Sri Radha Tattva

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The document discusses the spiritual significance and eternal divine relationship between Sri Radha and Sri Krishna based on scriptural references

Some references mentioned include verses from Rig Veda, Atharva Veda, various Puranas like Padma, Naraad, Devi Bhagavatam and scriptures like Jagannatha Ashtakam

Their relationship is described as one of divine love where Sri Radha is said to be the embodiment of divine bliss and the supreme shakti of Krishna and non-different from him

Sri Radha Tattva

Text: “idaṁ hyanvojasāsutaṁ rādhānāṁ pate pivā tvasya girvaṇaḥ” (Ṛig Veda)
Meaning: “O Shree Krishna, husband of Radha! Just as the gopīs worship You;
every syllable of Ved mantras also worship You.”

Text: “tvaṁ nṛichaksaṁ vṛiṣhabhānupoorvīḥ kṛiṣhṇāsvagne aruṣhovibhāhi”

(Ṛig Veda)
Meaning: In this mantra, `Vrishabhanu’, father of Radha, is mentioned as
having a conversation with Krishna.

Text: “yasyā radha-reṇuṁ pādayorviśhvabhartā dharate moordhnī” (Atharva

Vediya Rādhikopaniṣhad)
Meaning: “Radha is that Entity, the dust of whose lotus feet, the Master of the
Universe places on His head.”

Text: “yathā rādhā priyā viṣhṇoḥ” (Padma Purāṇa)

Meaning: “Radha is the dearest of Vishnu.”

Text: “rādhā vāmāṁśha saṁbhootā mahālakṣhmīrprakīrtitā” (Nārad Purāṇa)

Meaning: “Remembering Radha showers the blessings of Lakshmi.”

Text” “tatrāpi rādhikā śhaśhvat” (Ādi Purāṇa)

Meaning: “Radhika is the only one who is permanent.”

Text: “rukmiṇī dwāravatyāṁcha rādhā vṛindāvane vane” (Matsya Purāṇa)

Meaning: “Rukmini waits at the doorway (for Krishna), hoping to re-create
Radha’s Vrindavan.”
Text: “rādhnoti sakalān kāmān tena rādhā prakīrtitaḥ” (Devī Bhāgavat Purāṇa)
Meaning: “Remembering Radha can fulfill all heart’s desires.”

Text: “ādau rādhāṁ samuchchārya paśhchātkṛiṣhṇaṁ parātparam” (Brahma

Vaivartak Purāṇa)
Meaning: “Radha is the complete essence of Krishna.”

Text: “kāmayāmaha etasya śhrīmatpādarajaḥ śhriyaḥ,

kuchakuṅkumagandhāḍhyaṁ moordhnā voḍhuṁ gadābhṛitaḥ” (Śhrīmad
Bhāgavatam 10.83.42)
Meaning: “The Queens of Dwarka are desiring for the dust of Radha’s feet,
because that dust has kumkum and sandal paste from Krishna’s forehead when
he placed His head on her feet in declaration of His love.”

Adi Shankaracharya one of the greatest authority o Sanatan dharma has

glorified Radharani in Jagannatha astakam:

param-brahmapidah kuvalaya-dalotphulla-nayano
nivasi niladrau nihita-carano ananta-shirasi rasanandi radha-sarasa-vapur-
jagannatha svami nayana-patha-gami bhavatu me

“Who is the crown-jewel of transcendence, whose eyes are like the petals of a
fully-opened blue lotus, who resides at Nilachala, whose feet are placed on the
head of Sesa, who is blissfully immersed in bhakti-rasa, and who derives
happiness from embracing the rasa-laden body of Srimati Radhika — may that
Sri Jagannatha-deva be the object of my vision.”

n the Padma Purana, her worship is mentioned in the 7th as well as 20th
Chapters of the Bhumikanda (Volume 5 of Translation), in The Radhashtami
and Radhadamodara Vrata.
One of the famous Padma Puran verse

“yatha radha priya visnos-tasyah kundam priyam tatha

sarva gopisu saivaika visnor-atyanta-vallabha”

TRANSLATION: “Just as Radha is dear to Lord Krishna, so her bathing place

[Radha-kundah] is dear to Him. She alone is His most beloved of all the Gopis.”
– Padma Purana

Radharani was glorified by sage Satyavrata in the famous damodarastakam

mentioned in Padma puran.

namas te ‘stu damne sphurad-dipti-dhamne

tvadiyodarayatha visvasya dhamne
namo radhikayai tvadiya-priyayai
namo ‘nanta-lilaya devaya tubhyam

“O Lord Damodara, I first of all offer my obeisances to the brilliantly effulgent

rope which binds Your belly. I then offer my obeisances to Your belly, which is
the abode of the entire universe. I humbly bow down to Your most beloved
Srimati Radharani, and I offer all obeisances to You, the Supreme Lord, who
displays unlimited pastimes.”

Srimati Radharani’s sovereignty over Vrindavan is also described in the

following Verse found in both Skanda and Matshya Puran.

“Varanasyam visalakshi Vimala Purushottame Rukmini dwaravatyam Ca Radha

Vrindavana vane.”
” Durga rules over Varanasi and Vimala Devi presides over Jagannatha Puri.
Rukmini Devi is the queen of Dwaraka and in the same way Radharani is the
queen of Vrindavan forest.”

That Srimati Radharani is the best of Lord Krishna’s potency is spoken in the
following Verse found in Brihad Gautamiya tantra spoken by Lord Krishna to
lord Balaram:

“Sarrvam tattvam paratvam ca tattva trayam aham kila tri tattva ripini shakti
Radhika mama vallabha”

“prakrteh para evaham sapi mac shakti rupini sattvikam rupam asthaya purni
ham Brahma chit parah”

“Brahmana prarthitah samyak sambhwami yuge yuge taya sardham twaya

sadham nasaya devata dhuham”

“My dear,I am the master of three potencies of material cause,material effect

and the transcendental potency over material nature . These three potencies are
embeded in Radharani who is very dear to me.”

“I am the Brahman, perfect and complete,My form is entirely spiritual and I am

above the temporary material energy .just as I am spiritual and above the
material nature so is my transcendental potency (Radharani mentioned in the
above verse)”

“Requested by Brahma , I appear in this material world millenium after

millenium accompanied by You accompanied by her(Radha mentioned in the
above verse) in order to destroy the enemies of devata and devotees .”
In the Skanda Purana, Vaishnava Khanda, Bhagavata Mahatmya talks about
Srimati Radharani. The 1st chapter (Volume 6) contains the famous statement,
“Atma Tu Radhika Tasya” – Radharani is Krishna’s soul. The Vasudeva
Mahatmya (Volume 7), Chapters 16 and 17 describe Goloka and the
manifestation of Radhakrishna for Narada.

Ṛk-pariśiṣṭa(rig Veda appendix or supplement,a genuine text) says rādhayā

mādhavo devo mādhavenaiva rādhikā vibhrājante janeṣv ā. This means there is
no other gopīs like her. In order to destroy the doubt that Rādhā is singled out as
the dearest among the group only in the sense that a king is singled out when
expressing a group, it is then said ekā advitīyā: she is without compare.

Matsya Purāṇa:

rukmiṇī dvāravatyām tu rādhā vṛndāvane vane: 13.37

As Rukmiṇī is the chief queen in Dvārakā, Rādhā is the chief gopī in


Srila Jiva Goswami quotes the following verses from the Agni Purana:

“gopyah papracchur usasi

krsnanucaram uddhavam
hari-lila-viharams ca
tatraikam radhikam vina
radha tad-bhava-samlina
vasanaya viramita
sakhibhih sabhyadhac chuddha-
ijyante-vasinam veda
Ṛk-pariśiṣṭa says: (Rig veda appendix or supplement)

rādhayā mādhavo devo mādhavenaiva rādhikā | vibhrājante janeṣvā

Mādhava is revealed to the people through Rādhā and Rādhā is revealed

through Mādhava.

Adi Purana states

“O Partha, in all the three planetary systems, this earth is especially fortunate,
for on earth is the town of Vrndavana. And there the gopis are especially
glorious because among them is My Srimati Radharani. (Adi Purana-Krsna to

Lord Shiva has told Devi Durgâ in Sammohan-Tantra –

“Who rejects Sri Râdhâ and worships Shyâmsundar, takes His Holy Name or
meditates on Him, will verily fall down.”

Some references from Sanat Kumar Samhita

Sanatkumara samhita 302-303:

sri-narada uvaca
gate madhu-purim krsne
vipralambha-rasah katham
vasudeve radhikayah
samsayam cindhi me prabho
“Shri Narada said: If when Lord Krishna goes to Mathura He manifests His
more-perfect form of Vasudeva’s son (which is different from the most-perfect
form of Nanda’s son), then how is it possible for Shri Radha to feel the pangs of
separation from this form (a form different from the Vrindavana-Krishna)? O
master, please cut apart this doubt.”

sri-sadasiva uvaca
saktih samyogini kama
vama saktir viyogini
hladini kirtida-putri
caivam radha trayam vraje

“Lord Sadashiva said: The Samyogini potency arranges the amorous pastimes
of the divine couple, and the Viyogini potency arranges that the divine couple
be separated. The Hladini potency is the Lord’s pleasure potency. In Vraja Shri
Radha is the manifestation of these three potencies.”

Samyogini is the expansion of Sri Radha outside Vrndavan, when She meets
Krsna at Kuruksetra. Viyogini is the expansion of Sri Radha in Gokula
(Bhauma) Vrindavan after Krsna moves to Mathura. Hladini (Kirtida-putri,
Vrsabhanu-nandini) is Her original form always present with Sri Krsna in
Goloka (Divya) Vrndavan in asta-kaliya-lila

Sanat Kumar Samhita States


devi krishnamayi prokta

radhika para-devata
sarva-lakshmi-svarupa sa
The transcendental goddess Sri Radha is the direct counterpart of Lord Sri
Krishna. She is the central figure for all the goddesses of fortune. She is the
pleasure-potency of Lord Krishna.

tatah sa procyate vipra
hladiniti manishibhih
durgadyas tri-gunatmikah

The wise say that She is the pleasure potency of Lord Krishna. Durga and the
other goddesses in the world of the three modes are a million-millionth part of
one of Her expansions.

sa tu sakshan maha-lakshmih
krishno narayanah prabhuh
na tayor vidyate bhedah
sv-alpo ‘pi muni-sattama

She is directly Goddess Maha-Lakshmi and Lord Krishna is Lord Narayana. O

best of sages, there is not the slightest difference between Them.

Nārada describes her as supreme in the Rādhā-māhātmya of Padma Purāṇa.

Brihad Gautamiya tantra also states

“devi krishnamayee prokta radhika para-devata, sarva laxmimayi sarva-kântih
sammohini para.”

“The transcendental goddess Srimati Radharani is the direct counterpart of Lord

Sri Krishna. She is the central figure of all goddess of fortune. She possess all
the attractiveness to attract the personality of godhead. She is the primeval
internal potency of Lord.”

Sri Radhika Tapaniyopanishad

Brahmavadino vadanti kasmad radhikam upasate Adityoabhyadravat || 1 ||

Srutayah uchuh, Sarvani Radhika ya daivatani sarvani bhootani radhika ya stam

namamha || 2 ||

Devatayatanani kampante radhaya hasanti nrutyanti cha sarvani Radha daivatani

| Sarvapapakshaya yeti vyahruti bhirhutva adha radhikayai namamaha || 3 ||

Bhasayasyaha Krishna dehopi gauro jayate devasyendraneela prabhasya |

bhringah kakah kokilaschapi gaurastam radhikam visvadhatreem namamah || 4 ||

Yasya agamyatam srutayah sankhyayoga vedantani brahmabhavam vadanti |

nayam puranani vidanti samyak tam radhikam devadhatrim namamah || 5 ||

Jagadbharturvisvasamohanasya Sri Krishnasya pranato adhikamapi |

vrindaranye sveshta deveencha nityam tam Radhikam vanadhatrim namamah ||
6 ||

Yasyaharenum padayorvisvabharta dharate moordhni rahasi premayuktah |

srasthavenuh kabarim smaredyalleenah Krishnah kreetavat tam namamah || 7 ||
Yasyah kreedam Chandra devapatnoh drishtva magna atmano na smaranti |
vrindaranye sthavarah jangamascha bhavavishtam Radhikam tam namamah || 8

Yasya anke viluthan krishnadevo golokakhyam naiva sa smaradhama | padam

samsa kamala sailaputrim tam radhikam sakti dhatrim namamah || 9 ||

Svarairgramaischa tribhirmoorcha nabhirgeetam deveem sakhibhih prema

baddha | brahmeem nisamyatano deka saktya vrindaranye radhikam tam
namamh || 10 ||

Kvachitbhootva dvibhuja Krishna deho vamsirandhraih vadaya masa chakre |

yasya bhoosham kunda mandara pushpaih malamkritvanu nameddeva devah ||
11 ||

Yeyam Radha yascha Krishno rasabdihi dehaschaikah kreedanardham

dvidhabhoot | deho yadha chayaya sobhamanah srunvan pathan yati taddhama
suddham || 12 ||

Vasishtancha brihatpatincharvagadhyapayati yajamanaya barhaspatyamcha || 13


A discussion arose among Brahmavadi Rishis as to why only Sri Radhaji should
be worshipped. At that very moment a great illumination appeared before them.
That light is of the VEDA. It said:

The innate Divine power of all Gods and Goddesses emerged only from Sri
Radhika Devi. We the Vedas bow before Sri Radhaji with reverence who is the
power and creator of all Gods and Goddesses.
By Her minutest grace, all the Devatas(Angels) dance in ecstasy. By her
slightest annoyance they shiver in fear. We too worship Her with our heart and
soul to graciously condone our shortcomings.

By whose light the colour of Shyam that resembles the light of Indra Nila Mani,
turns into colour of Gold and whose glance the black birds of nature like crows,
cuckoos become golden, to that Mother of universes we Salute in veneration.

Whose Divine Glory, we the Vedas, the Upanishads, the Sankhya Yoga could
not comprehend, whose glorious Divine Play, the Puranas (Epics) could not
depict, to that Brahma Swaroopini Sri Radhaji, we salute with devotion.

We salute Sri Radhaji, who is the Pranadhishtana (life giver) Devatha of the
dictator of universes Sri Krishna, who is the worship Goddess of Lord Sri
Krishna and who is the protector of devotees.

The ardent devotee of Divine Love, the ruler of universes-Nandanandan, whose

feet dust He wears upon His head in whose Love does He forget all His
Vibhoothis (Divine Splendours) like the Flute and to whom He sold out
Himself, to that Supreme Goddess (Sri Radha Devi) we salute in devotion.

By viewing whose Divine Play Chandra (the Moon) and the celestial maidens
forget their body consciousness and are nonplussed in love and ecstasy to that
Raseswari (Sri Radha) we offer our Pranamas (Salutation)

Resting in whose lap the Sachidana Purushothama Sri Krishna forgets even
Goloka, who is the creator of Goddess Lakshmi and Parvathi, to that ocean of
power (Sriji) we salute in deep reverence.

Engrossed in whose Guna Gana (singing of Divine traits) with three varied
levels of musical notes (Mandra, Madhyama, Tara/Ghor) the Sakhi Gana (the
Group of Sakhis ) of Vrindavan forgot days and nights and carried away by
their Love-intensity, who had arranged Brahma Rathri (the night of Brahma)
and graced them Ras Ecstasy ceaselessly, to that Prema Murthi (embodiment of
Love) we bow in devotion.

Who sings the Flute (Murali) with Her tender fingers assuming the form of
Dvibhuja Krishna (Dual Armed Krishna) who is adorned by Nanda Nandan
with Jasmine, Kalpa Vriksha flowers, we salute that Sri Radha Devi in

Sri Radha and Krishna both is one ocean of Rasa. These two Roopa (forms) are
like body and its shadow. At any instance, they have no separation. Those
devotees who drink the nectar of their Divine play invariably reach the ultimate
Divine Abode.


The knowledge of this Theatre (philosophy) passes on from the Sun to Sage
Vasishta, from Vasishta to Brihaspathi and from him to his disciples Kacha,
Indra etc.,

The Radhikopanishad contained in Adharvana Veda is completed.

3. A Few More Quotations from Veda Vedanga


Anadyogam Puruha Eka Evasthi Tadekam Roopam Dwidha Vidhaya Sarvam

Rasan Samaharathi Svayameva Nayikaroopam Vidhaya, SamaradhanaTat paro
bhooth Tasmath tham Radham Rasikanandam Vedavido Vadanthi
The primodial 'Purusha' is one. By becoming two forms He illumines all Rasas.
Himself assuming as Nayika, He also became Goddess of worship. The Vedic
Rishis addressed Her as 'Radha'.

2. Radhika Taponiyopanishad of Adharvana Veda

Yeyam Radha Yascha Krishno Rasabdhi Dve Drukchaika, Kridanardham

Divdhabhooth Deho Yadha Chayaya Sobha mana

Sri Radha and Sri Krishna are not two but they are one ocean of Rasa. They are
one and the same like a body and its shadow.

3. Brihadarnyaka Upanishad - 4th Brahmana

Savai naiva rame Tasmadekaki Na Ramathi Sa Dvithi Ya Maichath

He cannot play. He cannot play by being alone. So he intended for His second

4. Taithariyopanishad

Raso Vaisaha

He is Rasa.

5. Gopalothara Tapinyopanishad

Yadgandhar vethi Visnuthahladini Ya Mahasakthi Sarvasakthi Variyasi Tatsara

Bhoga Roopam Yamithi Tanthre Prathishtitha Sushtukantha Swaroope Yam
Sarvade Varsha Bhanavi Dhrutha Shodasa Sringari Dwadasa Bharana Sritha
Who is renowned as Gandharva, who is enshrined as supreme power or Hladini
Shakthi, or essence of all the Divine powers in the Tantras, that glorious power
is resplendent as the daughter of king Vrishabhanu. She is 'Radha'

6. Gopala Tapinyopanishad

Tatra Radha Tapinyam Dadhethi Parama Prakrithi Sa Eva Lakshmi Sa

Saraswathi, Sa Eva Loka Kathri, Loka Matha, Deva Janani, Goloka Vasini,
Goloka ni Yanthri, Vai Kunthadhishtathri Thi Saisahi Radhika, Gopi Janaha
Tasya Sakhi jana

Sri Radha is primordial form of Prakrithi(nature). She is Lakshmi, creator of

worlds, Mother of Gods, controller and inhabitant of Goloka, presiding Deity of
Divine Abode Vaikuntha. She is Radhika. Gopis are Her companions (Sakhis)

7. RIGVEDIC HYMN (Suktha -15, Manthra -5)

Brahmanadindra Radha Sa Apiva Somamrutharanu Thavedvi Sakhya


Oh! Prabrahama Swaroopa, Krishna, you drink the Somarasa, graced by Sri
Radha. You are naturally drawn towards it.

b.Idam Hyanvo Japa Sutham Radhanam Pathepina Tvasva Girvana (Sukta-3


You have been captivated by the embodiment of Mahabhava -Sri Radha. Oh!
Radhapathi, the Sruthis (Vedas) appearing as the Gopis had extolled your
Divine Love. And the creator of Gopis Sri Radha had captivated you by Her
c.Vibhaktharam Hava Mahe Vasoschithra Sya Radha SaSavitharam Nru
Chakshasam (Rigvedic Literature)

We invite that Sri Krishna who has taken away Sri Radha separating Her from
the Gopis.


"Ekam Jyothi Rabhoo Dvidha Radha Madhava Roopakam" 'Parabrahma'

The one single effulgence 'Parabrahma' is resplendent in two ways as Radha and


Radjaya Madhavo Devo Madhave Naiva Radhika Vibhrajantha Janeshva

Sri Radha along with Sri Krishna and Sri Krishna along with Radhika have been
resplendent in their eternal true form.

4. Tanthras


Devee Krishna Mayee Proktha Radhika Paradevatha Sarva Lakshmi Mayi Sarva
Kanthi Sammohini Para
Sri Radhika, it was stated is replete with Krishna. She is the essence repository
of spiritual prosperity. she is resplendent with majestic illumination, and attracts
all the universes effortlessly (Sammohi ni). She is Para shakthi.

Satyam Tatvam Paralatvam Tatva Traya Yame Mahankila Tritatva Roopinee

Saapi Radika Para Devatha

The Para(super) Tathva is the essence of all the Tatva. It is the real Tathva. I am
the embodiment of Tri Tathva. Sri Radha is Tri Tatva roopini (embodiment of
Three Tathva).


Radhika Padmini Yasa Krishna Devasya Vagbhava Krishna Deva Svayam

Bhootha Krishna Padma dalekshna

Padmini, Sri Radhika has born from the voice of Sri Krishna. This connotes that
she is the voice of Krishna. The Lotus eyed Krishna manifested himself


Hladini Ya Mahasakthi Sarva Sakthi Variyasi TathSara Bhootha

Hladini Shakthi is the supreme and paramount among all the Divine Powers. Sri
Radha is the essence of Hladini Shakthi.


Sarva Lakshmi Mayim Deveem Paramanando Di Tam Rasotsava Priytam

Radham Krishnenanda Swaroopini
She is the essence of Divine prosperity. She has ascended from Supreme
Ecstasy(parama nanda) She is fond of Rasotsava. We worship that embodiment
of Sri Krishna's Happiness - Sri Radha Devi


Chintayet Radhikaam Deveem Gopa Gokula Sankulam

We meditate that Radha Devi who is surrounded by Cowherd boys (Gopa) and
all the members of 'Gokula'


Jape Dvdhayathe Vapisa Bhaveth Pathaki Save Tasmath Jyothi Rabhoo Dvedha
Radha Madhava Roopakam

Sri Radha Madhava are one Supreme Glorious Light. That is, to meditate them
as two leads only to great sinfulness.



Anandathmiya Sakthya Radhaya Sahitho Hari, Narthayam Narthayamasa Sakhi

tham Tala Bedathe

Sri Krishna has danced with the embodiment of Hladini Shakthi. Sri Radha, in
many a Talabheda (Rhythmical Variants)

Mama Deha Sthitai Sarvai Devai Brahma Purogamai Aradhitha Yatha

Thasmath Radhethi Keerthitha

She is worshipped by all the Gods and Goddesses residing in my transcendental

body. She is acclaimed as Radha.


Ye Radhikayam Thrayi Kesaremayi Bhedam Na Kurvanthi Hi Dugdha Sauklya

vath Tha Eva Me Brahmapadam Prayanthi Thath Aithuka Sphoorjitha Bhakthi

Purport Those devotees who desire to reach the Supreme abode of the Lord
'Parabrahma'or 'Parandhama' should not show any distinction between Radha
and Govinda i.e., They should not forget that Sri Radha and Govinda became
two only for the sake of Divine play. As milk and its whiteness is inseparable,
Sri Radha and Krishna are one and the same. The Supreme Lord says that
devotees resplendent with this devotional trait(abhedabhava)reach His Abode.

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