Assignment 1

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Assignment 1

Data :-

Stock Price = S0 = 95

Risk Free Interest Rate = 6%

Strike Price = K = ?

Time = 3 month = 3/12 = 0.25 years Time Diagram

Amount to lend = 96.35

(1) (4) (7) (10)

Div 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8

Solution :-
C(S,K ,T ) - P(S,K ,T ) =S0 - PV(dividends) - K e -r T

S0 = C(S,K ,T ) - P(S,K ,T ) + PV(dividends) + K e -r T

Amount to lend = PV(dividends) + K e -r T

PV(dividends) = 0.8(e 0.083 * 0.06 + e 0.33 * 0.06 + e 0.58 * 0.06 + e 0.83 * 0.06)

PV(dividends) = 0.8 ( e - 0.005 + e -0.02 + e - 0.035 + e - 0.05 )

PV(dividends) = 3.1136

Amount to lend = PV(dividends) + K e -r T

96.35 = 3.1136 + K e - 0.06 * 1

K = ( 96.35 - 3.1136 ) e 0.06
K = 99 Ans

( 1.11 ) You are given:

(i) The price of a stock is 43.00.

(ii) The continuously compounded risk-free interest rate is 5%.

(iii) The stock pays a dividend of 1.00 three months from now.

(iv) A 3-month European call option on the stock with strike 44.00 costs 1.90.

You wish to create this stock synthetically, using a combination of 44-strike options expiring in 3 months
and lending.

Determine the amount of money you should lend.

Stock Price = S = 43 Time Diagram
Risk Free Interest Rate = 5%
Strike Price = K = 44
Time = 3 month = 3/12 = 0.25 years 0
1 2 3
C(K, T) = 1.90 Div (1) (1)
Amount to lend = ?

Solution :-
-r T
C(S,K ,T ) - P(S,K ,T ) =S - PV(dividends) - K e

C ( S, 44, 0.25 ) - P ( 44, 0.25 ) = S - PV(dividends) - 44 e -0.05*0.25

S = C ( 44, 0.25 ) - P ( 44, 0.25 ) + PV(dividends) + 44 e -0.0125

PV (div) = 1(1+5%)-0.25 = 0.9878

PV (div) = e -0.05 * 0.25 = 0.9878
Amount to lend = PV(dividends) + 44 e -0.0125 = e -0.05 * 0.25 + 44 e -0.0125
Amount to lend = 45 e -0.0125 = 44.4410 Ans

Stock Index = 22

Risk Free Interest Rate = 5%

Strike Price = K = 21

Time = 90 days = 3 month = 3/12 = 0.25 years

C(S,K, T) = 1.90

P(S,K, T) = 0.75

Amount to Lend = ?

Solution :- By using Continuous Dividend formula :-

-r T
C(S, K ,T ) - P(S, K ,T ) =S0 e- δT - K e

C ( S, 21, 0.25 ) - P (S, 21, 0.25 ) = S0 e - 0.02 * 0.25 - 21 e - 0.05 * 0.25

S0 = C ( S, 21, 0.25 ) - P (S, 21, 0.25 ) + 21 e - 0.0125 / e - 0.005

S0 = C ( S, 21, 0.25 ) - P (S, 21, 0.25 ) e 0.005 + 21 e - 0.0075

Thus we need amount to lend 21e 0.0075 = 20.84 ANS

Stock Price = S = 40
Rate = r
= 4%
Time = 182/365 =
0.5 years
K = 50
P(S,K,T) = 11.00
Maturity value = 10,000

We will back out the strike price K using put-call parity.
-r T
C(S, K ,T ) - P(S, K ,T ) =S e-δT - K e

C(S,50, 0.5) - P(S, 50 , 0.5) = S e -0.01 * 0.5 - K e -0.04 * 0.5

K e -0.04 * 0.5 = P(40,K, 0.5) - C(40,K, 0.5) - 40 e -0.01 * 0.5
Since we want a maturity value of 10,000 we need the left hand side to be 10,000 e -0.02 so we
multiply the equation by 10,000 / k = 200 thus we need to buy 200 e -0.005 = 199 .0025 shares of
stock ANS

You wish to create a synthetic 182-day Treasury bill with maturity value 10,000. You are given:
(i) The stock price is 40.
(ii) The stock pays continuous dividends proportional to its price at a rate of 2%.
(iii) A 182-day European put option on the stock with strike price K costs 0.80.
(iv) A 182-day European call option on the stock with strike price K costs 5.20.
(v) The continuously compounded risk-free interest rate is 5%.
Determine the number of shares of the stock you should purchase.

Stock Price = S = 40
Risk Free Interest Rate = r = 5%
Time = 182/365 = 0.5 years
C(S,K,T) = 5.20
P(S,K,T) = 0.80

We will back out the strike price K using put-call parity.
-r T
C(S, K ,T ) - P(S, K ,T ) =S e-δT - K e

C(40,K, 0.5) - P(40,K, 0.5) = 40 e -0.02 * 0.5 - K e -0.05 * 0.5

5.20 - 0.8 = 39.602 - K (0.9753)
4.4 + K (0.9753) = 39.602
K = (39.602 - 4.4) / 0.9753 = 36.0935

We multiply by 10,000/K to get a maturity value of 10,000. The number of shares of stock
needed is

(10,000/K) * e - δT = (10,000/36.0935) * e - 0.02 * 0.5 = 274.30

The number of shares of stock needed is = 274.30 Ans

1.16. You are given:

(i) The price of a stock is 100.

(ii) The stock pays discrete dividends of 2 per quarter, with the first dividend 3 months from

(iii) The continuously compounded risk-free interest rate is 4%.

You wish to create a synthetic 182-day Treasury bill with maturity value 10,000 using a
combination of the

stock and 6-month European put and call options on the stock with strike price 95.

Determine the number of shares of the stock you should purchase.


Stock Price = S = 100

Risk Free Interest Rate = r = 4%
Time = 182/365 = 0.5 years
Strike Price = K = 95
No: of shares = ?


By using Discrete Formula

K + CumValue(dividends) = 95 + 2 e 0.04 (0.25) + 2 = 99.0201

Therefore, the number of shares of stock is 10,000/99.0201 = 100.99 Ans

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