Practice Test 17

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thầy Tuấn ôn thi chuyên và luyện thi đạihọc

I. Find the word that has underlined part pronounced differently
1. A event B. absent C. recent D. decent
2. A. begged B. diseased C. increased D. lightened
3. A. helped B. borrowed C. dismissed D. booked
4. A. the B. thus C. mother D. thumb
II. Find the word that stress pattern different
1. A. familiar (10) B. impatient (10) C. uncertain (cach phat am) D. arrogant (17)
2. A. forgettable (16+2)) B. philosophy (11) C. humanism (11) D. objectively (16)
3. A. disappear (15+2) B. arrangement (16+2) C. opponent (17) D. contractual (10)
4. A. respectable (16+2) B. affectionate (11) C. occasional (10) D. kindergarten (4)
5. A. environmental(cach phat am) B. conservatively (16)C. approximately (11) D. considerable (11)
III. Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be
1. Ancient people made a clay pottery because they needed it for their survival. (liquid, food, material, abstract-
love, belief, luggage, garbage, news,
2. Full time jobs for men are declining, while more women are finding part-time or full-time work.
The result is declining social status for men so they lose their role as the sole finance provider.
                                                         C D
3. In just three months H.G. Wells wrote the famous classic The Time Machine for what
he won a Newberry Caldecot award.
4. Students suppose to read all the questions carefully and find out the answers to them.
5. Food prices have raised so rapidly in the past few months that some families have been
forced to alter their eating habits.
Rise(trans; noi dong tu – khong bao gio theo sau boi tan ngu) vs raise (intr-ngoai dong tu luon theo sau boi mot
tann gu)
Raise me up
Rise as a star
Go to school
Choose the best option A, B, C/or D for each gap to complete the following sentences.
1. It is necessary that the bridge ...... before the rainy season. (subjunctive)
A. were completed B. was completed completed D. would be completed
2. The results of his investigations are......a large extent accepted to this day.
A. in B. by C. for D. to
3. If people go on destroying ecological structure, they will have to...... heavily for their own deeds …
A. compensate-after a long run B. suffer- in a long run
C. pay – in the long run D. make up- for the long run
4. Today we are no longer doing farming ...... our forefathers did a century ago.
A. by the way B. the way C. in such way D. in many ways
5. I couldn’t understand the book review, and.......
A. neither could Sue B. Sue couldn’t, too C. Sue couldn’t neitherD. Sue couldn’t also
6. The building......mostly undamaged after the earthquake, and only minor repairs were necessary.
A. recovered B. consisted C. lasted D. remained (linking verb; + adj)
7. If they don’t stop hunting we shall take...... against them.
thầy Tuấn ôn thi chuyên và luyện thi đạihọc
A. process B. punishment C. approaches D. measures (take measures=take
8.He ... a good living out of selling used books.
A. earns B. keeps C. gains D. makes
9. The American ...... consumption of cocaine has virtually...... drug trade.
A. great - attributed to B. massive - contributed to
C. large - given a hand in D. huge - been resulted in
10. Larry was his novel that he forgot all about his dinner cooking in the oven.
A. absorbedz B. attracted C. drawn D. obliged
11.If I...... in America last year, I...... for Wright Junior College.
A. lived - would be playing B. had lived - had played
C. had been living - would have been playing D.would have been living- had been, playing
12. To retain water, succulents have waxy coatings on their skin and a modified system of respiration.
A. nutrition B. breathing C. growing D. coloration
13. The calculations of ball possession are ......complicated that they......without a computer. - cannot be done B. such - can do
C. too - cannot do D. much - can be done
14.In the domain of technology, robots will have replaced people in factories.
A. area B. territory C. boundary D. range
15. Don’t be silly! That…….be Madonna!
A. mustn’t B. shouldn’t C. wont D. cant
16. determination can often ……..a lack of experience.
A. make for B. make up for C. make out D. make out at
17. We have come to a critical moment. You must take immediate........
A. action B. measurement C activity D. act
18. He succeeded in getting back without......the curiosity of the police.
A. rousing B. satisfying ' C. affecting D. displaying
19. This......village is so out of the way that...... only once a week.
A. shabby - the posts come B. obscure – the post comes
C. deserting - mails come D. remote - mail comes
20. The-sick man’s condition is grave, but with careful nursing he will still have a chance to.......
A. pull through B. pull on C. pull off D. pull up
21. The Society is......for half million pounds in aid of the flood victims.
A. demanding B. running C. appealing D. speaking
22. If we go on consuming energy so wastefully……..of our oil wells will be dried up before new energy
resources can replace oil.
A. chances - found B. opportunities – detected
C. questions - discovered D. problems - exploited
23. The overcrowded living conditions......a heavy strain on the family.
A. set B. put C. made D. pressed
24. Nothing that I can see in the ...... of that animal...... what you have described.
A. painting - compares B. photo – relates
C. picture – resembles D. image- consists
25. Legend has it that when a she-wolf loses her litter, she seeks a human child to take its place.
A. heiress B. master C. offspring D. heir
26. We had to leave quietly ...... not to disturb other people ...... newspapers in the reading room.
A. so that - to read B. so - from reading C. so as - reading D. therefore - who read
27. John found it hard to answer...... question in the reading passage.
A. so complicated B. such a complicated
C. such complicated D. much complicated
28. It was in the year 1925......John Biard found a way to send pictures ....:.wireless.
A. when-to B. that -by C. in which - through D. which-from
29. People cannot close their eyes......the facts.......
A. before - much longer B. to - any longer C. with- much more D. after- for so long
30. Kangaroos, which are indigenous to Australia,
A. first B. territorial C. native D. beginning
thầy Tuấn ôn thi chuyên và luyện thi đạihọc
31. when I met him yesterday.
A. called on B. asked after C. approved of D. inquired for
32. It is a matter of......that men should open the doors for ladies.
A. fame B. desire C. convention D. competition
33. Children living in old, dilapidated houses are often in bad health.
A. Poorly painted B. Unpainted C. Fallen down D. Broken down
34. In virtually every restaurant it is unacceptable to indiscriminately throw your food on the floor.
A. randomly B. angrily C. noisily D. destructively
35. This book …….many different subjects.
A. investigates B. comments C. embraces D. disputes
36. I ……….not get away any sooner although I had planned to leave earlier.
A. should B. would C. could D. might. such a rude way.
A. should pandas treat C. have pandas been treated
B. are pandas treating D. have pandas treated
38. Every means to protect wildlife from commercial trade......but without.......
A. have been tried - no result B. has been tried - much result
C. is tried - many results D. are tried - any result
39.....most of the players felt exhausted after the match.
A. 0The day being hot B. It is hot C. it was hot D. The day was hot
40…….. the demand that we had to import......of modern sports equipment from Japan.
A. Such - a great deal B. Such great - a large number
C. So great - a good many D. So much - a great many
42. Frankly, I'd rather you _______ anything about it for the time being.
A. don't do B. hadn't done C. didn't do D. haven't done
43. Since they aren't answering their telephone, they _____
A. must have left B. should have left C. need have left D. can have left
44. He can not ________ ignorance as his excuse; he should have known what was happening in his own
A. insist B. plead C. refer D. defend
45. I was angry when you saw me because I ______ with my sister.
A. have been arguing B. had been arguing C. argued D. would argue
46. Luckily, I _______ a new pair of sunglasses as I found mine at the bottom of a bag.
A. needn't have bought B. needed not to buy C. didn't need to by D. hadn't to buy
47. The book would have been perfect ________ the ending.
A. had it not been for B. it had not been for C. it hadn't been for D . hadn't it been for.
48. I'm __________ my brother is.
A. nowhere like so ambitious B. nothing near as ambitious as
C. nothing as ambitious than D. nowhere near as ambitious as
49. _________ I'd like to help you out, I'm afraid I just haven't got any spare money at the moment.
A. Even B. Despite C. Much as D. Try as
50. Hardly ________ of the paintings at the gallery were for sale
A. none B. few C. some D. any
51. Mr. Nixon refused to answer the questions on the ________ that the matter was confidential.
A. reasons B. excuses C. grounds D. foundation
52. William is an authority _______ medieval tapestries.
A. on B. with C. about D. in
53. They attempted to __________ the painting to its original condition.
A. restore B. renovate C. repair D. refurbish
54. Jane's very modest, always ________ her success.
A. playing down B. turning around C. keeping down D. pushing back
55. I feel _________ to inform the committee that a number of members are very unhappy with the decision.
thầy Tuấn ôn thi chuyên và luyện thi đạihọc
A. my duty B. it my duty C. this my duty D. that my duty
56. I'm sure when you've stopped looking for your keys, they'll _____ up somewhere.
A. take B. look C. turn D. pull
57. It's very easy to _______ over when the snow is hard.
A. slide B. skid C. skate D. slip
58. All things_________, he is the best president we are likely to get.
A. considered B. thought C. taken D. added
59. Check the bottles carefully to make sure they have not been _______
A. broken into B. taken out C. touched up D. tampered with
60 Harry:" _______" Kate: "Yes. I'd like to buy a computer."
A. Do you look for something? B. Good morning. Can I help you?
C. Excuse me. Do you want to buy it? D. Can you help me buy something?
V. Complete the passage
1 Medical science has made enormous advances in the twentieth century. Most of the great “killer”
diseases have been (1)_, and almost every day a new drug appears on the market. But the medical profession is
(2) _a crisis of confidence. Surveys (3)_that less than 40% of people really trust their family doctor. People are
(4) ________ away from conventional medicine to look for alternative (5)_of treatment. The main reason for
this is that conventional medicine has (6) ______ to satisfy the needs of the (7) __of people. In spite of the
apparent progress made by medical science, we are actually less (8)_than our parents or grandparents.
Medical students are taught that diseases are (9) _by germs, viruses anjd toxins. Therefore treatment must (10)
__on attacking these things. The mind and the emotions are not thought to play any (11)_ in the disease
process. But people who practise “natural” medicine (12) ___ with this principle, and try to treat the whole
person. They believe that personality and lifestyle are important when considering a patient’s (13)__ health.
Some conventional doctors are beginning to (14) __ that there is a lot of truth in these ideas, and believe that
natural medicine can be a valuable aid. Others (15) _____ regard it as a dangerous threat to their profession.
1. A. defeated B. won C. erased D. broken
2. A. bearing B. holding C. experiencing D. living
3. A. lead B. indicate C. describe D. point
4. A. growing B. taking C. coming D. turning
5. A. ways B. makes C. forms D. fashions
6. A. failed B. stopped C.lost D. missed
7. A. lot B. majority C. most D.largest
8. A. healthy B. nutritious C. fine D. wholesome
9. A. brought B. made C. caused D. involved
10. A. aim B. function C. try D. concentrate
11. A. game B. part C. piece D. action
12. A. reject B. dislike C. object D„ disagree
13. A. normal B. typical C. general D. common
14. A. know B. observe C. view D. recognise
15. A. still B. yet C. but D.even
2 However objective we believe ourselves to be, most of us do not judge a product solely on its merits,
considering quality, value and style before making a decision. 1___, we are easily influenced by the people
around us. There is nothing' 2_with this. It is probably a smarter way to make decisions than 3_on only our
own opinions. But it does make life hard for companies. They have 4_understood that groups of friends and
relatives tend to buy the same products, but understanding the reasons has been tricky. Is it because they arc so
similar with 5_ to how much money they make and what television ads they watch that they independently 6_at
the same decision? Or do they copy one another, perhaps 7_ envy or perhaps because they have shared
information about the products?
thầy Tuấn ôn thi chuyên và luyện thi đạihọc
Research in Finland recently found overwhelming evidence that neighbours have a big influence on buying
decisions. When one of a person’s ten nearest neighbours bought a car, the 8_that that person would buy a car
of the same brand during the next week and a half 9_by 86 per cent.
The researchers argued that it was not just a 10_of envy. Used cars seemed to attract neighbours even more than
new cars. This suggested that people were not trying to 11 _ neighbours, they were keen to learn from them.
Since used cars are less reliable, a recommendation of one can 12__influence a buying decision.
1 A What’s more B Instead C Unlike D In place
2 A wrong B silly C bad D daft
3 A basing B trusting C supposing D relying
4 A ever B far C much D long
5 A connection B regard C relation D concern
6 A reach B come C arrive D get
7 A for B as to C out of D about
8 A chances B potential C possibilities D forecast
9 A boosted B rose C enlarged D lifted
10 A thing B point C matter D fact
11 A keep B stay C hold D follow
12 A fiercely B strongly C firmly D intensely
VI. Read the passage carefully and complete it with ONE suitable word
According to an old (1)_, in the early seventeenth century a Peruvian Indian was cured of a terrible fever
(2)_eating the bark of the cinchona tree. Quinine, the drug (3)_can be extracted from cinchona bark, was
(4)_widely used as medicine until 1816.
Quinine has proved invaluable to modern medicine. It is used in (5) _ treatment of malaria, a (6) _ transmitted
by the anopheles mosquito and common in the tropical (7) __ of the world.Quinine preparations are also used to
help cure typhoid fever, rheumatic fever, and (8)_sicknesses.
The cinchona tree belongs to the evergreen family and, unlike most evergreens, (9)____ very fragrant flowers.
Cinchonas are native to South America, but are now (10) ______ in such other places as India, Sri Lanka, and
(11) _cinchona trees do not reach full size for about eight years, the bark can be taken (12)__three-year-old
trees. First the young trees are cut down. (13) ___ the bark is carefully stripped off, dried, and packed. It is sent
to a factory (14)_it is ground into a brown powder. (15)_this powder, the quinine is extracted.
Learning to play an instrument is something that can give a lot of pleasure. It’s also an achievement and a skill
13___stays with you for life. Music has a part to play in everyone’s life, and has een described 14_a ‘primary
Learning to play an instrument isn’t easy at the beginning 15_ determination. And while there’s nothing wrong
with aiming 16_ 17_something to take up because you think you ought 18_
A lot of adults regret not 19_learnt to play an instrument when they were younger. But it is never 20__late to
learn! And the advantages of learning an instrument are far greater than just the pleasure of producing a
marvellous sound. When you’ve progressed far 21_, there are lots of amateur groups which you can join 22_
_you want to be part of a larger group. Once you’ve reached a good enough standard to join a band or
orchestra, you add the team skills like 23_ you get from playing sport. There’s also a great social side to
playing' with others, as 24_ the chance to travel through touring.
VII. Give the correct form of the word
When Frank and Vera Jackson met a friendly couple on holiday in Spain also called
Frank and Vera (but with a different surname: Bentley), at first they must have
laughed at the 1_____ But when they got into 2__with their namesakes, they made 1 COINCIDE
thầy Tuấn ôn thi chuyên và luyện thi đạihọc
some surprising 3_and realized that they had much more in common. 2 CONVERSE
The two couples, both in their 4_and from the UK, had booked their trips to 3 DISCOVER
Barcelona at the same time. This was not so 5____ However, both couples had had 4 SEVENTY
their 6_at 3 p.m. on july 26th, 1951. Both couples each had two daughters, with dates 5 LIKELY
of 7_in 1952 and 1956, and six grandchildren. Mr Jackson worked in the car industry 6 WED
in Oxford; Mr Bentley did 8__the same job but in Dagenham. Their wives, who had 7 BORN
both worked for the same bank, had both lost their 9___rings and were wearing 8 EXACT
identical gold watches. 9 ENGAGE
Tm sure people everywhere lead identical lives,’ said Mr Jackson, ‘but to meet our 10 BELIEVE
doubles was 10__’
1. The company has decided to withdraw from some ............ of its . ( sponsor)
2. Over 30000 ...... will run in the New York marathon . ( compete)
3. The play group provides plenty of .... for the children (stimulate )
4. The negotiation was attended by .. of several states ( represent )
5. The scheme aims to encourage increased ....... in sporting activities ( participate)
6. The survey was based on direct ..... of over 500 schools ( observe )
7. I felt extremely ....when we lost ( appoint)
8. She finds writing poetry deeply .........( satisfy )
9. The teacher's comment are designed to help improve your ..... ( know and understand )
10. The.... of further job losses come at a bad time ( announce)
VIII. Fill in correct prepositions in each gap
1. He stuck.............his story which did not change after many repetitions.
2. The baby soon as he was back.............his mother’s lap.
3. He took the blind man.............the arm and led him.............the street.
4. If you are ■............doubt............the route, have another look the map.
5. He no longer seems to as he once did.
6. She was.............the point.............saying something, but, changing her mind, remained silent.
7. The car was going.............full speed.
8. Standing there, facing the big hall packed.............people, he felt;............a loss and for a moment did not
know how to start his speech.
9..............only a couple.............months in the country she got.............the language difficulty.
10. His main interest lies............. research, not.............managerial work.
IX. Complete phrasal verbs
1. The chemicals give_toxic fumes, so be extremely careful when using them.
2. The teacher reluctantly gave_to the students’ request to change the date of the exam.
3. The athlete has decided to give_amateur competition and become a professional.
4. The man was forced to give himself_to the police.
5. She unintentionally gave_the secret of the surprise party.
6. Haven’t you given_your application form yet?
7. Eventually their savings gave_and they were forced to apply to the state for assistance.
8. I can’t guess the answer. I give_!
9. On the news last night it was given_that the Prime Minister had resigned.
10. They have hyped this car_to such an extent that it should be the biggest seller of the year.
X. Think of one word only which can match with three answers
Most holiday makers come to this part of the world to _ in the scenery and soothing sounds of the jungle
I Know it’s Dave’s fourth whisky, but I can assure you he can hold his _
May I have a soft_, please? I’m driving today
To ensure that you don’t lose your life, I recommend making a back-up _ of your documents just in case.
thầy Tuấn ôn thi chuyên và luyện thi đạihọc
Small children are extremely malleable and quickly _ behavior they see on TV
During the exam he couldn’t _ from other student’s papers as each had a separate table.
A special unit was to be brought in as the man was armed to the _
You must be joking saying you believe Elizabeth. She was lying to us through her _
Decay has set in because she hasn’t taken enough care of her _ over.
Soon after Lucy felt a _ pain in her chest, she got scared and called in on her GP
Entering this part of the town one instantly sees the _ contrast that exists between the poor and rich
His face covered in small cuts was a sign that his razor was not _ enough.
Before we _ on to the next item on the agenda, is there anything you need me to explain in further detail?
It’s a hold up. Don’t _ a muscle and stay where you are.
Would you be so kind as to _ your heavy suitcase? It’s standing in my way.
X. Writing
Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed
before it
a) Their dog was so fierce that nobody would visit them.
They had .......................................................................................................
b) That dress has only the slightest mark on it.
I can barely ..................................................................................................
c) He insisted on a full apology.
Nothing but ..................................................................................
d) He remembered, and so did she.
He didn't ..................................................................................................
e) My decision to get up and dance coincided with the band's decision to stop playing.
The moment ..................................................................................................
f) The doctor advised me to rest.
The doctor suggested .....................................................................................
g) They had to wait for twelve hours before their flight left.
Only after a ...................................................................................................
h) Their teacher is making them study hard
They are ........................................................................................................
i) They were just as good as we had expected.
They certainly lived.......................................................................................
j) Even though 1 admire his courage, I think he is foolish.
Much ..................................................................................................
For each of the sentences below, write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the original
sentence, but using the words given in block letters. The words must not be altered in any way.
a) How do you explain the difference between the two witnesses stories. (ACCOUNT)

b) He is certainly not stupid (MEANS)

c) "You don t appreciate me", she complained (GRANTED)

d) After the death of the giant they lived in peace. (ONCE)

e) The man in that painting bears a strong resemblance to my uncle. (REMINDS)

thầy Tuấn ôn thi chuyên và luyện thi đạihọc
f) Someone has stolen her bicycle. (HAD)

g) People knew they were spies. (KNOWN)

h) 1 found it when I was looking through some old papers. (CAME)

i) We didn't go in case we were rccognised. (PEAR)

j) After two hours the bridegroom still hadn't appeared. (SIGN)

Fill in suitable words or phrases

a) Look at the length of your hair ! It's about time you
b) I wouldn't have hit the other car if I....................... I was going.
c) He works, or................................................a year or so ago, for a, computer company,
d) I object most strongly........................................................................... dirty jobs like that
e) They were waving their arms about a lot, so they........................................... an argument, I suppose, but I
couldn't sec very well from so far away
f) Little.............................................................that we've organised a surprise party for her.
g) Under no circumstances...................................................................anyone about the plans until they have
been announced officially. An that's an order.
h) " the bank today ?" “Oh, no. But there's still time. They don't close until
half past three'
i) Had..............................................................for the fact that my wife was in the show, I would have walked out
halfway through.
j) By next year my the same house for forty years.
k) When she was younger, Jane s parents objected to........................................late at night.
1) Her father...........................................90 years old this week if he had lived.
m) I can't stand the way he' what to do!
n) the concert with us last night. You would have enjoyed
o) “ much to go sailing again for ages". "Well, why didn't
you say so ? We'll go tomorrow".
p) You are.......................................................on organising such a successful sales conference.
q) He's thought............................................... 1990, but he's never told anyone exactly how old he is.
XI. Reading
You are going to read an article about martial arts. Seven sentences have been removed from the article.
Choose from the sentences A-H the one which fits each gap (1-6). There is one extra sentence which you do
not need to use.
Learn an effective fighting and self-defence system
Tony Chang is a martial artist who has served a long apprenticeship in both the internal and external arts.
He is respected worldwide as a martial arts instructor in kenpo, t’ai chi ch’uan and chi kung and runs several of
his own clubs in Manchester. He also has several training videos and DVDs to his credit. In fact, he was one of
the pioneers of teaching the Martial Arts Techniques series on the worldwide web. 1_
Tony is now in the process of producing what he considers to be the ‘ultimate street survival’ DVD, combining
fighting and self-defence with energy (chi) development and enhancement. A few years ago, he was inducted
into the Martial Arts Hall of Fame for integrating his internal martial arts knowledge with the fast-paced
external striking style that kenpo is noted for, and developing kenpo taiji. 2___
It is not based purely on physical strength. 3__As Tony explains, 'It is 50 per cent physical and 50 per cent in
the mind. It is a scientific fact that we have three brains inside our head. As well as the intellectual brain which
thầy Tuấn ôn thi chuyên và luyện thi đạihọc
forms 90 per cent of our overall brain, five per cent is the artistic brain which is responsible for subconscious
body movement and five per cent constitutes the reptilian brain, which is purely reflex. This is the same brain
as that of all reptiles, such as snakes and crocodiles - this is our survival brain.’
4___That is because they use the logical, intellectual brain to teach logical pre-arranged techniques. However,
fighting is totally illogical and we cannot apply logic to an illogical situation, so our response to an attack must
be reflex. Students achieve this in kenpo taiji by learning how to access their reptilian brain. Tony says there is
no time to think in a fight situation. 'If you stop to think, you’ll get hit,’ he explains.
Tony is running beginners’ classes in kenpo taiji. 5_These include how to adopt certain body postures which
encourage energy to flow from an energy storage centre known as the dan tien up to the brain stem. Students
are then in reptile brain mode, ready to defend themselves against any attacker. And they learn training methods
designed by the ancient Chinese masters to programme this part of the brain subconsciously with correct
fighting principles.
In addition to using the subconscious brain, kenpo taiji also applies the principle of dim mak, or pressure point
fighting. Perfect health is dependent on a healthy flow of chi through the body’s meridians and students learn to
disrupt the flow of chi by striking dim mak (acupuncture) points along these meridians. 6__This is because they
are using energy disruption rather than purely physical strength.
As well as being an effective fighting and self-defence system, kenpo taiji teaches students to develop and
intensify the flow of their own internal energy (chi) by training in chi kung and traditional t'ai chi ch’uan,
enabling them to achieve perfect health.
7___And in addition to that, during the classes some of the greatest martial arts secrets are revealed by Tony.
A By doing this, they are able to respond to an attack with relative ease.
B If that were the case, the stronger, bigger person would always win.
C As a result of such experiences, more and more people are taking it up.
D This is one of the most formidable street survival, fighting and self-defence systems ever invented.
E Students attending these are taught several training methods.
F If you take it up, you will learn how to get into this condition and you will be able to defend yourself
whatever your size, age or gender.
G Many others have now followed his lead.
H Most martial arts are not street effective.
You are going to read a magazine article about the best way to see certain artistic masterpieces in various
buildings. For questions 7-21, choose from the buildings (A buildings may be chosen more than once.
7 Of which building are the following stated?
8 Different categories of visitor are anxious to view the masterpiece.
9 Some people have the wrong idea about when the building is open.
10 You may have some difficulty making your arrangements for your visit.
11 There are plenty of excellent works of art in the building that do not attract many viewers.
12 On your return journey through the building, you can look at works of art you missed earlier.
13 People who work there make a big claim about the masterpiece.
14 You will be able to get to the masterpiece before other visitors, because they will stop to view other works of
15 Holidaymakers do not normally visit the building but it is an excejlent place.
16 There is another work of art in the building apart from the masterpiece that is equally worth seeing.
17 A rule prevents people from viewing the masterpiece for too long.
18 The masterpiece has not always received the praise it currently receives.
19 It is possible that visitor numbers to the museum will increase.
20 Make sure you remain in front of the crowds of people as you go through the building.
21 There is a period when most visitors have left the building.
22 One suggestion for visiting the building is not as unrealistic as it may appear.
The queue-buster’s guide to the worlds greatest masterpieces
thầy Tuấn ôn thi chuyên và luyện thi đạihọc
Early openings, private viewings -here's everything you need for a magic moment with the world's most famous
A The Birth of Venus Uffizi, Florence, Italy The Florentine master Sandro Botticelli created one of the most
graceful and joyful images of the modern age, and the single most popular painting in the Uffizi. To see it at its
best, you need to pre-book a ticket for timed entry at 8.15 a.m., courtesy of the Firenze Musei booking service;
don’t be put off if you can't get through 011 the phone first time. Once inside, head straight for the suite of
rooms 10-14, where the Botticellis are displayed. Then take in the other highlights of the collection -the Da
Vincis in room 15, the Raphaels in room 26, and the. Caravaggios in room 43 - staying ahead of the hordes as
you go. If there are any gaps you want to fill in, work backwards towards the entrance: by now, the crowds will
be unavoidable, but you'll have already had the masters to yourself.
B The Death Mask of Tutankhamun Egyptian Museum, Cairo, Egypt It is, of course, impossible for one object
to embody the vigour and sophistication of ancient Egypt's culture. But the funerary mask of the boy-king
Tutankhamun comes close. Eleven kilos of solid gold, inlaid with lapis lazuli, glass paste and semi-precious
stones, it's the undisputed star of the Egyptian Museum - which, given the array of mummies, colossi, thrones
and jewellery 011 show here, gives you an idea of its charisma. Whatever the season, there are people
clamouring to see it: hefty groups from the cruise liners and Red Sea resorts in the summer and a steady stream
of culture-vultures on Nile tours in the cooler months. At least the museum's policy of not allowing guides to
talk in front of its display case, in room 3 up on the first Iloor, means that the flow of visitors doesn’t get too
congested. But if you want some proper quiet, you need to come at lunchtime. There are fewer independent
travellers about, and it's changeover time for the tour parties too. The quietest time is between 11.30 a.m. and 2
p.m. on midweek days in July and August, when the bus tours take all the tourists away for their lunches.
C The Sistine Ceiling Vatican Museums, Rome, Italy The really smart way to see Michelangelo's masterwork is
on a private tour. At first sight, this looks prohibitively expensive. But form a group of like-minded friends, and
suddenly you have the experience of an art-loving lifetime for the price of dinner for two in a posh restaurant. If
that's not an option, then you’ve got to be first in, which means arriving at the vast Vatican Museums complex
at least an hour before the doors open, armed with a good map (most Rome guidebooks have them) and a pair
of binoculars. Once you're inside, hurry to the chapel - it's at the far end of the complex, and most people will
be distracted by some of the other world-class exhibits. The binoculars, by the way, are essential.
Michelangelo's forms hover some 20m overhead.
D Girl With A Pearl Earring Mauritsluiis, The Hague, The Netherlands Vermeer's delicate, deeply ambiguous
portrait is one of the most finely observed in all western art. its home, the Mauristshuis, is some way off the
tourist map - even though it's one of the best small museums in Europe - but Dutch school kids make the
pilgrimage in droves. A Monday in summer is your best bet for a private view - it’s closed that day in winter,
and locals assume it's a year-round (.lay off.
E The Kiss Belvedere, Vienna, Austria Vienna may now be second only to Paris as art-history capital of
Europe, but city-breakers have yet to realize this fact, and many of its wonderful exhibits are mercifully
uncrowded. Klimt's ravishing Kiss, beloved of student bedrooms, does draw a devoted following, though. Go in
the early morning, or on Thursday evening, to be sure of the best viewing conditions. While you're there, don't
miss Klimt's other great painting, his 1907 portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer. It’s as dazzling and sensual in effect
as The Kiss.
F Les Demoiselles d'Avignon Museum of Modern Art, New York, US Picasso's confrontational and
revolutionary painting was by no means considered a masterpiece when he showed it to his friends in 1907.
Matisse laughed out loud when he first saw it. Others were stunned into embarrassed silence. There’s no
doubting its value now: the Museum of Modern Art's curators call it 'perhaps the single most inlluential work in
the history of modern art'. Few would argue. Your best strategy for a crowd-free view is to join a private group
before the doors open. If you don’t want to do that, book a timcd-entry ticket for 10.30 a.m. Gallery 2, on the
fourth Iloor, is your goal.
Match the suitable answer (A-D) with each questions
thầy Tuấn ôn thi chuyên và luyện thi đạihọc
The hydrologic cycle is the process of evaporation and condensation in which rain is recycled until it
returns to the Earth's surface in the form of precipitation. It is one of the most important cycles on the
globe as it ensures a constant water supply; however, in some areas of the world, the process is
interrupted, which results in the rain shadow effect.
A rain shadow is created when the hydrologic cycle is interrupted by mountains. To understand why the
rain shadow effect occurs, it is important to first examine how the hydrologic cycle functions. First,
water on the surface of the Earth evaporates, which is when water droplets vaporize, or turn from
liquid to gas form; When evaporation occurs, the moist air rises. Near mountain ranges, as the air travels
upward, it is affected by the coo! temperatures of the high elevation. The air is blown toward the
mountains by wind and as it cools, it begins to condense. That means the water vapor is turned into water.

However, the mountain physically obstructs the: rain clouds that carry the water. Before it can
reach the other side of the mountain, the water usually falls as rain or snow on the mountain;
meanwhile, the leeward side of the mountain receives little to no rain. This area is called the rain
1. Which of the following best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in
paragraph 1? Incorrect answer choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential
(A) The hydrologic cycle recycles the water on the Earth unless it occurs near a mountain, where it cannot
(B) The rain shadow effect reverses the processes of the hydrologic cycle by ensuring constant water
(C) The rain cycle helps provide water for the world except for rain shadow areas, which occur when the
cycle cannot be completed.
(D) The process of recycling water and providing water for the world is endangered by the rain shadow
2.Which of the following best expresses the essential information in the highlighted : sentence in
paragraph 2? Incorrect answer choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential
(A) Evaporation, the first step in the hydrologic cycle, is when water droplets turn into a gas in the form
of water vapor.
(B) If water cannot evaporate on the Earth’s surface, it cannot turn into water vapor later.
(C) When water evaporates, it causes the rain cycle to begin once again by turning water to gas.
(D) Evaporation is the process in which water vapor turns into precipitation in the form of rain or snow.
3. Which of the following best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in
paragraph 3? Incorrect answer choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential
(A) The side of the mountain facing away from the prevailing wind usually receives the most rain because
it cannot travel to the other side.
(B) The leeward side of the mountain receives the remainder of the rain that moves over the mountain.
(C) One side of the mountain can only get water from rain that trickles down from the top of the
(D) The mountain obstructs the passing of the precipitation, causing the leeward side to remain dry.
The Internet has opened doors for many new and different types of businesses. One type of Internet
commerce that has gained popularity in recent years is the online auction. The business model for this
type of enterprise is one that allows users to bid on and purchase items over the Internet. The most
popular of this business type does not actually place company-owned products up for bid. A website
simply provides a marketplace for users to sell and buy products. The online auction business type has
been proven extremely successful for many reasons, but the model has its limitations and
There are several benefits to the online auction business model. First, since it operates on the Internet,
there are no time or geographic constraints. This means that commerce can occur at any time of day from
any part of the world. In turn, the constant activity translates to more profits for the business. Second, the
company benefits from the nature of online bidding, which involves the aspect of “winning” an auction.
For many people, online auctions are much like gambling, and the prospect of winning an auction is
thầy Tuấn ôn thi chuyên và luyện thi đạihọc
enough to keep them coming back; therefore, online auction sites can enjoy a high level of
consumer loyalty.
Despite the success of some online auction websites, the business model also has disadvantages. First, the
anonymity offered to patrons of the sites often promotes the sale of stolen or counterfeit goods. With an
increased awareness of the frequency of stolen goods being sold in online auctions, consumers feel
less confident about bidding on products online. Second, because consumers pay for goods online, the
issue of online security is important. If a company cannot ensure that personal information such as credit
card numbers are protected, customers are wary of using the service.
1. Which of the following best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in
paragraph 1? Incorrect answer choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential
(A) An online auction business model is severely hindered by its limitations, which is why it hasn’t been
used often.
(B) The advantages of the online auction business model outweigh its disadvantages, as can be seen by its
(C) The success of the online auction business model depends on the management of Its limitations.
(D) The online auction business model has both advantages and disadvantages.
2.| Which of the following best expresses the ' essential information in the highlighted J sentence in
paragraph 2? Incorrect answer choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential
(A) Online auction sites are able to draw people in by making them feel as if every purchase is a gamble.
'(B) People who enjoy gambling typically enjoy online auction sites because they like to try to win.
(C) Online auction sites can create a strong customer base because the nature of the site makes people
want to use the service again.
(D) High consumer loyalty is achieved when the customer is made to feel like their purchase is risk-free.
3. Which of the following best expresses the essential Information in the highlighted sentence in
paragraph 3? Incorrect answer choices change the meaning in Important ways or leave out essential
(A) Online auctions are at a disadvantage because criminal activity makes customers less likely to buy
goods online.
(B) The increased public awareness about the sale of stolen products on Internet auctions makes people
less willing to participate in online auctions.
(C) Consumers try to make sure that the product they have bid on is not stolen before they make a
(D) Informed consumers will not want to bid on products if they suspect that

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