Medicinal Chemistry in NIPER

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I Semester
MC-510 Basics of Drug Action (2 credits)
1. Structure: 2D vs 3D. Structure vs. Electronic structure. Electronic structure of ketenes and its
importance in reactivity. Diels-Alder reaction, Symmetry using group theory. Graph theory and
2D structure.
2. Energy: Energy concept and its importance in drug action. First, Second and Third laws of
thermodynamics and the principles derived from these laws which are of significance to drug
3. Thermodynamics: Free energy and Relationship between thermodynamics and statistics.
Importance of chemical potential in drug action. Thermodynamic cycle. Statistical
thermodynamics in predicting the structure of biomolecules and their interaction with drug
molecules. Macromolecular vs. micromolecular correlation using thermodynamics and
statistical thermodynamics.
4. Interactions: Inter- and intramolecular interactions. Weak interactions in drug molecules. Chirality
and drug action. Covalent, ion-ion, ion-dipole, Hydrogen bonding, C-H hydrogen bonding,
dihydrogen bonding, Van derWaals interactions and the associated energies.
5. Receptorology: Drug-receptor interactions, Receptor theories and drug action: Occupancy
Theory, Rate Theory, Induced Fit Theory, Macromolecular perturbation theory, Activation-
Aggregation theory. Topological and stereochemical consideration.
6. Enzyme Kinetics: enzyme kinetics in drug action. Do all molecules of an enzyme have same
kinetics? Mechanisms of enzyme catalysis, Electrostatic catalysis and desolvation. Covalent
catalysis, Acid-base catalysis, Strain / distortion in enzyme catalysis. Coenzyme catalysis.
7. Enzyme Inhibition: Drug action through enzyme inhibition. Examples based on PDE4, GSK3,
etc. Theories of enzyme inhibition and inactivation. Enzyme activation of drugs prodrugs.
8. Nucleic acids: NA as targets for drug action. NA-interactive agents. Classes of drugs that
interact with nucleic acids. Intercalation, NA-alkylation, NA-strand breaking and their importance
in drug action.
9. Drug likeness: Drug like molecules and theories associated with the recognition of drug like
properties. Physical organic chemistry of Drug metabolism, drug deactivation and elimination.
10. Drug action after Metabolism: Phase I and Phase II transformations. Concept of hard and soft
drugs. Chemistry of ADME and Toxicity properties of drugs.

Recommended Books:
1. The Organic Chemistry of Drug Design and Drug Action by R.B. Silverman
2. C.J. Coulson, Molecular Mechanism of Drug Action by C.J. Coulson
3. A primer of Drug Action by R.M. Julien
4. Drug-Receptor Thermodynamics by R.B. Raffa
5. Principles of Drug Action by W.B. Pratt, P. Taylor
6. Medicinal Chemistry How Drugs Act and Why by A. Gringauz
7. Principles of Molecular recognition by A.D. Buckingham


8. Quantitative molecular pharmacology and Informatics by M. Lutz

9. Physical Biochemistry by K.E.V. Holde
10. Free energy calculations in rational drug design by M. Rami Reddy

MC-511 Spectral Analysis (2 credits)

1. Ultra Violet (UV) and visible spectroscopy:
a) Energy levels and selection rules: Definitions, molecular orbital approach for energy
absorption, various modes of transitions.
b) Correlation of structural variation with UV absorption: Factors influencing the position and
intensity of absorptions, Inductive and resonance effects, effect of ring size, influence of
stereochemical factors.
c) Predicting UV absorption: Woodward- Fieser, Fieser-Kuhn and Nelson rules;
d) Other factors: Non-conjugative effect, solvent effect, S-Cis band.
2. Infrared (IR)spectroscopy:
a) Characteristic regions of the spectrum: Various modes of vibrations, Energy levels
b) Correlation of structure with IR spectra: Influence of substituents, ring size, hydrogen bonding,
vibrational coupling and field effect on frequency.
c) Applications: Determination of stereochemistry. Spectral interpretation with examples.
3. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy:
a) Fundamentals: Physical basis, magnetic nuclei, resonance, relaxation processes, signal-
b) Instrumentation: Continuous-Wave (CW) instrument, Pulsed Fourier Transform (FT)
instrument, Functions, Relation with sensitivity, Sampling.
c) 1H NMR, correlation of structure with spectra: Chemical environment and shielding,
chemical shift and origin of its concept, reference compound, local diamagnetic shielding
and magnetic anisotropy, relation with chemical shift, chemical and magnetic non-
equivalence, spin-spin splitting and its origin, Pascal's triangle, coupling constant,
mechanism of coupling, integral, NMR solvents and their residual peaks, protons on
heteroatoms, quadrupole broadening and decoupling, effect of conformations and
stereochemistry on the spectrum, Karplus relationship, diastereomeric protons,
Heteronuclear coupling to 19F and 31P, virtual coupling, long range coupling-epi, peri, bay
effects. Shift reagents-mechanism of action, spin decoupling and double resonance.
Explanation of spectra of some compounds and drugs.
d) 13C NMR, correlation of structure with spectra: Chemical environment, shielding and carbon-
13 chemical shift, calculation, proton-coupled C Spetra, Proton-decoupled C spectra, Nuclear
Overhauser Enhancement (NOE), Problem with integration, Distortionless Enhancement
by Polarization Transfer (DEPT), Heteronuclear coupling for carbon to deuterium, carbon to
19F, carbon to 31P. Explanation of spectra of some compounds and drugs.


4. Mass spectrometry (MS): Molecular ion and metastable peak, fragmentation patterns, nitrogen
and ring rules, McLafferty rearrangement, electron and chemical ionization modes, applications.

Recommended Books:
1. Spectroscopy by Donald L Pavia, Gary M Lampman, George S Kriz, James A Vyvyan
2. Organic spectroscopy by William Kemp
3. Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry by Dudley H. Williams & Ian Fleming
4. Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds by Robert M. Silverstein, Francis X. Webster
& David J. Kiemie
5. Applications of Absorption Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds by Dyer
6. Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy by Colin N. Banwell & Elaine M. McCash
7. Spectroscopy by Pavia, Donald L. Lampman, Gary M. Kriz, George S.

MC-520 Logic in Organic Synthesis-I (3 credits)

1. Organic reaction mechanism:
a) Methods of determining reaction mechanisms: kinetic and non-kinetic methods; Energy
profile diagrams, reaction intermediates, crossover experiments and isotopic labelling; order
of reactions; Reversible, consecutive and parallel reactions; Solvent, ionic strength and
salt effects; Acid-base catalysis.
b) Nucleophilic substitution reactions: Uni- and bimolecular reactions; Attacking and leaving
groups; Steric and electronic effects; Neighboring group participation; Formation and
hydrolysis of esters, amides and acyl halides different mechanisms.
c) Electrophilic substitution reactions: Aromatic electrophilic substitutions including Friedel-
Crafts reactions.
d) Addition and elimination reactions: Addition to C=C and C=O; Mechanism;
Dehydrohalogenation, dehydration, etc; E1, E2 and Syn-elimination mechanism.
2. Principles of synthetic planning: Logic-centered molecular synthesis; Dislocation, synthetic
tree, synthons, logical imposition of boundary conditions, direct associated approach; Structure-
functionality relationships, functionality and unsaturation levels; Polar reactivity analysis; Control
elements, consonant and dissonant circuits; Protocol for synthetic design.
3. Alkylation:
a) Enolates: Regio- and stereo-selective enolate generation, "O" versus "C"- alkylation, effects
of solvent, counter cation and electrophiles; Symbiotic effect; Thermodynamically and
kinetically controlled enolate formations; Various transition state models for stereoselective
enolate formation.
b) Enamines and metalloenamines: Regioselectivity in generation, applications in controlling
the selectivity of alkylation.
4. Reaction of ylides:
a) PhosphorSemester-Ious ylides: Structure and reactivity, stabilized and Non-stabilized ylides,
effects of ligands on reactivity, Wittig reaction, Schlosser modification, Wittig-Horner and
Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons olefination reactions, Mechanism reactions and synthesis of
various scaffolds.


b) Sulphur Ylides: Stabilized and non-stabilized ylides; thermodynamically and kinetically

controlled reactions with carbonyl compounds, regio- and stereo-selective reactions.
5. Hydroboration: Control of chemo-, regio- and stereo-selectivity, rearrangement of alkylboranes;
Alkylboranes as organometallic reagents, e.g., 9-BBN, thexylboranes, siamylborane, chiral
boranes- Ipc2BH IpcBH2 etc.

Recommended Books:
1. March's Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanisms, and Structure by Michael B.
Smith, and Jerry March
2. Designing Organic Syntheses by Stuart Warren
3. Organic Synthesis: the Disconnection Approach by Stuart Warren
4. Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions and Synthesis, Part A: Structure & Mechanism by
Francis A. Carey; Richard J. Sundberg
5. Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions and Synthesis, Part B: Reaction & Mechanism by
Francis A. Carey; Richard J. Sundberg
6. Modern Synthetic Reactions by Herbert O. House
7. Modern Methods of Organic Synthesis by Carruthers, William Coldham, Iain
8. Mechanism and Structure in Organic Chemistry by Gould
9. Advanced Inorganic Chemistry by Cotton , Wilkinson, Murillo and Bochmann
10. Fundamentals of Medicinal Chemistry by Thomas ISBN047084307
In each case the treatment of the topic starts from the entry level discussion from the above text/
reference books followed by relevant research articles from the original research work as well as
review articles. Such suggested readings are provided along with the progress of the lectures.

NP-510 Separation Techniques (1credit)

(Refer to Page No. 14 )

PC-540 Chemotherapy of Parasitic and Microbial Infections

(Refer to Page No. 26) (1 credit)

PT-510 Industrial Process and Scale up Techniques (1 credit)

(Refer to Page No. 51)

GE-510 Biostatistics (2 credits)

(Refer to Page No. 15)

GE-511 Seminar (1 credit)

(Refer to Page No. 17)


LG-510 General Laboratory Experience - 15 hours / week (3 credits)

1. Analytical techniques: (75 hours)
a) Spectral analysis workshop (45 hours)
b) Separation Techniques (30 hours)
2. Computer and application in pharmaceutical sciences (100 hours): Introduction to computers,
basic unit and functions, H/W and S/W, operating systems, word processing, spread sheet,
graphic programs, dbase, windows, statistical S/W programs and packages. Steps involved in
S/W development, computer languages with emphasis to FORTRAN language and
programming, hands on experience in pharmaceutical software systems. Use of computers in
information retrieval systems.
3. Specialization (95 hours): Two to three step synthesis. Purification by chromatographic technique
and identification by IR, NMR, and MS.

II Semester
MC-610 Drug Design (2 credits)
1. Electronic Structure methods: Quantum chemical methods semi-empirical and ab initio
methods. Conformational analysis, energy minimization, comparison between global minimum
conformation and bioactive conformation. Predicting the mechanism of organic reactions using
electronic structure methods. Complete and constrained conformational search methods, their
advantages and disadvantages. Theoretical aqueous solvation calculations for design of ligands.
Conformational interconversion, transition-state determination and their role in designing rigid
2. Quantum chemical methods of analyzing drugs: Metformin, its comparison to carbones, rapid
racemization in glitazones, metabolism and toxicity of troglitazone, conversion of proguanil to
3. Molecular modeling: Energy minimization, geometry optimization, conformational analysis,
global conformational minima determination; approaches and problems. Bioactive vs. global
minimum conformations. Automated methods of conformational search. Advantages and
limitations of available software. Molecular graphics. Computer methodologies behind molecular
modeling including artificial intelligence methods.
4. Structure Activity Relationships in drug design: Qualitative versus quantitative approaches-
advantages and disadvantages. Random screening, Non-random screening, drug metabolism
studies, clinical observations, rational approaches to lead discovery. Homologation, chain
branching, ring-chain transformations, bioisosterism. Insights into molecular recognition
phenomenon. Structure based drug design, ligand based drug design.
5. QSAR: Electronic effects: Hammett equation, lipophilicity effects. Hansch equation, steric
effects. Taft equation. Experimental and theoretical approaches for the determination of physico-
chemical parameters, parameter inter-dependence; case studies. Regression analysis,
extrapolation versus interpolation, linearity versus nonlinearity. Descriptor calculation. The
importance of biological data in the correct form; 2D QSAR; 3D-QSAR examples of CoMFA
and CoMSIA.


6. Molecular docking: Rigid docking, flexible docking, manual docking. Advantages and
disadvantages of Flex-X, Flex-S, Autodock and Dock softwares, with successful examples.
7. Molecular dynamics: Dynamics of drugs, biomolecules, drug-receptor complexes, Monte Carlo
simulations and Molecular dynamics in performing conformational search and docking.
Estimation of free energy from dynamical methods.
8. Pharmacophore concept: Pharmacophore mapping, methods of conformational search used
in pharmacophore mapping. Comparison between the popular pharmacophore methods like
Catalyst/HipHop, DiscoTech, GASP with practical examples.
9. De Novo drug design techniques: Receptor/enzyme cavity size prediction. Predicting the
functional components of cavities, designing drugs fitting into cavity.
10. Informatics methods in drug design: Informatics methods in drug design: Brief introduction to
bioinformatics, chemoinformatics. Their relation to drug design as per the topics discussed in
items 1-9 above.

Recommended books:
1. Molecular Modelling, by A. R. Leach
2. Organic Chemistry of Drug Design and Drug Action, by R.B. Silverman
3. Practical Applications of computer aided drug design, by P.S. Charifson
4. Molecular modeling in Drug Design, by C. Cohen
5. Chemical Applications of Molecular modeling, by J. Goodman
6. Pharmacophore perception, by O.F. Guner

MC-620 Logic in Organic Synthesis-II (3 credits)

1. Metal/ammonia reduction: Reduction of mono-, bi- and tri-cyclic aromatic systems and various
functional groups, reductive alkylation, regio- and stereoselectivity; Reduction of alkynes;
Complex metal hydrides and selectrides.
2. Reaction of electron-deficient intermediates: Carbene, nitrene and free radical, their stabilities
and modes of generation; Addition and insertion reactions of carbenoids and nitrenoids - regio-
and stereoselectivity, role of the metal catalysts in the transitionmetalcatalyzed reactions,
other types of reactions of carbenoids, e.g., ylide generation, 1,3- dipolar addition, rearrangement,
etc.; Intra-molecular radical trapping process leading to ring annulation - Baldwin's rule.
3. Organometallics: Applications of organo-lithium, cadmium and cerium reagents, heteroatom
directed lithiation; Oxy- and amido-mercurations; Gilman reagent, mixed and higher order
cuprates, uses in nucleophilic substitution, cleavage of epoxides and conjugate addition
reactions; Mechanism of action; Spiro-annulation; Wacker oxidation, Wilkinson's catalyst,
carbonylation/hydroformylation reactions; Heck arylation; Role of metal- ligands in controlling
regio- and stereo-selectivity; Catalytic and stoichiometric oxidation reactions; Homogeneous
and heterogenous processes; Chemo-selective reactions; Bio-mimicking processes.
4. Umpolung and umpoled sythons: Concept, acyl and glycine cation/anion, homoenolate anion,
vicinyl dicarbanion, carbonyl dication equivalence, etc.


5. Asymmetric synthesis: Chiral induction-factors controlling facial selectivity; Chiral reagents/

catalysts, auxiliaries, enzymes and antibodies; Kinetic resolution, double asymmetric induction,
acyclic diastereoselection, asymmetric amplification; Asymmetric synthesis of amino acids
and beta lactams.
6. Concerted reactions and photochemistry: Molecular orbital symmetry, frontier orbitals of 1,3-
butadiene, 1,3,5- hexatrienes, allyl system, classification of pericyclic reactions; FMO approach,
Woodward-Hoffman correlation diagram method and PMO approach to pericyclic reactions;
Electrocycli-creactions-conrotatory and disrotatory motions, [4n], [4n+2] and allyl systems,
secondary orbiatl interaction; Cycloaddition- antarafacial and the suprafacial additions, [4n]
and [4n+2] sytems with stereo chemical effects, 1,3 -dipolar cycloadditions, chelotropic
reactions; Sigmatropic rearangements-supra and antarafacial shifts of H, sigmatropic shifts of
carbon moiety, retention and inversion of configuration, [3,3] and [3,5] sigmatropic
rearrangements, fluxional tautomerism, ene reactions; Franck-Condon principle, Jablonski
diagram, singlet and triplet states, photosensitization, quantum effeciency; Photochemistry
of carbonyl compounds, Norish type-I and type-II cleavages, Paterno-Buchi reaction,
photoreduction, photochemistry of enones and parabenzoquinones.
7. Synthesis of complex molecules: Various approaches for the systhesis of Taxol, Forskolin,
FK-506, Gibberellines, Prostaglandins, Spatol, Aphidicolin, etc. on the basis of disconnection
and direct associative approaches.

Recommended books:
1. March's Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanisms, and Structure by Michael B.
Smith, and Jerry March
2. Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions and Synthesis, Part A: Structure & Mechanism by
Francis A. Carey; Richard J. Sundberg
3. Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions and Synthesis, Part B: Reaction & Mechanism by
Francis A. Carey; Richard J. Sundberg
4. Modern Synthetic Reactions by Herbert O. House
5. Modern Methods for Organic Synthesis, W. Carruthers and Iain Coldham
6. Asymmetric Synthesis, Vol 3, Editor: J. D. Morrison Advanced Organic Chemistry by March
7. Mechanism and Structure in Organic Chemistry by Gould
8. Advanced Inorganic Chemistry by Cotton , Wilkinson, Murillo and Bochmann
9. Fundamentals of Medicinal Chemistry by Thomas
10. Web resources
In each case the treatment of the topic starts from the entry level discussion from the above text/
reference books followed by relevant research articles from the original research work as well as
review articles published in peer reviewed journals of international repute. Such suggested readings
are provided along with the progress of the lectures.


MC-630 Structure and Function of Biomolecules (2 credits)

1. Methods for the determination of structure of biomolecules: Biological crystallography-
crystallisation data collection, refinement, identification of active site, phase determination
heavy atom derivatives, electron density maps; Differences in the small molecule and
biomolecules crystallography; spectrofluorimetry- basic principles of fluorescence, intensity
of fluorescence, fluorescent group, sensitivity of fluorescence to environment and biological
applications; Optical activity measurements, ORD/CD applications to nucleic acids and proteins;
Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetric analysis (TA) of biomolecules
and other thermodynamics based instrumental methods estimating the structural features of
2. Properties of amino acids and peptide bond: End group determination of peptides, sequencing
of peptides using various chemical and analytical techniques; A techniques with case studies
like LHRH and TRH peptides.
3. Protein structure building block to quaternary structure of proteins: Ramachandran plots;
Peptidomimetics; Protein-ligand interactions; multiple binding modes.
4. Structure of lipoproteins and glycoproteins in relation to their function.
5. Structure of lipids, polysaccharides and carbohydrates: Relation-ship between their physico-
chemical properties and their biological function.
6. Detailed structure of nucleic acids and protein-nucleic acid interactions: Nucleic acid and
small molecule interactions;DNA damage and repair.
7. Structure and function of biomolecules pertaining to different thearapeutic areas: Cancer-
tubuline-role in cell proliferation, various binding sites, the chemistry and biology of tubuline
inhibitors; farnesyl transferase- X-ray structure, ras protein and its role; Inflammation- COX-1
and COX-2 their structures and physiological role; Hyperlipidimia-HMG-CoA its structure and
role in cholesterol manipulation.
8. Biological crystallography: Crystallisation data collection, refinement, identification of active
site, phase determination heavy atom derivatives, electron density maps. Differences in the
small molecule and biomolecule crystallography.
9. Spectrofluorimetry and Optical methods: Basic principles of fluorescence, intensity, fluoresent
group, sensitivity of fluorescence to environment, biological applications. Optical activity
measurements, ORD/CD applications to nucleic acids and proteins.
10. Thermodynamical methods: Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Thermogravimetric
analysis (TA) of biomolecules, Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC). Various thermodynamics
based instrumental methods for estimation of structural features of biomolecules, enthalpy vs
entropy contribution to free energy.

Recommended books:
1. Physical Biochemistry: Applications to Biochemistry and Molecular Biology by David Freifelder
2. Methods in Modern biophysics, by B. Nolting
3. Introduction to Biophysical methods in Protein and Neucleic Acid research, by J.A. Glasel


4. Monosaccharides. Their Chemistry and Their Roles in Natural Products

5. Essentials of Glycobiology by Varki
6. Carbohydrates by Osborn
7. Modern Methods in Carbohydrate Synthesis by Khan and O'Neill
8. Organic Synthesis with Carbohydrates by Boons and Hale
9. Enzymes in Synthetic Organic Chemistry by Wong and Whitesides
10. Methods in Modern Biophysics by B. Nolting
11. Introduction to Biophysical Methods in Protein and Neucleic Acid Research by J.A. Glasel.

MC-650 Stereochemistry and Drug Action (2 credits)

1. Molecular isomerism: Molecular motion, time scales and energy; Conformation of open chain
and saturated cyclic systems.
2. Chirality and molecular symmetry: Nomenclature and representations; Macromolecular
stereochemistry; Dynamic stereochemistry.
3. Group theoretical interpretation of chirality group: Laws of group theory, symmetry elements
and operations, classification of symmetry operation into groups, chiral and achiral point groups,
determination of molecular structures into symmetry point groups, platonic solids,
4. Conformational analysis:
a) Definitions: Internal coordinates, distinction between conformation and configuration.
b) Conformational analysis of cyclic compounds: carbocycles and heterocycles, bi- and tri-
cyclic compounds.
c) Conformational analysis of acyclic compounds: potential energy diagrams of various acyclic
systems, gauche effect, generalized anomeric effect.
5. Assignment of configuration: Various projectional formulae, molecular with chiral center, axis
and plane.
6. Front on projectional formula of conformers and configurational isomers: rational with specific
7. Resolution procedures: Biological and chemical; Analytical chiral integrity determinations;
Pfeiffer rule and its violations; Recent attempts to develop continuous scale for chirality; Chiral
8. Chirality and drug action: Realization that stereoselectivity is a pre-requisite for evolution; Role
of chirality in selective and specific therapeutic agents; Case studies; Enantioselectivity in
drug absorption, metabolism, distribution and elimination.

Recommended books:
1. StereoChemistry of Organic Compounds by Ernest L. Eliel, Samuek H. Wilen, Lewis N. Mander
2. StereoChemistry of Carbon Compounds by Ernest L. Eliel


3. Chemical Application of Group Theory by F. Albert Cotton

4. Relevant research articles as suggested time to time during the progress of class room teaching.

PC-610 Drug Metabolism (1 credit)

(Refer to Page No. 29)

PC-611 Pharmacological Screening and Assays (1credit)

(Refer to Page No. 30)

GE-611 Seminar (1 credit)

(Refer to Page No. 23)

LS-610 General Laboratory Experience 10 hours/week (2 credits)

Synthesis of a drug that includes 4 to 5 reaction steps; Isolation of each product by chromatographic
and other techniques; Identification of structure of products by spectral and other analytical techniques;
Report of yield; Understanding the correlation between theoretical and practical aspects of chemistry.
Study of theoretical organic chemistry using computation methods for the same reactions and learning
the techniques of molecular modeling.


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