The 31 Day Zero Waste Challenge: For Kids!

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the 31 day

zero waste challenge


by Kathryn Kellogg
DAY 1: Say No to Straws
500 million plastic straws are used in the US each and
every day! It's a huge problem because plastic doesn't go
away. It only gets smaller and smaller.

It's a huge threat to marine life and human health. But,

you can help make a positive impact!

Here's the challenge: Next time you're at a restaurant or

the cafeteria, order your drink without a straw. Go ahead
and give it some practice.

"I would like (whatever you'd like to drink) without a

straw, thank you.

DAY 2: Reusable Water Bottle

60 million water bottles are landfilled each day! Plastic

has a very low recycle rate. Only 9% is actually recycled.

It's much better to bring a reusable bottle.

Here's the challenge: Before you leave your house,

make sure you have a reusable bottle with you. Don't

Get in the habit of carrying it with you for the WHOLE

DAY 3: Zero Waste Snack
Most snacks come with a lot of packaging. Think about
how all of those tiny packages add up.

Here's the challenge: Instead of reaching for a

prepackaged snack try your hand at making your own or
reach for a snack that doesn't have a lot of packaging.
Here are some ideas:
- homemade trail mix
- carrot stick and hummus
- stovetop popcorn
- apple slices in peanut butter
- package-free fruits and veggies
- or try a homemade version of your favorite packaged
snack like a homemade granola bar!

DAY 4: Save Water

The average American home uses 400 gallons of water a

day. That's a lot of water! You can help reduce your
family's water consumption.

Here's the challenge: Pick two new ideas to implement

at home:
- turn off the water while brushing your teeth
- take shorter showers or only fill the bathtub half way
- help wash produce in a large bowl instead of under
running water
- fill up the sink to wash the dishes instead of under
running water
DAY 5: Get Outside
Nature is so amazing and wonderful! It's worth preserving
its natural beauty. It's easy to get caught up inside
watching TV, playing video games, or doing too much

Getting outside is a great reminder for why you're trying

to save the world! Nature is really rejuvenating and can
help increase focus and boost your mental health.

Here's the challenge: Get outside and explore! Spend

15-30 minutes each day outside and observe the
beautiful natural wonders of nature.

DAY 6: Pick up Litter

Walking around the schoolyard or around your

neighborhood, do you see trash on the street? Do you
know where the trash will wind up?

Probably a storm drain which will drag the trash out to

sea where it can harm the animals and nature. But, you
can fix it!

Here's the challenge: If you see litter, pick it up and put

it in the proper bin whether it be recycling or trash. Look
for the main culprits: plastic bottles, straws, fast food
cups, coffee cups, snack wrappers, plastic sandwich
bags and plastic grocery bags.
DAY 7: Bring Home Leftovers
Food waste is a huge problem! Did you know 40% of all
the food in America goes to waste? Food takes a lot of
resources to grow and transport, and we shouldn't waste

Here's the challenge: After you finish your lunch, make

sure you pack up any food you have left over. Put it in
your lunch box. You can eat it as a snack when you get
home or eat it tomorrow.

DAY 8: Declutter

Zero waste isn't only about trash, it's also about resource
production. We're currently consuming two earth's worth
of resources each year. We're running out of resources
so we should be careful how many new items we bring
into our lives and make sure to redistribute the ones that
we don't need.

Currently, the US has only 3% of all the children in the

world but own 40% of all the toys! Do you have any extra
toys that could be redistributed?

Here's the challenge: Go through the toys in your room

this weekend and make a pile of toys in good condition
that you can donate.
DAY 9: Compost
Composting is super important! If you can't finish all of
your food you should compost it. Composting returns
natural items like food scraps and paper back to the soil
where it will break down.

It's one of the best ways you can help fight climate

Here's the challenge: Locate your nearest compost

facility and use it. Does your school offer composting? Do
you have a local community garden where you could
compost? Could you use your backyard?


A lot of products you buy in packaging in the store are

very easy to make. A lot of them also have questionable
ingredients that might not be so good for you.

Here's the challenge: Find one packaged product to

replace. Lip balm is one of my favorite things to make.
Get a parent to help to you!

In a microwave combine one part olive oil to three parts

cocoa butter. Pour it into a small tin or jar and use it as
lotion and lip balm.
DAY 11: Line Dry
Dryers use A LOT of energy and can be too rough
causing premature damage to clothing.

Line drying not only saves energy, but it's a natural

wrinkle releaser, and the sun is natural bleach. It's a great
way to save a little money and help lighten the load on
the power grid.

Here's the challenge: Next time you do laundry, hang it

up outside. You can tie a rope between two trees or you
can use a collapsible drying rack.

DAY 12: Keep it Real

Disposable products use a lot of resources and are only

used for a very short period of time. It's much better to
use real items and wash them!

Don't be fooled into thinking disposables save water! Did

you know it takes 8 gallons of water just to make one
paper plate!? Do your part by keepin' it real.

Here's the challenge: Refuse disposable items this week

and opt for reusables instead! You've already started this
practice with water bottles. Keep it going, why not use real
flatware in your lunch box, use cloth napkins, or bring
your own cup for a refill at the soda fountain?
DAY 13: Repair
Repairing is a huge part of the zero waste lifestyle. Just
because something is broken, doesn't mean it's time to
get something new. Many times these items can be fixed
with just a little bit of effort or know how.

Here's the challenge: If you've lost a button on a shirt

or have a toy with a broken part, don't toss it! Repair it.
With a few simple tools, it can be as good as new.

Ask your parents for help when fixing! You can always
look up a YouTube video and learn a new skill together.

DAY 14: Walk or Bike

Driving around town uses a lot of gas. Gas is a fossil fuel

and one of the main contributors to climate change. You
can help with that by walking or biking short distances
instead of driving.

Here's the challenge: Rethink your commute this week!

Can you walk or bike to the store? To school? To the
library? Find a place you can walk or bike instead of

Get the whole family on board and plan a day without

vehicle travel. Of course, taking public transportation or
carpooling is another way to cut back on emissions. Try to
incorporate those into your weekly routine too.
DAY 15: Halloween Prep
Halloween is just around the corner. Are you getting
excited to dress up and dreaming about all of the yummy

A lot of those treats have a lot of trashy packaging and a

lot of the costumes are poorly made and will fall apart

Here's the challenge: Get involved with a costume /

treat swap! Borrow a cool costume or buy costumes
second hand. Host a treat swap with friends so you can
make your own spooky treats with less packaging waste.

DAY 16: Reusable Bag

When you go to any store, the first instinct is for the clerk
to place your purchases inside of a plastic bag. This
plastic bag is often unnecessary, and it's not good for the
environment. Plastic bags are so light they often blow into
storm drains and eventually into the ocean.

Here's the challenge: Practice keeping a reusable bag

on you! When you're out shopping, whether it be the
hardware store, grocery store, or the pet store use your
own bag. If you forget it, try and carry the items without a
bag or ask for a box from the stock room. Just remember
to recycle the box!
DAY 17: School Supplies
School supplies can be full of disposable plastic items.
Before you shop for new items, make sure to check your
house. The thrift store is also a great place to find school
supplies. There are typically lots of binders, loose leaf
paper, even markers, and staplers.

Here's the challenge: Next time you need a new school

supply, try and find a product that can be used for a really
long time. Instead of a plastic ruler opt for one that's
stainless steel. Instead of a plastic folder opt for one that
can be composted and is made of plain kraft paper. Think
through the whole lifecycle of the item. When you're done
with it, is it trash? Or can it be used again? Of course,
don't forget to check the thrift store too!

DAY 18: Farmers Market

Food can travel a long way before it gets to your plate,

and sometimes you don't know how it was grown. At the
farmers market, you know your food is local and you can
ask the farmer how it was grown. How neat is that!?

Here's the challenge: Locate a farmers market near you

and plan a family trip to visit. Look at all of the beautiful
and seasonal produce. Chat with the farmers about how
the food is grown. If you're feeling extra adventurous
purchase a new or beautiful looking fruit or vegetable and
learn to make a new meal!
DAY 19: Produce Bags
Produce bags at the grocery store and even the farmers
market are usually plastic. You're already bringing a
reusable bag with you, why not throw in some reusable
produce bags too?

These can be purchased, easily sewn from scrap fabric,

or you can use something already around your house like
an extra pillowcase!

Here's the challenge: Next time you are buying

groceries, don't bag the produce if it's not necessary. A
lot of time it's not. For what is necessary, like large
groups of items, use a reusable produce bag.

DAY 20: Scope out the Bulk Bins

Like we've talked about in previous days, it's best to try
and avoid unnecessary packaging. You can buy meat and
cheese in your own containers from the butcher or deli.
You can even buy snacks, grains, baking staples, and
candy from bulk bins without ANY packaging.

Here's the challenge: Scope out some local grocery

stores to see what you can get package-free! Any bulk
bins? What about a butcher counter? Deli counter? Olive
bar? Salad bar? These are all places you can get food to-
go without packaging. Make a list and ask your parents if
you can help them buy some of their groceries package-
DAY 21: Recycling
Recycling is great, but it should be viewed as a last resort
and not the first line of defense. We should first refuse
unnecessary waste, then reduce what we need, reuse
what we have then and only then should we recycle. But,
it's important to know what's actually recyclable.

Here's the challenge: Go online to your local waste

management plant's website and figure out what you can
recycle. Can you recycle plastic number 5? What about
plastic number 6? Learn what each of those are and
make a list. Make sure you and your family are recycling

DAY 22: Cloth Napkins

Paper is great because it's compostable, but it still takes a
lot of trees to supply everyone with paper napkins.
Instead of a paper napkin use a cloth napkin. This napkin
can be used over and over again instead of being thrown
away after one use.

Here's the challenge: When packing your lunch, make

sure to include a cloth napkin. Pack the cloth napkin back
into your lunch box with your leftovers. When you get
home, if your cloth napkin is dirty, add it to your laundry
DAY 23: Toothbrush
This is a really easy change to make! Did you know every
piece of plastic ever created still exists? There are
thousands of toothbrushes washed up each year on
beaches across the globe. Don't let your toothbrush be a
part of the problem.

Here's the challenge: When it's time for a toothbrush

change, switch to a compostable bamboo toothbrush.
You can compost the handles or you can also use the
bodies for kindling in a backyard fire. You can even
upcycle them and turn them into cool craft projects.

DAY 24: Upcycle Craft

So many neat things can be made out of stuff we toss.

When you turn a waste item into a useful item it's called
upcycling. Before you put anything in the recycling bin,
you should ask yourself, what can I make with this?

Here's the challenge: This week make a craft with

something upcycled. Cardboard boxes can be turned into
tiny villages or storage boxes. Paper printed only on one
side can become a new coloring page or folded into a
unique fun shape.

Get really creative! There are a ton of fun upcycled crafts

on Pinterest.
DAY 25: Toilet Paper
Did you know it takes 37 gallons of water to make one
roll of toilet paper? Americans use 8 million tons of toilet
paper a year. If every US house used just one roll of
100% post-consumer recycled TP a year, it would save
423,900 trees.

Here's the challenge: When you run out of TP look for

TP with 100% recycled content. Try to find TP wrapped in
paper, which can be composted, instead of plastic. Even
better, ask your parents about installing a bidet
attachment. They're relatively cheap and will pay for
themselves within a couple of months.

DAY 26: To-Go Containers

To-go containers make up a large part of trash in

households. Even the ones that look like cardboard are
lined with plastic. These containers are super easy to
avoid by remembering to bring a container with you when
you go out. This can be a Tupperware container, mason
jar, or even your lunch box!

Here's the challenge: Next time you go out to eat, bring

along a container. You can take any of the leftover food
home to eat later.

No food waste and no packaging waste, it's a win-win!

DAY 27: Wash the Dishes
Help your parents out by doing the dishes! When
washing the dishes you can help save lots of water. You
can also ditch the plastic scrubbies and sponges by
switching to compostable dish scrubs or rags.

Here's the challenge: When your dish scrubs come to

the end of their life look at some compostable dish
scrubs. They last A LOT longer, on average a year, and
can be composted when their life span is over.

DAY 28: Food Scraps

Before you take any food to your compost bin, ask

yourself can you eat that? Many times you can!

Here's the challenge: Rethink your food scraps and

make a new recipe with your parents.

Leftover onion skins, carrot peelings, and celery tops

make a delicious vegetable broth in the crockpot. You can
turn carrot tops into a delicious and spicy pesto.
Strawberry tops can be infused into a delicious and
refreshing flavored water. You can easily turn bruised
apples into apple sauce.

There are hundreds of ideas for using up veggie scraps.

Find one that you'd like to try this week.
DAY 29: Green Clean
Did you know cleaning companies don't have to disclose
the ingredients in their products? Many of these hidden
ingredients are toxic to the planet and humans.

Here's the challenge: Make your own all-purpose

cleaner and help your parents out this weekend with
cleaning duty! It's way easier than it sounds. In a spray
bottle, put one part distilled white vinegar and one part
warm water. Give it a good shake, and grab a cloth
cleaning rag. Spray down the kitchen table, baseboards,
even your bathroom counter and follow up with the rag
for a squeaky clean surface!

DAY 30: Visit a Thrift Store

We talked about redistributing resources earlier. By

shopping second hand you keep new resources from
being used for new items. Shopping second hand allows
us to utilize good resources already in the waste stream.

Here's the challenge: Take a trip to your local thrift

store. When ever you need to purchase something, it's
worth looking at the thrift store first. Whether that's a new
piece of clothing, a toy, book, or even craft supplies!

There are a ton of amazing and unique items you can

find. It's like a mini-treasure hunt each time you go.
DAY 31: Get Involved
Now that you're personally saving the world, it's time to
take things one step further.

Here's the challenge: Work on organizing an event this

year. There are so many awesome things that can
happen through groups acting together.

Here are some ideas for you to get involved with your
local community:
- organize a beach clean-up day
- talk with your city council about environmentally friendly
projects, maybe propose one of your own like a plastic
straw ban or styrofoam ban
- teach others how to buy food the zero waste way
- help others learn new DIY skills
- grow your own food or compost at a community garden

I sincerely hope that you've enjoyed this challenge that

you've walked away with a couple of zero waste tips to
implement in your daily life.

For more information on all of these topics, please head


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