On The Search For Reliable Performance Indicators in Game Sports

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International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport

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On the search for reliable performance indicators

in game sports

Martin Lames & Tim McGarry

To cite this article: Martin Lames & Tim McGarry (2007) On the search for reliable performance
indicators in game sports, International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 7:1, 62-79

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/24748668.2007.11868388

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On the search for reliable performance indicators in game sports

Martin Lames1 and Tim McGarry2

University of Augsburg, Germany, 2University of New Brunswick, Canada


This article addresses the reliability of performance indicators in game sports. In

this context, reliability is invariably treated from a technical point of view as a
question of observer agreement i.e. high levels of agreement between observations.
That the measurement process itself should yield reliable data, as defined, for
sports performance is given. Our considerations of reliability, however, extend
from the process of measurement to include the trait (i.e., the performance) being
measured. From these considerations, we present the argument that the perform-
ance traits, as measured, are inherently unstable and that the performance indica-
tors are therefore necessarily unreliable (or unstable). In this light, the ongoing
search for reliable (or stable) measures of sports performance indicators is ques-
tioned. Instead, alternative approaches for performance analysis are offered that
recognise the dynamic interactions that characterise game sports as key features of
sport performance. This notion of dynamic interactions is compatible with sporting
experiences and the way that sports practitioners think about sports performance.
We conclude that performance analysis for purposes of theoretical advancement
should make use of mathematical modelling and simulation techniques, and that
performance analysis for practical purposes should include qualitative research
methods to arrive at the necessary inferences for sports practice.

Key words: reliability, stability, dynamic systems, invariant behaviour.

1. The nature of game sports

Game sports are sports with two parties (teams, doubles or singles) that interact dynamically
in order to score a goal/point and simultaneously to prevent the opponent from scoring.
Lames (1991, p.33)

In almost every categorical system given for the universe of sports we find a special category for
game sports (e.g., Döbler et al., 1989). This finding acknowledges that there is a unique structure
to performance in game sports, a fundamental property of which is that game sports are always
comprised of two parties, usually teams, doubles or singles, with both parties sharing mutual ob-
jectives (from the perspective of performance analysis combat sports may be treated very much in
the same way as game sports). In football, for example, the basic idea is that a team strives to
score a goal as well as to prevent their opponent from scoring. Of course this same objective
holds for the opponent, too. Thus, the two teams pursue the same objective simultaneously, a fea-
ture that is typical of game sports. Similarly, if we consider tennis as an example of a net game,
we find the same structure. Each player tries to win the rally by scoring a winning point and, at
the same time, to prevent the opponent from scoring. Thus, the actions of the players on a football
field, and the strokes of the players on a tennis court, are the result of the simultaneous striving

towards common objectives. Importantly, because these aims are mutually exclusive, but pursued
at the same time, tight interactions arise between the two parties. These interactions furthermore
are dynamic, that is, the interactions among the parties change in time during a game. For this
reason, we talk about an interaction process. If a certain action in a game sport is successful, the
opponent has a reason to change his (her) behaviour. If the action is unsuccessful, however, then
the player him/herself looks for something better to do.

This notion of game sports as the product of dynamical interaction processes would seem reason-
able and, understandably, has provoked no objections in the past. On the other hand it is rather
fateful when its consequences are considered. What we see when we observe a sports game is, by
definition, a dynamical interaction process in which measures and countermeasures are taken in
an attempt to overcome the opponent. This implies that the behaviour produced is not primarily
the expression of stable properties of the individual players (e.g., technical skills or physical
abilities) as is the case for other groups of sports (e.g., endurance sports such as long distance
running, or power sports such as weight lifting). Instead, as mentioned previously observable be-
haviour in game sports emerges from the dynamic interactions between the opponents (see Figure
1), a consideration that means that game sports performances have to be considered as unique ac-
tion chains. These unique chains for game sports are context dependent (i.e., they are influenced
by the situation and the opponent) and time dependent and thus not repeatable (i.e., reliable).
These considerations lead us to the main thrust of this article that considers the ongoing search
for reliability (or stability) of performance indicators in game sports behaviour as unrewarding.

Game Sport 100m sprint

Level of

Level of
performance Skills and abilities Skills and abilities Skills and abilities
team/player 1 team/player 2 athlete

Figure 1. The differences between game sports and other sports as illustrated by the relation
between observable behaviour and performance prerequisites

2. “Classical” performance analysis

Letzelter and Letzelter (1982) identified two basic aims of classical performance analysis, a theo-
retical aim and a practical aim. Theoretical performance analysis seeks to understand the game
structure, for example, by identifying the performance behaviours that are important for a given
sport. In theoretical performance analysis, the general aim is to explain sports behaviour using
general models whose empirical foundations provide useful information for sports practice, such
as informing on the long-term planning of training processes. The empirical data on which these
models are predicated may also be used to provide statistical norms for performance measures
(e.g., norms for reaction times in sprinting) or for necessary levels of performance prerequisites
(e.g., norms for jumping height for volleyball players).

In contrast, practical performance analysis aims at a coupling of sports performance with individ-
ual training processes. Thus, sports performance is analysed with a view to identifying informa-
tion useful for sports training. Roughly spoken, there are two primary sources of information that
are relevant for training: the analysis of the player(s) and the analysis of the opponent(s). The
analysis of playing performances aims at detecting the strengths and weaknesses of the player(s)
in order to identify the most urgent aims for training. Analyses of the performances of the oppo-
nent are undertaken with a view to identifying an optimized strategy for the next match.

The underlying assumptions of classic performance analysis are that the observed performances
can be explained by the abilities and skills of the athletes. These abilities and skills are conceived
of as being stable properties, properties that may only be influenced in time by special measures
taken in training. In this accounting, the stable traits of the athletes, as well as the special circum-
stances of the sports competition, explain the performance behaviours. The “trait paradigm”, in-
cluding its assumptions of stable properties for the underlying traits, therefore seemed an appro-
priate and scientifically accepted methodology for the analysis of sports performance. The
historical root of the “trait paradigm” is found in psychological personality theory. It was a basic
achievement of early sports science to apply the trait paradigm to sports behaviour.This paradigm
was very successful in explaining performances in sports such as the 100m sprint, for example.

In general, the first step of classical performance analysis is to use theoretical considerations, or
practical experiences, to identify a set of abilities and skills important to sports performance. In
the second step, operational definitions for these traits are developed and empirical measurements
taken to assess the level of these traits. Such measurements may happen on the level of perform-
ance prerequisites (e.g., motor tests, biomechanical or physiological measurements) or on the
level of competition behaviour (e.g., reaction time, split time analysis, stride length and fre-
quency). Statistical procedures like factor analysis and multiple regression of these empirical data
further help to enlighten upon the structure of sports. For example, the performance prerequisites
might be ranked according to their influence on sport outcome, thus providing important back-
ground information for training purposes. There are, however, some important limitations of the
trait paradigm for informing upon sports performance. The first limitation is that the trait para-
digm, designed to identify general laws, for example, correlations between traits and behaviour,
cannot satisfactorily identify the strengths and weaknesses of individual athletes. The second
limitation of the trait paradigm is found in the consideration of game sports as an interaction
process (see Figure 1). If game sports are unique events, and if the game structure itself is dy-
namic, and if the game behaviours emerge spontaneously from the dynamic interactions among
the players, then there is no expectation of stability in the observed behaviours as measured using
performance indicators. And if, as suggested, the performance indicators of game sports are un-
stable (or variable) then the basic assumption of the trait paradigm is missed: Sports performance
cannot be explained simply by an examination of the underlying traits of the athletes. Instead, the
dynamic interactions among the players are key considerations in any view of game behaviour.

3. On the stability (reliability) of performance indicators in game sports

There are two notions of reliability that are common among scientists. In a narrow sense, reliabil-
ity means the consistency (or stability) of a measure. With respect to observational measure-
ments, as used in notational analysis, reliability is typically assessed using measures of intra- and
inter-observer agreement. It is important for the sports scientist to establish intra- and inter-
observer agreement if the data from performance analysis are to inform on sports practice as in-
tended. In a wider sense, reliability comprises not only the consistency (or stability) of the meas-
ure, but also the consistency (or stability) of the entity that is being measured, what we will refer
to as the measurement result. Thus, reliability of the measurement results require not only consis-
tency in the measurement process (i.e., the assignment of a value to some variable), but also sta-
bility in the entity that is being measured object and stability in the conditions in which the meas-
urements are taken (Lienert, 1969). In this wider sense, changes (or variability) within the entity
itself, and/or within the conditions in which the measures were taken, present an open threat to

The consideration of reliability in its narrower or wider sense leads us to question the wisdom of
looking to identify stable or reliable performance indicators in game sports, respectively. The nar-
row or wider consideration of reliability notwithstanding, the essential problem posed to per-
formance analysts who seek to document game sports for purposes of information feedback re-
mains the same, namely the issue regarding the search for invariant data.

3.1 Some conceptual problems for stability (reliability)

Unsurprisingly, performance indicators in game sports are invariably obtained by the method of
observation. In considering measurement issues with regard to game observation, there is uniform
consensus that the data should be independent of the observer, meaning that the observation
method for data collection should be objective. Since the observer is the instrument of measure-
ment in the observation process, it follows that objectivity on the part of the observer is a very
important part of reliability in observational systems (Lames, 1994).

The usual way of reporting on performance indicators for game sports is to use frequencies, or
relative frequencies, of behavioural occurrences (Hughes and Bartlett, 2004). These frequency
counts provide summary statistics for parts of a match, for a single match, or for several matches
aggregated. These types of descriptive statistics, however, do not contain information on the se-
quential context of the game (for example, what series of actions led to a specific shot on the
goal), nor do they report on the situational context of the specific action (for example, was the
observed behaviour produced from a fast break or from a static position). It follows, then, that the
usual way of obtaining performance indicators for game sports ignores unfortunately the impor-
tant dynamic interactions of which they are comprised.

The basic reason for the problems in establishing the stability (reliability) of performance indica-
tors for game sports is simply the incorrect assumption on which such stability (reliability) is sup-
posed. This assumption ignores the interactions between the player and opponent as important
sources of variability within game sports. For example, games against different opponents usually
are quite different from each other. Even within a match there are continual variations in game
behaviour because of the dynamics of the interaction processes described above. Thus, the dy-
namic nature of game sports prevents the performance indicators from demonstrating sufficient
stability (reliability). When viewed from the conceptual level there would therefore seem to be no
reasonable expectation of stability (reliability) for performance indicators in game sports.

3.2 Some empirical problems for stability (reliability)

3.2.1 Variability (instability) of data between matches

Stability between matches has frequently been examined. We should distinguish between games
against the same opponent and against different ones. Some common examples follow:

• We meet the same opponent in a league system in the home and away match. The demon-
strated existence of home advantage in many sports (Nevill et al., 1996) suggests that there is
a source of variability, or error, not attributed to the abilities and skills of the two teams. Per-
formance indicators obtained when playing home and when playing away should be inter-
preted separately.
• Sometimes two different competitions like cup and league games provide the opportunity to
analyze two matches between the same teams within a short period of time. There is no study
yet that examines stability of performance indicators under these interesting conditions.
• The same individuals may play each other in an earlier and a later phase of the same tourna-
ment depending on the tournament schedule and the game results. In Germany, people often
remember the two games against Hungary in the 1954 Soccer World Championships in Swit-
zerland. Germany lost the first game 3-8 in the preliminary round and won the second (final)
game 3-2.
• In a classical knockout system the next chance to meet the same opponent is only in the next
tournament. Stability when playing against the same opponent should be higher than when
playing against different opponents in a series of consecutive matches (McGarry and Franks,
1994; 1996a).

When considering matches against different opponents, one might expect that valid behavioural
norms may be obtained given the assumption of sufficient stability. In practice, however, these
behavioural norms frequently turn out to have too large variances for practical purposes. For
example, in an analysis of tennis games performed on clay ground (153 games, 306 players) the
first service mean error rate for men with an ATP-ranking below 80 was reported as 39.6%, with
a minimum and maximum error rate of 0% and 70%, respectively (Lames, 1991). The standard
deviation for these data was 16.4%, resulting in a 95%-confidence interval of 7.5% to 71.7%.
These results were considered of little value for use in sports practice.

3.2.2 Variability (instability) of data within matches

The previous example demonstrated instability of a performance indicator for tennis between
matches. In the next example, again from tennis, we demonstrate the instability in a performance
indicator obtained from within a match. The illustration of within-match variability (see Figure 2)
depicts the moving average of Boris Becker’s error rate in first services in the 1989 US Open fi-
nal (Lames, 1992). The error rate in first service may be interpreted as a balance between risk
taking on the part of the player and pressure created from a successful first service. The data in
Figure 2 demonstrates that this balance between risk and pressure varies considerably during a
match. Indeed, the mean and confidence interval data fail to give a satisfactory description of
within-subject stability. Inspection of the data indicates that Becker did not serve well in the sec-
ond set, which he lost 1-6, but served without error towards the end of the third set.

US-Open Final 1989, Becker vs. Lendl

7-6 1-6 6-3 7-6

Percent Service Error

# of Rally

Figure 2. Moving average of Boris Becker’s service errors against Ivan Lendl in the 1989 US
Open final (Lames, 1992). The scores for the four sets in the match are listed in the figure.
WM 01 23:23



Goals scored





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
# of ball possession
WM 01 23:23

Scoring probability








0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

# of ball possession

Figure 3. Scoring process (upper panel) and momentary scoring probability (lower panel) in a
handball game (Lames, in press).

Figure 3 shows the development of the handball game between Germany and Croatia at the 2001
World Championships. The scoring process and the momentary attacking strength, as measured
by a moving average on ball possessions coded goal/no goal, are displayed (Lames, in press). The
descriptions reveal that each team demonstrated phases within the match where almost every ball
possession resulted in a goal, and, in contrast each team went through phases without success.
These characteristics of large within-game variabilities were found almost without exception in
40 handball games of national and international level.

The data presented in Figures 2 and 3 provide strong evidence of within-game instabilities in the
performance indicators used. From a conceptual level, we reiterate the point that within-match in-
stability is to be expected given that a sports game is the product of ongoing dynamic interac-
tions. From a practical viewpoint, we might again predict within-match instabilities from a con-
sideration of sporting experiences. We change tactics after scoring and taking the lead in soccer,
for instance. We look for different ways to attack if our last efforts failed. Sometimes successful
tactics are changed perhaps to keep the opponent guessing and prevent anticipation or, possibly,
sometimes to simply add to the frustration of the opponent.

3.2.3 Stability or instability in performance indicators: Some pitfalls to watch for

In some situations the data may seem to support the presence of stability when stability is not in
fact established. The use of correlations to report on the associations between performance indi-
cators obtained between matches, or within a match (i.e., between parts of a match) in particular
can mislead the unsuspecting if variance in the two data series is increased by incorrect sampling.
Some practical examples include:

• The comparison of performance indicators for different positions in a team, or for different
player types in singles games, may increase the correlation. For example, the rate of net at-
tacks in tennis will show an artificially high correlation – and thus an inflated level of stabil-
ity – for a sample of serve-and-volley players as compared against a sample with a high pro-
portion of base-line players.
• Frequently, the playing times per match are different among players. If the data are not cor-
rected for these differences, the effect will be to increase the correlations between perform-
ance indicators both within and between matches.
• That some players regularly get more playing time than others creates another pitfall. Usually
playing time reflects an estimation of the player by the coach. If there is a high correlation be-
tween a performance indicator and a player ranking, then this result may arise because the
playing times and the perception of the player by the coach are confounded, and not because
the performance indicator is a valid measure of the quality of that player.
• Using performance indicators to assess for differences between winning and losing teams
should be performed with caution. First, we should point out that trivial data contain little, if
any, information for sports performance (e.g., winners and losers differ in the number of
points scored). Second, performance indicators are often confounded with other information.
For example, the rate of shots per goal is confounded with the number of goals scored which
is necessarily higher for winners than for losers. Thus, the number of goals must be controlled
for in some way perhaps by using partial correlations. In the least, it would be interesting to
investigate the differences in performance indicators between winners and losers when doing
so as contrasted against when not doing so.

In light of the latter point, we reiterate the suggestion of Hughes and Bartlett (2004) that perform-
ance indicators should be standardized in some way for purposes of comparison. Sometimes stan-
dardization is not a simple task as demonstrated in the example above with regard to the rate of
shots per goal for winners and losers. Similarly, the common practice of standardizing volleyball
statistics by the number of sets played is insufficient because of the presence of shorter and
longer sets. The correct method of standardizing the data notwithstanding, the data must be stan-
dardized otherwise the results may suggest performance differences, or performance stabilities
for that matter, where in fact no such differences exist.

3.2.4 Further comments on the stability (reliability) of performance profiles

In the search for a behavioural signature of playing performance, McGarry and Franks (1994,
1996a) reported that the playing profile of individual squash players, as defined from the prob-
ability of shot selections, were variant as opposed to invariant when contested against different
opponents. This unexpected finding of the time challenged our presumptions of understanding of
sports performance because it follows necessarily that the data from a past contest must be in-
variant (or reliable) if they are to inform on the next contest (as in scouting). McGarry and Franks
(1996a) identified sampling error (i.e., too few data sampled) as a possible reason for their find-
ings of variable (or unstable) data. The other possibility offered by these authors was that the fre-
quency data used to specify the playing profiles yielded an unsatisfactory description of sports
performance (McGarry and Franks, 1996a, for further details), a possibility that these authors se-
lected to follow in further work. We will return briefly to this point in the next section.

Subsequent efforts to identify invariant behaviours by increasing the sample size have been un-
dertaken in more recent times by some authors. For example, Hughes, et al. (2001) reported on
the existence of “normative profiles” for performance indicators when the data were gathered
from a number of games. Normative profiles are sets of performance indicators obtained by aver-
aging performances of several games in an attempt to establish a stable profile. In their research,
Hughes and colleagues determined that a performance indicator was “stable” when additional
data from other games did not result in a change in the mean value estimate obtained to that time
outside of what were considered to be tolerable limits for the supposed – though necessarily un-
known – true mean value for that performance indicator. These interesting techniques for estab-
lishing stable performance profiles are not without criticism, however, perhaps the main one be-
ing that the Hughes et al. method is still subject to sampling error, a point noted by O’Donoghue
and Ponting (2005).

The word stable as used in the above context means that the mean value of a performance indica-
tor obtained from the data set is a good estimate of the true value of the trait being measured. The
quality of such an estimate is usually expressed in a confidence interval for the mean, with a rea-
sonably small confidence interval indicating a good estimate of the true value. In fact, an answer
to the question of how large a sample size is required for stable performances (or normative pro-
files) is provided, in principle, from statistical considerations. The mean over n normally distrib-
uted measurements has a standard deviation of s/√n, that is, the standard deviation of a single
measurement divided by the square of the number of aggregated trials. Thus, the required preci-
sion of the estimate can be obtained simply from taking a sufficiently large sample of data. For
similar considerations using the central limit theorem to obtain the necessary number of games

for establishing stable performances within specified confidence limits, see O’Donoghue and
Ponting (2005).

Unfortunately, there remain some outstanding criticisms on the ongoing search for stability in
performance indicators by simply increasing the sample size of data recorded. One such criticism
concerns the timeliness of the some of the performance data as increasing the sample size (e.g.,
increasing the number of games) necessarily mean that some of the data are less recent than other
data. Of course, in sports practice the interest with regard to information feedback is much more
concerned with data from recent sports performances than with less recent data. The comment by
O’Donoghue (2005) that more recent performances possibly be given more weight than less re-
cent data for performance analysis is interesting, however, it would seem to reintroduce the issue
of variability (or instability) in the performance data that an increased sample size is intended to
negate in the first place. Of more importance, however, is the criticism that increasing the sample
size to decrease variability, and thus obtain “stable” performance measures does not get around
the essence of the initial problem identified by McGarry and Franks (1994, 1996a), that of variant
behaviour between games when playing against different opponents. For example, while stable
performances indicators identified from a number of games might predict well to the next obser-
vations taken from the same number of games at some future time, the performance indicators
still contain little useful information with regard to the next (single) game. Thus, while acknowl-
edgement of the problem of game-to-game variability, together with efforts to address this con-
cern is to be applauded, the issue of between game variability would seem intractable. In addi-
tion, as noted before the performance indicators that invariably consist of frequency counts of
game behaviours do not reflect well upon the game structure when the game is viewed as a dy-
namic interaction process.

4. Possible theoretical alternatives for performance analysis in game sports

4.1 Game sports as complex (dynamical) systems

A game sport is a complex system that consists of at least of two players, with each player pos-
sessing many alternatives regarding how to act. Thus a game sport is comprised of subsystems
with dynamic interactions among the subsystems. Indeed, dynamical properties are essential con-
siderations for a complex system. In this context, the shared objectives that the two parties are
competing for may well be conceived as attractors for the complex system (see Figure 4). Indeed,
the findings of chance, chaos, and climax in the course of a game sport are to be expected within
the framework of a dynamical (complex) system. These properties of game sports, however, tend
to get overlooked by classical performance analysis. There would therefore seem to be good rea-
son to consider the merits of dynamical systems theory for the structural modelling of game
sports. For the moment at least, the problem with this suggestion lies in the details.


Attractor 0-1
Attractor 1-0

Attractor 0-0

Regions of instability

Figure 4. Illustration of football as dynamical complex system (Lames, 1998)

Figure 4 offers an illustration of a possible starting point from which to consider football as a
complex system. The aims of each team are represented as two attractors with the chain of events
within the game represented as the meandering black line. This line depicts the state of the inter-
action in the football game as a function of time. In this view, the football match might be
thought of as unfolding in a type of phase plane, although the question of what variables might be
appropriate for a description of the phase plane remain unanswered at present.

This new type of thinking on game sport behaviour in terms of dynamical systems theory is be-
ginning to gain favour among some sports scientists (see, for example, McGarry et al, 1999, and
McGarry et al., 2002, for earlier consideration of sports contests as dynamical systems; see also
Palut and Zanone, 2005, for a demonstration of tennis as a dynamical system). In addition to
these considerations, the possibilities of future contributions of neural networks analysis as a
means of analyzing the dynamic data that describe sports performances was also suggested (see
McGarry and Perl, 2004, for further details). For now though, many open questions remain and
much work must be undertaken if a satisfactory accounting of sports performance behaviours are
to be described using dynamical systems theory. Nonetheless, the general method with regards to
any such accounting is evident. In order to inform upon the structure of a game sport it is first
necessary to describe it using an appropriate mathematical model. Thereafter, the internal struc-
ture of the game can be investigated by analyzing the model behaviour using simulation tech-
niques under different scenarios. In the next section, we provide an example of such an approach
for advancing our understanding sports performance.

4.2 Game sports as probabilistic (Markov) processes

The use of probability analysis for investigating games of chance has a long history. Unsurpris-
ingly, then, the structure of game sports is likewise informed using probability (stochastic) analy-
sis, specifically finite Markov chain analysis. Some sports examples of analyzing scoring struc-
tures on the basis of probability, including identifying optimal decision-making strategies in some

instances, are found for squash (e.g., Ap Simon, 1951, 1957; Clarke and Norman, 1979; Pollard,
1985; Schutz and Kinsey, 1977; and Wright, 1988), tennis (Croucher, 1982, 1986; Morris, 1977;
Pollard, 1987; and Schutz, 1970), badminton (Clarke, 1979; Renick, 1977), volleyball (Pfeifer
and Deutch, 1981) and baseball (Trueman, 1977). Following these authors, McGarry and Franks
(1994; 1996a; 1996b) modelled the behaviour (the shots) in squash games using Markov chains.
The intention of this work was to predict future behaviours from past behaviours using simulation
techniques and, in so doing, to subsequently identify optimized decision-making strategies for
winning performances. The approach of Lames likewise used finite Markov chains as a model for
game sports, including its calculus (Kemeny and Snell, 1976). Once again, simulations were un-
dertaken to assess the usefulness of certain tactical behaviours, as well as to assess the perform-
ance of individual players in team games. This type of work was applied to tennis (Lames, 1988;
1991), squash (McGarry and Franks, 1994; 1996a; 1996b) and volleyball (Lames and Hohmann,
1997; Lames et al., 1997), as well as table-tennis (Zhang, 2003) and handball (Pfeiffer, 2003).
Rec. Rec. Dig Dig Set Set Att. Att. Blo. Blo Point Point

Serve CUB 89.2 1.8 9.0

Serve GER 92.8 7.2

Recept. CUB 94.8 1.3 2.6 1.3

Recept. GER 2.0 91.9 2.0 2.0 2.0

Dig CUB 2.6 72.7 5.2 3.9 15.6

Dig GER 3.1 64.6 6.2 7.7 3.1 15.4

Set CUB 0.8 97.7 0.8 0.8

Set GER 0.8 0.8 96.2 2.3

Attack CUB 25.2 33.1 30.2 11.5

Attack GER 30.5 48.9 11.3 9.2

Block CUB 27.1 18.6 1.4 20.0 32.9

Block GER 19.1 29.8 2.1 36.2 12.8

Figure 5. Volleyball (Cuba vs. Germany 3-0, Bremen 1995) as a finite Markov chain (Lames
et al., 1997).

Figure 5 shows the results of a transition matrix of a finite Markov chain model of volleyball. It
depicts the match between the female national volleyball teams of Cuba and Germany at Bremen,
Germany, in 1995. The model consists of distinct states and the transition probabilities between
them. The transient states are the usual standard actions in volleyball (i.e. service, reception, dig,
set, attack and block) and the final or absorbing states are the winning points (i.e., Point CUB and
Point GER). The transition probabilities between the states are obtained from observation. For
example, a transition probability (expressed as a percentage) of 89.2% from Serve CUB to Rec.
GER means that 89.2% of the Cuban serves were followed with a German reception. The transi-
tion matrix itself provides for a good description of the game. For example, a comparison be-
tween the two teams of the transition probabilities between the attack and block states demon-
strates that the Cuban victory was largely met without challenge.

If the properties of stationarity and independence for Markov chains are present in the sport under
investigation then the calculus developed for finite Markov chains (see Kemeny and Snell, 1976)
can be used to obtain useful data. Examples from tennis (see Lames, 1991, for further details) in-
clude the average and standard deviations of the rally lengths, the expected number of times the
Markov chain process resides in a certain state during a rally, and the probabilities of reaching a
certain final state when starting at different transient states. The latter example provides interest-
ing results for performance analysis. For instance, if we take the starting state in volleyball as
Serve CUB and the final state as Point CUB, then the combination of possible event sequences
between the starting to the finishing states provides the probability of Cuba winning the point
from service, a good indicator of general performance in volleyball.
Rec. Rec. Dig Dig Set Set Att. Att. Blo. Blo Point Point

Serve CUB 89.2 1.8 9.0

94.2 4.0

PCuba = 54.4%
Figure 6. Simulated impact of a lower service error rate on the overall probability of scoring a
point for Cuba (Lames, 1998).

The calculations suggested above may be used to investigate the validity of the model by compar-
ing the results predicted from the model to the empirical data. Similar calculations can also be
performed to allow simulations of behaviour and to investigate the expected impact of these
simulations on sports performance. For example, a reduced service error rate for Cuba from 9.0%
to 4.0%, together with the corresponding increase in correct services, was found to result in a pre-
dicted 1.0% increase in the likelihood of Cuba winning the point from service (see Figure 6). This
finding can be interpreted as a measure of the importance of the examined tactical behaviour, an
appropriate instance of the usefulness of theoretical performance analysis for sports performance.
While this presented finding holds only for a single game, the simulation technique may of course
be applied to a representative sample of games if desired. For example, Lames (1991) examined
153 tennis matches, Zhang (2003) examined 152 table tennis matches and Pfeiffer (2003)
examined 16 junior handball matches using this technique). To further exemplify this point, the
results of the impact of several tactical behaviours on volleyball performance based on 9
international female volleyball games (18 teams) are presented in Table 1a.

Impact Impact
Action Player Contacts Impact
serving receiving
Service: errors -0.63 0 Pianka, Ines 161 9,60
Reception: 0 -0.64 Lahme, 103 2,87
errors Susanne
Dig: errors -0.43 -0.20 Celis, Nancy 98 2,47
Set: errors -0.25 -0.72 Naumann, Grit 95 1,52
Attack: 0.29 0.72 Roll, Sylvia 100 1,25
Attack: errors -0.39 -0.99 Radfan, 1 -0,19
Block: winners 0.44 0.16 Wilke, Claudia 3 -0,19
Block: errors -0.51 -0.18 Schultz, 111 -1,68
Table 1a. Impact of some tactical behaviours on Table 1b. Ball contacts and impact of in-
dividual probability for serving and receiving. players on overall scoring probability of
the German team.

Table 1b shows another possibility for investigating the sport structure using the same method. If
all the transitions of a selected player are subtracted from the initial transition matrix obtained for
that team, then a transition matrix for the team without the contributions of the subtracted player
is produced. Estimates of the impact of that player on team performance may then be obtained,
for example by using simulation to calculate the new scoring probability of the team and subtract-
ing the new probability from the initial probability obtained from the team matrix. Although
much research is still required to provide a satisfactory method for this type of performance as-
sessment, the point remains that simulation techniques using Markov processes may also be use-
ful for the measurement of individual performances in team sports.

From the above considerations, it is evident that the use of appropriate models of sports perform-
ance using simulation methods permits investigations on game structure to good effect. Examples
of appropriate game models include rule-based probabilistic models, not only using finite Markov
chains as reported above, but also continuous Markov chains (Meyer, Forbes and Clarke, 2006),
and/or models of sports behaviours that are predicated on dynamical systems theory. We suggest
that a formal understanding on game structure will ultimately be developed through the methods
of theoretical performance analysis as reported above.

5. Practical performance analysis

The usefulness of practical performance analysis lies in the amount of support that it provides to
sports practice. In this regard, we propose two purposes of game observation to be most impor-
tant; for the preparation against a future opponent and for the optimization of training. Fulfilment
of these two tasks requires a coupling of information between game observation and the training
process. In this regard, the coupling of competition behaviour and training was proposed by
Lames and Hansen (2001) to comprise a three-step process as documented in Figure 7 below.






Figure 7. The coupling of competition and training by game observation as a three-step proc-
ess (Lames and Hansen, 2001).

In the first step, a detailed description of competition behaviour is required using an appropriate
observational system. The quality of this description depends on the reliability of the observation
process as defined in the narrower sense of measurement consistency. In the second step, a diag-
nostic approach is used in which the information is analysed and cues detected for training pur-
poses, particularly cues indicating weaknesses or strengths in performance. This step cannot be
completed from only analysis of observational data, however, since an adequate interpretation of
observational data must consider other factors. These other factors include the individual circum-
stances such as tactics and strategy, as well as situational aspects such as the psychological,
physical and cognitive processes that occur during a game, the quality of the opponent and the
level of preparation of the players.

The interpretative nature of the diagnosis step becomes more evident when attributing causes to
the weaknesses and strengths observed in competition. In particular, possible causes are attrib-
uted specifically to the performance prerequisites of the individual player. For example, a high er-
ror rate in tennis volleys might be due to a detail in the execution of the specific action, or to a
lack of explosive strength, or to a weak coupling between the player service and subsequent
movement, or even to the length of the arm. The ambiguous, multi-causal structure of the diagno-
sis process requires necessarily an interpretative approach rather than an algorithmic one.

In the third step the results of the diagnosis must be transferred into practical considerations by
identifying a list of possible objectives for training,. In order to do so, the issue of whether a pos-
sible objective may become a practical objective must be considered (such as arm length), as
must whether the identified objective may be integrated into the ongoing training process and
whether to do so on a short-term or a long-term basis. The practical implementation of the inter-
pretation from game observation thus requires a profound knowledge in training methodology as
well as a detailed involvement in the training process under consideration.

That the coupling of competition behaviour and training is an interpretive process has led some
authors to apply the principles of qualitative research methodologies to this task. Qualitative re-
search methodology exists in numerous variants, but has some features that make it well suited to
practical performance analysis (Denzin and Lincoln, 1994). Such features include its applications
in tackling practical problems rather than theoretical ones, its holistic and contextual approach to
framing and addressing issues as opposed to the reductionist and analytic approach of quantita-
tive methods, and its concepts of communication and intervention. Qualitative approaches adopt
an interpretative and reconstructive view of social reality which is deemed appropriate for mas-
tering the steps necessary for practical performance analysis as detailed above.

To illustrate some of the characteristics of qualitative game analysis (QGA) we report in brief on
an observational method that was designed to support top-level teams in beach volleyball. The
details of this approach are documented in Lames and Hansen (2001), Hansen and Lames (2001)
and Hansen (2003).

The first part of QGA uses a quantitative observational system to identify the video scenes with
regard to some specified parameters (e.g., service, reception, attack, result). This step is called
quantitative pre-structuring and serves to prepare for the qualitative analysis to follow. In the
qualitative analysis phase, the performance analyst examines the scenes selected from data base
retrieval using the parameters identified in the quantitative phase. These scenes may be rallies
with striking features identified from a general statistical inspection (e.g., an unusual large num-
ber of service errors), or rallies containing important tactical behaviours that are looked for as a
matter of routine (e.g., the service tactics of an opposing team). At the end of this step, the per-
formance analyst will have developed a preliminary game strategy for use against the opponent
just examined. The last step of QGA is called communicative validation. In qualitative research
methodology, it is typical that the scientist on one side and the participants on the other, thus the
coaches and the players in this instance, communicate on equal terms. Using an iterative process,
with additional support from the video scenes that are readily displayed by the observational sys-
tem when necessary, an agreement on the final game strategy is subsequently reached by both

Qualitative methodology provides advice for the central tasks of QGA. One idea is that the analy-
sis of video scenes uses a method that is derived from content analysis, a common research
method used in qualitative methodology (Mayring, 1993). Communicative validation is concep-
tualised as an iterative hermeneutic circle that is repeated until a common re-construction of the
findings emerge (Guba and Lincoln, 1989). Finally, qualitative methodology provides a frame-
work regarding how to conceptualize social interventions, which is appropriate when aiming to
introduce changes in social systems.

Lames and Hansen (2001) reported a successful practical intervention with the German National
Beach Volleyball teams at the 2000 Olympics at Sydney, Australia, using QGA as described. For
three years one of the authors (Hansen) was involved in the preparation, qualification and, in the
coaching itself during the Olympic tournament. The bronze medal was won, although the team
did not finish better than 7th in the world cup tournaments beforehand. Of course the authors do
not claim that the intervention using QGA was the only cause for the German team success.

At this point, one might ask why the many examples of successful practical performance analysis
worked in the past without the conceptual base of QGA. The answer is that every successful in-
tervention has managed somehow to interpret observational data correctly, to communicate suc-
cessfully with the coaches and players, and to intervene efficiently in this special social context.
In this regard, it would seem that the principles of QGA were realised implicitly in these cases, a
suggestion that is confirmed from talking with experienced game analysts. They report frequently
that information has to be filtered prior to a presentation to the coaches, that there are long dis-
cussions with coaches on the meaning and consequences of the observational data, and that social
acceptance of the information provided by the analyst to the coaches and players is paramount if
it is to exhibit any influence on sports practice.

6. Summary

From considerations of a comprehensive notion of reliability, including not only the consistency
of the measures but also the stability of the trait being measured, it was demonstrated that per-
formance indicators in game sports would not be expected to be reliable (stable) because game
sports are most appropriately conceived of as a dynamical interaction process between two oppo-
nents. In game sports, behaviour emerges as a result of this interaction process rather than it be-
ing a produced from the underlying stable properties of the athletes as is typical for some other
types of sports.

There is strong empirical support for this conceptual position as well as the fact that it reflects
very much the opinions held within sports practice. Speaking generally, there is much variation in
performance indicators both within and between games. In short, the lack of reliability (stability)
in performance indicators is compatible with the view of game sports as a dynamical interaction
process, a position that encourages the search for alternative approaches to performance analysis
other than that offered by classical performance analysis.

We conclude that dynamical systems theory provides a new perspective that is appropriate for
advancing our understanding of the structure of game sports. While there is much research to be
conducted in order to find appropriate models that are based on dynamical principles, or instead
to somehow introduce dynamical considerations to existing rule-based probabilistic models of
sports performance, there are encouraging signs of progress on this front. In the future, the com-
plement of theoretical performance analysis using quantitative data, and practical performance
analysis using qualitative methods, will serve to further our understanding of game structure to
the benefit of sports practice.

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