GMW25 Material Standard

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Material Specification

Mechanical Properties and Material Requirements for Externally

Threaded Fasteners

chemical composition requirements specified in

1 Scope
Table 1.
This specification specifies the mechanical proper-
3.1.2 Mechanical Requirements. Bolts, screws
ties and material requirements for externally
and studs shall meet the mechanical property and
threaded fasteners in nominal thread diameters of
physical requirements specified for that product in
< M39 in addition to the other specified details in
Table 2 when tested per ISO 898-1. However,
ISO 898-1:1999(E). This specification is based
those special head bolts and screws with special
upon ISO 898-1 but it (GMW25) does not include
configurations, such as drilled heads, which make
9.8, 10.9 and 12.9 property classes of ISO 898-1.
the heads weaker than the threaded section, and

1.1 Material Description. Table 1 specifies steels short bolts/screws (length smaller than 2.5 diame-
for different property classes of fasteners covered ter) shall be excluded from tensile testing unless
by this standard. otherwise specified on the part drawing.
1.2 Cross-Reference of Replaced Specifica- Mechanical and Physical Properties Test
tions. Requirements. Two (2) test programs, A and B,
for mechanical and physical properties of bolts,
screws and studs are shown in Table 4.
Delta Motors The application of program B is desirable for all
GM do Brasil products, but is mandatory for products with a
breaking load, less than 500 kN if the application of
GM Holdens program A is not explicitly agreed.
GMNA GM500M Program A is applicable for machined test pieces
ISUZU ISA-M004 and for bolts with a shank area less than the stress
ITDC ON 2900-1
3.1.3 Additional Requirements.
SAAB Decarburization. Unless otherwise speci-
1.3 Typical Application. This specification is ap- fied, bolts, screws and studs of classes 8.8 and
plicable to bolts, screws and studs. 10.9 shall conform to the decarburization limits
shown in Table 2 when tested in accordance with
2 References ISO 898-1.
Note: Only the latest approved standards are ap- Surface Discontinuities. Bolts, screws
plicable unless otherwise specified. and studs of classes 3.6, 4.6, 4.8, 5.6, 5.8 and 6.8
2.1 External Standards/Specification. shall not have surface discontinuities exceeding
those indicated in ISO 6157-1 and property
ISO 898-1 ISO 6157-3 classes 8.8 and 10.9 shall not have those indicated
ISO 6157-1 ISO 11014 in ISO 6157-3. The surface discontinuity test is
applied to Test Program A bolts before machining.
2.2 GM Standards/Specification.
3.2 Requirements on other Stages during Life
GMW3001 GMW3059 Cycle.
3 Requirements 3.2.1 Chemical Requirements.
3.1 Requirements on Delivery. Recyclability. Fasteners to this standard
shall not have any negative effect on recyclability
3.1.1 Chemical Requirements. Fasteners to this
of the parts/vehicle.
standard shall be made of steel conforming to the

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Provided by IHS under license with GMW
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4 Manufacturing Process 5 Rules and Regulations

4.1 Heading Practice. Methods other than upset- 5.1 Legal Regulations. For use of this material the
ting and/or extrusion are permitted only by special valid laws and other regulations and recommenda-
agreement between purchaser and producer. tions in the countries of usage must be followed.
4.1.1 Property classes 3.6 and 4.6 may be hot or 5.2 Language. In the event of any conflict between
cold headed at the option of the manufacturer. English and the domestic language regarding this
document, the English language will take prece-
4.1.2 Property classes 4.8, 5.6, 5.8, 6.8, 8.8 and
10.9 bolts and screws in nominal thread diameters
≤ M20, and in product lengths ≤ 150 mm shall be 5.3 All materials supplied to this specification must
cold headed. Grain flow at the head-shank junc- comply with the requirements of GMW3059, Re-
tion of a flange head bolt must follow the contour of stricted and Reportable Substances for Parts.
the fillet. No end grain exposure is allowed at the
5.4 Inspection and Rejection. All shipments of
filler or adjacent shank area. Larger diameter and
materials or parts under contract or purchase order
longer lengths may be cold or hot headed at the
manufactured to this specification shall be equiva-
option of the manufacturer.
lent in every respect to the initial samples ap-
4.2 Threading Practice. All property classes bolts proved by engineering. There shall be no changes
and screws in sizes ≤ M20 and in product lengths in formulation or manufacturing process permitted
≤ 150 mm inclusive, shall be roll threaded. Thread without prior notification and approval by Engineer-
cutting may be allowed for products made of free ing. Lack of notification by the supplier constitutes
cutting steel as in Table 1. Threading practice for grounds for rejection of any shipment. While sam-
other sizes of bolts and screws and all sizes of ples may be taken from incoming shipments and
studs shall be at the option of the manufacturer. checked for conformance to this specification, the
supplier shall accept the responsibility for incoming
4.3 Heat Treatment Practice. Property classes shipments meeting this specification without de-
3.6, 4.6, 4.8, 5.6, 5.8 and 6.8 bolts, screws and pendence upon purchaser’s inspection.
studs need not be heat treated.
5.5 Initial Source Approval. No shipments shall
4.3.1 Property classes 4.8, 5.6, 5.8 and 6.8 bolts be made by any supplier until representative initial
and screws shall be stress relieved at 470°C mini- production samples have been approved by Engi-
mum temperature to assure the soundness of the neering.
head to shank junction.
5.6 Safety Data Sheets. Completed copies of the
4.3.2 Property class 8.8 and 10.9 bolts, screws Materials Safety Data Sheet meeting GM informa-
and studs shall be austenitized and quenched to tion requirements consistent with ISO 11014 stan-
obtain a structure of 90% minimum martensite in dards must be submitted with any new submis-
the core of the threaded section and tempered at a sions or where a composition change has oc-
minimum temperature of 425°C. curred.
4.4 Retempering Test. The means of three hard- 6 Marking
ness readings on a bolt or screw tested before and
after retempering shall not differ by more than 20 Fasteners manufactured to this standard shall be
Vickers points when retempered and held at a part marked in accordance with ISO 898-1.
temperature 10°C less than the specified minimum
tempering temperature for 30 minutes.
Note: This test shall be used for audit purposes

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Provided by IHS under license with GMW
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7 Coding System 8.1 Release. This standard was approved in April

1999 and first published in September 1999.
This material specification shall be referenced in
other documents, drawings, VTS, CTS, etc. as 8.2Revisions.
follows: Rev Approval Description (Organization)

GMW25- 8.8 Date

GMW = GM Worldwide
A OCT 2003 Revised paragraphs 1,
25 = Specification Number 1.4,7,Table 2 and added 8.2
8.8 = Property Classes

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Provided by IHS under license with GMW
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Appendix A
Table 1: Chemical Composition & Tempering Temperature
Material & Treatment Chemical Tempering

Property composition limits Temperature

Class (check analysis %)

B6) O
min max max max max min.
3.6 (Note1) Carbon Steel(Note7) - 0.20 0.05 0.06 - -
4.6( Note1) - 0.55 0.05 0.06 - -
4.8 (Note1) - 0.55 0.05 0.06 - -
5.6 0.15 0.55 0.05 0.06 - -
5.8 (Note1) - 0.55 0.05 0.06 - -
6.8(Note1) - 0.55 0.05 0.06 - -
8.8 (Notes 2,4)
Carbon Steel- with-Additives (e.g. 0.15 0.40 0.035 0.035 0.003 425
Boron(Note 6) or Mn (Note 3) or Cr)
quenched and tempered
Carbon steel quenched & tempered 0.25 0.55 0.035 0.035 -
Carbon steel quenched & tempered 0.25 0.55 0.035 0.035 -
Carbon steel with additives (e.g. 0.25 0.55 0.035 0.035 0.003 425
Boron (Note 6) or Mn (Note 3) or Cr)
10.9 quenched and tempered
Alloy steel(Note 5) quenched and 0.25 0.55 0.035 0.035 0.003
Note 1: Free cutting steel is allowed for these property classes with the following maximum sulfur, phosphorus and lead
contents: sulfur 0.34%; phosphorus 0.11%; lead 0.35%.

Note 2: For nominal diameters above 20 mm the steels specified for property class 10.9 may be necessary in order to
achieve sufficient hardenability.

Note 3: In case of plain carbon boron alloyed steel the minimum manganese content shall be 0.6 % for property class 8.8
and 0.7% for 10.9.

Note 4: For the materials of these property classes, the steel shall be of sufficient hardenability to ensure a structure con-
sisting of minimum 90 % martensite in the core of the threaded sections for the fasteners in the as-quenched condition
before tempering.

Note 5: The alloy steel shall contain at least one of the following elements in the minimum quantity given: chromium 0.30%;
nickel 0.3 %; molybdenum 0.20%; vanadium 0.10%. Where elements are specified in combinations of two, three or four
and have alloy contents less than those given above the limit values to be applied for classification is 70 % of the sum of
the individual limit values shown above for the two, three or four elements concerned.

Note 6: Boron content shall be 0.0005 to 0.003 % by mass where applicable. Boron up to 0.005 % by mass shall be ac-
ceptable provided titanium and/or aluminum is added which combine with nitrogen to prevent the non effective boron from
forming boron nitrides.

Note 7: Manufacturers can use boron steel at their option, see note 6.

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Table 2: Mechanical and Physical Properties of Bolts, Screws and Studs

Property Class
Mechanical Property 8.8 Note1)
d≤ d>
3.6 4.6 4.8 5.6 5.8 6.8 16 16 10.9
mm mm
Tensile strength, Rm(Notes 2, 3),
min 330 400 420 500 520 600 800 830 1040
Vickers hardness, HV, F > 98 N min 95 120 130 155 160 190 250 255 320
max 220 250 320 335 380
Brinell hardness, HB, F = 30 D2 min 90 114 124 147 152 181 238 242 304
max 209 238 304 318 361
min. HRB 52 67 71 79 82 89 - - -
Rockwell hardness, HR HRC - - - - - - 22 23 32
max. HRB 95.0 99.5 - - -
HRC - 32 34 39
Surface hardness, HV 0.3 max - (Note 4)

Lower yield stress, ReL(Note 6),
min 190 240 340 300 420 480 - - -
Proof stress, R( Note 6)p0.2, N/mm2
min - 640 660 940
Stress under proofing load, Sp Sp /ReL or 0.94 0.94 0.91 0.93 0.90 0.92 0.91 0.91 0.88
N/mm2 180 225 310 280 380 440 580 600 830
Breaking torque, Mb Nm min - see ISO 898-7
Elongation after fracture, A % min 25 22 14 20 10 8 12 12 9
Reduction of area after % min 35 35 35 35 35 52 48
fracture, Z
Strength under wedge loading (Note 3) The values for full size bolts and screws (not studs) shall not be
smaller than the minimum values for tensile strength shown.
Impact strength, J (Note 7) min - 25 - 30 20
Head soundness no fracture
Min height of non-decarburized - ½ H1 2/3 H1
thread zone, E
Maximum depth of complete - 0.015
decarburization, G, mm
Hardness after retempering - reduction of
hardness 20 HV
Surface integrity in accordance with ISO 6157-1 and ISO 6157-3 as appropriate
Note 1: For bolts of property class 8.8 in diameters d ≤ 16 mm, there is an increased risk of nut stripping in the case of inadvertent over
tightening inducing a load in excess of the proof load. Referencing ISO 898-2 is recommended.

Note 2: Minimum tensile properties apply to products of nominal length l ≥ 2.5d. Minimum hardness applies to products of length l<2.5d
and other products which cannot be tensile-tested (e.g. due to head configuration).

Note 3: For testing of full-size bolts, screws and studs, the loads given in ISO 898-1 are applicable.

Note 4: Surface hardness shall not be more than 30 Vickers points above the measured core hardness on the product when readings of
both surface and core are carried out at HV 0.3. For property class 10.9, any increase in hardness at the surface which indicates that the
surface hardness exceeds 390 HV is not acceptable.

Note 5: In cases where the lower yield stress ReL cannot be determined, it is permissible to measure the proof stress at 0.2% non- propor-
tional elongation Rp0.2.

Note 6: The yield stress ratio according to the designation of the property class and the minimum stress at 0.2% non-proportional elonga-
tion (Rp0.2) apply to machined test specimens. These values from tests of full size bolts and screws will vary because of processing meth-
ods and size effects.

Note 7: For fasteners ≥ M16 only.

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Table 3: Key to Test Program (see Table 4)

Size Bolts and Screws with Thread Diameter Bolts and Screws with Thread Diameter
d ≤ 3 mm d > 3 mm
or length l < 2.5 d (Note 1) or length l ≥ 2.5 d (Note 1)
Test decisive for ac-
 z

Note 1: Also bolts and screws with special head or shank configurations which are weaker than the threaded section.

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Table 4: Test Program A and B for Acceptance Purposes

(These procedures apply to mechanical but not chemical properties)
Test Program A Test Program B
Property Class Property Class
Property Test Method 3.6, 4.6, 8.8, Test Method 3.6, 4.6 8.8, 10.9
5.6 10.9 4.8, 5.6
5.8, 6.8
Minimum tensile strength, Tensile test z z Tensile test(Note 1) z z
Rm min.

Hardness test { { { {
Minimum hardness (Note 2) (Note 3)

z z z z
Maximum hardness { { Hardness test (Note 3) { {

Maximum surface z z
hardness { {
Minimum lower yield Tensile test z
stress, ReL (Note 8)
Stress at 0.2 % non- Tensile test z
proportional elongation, Rp0.2
Stress under proof load, Sp Proof load test z z
(Note 9) z
Breaking torque, Mb Torsional test
Minimum elongation after frac- Tensile test z z
ture, Amin (Note 8)
Minimum reduction of area after Tensile test z
fracture, Zmin
Strength under wedge Wedge loading test z z
loading (Note 4) (Note 1)

Minimum impact strength, KU Impact test z

(Note 5) z (Note 6)
Head soundness (Note 7) Head soundness test { {
Maximum decarburized zone Decarburiza- z Decarburization test z
tion test { {
Hardness after retempering Retempering z Retempering test z
test { {
Surface integrity Surface dis- z z Surface discontinuity z z
continuity { { test { {
Note 1: If the wedge loading test is satisfactory, the axial tensile test is not required.

Note 2: Minimum hardness applies only to products of nominal length l< 2,5d and other products which can not be tensile
tested or torsional tested (e.g. due to head configuration).

Note 3: Hardness may be Vickers, Brinell or Rockwell. In case of doubt, the Vickers hardness test is decisive for accep-

Note 4: Special head bolts and screws with configuration which are weaker than the threaded section are excluded from
wedge tensile testing requirements.

Note 5: Only for bolts, screws and studs with thread diameters d ≥ 16 mm and only if required by the purchaser.

Note 6: Only property class 5.6.

Note 7: Only for bolts and screws with thread diameters d ≤ 16 mm and lengths too short to permit wedge load testing.

Note 8: Only for bolts or screws with lengthl ≥ 6d.

Note 9: Only if bolts or screws cannot be tensile tested.

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GM Europe, GM Asia/Pacific
For boron alloyed steels for property class 10.9,
a carbon content of 0.21% minimum is allowed
with the following minimum manganese and
chromium contents:
− Manganese: 0.90% minimum
− Chromium: 0.10% minimum


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