213 Spring07 Relativity PDF
213 Spring07 Relativity PDF
213 Spring07 Relativity PDF
Classical” or “Newtonian”
physics does a good job of
describing the behavior of
particles at low speeds.
But as speeds approach light
speed we must use The Special
Theory of Relativity proposed
by Einstein in 1905. What do we have to know about relativity
to solve problems in a correct way?
Classical physics represents => Just change Newton’s laws by
the “low speed limit” of introducing a correction factor for the
relativistic physics. mass F = d ( mv ) / dt
1− v / c
2 2
The principle of relativity was
first stated by Newton
Fig. 37-2
If speed of light is same for all inertial reference frames, then speed of light
emitted by a source (pion, π0) moving relative to a given frame (for example, a
laboratory) should be the same as the speed light that is emitted by a source
that is at rest in the laboratory).
π0 →γ +γ
The speed of the light waves (γ-rays) emitted by the pions was measured
always to be c in the lab frame (not up to 2c!)→same as if pions were at rest
in the lab frame!
The problems of
“Classical Physics”
• Transformation of coordinates
• Maxwell equations wrong?
• Lorentz transformation
• Michelson-Morley experiment
The Lorentz Transformation
How are coordinates x, y, z, and t reporting an event in frame S related to the
coordinates x', y', z', and t' reporting the same event in moving frame S'?
Fig. 37-9
Lorentz Transformation Equations
x ' = γ ( x − vt )
y'= y (valid at all
z'= z physically possible speeds) (37-21)
t ' = γ ( t − vx c 2 ) 37-
x ' = x − vt (approximately valid
t'=t at low speeds) (37-20)
dx' dx
= −v
Fig. 37-9 dt dt
Assume that you travel in your car with a speed of
1 108 m/s and light travels past your car (S, 3 108 m/s) travels past
your car.
The relative speed should be 2 108 m/s !!!!!!!
The Michelson Morley Experiment
"But it can't be so." "It just doesn't make sense."
horizontal path
cthor ,1 = L + Δx = L + vthor ,1 thor ,1 =
(c − u )
L 2L / c
cthor , 2 = L − Δx = L − vthor , 2 thor , 2 = → thor ,1 + thor , 2 =
(c + u ) 1 − v2 / c2
(ctvertical ) = L + (utvertical ) → tvertical
2 2
= 2
c − u2
2L 2L / c
2tvertical = =
c2 − u 2 1 − u 2 / c2
2L 2L / c
2tvertical = 2 =
c −u 2
1 − u 2 / c2
2L / c
thor ,1 + thor , 2 =
1− v / c
2 2
L|| = L0 1 − u / c 2 2
x ' = γ ( x − vt )
y'= y (valid at all
z'= z physically possible speeds) (37-21)
t ' = γ ( t − vx c 2 )
Time is Relative
Time interval measurements depend on the
frame in which they are measured.
2d 2d / c
Δt 0 / Δt =
c 1 − v2 / c2
Æ Δt = γ Δt0
where γ=
1− v / c
2 2
The decay of a muon. A muon is a naturally occurring subatomic particle of
nature that is unstable and transforms itself to other parts with a mean time
to decay of 2.20μs (created by cosmic radiation high in Earth’s atmosphere).
The muon(-/+) mass is roughly 310 times that of an electron (positron).
Assume that a muon is created at an altitude of 5.00 km above the surface of the
earth and it travels toward the earth with a speed of 0.995c. The muon the gets a
certain distance into the atmosphere and decays. So there is a time delay between
the two events. (Without time delay a Muon cove 657m before decaying)
Let that time delay be measured form the rest frame of the earth.
2.2 μ s 2.2 μ s
Δt = =
(.995c) 2
1 − .990025
2.20μ s
Δt = −2
= 22.02 μ s
9.987492 × 10
v1 + v 2 0 .7 c + 0 .7 c
v= = = 0 . 94 c
v1 v 2 0 .7 c 0 .7 c
1+ 2 1+ 2
c c
A spaceship is traveling at 0.95c with
respect to the Earth. Inside the spaceship, a
man shines a flashlight in the direction the
spaceship is moving. What is the velocity of
the light from the flashlight with respect to
v1 + v2 0.95c + c 0.95 + 1
v= = = c=c
v1v2 0.95c c 1 + 0.95
1 + 2 1+ 2
c c
Doppler Effect for Light
Let f0 represent the proper frequency (frequency in the source's rest frame)
f = f0 (source and detector separating) (37-31)
If source and detector moving towards one another β → - β
Note: Unlike Doppler shift with sound, only relative motion matters since there
is no ether/air to be moving with respect to.
Doppler Effect for Light, cont'd
Astronomical Doppler Effect
f = f 0 (1-β ) (37-33)
Proper wavelength λ0 associated with rest frame frequency f0.
(1-β ) λ0 = λ (1-β )
λ λ0
λ − λ0
β= (37-35)
λ = λ0 (1-β )
(37-34) λ0
Replacing β=v/c and using λ-λ0 = |Δλ| = Doppler shift
v= c (radial speed of light source, v c) (37-36)
Doppler Effect for Light , cont'd
Transverse Doppler Effect
Given v1, v2, v3, f01, f02, f03, and measured f1, f2, f3, can determine vairplane,
Relativistic Momentum
In order for momentum to be conserved in
relativistic interactions, we must modify our
classical expression for momentum to read:
m 0v
p= = γ m 0v
1 − v 2 /c 2
m0 is called the rest mass of the object.
1 − v /c
2 2
m0 c 2
kinetic energy K= − m c 2
1 − v /c
2 2 0
Mass at rest m0 “rest mass”
Mass at a certain velocity m= γ m0
Old answer: E = ½ m v2
New answer: E=mc2= γ m0c2
m0 c 2
E= small velocity β = very small
1− β 2
β 2
⎛ β 2
⎞ β2 β4
1− β ≈ 1−
since ⎜⎜1 − ⎟⎟ = 1 - 2 +
2 ⎝ 2 ⎠ 2 4
m0 c 2 1 β2 β4
E= now ≈ 1+ → 1 = 1+
β 2
β 2
2 4
1− 1−
2 2 2
β2 2 β
2 c
2 1
E = m0 c (1 + ) = m0 c + m0 c
2 2
= m0 c + m0 c
= m0 c + m0 v 2
2 2 2 2
Energy of a photon?
E=h f = mc2= γ m0c2
∞ 0
In nuclear reactions like in the sun,
we convert four hydrogen atoms Nuclear Fusion
into one helium atom. The mass
before and after the reaction is
different – the mass difference is
released as the energy that
drives the solar furnace.
The fusion of one pound of hydrogen into helium yields as much energy as
the burning of 10,000 tons of coal.
Example 7
Calculate the momentum of a proton
moving with a speed of 0.5c.
Proton rest mass mp: 1.6726231e-27 kg
p= =
1 − v /c
2 2
1 − 0.52
p = 1⋅ 10 kg ⋅ 0.5 c
Example 8
An electron moves with a speed of 0.80c.
Calculate its (a) rest energy, (b) total energy,
and (c) kinetic energy.
Rest mass[electron] = 9.10939*10-31 kg
E rest = m 0 c = 9 . 1 ⋅ 10
2 − 31
kg c 2
( pc )
= K 2 + 2 Kmc
E = ( pc ) + ( mc )
2 2 2 2
Fig. 37-15
A proton in a high-energy accelerator is
given a kinetic energy of 50.0 GeV.
Determine (a) the momentum and (b) the
speed of the proton.
1 electron volt = 1.60217646 × 10-19 Joules
Proton rest mass mp: 1.6726231e-27 kg
( pc )
= K 2 + 2 0Kmc 2 (37-54)
K = γ m0c − m0c 2 2
γ = 2