura Huxley’s ‘Children: Our Ultimate Investment’ (which includes the ‘Teens
and Toddlers Sustainability Replication Programme) [5] . 3: Ark funds ‘Future Leaders’, located at 15 Adam St, London, as is Ark; graduates promote the Royal Society for
the Arts ‘Opening Minds’ eugenics curriculum [24]. 4: ARK works with the ‘Psychosynthesis and Education Trust’. 5: Psychosynthesis ‘A Psychology with a Soul’ [25] . 7:
Psychosynthesis: 'high quality training in the craft of soul-making’ [26] . 8:Psychosynthesis founded by Roberto Assagioli, student of Alice Bailey. 8,9: With Blavatsy she
establishes the Theosophical Publishing Company, located within Adelphi (located in the John Adam St Gang network) which is 9: the publishing business of Lucifer. 10,11:
Ark supported by Rothschilds (‘Red Shield’ in Old German). Ark also provides retroviral drugs to Africa (genocide) [27].
The Olympians: Creating a New Reality
Igniting the Telluric Currents.
In Kabbalah the more esoteric reference is made to Tzion[3] being the spiritual point from which reality emerges [27a]
‘It’s only really when the torch comes into your possession and actually gets here that you really realise this is it.’ Princess Anne on arriving in the UK with the
Olympic Torch. [28]
‘The most amazing event in the history of the world will happen in London this summer. Plus there's that Stratford thing too.’ ( advertising
on the London Underground).
1: The lighting of the Olympic Torch in Greece, in a parabolic mirror using the light of the sun; stealing the flame from the Gods. 2: The ‘Firefly’ delivers the torch to the UK,
Flight BAW2012. 3: BAW2012: Becoming a Webhead 2012 [29]. 4: Princess Anne’s comments on the flame’s arrival: ‘this is it’. 5,6: Beacons and cauldrons alight across the
planet, igniting the telluric currents?
King Solomon Academy in Westminster, an ‘Ark’ school
The Duchess of Cambridge took part in an outdoor challenge with children from ARK’s King Solomon Academy. The course offers children a rare chance to leave the
confines of their estate and experience a little of life in the countryside. [30]
(Outdoor challenge at Margaret McMillan House, Margaret McMillan a member of the Froebel Society).
Ecclesiastes 3: 16 (reputedly written by King Solomon): ‘I said in mine heart concerning the estate of the sons of men, that God might manifest them, and that they might
see that they themselves are beasts.’
1: King Solomon Infant School, fenced and gated. 2: Art on wall in street opposite school, similar to 3: William Blake’s ‘Newton’. 4: Sophisticated geometry for the mind,
Froebel research at Massachusetts Institute of Technology architecture department. A version of Froebel was used with Hitler Youth. [31] 5: Froebel at The Royal School. 6:
Froebel at the Royal Society for the Arts. 7: ‘Opening Minds’ occult and eugenics school curriculum, the mind as a grid.
1,2: The climbing frame in Ark Academy playground – ‘HMS Ark Academy’. 3: Noah’s Ark to come up the Thames for the London 2012 olympics. 4: Ark (Absolute Return for
Kids) funds Huxley’s ‘Teens and Toddlers Sustainability Replication Programme’, part of ‘Children: Our Ultimate Investment’(eugenics). [q] 5: The ‘future children centre’.
The humming bird as pollinator (hence creator)
1: The Audi ‘humming bird’ advert, the humming bird drinks petrol, rather than nectar. Huxley in ‘Brave New World’, ‘turns Our Lord into Our Ford, for Henry Ford, the
inventor of the modern assembly line and the cheap cars that embodied the machine age for the average man’ [32] . 2: The Mayan Quetzalcoatl with humming bird, as
depicted in the Codex Magliabechiano, pollinating a trumpet flower. 3: Similar image taken from the Gwion Gwion (or Bradshaw art), north-west Australia; pollination of
the bulbous feature at the rear of the character. See the article ‘Audi Present Shift From Our Existence in the Natural World to Dependence Upon the Corporations, the
Machines’. [33]
1,2,3,4: Photos from Ark Academy website image gallery, trip to Legoland (although photos now removed). Similar to 5:‘Creation of Adam’. 6: Ark Schools HQ located at 15
Adam St, London, within the John Adam St Gang (Olympians/Committee of 300). 7: ‘future children centre’ from the plans for this school.
ARK (Absolute Return for Kids) trustee Michael Platt funds Paul Fryer’s ‘art’
Michael Platt, trustee of ARK, funds Paul Fryer’s ‘art’ which includes the following images. Image 2, ‘Pieta, the Empire Never Ended’, image 5 lucifer.
From ‘The White Goddess’ by Robert Graves: The Christian bards of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries repeatedly refer to the Virgin Mary herself as the cauldron or
source of inspiration