IEC Certification Kit: Embedded Coder™ Conformance Demonstration Template

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IEC Certification Kit

Embedded Coder™
Conformance Demonstration Template

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IEC Certification Kit: Embedded Coder™ Conformance Demonstration Template
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Revision History
September 2009 New for Version 1.1 (Applies to Releases 2009a, 2009b)
March 2010 Revised for Version 1.2 (Applies to Release 2010a)
April 2010 Revised for Version 1.3 (Applies to Release 2009bSP1)
September 2010 Revised for Version 1.3 (Applies to Release 2010b)
March 2011 Revised for Version 1.4 (Applies to Release 2010bSP1)
April 2011 Revised for Version 1.4 (Applies to Release 2011a);
renamed to Embedded Coder™ Conformance Demonstration Template
September 2011 Revised for Version 2.0 (Applies to Release 2011b)
March 2012 Revised for Version 2.1 (Applies to Release 2012a)
September 2012 Revised for Version 3.0 (Applies to Release 2012b)
March 2013 Revised for Version 3.1 (Applies to Release 2013a)
September 2013 Revised for Version 3.2 (Applies to Release 2013b)
March 2014 Revised for Version 3.3 (Applies to Release 2014a)
October 2014 Revised for Version 3.4 (Applies to Release 2014b)
March 2015 Revised for Version 3.5 (Applies to Release 2015a)
1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 1-1
Conformance Demonstration Template Overview .................................................................. 1-2
Application Identification ........................................................................................................ 1-3
2 Design Verification .......................................................................................................................... 2-1
3 Code Verification ............................................................................................................................. 3-1
4 Additional Considerations ................................................................................................................ 4-1

1 Introduction
Conformance Demonstration Template Overview
This Conformance Demonstration Template can be used to demonstrate conformance with the
parts of ISO 26262-6/8, IEC 61508-3, or EN 50128 covered in the document

Embedded Coder™ Reference Workflow

To access the reference workflow document, on the MATLAB ® command line, type
certkitiec to open the Artifacts Explorer. The reference workflow document is in Embedded
Coder > r2015a.
For each technique or measure:
 In the third column, state to what degree you applied the technique or measure for the
application under consideration by using one of the phrases: Used, Used to a limited degree,
or Not used.
 In the fourth column, state how you used the technique or measure in the application under
consideration. If the reference workflow includes alternative means for compliance, indicate
what variant you used. In addition, enter a reference to the document (for example, test
report or review documentation).

Application Identification
Applicant: <Insert information>
Application: <Insert information>

2 Design Verification
Checklist 1: Design Verification

Technique / Measure Associated Requirements Used / Used to Interpretation in

a limited degree this application,
/ Not used Evidence
1 Model review  Inclusion of all model
(See “Reviews and Static
Analyses at the Model
Level” in the Embedded
Coder™ Reference
2 Adherence to modeling  Designation of a modeling
standard standard

(See “Reviews and Static  Review the modeling standard

Analyses at the Model as suitable for use
Level” in the Embedded  Restriction to modeling
Coder Reference constructs suited for production
Workflow) code generation
 Evidence for using the
modeling standard
3 Static analysis at the  Evidence for using static
model level (if analyzers

(See “Reviews and Static

Analyses at the Model
Level” in the Embedded
Coder Reference
4 Supporting activities  Documentation of the results of
reviews and analyses
(See “Reviews and Static
Analyses at the Model  Corrective action on failure of
Level” in the Embedded reviews and analyses
Coder Reference

Technique / Measure Associated Requirements Used / Used to Interpretation in
a limited degree this application,
/ Not used Evidence
5 Module and integration  Inclusion of all model
testing at the model level components

(See “Module and  Consideration of intended and

Integration Testing at the possible unintended functions
Model Level” in the  Systematic design of test
Embedded Coder vectors
Reference Workflow)
 Inclusion of test vectors being
derived from the specification
according to established criteria
 Consideration of model
integration stages
 Consideration of module
6 Supporting activities  Documentation of the results of
module and integration tests,
(See “Module and including test results and
Integration Testing at the achievement of test objectives
Model Level” in the and criteria
Embedded Coder
Reference Workflow)  Corrective action on failure of
module and integration tests
 Impact analysis

3 Code Verification
Checklist 2: Code Verification

Technique / Measure Associated Requirements Used / Used to Interpretation in

a limited degree this application,
/ Not used Evidence
7 Equivalence test vector  Structural coverage with respect
generation to applicable model coverage
metrics (SIL 2 and above); see
(See “Equivalence Test table “Model Coverage
Vector Generation” in Analysis”
the Embedded Coder™
Reference Workflow)  Creation of additional test
vectors (if applicable)
 Assessment of or justification
for uncovered model parts
8 Equivalence test  Stimulation of the model used
execution for production code generation

(See “Equivalence  Stimulation of the executable

Test Vector Generation” derived from the generated
in the Embedded Coder code
Reference Workflow)  Test execution in a target-like
environment or analysis of the
differences between testing and
the target environment
 Assessment of model parts used
for simulation but not for code
9 Signal comparison  Designation of a suitable
comparison algorithm and
(See “Signal acceptance threshold
Comparison” in the
Embedded Coder  Comparison of simulation
Reference Workflow) results and execution results
10 Supporting activities  Documentation of the results of
equivalence tests
(See “Equivalence
Testing Model Versus  Corrective action on failure of
Code” in the Embedded equivalence tests
Coder Reference  Evidence for using automated
Workflow) equivalence testing tools
 Evidence for validation of
equivalence testing tools

Technique / Measure Associated Requirements Used / Used to Interpretation in
a limited degree this application,
/ Not used Evidence
11 Prevention of  Model and code coverage
unintended functionality comparison or traceability
(SIL 2 and above) review, see table “Prevention of
Unintended Functionality”
(See “Prevention of
Unintended  Assessment of or justification
Functionality” in the for issues revealed
Embedded Coder
Reference Workflow)
12 Supporting activities  Documentation of the results of
demonstrating the absence of
(See “Prevention of unintended functionality
Functionality” in the  Corrective action on failure to
Embedded Coder demonstrate the absence of
Reference Workflow) unintended functionality

4 Additional Considerations
Checklist 3: Additional Considerations

Technique / Measure Associated Requirements Used / Used Interpretation in

to a limited this application,
degree / Not Evidence
13 Verification and validation  Designation of measures to
of hand code (if applicable) verify and validate hand code

(See “Hand Coded Portions  Consideration of the interfaces

within the Generated Code” between hand code and
in the Embedded Coder™ generated code
Reference Workflow)  Traceability to the software
requirements specification
14 Supporting activities  Documentation of the results
of verifying and validating the
(See “Hand Coded Portions hand code
within the Generated Code”
in the Embedded Coder  Corrective action in case of
Reference Workflow) the detection of errors in the
hand code
15 Verification and validation  Designation of measures to
of generated AUTOSAR verify and validate generated
files (if applicable) AUTOSAR files

(See “Generated
AUTOSAR Files” in the
Embedded Coder Reference
16 Supporting activities  Documentation of the results
of verifying and validating
(See “Generated generated AUTOSAR files
AUTOSAR Files” in the
Embedded Coder Reference  Corrective action in case of
Workflow) the detection of errors in the
generated AUTOSAR files
17 Deviation from the  Documentation and
reference workflow justification for deviations
from the reference workflow
(See “Deviation from the by using a deviation
Reference Workflow” in the procedure, if applicable
Embedded Coder Reference

Technique / Measure Associated Requirements Used / Used Interpretation in
to a limited this application,
degree / Not Evidence
18 Integration with the  Documented software safety
software safety lifecycle lifecycle, including
(See “Integration with the verification and validation
Software Safety Lifecycle” activities
in the Embedded Coder
Reference Workflow)
19 Configuration management  Revision control for artifacts
and revision control to be validated or verified

(See “Configuration  Configuration management for

Management and Revision artifacts to be validated or
Control” in the Embedded verified (SIL 2 and above)
Coder Reference Workflow)
20 Installation integrity and  Validation of modification and
release compatibility additions to shipping tools (if
(See “Installation Integrity
and Release Compatibility”  Compatibility of product
in the Embedded Coder versions for model creation,
Reference Workflow) code generation, and
translation validation
21 Bug reporting  Assessment of bug report
information provided by tool
(See “Bug Reporting” in the vendors and compliance with
Embedded Coder Reference recommendations and
Workflow) workarounds (during
development and after
 Reporting of issues with
MathWorks products
22 Competency of the project  Evidence for competence of
team project team members

(See “Competency of the

Project Team” in the
Embedded Coder Reference

Technique / Measure Associated Requirements Used / Used Interpretation in
to a limited this application,
degree / Not Evidence
23 Workshare  Documentation of workshare
Considerations between OEM and supplier, if
(See “Workshare
Considerations” in the
Embedded Coder Reference


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