Santi Duwi P - Manajemen Kontemporer-Resume On Decision Making
Santi Duwi P - Manajemen Kontemporer-Resume On Decision Making
Santi Duwi P - Manajemen Kontemporer-Resume On Decision Making
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I. Definitions
Decision making is the process by which managers respond to opportunities and
threats by analyzing the options and making determinations, or decision, about
specific organizational goals and courses of actions.
So, it can be concluded that decision making is a process in the mental process of
selecting a course of action from a set of alternatives.
Purpose of decision making is to select appropriate goals and courses of action that
increase organizational performance; bad decision lower performance.
From definition above, so, based its aims, decision making can be divided into two,
they are:
1) Decision making in response to opportunities occurs when managers search for
ways to improve organizational performance to benefit customers, employees,
and other stakeholder groups.
2) Decision making in response to threats occurs when managers search for ways
to increase of performance to control or overcome events which raise up from
inside or outside the organization and affect organizational performance.
I. Definition
The Process through which managers seek to improve employees’ desire and
ability to understand and manage the organization and its task environment so
employees can make decision that continuously raise organizational
At the heart of organizational learning is creativity, which is the ability of a
decision maker to discover original and novel ideas that lead to feasible
alternatives courses of action.
Encouraging creativity among managers is such a pressing organizational
concern that many organizations hire outside experts to help them develop
programs to train their managers in the art of creative thinking and problem
I. Definition
Entrepreneurs are individuals who notice opportunities and decide how to mobilize
the resources necessary to produce new and improved goods and services.
Entrepreneurs make all of the planning, organizing, leading, and controlling decisions
necessary to start new business ventures.
1. Preparation
The first stage, of course, is the preparation of some basic ideas to hold onto.
There has to be some inspiration that “forces” or “prepares” the entrepreneur to
move forward. The creative process starts with identifying a problem and then
researching for related information. This is done in an effort to start looking for a
viable solution. An entrepreneur looks in every direction to solve the problem, be
it inside the industry or outside.
Can we achieve anything if we are not willing to go beyond our comfort zone?
One has to leave the comfortable arena, go beyond and take a risk. Rewards come
with efforts.“Thinking outside the box” is an expression that has been used in
marketing, business and psychology since the 1970s. It owes its origin to a “nine
dot” game that was once used as a test of creativity. The puzzle was designed
such that the person had to go beyond the dots to find the solution. However,
psychologists say that this “external” factor is not really external, it is simply the
existing solution to the problem. “External” is only how our brain tends to
perceive it.
Despite the immensely amazing things creativity can achieve, it is definitely not
magical. Creativity is simply approaching things with a different perspective. The
simplest approach to creative thinking can be copying different elements,
transforming them, combining them and eureka! There is a new idea. This
essentially makes use of existing elements. As Kirby Ferguson says, “It happens
by applying ordinary tools of thought to existing materials. And the soil from
which we grow our creations is something we scorn and misunderstand even
though it gives us so much — and that’s… copying.”
4. Incubation
During the incubation stage, ideas that have the potential to solve a problem tend
to flourish. This stage is characterized by the unconscious thought process of
refining an idea. Apparently, there are many activities at work during this stage,
but the overall goal is to find a solution. Evaluating existing projects can help to
generate viable ideas. Some researchers even refer to the creativity process as re-
creativity since it takes inspiration from existing ideas and molds them in an
innovative way.
5. Illumination
Incubation leads to clarity of ideas. This is the “solution finding” stage. Now the
creativity process leads to the knowledge of some practical ideas that can be put
to work. It is like a “light bulb” moment, hence it’s called illumination.
6. Verification
This stage determines whether the “found” solution even has the potential to work
or not. The idea can either be accepted as such, modified with minor or major
changes, or rejected altogether, requiring that the whole process be done again.
7. Critical thinking
Critical thinking offers many competitive advantages to the entrepreneur, such as: