Botany Activity

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1. Exlain the ecology of plants.

Plant ecology is the relationship of plants between physical and biotic environment. And plants knows as
sessile and photosynthetic organism and their main source was the light, water and nutrient directly
from environment. Light serves as their energy and it is undirectional in origin. And roots absorbs water,
and in plants its determined as energy described by water potential, nutrients are available through
biological and chemical process in the soil but their was a resource competition occurs when one or
more of the resources are in limited supply was successful competitor must attain resources while its by
free low level of the resources in the environment.

The community plant dynamics involve community development through succession and the primary
succession occurs on new substrate and secondary sucession are initiated by disturbanced such as fire,
wind damage, flooding, grazing and disease. Plants possess various adaptive functions, such as different
photosynthetic ways that provide greater fitness in certain environment. Plant ecology was also a
response in climate change in species, geographical disturbation, tge mapping of distributions of species
and vegetation types whether local, national, international in the scale predates contemporary interest
in climate change by several decades or more.

2. What are the adaptations of plants in (a.extreme heat), (b.high salinity), (c.low/high water salinity).

When high temperatures recur year after year, plants can develop a heat stress memory (thermo-
priming), that, when triggered, sets them up to minimize temperature damage (thermotolerance). They
can also adapt their leaves and other structures to better deal with heat. Some heat acclimation
mechanisms include a changed leaf orientation, rolled leaves or small hairs that shade the leaf surface;
all of which reduce sun exposure and heat absorption. Or, leaves might be covered with a thick waxy
cuticle that keeps water in.

Reduced leaf size or change in leaf shape or color are common adaptations. Smaller leaves have less
surface area exposed to the sun, lose less water and stay cooler than transpiration to limit their water
loss. These extreme leaf adaptations can also protect the plants from hungry and thirsty birds and

3. What are the adaptations of plants in climate change?

Seasonal plants, including possibly the world's important grains, can adapt relatively quickly to climate
change. New research shows that seasonal plants can adapt quickly--even genetically--to changing
climate conditions and reveals various mechanisms by which they control their growing response when
the weather shifts. The studies suggest, however, that longer-lived plants have a tougher time going
with the flow.
Plant evolutionary biologist Steven Franks of the University of California, Irvine, and his colleagues
tested the weedy field mustard, introduced to California from the deserts of Mesopotamia by way of
Mediterranean climes roughly 300 years ago. The plant is a survivor, thriving from marshes to near-
deserts. The scientists gathered seeds from the plant in 1997, just before a five-year drought struck in
2000. They gathered seeds again, post-drought, in 2004 to see what changes had been wrought.

By germinating the stored ancestor seeds, descendant seeds and hybrids under controlled conditions,
the biologists could determine exactly how the field mustard had adapted to changing conditions. "We
held the environment constant and only varied the genes," Franks explains. "We found a rapid
evolutionary shift to earlier flowering following a natural climate change."

In effect, the plants had shifted to flowering a few days earlier to take full advantage of the short "wet"
season in dry years. This change was even more marked--more than a full week earlier--for plants that
originally derived from a population that enjoyed wetter conditions in a California marsh, according to
the study's findings published online January 8 in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

This is good news for annual species, like the field mustard, that can adapt relatively quickly to climate
changes, but portends poorly for longer-lived plants, such as California's redwoods, that may not be able
to change fast enough to keep up. "We are going to see shifts in ranges," Franks says. "Species run into
barriers like deserts or mountains and may just sort of run out of room. They are not going to be able to
evolve or migrate fast enough to keep up with climate change."

4. How will you feed an increasing population with decreasing plant resources?

Increasing population is one of the issue in every country and here in our country which is the
Philippines, but its been so many years that pass since these country keep on preventing or let's just say
controlling the over populations by implementing so many and different ways to solve these kind of
issue but it still its seem's that nothing happens.

So in my opinion instead of controlling the population and get bothered by this kind of issue each of us
need to promote something that will help to increase the plant resources to feed those increasing
populations, because we all know that plabt resources are the main source of food for human and even
for animals. And to feed them we really need to do something to increase the plant resources for more
access of food, and through plant resources even where in the merge og increasing population we can
still manage to survive in this world if we make a best solution to increase the plant resources, but we
must be responsible by using plant resources and limit our needs because we only hace limited

5. What are the uses of plants in human ( with photos)?

Plants has an important role in human life, without these theirs a possibility that human will only have a
short- lived or let's just say won't even exist, because through plants that known as that can produce
atmosphere like oxygen that was very important thing in human life.
Plants provide many products for human needs such as firewood, timber, fibers, medicines, dyes,
pesticides, oils and rubber. These also the main source of thr human basic needs such as cloths, shelter,
food and even for medications to cure different illnesses and by these its shows many uses of plants in

6.What are the examples of cultivated plants and their importance in human life?

Species are cereals, wheat, barley, rye, rice, corn etc. pulse root abd tuber (potatoes, yam etc.) fruits
and vegetables.

•Plants that are grown for their produce tracheopyte, vascular plant-green plant having a vascular
systen; ferns , gymnosperms, angiosperms weed- any plant that crowds out cultivated plants.

•Cacao combined with sugar , another plants product , chocolate.

a) Flowers like tulips are cultivated for their beauty

b) Quinine, extracted from chichona trees use to treat malaria reduce feber and alleviate pain

c) Instrument made of wood.

7. That plants are rich in cytokinin and auxin? And what are the influence of these hormones on plants

Cytokinin (CK) class of plant growth substance (phytohormones) that promote cell division, in plants
root and shoots.

•Particularly important to control a few developmental process such the formation and maintenance of
meristem that are essential to stablish the whole plant body . Example shots meristem glue rise to the
above ground parts of plant where as the root meristem produce the below ground parts

8.What are the methods of plant propagation? Please draw the process

Plant propagation is the process of creating new plants. There are two types of propagation: sexual and
asexual. Sexual reproduction is the union of the pollen and egg, drawing from the genes of two parents
to create a new, third individual. Sexual propagation involves the floral parts taking a part of one parent
plant and causing it to regenerate itself into a new plant.

The resulting new plant is genetically identical its parent. Asexual propagation involves the vegetative
parts of plant: stem, roots, or leaves.

9. How will you help in the conservation and preservation of the natural floral ecosystem?

We often know how much human depends on nature . Even City-dwellers living in modern skyscrapper
need air to breathe , water to drink and food to eat all of which are provided by nature. True , you can
buy bottled water and ready-to-eat meals in supermarkets , but they were not produce there , how
fruits and vegetables, for examples, only grow in tropical countries and cross the globe in refregerated
ship containers, to arrive just ripe to your local supermarket . All drinking water ultimately comes from
a natural source, since we still do not have the technology to manufacture large amounts of water in the

10. Why I do have to pass this course?

Well, I badly need to pass this course for so many reason like, I spend more efforts, time for this course, I
spend a lot of money for projects, allowance and anything that I need to met the expectation of this
course, I really don't want to end this up wasting everything of it, and my parents efforts for me to sent
in school and also to provide money for me and as a return to all of it I must atleast pass this course for
them not to dissappoint because all my life I felt such a loser for them because, I don't dont achieve
something that make them proud.

And the moment destiny choose this course for me I know I need to deal with this. and I know to myself
that I can pass this course if I completed all the requirements for every subject of this course.

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