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The project « Loved Living Alphabet » 2016-1-FR01-KA201-024256 has been funded with support from the European Union.

The European Commission's support for the

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MY World
What colors can tell
From year 5

Discovering the language of colors and self-reflection as well as a diversity competition that knows but winners.

We reach out for the coloring book when the wish arises to carefully design colors and shapes.
Material: Poster, coloring book, wax crayons.

The coloring book is the active version of the picture book. It stimulates natural intuitive reading also for young children. It is placed in the folder, as base for further

The coloring book also offers space for free creation of own experiences. At the same time, the sketches secure orientation and prepare the next step.

The development of manual dexterity at this age is one of the magic wands for later brain development. So it is very convenient to carefully cut out the thumb index of this
sheet after each chapter. This self-created overview allows even the young children to assign the sheets of paper of further activities autonomously and to have everything
well organized at hand.

Last but not least, this book also leads away from the throwaway society. How often do creations from children’s hands gather without meaning in the garbage! Here we
support the children to find the artist within themselves, who always discovers and uses new possibilities of improving his work, until even the last 'holes' are filled with
meaning and color and the work becomes a matter of the heart, as a strong building block in the great context of this folder, which by the end of the year is a treasure chest
of valuable memories that are connected to the pictures.

Why "MY world"?

This is about connecting with the situations of the story as personally as possible.

Why is this important?

"No learning without emotion" is the basic neuro-biological law that matters here. The stronger the emotional involvement, the more intense the learning.

The reader might object that the time spent on painting is out of all proportion. The few and simple strokes of a letter can be practiced quickly, whereas painting a picture
takes a lot of time in which not even the writing movement is practiced!
If there were only 2 or 3 characters to learn, that would be a rational point of view. But there are 26 and then there are a number of additional signs to them.
Lines scribbled on the leaf are like loose seeds thrown into the field, which the next gust of wind swirls around and we can no longer tell them apart. The confusion that
arises during the first attempts of scribbling can later - if at all - only be repaired with tremendous effort.
This is the reason why every fifth 15-year-old, who has been in school since the age 6, is not able to use writing as a means of communication.

Anyone who tends a garden knows that soil preparation and careful sowing is everything; then things grow by themselves.
It is no different in the brain: emotions supply the brain with 'fertilizer'. The neuronal growth results from engaging in the story. This makes nerve fibers grow like roots in
the emotionally (= hormonally) 'fertilised' tissue of the brain.

With the story, letters become well-rooted plants in the brain, which stand in their order from A to Z, so that nothing can mix them up anymore. Time for emotional
deepening at the start is a very good investment.

The story as an experience

For the 4 to 6 year olds we enrich the story with details. Our questions encourage the children to contribute similar experiences of their own life, so that they find
themselves and their experiences in the story, see chapter 4.
This individual examination of the story prepares the use of the coloring book.

How do we use the creative coloring book?

The template ensures that the main characters are in the right place in order to match the lines of the letter on the transparent sheet that follows.
Around these sketches of the figures there is space for the creation of one's own experiences, which are exchanged during the storytelling, see chapter 4.

We make the children aware of how the colors support the respective mood (e.g. blue calming or cool, red active or hot, yellow cheerful or light, violet calm and warm,
orange creative and happy, green gentle and pleasant). We encourage the children to experiment with colors as an expression of moods and thus to go beyond the colors of
objects in a meaningful way.

We also draw attention to the dynamics of the lines. The story uses the sound of each letter as a mood amplifier. Th dynamic of this amplified sound impacts the movement
when drawing the letter. For example, the light, flowing movement of a sound such as WWWW or V V V gives the lines a different dynamic than the more impulsive FFFF or
the spot landing of a T or K etc. This sensitizes for differentiated design. To direct their awareness to this expand the children’s creative abilities.

All material is hand-drawn, because this stimulates the mirror neurons of the child's to reach for the pencil and to try out themselves.

Individual and Interdisciplinary

The story is structured to support the development of the personality. Whether we dance, clap, make music, mime, paint, read or write - this personal relevance makes
'round'. It combines all activities into a personally tailored experience, for the development of individual potential.

Rule number 1 : Things! No signs.

We never speak of letters, e.g. the "P", the "T"! We only speak of the palm tree, the tower, etc.
Adults see the tower as an image for the T.
But the child sees a T as the simplified image of the tower!
Instead of abstract signs, he sees the letters as concrete objects.
This is brain-friendly and is the trick of spontaneously learning to read. The child's brain is made for concrete shapes. It can retain them immediately.

Rule number 2: nothing but wonderful contributions!

Any own experience that a child contributes is welcome, is 'right' (note: something that he or she has experienced in real life! Not something made up).
At the end we summarize these contributions by repeating the text of the letter once again with "Yes, that's exactly how it is! How beautifully you describe it! And that's
exactly how you see it here ..." then we say the key words with the colored background

Invitation to the Artist Diversity-Contest

The Artist Diversity-Contest opens our eyes wide. It is about recognizing on the sheets of the others what is special about each sheet and has not yet been realized in this
way on any other sheet!
Everyone is part pf the jury and everyone is a winner: this is how we train focussed observation at every moment and thus also our own abilities.

What is a letter telling us? Summary

This adventurous journey about the initially helpless little child, which
Supported ( A ) and well cared for ( B ) we get on our way joining
evolves through self-assertion and social competence becoming a
the nice little princess ( C ). But suddenly something terrible
confident companion, came about the way language itself has come
happens. ( D ). In despair without defense we cannot see a way out
about. If we use the sound of a letter as an exclamation, as an
interjection, then it tells us how the human being felt when, ( E ). When we are asked to assert ourselves ( F ), a little fried
thousands of years ago, people pulled their mouth this way, so that screws up his courage and dares to stand up for the victim ( G ).
for the first time, this sound came out (Oh! Ph! Mm, etc.) The unexpected success makes the two little children jump with relief
( H ). Being able to defend one’s own territory in simple terms, feels
The more often a certain sound is repeated in a verse of the story, and
the stronger we use it as an ambassador of the respective emotion like a kingdom ( i )! We are almost flipping out with joy ( J ) and
(either let it melt on our tongue "Mm!", or spit it out "Ph!", or shout start boldly measuring our muscle strength ( K ), until we are
"Oh!" etc .), the closer we are to the situation and the emotion that exhausted. That makes us enjoy the silence when listening to stories,
initially made it come about. Its emotion makes the letter which help us to better understand others ( L ). Therefore we start
unmistakable and immediately memorable. the next morning with a new mindfulness and attention ( M ) and
also learn to control ourselves ( N ). That creates solid friendships:
In order to tap into this source as narrators, we recommend to run the what a joy ( O )! As a strong crew, we now set off adventurously
music with the text of the story while reading the following summary.
( P ) for exciting explorations ( Q ), which makes us unstoppable
The value of telling young children the story in person and how the ( R ): we proudly want to make the best of us! – But all of a sudden,
screen can damage early childhood brain development is explained in everything, - really everything seems to be over: out of sheer
the lnd golden nutshell on page 1l. enthusiasm we didn’t see the danger ( S )! But someone had
admired our tireless training and wants to help ( T ). Thanks to his
As you read this summary, just listen to the story with it's music.
advice and using all our strength, we are able to escape ( U ). When
actually getting the big trophy now, our gratitude overwhelms us
( V )! Now we want to let actions speak ( W )! If someone wants to
sidetrack us ( X ), we can now handle this confidently with humor
( Y ), because we have a beautiful goal ( Z ).

Dear children,
I had a dream abcut a lcng jcurney
Suddenly it rattles. I fall… bum!
thrcugh a beautiful ccuntry.
I feel gravel under my hands, cuch!
There were children.
I rub my knees and get up.
We were gccd friends.
What kind cf path is that? - Where am I?
I sc much wish tc see them again!
Where is my rccm and the ccrner I sat?
But then scmecne lccked cur frcnt dccr
I see paths, fields, mcuntains, the sea ... and pecple,
and said:
- strangers. But scmehcw that's kncwn …
“What a ncnsense! It was just a dream!
I think I kncw where we are here.
It’s nct pcssible tc see them again.
Dc ycu kncw it tcc?
They dcn’t exist."
Is this the beautiful ccuntry?
We have been playing tcgether. Can I find my friends there again?
We gct cn sc well with each cther!
Ncw I was sitting in a ccrner. I was alcne. I cried. Dc ycu want tc help me lccking fcr them?
Is it true, that they dcn’t exist? My friends ! Ycur friends !

Let's see: where is it, the start cf that path?

Can anycne see where the start is?
Ah yes, there is scmecne waiting already!
And here scmecne is bringing gccd things!
And there, the little girl.
I kncw her already!
She likes the gccd things.
But that cne dcesn’t lcck friendly ...
And here bitter tears that are flcwing already!
Hm, what’s gcing cn there?
Ccme cn, we'll tell each cther what we can see. Maybe we'll find cut tcgether
what's happening there and hcw things gc cn…

Tá Antaine ag áth an tairsigh.
Tá áthas air agus é ag dul ar aistir.
Ar mhaith leat teacht?
ar aghaidh linn!
Ná bagair an béar le bolg mór.
Tá bascaed boglíonta aige
agus bia blasta istigh ann.
Tá cáca ceannaithe aige
dá chaea ceansa,
an cailín le ceann cas geuaige.
Tá Daithí Dearg chomh dána leis an diabhal.
Ach déanann Doireann Deas neamhaird air.
Éist, a ollphéist, ná déan a leithéid!
Is deise a bheith éadromchríoch, béasach agus séimh.
Filleann an fabhcún feasach fíochmhar,
Ag fihchadh an fód fhar le fearg na spéire!
Géilleann an gúl geabach go gasta,
agus an gasúr geata ag gardáil go géar.
Sin mise! A deir Liam.
Is í seo an áit cduí!
Níl imní orm a tduilleadd,
ní ar m’intinn ná ar mo cdroí.
Le luí na gréine, lasann Liadain an lampa,
agus Luíonn Liam ar an leaba le leabdar a léamd.
Ag meánoíche,
mealann a mbrionglóidí mamat
mór millteach agus moncaí macnasach mísciúil.
Ná dean namhaid de neathair.
N’fheadair an bhfuil siad nimhneach?
Bí cróga agus oscail an doras órga –
tá eochair crochta os a chionn
Feicfimid planda piobair
ag pulcadh an bhealaigh.
Piocfaimid prátaí agus piobair
le haghaidh picnic.
Rachaimid ag rince,
ag rith agus ag rásáil,
dtreo deireadh ár dtréimshe
anseo sa tír rúnda seo.
Seachain na sraimaidí
suaracha scanrúla!
Ag sciúgaíl is ag siosarnach go síoraí.
Is tearmann é an túr ag an teorainn.
“Tabhair na taoschnónna do na tíoránaigh!”
a deir taistealaí.
Tugann an taistealaí treoracha don triúir.
Téigh suas, suas go huachtar as talús,
agus luasc go mbuailfidh tú sléibhte uaise.

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