Magnetics Assignment-1

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Biot-Savart Law µ0 I n 2 µ0 I n 4
based on (A) k̂ (B) k̂
4 3a 4 3a
Q.1 A long wire carrying current i is bent to form a
right angle as shown in figure. Then magnetic µ0 I n 4
(C) (  k̂ ) (D) zero
induction at point P on the bisector of this 4 3a
angle at a distance r from the vertex is -
Q.4 Determine the magnetic field at the centre of the
current carrying wire arrangement shown in
figure. The arrangement extends to infinity.
P (The wires joining the successive squares are
r along the line passing through the centre).
 0i  0i 2a
(A) (B) a
2R 4r
 i
O 
(1  2)

0i (1  2 )  0i
(C) (D)
2r 4R
Q.2 A wire bent in the form of a regular polygon
of n sides, is inscribed in a circle of radius a µ 0i
(A) (B)
metre. If i ampere is the current flowing in the 2 a
wire, then the magnetic flux density at the 2 2µ0i
centre of the circle is- (n 2)
a 2 2µ0i
(C) (D) none of these
Q.5 Two infinitely long, thin, insulated, straight
wires lie in the x-y plane along the x and y-
µ0i  µ0n i  axis respectively. Each wire carries a current
(A) tan (B) tan I, respectively in the positive x-direction and
2a n 2a n
positive y-direction. The magnetic field will
2 ni  ni  be zero at all points on the straight line-
(C) µ0 tan (D) µ0 tan
 a n 2a n (A) y = x (B) y = –x
Q.3 Infinite number of straight wires each carrying (C) y = x – 1 (D) y = –x + 1
current I are equally placed as shown in the Questions
figure. Adjacent wires have current in opposite Field for circular arc/coil/sheet/solenoid
based on
direction. Net magnetic field at point P is-
Q.6 What will be the magnetic field at point P in
 the figure below ?
I 
a Y
a R
p 30° P
1 Z X 
2 I
4 µ 0i  2  µ 0i  2 
5 (A)   1 (B)   1
4R    2R   
µ0  2  2µ0  2  (A) 5 × 10–5 wb/m2 (B) 4.5 × 10–5 wb/m2
(C)   1 (D)   1 (C) 5.5 × 10–5 wb/m2 (D) 4 × 10–5 wb/m2
2R    R  
Q.11 A very long thin strip of metal of width 'b'
Q.7 A wire carrying current i has the carries a current I along its length as shown in
configuration shown in figure. For B to be fig. Find the magnitude of magnetic field in
zero at the centre of the circle, must be- the plane of the strip at a distance 'a' from the
 edge nearest to the point –
R I b
(A) 1 radian (B) 2 radian
(C)  radian (D) 2 radian I
Q.8 In the figure, the magnetic induction at point
O is –

0 2I  b
(A) loge 1 – 
I 4 b  a
0 2I  b
(B) loge 1  
4 b  a
O  2I  b
 (C) 0 loge 1 – 
2 b  a
 0  0  
(A) (B) + 0 (D) None of these
 r r r
Questions Motion of charged particle in magnetic
  0  0   0 based on field/electric field
(C) 0 + (D) –
r  rr r  r
Q.12 An electric current i enters and leaves a
Q.9 A wire of length L carrying current i is bent uniform circular wire of radius 'a' through
into circular loop with (i) one turn (ii) n turns. diametrically opposite points. A charged
Find the ratio of magnetic induction at centre particle 'q' moving along the axis of the
in above two cases. circular wire passes through its centre at
speed v. The magnetic force acting on the
(A) 4 : n2 (B) 3 : n2
particle when it passes through the centre has
(C) 1 : n2 (D) 2 : n2 a magnitude-
Q.10 Two coplanar concentric circular conductors µ 0i
(A) qv (B)
made of wire of same material and thickness 2a
are connected to batteries E1 = 20 V and µ i
qv 0
E2 = 16V. Their radii are r1 = 5 cm and 2a
r2 = 10 cm. The resistance of the inner circular µ i
(C) qv 0 (D) zero
conductor is 4  . Find the magnetic induction a
at the centre O.
Q.13 Two particles X and Y having equal charges,
E1 after being accelerated through the same
O potential difference, enter a region of uniform
r1 magnetic field and describe circular paths of
radii R1 and R2 respectively. The ratio of the
masses of X to that of Y is-
1/ 2   
R  R2 (C) ( i  j  k ) Wb/m2
(A)  1  (B)
 R2  R1  
(D) ( i  j  k ) Wb/m2

R  R1 Q.18 A particle moves in a circular path of
(C)  1  (D) diameter 1.0 m under the action of magnetic
 R2  R2
field of 0.40 Tesla . An electric field of 200
Q.14 A negative charged particle falling freely under V/m makes the path of particle straight. Find
gravity enters a region having horizontal the charge/mass ratio of the particle.
magnetic field pointing towards north. The (A) 2.5 × 105 cb/kg (B) 2 × 105 cb/kg
particle will be deflected towards-
(C) 3.5 ×105 cb/kg (D) 3 × 105 cb/kg
(A) East (B) West
(C) North (D) South Q.19 A charged particle is released from rest in a
region of steady and uniform electric and
Q.15 Two particle A and B of masses mA and mB magnetic field which are parallel to each
respectively and having the same charge are other. The particle will move in a -
moving in a plane. A uniform magnetic field (A) straight line (B) circle
exists perpendicular to this plane. The speeds (C) helix (D) cycloid
of the particles are vA and vB respectively Questions Magnetic force on current carrying wire
based on
and the trajectories are as shown in the figure.
Then- Q.20 In the figure shown a current I1 is established
in the long straight wire AB. Another wire
CD carrying current I2 is placed in the plane
of the paper. The line joining the ends of this
wire is perpendicular to the wire AB. The
resultant force on the wire CD is-
(A) mAvA < mBvB B
(B) mAvA > mBvB y
(C) mA < mB and vA < vB
I1 I2 x
(D) mA = mB and vA = vB
Q.16 A uniform magnetic field of magnitude 0.20
T exists in space from east to west. With what
speed should a particle of mass 0.010 g and A
having a charge 1.0 × 10–5 C be projected (A) zero
from south to north so that it moves with a (B) towards negative x-axis
uniform velocity / (C) towards positive y-axis
(A) 48 m/s (B) 49 m/s (D) none of these
(C) 47 m/s (D) 50 m/s 
Q.21 A uniform magnetic field B  (3î  4 ĵ  k̂ )
Q.17 A charge q is moving with a velocity exists in region of space. A semicircular wire
  of radius 1 m carrying current 1 A having its
v1 = 1 i m/s at a point in a magnetic field and centre at (2, 2, 0) is placed in x-y plane as
 shown in figure. The force on semicircular
experiences a force F1 = q ( – 1 j + 1  k )N. wire will be-
If the charge is moving with a velocity y
 
v 2 = 1 j m/s at the same point, it experiences 1m
 (2,2)
and a force F2 = q [ 1  
i –1 k ] N. The

magnetic induction B at that point is- 45º
(A) ( i  j  k ) Wb/m2
 
(A) 2 ( î  ĵ  k̂ ) (B) 2 ( î  ĵ  k̂ )
(B) ( i  j  k ) Wb /m2
 
(C) 2 ( î  ĵ  k̂ ) (D) 2 (  î  ĵ  k̂ ) 1 i1
2 i2 d1
Q.22 A straight rod of mass m and length L is
suspended from the identical springs as 3 i3 d2
shown in the figure. The spring stretched a
distance x0 due to the weight of the wire. The i
circuit has total resistance R. When the
magnetic field perpendicular to the plane of V
paper is switched on, springs are observed to (A) 9 : 25 (B) 5 : 3
extend further by the same distance. The (C) 5 : 3 (D) 1 : 1
magnetic field strength is –
Questions Current carrying coil in external
E based on magnetic field
Q.25 A conducting ring of mass 2 kg and radius 0.5
m is placed on a smooth horizontal plane. The
ring carries a current i = 4A. A horizontal
magnetic field B = 10 T is switched on at
time t = 0 as shown in figure. The initial
angular acceleration of the ring will be –
2mgR mgR 
(A) (B)
mgR mgR
(C) (D)
Q.23 A hypothetical magnetic field existing in a (A) 40  rad/s2 (B) 20  rad/s2

region is given by B = B0   (C) 5  rad/s2 (D) 15  rad/s2
r . Where r
denotes the unit vector along the radial Q.26 A rectangular coil PQ has 2n turns, an area 2a
direction. A circular loop of radius a carrying and carries a current 2I, (refer figure). The
a current i, is placed with its plane parallel to plane of the coil is at 60º to a horizontal
the x-y plane and centre at (0, 0, d) . The uniform magnetic field of flux density B. The
magnitude of magnetic force acting on the torque on the coil due to magnetic force is –
loop is-
2a 2iB0 2a 2iB0 coil 60º
(A) (B) B
d a 2  d2
a 2 i B0
(C) (D)
 a i B0 (A) BnaI sin60º (B) 8BnaI cos60º
2 2 (C) 4naI Bsin60º (D) none of these
a d
Q.27 In the figure shown a coil of single turn is
Q.24 Three long wires of resistances in the ratio wound on a sphere of radius R and mass m.
3 : 4 : 5 are connected in parallel to each The plane of the coil is parallel to the plane
other as shown in figure . If net force on and lies in the equatorial plane of the sphere.
d1 Current in the coil is i. The value of B if the
middle wire is zero then will be – sphere is in equilibrium is – B


mg cos  mg
(A) iR (B) iR
mg tan  mg sin  magnitude and direction of the magnetic field
(C) iR (D) iR at point A ?
Q.28 A metal ring of radius r = 0.5 m with its plane
normal to a uniform magnetic field B of r Conductor
induction 0.2 T carries a current I = 100 A. A
The tension (in newtons) developed in the y
ring is -
(A) 100 (B) 50 (C) 25 (D) 10 x
Questions (A) (0/2) dJ, in the +y-direction
based on
Ampere law
(B) (0/2) d2/r, in the +y-direction
Q.29 A hollow cylinder having infinite length and
(C) (0/2) 4d2J/r, in the –y-direction
carrying uniform current per unit length 
along the circumference shown. Magnetic field (D) (0/2) Jr2/d, in the –y-direction
inside the cylinder is -
 True or False Type Questions
Q.32 Charged particle can be accelerated by
magnetic force.

Q.33 Magnetic force is a central force.

Q.34 Magnetic field inside a solenoid of given

length is always less than µ0ni.
 0  Fill in the blanks
(A) (B) 0
Q.35 Three charged particle, proton, deuteron and
(C) 20 (D) none of these
alpha enter in a magnetic field perpendicularly.
Q.30 A long straight metal rod has a very long hole
of radius 'a' drilled parallel to the rod axis as (i) If their momentum is same then the ratio of
shown in the figure. If the rod carries a their radii rp : rd : r = ..........
current 'i' find the value of magnetic induction
on the axis of the hole, where OC = c (ii) If their kinetic energies are same then the
ratio of their radii rp : rd : r = ..........

a b Q.36 If a wire ACDEFG has been bent as shown in

C figure. If the length of each part is . If a
current i is flowing through that and it is kept
in uniform magnetic field B acting along
positive y-direction then in the wire the force
is in .......... direction and magnitude ..........
 0 ic  0 ic Z E
(A) 2 2 (B) 2 2
(b  a ) 2(b  a )
 0 i( b 2  a 2 )  0 ic 
(C) (D) 2 2 i
2c 2a b F

Q.31 Two long conductors are arranged as shown D

to form overlapping cylinders, each of radius Y
r, whose centers separated by a distance d. 
Current of density J flows into the plane of
the page along the shaded part of one X C
conductor and an equal current flows out of 
the plane of the page along the shaded portion
of the other, as shown. What are the
Only single correct answer type (C) 20 µ N (D) 35 µ N
Part-A Q.5 Three infinitely long conductors A,B and C
carrying current as shown in the fig. The
Q.1 position of the point lying in the straight line
P AC where magnetic field is zero, is given by-
R 45º I i i 2i
5 cm 5 cm
(A) Between A and B at a distance of 3.2 cm
 
2  1 0I
 
2  1 0I
from B
(B) Between B and C at a distance of 3.2 cm
4R 4R from B

 
2  1 0I
 
2  1 0I (C) Between A and B at a distance of 1.3 cm
from B
4 2 R 4 2 R (D) Between B and C at a distance of 1.3 cm
Q.2 A rigid circular loop of radius r and mass m lies from B
in the x-y plane on a flat table and has a current Q.6 Mercury is contained in a U-tube of uniform
 flowing in it. At this particular place. The square cross-sectional side a = 4 mm.

earth’s magnetic field is B = Bx i + By j . Electrodes A and D are sealed inside as
The minimum value of  for which one end of shown. An electric current I = 10 A passes
the loop will lift from the table is between the electrodes A to D and magnetic
field B = 0.5 tesla is applied across the
(A) (B) horizontal arm perpendicular into the plane of
r Bx figure. Calculate difference of mercury levels.
mg (Hg = 13.6 × 103 kg/m3) –
rB y
(C) (D)
2 r B2 2
x  By A
mg xx xx

r B2 2
x  By xx xx
Q.3 Equal current i is flowing in three infinitely long
wires along positive x, y and z directions. The (A) 9.4 mm (B) 10.4 mm
magnetic field at a point (0, 0, – a) would be – (C) 9.4 cm (D) 10.4 cm
 0i 0i Q.7 A block of mass m & charge q is released on
(A) ( ĵ – î ) (B) ( î + ĵ ) a long smooth inclined plane. Magnetic field
2a 2a
B is constant, uniform, horizontal and parallel
0i 0i to surface as shown. Find the time from start
(C) ( î – ĵ ) (D) ( î + ĵ +
2a 2a when block loses contact with the surface –
k̂ ) q
g B m
Q.4 A non - relativistic proton beam passes
without deviation through the region of space
where there are uniform transverse mutually 
perpendicular electric and magnetic fields m cos  m cos ec 
with E = 120 kV/m and B = 50 mT . Then the (A) (B)
qB qB
beam strikes a grounded target. Find the force
with which the beam acts on the target if the m cot 
(C) (D) none of these
beam current is equal to  = 0.80 mA. qB
(A) 30 µN (B) 25 µ N
Q.8 Two particles of charges +Q and –Q are Q.12 A straight wire of length  can slide on two
projected from the same point with a velocity parallel plastic rails kept in horizontal plane
v in a region of uniform magnetic field B with a separation d. The coefficient of friction
such that the velocity vector makes an angle  between the wire and the rails is µ. If the wire
with the magnetic field. Their masses are M carries current i what minimum magnetic
and 2M, respectively. Then, they will meet field should exist in the space in order to slide
again for the first time at a point whose the wire on the rails?
distance from the point of projection is – µmg µm 2 g
(A) 2Mv cos /QB (B) 8Mv cos /QB (A) (B)
i 1  µ 2 i
(C) Mv cos /QB (D) 4Mv cos /QB µmg 2 µmg
(C) (D)
Q.9 An electron is projected with velocity v 0 in a i 
uniform electric field E perpendicular to the
Q.13 A conductor of length 4m, with current of 10
field. Again it is projected with velocity v0
amp in the ĵ direction, lies along the y axis
perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field B.
If r1 is initial radius of curvature just after between y = – 2 to y = + 2. There exists a

entering in the electric field and r 2 is initial field B = 0.05 î Tesla. Then work done in
radius of curvature just after entering in moving the conductor parallel to it self at
magnetic field then the ratio r1/r2 is equal to – constant speed to x = z = 2m is -
Bv 02 B (A) 5 Joule (B) 3 Joule
(A) (B) (C) 2 Joule (D) 4 Joule

Ev 0 Bv 0 Q.14 The magnetic field existing in a region is

(C) (D)  x
B E 
given by B = B0 1   k̂
 
Q.10 A small circular coil of radius r and number A square loop of edge  and carrying current
of turns n is placed at the centre of another i, is placed with its edges parallel to the x-y
big circular coil of radius R and number of axis. Find the magnitude of the net magnetic
turns N. Initially the two coils are coplanar force experienced by the loop.
and the same current  flows through both the
coils. Then the amount of work done in (A) 2B0i  (B) B0i0 
rotating the small coil about any of its (C) B0i  (D) Bi 
diameter by an angle  will be-
Q.15 A semi circular current carrying wire having
2 0 nNr 2 2  0 nNr 2  2 radius R is placed in x-y plane with its centre
(A) (B)
R 2R at origin 'O'. There is non-uniform magnetic
 B0 x
 nNr 2  2 field B = k̂ (here B0 is +ve constant)
(C) 0 (D) zero 2R
is existing in the region. The magnetic force
acting on semi circular wire will be along –
Q.11 A particle of charge q and mass m starts
moving from the origin under the action of an Y
 
electric field E = E0 î and B = B0 î with
 I
velocity v = v0 ĵ . The speed of the particle
will become 2v0 after a time –
2mv 0 2Bq (–R,0,0) (+R,0,0)
(A) t = (B) t =
qE mv 0 Z
3 Bq 3 mv 0 (A) – x-axis (B) + y-axis
(C) t = (D) t =
mv 0 qE (C) – y-axis (D) + x-axis

Q.16 Find the work and power required to move the

conductor of length  shown in the figure. One
full turn in the anticlockwise direction at a (B) The inner ring oscillates about its
rotational frequency of n revolutions per second initially position
if the magnetic field is of magnitude B0 (C) The outer ring stays stationary while the
everywhere and points radially outwards from inner one moves into the plane of the
Z-axis. The figure shows the surface traced by outer ring
the wire AB. (D) The inner ring stays stationary while the
z outer one moves into the plane of the
inner ring
r A Q.19 A conductor of length  and mass m is placed
along the east-west line on a table. Suddenly
a certain amount of charge is passed through
it and it is found to jump to a height h. The
earth's magnetic induction is B. The charge
B passed through the conductor is –
x (B is horizontal)
(A) –2r B0i, –2rB0 in 1
(A) (B)
(B) r B02, r B02n
(C) r2 B0in Bm

(D) None of these gh m 2gh

(C) (D)
Bm B
Q.17 A particle of specific charge (q/m) is projected
from the origin of coordinates with initial Q.20 Figure represents four positions of a current
velocity [ui – vj]. Uniform electric magnetic carrying coil is a magnetic field directed
towards right. n̂ represent the direction of
fields exist in the region along the +y-direction,
area of vector of the coil. The correct order of
of magnitude E and B. The particle will
potential energy is-
definitely return to the origin once if –
(A) [vB/2E] is an integer 
n B
(B) (u2 + v2)1/2 [B/E] is an integer
n n
(C) [vB/E] is an integer n
(A) I > III > II > IV (B) I < III < II < IV
(D) [uB/E] is an integer
(C) IV < I < II < II (D) III > II > IV > i
Q.18 Two insulated rings, one slightly smaller Q.21 Two long parallel wires are at a distance 2d
diameter than the other, are suspended along apart. They carry steady equal currents flowing
their diameter as shown, initially the planes of out of the plane of the paper, as shown. The
the rings are mutually perpendicular when a variation of the magnetic field B along the XX '
steady current is set up in each of them. the given by-
(A) (B)
X X' X X'
d d d d

(C) (D)
X X' X X'
(A) The two rings rotate to come into a d d d d
common plane
Q.22 An ionized gas contains both positive and Q.25 A neutral straight wire carries a current.
negative ions. If it is subjected simultaneously Assume that all free electrons in the
to an electric field along the +x direction and a conductor move with the same drift velocity
magnetic field along the +z direction, then- v. A and B are two observers on a straight
line xy parallel to the conductor. A is
(A) Positive ions deflect towards +y direction stationary, B moves along xy with a velocity
and negative ions towards –y direction v in the direction of the free electrons.
(B) All ions deflect towards +y direction (A) A and B observe the same magnetic field
(B) A observes a magnetic field, B does not
(C) all ions deflect towards – y direction
(C) A and B observe magnetic fields of the
(D) Positive ions deflect towards –y direction same magnitude but opposite directions
and negative ions towards +y direction. (D) A and B do not observe any electric field

Q.23 A direct current flowing through the winding Q.26 In the following hexagons, made up of two
of a long cylindrical solenoid of radius R different material P and Q, current enters and
leaves from points X and Y respectively. In
produces in it a uniform magnetic field of
which case the magnetic field at its centre is

induction B . An electron flies into the not zero –
solenoid along the radius between its turns (at Y Y
right angles to the solenoid axis) at a velocity P P
 (A) (B)
v (Figure). After a certain time, the electron P Q
deflected by the magnetic field leaves the P P
solenoid. Determine the time t during which Q P
the deuteron moves in the solenoid. P Q
(C) (D)
Q.27 Two long thin, parallel conductors carrying
equal currents in the same direction are fixed
parallel to the x-axis, one passing through y =
a and the other through y = – a. The resultant
m eBR 2m eBR magnetic field due to the two conductors at
(A) tan–1 (B) tan–1
eB mv eB mv any point is B. Which of the following are
m mv 2m mv correct ?
(C) tan–1 (D) tan–1 Z
eB eBR eB eBR

One or More than one correct answer

type Questions –a
a Y
Q.24 A long straight wire carries a current along i O
the x–axis. Consider the points A(0, 1, 0), i
B(0, 1, 1) C(1, 0, 1) and D(1, 1, 1). Which of
(A) B = 0 for all points on the x-axis
the following pairs of points will have
(B) At all points on the y-axis, excluding the
magnetic fields of the same magnitude ? origin, B has only a z-component
(A) A and B (B) A and C (C) At all points on the z-axis, excluding the
(C) B and C (D) B and D origin, B has only a y-component
(D) B cannot have an x-component
Q.28 A charged particle goes undeflected in a The following questions consists of two
region containing electric and magnetic field. statements each, printed as Assertion and
It is possible when - Reason. While answering these questions you
  
(A) E || B , v || E
 are to choose any one of the following five
 
(B) E is not parallel to B (A) If both Assertion and Reason are true
    and the Reason is correct explanation
(C) v || B but E is not parallel to B
of the Assertion.
   
(D) E || B but v is not parallel to E (B) If both Assertion and Reason are true
but Reason is not correct explanation
Q.29 An electron is moving along the positive of the Assertion.
x-axis, you want to apply a magnetic field for (C) If Assertion is true but the Reason is
a short time so that the electron may reverse
its direction and move parallel to the negative
(D) If Assertion is false but Reason is true.
x-axis. This can be done by applying the
magnetic field along – Q.32 Assertion : If an electron while coming
(A) Y-axis (B) Z-axis vertically from outer space enter the earth’s
(C) Y- axis only (D) Z-axis only magnetic field, it is deflected towards west.
Q.30 H+, He+ and O+2 all having the same kinetic Reason : Electron has negative charge.
energy pass through a region in which there is a Q.33 Assertion : If a charged particle is moving in
uniform magnetic field perpendicular to their uniform magnetic field, no work is done.
velocity. The masses of H+, He+ and O+2 are 1 Reason : Displacement of the particle is zero.
amu, 4 amu and 16 amu respectively, then-
(A) H+ will be deflected most Q.34 Assertion : If a charged particle is moving on
a circular path in a perpendicular magnetic
(B) O+2 will be deflected most
field, the momentum of the particle is not
(C) H+ and O+2 will be deflected equally changing.
(D) All will be deflected equally
Reason : Speed of the particle is not changing
Q.31 In a region of space, a uniform magnetic field in magnetic field.
B exists in the y-direction. A proton is fired
from the origin, with its initial velocity v Q.35 Assertion : If a proton and an - particle enter a
making a small angle  with the y-direction uniform magnetic field perpendicularly, with
in the y-z plane. In the subsequent motion of the same speed, then time period of revolution
the proton – of the -particle is double than that of proton.
Z Reason : In a magnetic field, the time period
B of revolution of a charged particle is directly
proportional to mass of particle and is
inversely proportional to charge of particle.
O B Q.36 Assertion : In a conductor, free electrons
keep on moving but no magnetic force acts on
(A) its x-coordinate can never be positive a conductor in a magnetic field.
(B) its x-and z-coordinates cannot both be
zero at the same time Reason : Force on free electron due to
(C) its z-coordinate can never be negative magnetic field always acts perpendicular to
(D) its y-coordinate will be proportional to its direction of motion.
the square of its time of flight
Part-D Column Matching
Part-C Assertion & Reason Type Questions
Q.37 Match the current configuration in column-I The length of one side of square loop is l
to the observed result in column-II. metre. The wire has uniform cross-section
area and uniform linear mass density. In four
Column–I Column–II situations of column-I, the loop is subjected
1 to four different magnetic field. Under the
I2 conditions of column-I, match the column-I
I1 with corresponding results of column-II (B0 in
(A) P (P) torque on the loop non zero column-I is a positive non-zero constant).
2 y I
1 2 
P (Q)1 and 2 repel each other
(B) I1
I2 I/2 I/2

 x
I2 I/2
(C) I1 P 2 (R)1 and 2 do not exert any Column–I Column–II

force on each other (A) B = B0 î in tesla (P) magnitude of net force
1 on loop is 2 B0Il
I1 P 2
(D) (S). magnetic field at point 
(B) B = B0 ĵ in tesla (Q) magnitude of net force
I2 P due to wires 1 and 2
on loop is zero
are perpendicular to 
(C) B = B0( î + ĵ ) (R) magnitude of net
each other
in tesla on loop is zero

(D) B = B0 k̂ in tesla (S) magnitude of net force
on loop is B0Il Newton

Q.38 A square loop of uniform conducting wire is

as shown in figure. A current I (in amperes)
enters the loop from one end and exits the
loop from opposite end as shown in figure.

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