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Design for Testability Techniques to Optimize VLSI Test


Swapneel B. Donglikar

Thesis submitted to the Faculty of the

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Master of Science
Computer Engineering

Dr. Michael S. Hsiao, Chair

Dr. A. Lynn Abbott
Dr. Chao Huang

June 26, 2009

Blacksburg, Virginia

Keywords: DFT, Illinois Scan, Random Access Scan, Test Data Volume
Copyright ©2009, Swapneel B. Donglikar
Design for Testability Techniques to Optimize VLSI Test

Swapneel B. Donglikar


High test data volume and long test application time are two major concerns for testing
scan based circuits. The Illinois Scan (ILS) architecture has been shown to be effective
in addressing both these issues. The ILS achieves a high degree of test data compression
thereby reducing both the test data volume and test application time. The degree of test
data volume reduction depends on the fault coverage achievable in the broadcast mode.
However, the fault coverage achieved in the broadcast mode of ILS architecture depends
on the actual configuration of individual scan chains, i.e., the number of chains and the
mapping of the individual flip-flops of the circuit to the respective scan chain positions.
Current methods for constructing scan chains in ILS are either ad-hoc or use test pattern
information from an a-priori automatic test pattern generation (ATPG) run. In this thesis,
we present novel low cost techniques to construct ILS scan configuration for a given design.
These techniques efficiently utilize the circuit topology information and try to optimize the
flip-flop assignment to a scan chain location without much compromise in the fault coverage
in the broadcast mode. Thus, they eliminate the need of an a-priori ATPG run or any
test set information. In addition, we also propose a new scan architecture which combines
the broadcast mode of ILS and Random Access Scan architecture to enable further test
volume reduction on and above effectively configured conventional ILS architecture using
the aforementioned heuristics with reasonable area overhead. Experimental results on the
ISCAS’89 benchmark circuits show that the proposed ILS configuration methods can achieve
on an average 5% more fault coverage in the broadcast mode and on average 15% more test
data volume and test application time reduction than existing methods. The proposed new
architecture achieves, on an average, 9% and 33% additional test data volume and test
application time reduction respectively on top of our proposed ILS configuration heuristics.

to my family


I would like to dedicate this section to all the people who have been instrumental in the
completion of not only this thesis but the graduate life as a whole. Nothing would have been
possible without the support and encouragement from these people.
First of all, I would like to thank my advisor Dr. Michael S. Hsiao for his continued
guidance and insightful suggestions throughout the duration of my research. I will always
cherish my interactions with him for his methodical way of tackling the problems and ability
to foresee the troublemakers.
I am also thankful to Dr. A. Lynn Abbott and Dr. Chao Huang for agreeing to serve on
my committee.
I am deeply indebted to my colleagues Prashant Shrivastava, Suresh Kumar, Prasanna
Kaliamoorthy and Sadiq Ahmed who introduced me to the challenging yet wonderful world
of DFT during my stay at Open-Silicon India. I am also grateful to Dr. Karim Arabi, Mr.
Craig Borden and Mr. Joseph Fang of Qualcomm Inc. for giving me an opportunity to
intern at a world-class DFT team and to work on the Qualcomm’s next generation DFT
Also my heartfelt thanks to friends in the PROACTIVE Lab for enriching my research
experience - Maheshwar Chandrasekar, Mainak Banga, Shrirang Yardi, Anupam Shrivastava,
Ankur Parikh, Karthik Channakeshava, Sandesh Prabhakar, Harini Jagadeesan, Neha Goel,
Min Li, Nannan He, Xueqi Cheng by their constructive suggestions and timely help.
I am also grateful to my former and current apartment-mates Saurabh Kulkarni, Raghu-
nandan Nagesh, Abhijit Pattewar, Rohit Rangnekar, Nikhil Rahagude and Percy Dadabhoy

for their help and making my stay at Virginia Tech a memorable one.
Last but not the least, I would like to thank my parents, sister and other family members
and friends for their unconditional love, support and encouragement.

Finally, I am grateful to God for his countless blessings.

Swapneel B. Donglikar
June 26, 2009.


List of Figures ix

List of Tables xi

1 Introduction 1

2 Background 7
2.1 Fundamental Concepts in VLSI Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2 Design for Testability (DFT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.2.1 Ad-Hoc DFT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.2.2 Scan Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.2.3 Built-In Self-Test (BIST) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.3 Illinois Scan Architecture (ILS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.3.1 Underlying Principle and Inherent Limitation of ILS . . . . . . . . . 17
2.3.2 Factors Affecting Performance of ILS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.3.3 Existing Methods to Configure ILS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Ad-Hoc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Compatibility Classes Based . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Graph Coloring Based . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

3 Topology-based ILS Configuration 22

3.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

3.2 Problem Formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.3 Overview of Group Formation Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.4 Configuration Heuristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
3.4.1 Dependency-based Heuristic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
3.4.2 Fanout Estimate Based Heuristic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3.4.3 SCOAP [30, 31] Based Heuristic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
3.5 Experimental Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
3.6 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
3.7 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

4 Hybrid ILS-RAS Architecture 62

4.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
4.2 Architecture Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
4.3 Architecture Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
4.4 Test Generation and Application Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
4.5 Experimental Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
4.6 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
4.7 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

5 Conclusions and Future Work 86

Bibliography 88

List of Figures

2.1 Ad-Hoc DFT testpoints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

2.2 Abstract view of Serial Scan Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.3 Abstract view of Random Access Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.4 Basic BIST Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.5 Conventional Serial Scan Architectures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.6 Illinois Scan Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

3.1 Relation of Groups and scan chains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

3.2 Fanout cone structure for a circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.3 Graph representing fanout cone structure of a circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.4 Fanout cone matrix for the circuit in Figure 3.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.5 Fanin/Fanout Table with Dependency values for the circuit in Figure 3.3 . . 29
3.6 Terminal Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.7 Scan Chain Formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.8 Example benchmark circuit s27 (full-scan version) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
3.9 Misleading SCOAP measures for reconvergent fanout . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
3.10 Comparison of #AU Faults and Fault Coverage in Broadcast Mode for con-
figuration C1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
3.11 Comparison of #AU Faults and Fault Coverage in Broadcast Mode for con-
figuration C2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

3.12 Comparison of #AU Faults and Fault Coverage in Broadcast Mode for con-
figuration C3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
3.13 Comparison of #AU Faults and Fault Coverage in Broadcast Mode for con-
figuration C4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
3.14 Comparison of #AU Faults and Fault Coverage in Broadcast Mode for con-
figuration C5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
3.15 Comparison of #AU Faults and Fault Coverage in Broadcast Mode for con-
figuration C6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
3.16 Comparison of reduction in TDV and TAT for configuration C1 . . . . . . . 54
3.17 Comparison of reduction in TDV and TAT for configuration C2 . . . . . . . 55
3.18 Comparison of reduction in TDV and TAT for configuration C3 . . . . . . . 56
3.19 Comparison of reduction in TDV and TAT for configuration C4 . . . . . . . 57
3.20 Comparison of reduction in TDV and TAT for configuration C5 . . . . . . . 58
3.21 Comparison of reduction in TDV and TAT for configurations C6 . . . . . . . 59

4.1 Normalized Fault Coverage, TDV and TAT for various number of chains . . 63
4.2 Augmenting regular scan flip-flop with addressing capability . . . . . . . . . 67
4.3 Comparison of reduction in TDV and TAT for configuration C1 . . . . . . . 76
4.4 Comparison of reduction in TDV and TAT for configuration C2 . . . . . . . 77
4.5 Comparison of reduction in TDV and TAT for configuration C3 . . . . . . . 78
4.6 Comparison of reduction in TDV and TAT for configuration C4 . . . . . . . 79
4.7 Comparison of reduction in TDV and TAT for configurations C5 . . . . . . . 80
4.8 Comparison of reduction in TDV and TAT for configuration C6 . . . . . . . 81
4.9 Comparison of Hybrid Arch. relative to Conventional ILS Arch for conf. C1, C2 82
4.10 Comparison of Hybrid Arch. relative to Conventional ILS Arch. for conf.
C3, C4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
4.11 Comparison of Hybrid Arch. relative to Conventional ILS Arch. for conf.
C5, C6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

List of Tables

3.1 Functions of Algorithms [3.1, 3.2] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

3.2 Fanout cone estimate for gates in the circuit in the Figure 3.8 . . . . . . . . 39
3.3 Average Broadcast Mode #AU Faults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
3.4 Average Broadcast Mode Fault Coverage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
3.5 Average % Reduction in TDV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
3.6 Average % Reduction in TAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

4.1 Functions of Algorithm 4.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

4.2 Relative Performance Comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

Chapter 1


The famous Moore’s Law [1] which predicted that the number of transistors on the inte-
grated circuits will double every two years succinctly captures the tremendous progress the
semiconductor industry has made in last few years. Today’s Integrated Circuits (ICs) con-
tain tens of millions of gates and can perform many complex tasks which a few years back
can only be dreamed of. Electronic gadgets built upon these ICs have become an integral
part of our lives and one just can’t imagine a day without the gadgets like computers, cell
phones, medical instruments and so on. To assure the correct functionality of these devices,
a thorough testing of the underlying ICs for manufacturing defects is a must. As the ICs
have packed more and more functionality, they have become more and more difficult to test.
The naive way of testing of the ICs is by applying the functional patterns and verifying that
we get the correct, expected outputs. Such a method suffers from numerous drawbacks -
the functional patterns applied may not exercise all the parts of the logic and thus, fail to
provide high degree of confidence about the absence of defects. Further, it is not always
possible to visualize all possible operating conditions an ICs may be subjected to and thus,
leading to hard-to-catch corner cases. Also a quality test - which can uncover large number
of defects with minimal amount of testing - will require a deep understanding of the dataflow
and control flow in the design which may be very complex. Since, most of the times the
group which designs the logic and the group which develops the test cases are two different

Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 1. Introduction 2

entities, such a requirement is hard to meet. In addition, such basic testing has very limited
diagnosability power and provides very little or no information about the possible location
of the defect if a chip is found to be defective. All these factors have led to the wide-spread
adoption of the structural testing to verify that the chip is defect free.
In structural testing, as the name suggests, we are concerned about verifying structural
correctness of the design. In other words, we are interested in establishing that the actual
logic gates, memories, flip-flops etc. are working as expected and do not have any defects
associated with them. Towards this, we model the actual physical defect by some logical
fault like line stuck-at some value, line late to transition etc. Then we consider all possible
faults and generate test patterns (using software programs called as ATPG engine which
stands for Automatic Test Pattern Generator engine) which can detect the presence of such
faults. Furthermore, we assume that there is only one fault present in the circuit under test
(CUT) at any given instance of time and generate a pattern for it. This is called a single
fault model and it has been shown that this model can indeed model and detect most of
the multiple defects that may occur. The most widely used fault model today is the single
stuck-at (SSA) fault model which models a defect as some corresponding line in the circuit
constantly stuck at either logic 1 or at logic 0.
Even with such a simplistic fault model, structural testing for the sequential circuits
containing storage elements like flip-flops remains extremely challenging. It is due to the fact
that in sequential circuits, the storage elements may need to be set to some specific values
in order to detect the fault. But this requirement of setting the flip-flops to any arbitrary
required value - also known as state justification - is very difficult to solve. To reach a
particular state B from another state A may require many intermediate state transitions
which may not be simple1 . For example, it may be a case that a desired state cannot be
reached as it is an unreachable state for the CUT; then in this case the faults which require
this particular state in order to be detected become undetectable. This results in a lower fault
coverage which is simply the percentage of the detected faults to the total modeled faults.
In fact, the state justification itself is a vast area of research in the digital circuits verification domain.
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 1. Introduction 3

Lower fault coverages directly translates into lower defect coverages and thus, test quality
suffers. Another case may be that a fault may be detectable but it requires multiple states to
be traversed and thus, needs greater test data volume and test application time. In general,
most of the faults will fall under this case and thus, the required test data volume may be
too large to fit on the Automated Testing Equipment (ATE) requiring expensive multiple
ATE memory loads and/or the time required to apply these test patterns may be too high.
Since ATEs are typically very expensive, together with high operating costs, the test cost
may become too high for practical purposes if we have large test sets. Most of these issues
can be easily sorted out if we can somehow abstract away the sequential nature of the CUT
and this is the idea behind the serial scan design - the current de-facto Design-for-Testability
(DFT) technique.
DFT techniques, in general, try to ease the VLSI testing process by adding some extra
logic in the CUT exclusively for the test purposes. Serial Scan design adds a multiplexer in
front of the flip-flops in the CUT so that, during the test mode, all of such flip-flops can be
stitched together in one long shift-register. Thus, all of the flip-flops are now fully controllable
and can be assigned to any desired state by shifting in the required values through the scan
input(s). This eliminates the need for justification of states as would be needed in sequential
ATPG. Also, the serial scan design has tolerable area and routing overhead. Hence, it has
become a de-facto DFT solution.
Until recently, the serial scan design was sufficient to tackle the test costs issues regarding
the test data volume and test application time as the circuit sizes were moderate and the
single stuck-at fault model was able to model and capture most of the physical defects
occurring on the ICs. But with the explosion in the circuit sizes and with multi-core chips,
the number of flip-flops in the CUT has gone up significantly and also the number of patterns
required to achieve the needed fault coverage. These two when combined lead to very large
amount of test data volume and require longer test application time and thus, elevate the
test cost. The situation gets even worse when we consider the deep-submicron effects - SSA
alone cannot model all possible defects faithfully and we need to consider other advanced fault
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 1. Introduction 4

models like transition delay faults, path delay faults, bridging faults etc. These additional
fault models require additional test data volume and test application time.
The aforementioned test data volume and test application time explosion issues are due to
the serial nature of the scan chain. Typically for a given fault, it is sufficient to specify only a
few flip-flops for detection. If each of the faults is tested individually using a single scan chain,
the test data volume would be prohibitively large. In addition, the test application time rises
because the values have to be shifted in for all the flip-flops in the circuit irrespective of their
role in the target fault detection. To address these drawbacks, scan chain partitioning is
a viable solution. One effective architecture that has been popularized is the Illinois Scan
(ILS) Architecture[3, 2], in which the partitioned chains can receive the values simultaneously
via the broadcast mode. The effectiveness of the ILS architecture depends on the actual
configuration of individual scan chains, i.e., the number of chains and the mapping of the
individual flip-flops of the circuit to the respective scan chain positions. However, current
methods for constructing scan chains in ILS architecture are either ad-hoc or require test
pattern information from an a-priori ATPG run. An open question, thus, is whether it is
possible to quickly configure the scan chains without an ATPG run before-hand, such that
the fault coverage obtained in the broadcast mode would not be compromised?
The use of test patterns for the configuration of the scan chains ensures that incompatible
flip-flops will not be grouped together to occupy the same position among different chains.
By incompatibility we mean loading different values to the flip-flops in different scan chains
simultaneously in the same scan shift cycle. In case of scan chain partitioning with an a-
priori ATPG run, this partitioning depends on the values assigned to the flip-flops in the
generated test set. A topology based method has no such constraints. Although a topology
based approach may result in placing two flip-flops which have conflicting values in a given
test set to the same position, the fault may still be detected. This is because in most cases,
a fault is detectable by more than one vector and so a suitable pattern can be used instead.
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 1. Introduction 5

Contributions of this thesis:

Our goal is to reduce the cost of scan chain partitioning such that the overall test data volume
and test application time are reduced without compromising the fault coverage achievable in
the broadcast mode. The first contribution of this thesis is three new low-cost heuristics
to partition and arrange the flip-flops into chains so that high fault coverage in the broadcast
mode can be achieved. Our heuristics efficiently utilize the circuit topology information and
try to optimize the flip-flop assignment, thus, eliminating the need of an a-priori ATPG
run. While we have demonstrated the usefulness of our approach in an ILS based setting,
it is equally helpful to any on-chip compression technique. Our proposed approach has no
additional hardware overhead apart from that in the normal ILS architecture i.e. the scan
in and scan out pins, the multiplexers for selecting the scan inputs and an output response
compactor. Experimental results show that the scan chain configurations obtained for ILS
using our methods achieve high stuck-at fault coverage (≥ 95%) for most of the big ISCAS’89
benchmarks [14] using the broadcast mode alone - on an average 5% more than the existing
methods and achieve on average 15% more reduction in test data volume and test application
While the proposed heuristics do improve the broadcast mode fault coverage, there will
still be some faults that cannot detected owing to the ATPG constraints associated with the
broadcast mode. To cover these faults, in conventional ILS, another test mode with serial
scan is used. The experimental results show that even though the number of such faults
may be very small, the test data volume and test application time required to detect these
can still be very high due to the need to shift through the entire chain. This prompted us
to look out for an alternate way to detect these faults more efficiently. We propose the use
of broadcast-enabled partial Random Access Scan, explained in Chapter 2.2.2, as a solution
- this is our second contribution. We call the resulting scan architecture as the ILS-
RAS Hybrid Architecture and describe its configuration, test generation scheme and test
application scheme. The experimental results show that the proposed new architecture is
a promising candidate that can help to further reduce the very high test data volume and
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 1. Introduction 6

test application time associated with the current complex, multi-million gate designs with
reasonable area overhead (refer to Chapter 4.1). The best case results for the bigger circuits
indicate that, with just 1.69% more area, we can achieve 27% and 37% additional reduction
in the test data volume and test application time relative to the effectively 2 configured
conventional ILS.

Organization of this thesis:

The rest of the thesis is organized as follows:

• Chapter 2: This chapter introduces various concepts in VLSI testing and describes
various Design-for-Test (DFT) techniques used currently in the industry for quality
and cost-effective test generation. It also surveys the various compression architectures
proposed in the literature to reduce the test cost by reducing the test data volume
and/or test application time. It describes in detail the Illinois Scan Architecture and
Random Access Scan Architecture - these are the two scan architectures that we deal
with in this thesis.

• Chapter 3: This chapter describes our proposed circuit topology based heuristics to
configure the scan chains in the Illinois Scan Architecture to maximize the test cost

• Chapter 4: This chapter describes our proposed new ILS-RAS Hybrid Scan Architec-
ture to further minimize the test data volume and test application time to reduce test

• Chapter 5: This chapter concludes the thesis, describes limiting cases and outlines the
future work that can enhance the current work.

Here and in the sequel, the term effective configuration of ILS indicates the configuration that yields
empirically best test data volume and test application time reduction.
Chapter 2


This chapter introduces basic concepts in VLSI testing and various Design-for-Test (DFT)
techniques used currently in the industry for quality and cost-effective test generation. It
also gives a brief overview of the various compression architectures proposed in the literature
to tackle test data volume and test application time issues. It describes in details the Illinois
Scan Architecture (ILS) and Random Access Scan Architecture - two scan architectures that
we deal with in this thesis with special emphasis on ILS. Specifically, it elaborates the Illinois
Scan Architecture, discusses its underlying principles, elaborates its inherent limitations and
leads to the need for the effective configuration. It also describes the current methods of
configuring the scan chains in the broadcast mode.

2.1 Fundamental Concepts in VLSI Testing

Some of the fundamental concepts in the VLSI testing are defined below[17]:

• Defect: It is a flaw or physical imperfection that may cause a circuit to fail to perform
in an expected manner. These defects occur due to imperfections in the materials and
the manufacturing process.

• Fault Model: It is a logical representation of a defect like line permanently stuck-at

some value, line late to transition etc. There are numerous fault models proposed in

Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 2. Background 8

the literature but unfortunately none of these can exactly model all possible defects
that may occur. The most widely used traditional fault model is stuck-at fault model.
For the deep-submicron devices, in addition to stuck-at model, more advanced fault
models like transition delay, path delay, small delay etc. are used.

• Fault Coverage: It is a ratio of the number of detected faults to the total number
of faults and is generally expressed in percentage. It quantifies the fault detection
capability of a given test set for a given fault model. Fault coverage is associated with
the yield and the detect level by the expression:

Def ect level = 1 − yield(1−f ault coverage)

• Test Vector: An input pattern or a sequence of input patterns that can produce dif-
ferent output responses for the fault-free and faulty circuit.

• Automatic Test Pattern Generation (ATPG): It is the process of automatically gener-

ating the set of test patterns to detect a target fault for a given fault model using a
computer program.

• Single Fault Model: A given circuit has n possible fault sites for a given choice of
fault model. Single fault model assumes that there is only one fault present in the
defective circuit. Obviously, normally it may not be the case and multiple-fault model
is more accurate. But it has been shown that high fault coverage with single fault
model results in high fault coverage in multiple-fault model too. Hence, the single
fault model is typically used for test generation and evaluation purposes.

• Equivalent Faults: It is a set of faults which has identical faulty behavior for all input
patterns and cannot be distinguished from each other.

• Undetectable Fault: It is a fault for which there exists no test to distinguish a fault-
free circuit from a faulty circuit containing that fault. Such faults are also called as
redundant or untestable faults in combinational circuits.
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 2. Background 9

• ATPG Undetectable Fault (AU Fault): It is a fault which becomes undetectable due to
the ATPG constraints in effect. In general, such constraints are due to the constraints
that are needed to put the design into the test mode.

• Test cube: It is a deterministic test vector in which the bits that are not specified by
the ATPG are left as don’t cares (X).

• Automatic Test Equipment (ATE): It is a computer controlled equipment used for

production testing of the ICs. It stores both - test patterns and their expected responses
for a fault-free circuit.

• Test Data Volume (TDV): It is the amount of data required in number of bits to store
all the test patterns and their expected responses on the ATE.

• Test Application Time (TAT): It is the amount of time an ATE needs, expressed as
number of test clock cycles, to apply all the test patterns.

• ATE Test Cost: It is the cost incurred to test a single IC on the ATE. It is determined
by number of test patterns that need to be applied, test application time to apply each
pattern, time required to reload the ATE memory if not all of the test data volume
fits on ATE and the number of ICs that can be tested simultaneously. It also known
as simply test cost.

2.2 Design for Testability (DFT)

As explained in the Introduction chapter, structural testing is essential for quality test pat-
terns that can achieve high fault coverage with small test data volume and test application
time. To minimize the amount of time and efforts required to derive high-quality structural
testing patterns, augmenting the circuit during the design phase so that the design becomes
more testable was proposed in 1970s. This approach adds some extra logic in the design
exclusively for the testing purposes and is commonly known Design for Testability. The
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 2. Background 10

Normal Normal
system data Internal node system data
0 0 Primary output
to be controlled

1 1
Test data Internal node
input to be observed

Test mode Test mode

select select
(a) controllability test point (b) observability test point

Figure 2.1: Ad-Hoc DFT testpoints

main goal of the DFT logic is to greatly enhance the controllability and observability of the
signals in the circuit. The DFT techniques can be broadly classified into three categories
described next.

2.2.1 Ad-Hoc DFT

These were the initial DFT techniques proposed targeted only towards the untestable portion
of the circuit. Here by the term untestable we mean the parts of the circuit which are very
difficult to control or observe. These techniques add DFT logic, typically called as testpoints,
to improve the controllability and observability of such hard-to-test regions. In general,
testpoints enable access to the internal nodes directly from the circuit top-level. An example
of a multiplexer based testpoints is shown in the Figure 2.1.

2.2.2 Scan Design

It is obvious that the ad-hoc methods described above are not scalable. As the circuit size
grows, large numbers of testpoints and control signals become impractical. This led to the
idea of using the storage elements (flip-flops) as the control and observe points by making
them directly controllable and observable. This is called as scan design. Note that since the
scan flip-flop value can be directly controlled and observed, we can consider the output of
scan flip-flop as pseudo primary input (PPI) and the input as pseudo primary output (PPO).
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 2. Background 11

Thus, for test generation purposes, the sequential nature of scan flip-flops is abstracted away
and any logic which is fully controlled and observed by these scan flip-flops can be considered
to be combinational logic.
Based on how many of flip-flops are made scanable, we can classify the scan design
technique as:

• Partial Scan: In this, only some of the flip-flops are made scanable. So, the area and
routing overhead can be reduced. But the presence of non-scan flip-flops will call for
sequential ATPG which has higher computational complexity compared to the combi-
national ATPG. Also, typically, test data volume and test application requirements of
sequential ATPG patterns is higher than combinational ATPG patterns.

• Full Scan: In this, all of the flip-flops are made scanable. Thus, the circuit becomes fully
combinational from the ATPG perspective. This allows very high fault coverage. The
combinational nature also facilitates ATPG using complex fault models. Thus, full-
scan method enables quick, very high quality and cost effective testing with reasonable
hardware overhead. This is the reason why full-scan DFT has become the de-facto
standard in the contemporary IC design.

There are two major techniques to make the flip-flops scanable:

• Serial Scan: In this method, a multiplexer is added in front of the data input of the
flip-flops with its select line controlled directly from the top-level. The select line is
normally called as scan enable (SE) and the other input of the multiplexer is called as
scan input (SI) . A shift register is built from the scan flip-flops by feeding the output
a flip-flop to the scan input of the next flip-flop as shown in the Figure 2.2. The shift
register so realized is popularly known as scan chain. A top-level pin feeds the first
flip-flop and another top-level pin observes the output of the last flip-flop in the chain.
During the test mode, the scan enable is asserted and the scan chain is used to shift
in (also known as scanning in) a test vector to be applied to the combinational logic.
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 2. Background 12

Primary Primary Primary Primary

Combinational Combinational
Inputs Outputs Inputs Outputs
Logic Logic
Current Next Current Next Out
State State State State
Scan Data In

Di Qi 0 Qi
FF Qi-1 FF
CK Mode CK

Figure 2.2: Abstract view of Serial Scan Architecture

Then, scan enable is deasserted so that the functional data has a path to the data-
input of the scan flip-flops and the clock is pulsed once. This results in application of
the test vector to the combinational logic and capturing the circuit responses into the
flip-flops. Again, scan enable is asserted to shift out (scan out) these responses while
simultaneously shifting in the next vector.

• Random Access Scan: In this method, each flip-flop is assigned an address so that it
can be directly accessed from the top-level. This is similar to addressing a location in
the memory space and hence the name (Figure 2.3). Using this address, we can set
the flip-flop to the required value or observe its current value. Thus, in this method,
we can directly set and observe only the required flip-flops for a given vector while in
the serial scan we need to shift through entire scan chain. Hence, test data volume
and test application time to apply a single vector for this method may be lower than
the serial scan method if only a few flip-flops need to be set. But, this method incurs
significant area overhead due to:

– the big address decoder involved (requires lot of gates)

– routing required to route the scan input to each individual flip-flop

Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 2. Background 13

Primary Primary
Inputs Outputs





A0 An

Figure 2.3: Abstract view of Random Access Architecture

– logic and routing required to observe output of each individual flip-flop

Before the era of nanometer feature size, silicon area cost per gate was quite significant
and so, the additional gates required for the address decoder and flip-flop observation
logic meant the overall RAS cost was too high compared to the serial scan. Hence,
serial scan has been the preferred choice for implementing scan designs. But with
current feature sizes of 45nm and below, the cost per gate has reduced considerably
and this has led to the revived interest in the RAS.

2.2.3 Built-In Self-Test (BIST)

This DFT technique integrates a test-pattern generator (TPG) and an output response ana-
lyzer (ORA) on the IC itself to perform the testing internal to the IC. Figure 2.4 illustrates
this concept. Since there is no need to apply test patterns and verify responses external to
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 2. Background 14

Primary Primary Outputs

0 Circuit
1 Pass

Figure 2.4: Basic BIST Architecture

the chip, BIST can be used at field also. But it requires adherence to a lot of strict design
rules like blocking of unknown value propagation, isolation of analog and digital circuitry
etc. In addition, BIST cannot efficiently test all faults, especially hard-to-detect faults due
to the limited set of vectors the TPG can generate and hence, may result into lower fault
coverage than the scan design. Also, it provides limited diagnosability compared to the scan
design as we can only know whether all the test vectors have passed or failed and not which
ones individually.

2.3 Illinois Scan Architecture (ILS)

Traditionally, in a full-scan circuit, a single scan chain consists of all the N flip-flops of the
circuit (Figure 2.5(a)). To reduce the test application time, parallel scan chains can be used
such that multiple chains can be loaded simultaneously (Figure 2.5 (b)). However, this is not
a scalable solution as it does not reduce the test data volume as we need to store scan-load
values for each of the scan-input pin and scan-unload values for each of the scan-output
pin. Additionally, it requires more test pins for scan-inputs and scan-outputs. Hence, to
reduce both test application time and test data volume simultaneously, various compression
schemes have been proposed. These compression schemes add logic before scan chains to
decompress the test stimulus coming from the ATE and after the scan chains to compress
the response data going to the ATE [17, 26]. These compression schemes can be broadly
classified as:

• Code based schemes: These schemes encode the test cubes using various data compres-
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 2. Background 15

FF-1 FF-2 FF-3 FF-4 FF-5 FF-n

(a) Single Long Scan Chain

SI-1 SO-1
FF-11 FF-12 FF-13 FF-14 FF-15 FF-1L

SI-2 SO-2
FF-21 FF-22 FF-23 FF-24 FF-25 FF-2L

SI-3 SO-3
FF-31 FF-32 FF-33 FF-34 FF-35 FF-3L


M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 ML

(b) Multiple Short Scan Chains

Figure 2.5: Conventional Serial Scan Architectures

sion codes. Examples are Dictionary code [45], Huffman code [46], Run-Length code
[47], Golomb code [48].

• Linear Decompression based schemes: These schemes use linear operations performed
by linear feedback shift registers and XOR networks to expand the data coming from the
ATE to feed the scan chains. Examples are Combinational Linear Decompressors [49],
Fixed-Length Sequential Linear Decompressors [50, 43], Variable Length Sequential
Linear Decompressors [51] and Combined Linear and Nonlinear Decompressors [52].

• Broadcast scan based schemes: These schemes broadcast the same value to multiple
scan chains. Examples are Broadcast scan [5, 4], Illinois Scan [3, 2], Multiple Input
Broadcast Scan [11], Reconfigurable Broadcast Scan [53, 9]and Virtual Scan [29, 21].

Of these, ILS architecture, which was proposed in 1999 [3] at the University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign (and hence, the name), is of particular interest because of its simplicity,
very low area overhead, and potential for high compression ratios.
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 2. Background 16

FF-11 FF-12 FF-13 FF-14 FF-15 FF-1L

FF-21 FF-22 FF-23 FF-24 FF-25 FF-2L

FF-31 FF-32 FF-33 FF-34 FF-35 FF-3L
scan in scan out


M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 ML

A Fault G stuck-at-0
G untestable

Figure 2.6: Illinois Scan Architecture

Let us consider a full-scan circuit with N flip-flops. In the ILS architecture, the N flip-
flops are partitioned into M short chains - also called as stumps or segments 1 . These stumps
can be connected to the common scan-in pin and can be loaded and unloaded simultaneously
during the scan shift phase - known as the Broadcast Mode 2 (shown in Fig. 2.6) or can
be concatenated together to form one single long scan chain - known as the Serial Mode.
Toggling between the broadcast mode and serial mode is controlled by the multiplexers
present at the head of the stumps (not shown in Fig 2.6). The select line of these multiplexers
can be a top-level primary input or a dedicated control scan flip-flop. When in the broadcast
mode, all the stumps are fed through the common scan-in pin causing the flip-flops at the
same distance from the head of the stumps getting the same value. The tails of the stumps
feed into an Output Compactor which compacts the responses from the individual stumps
and produces a short signature which is then scanned out via the scan-out (SO) port. This
output compactor can be sequential or combinational.
In the sequel, in the context of broadcast mode, we will use the terms chains, stumps or segments
In the sequel, we will use the term configuration of ILS to indicate configuration of stumps in the
broadcast mode of ILS.
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 2. Background 17

2.3.1 Underlying Principle and Inherent Limitation of ILS

The ILS architecture has its roots in the Broadcast Scan architecture [5, 4]. In the Broadcast
Scan architecture, two or more independent circuits, each with its own single scan chain,
are driven with the same shared scan-in input. This results in these circuits being tested
simultaneously which translates to reduction in test data volume and test application time.
ILS extends this concept to a single circuit - it breaks the single scan chain into multiple
stumps and drives all of these by the same shared scan-in. But since the logic blocks driven
by these scan chains are not independent, not all of the circuit states would be achievable
when using a shared scan-in pin. For instance, flip-flops at the same distance from the scan
chain head in each of the chains are now constrained to receive the same value. This reduced
set of achievable circuit states now causes some of the faults to be undetectable and leads to
somewhat lesser fault coverage in the broadcast mode when compared to conventional single
scan chain mode.
Fig. 2.6 exemplifies the problem of untestable fault in the broadcast mode due to reduced
number of allowed circuit states. In the Figure, the XOR gate G in the design derives its
inputs from the flip-flops FF-23 and FF-33. To test the stuck-at-0 fault at the output of
this gate G, we need either a 0-1 or a 1-0 combination at the input pins A and B of the
XOR gate. But since A and B are connected to the flip-flops which are at the same distance
from the head of their respective scan chains, it is impossible to achieve this combination in
this configuration. So this fault which would otherwise be testable in the serial mode, now
becomes undetectable in the broadcast mode. We refer to this unachievable combination as
unreachable state in the broadcast mode. It follows that to minimize the degradation in fault
coverage in the broadcast mode, there should be lesser number of such unreachable states in
the broadcast mode.
In addition, in the Broadcast Scan Architecture, each circuit shares only the scan-in but
has its own scan-out pin. In ILS, the multiple chains must share the scan-out pin(s) also.
To achieve this, an Output Compactor is used. All the scan chains feed into this compactor
which then performs compaction and scans out a short signature. In the compactor, it is
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 2. Background 18

possible that the fault effect at one chain is masked by a controlling value or the fault effect
at another chain. This is called as aliasing and may result in further drop in fault coverage
in the broadcast mode. The number of aliased faults is dependent on the compactor circuit
and can be reduced to be minimal by proper selection of the compactor circuit like Multiple
Input Signature Register (MISR)[3], X-Compact [16] etc.

2.3.2 Factors Affecting Performance of ILS

While the ILS architecture does not dictate the number of flip-flops in each individual chain,
in order to maximize the parallelism in the scan chains shifting process, it is desirable to
have balanced scan chains (i.e., all stumps have nearly the same number of flip-flops). Then,
in the ideal case, each stump will have

L = (N /M ) (2.1)

number of flip-flops. Intuitively, in the broadcast mode, since all the M stumps get loaded
simultaneously, the test data volume and hence, test application time, should also reduce by
a factor of M. But, in general, it is not the case. This is due to the aforementioned fact that
the number of circuit states reachable in a given broadcast mode pattern is much smaller
compared to a given serial scan pattern. Hence, for a given circuit, the number of broadcast
mode patterns with ILS, in general, will always be higher than the number of single scan
chain patterns without ILS.
The scan chains configuration parameters that affect the ILS performance are:
Number of Chains: As the number of chains increases, parallelism increases and both
the test data volume and the time to apply a single pattern reduces proportionally. However,
at the same time, it leads to an increased number of untestable faults in the design because of
the reduced number of circuit states that can be allowed in the ILS architecture, as discussed
Positional Assignment of flip-flops in individual chains: It follows from the pre-
ceding discussion that the location of flops in the individual stumps determines the number of
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 2. Background 19

ILS induced broadcast mode untestable faults. But this problem of architecting the stumps
in ILS is NP-hard [3]. So, we need to rely on some heuristic to map the flip-flops to the scan
chains and need to decide what should be the position of a given flip-flop in it, ensuring that
the final scan chain configuration achieves a high fault coverage in the broadcast mode.

2.3.3 Existing Methods to Configure ILS Ad-Hoc

This is the simplest and most prevalent way to configure the stumps in the broadcast mode
of ILS. In this approach, first a single scan chain is built and then it is broken into the
required number of chains. Generally, the single scan chain is built based on the alpha-
numeric order of the flop instance name. This ensures that the flops in the same module
are at the successive positions and helps reduce scan chain routing. Note that this approach
does not explicitly try to minimize the unreachable states in the broadcast mode. Compatibility Classes Based

This is the effective heuristic proposed by the inventors of the ILS in [3]. This heuristic uses
a pre-computed test set information to find out the set of flops which when placed at the
same column in ILS would lead to lesser number of broadcast mode undetectable faults.
In this heuristic, the authors first generate the partially specified ATPG vectors (i.e. non-
care bits are left as don’t care) for all the stuck-at faults in the design assuming a full-scan
setup and without any pattern compaction. Then, with respect to this test set, they build
the compatibility classes of the flip-flops with the maximum cardinality of each class equal to
the number of chains desired (say M). Here, the compatibility class is defined as the group
of flip-flops which are pairwise compatible for the specified test set. Two flip-flops are said
to be Compatible in a given test set T if for each pattern in T , they have either same value
or at-least one of them is unspecified (don’t care), else they are declared to be Incompatible.
It follows that the flip-flops in a compatible group do not introduce any broadcast mode
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 2. Background 20

untestable faults in the circuit. Thereafter the scan chains are constructed by assembling
the flip-flops from a compatibility class to the same position (i.e. column) in the chains.
If the cardinality of a compatibility class A is smaller than M, then some flops from the
other compatibility class B are put at the same position along with the original class A. The
maximum number of such incompatible flops at any given position is limited to 3
so as to
control number of broadcast mode untestable faults induced.
For example, consider a circuit with 20 flip-flops. An ATPG run on the circuit yields two


where an X represents a don’t care and the underscores have been added for better read-
ability. The first bit represents the value on the first flip-flop, the second bit represents the
value on the second flip-flop and so on. It is clear that the first and the third flip-flops have
conflicting values in the vectors shown and so they cannot be located in the same compatibil-
ity class. On the other hand, the first and the fourth flip-flop, which do not have conflicting
values can belong to the same compatibility class provided that they do not have conflicting
values in the rest of the test set.
Since the test patterns generated by ATPG depend on the test generation algorithm,
compatibility classes in the above approach need not be unique. To illustrate this point,
consider the aforementioned vectors V1 and V2 . In this case, the first and the third flip-
flop could not be placed at the same location in different scan chains because their value
conflicted in V1 . If the first vector can be replaced by another vector


which detects the same fault as V1 , the fault coverage will still remain the same but apart
from that the first and the third flip-flops become Compatible and hence can be put in the
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 2. Background 21

same compatibility class. In other words, the compatibility classes are test-set dependent. Graph Coloring Based

This is another pre-computed test set based heuristic to configure the ILS. In [8], the authors
model the problem of configuring the scan chains as a graph coloring problem - the number of
colors corresponds to the number of compatible classes. The compatible flip-flops are defined
in the same way as in Section in terms of the test set derived from an a-priori ATPG
run. An incompatibility graph with flip-flops as nodes and Incompatibility relation between
two flip-flops denoted by an edge between them is constructed. A graph coloring algorithm
is used to assign colors to the nodes of the graph such that none of the adjacent nodes are
assigned the same color. In the paper, the authors use a greedy heuristic to achieve this.
Note that this approach also suffers from the fact that it needs a pre-computed test set and
the compatibility classes are test set dependent.
Chapter 3

Topology-based ILS Configuration

In this chapter, we propose 3 new low-cost heuristics to partition and arrange the flip-flops
into chains so that high fault coverage in the broadcast mode can be achieved. Our heuristics
efficiently utilize the circuit topology information and try to optimize the flip-flop assignment,
thus, eliminating the need of an a-priori ATPG run. While we have demonstrated the
usefulness of our approach in an ILS based setting, it is equally helpful to any on-chip
broadcast based compression technique. Our proposed approach has no additional hardware
overhead apart from that in the normal ILS architecture i.e. the scan in and scan out pins, the
multiplexers for selecting the scan inputs and an output response compactor. Experimental
results show that the scan chain configurations obtained for ILS using our methods achieve
very high stuck-at fault coverage (≥ 95%) for most of the big ISCAS’89 benchmarks using
the broadcast mode alone. The broadcast mode fault coverage achieved is on an average
5% more than the current effective method. On top of this, on an average, we are able to
achieve additional 15% reduction in the total test data volume and test application time
(combination of broadcast mode and serial mode patterns) with respect to the current test-
set based effective method.

Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 3. Topology-based ILS Configuration 23

3.1 Motivation
From the discussion in the previous Chapter (2.3.1, 2.3.2), it follows that proper scan chain
configuration plays an important role in deciding the effectiveness of ILS in achieving high
compression ratios. The broadcast mode fault coverage of ILS suffers if a large number of
incompatible flip-flops are assigned the same position in different stumps, resulting in an
increased number of serial scan patterns. Although the aforementioned heuristics in Section
2.3.3 help to architect the scan chains in ILS with minimum incompatibility, they need a pre-
computed test set, which may itself be a limiting factor. An open question, thus, is whether it
is possible to quickly configure the scan chains without an ATPG run before-hand, such that
the fault coverage obtained in the broadcast mode would not be compromised? So, our goal
is to eliminate the dependency of the scan chain configuration on the test set and devise a
fast, low cost heuristic that can deliver an effective configuration. Stated differently, we want
to reduce the cost of scan chain partitioning such that the overall test data volume and test
application time are reduced maximally without compromising the fault coverage achievable
in the broadcast mode. In addition, such a heuristic should be scalable and easy to integrate
into any existing scan insertion flow utilizing off-the-shelf commercial tools without incurring
much run-time overhead. In this chapter, we propose circuit structure based heuristics which
address these issues.
The use of test patterns for the configuration of the scan chains helps to ensure that there
will be minimal number of incompatible flip-flops being grouped together to occupy the same
position in different chains. By incompatibility we mean requirement of assigning different
values to the flip-flops in order to detect the faults. In case of scan chain partitioning with an
a-priori ATPG run, this partitioning depends on the values assigned to the flip-flops in the
generated test set. A topology based method has no such constraints. Although a topology
based approach may result in placing two flip-flops which have conflicting values in a given
test set to the same position, yet the fault may still be detected. This is because in most
cases, a fault is detectable by more than one vector and so a suitable vector can be used
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 3. Topology-based ILS Configuration 24

Flip-flop Group L




Figure 3.1: Relation of Groups and scan chains

3.2 Problem Formulation

In the following discussion we will use the term Group to denote the set of flip-flops assigned
the same position in individual stumps. For example, in Fig. 3.1, the encircled flip-flops is a
Group. The assignment of a particular value on a flip-flop determines whether a fault in its
fanout cone can be detected. So if two flip-flops have disjoint sets of fanout cones, they can
independently have the same value and may still be able to detect faults at their respective
cones. Extending this concept to the Groups in the broadcast mode, if we have Groups with
the minimum overlapping fanout cone between its member flip-flops, it will help to reduce
the non-reachable states in the broadcast mode compared to the serial mode. This will lead
to the higher broadcast mode fault coverage.
Referring to the Figure 3.2 (a), in this case there is a large overlap in the fanout cones of
the flip-flops 2 and 6. This implies that there are lot of gates in the circuit which have both
flip-flop 2 and flip-flop 6 in their fanin cone. This in turn means that many faults in the
overlap region may depend on the values of flip-flops 2 and 6, and so we would prefer them
to be independently controllable by placing them in different Groups. On the other hand,
in Fig. 3.2 (b), flip-flops 3 and 7 have a very small overlap between them; few faults in the
circuit would depend on both of them. So, assigning them to the same Group would not have
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 3. Topology-based ILS Configuration 25

1 1’ 1 1’
2 2’ 2 2’

3 3’ 3 3’
4 4’ 4 4’

5 5’ 5 5’
6 6’ 6 6’
7 7’ 7 7’
8 8’ 8 8’


(a) (b)

Figure 3.2: Fanout cone structure for a circuit

(a)Fanout cone overlap is more (b)Fanout cone overlap is less

a major impact on the fault coverage. In fact, it is possible that the faults in the common
overlap region are independently detectable without any assignment on either flip-flop 3 or
flip-flop 7. In such a case, these two flip-flops are entirely compatible.
We can indicate the fanout cone of a Group by keeping track of all unique gates in the
fanout cone of each flip-flop in the Group. But this approach is too cumbersome to be
scalable for bigger circuits. Instead, we use the set of unique flip-flops in the fanout cone
as an indicator for it and call it as the Dependency List of the Group. The cardinality of
the Dependency List is called as the Dependency of the associated Group. Incompatibility
of one group with respect to another group is defined as the number of unique flip-flops in
the intersection of their Dependency Lists. The Incompatibility value is used as a measure to
quantify the overlap between two groups. If the Incompatibility between two groups is zero,
then we call the flip-flops in the set of union of these two groups as Compatible flip-flops.
In general, it is difficult to find a large set of flip-flops that are compatible among them-
selves. So, the idea is to create the Groups for the broadcast mode in such a way so as to
minimize the Incompatibility between the group member flip-flops. In our work, we assume
that the number of stumps M is given, and we want to have stumps as balanced as possible.
So, if the number of flip-flops in the design is N, then the desired length of each stump L is
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 3. Topology-based ILS Configuration 26

given by Equation 2.1. Based upon these input constraints and the preceding discussion, we
formulate the problem of configuring scan chains in ILS as generating L Groups with max-
imum group size of M with the minimum Incompatibility within members of each group.
Note that here we want to minimize the Incompatibility only between the members of an
individual Group and not across the members of different Groups. The stumps are then
configured by first sorting the Groups in the descending order of their cardinality and then
placing a member flip-flop from each group at the same relative position in the stumps.

3.3 Overview of Group Formation Procedure

In context of explaining our heuristics, we will use the term Active Group List for the list of
Groups available for merging at any given iteration. Let N be the number flip-flops in the
design. We start with an initial N Active Groups and reduce the number of Active Groups
iteratively by merging an Active Group A with another Active Group B if the combined
group size does not exceed M (i.e., the number of chains required). Here we call active
group A as the Host Group and B as the Guest Group. After merging, the Host Group A is
expanded to contain the members of Guest Group, and its Dependency List and Dependency
are updated. The merged Guest Group is then marked as non-active and is not considered
in any of the further merging iterations. Merging continues until there are no more Groups
to be merged, i.e., when Active Group List becomes empty.
We start by constructing a N × N matrix FCM (Fanin/out Cone Matrix) in which both
the row and column indices represent the corresponding flip-flop in the circuit. Any location
F CM[i][j] is set to 1 if flip-flop j is in the fan-in cone of flip-flop i, otherwise the value is
set to 0. A sample FCM matrix for a 20-FF circuit is shown in the Figure 3.4. The fanout
relationship for flip-flops in the circuit is shown in Fig. 3.3. In Fig. 3.3, the nodes 0, 1, 2,
... represent the source flip-flops (PPIs) and the primed nodes (0’, 1’, 2’, ...) represent the
destination flip-flops (PPOs). An arrow between a source flip-flop and a destination flip-flop
indicates that the destination flip-flop is in the fanout cone of the source flip-flop. It then
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 3. Topology-based ILS Configuration 27

follows that a column in the FCM corresponds to the fanout cone of the associated flip-flop.
Figure 3.5 shows the same circuit structure in the tabular form along with the Dependency
of each source flip-flop.
We start by considering each column in the FCM as a Group. Thus, initially we have
N Groups. We then iteratively reduce the number of Groups to L by merging two Groups
in each iteration. The candidate Groups selected for merging are chosen based on the
Incompatibility values between the Groups and the size of the resulting Group. Using the
FCM, Incompatibility between the ith Group and j th Group can be defined as the dot-product
of their respective columns. For example, the Incompatibility of Group0 and Group2 is

I0X2 = [01010000000000000000] · [10100000000000000000] = 0

while that of Group8 and Group11 is

I8X11 = [00000000110100000000] · [00000000010100000000] = 2

This means that while Group0 and Group2 are entirely compatible, Group8 and Group11
are not. This is because flip-flop 0 (corresponding to Group0 ) and flip-flop 2 (corresponding
to Group2 ) have disjoint fanout cones while flip-flop 8 and flop-flop 11 do not.
The algorithm for the above methodology is shown in Algorithm 3.1 and the functions
used in it are described in Table 3.1. The inputs to this algorithm are the full scan circuit,
our heuristics and the number of scan chains M. The output is the flip-flop Groups with
maximum cardinality M.
Note that Algorithm 3.1 is “Evolutionary” i.e. it first populates large number of small but
fully self-compatible groups and then later in the final stages, merges these small Groups
to generate bigger Groups with required maximum cardinality. Hence, in a certain iteration,
there may be a case that, for a given value of incompatibility, all choices of the Guest Group
lead to resulting Group size exceeding maximum allowed size M. In such a case, we skip
Here the term self-compatible group implies that all the members in the group are fully compatible
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 3. Topology-based ILS Configuration 28

0 0’

1 1’

2 2’

3 3’

4 4’

5 5’

6 6’

7 7’

8 8’

9 9’

10 10’

11 11’

12 12’

13 13’

14 14’

15 15’

16 16’

17 17’

18 18’

19 19’

Figure 3.3: Graph representing fanout cone structure of a circuit

Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 3. Topology-based ILS Configuration 29

FF 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
7 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1

Figure 3.4: Fanout cone matrix for the circuit in Figure 3.3

Flip-Flop ID Fanout Cone Dependency

0 1, 3 2
1 0, 2, 3 3
2 0, 2 2
3 2 1
4 5, 7 2
5 5, 6 2
6 4, 7 2
7 4, 0 2
8 8, 9, 11 3
9 8, 10, 11 3
10 9, 10, 11 3
11 9, 11 2
12 14, 15 2
13 12, 13 2
14 6, 14 2
15 12, 13 2
16 16, 18 2
17 16, 19 2
18 17, 18 2
19 17, 19 2

Figure 3.5: Fanin/Fanout Table with Dependency values for the circuit in Figure 3.3
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 3. Topology-based ILS Configuration 30

Algorithm 3.1 Topology-based Partitioning(Circuit, N, M)

1: GroupCount = N
2: ScanChainCount = M
3: F anoutConeList = DependencyList = ∅
4: IncompatibilityList = ActiveGroupList = ∅
5: GroupSize = 1
6: for i = 1toN do
7: Group[i] ⇐ {i}

8: F anoutConeList = F anoutConeList F anoutCone(i)
9: end for
10: DependencyList ⇐ CreateDependencyList(F anoutConeList)
11: ActiveGroupList ⇐ GetActiveGroups(Groups)
12: while ActiveGroupList = ∅ do
13: HostGroup ⇐ SelectHostGroup(Heuristic)
14: ComputeIncompatibilityList(HostGroup)
15: GuestGroup ⇐ SelectGuestGroup(Heuristic, IncompatibilityList)
16: if Size(HostGroup) + Size(GuestGroup) < M then
17: HostGroup ⇐ MergeGroups(HostGroup, GuestGroup)
18: UpdateActiveGroupList(GuestGroup)
19: else
20: MarkT erminalGroup(HostGroup)
21: end if
22: end while
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 3. Topology-based ILS Configuration 31

G-0 G-1 G-2 G-3 G-4 G-2 G-1 G-0 G-4 G-3

0 12 8 16 4 SC1 8 12 0 4 15

3 14 10 15 11 SC2 10 14 3 11 13

9 5 1 13 17 SC3 1 5 9 17 18

7 6 2 18 19 SC4 2 6 7 19

SC5 16

(a) Groups before post-processing (b) Groups and Scan Chains after post-processing

Figure 3.6: Terminal Groups

the currently selected Guest Group and try to find another Guest Group. This process is
repeated until we find a valid Guest Group or we have exhausted all Groups in the current
Active Group List. If we cannot find any valid Guest Group, then we declare the current Host
Group as a Terminal Group; it is not expanded further. So, we may end up overshooting with
more number of Groups than the target count of L. This will ensure that we never exceed
the targeted maximum cardinality (i.e scan chain count) M; but this might lead to the case
where the maximum Group size is less than M. So, in such a case, a final post-processing
iteration is performed. In this iteration, the current biggest Group is expanded with the
required number of members to boost its size to M. The algorithm for this post-processing
step is given in Algorithm 3.2.
This case is illustrated in the Figure 3.6 for the circuit shown in Figure 3.3. Assume that
we need 5 chains (i.e. M = 5 ⇒ L = 5
= 4) and the Figure 3.6 (a) indicates the groups at
some stage in the Groups formation process. Then, it follows that no matter which Group
is selected as the Host Group, none of the other groups can be merged into it. Hence, all
of these Groups would be declared as Terminal Groups in the subsequent iterations. This
results in the maximum Group cardinality of 4 and overshoots the target chain length by 1.
So, in this case the post-processing described in Algorithm 3.2 is needed to find out the best
SubGroup of cardinality 1 to boost the maximum Group cardinality to 5 and have 5 chains.
The resulting Groups after the post-processing are shown in Figure 3.6 (b).
Swapneel B Donglikar

Table 3.1: Functions of Algorithms [3.1, 3.2]

Function Purpose
FanoutCone(i ) Compute the fanout cone of flip-flop i
CreateDependencyList(FanoutConeList) Create the dependency list from the FanoutConeList
GetActiveGroups(Group, DependencyList) Get the list of Groups available for merging
ComputeIncompatibilityList(Group) Populate the list of incompatibility values of active Groups wrt to Group
SelectHostGroup(Heuristic) Select the Host Group based on the Heuristic
SelectGuestGroup(Heuristic) Select the Guest Group based on the Heuristic
Size(Group) Compute size of a Group
MergeGroups(Group1, Group2 ) Merge Group 2 into Group 1 , update the size and Dependency of Group 1
UpdateActiveGroupList(Group) Update Active Group List , mark Group as non-active
MarkTerminalGroup(Group) Tag Group as Terminal group
Sort(ActiveGroupsList) Sort the ActiveGroupsList wrt decreasing size and increasing Dependency
GetSubGroup(Group, Count) Get first Count number of elements from the Group
ComputeSubGroupDependency(SubGroup) Compute Dependency of SubGroup
ComputeSubGroupIncompatibility(SubGroup) Compute Incompatibility of SubGroup wrt Host Group
SelectSubGroup(SubGroups) Select the sub group with minimum Incompatibility and Dependency
Chapter 3. Topology-based ILS Configuration
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 3. Topology-based ILS Configuration 33

Algorithm 3.2 Post-processing Generated Groups(Circuit, N, M)

1: GroupCount = N
2: ScanChainCount = M
3: ActiveGroupList ⇐ GetActiveGroups(Group)
4: Sort(ActiveGroupsList)
5: HostGroup = ActiveGroupList[0]
6: Def iciency = M − Size(HostGroup)
7: for i = 1 to N do
8: SubGroup ⇐ GetSubGroup(ActiveGroupList[i], def iciency)
9: ComputeSubGroupDependency(SubGroup)
10: ComputeSubGroupIncompatibility(SubGroup)
11: end for
12: SubGroup ⇐ SelectSubGroup(SubGroupsList)
13: HostGroup ⇐ MergeGroups(HostGroup, SubGroup)

3.4 Configuration Heuristics

In this Section we will look at 3 different topology-based heuristics to configure ILS. All of
these heuristics share the same underlying group formation procedure described in Section
3.3; but differ in the FCM matrix and its usage.

3.4.1 Dependency-based Heuristic

This is the computationally least expensive configuration heuristic. In this heuristic, the
FCM has only binary entries - a location [i][j] is set to 1 if PPO i is in the fanout cone of PPI
j else it is set to 0. Recall that the objective is to form the groups such that the fanout cones
of the member flip-flops have least overlap, i.e., they should have minimum Incompatibility
between them. To achieve this, we find and merge the Groups with as disjoint fanout cones
as possible. At each iteration, we select the Group with lowest Dependency as the Host
Group and the Group with minimum Incompatibility and lowest Dependency as the Guest
Group. Selecting the Host Group in the proposed way will ensure that we always expand a
Group which has highest potential to accommodate another Group without introducing any
incompatibility between its members. Selecting the Guest Group in the proposed way will
ensure that after merging Guest Group with the Host Group, the resulting Host Group will
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 3. Topology-based ILS Configuration 34

have as small fanout cone as possible.

Thus, the sequence of steps in this heuristic is as follows: We start with the Active Group
List sorted in ascending order of Dependency values. The Group with the lowest Dependency
is selected as the Host Group. We calculate the Incompatibility of all other Groups in the
Active Group List with respect to the Host Group. The first Group in the sorted Active
Group List with minimum Incompatibility is selected as the Guest Group. We check if after
the proposed merging, the Host Group size is still less than or equal to M. If yes, the Guest
Group is merged into the Host Group and Dependency List and Dependency of the Host
Group is updated. If the Host Group size reaches M, it is declared as a Terminal Group and
is removed from the Active Group List. The Guest Group is tagged as merged and is not
considered in any future merging iterations. This process is repeated until we have desired
L number of Groups.
Iterative application of this algorithm for our example circuit (Figure 3.3) is shown in
Figure 3.7 for the case of desired chains count = 5. Columns represent the Sorted Active List
according to the increasing Dependency values and I-k stands for the k th iteration. In first
iteration we choose the Group with minimum Dependency, i.e., group 3, as the Host Group.
We compute Incompatibility of all other groups in the Active Group List with respect to group
3. This is listed under the column I-0. From this list, we select group 2 (with minimum
Incompatibility value but maximum Dependency) as the Guest Group. Since the combined
group size of group 3 and group 2 does not exceed the maximum Group size limit M, we
merge group 2 into group 3 and remove group 2 from the list of active groups. Then we
update the Dependency values and continue this process of merging Groups until the Active
Group List becomes empty.

3.4.2 Fanout Estimate Based Heuristic

In the previous Dependency-based heuristic, value of 1 in the FCM location [i][j] just signifies
that there is a path from PPI j to PPO i. It does not give any notion about the actual size of
the fanout cone involved. There may be cases that for a chosen Host Group, there are multiple
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 3. Topology-based ILS Configuration 35

I-0 I-1 I-2 I-3 I-4 I-5 I-6 I-7 I-8 I-9 I-10 I-11 I-12 I-13 I-14
3 2 5 7 12 14 16 17 1 {3,0} 10 {2,4} {7,11} {16,19} {17,18}
2(1) 4(0 6(0) 11(0 13(0) 15(0) 17(1) 18(0) {3,0}( 9(0) {5,6}( {7,11} {14,15} {17,18 {3,0,9}
) ) 2) 0) (1) (0) }(4) (0)
0(0) 5(0 7(0) 12(0 14(1) 16(0) 18(1) 8(0) 8(0) 10(0) {7,11} {12,13 {16,19} {1,8}(0 {10,5,6
) ) (2) }(0) (0) ) }(0)
4(0) 6(0 11(0 13(0 15(0) 17(0) 19(0) 9(0) 9(0) {7,11} {2,4}( {14,15 {17,18} {3,0,9} {2,4,12,
) ) ) (0) 0) }(0) (0) (0) 13}(0)
5(0) 7(1 12(0 14(0 16(0) 18(0) 10(0) 10(0) 10(0) {2,4}( {12,13 {16,19 {1,8}(3 {10,5,6 {7,11,1
) ) ) 1) }(0) }(0) ) }(0) 4,15}(0
6(0) 11( 13(0 15(0 17(0) 19(0) 1(0) 1(0) {2,4}( {5,6}( {14,15 {17,18 {3,0,9}( {7,11}( {16,19,
0) ) ) 2) 0) }(0) }(0) 1) 0) 1,8}(4)
7(0) 12( 14(1 16(0 18(0) {3,0}( {3,0}( {3,0}( {5,6}( {12,13 {16,19 {3,0,9} {10,5,6 {2,4}(0 -
0) ) ) 0) 0) 0) 0) }(0) }(0) (1) }(3) )
11(0 13( 15(0 17(0 19(0) 8(0) 8(0) {7,11} {7,11} {14,15 {17,18 {1,8}( {2,4}(1 - -
) 0) ) ) (0) (1) }(0) }(0) 2) )
12(0 14( 16(0 18(0 9(0) 9(0) 9(0) {12,13 {12,13 {16,19 {3,0,9 {10,5,6 - - -
) 0) ) ) }(0) }(0) }(0) }(2) }(2)
13(0 15( 17(0 19(0 10(0) 10(0) {14,15 {14,15 {14,15 {17,18 {1,8}( - - - -
) 0) ) ) }(0) }(0) }(0) }(0) 2)
14(0 16( 18(0 10(0 1(0) 1(0) {2,4}( {16,19 {16,19 {1,8}( - - - - -
) 0) ) ) 0) }(2) }(0) 2)
15(0 17( 19(0 {3,0 {3,0} {7,11} {5,6}( {2,4}( {17,18 - - - - - -
) 0) ) }(0) (0) (0) 0) 0) }(0)
16(0 18( 10(0 1(1) 8(0) {12,13 {7,11} {5,6}( - - - - - - -
) 0) ) }(1) (0) 0)
17(0 19( {3,0 8(0) {7,11 {2,4}( {12,13 - - - - - - - -
) 0) }(0) }(0) 0) }(0)
18(0 10( 1(0) 9(0) {2,4} {5,6}( - - - - - - - - -
) 0) (0) 1)
19(0 1(2 8(0) {5,6 {5,6} - - - - - - - - - -
) ) }(1) (0)
8(0) {3, 9(0) {2,4 - - - - - - - - - - -
0}( }(1)
9(0) 8(0 {2,4 - - - - - - - - - - - -
) }(1)
10(0 9(0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
) )
1(1) - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
{3,0 {2, {5,6 {7,1 {12,1 {14,15 {16,19 {17,18 {1,8} {3,0,9 {10,5, {2,4,12 {7,11,1 {16,19, {17,18,
} 4} } 1} 3} } } } } 6} ,13} 4,15} 1,8} 3,0,9}

Figure 3.7: Scan Chain Formation

(values in {} denote the group and value in () denote the Incompatibility)
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 3. Topology-based ILS Configuration 36

potential Guest Groups with the same minimum number of overlapping flip-flops in their
fanout cone i.e. minimum Incompatibility. These groups may differ in the actual number of
gates in the overlapping fanout cone region and ideally, we would like to choose the Group
with the smallest actual overlapping fanout cone. But, unfortunately, the Dependency-based
heuristic cannot accomplish this as it has no information about the actual fanout cone size
involved. It simply picks the first Group with the minimum Incompatibility. Thus, it is
intuitive that a heuristic which has information about the actual overlapping fanout cone
involved may yield better results. This is the motivation behind the Fanout Estimate based
Note that, as explained earlier, the exact calculation of the overlapping fanout cone region
between a Host Group and all candidate Guest Groups is computationally very expensive
as it will call for first finding the individual fanout cones of the Host and Guest Groups
and then intersecting them. Hence, we need some heuristic measure which is easy and
inexpensive to compute yet is reliable enough. Note that, we are interested in finding the
relative overlapping fanout cone size between a Host and the candidate Guests. We don’t
really need an exact number of gates in the overlap region - it is sufficient if we can figure
out the relative order of candidate Groups with respect to the overlap region size. In this
heuristic, we propose and use the cumulative level count as a measure to come up with this
relative order.
To compute the cumulative level count, we first reverse levelize the given circuit by
assigning a level to each gate in the circuit. The level of the primary outputs and pseudo
primary outputs is set to 1 and then the levels of all other gates are computed backwards
towards the primary inputs, in the breadth first manner, using the following relation:

level(gate G) = (G s all successor  s level + 1) (3.1)

Since we add up the levels of all of its successors to compute the level for a given gate, we call
the level assigned to a gate as the cumulative level-count. It follows that, for a fanout free
circuit, this cumulative level count for a given gate will correspond to the total number of
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 3. Topology-based ILS Configuration 37

gates in it’s fanout. Since the circuit under consideration is assumed to be a full-scan circuit,
i.e., each flip-flop is replaced by a pair of pseudo primary input (PPI ) and pseudo primary
output (PPO), it is reasonable to assume that most of the circuit under consideration is
fanout free and hence, the cumulative level count measure will give us reasonably accurate
notion about the fanout cone of primary or pseudo primary inputs.
The overview of the steps in this heuristic is as follows: At each iteration, we select
the Group with minimum cumulative level count as the Host Group and the Group with
least fanout overlap with the Host Group as the Guest Group. To estimate the fanout cone
overlap between the Host Group and a candidate Guest Group, the cumulative level count is
recomputed for all the gates with the level of all primary outputs and pseudo primary outputs
in the fanout cone of the Host Group set to 1. The level for rest other primary outputs and
pseudo primary outputs is set to infinity. For a gate G, if the level for a successor is infinity,
then it is not added during the cumulative level count computation. This ensures that only
the gates, in particular the primary and pseudo primary inputs, in the fanin cone of the
Dependency List of the Host Group have non-infinity level values. Then, the Group with
the least cumulative level count is selected as the Guest Group to be merged. All other
things like checks about the permissible Group Size and identification of Terminal Groups
remain the same as in Dependency-based heuristic. It is expected that choosing the Host
and Guest Groups in this way will lead to final Groups with minimum number of gates in
the overlap region.
An instance of the Guest Group selection procedure described above is illustrated below
for the smallest ISCAS 89 benchmark circuit s27. The Figure 3.8 is the full-scan version
of it. Here the input gates 5, 6, 7 are the pseudo primary inputs (PPIs) and the output
gates 12, 17, 21 are pseudo primary outputs. Suppose that currently there are 3 Groups,
each with pseudo primary input 5, 6 and 7 respectively. Let the Group with the PPI 5 is
the Host Group. Then, the output gates in its fanout cone are 17, 20, 21. Hence, for these
output gates, level is initialized to 1 and for the remaining output gate 12, it is initialized to
infinity. Then, the Table 3.2 shows the calculated cumulative level count values for all the
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 3. Topology-based ILS Configuration 38

1 8 12


11 15


4 9 16 18 20


19 21

Figure 3.8: Example benchmark circuit s27 (full-scan version)

gates. Since the cumulative level count for the PPI 7 is smaller than that for the PPI 6, we
select the Group with the PPI 7 as the Guest Group.

3.4.3 SCOAP [30, 31] Based Heuristic

The previous fanout estimate based heuristic tries to minimize the absolute overlapping
fanout cone between the Host Group and the Guest Group; but it does not really take into
account how much testable the overlapping fanout really is. There may be a case that the
overlapping fanout cone might be large but is very difficult to test in the broadcast mode
owing to the dependencies between the scan flip-flops. We may be able to find the Host and
Guest Groups with absolutely no overlapping fanout in the initial iterations of the Groups
formation; but this will not be the case in the later iterations. Last few iterations are the
Groups consolidation iterations in which two relatively big Groups will be merged together
to form a one bigger Group and in general, these two Groups being merged will not be fully
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 3. Topology-based ILS Configuration 39

Gate # Fanout Estimate Gate # Fanout Estimate Gate # Fanout Estimate

1 27 8 26 15 9
2 15 9 14 16 8
3 3 10 22 17 1
4 11 11 2 18 2
5 9 12 1 19 2
6 23 13 10 20 1
7 15 14 10 21 1

Table 3.2: Fanout cone estimate for gates in the circuit in the Figure 3.8

compatible, i.e., they will have some overlapping fanout cone. Hence, in such scenarios it
may be okay to merge two Groups with large overlapping fanout provided this overlapping
region is not easily testable. This is the motivation behind this heuristic and we use a
variation of the well known SCOAP testability measure [30, 31] to compute the testability
of the overlapping region.
Combinational SCOAP measures define two controllability and one observability value for
each line in the circuit. CC0 / CC1 (combinational controllability to 0 /1) values correspond
to the number of signals in the circuit that must be manipulated to control the line to 0
/ 1 from the primary inputs. CO (combinational observability) value corresponds to the
number of signals that must be manipulated to observe the current value of the line on
the primary outputs. The controllability values are first computed from the primary inputs
towards the primary outputs and then observability values are computed in the opposite
direction. CC0, CC1 and CO values range from 0 to ∞ and lower values mean the line
is easy to control / observe. While the SCOAP values are easy to compute (O(n)), they
suffer when a reconvergent fanout is encountered - SCOAP computations assume that all
the lines in the circuit are uncorrelated and hence, end up with lower optimistic testability
values. Figure 3.9 illustrates this problem for the simple case of a two input AND gate.
In the Figure the tuple a/b/c above a line indicates the CC0, CC1 and CO values for the
line. The controllability values for output Y and observability values for inputs A and B
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 3. Topology-based ILS Configuration 40

A 3/6/4

Figure 3.9: Misleading SCOAP measures for reconvergent fanout

are computed as follows:

CC0(Y ) = min(CC0(A), CC0(B)) + 1

CC1(Y ) = (CC1(A), CC1(B)) + 1

CO(A) = CO(Y ) + CC1(B) + 1

CO(B) = CO(Y ) + CC1(A) + 1 (3.2)

In our case, this problem gets even more aggravated as now the pseudo primary inputs
which belong to the same Group are correlated and SCOAP computations can’t account
for this. So a simple workaround for this problem is to consider the SCOAP values in the
opposite sense - note that when the SCOAP computations declare a signal to be difficult to
control / observe, that is indeed the case! Hence, in this heuristic, we use the combinational
SCOAP measures for the full-scan circuit to estimate how difficult it is to observe a value of
a given PPI at the given PPO.
Thus, now the FCM matrix is augmented to contain the above described information -
a location [i][j] in the matrix now indicates how difficult it is to observe the PPI j at the
PPO i. To obtain this information, we first compute the SCOAP controllability values for
all signals in the regular way. Then, we calculate the relative observability of all PPIs with
respect to a single PPO by setting the observability value for the PPO in the consideration
to 0 and for rest other PPOs and POs to some fixed high value. We normalize the calculated
relative observability values for all PPIs with respect to the smallest value on the scale of 1 to
10. This normalization maps the varying range of observability values to the more uniform
range. We then invert these normalized values so that the smaller value means more difficult
to observe. The location [i][j] is then set to the corresponding inverted normalized value. If
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 3. Topology-based ILS Configuration 41

a PPI cannot be observed at a given PPO (i.e. there is no path from a PPI to the PPO),
the corresponding location is set to 0. This procedure is repeated for all the PPOs.
In this heuristic, we select the Host Group and Guest Group in the same way as that in
the Dependency-based heuristic i.e. the Host Group is the Group with the least Dependency
and the Guest Group as the Group with the least Incompatibility (i.e. based on the smallest
dot-product of the associated columns). If there are multiple flop-flops in the Group, while
calculating the dot-product of the columns, the non-zero entries in a row are replaced by
the cumulative inverted relative observability values for flops in the Group for the PPO
associated with that row. Other Group formation steps also remain the same.

3.5 Experimental Setup

In our experiments, we use a commercial ATPG engine to generate the ATPG patterns and
verify the effectiveness of the partitioning across multiple heuristics using the ISCAS 89 [14]
benchmark circuits2 . All the experiments were carried out on a 3GHz Linux machine with
Intel Dual core processor and 8GB RAM. We will compare the results for the following 5
ILS configuration heuristics:

1. Random (H0): flip-flops are assigned randomly to the chains

2. Test set based from UIUC (H1): refer to Section

3. Dependency based (H2): refer to Section 3.4.1

4. Fanout Estimate based (H3): refer to Section 3.4.2

5. SCOAP based (H4)3 : refer to Section 3.4.3

All of the above heuristics were implemented in C++. In all of our experiments, we do not
implement the output compactor (similar to [2, 28]) as the presence or absence of output
compactor doesn’t affect any of the heuristics considered in an unfair manner.
We consider only the circuits with at least 50 flip-flops
In Figures 3.10 to 3.21 this heuristic is represented as H4_staticCO
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 3. Topology-based ILS Configuration 42

For ATPG purposes, initially, we had chosen to model the ILS architecture by adding
suitable constraints to the commercial ATPG tool. Suppose we want to simulate the ILS
configuration achieved using our Dependency-based heuristic. Then, we simply add the
ATPG constraints stating that flip-flops in the same group (say 0, 3, 2, 5, 6) should be loaded
with the same scan-shift value at the end of scan shift procedure. While this method is easy
to implement and allowed us to explore a large number of ILS configurations quickly, it places
severe constraints on the underlying commercial ATPG tool used. Most of the combinational
ATPG systems, including the one we used in our experiments, are not designed to work under
such constraints. This resulted in the performance of the ATPG suffering badly. It is not
able to generate compact test set thereby resulting in a very high number of broadcast mode
patterns. For example, for the circuit s38584, the ATPG time using the standalone single
scan chain (without ILS) to achieve 95.96% fault coverage is 8.39 seconds and number of
patterns generated is 174. For the case of broadcast mode coverage for configuration with
6 chains, the ATPG time is 163.07 seconds to reach the fault coverage of 95.54% but with
3910 patterns! Such a very high number of broadcast mode patterns nullifies the potential
test data volume reduction. It follows that this result can be improved significantly if we
input a Verilog netlist with actual ILS implementation and let the tool do unconstrained
ATPG. Similar observation is reported in [2], which also used a commercial ATPG to model
the ILS. Hence, this lead us to our second setup described next.
We use a two step procedure for the ATPG based heuristic comparison. We write out two
Verilog files for a given circuit - one for the broadcast mode with the required number of scan
chains configured based on the Groups formed and another for the serial mode with a single
scan chain containing all the flip-flops in the design. Then, we first perform ATPG with all
the faults added for the broadcast mode Verilog and dump out the list of undetected faults.
Then we perform ATPG with the serial mode Verilog but target only those faults which
are undetected in the broadcast mode. For each of the ATPG runs, we set the backtrace
limit to 1000, employ random-filling for the unspecified bits in the patterns generated to
maximize the fault coverage and perform reverse fault simulation with fault dropping (i.e.
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 3. Topology-based ILS Configuration 43

fault simulate the patterns in the reverse order of their generation and drop the faults which
are detected) to remove any redundant patterns. A pattern is declared as redundant if it
does not detect any faults in such reverse simulation.
In our experiments, for each circuit Ckt we considered six different ILS configurations -
C1, C2,...,C6. These configurations were obtained, respectively, by setting the number of
scan chains to the first six multiples of k. k = 6 if number of flip-flops in Ckt < 200; otherwise
k = 16. The value of k for the given number of flip-flops indicates the optimal number of
chains found empirically [3]. Hence, the configuration C1 can be considered as the best case
configuration and all other configurations serve as stress test to verify the applicability of
our proposed methods under the increasing level of constraints.
In all of our test data volume (TDV) and test application time (TAT) calculations, we
calculate test data volume and test application time for serial patterns using the Equations
3.3, 3.4

Serial Mode T DV (bits) = (SP C) × (2 × F F + P I + P O) (3.3)

Serial Mode T AT (cycles) = F F + (SP C) × (F F + 1) (3.4)

where SPC indicates the Number of Serial Mode Patterns, FF refers to the number of flip-
flops, PI refers to the number of primary inputs and PO refers to the number of primary
outputs. In test data volume calculations, the number of flops is multiplied by 2 as we need
to store both the scan load and scan capture value on the ATE. Similarly, test data volume
and test application time for the broadcast mode patterns are calculated using the Equations
3.5, 3.6

Broadcast Mode T DV (bits) = (BP C) × (LSCL + P I + P O) (3.5)

Broadcast Mode T AT (cycles) = LSCL + (BP C) × (LSCL + 1) (3.6)

Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 3. Topology-based ILS Configuration 44

where BPC indicates the Number of Broadcast Mode Patterns and LSCL indicates the
Longest Scan Chain Length. Here we do not multiply the number of flip-flops in the longest
scan chain by 2 because in this mode we just need to store the scan load value for each flip-
flop. Assuming that an M stage MISR present at the output and the signature is sampled for
comparison only after all the broadcast mode patterns have been applied, we can estimate
the MISR test data volume as simply M bits and MISR test application time as simply M
cycles. In general, MISR test data volume/test application time of M bits/cycles is negligible
when compared to either Broadcast Mode test data volume/test application time or Serial
Mode test data volume/test application time and hence, we ignore it in our calculations.

3.6 Results
We will compare the efficiency of our heuristics with respect to the following two aspects:

• Effectiveness in improving the broadcast mode

• Effectiveness in reducing total test data volume and test application time

We will use the parameters Fault Coverage and Number of ATPG Untestable Faults for the
first aspect (Figures 3.10 - 3.15) and the parameters Total Test Data Volume (in bits) and
Total Test Application Time (in cycles) for the second aspect (Figures 3.16 - 3.21). In each
of the plots, the value in the parenthesis for each circuit shows the number of scan chains in
the broadcast mode.
In general, with the increasing number of scan chains in the broadcast mode, the fault
coverage achievable in the broadcast mode may decrease. However, from the plots in the
Figures 3.10 - 3.15, we can observe that our heuristics (H2, H3 and H4) obtain a significant
gain in the fault coverage for increasing number of scan chains over the other two methods
- Random (H0) and test-set based from UIUC (H1). For instance, for s9234, s13207 and
15850 runs, our heuristics achieve a fault coverage gain in the range of 10%-20%. This is
because the other two methods may be significantly suffering from the unreachable state
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 3. Topology-based ILS Configuration 45

issue (refer to Section 2.3.1) in the broadcast mode. However, for such cases, our heuristics
are able to efficiently avoid such states and thereby obtain higher fault coverage.
Tables 3.3-3.6 compare the average gain achieved for each of the heuristics - H0, H1, H2,
H3, H4 and H5 - across different configurations. The first column indicates the configuration
as explained in Section 3.5. The next five columns indicate the average value of parameter of
interest for all the benchmark circuits considered4 . Next column shows the relative average
gain of H1 over H0. We choose the Dependency based heuristic H2 as the representative
among our proposed heuristic and the last two columns show the relative average gain of H2
with respect to H0 and H1 respectively.
An an interesting observation, from all of the plots, is that the test-set based heuristic
H1 fares poorly for the original benchmark circuit (say s13207) than its corrected version
(s13207_1). Since we do not know what is the error in the original circuit and how it
is corrected, we simply consider both the versions and report results for them. In some
cases, the difference in performance is quite significant and hence, this difference affects
H1’s average performance measure. This explains why average Fault Coverage and number
of AU faults for H1 for configuration in C1 is worse than H0. Such an effect is not seen for
any of our proposed topology based heuristics. This further suggests that circuit topology
based guidance is better than the test-set based as the incompatibility measure in a topology
based approach is more comprehensive than in a test-set based approach. This is simply
due to the fact that the incompatibility relations computed using a test-set based method
are just the subset of the actual incompatibility relations.
From the Tables 3.3 and 3.4, it can be observed that H1 achieves minor reduction in
the broadcast mode #AU faults and corresponding minor increase in the fault coverage over
the H0 (random) method. This fails to justify the computational efforts required by H1
in processing the test patterns (without any test set compaction) for generation of scan
chain configurations. Further, from the last two columns in the corresponding tables, it
can be observed that our method achieves reduction of around 800 AU faults and gain
results for the circuit s5378 are not available for the heuristics H3 and H4
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 3. Topology-based ILS Configuration 46

of approximately 5% (over both H0 and H1) across different scan chain configurations.
Note that our heuristic H2 just processes the fanout cone of each flip-flop to obtain the
compatibility information. Further, we do not require an a-priori ATPG run (unlike H1).
This justifies the efficiency and the low-cost nature of our method.
If we compare the average performance between proposed circuit topology based heuris-
tics, we see that the SCOAP based heuristic H4 performs better (albeit marginally) than the
Fanout Estimate based heuristic H3. This is in accordance with the motivation described for
H4 in Section 3.4.3. When compared with H3 and H4, again H2 performs little bit better.
This can be explained with the following reasoning: The heuristic techniques used by both
H3 and H4 work flawlessly for the fanout free regions but may cause a bit-off guidance when
reconvergent fanout region is encountered. The number of such reconvergent fanout regions
may not be significant in the initial grouping iterations by virtue of smaller fanout cones
involved; but it may be significant in the last iterations when Groups with relatively bigger
fanout regions are merged. In such cases, the guidance accuracy may dip a bit and we might
end up a bit more AU faults and consequently, with a bit less fault coverage. In contrast, the
heuristic measure for H2 doesn’t have any such limitation and hence, its guidance is always
at the best possible level.
The fact that all three proposed methods yield nearly similar results also points to the
inherent efficiency of the underlying Group formation process which first builds large number
of small but fully self-compatible Groups and then merges the Groups with minimum incom-
patibility together to form bigger Groups with the required cardinality. The experimental
results show that this approach is quite effective and thus, can achieve very good quality
of results even with the simplest and computationally least expensive Dependency-based
heuristic H2.
Tables 3.5 and 3.6 show the similar comparison between the heuristics for the average
percentage reduction achieved in total test data volume and test application time. Since
applying a broadcast mode pattern is more efficient than a serial mode pattern, it is intuitive
that the higher broadcast mode fault coverage will also lead to the higher savings in the test
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 3. Topology-based ILS Configuration 47

data volume and test application time. The plots in the Figures 3.16 - 3.21 and the average
data presented in the Tables 3.5 - 3.6 confirm that it is indeed the case. Again we can
observe that, relative to H0, the average reduction achieved using the test-based heuristic
H1 is meager around 2% while, for H2, it is whopping 17%.
Also note that for H1, the gain in the percentage reduction in test data volume and
test application time realtive to H0 is comparable to the gain in the broadcast mode fault
coverage; but for H2, the percentage gain in test data volume and test application time
is almost 3X than the gain in the broadcast mode fault coverage. This implies that the
configurations generated using our method are of better quality as the configurations not
only just detect more number of faults but also detect them using fewer patterns. This
further proves the effectiveness of configurations achieved using our proposed methods.

Table 3.3: Average Broadcast Mode #AU Faults

Conf H0_Rand H1_UIUC H2_Dep H3_Fanout H4_SCOAP H0-H1 H0-H2 H1-H2
C1 899 1,165 216 277 250 -266 683 949
C2 1,460 1,363 590 851 606 97 870 773
C3 1,927 1,833 865 1,411 1,125 94 1,062 968
C4 2,207 2,006 1,147 1,847 1,418 200 1,060 860
C5 2,605 2,138 1,510 1,960 1,788 466 1,094 628
C6 2,831 2,356 1,744 2,384 2,050 474 1,087 612

Table 3.4: Average Broadcast Mode Fault Coverage

Conf H0_Rand H1_UIUC H2_Dep H3_Fanout H4_SCOAP H1-H0 H2-H0 H2-H1
C1 90.31% 87.98% 94.87% 94.13% 94.56% -2.33% 4.56% 6.89%
C2 85.88% 85.82% 91.57% 89.58% 91.45% -0.06% 5.70% 5.76%
C3 82.84% 83.36% 88.83% 85.65% 87.45% 0.52% 5.99% 5.47%
C4 81.30% 81.97% 87.17% 83.48% 85.35% 0.67% 5.87% 5.20%
C5 79.00% 81.02% 84.45% 82.53% 83.05% 2.02% 5.46% 3.43%
C6 77.67% 79.96% 82.55% 80.52% 81.49% 2.29% 4.88% 2.59%
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 3. Topology-based ILS Configuration 48

H0 R d
H0_Random H1 UIUC
H2_Dep H3 F
t H4 t ti CO

3 500
n Broadcast Mode



AU Faults in




Circuit (#Chains)

(a) #AU Faults in C1

H0_Random H1_UIUC H2_Dep H3_Fanout H4_staticCO


Fault Coveragee in Broadcast Mode










Circuit (#Chains)

(b) Fault Coverage in C1

Figure 3.10: Comparison of #AU Faults and Fault Coverage in Broadcast Mode for config-
uration C1
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 3. Topology-based ILS Configuration 49

H0 R d
H0_Random H1 UIUC
H2_Dep H3 F
t H4 t ti CO

n Broadcast Mode




2 000
AU Faults in


1 000


Circuit (#Chains)

(a) #AU Faults in C2

H0 R d
H0_Random H1 UIUC
H2_Dep H3 F
t H4 t ti CO

ast Mode


ult Coveragee in Broadca








Circuit (#Chains)

(b) Fault Coverage in C2

Figure 3.11: Comparison of #AU Faults and Fault Coverage in Broadcast Mode for config-
uration C2
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 3. Topology-based ILS Configuration 50

H0 R d
H0_Random H1 UIUC
H2_Dep H3 F
t H4 t ti CO

n Broadcast Mode




2 000
AU Faults in


1 000


Circuit (#Chains)

(a) #AU Faults in C3

H0 R d
H0_Random H1 UIUC
H2_Dep H3 F
t H4 t ti CO

ast Mode


ult Coveragee in Broadca








Circuit (#Chains)

(b) Fault Coverage in C3

Figure 3.12: Comparison of #AU Faults and Fault Coverage in Broadcast Mode for config-
uration C3
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 3. Topology-based ILS Configuration 51

H0 R d
H0_Random H1 UIUC
H2_Dep H3 F
t H4 t ti CO


n Broadcast Mode



AU Faults in





Circuit (#Chains)

(a) #AU Faults in C4

H0 R d
H0_Random H1 UIUC
H2_Dep H3 F
t H4 t ti CO

ast Mode


ult Coveragee in Broadca








Circuit (#Chains)

(b) Fault Coverage in C4

Figure 3.13: Comparison of #AU Faults and Fault Coverage in Broadcast Mode for config-
uration C4
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 3. Topology-based ILS Configuration 52

H0 R d
H0_Random H1 UIUC
H2_Dep H3 F
t H4 t ti CO


n Broadcast Mode



AU Faults in





Circuit (#Chains)

(a) #AU Faults in C5

H0 R d
H0_Random H1 UIUC
H2_Dep H3 F
t H4 t ti CO

ast Mode


ult Coveragee in Broadca








Circuit (#Chains)

(b) Fault Coverage in C5

Figure 3.14: Comparison of #AU Faults and Fault Coverage in Broadcast Mode for config-
uration C5
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 3. Topology-based ILS Configuration 53

H0 R d
H0_Random H1 UIUC
H2_Dep H3 F
t H4 t ti CO


n Broadcast Mode



AU Faults in





Circuit (#Chains)

(a) #AU Faults in C6

H0 R d
H0_Random H1 UIUC
H2_Dep H3 F
t H4 t ti CO

ast Mode


ult Coveragee in Broadca








Circuit (#Chains)

(b) Fault Coverage in C6

Figure 3.15: Comparison of #AU Faults and Fault Coverage in Broadcast Mode for config-
uration C6
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 3. Topology-based ILS Configuration 54

H0_Random H1_UIUC H2_Dep H3_Fanout H4_staticCO


al Test Data Volume




% Reduction in Tota






Circuit (#Chains)

(a) TDV Reduction for C1

H0 R d
H0_Random H1 UIUC
H2_Dep H3 F
t H4 t ti CO

ation Time

on in Total TTest Applica


% Reductio



Circuit (#Chains)

(b) TAT Reduction for C1

Figure 3.16: Comparison of reduction in TDV and TAT for configuration C1

Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 3. Topology-based ILS Configuration 55

H0 R d
H0_Random H1 UIUC
H2_Dep H3 F
t H4 t ti CO

al Test Data Volume




% Reducttion in Tota






Circuit (#Chains)

(a) TDV Reduction for C2

H0 R d
H0_Random H1 UIUC
H2_Dep H3 F
t H4 t ti CO

ation Time

on in Total TTest Applica


% Reductio



Circuit (#Chains)

(b) TAT Reduction for C2

Figure 3.17: Comparison of reduction in TDV and TAT for configuration C2

Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 3. Topology-based ILS Configuration 56

H0 R d
H0_Random H1 UIUC
H2_Dep H3 F
t H4 t ti CO

al Test Data Volume




% Reducttion in Tota






Circuit (#Chains)

(a) TDV Reduction for C3

H0 R d
H0_Random H1 UIUC
H2_Dep H3 F
t H4 t ti CO

ation Time

on in Total TTest Applica


% Reductio



Circuit (#Chains)

(b) TAT Reduction for C3

Figure 3.18: Comparison of reduction in TDV and TAT for configuration C3

Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 3. Topology-based ILS Configuration 57

H0_Random H1_UIUC H2_Dep H3_Fanout H4_staticCO


al Test Data Volume




% Reduction in Tota







Circuit (#Chains)

(a) TDV Reduction for C4

H0 R d
H0_Random H1 UIUC
H2_Dep H3 F
t H4 t ti CO

plication Tim


% Reducction in Tottal Test App








Circuit (#Chains)

(b) TAT Reduction for C4

Figure 3.19: Comparison of reduction in TDV and TAT for configuration C4

Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 3. Topology-based ILS Configuration 58

H0 R d
H0_Random H1 UIUC
H2_Dep H3 F
t H4 t ti CO

al Test Data Volume




% Reducttion in Tota






Circuit (#Chains)

(a) TDV Reduction for C5

H0 R d
H0_Random H1 UIUC
H2_Dep H3 F
t H4 t ti CO

plication Tim


% Reducction in Tottal Test App








Circuit (#Chains)

(b) TAT Reduction for C5

Figure 3.20: Comparison of reduction in TDV and TAT for configuration C5

Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 3. Topology-based ILS Configuration 59

H0 R d
H0_Random H1 UIUC
H2_Dep H3 F
t H4 t ti CO

al Test Data Volume


60 00%


40 00%
% Reducttion in Tota






Circuit (#Chains)

(a) TDV Reduction for C6

H0 R d
H0_Random H1 UIUC
H2_Dep H3 F
t H4 t ti CO

ation Time

on in Total TTest Applica


% Reductio



Circuit (#Chains)

(b) TAT Reduction for C6

Figure 3.21: Comparison of reduction in TDV and TAT for configurations C6

Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 3. Topology-based ILS Configuration 60

Table 3.5: Average % Reduction in TDV

Conf H0_Rand H1_UIUC H2_Dep H3_Fanout H4_SCOAP H1-H0 H2-H0 H2-H1
C1 40.55% 42.89% 56.60% 56.93% 57.00% 2.33% 16.04% 13.71%
C2 29.07% 33.23% 46.14% 45.82% 46.31% 4.16% 17.07% 12.90%
C3 22.00% 22.16% 41.46% 34.29% 35.80% 0.16% 19.46% 19.30%
C4 20.16% 18.99% 38.30% 25.62% 31.47% -1.16% 18.14% 19.31%
C5 12.73% 18.25% 28.91% 26.82% 26.39% 5.52% 16.17% 10.66%
C6 14.51% 15.12% 25.53% 23.53% 29.55% 0.62% 11.03% 10.41%

Table 3.6: Average % Reduction in TAT

Conf H0_Rand H1_UIUC H2_Dep H3_Fanout H4_SCOAP H1-H0 H2-H0 H2-H1
C1 48.05% 49.53% 64.75% 65.17% 65.20% 1.48% 16.69% 15.21%
C2 38.10% 42.30% 57.55% 56.44% 57.52% 4.20% 19.44% 15.25%
C3 31.36% 31.06% 53.36% 44.99% 46.84% -0.30% 22.00% 22.30%
C4 29.71% 27.69% 50.24% 36.00% 42.65% -2.03% 20.52% 22.55%
C5 21.47% 27.19% 40.10% 37.51% 36.98% 5.71% 18.63% 12.91%
C6 23.21% 23.85% 36.61% 33.36% 40.29% 0.64% 13.40% 12.76%

3.7 Summary
In this chapter we presented a novel topology-based analysis for generating a low cost scan
chain configuration in the ILS architecture that is effective in getting the high fault cov-
erage in the broadcast mode. Our method obviates the need of an a-priori ATPG run to
configure the scan chains effectively which saves the design time and makes our approach
scalable and easy to adopt in the conventional scan chain insertion flow. We proposed three
novel heuristics to assign the position of flip-flops in different scan chains so as to minimize
the number of broadcast mode undetectable faults. Experimental results on a wide range
of ISCAS’89 circuits show that this approach achieves a high fault coverage. Our method
achieves an average gain of 5% over the existing methods across several scan chain configu-
rations. Since the higher broadcast mode fault coverage requires less number of expensive
serial mode patterns, we also achieve a substantial reduction - on average 15% more than
existing methods - in the total test data volume and test application time. This work can be
further enhanced by considering the routing and placement requirements for the proposed
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 3. Topology-based ILS Configuration 61

configuration of the scan chains. Also, the Fanout Estimate based heuristic and SCOAP
based heuristic can be improved by accounting for the reconvergent fanout cones. Another
important factor for structural testing is limiting the power dissipation during the test mode.
Current methods for this are minimizing the toggle activity and/or shutting-off some of the
chains during the scan-chain shifting process. The proposed framework can be enhanced to
consider these features also.
Chapter 4

Hybrid ILS-RAS Architecture

In this chapter, we propose a new scan architecture to further maximize the gains of the
conventional Illinois Scan Architecture. This architecture combines the broadcast mode of the
conventional ILS with the Broadcast-enabled Partial Random Access Scan to eliminate the
need for the serial mode of the conventional ILS.1 Since the serial mode of the conventional
ILS is very inefficient from the test data volume and test application point of view, it follows
that the proposed new architecture will enable further reduction in the test data volume and
test application time. In this chapter, we describe the proposed architecture, test generation
and test application procedure and show that indeed significant reduction in test data volume
and test application time can be achieved for the large benchmark circuits with reasonable
increase in the area overhead. Specifically, for the bigger benchmark circuits 2 , for the
best case area overhead of 1.69%, the proposed Hybrid Architecture achieves 27% more
reduction in the test data volume and 37% reduction in the test application time over
the effectively configured conventional ILS. With the additional area overhead, we do get
additional reduction in the test data volume and test application time but with diminishing
Here Broadcast-enabled means a given address can select multiple flip-flops and Partial means only
portion of the flip-flops are addressable.
circuits with at-least 1000 flip-flops

Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 4. Hybrid ILS-RAS Architecture 63

4.1 Motivation

Broadcast FC Serial FC Broadcast TDV Serial TDV Broadcast TAT Serial TAT











16 32 48 64 80 96

Number of Chains

Figure 4.1: Normalized Fault Coverage, TDV and TAT for various number of chains

Figure 4.1 compares the percentage contribution of the broadcast mode and the serial mode
of the conventional Illinois Scan Architecture with respect to the parameters fault coverage,
test data volume and test application time for the circuit s38584.1 for six different num-
ber of chains. All these configurations are generated using our Dependency-based heuristic
described in Section 3.4.1. From the chart it follows that even though the serial mode is
required to cover a very small percentage of the total testable faults, the test data volume
and test application time requirements for it are too high when compared to the broadcast
mode. This is due to the fact that for each serial mode pattern, we need to shift through
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 4. Hybrid ILS-RAS Architecture 64

all the flip-flops in the design. Thus, it corroborates the intuition that maximizing the fault
coverage in the broadcast mode is the key to maximize the ILS gains. Now since the heuristic
used to generate this chart has been shown to give the best results (refer to Section 3.6), the
chart shows the best case of test data volume and test application time reduction achievable
for the conventional ILS. Thus, it follows that if we want to extract even more test data
volume and test application time reductions, we need to minimize the test data volume and
test application time requirements to cover those broadcast mode ATPG untestable faults.
We propose a variation of the Random Access Scan (RAS) architecture for this purpose
which obviates the need for the serial mode altogether and thus, enables further significant
reductions in the test data volume and test application time requirements.
As described in Section 2.2.2, RAS provides the ability to individually control and observe
each flip-flop directly from the top-level. While such fine granularity may be helpful to reduce
the test data volume and test application time for those patterns that require few bit flips,
it can lead to very high area and routing overhead due to the size of address decoder needed.
Also, most of the traditional RAS architectures depend on the flip-flop capture values from
the previous pattern to determine the set of flip-flops that need to be loaded for the current
pattern [33, 38, 35, 32]. If a large number of flip-flops need to be loaded for each pattern,
then this may reduce the savings in the test data volume and test application time due to
the need to address many flip-flops. Note that irrespective of the method of test application
viz. serial scan or random access scan, the underlying test patterns contain very few care
bits 3 that are actually needed to detect the faults. Hence, it follows that a Broadcast method
for RAS that is analogous to Broadcast in serial scan may be helpful. In [38], the authors
implement this exact idea and use the same graph coloring method, described in Section to configure the ILS, to build the RAS Broadcast groups. Note that here all the
flip-flops are addressable.
In our proposed architecture, we also use the RAS broadcast groups but just for the
ATPG untestable faults in the ILS broadcast mode. This approach differs from [38] in
logic 1 or 0 value assignments to primary inputs and pseudo primary inputs.
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 4. Hybrid ILS-RAS Architecture 65

the sense that we employ RAS as the supplementary architecture rather than the primary
architecture. Hence, we require far less number of flip-flops to be addressable which in turn
leads to a less number of broadcast groups. This reduces the address decoder area overhead.
Although only a portion of flip-flops is addressable in the RAS mode and used to apply the
pattern, all the flip-flops are used to capture the circuit response to the applied pattern.
This ensures that we don’t compromise on the circuit observability front. Also, we reuse the
existing chains and compactor logic of the ILS to shift and compress the captured response.
This will further reduce the compactor and routing overhead as individual flip-flop outputs
are no longer required to be routed to the compactor logic. Note that shifting in the next
pattern together with the shift-out operation will not be helpful, since we are targeting the
broadcast mode untestable faults. This explains the motivation and salient features of our
proposed architecture. Subsequent sections describes the actual architecture in detail and
also elaborates on the test generation and application procedures.

4.2 Architecture Overview

Here we give high level conceptual view of the proposed new hybrid architecture. Actual
configuration details are given in the next section. The proposed hybrid scan architecture
has two distinct test modes and both of these modes broadcast the scan values to the scan
flip-flops. The first mode is Serial Scan Broadcast Mode (SSB ) and the second is Random
Access Scan Broadcast Mode (RASB ). These modes are defined by a dedicated top-level test
pin called BM_SELECT which stands for broadcast mode select. When BM_SELECT is
0, SSB is in effect and when BM_SELECT is 1, RASB is in effect. The SSB mode is the
primary testing mode and the RASB mode is the supplementary testing mode. The SSB
Mode can be any broadcast based serial scan architecture (see Section 2.3). In our work,
we consider the broadcast mode of Illinois Scan Architecture as the SSB mode. We test as
many faults as possible in the SSB mode and test the remaining undetected faults in the
RASB mode. We reuse the scan chains and the compactor logic of the SSB mode in the
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 4. Hybrid ILS-RAS Architecture 66

RASB mode to observe and shift out the circuit response to the applied RASB pattern.
In our experimental setup, we assume a full-scan setup, i.e., all the flip-flops in the
design are scan flip-flops and are part of the scan chains in the SSB mode. We compute the
subset SRAS of these flip-flops such that when the flip-flops of this set are made addressable,
they can detect all the SSB mode untestable faults in the circuit. By addressability we
mean the selected flip-flops can be loaded with the required values directly from the top-
level without any scan-chain shifting. To compute this subset of flip-flops, we use a test-set
based approach (described in Section 4.3). The test-set based approach used guarantees
that all the detectable faults will be detected. The set SRAS is then subdivided into multiple
(say NRASB ) smaller groups such that all member flip-flops of a given subgroup are fully
compatible for the underlying test set. Each subgroup, henceforth called as a RAS group,
is then assigned a unique address and thus, all the flip-flops belonging to this subgroup are
loaded simultaneously in the RASB mode. Thus, we need an address decoder which can
decode at-least NRASB unique addresses.
In our architecture, we modify the scan-input connection for each member flip-flop of
the set SRAS so that it can be augmented with the addressing capability. Figure 4.2 shows
the si selector module that is used to provide this addressability. This module contains two
multiplexers - the first multiplexer selects between the SSB mode scan-input and RASB
mode scan-input and the second multiplexer selects between the feedback from the current
state of the flip-flop and output of the first multiplexer. Here, SSB SI is either top-level SSB
mode scan-input signal (if it is the first flip-flop in the scan chain) or the output of previous
flip-flop in the scan chain and RASB SI is the scan-input signal for the RASB mode. If in
the RASB mode and the flip-flop is addressed (i.e., ADDR = 1), the first multiplexer selects
the RASB SI which then gets passed through the second multiplexer also and flip-flop is
loaded with the required value. For the flip-flops in the other groups, since the ADDR is not
asserted and BM_SELECT is asserted, the flip-flop retains it’s current value (which may be
don’t care or set by RASB SI earlier) through the feedback path in the second multiplexer.
When we are in the SSB Mode, BM_SELECT is deasserted and the SSB SI has a direct
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 4. Hybrid ILS-RAS Architecture 67

0 1
1 0 SI


SI Selector Module

Figure 4.2: Augmenting regular scan flip-flop with addressing capability

path to the flip-flop’s scan-input pin through both the multiplexers.

In our architecture, we assume that the addressing capability for the RASB mode is
provided directly from the top-level, i.e., the input address pins for the address decoder
can be controlled directly from the top-level. These pins can be dedicated or multiplexed
with the functional input pins. The size of the address decoder is decided by the number of
RAS groups4 - we need a unique address for each group. The number of input address lines
required is given by the equation

Number of Input Address Lines = log2 (#RAS Groups + 1) (4.1)

Here, we assume a one-hot address decoder i.e., only one of the n output lines of the address
decoder will be at logic high value at any given instance of time. If an input address of i is
applied, (i − 1)th output line will be asserted.

4.3 Architecture Configuration

In our work, we implement the broadcast mode of the conventional ILS as the SSB mode.
Chapter 3 describes the various topology based heuristics to configure it effectively so that
maximum savings in the test data volume and test application time can be achieved. In this
it is actually number of RAS groups + 1 as the address 0 is reserved and is not considered to be a valid
RAS address
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 4. Hybrid ILS-RAS Architecture 68

work, we have used our Dependency-based heuristic for it (refer to Section 3.4.1).
To configure the RASB mode, we first need to populate the SRAS set. For this purpose,
we first perform the ATPG for the SSB mode with random filling of the don’t care bits. Then,
for the SSB mode ATPG untestable faults, we perform second run of ATPG with single scan
chain and no filling of the don’t care bits to produce the test set TSerial = {t1 , t2 , . . . , tn }.
All the flip-flops which are specified at-least once in the Tserial form the set SRAS . Next,
we populate the Broadcast groups for RASB mode. Towards this, we populate the set of
test-set wise compatible flip-flops Tcompatible = {TC1 , TC2 , . . . , TCk } based on the Tserial using
the simple greedy algorithm described in [3]. Here, two flip-flops are said to be test-set wise
compatible if for all the patterns ti in the given test-set T , the values of two flip-flops are
either the same or at-least one of them is don’t care X. While populating the set Tcompatible ,
a given flip-flop is added into the set of first encountered compatible flip-flop. Then, a unique
address (starting from 15 ) is assigned to each of the compatible set TCi . Next, for each flip-
flop in the set SRAS , the si selector module is added into it’s scan-input path with the ADDR
input connected to the (i − 1)th output line of the address decoder where i is the address
assigned to the compatible set TCi to which the flip-flop belongs.

4.4 Test Generation and Application Methods

The test set for the proposed architecture THybrid is the union of the test set for the SSB
mode TSSB and the test set for the RASB mode TRASB . Thus,

THybrid = TSSB TRASB (4.2)

Note that TSSB is already available from the configuration steps described in Section 4.3.
TRASB is generated by translating the serial mode TSerial test set (used during the configu-
ration steps) into the RASB mode. The translation procedure is quite straight forward - we
just need to Figure out which RAS broadcast groups need to be loaded and with what value
address 0 is reserved and not used as a valid RAS address
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 4. Hybrid ILS-RAS Architecture 69

Algorithm 4.1 Translate Single Scan Chain Patterns into RASB Mode Patterns (TSerial ,
groups, N, M)
1: P atternCount = N
2: GroupCount = M
3: for i = 0 to N do
4: P iV alues ⇐ GetP iV alues(TSerial [i])
5: Specif iedGroups ⇐ GetSpecGroups(TSerial [i])
6: Specif iedV alues ⇐ GetSpecV als(TSerial [i], Specif iedGroups)
7: Specif iedAddresses ⇐ GetAddresses(Specif iedGroups)
8: TRASB [i] ⇐ GenP at(P iV alues, Specif iedAddresses, Specif iedV alues)
9: end for

Table 4.1: Functions of Algorithm 4.1

Function Description
GetPiValues(pattern) Extract and return primary inputs assignments in the pattern
GetSpecGroups(pattern) Return the RASB groups specified in the pattern
GetSpecVals(pattern, groups) Return the specified scan load values for groups in the pattern
GetAddresses(groups) Return the RAS addresses for the groups
GenPat(pis, addrs, vals) Generate pattern by concatenating given primary input values,
RAS addresses and associated scan load values

and then use this information to write the pattern in the required format. The pseudo-code
for this procedure is shown in the Algorithm 4.1
The test application procedure is also very simple - it consists of simply applying the SSB
mode patterns followed by the RASB mode patterns. The SSB mode pattern application
is exactly similar to the conventional serial scan and is shown in the pseudo code shown in
Algorithm 4.2. In the pseudo code, scan-enable is the top-level control pin which selects
between the scan-input and functional input of the scan flip-flop and enables the serial scan-
chains operation. Also, it is possible to shift-out the MISR contents for comparison after
each pattern rather than after all the patterns are applied.
The RASB mode pattern application makes use of the flip-flop addressability to set them
to the required values and then uses the serial-scan shifting to observe the circuit response.
The pseudo code for it is shown in the Algorithm 4.3
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 4. Hybrid ILS-RAS Architecture 70

Algorithm 4.2 Test Application in SSB Mode

1: P atternCount = N
2: set BM_SELECT = 0 to enable SSB mode
3: reset the MISR
4: for i = 0 to N do
5: assert scan enable
6: apply test clocks to load the scan chains (shift-in)
7: apply required primary input values
8: deassert scan enable
9: strobe primary outputs
10: apply test clock to capture the circuit response
11: assert scan enable
12: apply test clocks to unload the scan chains (shift-out)
13: end for
14: shift-out the MISR contents and compare with expected response

Algorithm 4.3 Test Application in RASB Mode

1: P atternCount = N
2: reset the MISR
3: for i = 0 to N do
4: assert BM_SELECT = 1 to enable RASB mode
5: assert scan_enable
6: for all specified RAS groups do
7: apply its address
8: apply its load value
9: end for
10: deassert BM_SELECT, scan_enable
11: apply required primary input values
12: strobe primary outputs
13: apply test clock to capture the circuit response
14: assert scan enable
15: apply test clocks to unload the scan chains (shift-out)
16: end for
17: shift-out the MISR contents and compare with expected response
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 4. Hybrid ILS-RAS Architecture 71

4.5 Experimental Setup

As described earlier, in our experiments, we use the broadcast mode of ILS as the SSB mode
and the proposed Dependency-based heuristic to configure it. Similar to Section 3.5, we use
six configurations C1−C6 based on the number of chains in the SSB mode and compare test
data volume (TDV) and test application time (TAT) savings achieved using the proposed
architecture against the conventional ILS architecture. We use a commercial ATPG tool to
generate the patterns and all the experiments are performed on a 3GHz Linux machine with
8GB RAM. All the procedures to configure the architecture and to translate the patterns for
RASB mode are written in C++. Similar to Section 3.5, we do not implement any output
compactor circuit.
The test data volume and test application time for the SSB mode are calculated using the
equations 3.5 and 3.6. For RASB mode, these are calculated using the following equations:

RASB Mode T DV (bits) = G × (ADDR + P I + P O + 2) (4.3)

RASB Mode T AT (cycles) = (G + 1 + LSCL) (4.4)

In the above equations, the summation is over all the RASB mode patterns, G is the number
of RAS broadcast groups that need to be loaded for a given pattern, ADDR is the number
of input address lines required to decode the addresses, PI is the number of primary inputs,
PO is the number of primary outputs and LSCL is the longest scan chain length in the
SSB mode. Note that, in general, LSCL is much small compared to the total numnber of
flip-flops in the design. Hence, it follows that the test application time requirement for a
single RASB mode pattern in the hybrid architecture will always be much lower compared
to that of a single Serial mode pattern in the conventional ILS. For example, consider a
circuit with 100 flip-flops. Assume that there are 10 chains in the SSB mode with each chain
having 10 flip-flops. Also, assume that there are 20 broadcast groups in the RASB mode.
Then the worst case test application time requirement for a RASB mode pattern will be
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 4. Hybrid ILS-RAS Architecture 72

31 while that of a Serial mode pattern in the conventional ILS will be 101! In equation
4.3, the number 2 is to account for the top-level BM_SELECT and RASB scan-input pins
and in equation 4.4, the number 1 is to account for the scan-clock pulsing during the circuit
response capture procedure. Again, similar to Section 3.5, we ignore the test data volume
and test application time for the MISR.

4.6 Results
We will evaluate the proposed Hybrid Architecture based on the following parameters:

• Area overhead incurred

• Additional reduction achieved in test data volume

• Additional reduction achieved in test application time

Plots in Figures 4.3 - 4.8 show the % reduction achieved for all the benchmark circuits con-
sidered for all six configurations for the conventional ILS and proposed Hybrid Architecture
with respect to the single scan chain. Plots in Figures 4.9 - 4.11 compare the performance
of the Hybrid Architecture relative to the conventional ILS.
Table 4.2 compares the average performance of the proposed hybrid architecture for six
different configurations C1 − C6 similar to Section 3.5. In the table, column

• conf stands for the configuration

• CITDVR and CITATR stands for % Reduction in Test Data Volume and Test Appli-
cation Time using Conventional ILS

• HATDVR and HATATR stands for % Reduction in Test Data Volume and Test Ap-
plication Time using Hybrid Architecture

• AR for Additional Reduction achieved

• HAAO for Area Overhead of Hybrid Architecture

Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 4. Hybrid ILS-RAS Architecture 73

Columns 2 to 7 compare the average performance of the regular Illinois Scan Architecture and
Hybrid Architecture relative to the single serial scan chain. We can observe that the proposed
Hybrid Architecture helps to achieve on average 9% more reduction in test data volume and
33.67% more reduction in test application than the conventional ILS Architecture. These
observed results are in accordance with the expected results. Columns 8 to 10 compare
the area overhead, test data volume reduction and test application time reduction of the
Hybrid Architecture relative to the conventional Illinois Scan Architecture. These columns
are indicator of reduction achievable in test data volume and test application time required
for serial mode in conventional ILS and the area overhead required for that. From these
columns we can observe that as the number of chains increases in C1 to C6, the area overhead
increases and the achievable test data volume reduction decreases but the achievable test
application time reduction increases! This can be explained in the following way: as the
number of chains in the SSB mode increases, the fault coverage achievable in it decreases
(see Section 3.6). This drop in the SSB mode fault coverage requires the RASB mode to
cover increased number of faults which in turn translates to more number of flip-flops that
need to be RAS enabled. This increases the area overhead due to the si selector module.
Also, these more number of RAS enabled flip-flops may result into more number of RASB
groups which will call for bigger address decoder and thus, more area overhead. Also, the
number of patterns required in the RASB mode may be more and in addition, each of these
patterns may require more number of RASB groups to be specified. This coupled with the
fact that the bigger address decoder will require more number of input address bits will
result into more test data volume for the RASB mode. All these factors combined will lead
to more test data volume overall and hence, lesser reduction in test data volume. Next, for
each RASB mode pattern, we need to specify all the primary input and output values in
addition to the addresses for the specified groups and their load values. But to apply all
of this test data, the number of test cycles required is just the summation of the number
of RAS groups that need to be loaded and the longest scan chain length. Thus, the test
application time requirement for a RASB pattern will always be much smaller compared to
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 4. Hybrid ILS-RAS Architecture 74

the test data volume requirement. Hence, the factors like increased number of RASB mode
patterns, increased number of specified RASB groups per pattern or increased number of
input address lines for the address decoder will result in relatively very little increase in
the RASB mode test application time and hence, we will have more reduction in the test
application time overall. This explains, why, in the Hybrid Architecture, the reduction
achieved in test application time is always higher than the reduction achieved in test data
volume. This same reasoning also explains why in some cases Hybrid Architecture has more
test data volume than the conventional ILS.
From the plots shown in Figures 4.3 - 4.8 and 4.9 - 4.11, we can also observe that
the proposed Hybrid Architecture achieves the best test data volume and test application
time reduction with the least area overhead for the bigger circuits. For example, results
for the bigger circuits s38417, s38584 and s38584_1 for configuration C1 indicate that,
with just 1.69% more area, we can achieve 27% and 37% additional reduction in the test
data volume and test application time relative to the effectively configured conventional ILS.
The corresponding numbers for the remaining circuits are 16% more area, 23% and 48%
additional reduction in test data volume and test application time respectively. Thus, for the
smaller circuits, the area overhead incurred is quite significant and the additional reduction
in test data volume is less (sometimes even negative) as the number of chains increase from
configuration C1 to C6. This is so, because, for these smaller circuits, fault coverage in the
SSB mode drops quite significantly (due to the high number of ATPG untestable faults)
when compared with the bigger circuits. Test patterns required to cover these faults have
significantly higher number of unique flip-flops specified (across the test-set). This leads to
more number of RAS enabled flops and more number of RASB groups as fewer flip-flops are
test-wise compatible. Thus, we may end up with the RASB mode patterns in which almost
all of the RAS groups are specified in each pattern. This leads to more area overhead and
higher RASB mode test data volume as explained in the preceding paragraph.
Swapneel B Donglikar

Table 4.2: Relative Performance Comparison

% Reduction Relative to Single Scan Chain Relative to Conventional ILS

C1 56.60% 65.74% 9.15% 64.75% 81.29% 16.55% 12.26% 23.77% 45.49%
C2 46.14% 56.98% 10.84% 57.55% 84.49% 26.95% 19.09% 24.32% 63.05%
C3 41.46% 48.18% 6.72% 53.36% 84.63% 31.27% 22.86% 17.99% 69.52%
C4 38.30% 44.80% 6.50% 50.24% 84.80% 34.57% 24.83% 15.25% 71.71%
C5 28.91% 41.55% 12.65% 40.10% 85.07% 44.97% 26.07% 20.91% 76.65%
C6 25.53% 35.37% 9.84% 36.61% 84.33% 47.71% 27.30% 16.59% 76.81%
conf = configuration; CITDVR = Conventional ILS %TDV Reduction; HATDVR = Hybrid Architecture % TDV Reduction;
CITATR = Conventional ILS % TAT Reduction; HAAO = Hybrid Architecture Area Overhead; AR = Additional Reduction
Chapter 4. Hybrid ILS-RAS Architecture
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 4. Hybrid ILS-RAS Architecture 76

ti l H b id

ata Volumee


duction in TTotal Test Da




% Red



Circuit (#Chains)

(a) TDV Reduction for C1

ti l H b id

plication Tim


% Reducction in Tottal Test App








Circuit (#Chains)

(b) TAT Reduction for C1

Figure 4.3: Comparison of reduction in TDV and TAT for configuration C1

Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 4. Hybrid ILS-RAS Architecture 77

Conventional Hybrid

% Reduction in TTotal Test Data Volume









Circuit (#Chains)

(a) TDV Reduction for C2

ti l H b id

plication Tim


% Reducction in Tottal Test App








Circuit (#Chains)

(b) TAT Reduction for C2

Figure 4.4: Comparison of reduction in TDV and TAT for configuration C2

Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 4. Hybrid ILS-RAS Architecture 78

ti l H b id

al Test Data Volume




% Reducttion in Tota






Circuit (#Chains)

(a) TDV Reduction for C3

ti l H b id

plication Tim


% Reducction in Tottal Test App








Circuit (#Chains)

(b) TAT Reduction for C3

Figure 4.5: Comparison of reduction in TDV and TAT for configuration C3

Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 4. Hybrid ILS-RAS Architecture 79

ti l H b id

Test Data Vo

n in Total Te

% Reduction



Circuit (#Chains)

(a) TDV Reduction for C4

ti l H b id

plication Tim


% Reducction in Tottal Test App








Circuit (#Chains)

(b) TAT Reduction for C4

Figure 4.6: Comparison of reduction in TDV and TAT for configuration C4

Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 4. Hybrid ILS-RAS Architecture 80

ti l H b id

Test Data Vo

n in Total Te

% Reduction



Circuit (#Chains)

(a) TDV Reduction for C5

ti l H b id

plication Tim


% Reducction in Tottal Test App








Circuit (#Chains)

(b) TAT Reduction for C5

Figure 4.7: Comparison of reduction in TDV and TAT for configurations C5

Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 4. Hybrid ILS-RAS Architecture 81

ti l H b id

n in Total Teest Data Vollume



% Reduction



Circuit (#Chains)

(a) TDV Reduction for C6

Conventional Hybrid

% Reduction in Tottal Test Application Time










Circuit (#Chains)

(b) TAT Reduction for C6

Figure 4.8: Comparison of reduction in TDV and TAT for configuration C6

Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 4. Hybrid ILS-RAS Architecture 82

% Area Increase %TDV Reduction %TAT Reduction


Relativve Performance Comparison







Circuit (#Chains)

(a) Configuration C1

% Area Increase %TDV Reduction %TAT Reduction



Relativve Performance Comp








Circuit (#Chains)

(b) Configuration C2

Figure 4.9: Comparison of Hybrid Arch. relative to Conventional ILS Arch for conf. C1, C2
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 4. Hybrid ILS-RAS Architecture 83

% Area Increase %TDV Reduction %TAT Reduction



Reelative Perfformance C




Circuit (#Chains)

(a) Configuration C3

% Area Increase %TDV Reduction %TAT Reduction




Reelative Perfformance C





Circuit (#Chains)

(b) Configuration C4

Figure 4.10: Comparison of Hybrid Arch. relative to Conventional ILS Arch. for conf.
C3, C4
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 4. Hybrid ILS-RAS Architecture 84

% Area Increase %TDV Reduction %TAT Reduction



Reelative Perfformance C




Circuit (#Chains)

(a) Configuration C5

% Area Increase %TDV Reduction %TAT Reduction


Relative Perfformance Comparison







Circuit (#Chains)

(b) Configuration C6

Figure 4.11: Comparison of Hybrid Arch. relative to Conventional ILS Arch. for conf.
C5, C6
Swapneel B Donglikar Chapter 4. Hybrid ILS-RAS Architecture 85

4.7 Summary
In this chapter we proposed a new scan architecture based on the dual broadcast mode
strategy. It uses the serial scan broadcast mode as the primary test mode and RAS broadcast
mode as the supplementary mode. The RAS broadcast mode reuses the scan chains and the
compaction logic of the SSB mode for test response observation. The experimental results
show that the proposed architecture is best suited for the bigger circuits which is important
from the real designs point of view. Currently we use simple techniques to generate the RASB
mode patterns from the conventional single scan chain based patterns. Since the RASB mode
configuration is test set based, it follows that utilizing a specialized, tailor-made ATPG
engine to generate patterns for the RASB mode will further improve the performance of the
RASB mode. This, in turn, will boost the overall test data volume and test application time
reduction achievable with the proposed Hybrid Architecture with reduced area overhead.
Chapter 5

Conclusions and Future Work

In this thesis, we have tackled one of the most pressing needs of the semiconductor industry
today - reduction of the test data volume and test application time to enable cost-effective
quality structural testing. The current industry standard serial scan based DFT technique
suffers from high test data volume and longer test application time requirement as the
circuit size increases. The need to test the chips using advanced fault models aggravates
the problem. We introduced this problem of VLSI testing in Chapter 1. In Chapter 2,
we outlined various DFT techniques used in the industry for structural testing, explained
the need for the compression schemes and elaborated on one such scheme - the Illinois
Scan Architecture (ILS). We described the need for effective configuration of ILS and gave
overview of the existing methods.
In Chapter 3, we proposed a novel circuit topology based framework to effectively config-
ure the ILS and presented 3 low cost heuristics based on it. The framework uses a fan-in/out
cone relation matrix (FCM ) for flip-flops and generates groups of flip-flops which can be
placed in the same column in the ILS. The experimental results on the ISCAS’89 bench-
mark circuits show that the proposed approach improves the achievable broadcast mode
fault coverage by an average 5% and achieves 15% more reduction in test data volume and
test application time when compared to the existing test-set based effective method.
In Chapter 4, we proposed a new hybrid scan architecture that combines the broadcast

Swapneel B Donglikar Conclusions and Future Work 87

mode of ILS and Random Access Scan architecture to eliminate the serial mode of the
ILS. We described the motivation, configuration method and test generation and application
scheme for the proposed architecture. The experimental results on the ISCAS’89 benchmark
circuits show that the proposed architecture is especially effective for the bigger circuits.
When compared to the effectively configured ILS using our proposed heuristic, for the best
case results, for circuits with more than 1000 flip-flops, we get 27% and 37% more reduction
in the test data volume and test application time respectively for an area overhead of just
The proposed scan chain partitioning framework can be enhanced by considering some
kind of routing measures so that the routing overhead can be minimized. Also, the Fanout
Estimate based heuristic and SCOAP based heuristic can be improved by accounting for the
reconvergent fanout cones. Another important factor for structural testing is limiting the
power dissipation during the test mode. Current methods for this are minimizing the toggle
activity and/or shutting-off some of the chains during the scan-chain shifting process. The
proposed framework can be enhanced to consider these features also.
The proposed Hybrid ILS-RAS architecture has a lot of avenues for improvement, par-
ticularly in the RASB mode configuration method. As discussed in the preceding Chapter
4, to maximize the gains of the hybrid architecture, minimizing the number of RAS-enabled
flip-flops (NRAS ) is crucial. Currently, we use a test-set generated using a single scan chain to
compute this set of RAS-enabled flip-flops. The conventional single scan-chain ATPG treats
all the primary inputs (PIs) and pseudo primary inputs (PPIs) equally. But to reduce NRAS ,
we need an ATPG engine that gives priority to PIs over PPIs and to an already specified
PPI over an unspecified PPI. Another way can be to replace the test-set based approach by
a circuit topology based approach that can consider the existing ILS groups and can come
up with a set of flip-flops which when made RAS-enabled can guarantee no degradation in
the achievable fault coverage.

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