English Language: Section A: Grammar (10 Marks)

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Durée : 3h SERIE : A4, C, D

Coefficient : 2 SESSION : 2020



1- Complete each blank with the correct word chosen from the ones in the brackets. (5 marks)
1. Cameroon cannot rely entirely………crude oil for her development ( in,on , for)
2. I will send you a present when I………….my salary. (get, will get, got)
3. More young people dislike………………..their national languages nowadays. (to speak, speaking,
4. If I ……………………………..a bird, I would fly to the village at once. (was, were, am)
5. Mathematics is my ……………………………………..subject at school. (bad, worse, worst)

2- Complete each of these sentences below with the correct form of the Item in the brackets. (5 marks)
1. Elephants are in dangers of …………………………..because of poachers. (to disappear)
2. It is commonly said that the older one gets, the …………………………….one become.
3. We were ………………………Essomba’s phone number by his mother. (to give)
4. When we went to the village last week, we spent the whole Saturday
without…………………………………(to eat)
5. I would have gone to Italy If I……………………..my examination. (pass)


1- Match each of the items in column A with one in column B so as to form a meaningful phrase. Write
your answer in the space provided. (5 marks)

Column A Column B Column C

1. Central A. Control 1.
2. Electricity B. Light 2.
3. Remote C. Bill 3.
4. Traffic D. Flu 4.
5. Bird E. Unit 5.

1- Complete each of the sentences below with a correct word of your own. (5Marks)
1. Most of the people who want to lose weight go on a/an………………………………………….
2. Certain chemicals have been banned in Cameroon because of
their………………………….effect on the environment.
3. The police have assured the public that the escapee………………….will be caught soon.
4. Farming in our country is largely based on the use of …………………………….methods.
5. Breakfast, …………………………..and supper are the three basic meals in a day.


Read the following passage carefully and answer all the questions on it. Use correct English
sentences, as far as possible that follow using your own words as far as possible. Use your own words.

Nowadays, most people have failed in one vital aspect of their lives in that they have mistaken their
body colour for beauty. People, especially women think that to look beautiful means extinguishing their
natural, black colour. This has made them indulge in the usage of sophisticated cosmetics. These users
should only reflect a little and ponder over the effects these products have on their bodies.
Cosmetics remove the natural black pigment in the body. This black pigment is resistant to adverse
conditions and gives strength to the flesh, thus if one of these users is operated upon or sustains an injury, it
would be difficult to stitch the spot or the wound to heal since the pigment is destroyed. The product also
leads to the gradual deformation of various parts of the body so that the individual soon develops fallen
jaws, twisted face, and dark areas around the eyes. This is a gradual process; the person finally realizes that
it is too late to take precautions.
In our African society this problem can be solved by educating the population about the various
effects. The greater part of the educated population are those promoting the usage of these products.at this
point, I begin to wonder what will become of the illiterate population who strongly believe in ‘’cream’’as
the call it.
Should we close down our cosmetic industries? The answer is no, beneficial to the producers, but
also to the whole country.
The only possible solution to this problem will be for the government to introduce new legislation
concerning the producers and the quality and quantity of cosmetics produced. The government should also
educate the population about the effects of these products. Self-education and self discipline will also be a
vital tool in solving this problem.
Culled from ‘’the voice of CPC’’
1. Why does the author say that people have mistaken their body colour for beauty? (2 marks)
2. Give two disadvantages of using cosmetics talked about in the texts. (2 marks)
3. Give two advantages of the black pigment to our body. (2 marks)
4. What body effects does a person who uses “black cream” have? Give any two (2 marks)
5. What disadvantages are there in closing down cosmetics industries? (2 marks)


Write an essay between 200-250 words on any of the following topics.
1. Students are not responsible for their failure in examinations. How far do you agree with this view?

2. Write an article in Cameroon tribune (a newspaper) on the topic “ the importance of English for
tomorrow’s job”. Your name is Njolo.

3. Your pen friend in France would like to visit Cameroon, but he is hesitating because of Boko Haram
threat. Write a letter to reassure him that he should not be worried as the government has taken all the
measures to ensure security in the whole country, the far north included. Also advise him on the best
places to visit, how to get there, what food he can eat there and what souvenirs he can buy. Your
name is Bouba, your post office Box Number is 214 and it is found in Galim in Cameroon. Your
friend’s name is jean felix. His post office box number is 2547654 in paris, france.

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