Standard Actions
Standard Actions
Standard Actions
to another JSP page This action tag internally uses RequestDispatcher forward() method This action
tag can be used to communicate JSP to JSP page : <jsp:forward page="b.jsp"/> JSP to servlet : <
jsp:forward page="srv1"/> JSP to HTML : <jsp:forward page="b.html"/> Standard Actions - <
jsp:param/params> <jsp:param> When a request is forwarded from one JSP to another then
automatically request parameters are also forwarded to another JSP. For example: <jsp:param
name="email" value="[email protected]"/> <jsp:params> If more than one <jsp:param> tag is used then
we should put them in <jsp:params> tag. For example: <jsp:params> <jsp:params
name="email" value="[email protected]"/> <jsp:params name="hobby" value="reading"/> </jsp:params
Java Bean Components: <jsp:usebean> In a web application it same business logic is required in
multiple JSP pages then to make that business logic as reusable it will be separated from JSP pages
to a java class. This java class is called a bean class. A bean is nothing but it is reusable software
component. <jsp:setProperty> This action tag is used to set the values to bean class properties by
calling setter methods. <jsp:setProoerty> tag must be used inside of <jsp:useBean> tag. <
jsp:getProperty> This tag is used to read the values of a bean class property by calling getter
method of the property. This tag has only two attributes name and property. This tag should be used
at outside of <jsp:useBean> tag.