This document provides an overview description for the de_airstrip map, setting the zoom level to 1.24, origin coordinates of -1106 -386 -192, no rotation, and using an image layer from overviews/de_airstrip.bmp at a height of -192.
This document provides an overview description for the de_airstrip map, setting the zoom level to 1.24, origin coordinates of -1106 -386 -192, no rotation, and using an image layer from overviews/de_airstrip.bmp at a height of -192.
This document provides an overview description for the de_airstrip map, setting the zoom level to 1.24, origin coordinates of -1106 -386 -192, no rotation, and using an image layer from overviews/de_airstrip.bmp at a height of -192.
This document provides an overview description for the de_airstrip map, setting the zoom level to 1.24, origin coordinates of -1106 -386 -192, no rotation, and using an image layer from overviews/de_airstrip.bmp at a height of -192.