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Andhra Pradesh Treasury Code Volume – II – Bill Forms for drawal of moneys from
the Treasury – Further orders – Issued.

G.O.Ms.No. 75 , Dated:03-04-2014
Read the following:-

G.O.Ms.No.87, Finance (TFR) Department, dt:31-01-2002.
U.O.Note No.30987-A/612/TFR.I/2004, dt:10-12-2004.
Cir.Memo No.3250/487/A1/TFR.1/2008, dt:13-03-2009.
Lr.No.M1(2)/10670/2013, dt:21/12/2013 of the DTA., A.P., Hyderabad.
O R D E R :-
Orders have been issued in the references 1st to 3rd read above, indicating the
Bill Forms for drawal of moneys from the Treasury.

2. The Director of Treasuries & Accounts, A.P., Hyderabad in the reference 4 th

read above, has informed that the District Treasury, Hyderabad (U) is authorized to
admit and audit the claims meant for adjustment to P.D. Account, whereas in the
BROs of those claims the procedure for drawl of claims is being mentioned as fully
vouchered bill and the bill form is noted as Grant-in-Aid Bill i.e., APTC form 102.
APTC Form 58 is prescribed for fully vouched Contingent Bill and such bill is not
preferred for adjustment to the P.D. Account. Therefore she has requested the
Government to arrange specific mention of adjustment to the P.D. Account and the
Bill Form to be used in the BRO’s.

3. Government after careful examination of the proposal in the reference 4 th read

above, Government hereby issue further orders, in continuation of the orders issued
in the references 1st to 3rd read above, as ANNEXED to this order.

4. All the Finance (Expenditure) Sections are requested to indicate the Drawal
procedure, specifically as Annexed to this order, while issuing Budget Release
5. These orders are also available in Andhra Pradesh Government Website and


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All the Secretariat Departments.
All the Heads of Departments.
The Principal Secretary to Governor of Andhra Pradesh.
All Special Chief Secretaries/Principal Secretaries/Secretaries to Government.
All the District Collectors and District Magistrates
The Secretary, A.P. Public Service Commissioner, A.P. Hyderabad.
The Registrar General of A.P. High Court, Hyderabad.
The Registrar of A.P. Administrative Tribunal, Hyderabad.
The Director of Treasuries and Accounts, A.P. Hyderabad.
The Director of Works Accounts, A.P. Hyderabad.
The Pay & Accounts Officer, Hyderabad.
The Principal Accountant General (A&E) A.P. Hyderabad.
The Principal Accountant General (Audit) A.P.Hyderabad.
All the District Treasury Officers in the State.
All the Chief Executive Officers, Zilla Parishad in the State.
All District Panchayat Officers.
All the District Educational Officers.
All the Recognised Service Employees Associations.
All the Recognised Pensioners Associations.
All Secretaries of Zilla Grandhalaya Samsthas through DPL., A.P., Hyd.
All the Commissioners/Spl. Officers of the Municipalities/Corporations.
Copy to:
The Director (IT) Finance Department.
All the Officers in Finance Department.
All Sections in Finance Department.
Budget Computer Section.


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A N N E X U R E to G.O.Ms.No. 75 Finance (TFR) Dept., dt:03-04-2014.

List of Object heads APTC Drawal

Bill Form Procedure

010 Salaries
011 Pay
012 Allowances Direct Credit
to the Bank
013 Dearness Allowance APTC - 47 (Salary Bill Form)
A/c of
014 Sumptuary Allowance Employee
015 Interim Relief
016 House Rent Allowance
APTC - 47/58 (Salary Bill
Form/Fully Vouched Contingent
017 Medical Reimbursement Bill)
Direct Credit
to the Bank
A/c. of
018 Encashment of Earned Leave APTC - 47 (Salary Bill Form) Employee
019 Leave Travel Concession APTC - 52 (T.A. Bill Form)
Voucher Bill -
APTC - 58 (Fully Vouched Credit to the
Contingent Bill form) Account of
020 Wages DDO
030 Overtime Allowance
040 Pensionary Charges
Direct Credit
to the Bank
APTC - 75/76 (Pension Bill A/c. of
041 Pensions form) Employee
042 Gratuities
Credit to the
Account of
050 Rewards payee
110 Domestic Travel Expenses
T.A. Bill form
- Credit to the
Bank Account
111 Travelling Allowance vel Agent
112 Bus Warrants APTC - 52 (T.A. Bill Form)
113 T.A./D.A. to Non Official Members Direct Credit
114 Fixed Travelling Allowance to the Bank
APTC - 52 (T.A. Bill Form) A/c. of
115 Conveyance Allowance Employee

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T.A. Bill Form
- Credit to the
120 Foreign Travel Expenses
Bank account
121 Foreign Travel Expenses of payee
122 T.A./D.A. to Non Official Members

130 Office Expenses

D.V. Bill -
Credit to the
Bank account
APTC - 58 (Fully Vouched of the Service
131 Service Postage, Telegram and Telephone Charges Contingent Bill form) Provider
132 Other Office Expenses
133 Water and Electricity Charges
134 Hiring of Private Vehicles

APTC - 58 (Fully Vouched

140 Rents, Rates and Taxes Contingent Bill form
150 Royalty
APTC - 58 (Fully Vouched
160 Publications Contingent Bill form
200 Other Administrative Expenses

D.V. Bill -
Credit to the
Bank account
of the
A/c. In case of
State Govt.
Enterprise like
210 Supplies and Materials APTS/APCO
APTC - 58 (Fully Vouched
211 Materials and Supplies Contingent Bill form)

212 Drugs and Medicines

Direct credit to
APTC -58 (Fully Vouched
the Bank A/c
Contingent Bill Form)
220 Arms and Ammunition of the Supplier

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D.V. Bill -
Credit to the
account of the
APTC - 58 (Fully Vouched
A/c. In case of
Contingent Bill form)
State Govt.
Enterprise like
230 Cost of Ration/Diet Charges APTS/APCO
D.V. Bill -
Credit to the
account of the
240 Petrol, Oil and Lubricants Supplier
D.V. Bill -
Credit to the
account of the
A/c. In case of
State Govt.
Enterprise like
250 Clothing, Tentage and Store APTS/APCO
APTC - 58 (Fully Vouched
260 Advertisements, Sales and Publicity Expenses Contingent Bill form)
270 Minor Works
271 Other Expenditure
272 Maintenance
273 Workcharged Establishment
274 HTCC Charges D.V. Bill -
275 Buildings Credit to the
278 Emergency Repairs Account of
280 Professional Services Contractor

281 Pleaders fees

APTC - 58 (Fully Vouched
282 Payments to Home Guards
Contingent Bill form)
283 Payments to Anganwadi Workers
284 Other Payments
300 Other contractual services

310 Grants-in-Aid
APTC - 102 (Grant-in-aid Bill Bill
311 Grants-in-Aid towards Salaries
312 Other Grants-in-Aid

313 Percapita Grants APTC - 102 (Grant-in-aid Bill D.V. Bill -

314 Seignorage Grant Form) Credit to the

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315 E.F.C Grants Account of the
316 Maintenance Grant Contractor
317 APTC - 58/102 (Fully vouched
Exgratia Payments (accidental death/compassionate Contingent Bill/ Grant-in-aid
appointment) Bill form)
318 Obsequies Charges
319 Grants for creation of Capital Assets APTC - 102 (Grant-in-aid Bill
320 Contributions Form)
330 Subsidies
APTC - 103 (Scholarships & Scholarship
340 Scholarships and Stipends Stipends Bill Form) Bill

410 Secret Service Expenditure

420 Lumpsum Provision
430 Suspense
431 Purchases- Dr.
432 Stock- Dr.
433 Miscellaneous P.W. Advances-Dr.
434 Work Shop Suspense-Dr.
450 Interest
460 Share of Taxes/duties
500 Other charges
501 Compensation
502 Transport facility D.V. Bill -
503 Other Expenditure APTC - 58 (Fully Vouched Credit to the
504 Cosmetic Charges Contingent Bill form) Account of the
510 Motor Vehicles Contractor
511 Maintenance of Office Vehicles
512 Purchase of Motor Vehicles
520 Machinery and Equipment
521 Purchases
522 Tools and Plant
523 Deduct-Receipts & Recoveries Towards Maintenance
530 Major Works
531 Other Expenditure
532 Lands
533 Buildings
534 Workcharged Establishment
540 Investments
APTC - 40 (Employees Advance
Loans Bill
550 Loans and advances Bill form)
APTC - 58 (Fully Vouched D.V. Bill -
560 Repayment of Borrowings Contingent Bill form) Credit to the

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600 Other capital expenditure Account of the
610 Depreciation Contractor
620 Reserves
630 Inter Account Transfers
640 Writes Off and Losses
700 Deduct - Recoveries
701 Receipts and Recoveries on Capital Account
702 Receipts and Recoveries due to Tools and Plant APTC - 58 (Fully Vouched D.V. Bill -
Contingent Bill form) Credit to the
703 Suspense Credits Account of the
704 Purchases- Cr. Contractor
705 Stock- Cr.
706 Miscellaneous P.W. Advances-Cr.
707 Work Shop Suspense-Cr.
800 User Charges
801 User Charges - Other Expenditure
802 User Charges - Transport Facility
803 User Charges - Travelling Allowance
804 User Charges - Utility Payments
805 User Charges - Other Office Expenses
User Charges - Advertisements, Sales and Publicity
806 Expenses
807 User Charges - Maintenance
808 User Charges - Other Payments
809 User Charges - Other Grants-in-Aid
810 User Charges - Other Administrative Expenses
811 User Charges - Materials and Supplies
812 User Charges - Petro, Oil and Lubricants
813 User Charges - Scholarships and Stipends
814 User Charges - Purchases

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[G.O.Ms.No. 87 Finance [TFR] Department dt. 31-1-2002 w.e.f. 1-4-2002

[1] Challan Form -APTC Form 10

[2] Employees Advance Bill form — A.P.T.C. Form 40

[a] All Loans and Advance like FA, G.P.F., A.P.EW.F., GIS, FBF, HBA, MCA, MA, CA etc—
APTC FORM 40A shall also be used as Annexure to APTC FORM 40 for GPF

[b] Pay Advance/ TA Advance

[c] Advance for Medial Expenses

[3] Salary bill form-A.P.T.C. Form 47

Drawl of pay and allowances for both Gaz. And Non-Gaz., Encashment of leave, Leave
Salary, Educational concessions.

[4] TA Bill form-A.P.T.C. Form 52

[a] T.A [b] TTA

[c] F.T.A. [d] Conveyance Allowance

[e] Bus Warrants [f] L.T.C.

[5] Abstract contingent bill [A.C.bill] - A.P.T.C. form 57

[a] For drawl of all types of advances by the Government Officers authorized by the
Government with specific sanction for departmental purposes for which detailed bill are
required to be submitted to the AG

[b] Drawls under T.R. 27

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[6] Fully vouched contingent bill form — A.P.T.C. form 58

[a] Over time allowances [b] Tiffin Charges

[c] Medical Reimbursement [d] Ex-gratia/ adhoc payments

[e] Honoraria payments [f] ESI allowance

[g] Wages [h] Office expenses

[I] Professional and Special Services [j] Rents,rates and taxes

[k] Publications [l] Advertising sales and publicity

[m] Hospitality charges [n] Secret services

[o] Materials and Supplies [p] Other charges-legal charges

[q] Diet charges [r] Purchases of all kinds with vouchers

[s] Monthly Honorarium to Village Servants/Anganwadi Workers/Adult Education,

Extension workers etc.

[t] Recoupment of imprest.

A.P.T.C. Form 62

[a] Refund of Revenue

[b] Refund on account of spoiled stamps

[8] Deposit repayment bill form — A.P.T.C. Form 64

[a] Repayment of revenue deposits

[b] Repayment of court deposits -Civil and Criminal

[c] Repayment of earnest money deposits

[d] Repayments of other departmental deposits or Security deposits

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[e] Repayment of user charges deposits

[9] Pension Bill form — A.P.T.C form 75 / 76

[a] First payment of pension

[b] Lifetime arrears

[c] Death relief

[10] Grants-in-aid bill form — A.P.T.C. form 102

[a] Grants-in-aid of all kinds

[b] Social Security - Exgratia payments

[c] Exgratia and Relief to victims of Natural calamities

[d] Legal aid to poor

[e] Discretionary grants made to individuals/institutions

[f] Adjustment of taxes/cess to local bodies such as entertainment tax, profession Tax,
water tax, surcharge on stamp duty, motor vehicles tax, mineral cess etc.

[g] Consolidated pay on 300 contractual services

[11] Scholarships and stipends bill form - A.P.T.C. 103

For drawl of all kinds of scholarships and stipends

[12] Loan Bill form - A.P.T.C. Form 108

For drawl of loans sanctioned by the Government in favour of institutions and private

[13] Stamp discount bill form

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A new bill form was introduced for allowing stamps discount to the stamp vendors.

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