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Cognitive Therapy

A 30- Year Retrospective

Aaron T. Beck Department of Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania

School of Medicine

Several lines of investigation have evolvedfrom the initial the much-publicized National Institute of Mental Health
cognitive model of depression and other disorders. A large collaborative study of the treatment of depression, has
number of studies have tested the cognitive model using shown superiority of cognitive therapy in follow-up, in
both clinical and laboratory-based strategies. In general, comparison with antidepressant drug and interpersonal
studies that most closely approximate the clinical con- therapy (Shea et al., 1990).
ditions from which the theory was derived are supportive Even more impressive has been the application of
of the cognitive model of depression. Studies of anxiety cognitive therapy to panic disorder. On the basis of the
and panic, although fewer, generally support the cognitive cognitive model of panic (Beck, 1976, 1987a; D. M. Clark,
model of anxiety and panic. The application to the treat- 1986), practically complete reduction of panic attacks
ment of clinical problems has been promising and supports after 12-16 weeks of treatment has been reported (Sokol,
the concept of cognitive specificity. The cognitive therapy Beck, & Clark, 1989; Sokol, Beck, Greenberg, Berchick,
of depression has led to the utilization of specific cognitive & Wright, 1989). Also impressive has been the successful
strategies based on the specific conceptualizations of a application of cognitive therapy to generalized anxiety
given disorder to a wide variety of disorders. Study of disorder (Butler, Fennell, Robson, & Gelder, 1991), eating
abnormal reactions has also provided clues to the cognitive disorders (Garner & Bemis, 1982), heroin addiction
structure of normal reactions. (Woody et al., 1984), and inpatient depression (Miller,
Norman, & Keitner, 1989). Further clinical work suggests
the utility of cognitive therapy in treating diverse disorders
such as couples' problems (Beck, 1988) and schizophrenia
Fifteen years have elapsed since I called for the admission
(Perils, 1988). A striking feature of the diverse application
of cognitive therapy into the therapeutic arena (Beck,
1976, p. 337), and 30 years have gone by since I first has been the importance of cognitive specificity. Each
disorder has its own specific cognitive conceptualization
formulated my cognitive model of depression based on
and relevant strategies that are embraced under the gen-
research on dreams and other ideational material (Beck,
eral principles of cognitive therapy (Beck, 1976; Beck &
1961). I suggested in 1976 that in order to qualify as a
Freeman, 1990; Beck, Rush, Shaw, & Emery, 1979).
system of psychotherapy a particular brand of psycho-
Because of the breadth of cognitive therapy and its
therapy had to provide (a) a comprehensive theory of
psychopathology that articulates with the structure of therapeutic eclecticism, and the ability of cognitive theory
to explain changes in psychopathology, the question has
psychotherapy, (b) a body of knowledge and empirical
been raised as to whether cognitive therapy might be
findings that support the theory, and (c) credible findings
based on outcome and other studies to demonstrate its viewed as the product of the integration of the effective
psychotherapies (Alford & Norcross, in press). The theo-
retical framework of cognitive therapy appears to artic-
What is the status of cognitive therapy today? A
ulate well with contemporary developments in cognitive
steady flow of studies largely support the cognitive model
psychology and social psychology (Hollon & Garber,
of depression (Ernst, 1985). This model has facilitated
1990), as well as earlier concepts of developmental psy-
the development of strategies and techniques to provide
chology (Beck, 1967). In fact, there appears to be a kind
a psychotherapeutic structure. Numerous outcome stud-
ies have supported the effectiveness of the therapy in the
treatment of unipolar outpatient depression, anxiety dis- Editor'snote.Articlesbasedon APAawardaddressesthat appearin the
orders, and panic disorder. A meta-analysis of 27 studies AmericanPsychologistarescholarlyarticlesby distinguishedcontributors
to the field.As such,theyare givenspecialconsiderationin the American
(Dobson, 1989), for example, has demonstrated the ef- Psychologist'seditorial selectionprocess.
ficacy of cognitive therapy in unipolar depression and its This article was originally presented as a DistinguishedScientific
superiority to other treatments, including antidepressant Award for the Applicationsof Psychologyaddressat the 98th Annual
drugs. More striking has been the success of cognitive Conventionof the AmericanPsychologicalAssociationin Bostonin Au-
therapy in maintaining gains and p~reventing relapse. Five gust 1990.
published studies have indicated that cognitive therapy Author's note. Correspondenceconcerning this article should be
has a greater prophylact!c effect than do antidepressant addressed to Aaron T. Beck, Center for CognitiveTherapy, Suite 602,
drugs (Hollon & Najavits, 1988). A more recent study, 133 South 36th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104.

368 April 1991 • American Psychologist

Copyright 1991 by the American Psychological Association, Inc. 0003-066X/91/$2.00
Vol. 46, No. 4, 368-375
of convergent evolution of concepts from the cognitive cations" such as self-evaluation, attributions, expect,an-
model of psychopathology and those of cognitive psy- ties, inferences and recall, and were manifested in low
chology. Moreover, many of the recent studies of the cog- self-esteem, self-blame and self-criticism, negative pre-
nitive model of depression and anxiety disorders have dictions, negative interpretations of experiences, and un-
borrowed techniques from cognitive psychology (e.g., pleasant recollections. In ambiguous situations, the de-
Mathews, 1990). pressed patients were particularly prone to make a neg-
ative interpretation when a positive one would seem to
Initial Observations and Formulations be more appropriate; they would not only magnify their
My original observations of depressed patients were based own unpleasant experiences but would either blot out or
on their verbalizations and free associations while they label as negative their experiences that other people would
were undergoing psychoanalytic treatment with me. At consider positive.
one point I observed to my surprise that my patients I also noted a variety of errors in the patients' de-
experienced specific types of thoughts of which they were pressive thinking, which I labeled selective abstraction,
only dimly aware and that they did not report during overgeneralization, dichotomous thinking, and exagger-
their free associations. In fact, unless they were directed ation (of the negative aspects of their experiences). Fur-
to focus their attention on these thoughts, they were not thermore, I noted that depressed patients tended to pre-
likely to be very aware of them. Although these thoughts dict specific negative outcomes from specific tasks that
seemed to be on the periphery of the patients' stream of they might undertake and expected long-range, bad out-
consciousness, they appeared to play an important role comes to their life in general. A high degree of such neg-
in the psychic life of these patients (for a fuller description ative expectations ("hopelessness") appeared to be pre-
of this "discovery" see Beck, 1976, pp. 29-35). These dictive of suicide. These phenomenon appeared to be
thoughts (cognitions) tended to arise quickly and auto- universal across all types or subtypes of depression: re-
matically, as though by reflex; they were not subject to active (nonendogenous), endogenous, bipolar, or organic.
volition or conscious control and seemed perfectly plau- They also appeared whenever depressive symptomatology
sible to the individual. They were frequently followed by was present--irrespective of whether the primary diag-
an unpleasant affect (in the case of the depressed patients) nosis was depression, schizophrenia, or some other dis-
that the patients were very much aware of, even though order.
they were unaware of, or barely aware of, the preceding To account for the regularities in negative thinking
automatic thoughts. in depression, I postulated the presence of a negative cog-
When I directed the patients to focus their attention nitive shift. This thesis stipulates that there is a change in
on these "automatic thoughts," they began to report a the cognitive organization so that much positive infor-
string of them, particularly in response to a cognitive mation relevant to the individual is filtered out (cognitive
probe, "What are you thinking right now?" Connecting blockade), whereas negative self-relevant information is
these thoughts brought out certain negative themes such readily admitted.
as deprivation, disease, or defeat. Grouped together they
fell into the category of a negative view of the present,
Meaning, Symbolism, and Schemas
past, and future experiences. Later, in working with more I was struck by how ascertaining the idiosyncratic or spe-
severely depressed patients, I noted that these types of cial meanings people attached to events helped to explain
thoughts were no longer peripheral but occupied a dom- what might otherwise have represented quite inexplicable
inant position in consciousness and were repetitive. affective and behavioral reactions. Highly personal
It seemed to me that I had tapped another level of meanings did not usually revolve around esoteric themes
consciousness in the recognition of automatic thoughts, such as castration anxiety or psychosexual fixations, as
perhaps analogous to the phenomenon described by Freud might be suggested by classical psychoanalytic theory, but
as "preconscious." This level of consciousness seemed to were related to vital social issues such as success or failure,
be relevant to what people say to themselves and was in- acceptance or rejection, respect or disdain. Moreover,
volved in the system of self-monitoring rather than what these meanings were accessible to introspection. At times
they might say in the conversational mode, their custom- I would pick out what seemed to be a common theme
ary way of communicating with other people. Thus, the across diverse circumstances and then induce the patients
automatic thoughts were conceived of as being part of an to focus on their thoughts or images in these situations.
internal communication system, as opposed to the inter- The psychotherapy sessions consequently provided a rich
personal communication that was more involved in the source of data for theoretical constructions.
discussion with other people (Beck, 1976, pp. 24-46). Many of the meanings were fairly elaborate and were
Hence, the patients were less likely to report these cog- packed into a rather discrete stimulus situation. A man,
nitions in free association but were readily taught to focus for example, always reacted with the thought "She does
on them when the therapist (or the patients themselves), not respect me" when his wife did not respond to him.
noting a change in affect, used the cognitive probe. Fol- A wife not receiving a smile from her husband consistently
lowing my initial observations, I discovered that Ellis interpreted this as "He doesn't care for me." For them,
(1962) reported similar observations. a discrete (although ambiguous) behavior had a fixed
The negativity permeated the "internal communi- meaning. Of course, at times such meanings may be rel-

April 1991 • American Psychologist 369

atively accurate. But symbols are different from other long recognized and demonstrated more recently in "il-
complex stimuli in that the evoked meanings are not only lusory glow" experiments (Alloy & Abramson, 1979). Not
powerful but invariant. so obvious is the clarification of everyday worries about
The internal representation of the meanings evoked health, and so forth, initiated by studies of cognitive as-
by the symbols constitute a network of beliefs, assump- pects of hypochondriasis (Salkovskis, 1989) and panic
tions, formulas, and rules and are often connected to (Beck, 1976, 1987a). The overconcern about evaluation
memories relevant to the development and formation of in the social phobias and of physical danger in the im-
such beliefs (Beck, 1964). The relevant beliefs interact personal phobias (e.g., heights, crowded spaces, small an-
with the symbolic situation to produce the "automatic imals) point to similar sources of anxiety in the psychol-
thoughts." ogy of everyday life.
Because of the continuity of content of beliefs over The biases also suggest how the "cognitive shift" can
each recurrence of the disorder, I proposed that they ex- influence the content at each stage of cognitive processing.
isted in an inactive or latent state prior to and between Starting with preferential selection (abstraction) of data,
depressions. These beliefs were encased in schemas that through the evaluation, interpretation, and recall from
had a variety of properties in addition to content: valence, short-term recovery, the content of cognitive processing
permeability, density, flexibility. However, whatever fac- is determined by the activated schemas. Even retrieval
tors initiated the occurrence or recurrence of the disorder from long-term memory is influenced by these schemas.
activated these schemas.
The depressed patients' interpretations of their ex- Continuity Hypothesis
periences seemed to be shaped by certain absolute beliefs Various psychopathological syndromes appear to repre-
such as "I am worthless," "I can't do anything right," sent exaggerated and persistent forms of normal emo-
and "I am unlovable." Any situation that was remotely tional responses. Thus, there is a continuity between the
relevant to self-worth, ability, or social desirability was content of "normal" responses and the excessive or in-
interpreted in terms of the corresponding belief. I sug- appropriate emotional experiences associated with psy-
gested that these beliefs were formed earlier in life (Beck, chopathology. In depression, the sense of defeat and the
1967) and became embedded in a structure (cognitive withdrawal of investment in people and customary goals
schema). Subsequently, when specific life experiences im- becomes pervasive and unremitting and, consequently,
pinged on these beliefs (schemas), they might precipitate sadness is pervasive and unremitting. In mania, the in-
a depression. I proposed that beliefs were generally framed vestment in expansion and goal-directed activity, and
in a conditional form such as "If I don't succeed, I am consequently, euphoria, is increased. Anxiety disorders
helpless." are manifested by a generalized, intensified sense of vul-
A later observation suggested that two "types" of nerability and a consequent motivation toward self-de-
individuals--sociotropic or autonomousmwere prone to fense and escape.
become depressed after the occurrence of an adverse ex- The model of psychopathology proposes that the ex-
perience congruent with their personality. (Of course, cessive dysfunctional behavior and distressing emotions
these types simply represented extreme forms on the di- or inappropriate affect found in various psychiatric dis-
mensions of sociotropy and autonomy.) Patients who were orders are exaggerations of normal adaptive processes
heavily invested in autonomy (independent achievement, (Beck, 1976).
mobility, solitary pleasures) were prone to become de-
pressed after an "autonomous stressor" such as failure, Typology of Emotions
immobilization, or enforced conformity. Patients who The study of the clinical data led to the formulation of a
deeply valued closeness, dependency, and sharing were typology of "normal" emotions. I conceived of at least
hypersensitive to and prone to become depressed after four basic emotions that were evoked by a specific cog-
"sociotropic traumas" such as social deprivation or re- nitive profile or conceptualization. In short, the cognitive
jection (Beck, 1983). structuring of loss, gain, or threat led to a specific cor-
It eventually became apparent that the same types responding emotion. Sadness appeared to be invoked by
of beliefs predisposed individuals to develop anxiety dis- the perception of loss, deprivation, or defeat. The response
orders--the difference being that in anxiety disorders the is withdrawal in the lost goals and emotional investment
congruent stressors were the threat of failure or aban- from the source of disappointment. In contrast, elation
donment rather than the actual occurrence of the event. is produced by perception of a gain. Anxiety and anger,
Extrapolations to the Normal From the "negative" emotions, are both elicited by perceived
threats, but the content of the focus differs. In anxiety,
Abnormal the focus is on the individuals' vulnerabilities, which they
I believe that we have learned and can still learn a great attempt to protect through avoidance, escape, or inhi-
deal about normal functions from the study of psycho- bition. (As a way of clarifying the confusing terminology,
pathology. For example, the systematic negative bias in I have used the term fear to denote the cognitive, or in-
depression and positive bias in mania (Beck, 1967) sup- tellectual, appraisal of a danger--for example, fear of
ports the presence of similar but more subtle biases in falling--and the term anxietyto designate the emotional
normal everyday reactions. Indeed, positive bias has been consequence of this appraisal; Beck & Emery, 1985.) In

370 April 1991 • American Psychologist

contrast, angry individuals focus more on the offensive so that changes in one system may produce changes in
qualities of the threat than on their own vulnerability and other systems. Thus, an individual made artificially sad
seek to eliminate the threat through counterattack. Lim- or anxious (e.g., as a side effect of a drug) may then "read"
ited support for the cognitive configurations have been the sadness or anxiety as indicative of loss or danger. The
provided by Wickless and Kirsch (1988). motivational system relevant to relapse into passivity or
flight may be activated.
Evolutionary Origins of Cognitive Programs A second source of confusion, related to the first, is
Another set of speculations attempts to tie in the struc- that depression is commonly viewed as a mood state,
tural patterns (cognitive schemas) to ethology and evo- pure and simple (Beck, 1971). This concept has perhaps
lutionary mechanisms. I proposed that the analog of cog- been abetted by the subsuming of depression under the
nitive structures relevant to depression, anxiety disorders, rubric of affective or mood disorders in the various di-
and the like did not originate de novo with homo sapiens agnostic and statistical manuals of the American Psychi-
but evolved through the millennia. Programs that could atric Association. Consequently, negative cognition has
have had survival value in the wild that were not well been treated as something apart from depressionwas an
adapted to the complexities of modern life could be in- epiphenomenon, cause, or consequence (Lewinsohn et
volved in psychopathology (Beck & Freeman, 1990). al., 1981). A related source of confusion has arisen from
Although there are some risks in extrapolating from experimental studies of mood induction. As Riskind
animal to human ethology, the similarities are so striking (1983) has pointed out, these manipulations can as well
that writers have used animal observations as a way of be described as "cognitive priming" as mood induction.
clarifying human reactions (Darwin, 1872). I think that A third source of confusion has been my postulation
animal analogies provide a basis for clarifying many as- of the role of cognitive schemas in depression and anxiety.
pects of normal and abnormal human behavior (for anx- In this instance, the schemas (according to theory) become
iety and its disorders see Beck & Emery, 1985). More activated. The highly charged negative schemas preempt
recently I have been impressed by the relevance of ob- the more adaptive schemas and thus constitute the neg-
servations of primate behavior to depression in humans ative cognitive shift. Other writers may have assumed that
(Beck, 1987b). I regarded the schematic change as the "cause" of depres-
sion. However, I have considered the activation of the
Challenges to the Cognitive Model schemas to be a mechanism by which the depression de-
velops not as the cause. The cause may be in any com-
The Question of Causality bination of biological, genetic, stress, or personality fac-
One of the propositions most frequently attributed to the tors, which also may be offset by any combination of
cognitive model of depression is "cognitions cause such factors (Beck, 1967).
depression" (e.g., see Lewinsohn, Steinmetz, Larson, & Having said this, I acknowledge that my theory does
Franklin, 1981). I have argued elsewhere that it seems include the notion that in some cases the congruence of
far-fetched to assign a causal role to cognitions because personality and stressor, in the presence of other possibly
the negative automatic thoughts constitute an integral unidentifiable factors, may play a causal role ("reactive
part of depression, just like the motivational, affective, depression").
and behavioral symptoms. To conclude that cognitions A more complete elaboration of the role of cognition
cause depression is analogous to asserting that delusions must address questions such as (a) What factors produce
cause schizophrenia (Beck et al., 1979). a shift in the information processing to the negative and
First, consider the definition of the term cognitions. what factors maintain the shift? We know, for example,
I have used this word at times as a more technical term that certain drugs (e.g., antihypertension drugs) can pro-
for automatic thoughts. As such, cognitions or automatic duce such a shift. (b) How do stress factors interacting
thoughts, according to my observations, exist as a com- with personality lead to such a shift? (c) What is the role
mon denominator of all kinds of depression and in fact of protective factors (e.g., social support, insight, coping
may be essential signs of depression. Confusion may arise, mechanisms, etc.) in preventing such a shift? (d) Because
however, as a result of the primacy hypothesis, which antidepressant drugs and cognitive therapy produce the
states that when the depression is established the inter- same end result (e.g., cognitive change as well as change
pretations as manifested in automatic thoughts or cog- in biological factors), do they operate through similar or
nitions shape the affective, behavioral, and motivational different brain mechanisms? (e) Because follow-up studies
responses. Intervention at the cognitive level may reduce consistently indicate greater stability of results and fewer
the other symptoms, whereas persistence or exacerbation relapses with cognitive therapy than with antidepressant
of the cognitive processes may maintain or increase the drugs, is this an indication of its impact on additional
other symptoms. brain mechanisms or on a more durable impact on the
Cognition as a singular noun refers to various pro- same brain mechanisms?
cesses in cognitive or information processing: perception,
interpretation, recall, and, as such, comprises a compo- Role of Interpersonal Factors
nent of a circular model. Each of the psychological sys- The cognitive model has been criticized for ignoring in-
tems (cognition, affection, motivation) is interconnected terpersonal factors in the genesis of depression (Coyne &

April 1991 • American Psychologist 371

Gotlib, 1983). In fact, I have argued elsewhere that in positive bias, (b) as it shifts towards depression, the pos-
most cases (except possibly for continuous cycling bipolar itive cognitive bias is neutralized, (c) as depression de-
cases) depression does not occur in a vacuum. Perhaps velops, a negative bias 'occurs, (d) in bipolar cases there
the most frequent environmental stressors have to do with is a pronounced swing into an exaggerated positive bias
relations with other people. The role of the interaction as the manic phase develops.
of the cognitions of one person with those of another has
been described at some length in a recent volume (Beck, Empirical Studies of Depression
1988). In essence, a dyadic interaction, as in a married Considerable research designed to test various hypotheses
couple, may lead to pathological outcome when the in- generated by the cognitive model of depression has been
dividuals consistently misunderstand each other's behav- conducted. In a review of 180 articles incorporating 220
ior and misread each other's motives and act on this mis- studies of this model, Ernst (1985) reported that 91%
construction. Thus, an autonomous wife may interpret supported and 9% did not support the model. He divided
her dependent husband's behavior as "He wants to control his survey into three parts: cognitive triad (150 supportive,
me." (He has a fear of abandonment and wants to get 14 nonsupportive), schemas (31 supportive, 6 nonsup-
constant reassurance.) She interprets this as "He wants portive), and cognitive processing (19 supportive, 0 non-
to control me." She withdraws angrily, which he interprets supportive). In general, he found that the more the studies
as "She doesn't really care about me." He demands more approximated the clinical observations, the more likely
reassurance, resulting in further distancing himself, and they were to confirm the derived hypotheses. For example,
he slips into a depression: "Since she doesn't love me, studies of dysphoric student subjects were less likely to
I'm unlovable." be supportive than studies of clinically depressed patients.
Obviously, the depressed individual's psychological A more recent critical analysis (Haaga, Dyck, & Ernst,
systems continue to interact with those of other people in press) pinpointed a number of methodological defi-
even after depression has occurred. A depressed wife, for ciencies in many of these studies.
example, may interpret her husband's frustration at not
being able to help her as a sign of rejection (husband's Negativity Hypothesis
cognitions: "I can't do anything to help her"; wife's cog- Of all the hypotheses, pervasiveness of negative thinking
nitions: "He has given up on me because he doesn't care"). in all forms of depression, symptomatic or syndromatic,
The wife reacts with further withdrawal, which triggers has been the most uniformly supported (Haaga et al.,
further withdrawal of support by the husband (Beck, 1990). In early studies (Beck, 1967), dream themes, early
1988). The fact that cognitive therapy can help to reverse memories, measures of self-concept, and responses to
depression indicates that interpersonal factors have an projective tests showed a heavy degree of the idiosyncratic
impact on depression. content typical of depressives when compared with non-
depressed psychiatric patients. Specific questionnaires
Depressive Realism designed to test components of the cognitive triad (e.g.,
A number of articles (e.g., Alloy & Abramson, 1979) have Beck, Brown, Steer, Eidelson, & Riskind, 1987; Beckham,
suggested that the problem in depression is that the pa- Leber, Watkins, Boyer, & Cook, 1986; Crandall &
tients see events too realistically (for a critique of this Chambless, 1986) have been well documented.
research, see Ackerman & DeRubeis, in press). The clin- Eaves (1982), for example, showed that the Auto-
ical material, however, seems to suggest the following: matic Thought Questionnaire (Hollon & Kendall, 1980)
First, when negative events occur that are complex or correctly separated 97% of depressive from normal sub-
abstract, the patient attaches a broad global self-evaluative jects and did not misidentify any of the normal subjects
meaning or explanation. Second, the patient does not as depressed.
think of alternative explanations. Often in treatment The universality of the cognitive phenomena has
therapists find that the patient, when prodded for a more been found across all types and subtypes of depression,
logical explanation, is able to drop his or her negative unipolar and bipolar, reactive and endogenous (see, e.g.,
interpretation. Third, the negative bias is most likely to Hollon, Kendall, & Lumry, 1986).
be manifested when the data (a) are not immediately The content-specificity hypothesis proposes that each
present in the here and now, (b) are not concrete, (c) are disorder has a specific, exclusive cognitive profile. Because
relevant to self-evaluation, and (d) are ambiguous (Ris- most of the clinical overlap occurs between depressive
kind, 1983). and anxiety disorders, the bulk of the research has been
Thus, clinically, the patient is more likely to produce directed toward contrasting the specific cognitive content
exaggerated negative inferences when integrating past of depression (loss, defeat, deprivation) with anxiety
events or projecting into the future, when making attri- (danger, threat). The Cognition Checklist, for example,
butions for which there are no dear-cut criterion on which differentiated depressed and anxious patients on the basis
to base judgments, or when making vague (but crucial) of their reciprocal scores on the subscales. Depressive pa-
inferences about his or her character. tients scored higher on Loss-Defeat subscales, whereas
At this stage of knowledge, it seems that the greatest anxious patients scored higher on the Danger subscale
explanatory power is provided by a model that stipulates (Beck et al., 1987). Furthermore, compared with anxiety
that (a) the nondepressed cognitive organization has a patients, depressed patients assigned high probabilities of

372 April 1991 • American Psychologist

a negative outcome of their specific problems and a low that although normal subjects were more likely to perceive
probability of a positive outcome (Beck, Riskind, Brown, positive scenes, depressed subjects perceived negative
& Sherrod, 1986). scenes more frequently in a binocular rivalry experiment.
The specificity hypothesis was further supported by Recall. Negative bias in recall of negative adjectives
Greenberg and Beck (1989), who found that on self-en- in depression has been reported by Bradley and Matbews
dorsement and recall, depressives tended to endorse de- (1988). Furthermore, depressed patients are more likely
pressive-content (loss, etc.) cognitions, whereas anxiety to underestimate recall of positive relative to negative
patients endorsed anxiety-content (danger, etc.) cogni- feedback (DeMonbreun & Craighead, 1977; Gotlib,
tions. 1981).
Finally, a factor analysis of all of the cognitive scales Long-term memory. D.M. Clark and Teasdale
designed to measure specifically the cognitive content of (1982) retrieved more negative memories at a time of day
depression or anxiety produced the appropriate loadings when patients were more depressed than at a time of day
on the depression and anxiety factors (D. A. Clark, Beck, when they were less depressed.
& Brown, 1989). Negative inferences. A number of studies admin-
istered scenarios to patients with multiple choices for
Cognitive Primacy
conclusions or outcomes. The studies consistently showed
I proposed that in depression the negative processing of a bias in favor of a negative personal meaning among
information leads to the other symptoms (Beck, 1964). depressed patients (e.g., Krantz & Hammen, 1979).
Although it is difficult to establish primacy of any single
phenomenon, the tests of this hypothesis have been diverse
Congruence Between Personality and Stressors
and generally supportive. One approach indicated that After my own clinical observations that patients who
changes in cognition preceded changes in affect (Rush, placed great stock in closeness, intimacy, and dependency
Weissenburger, & Eaves, 1986). Another line of inquiry and had relevant beliefs (e.g., "If I am not loved I can
showed that manipulation directed at increasing negative never be happy") were hypersensitive to any event that
thought content in depressed patients increased self-report appeared to represent withdrawal of affection or support,
and corrugator electromyograph indices of depression. I proposed that congruence between external events and
Conversely, Teasdale and FenneU (1982) demonstrated specific personality types might produce depression. At
that active negative thought content reduction led to the the same time, Shaw (personal communication, 1980)
greatest reduction in negative affect in depressed patients. suggested that the more autonomous patients he treated
Finally, Beck, Kovacs, and Weissman (1975) at- were hypersensitive to perceived failure.
tempted to address this issue through focusing on a spe- In order to test this notion, my group developed a
cific hypothesis, namely, that hopelessness is the crucial scale (the Sociotropy-Autonomy Scale) designed to locate
cognitive ingredient of suicidal intent. Clinical studies patients on belief dimensions of autonomy and sociotropy.
indicated that hopelessness was the variable linking The "pure" groups selected for high scores on one di-
depression to suicidal wishes. Two prospective studies mension and low on the other would, for experimental
showed that patients with elevated scores on the Beck purposes, be designated as sociotropic and autonomous.
Hopelessness Scale were more likely to commit suicide A number of studies then sought to show relations be-
over a five-year follow-up than were patients with lower tween the "personality type" and the corresponding
scores (inpatients: Beck, Steer, Kovacs, & Garrison, 1985; stressor. A number of somewhat problematic retrospective
outpatients: Beck, Brown, Berchick, Stewart, & Steer, studies of depressed patients provide mixed support for
1990). this hypothesis. In one study, however, Hammen and her
group (Hammen, Ellicott, Gitlin, & Jamison, 1989) re-
Cognitive Processing ported a congruence of life events and type of personality.
Studies for the most part have supported the observation A later, more refined study (Hammen, Ellicott, & Gitlin,
that in linking the cognitive chain--perception, recall, 1989) showed that this relationship held only for patients
interpretation--a biased processing of negative material scoring high on the autonomy scale. In contrast, Segal,
among depressives becomes obvious. It should be pointed Shaw, and Vella (1989) found congruence of life events
out that this cognitive processing is no more conscious only among sociotropic patients who relapsed.
than the functioning of the internal organs, but its prod- Prospective studies of normal individuals exposed
ucts may be conscious (Beck, 1987b). to naturalistic stressors provided useful information for
Perception. A number of studies (Dunbar & Lish- understanding the stress-diathesis relationship. Stiles's
man, 1984; Powell & Hemsley, 1984) have indicated a (1990) study of depressive symptom formation in Nor-
lower recognition threshold for briefly exposed negative wegian Army recruits separated from their families and
verbal or pictorial stimuli in depressed patients than in assigned to training in northern Norway indicated that
nondepressed control subjects. A more "physiological" those individuals who developed symptoms of depression
study showed more efficient processing of negative verbal scored higher on the Dysfunctional Attitude Scale
stimuli in depressed than in nondepressed patients using (Weissman & Beck, 1978) at time of induction than those
the P300 waves as a marker (Blackburn, Roxborough, who did not. In future studies, cognitive vulnerability
Muir, Glabus, & Blackwood, 1990). Gilson (1983) found may best be studied during asymptomatic periods, using

April 1991 • American Psychologist 373

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