The Explanation of The Nullfiers of Islam Shaykh ABdur Razzaq Al PDF

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The key takeaways are understanding the importance of knowing the nullifiers of Islam and avoiding the means that lead to apostasy.

The purpose of the treatise is to advise and warn Muslims about the nullifiers of Islam so they can avoid falling into disbelief.

Umar ibn Al-Khattab warned that 'Islam will be unraveled tie by tie when one grows up in Islam not knowing (anything about) Pre-Islamic Ignorance.'

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© Maktabatulirshad Publications, USA
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
reproduced in any language, stored in any retrieval
system or transmitted in any form or by any means,
whether electronic, mechanic, photocopying, recording or
otherwise, without express permission of the copyright

ISBN: 978-1-9430-9086-0

First Edition: Jumaada Thani 1436 A.H./April 2015 C.E.

Cover Design: Aboo Sulaymaan Muhammad 'AbdulAzim bin

Joshua Baker
Translation by: Raha Batts
Revision by: Rasheed Ibn Estes Barbee

Editing by: Maktabatulirshad staff

Typesetting & Formatting by: Aboo Sulaymaan Muhammad
'AbdulAzim bin Joshua Baker

Printing: Ohio Printing

Subject: Aqeedah

E-mail: [email protected]


Explanation. 30
Explanation. 37
Explanation. 47
Explanation...................... 53
Explanation................. 56
Explanation, 65
Explanation, 67
Explanation. 72
Explanation. 78
Explanation................... 83
Explanation. 89
Explanation. 93




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His name: Shaykh 'Abdur-Razzaaq Bin 'Abdil-

Muhsin Al-'Abbad Al-Badr.

He is the son of Al-'Allamah Muhaddith of Medina

Shaykh 'Abdul-Muhsin Al-'Abbad Al-Badr.

Birth: He was born on the 22nd day of Dhul-Qaddah

in the year 1382 AH in az-Zal'fi, Kingdom of Saudia
Arabia. He currently resides in Al-Medina Al-

Current occupation: He is a member of the teaching

staff in the Islamic University, in Al-Medina.

Scholastic certifications: Doctorate in 'Aqeedah.

The Shaykh has authored books, researches, as well as

numerous explanations in different sciences. Among

1. Fiqh of Supplications & Ad-Dhkaar.

2. Hajj & refinement of Souls,

3. Explanation of the book "Exemplary Principles"

By Shaykh 'Uthaymeen (May Allah have mercy
upon him).

4. Explanation of the book "the principles of Names

& Attributes" authored by Shaykh-ul-Islam Ibnul-
Qayyim (May Allah have mercy upon him).

5. Explanation of the book "Good Words" authored

by Shaykh-ul-Islam Ibn Qayyim (May Allah have
mercy upon him).

6. Explanation of the book "Aqeedah Tahaawiyyah".

7. Explanation of the book "Fusuul: Biography of the

Messenger) By Ibn Katheer (May Allah have
mercy upon him).

8. He has a full explanation of the book "Aadaab-ul-

Muf'rad" authored by Imam Bukhari (May Allah
have mercy upon him).

From the most distinguished scholars whom he has

taken knowledge and acquired knowledge from are:

1. His father Al-'Allamah Shaykh 'Abdul-Muhsin Al-

Badr — may Allah preserve him.

2. Al-'Allamah Shaykh Ibn Baaz —may Allah have

mercy upon him.

3. Al-'Allamah Shaykh Muhammad Bin Saleh Al-

'Uthaymeen — may Allah have mercy upon him.

10 | P a g e

4. Shaykh 'Ali Nasir Faqeehi —may Allah preserve


11 | P a g e


Indeed the praise is for Allaah; we praise him, we

seek His Help, we seek His Forgiveness. We seek
refuge with Allaah from the evil of our souls and the
evil of our actions. He whom Allaah guides there is
none to misguide and he whom Allaah allows to stray
there is no guidance for him. I testify that none has
the right to be worshipped except Allaah who is One
without partners and I testify that Muhammad is His
slave and messenger. May prayers and peace of
Allaah be upon him, his family, and companions.

As to proceed:

I ask Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, to write for us

all within this sitting and gathering righteousness and
Taqwaa as well as actions which please Him.
Likewise, that He blesses us with beneficial
knowledge and righteous actions and increases us in
knowledge and make that which we learn to be a
proof for us and not against us. Likewise, that He
grants us success in attaining His Pleasure and keep

12 | P a g e

us away from that which displeases Him; and that He

guide us to the straight path.

My brother; this is a study of a valuable treatise by

the Imaam, the rectifier, the reviver, Shaykhul-Islaam
Muhammad ibn ' Abdul-Wahhaab —may Allaah have
mercy upon him and forgive him —entitled: "The
Nullifiers of Al-Islaam". He, may Allaah have mercy
upon him, wrote it advising and warning; because
just as the Muslim is required to know the truth and
guidance in order that he may love it and traverse
upon it, he is also required to know falsehood and
misguidance in order that he may hate it and avoid it.

Allaah, the Glorified and High, has clarified within

the Qur'aan the path of the believers as well as the
path of the criminals; the actions of the believers and
the actions of the criminals and the qualities of each
as well as the end result of each. He also clarified that
which he has prepared for the believers from
abundant reward and that which he has prepared for
the criminals from painful punishment.

Due to this, just as the Muslim is required to know the

truth so that he can traverse upon it he is also
required to know falsehood in order that he may
avoid it. He who does not know falsehood will fall
into it whilst not perceiving it.

13 | P a g e

There has come within Saheeh Al-Bukhaaree that

Hudhayfah ibn Al-Yamaan, may Allaah be pleased
with him, said:

"The companions of Allaah's Messenger

(iSSy®’$£) used to ask him about the good. I
would ask him about the evil fearing that it
would overtake me."1

Due to this, it is said:

jJjUY jJjliJjJ-

5-=-» o* L—ll u-i


I learned evil, not for (doing) evil; but to avoid it;

For he from the people who does not know evil will
fall into it.

It is also said: "How can one avoid something when

he does not know what he is avoiding?"

Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, commanded us to

avoid Shirk, disbelief, falsehood, and misguidance.
This cannot occur except after one knows it. Due to
this, the people of knowledge have written books
regarding the things which nullify actions. They have

Reported by Al-Bukhaaree no. 3606 and Muslim no. 1847

14 | P a g e

written about Shirk, disbelief, and hypocrisy. Within

the books of legislative rulings one may find a chapter
formulated regarding apostasy mentioning that by
way of which one apostatizes from the religion.
Likewise, the books of 'Aqeedah speak extensively
regarding these issues. Rather, the people of
knowledge dedicated separate writings to this.

Shaykhul-Islaam Muhammad ibn 'Abdul-Wahhaab,

as was his habit within his writings and treatises,
wrote that which there was a dire need for. He also
wrote within the limits of the need. So his treatises are
always concise yet sufficient; containing the utmost
benefit. Allaah brought about great benefit by way of

This treatise entitled: The Nullifiers of Al-Islaam was

written as approximately two pages. However, it
contains the most important of that which is befitting
be known in this field. He mentioned ten nullifiers;
however, mentioning them was not by way of
restriction. Rather, he mentioned the mothers of the
nullifiers2 and that which the other unmentioned

2 Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhaab, may Allaah have

mercy upon him, said within Ad-Darar As-Saniyyah 10/84-85:
"So if it be that the nullifiers of Wudoo are eight, then that which
should be mentioned with certainty is that the nullifiers of Al-
Islaam are more than 400."

15 | Page

nullifiers extend from. It is also possible that these

nullifiers extend from three nullifiers:

1. That which the religion is nullified by from

that which is connected to the heart; such as
false beliefs, doubt in the religion, and the

2. That which the religion is nullified by from

that which is connected to statements; such as
revilement of Allaah or revilement of the
religion or mockery of the religion and the

3. That which the religion is nullified by from

that which is connected to actions; such as
prostrating to other than Allaah, slaughtering
for other than Allaah, and the likes.

Shaykhul-Islaam, may Allaah have mercy upon him,

mentioned here within this treatise ten nullifiers
which one is in dire need of knowing in order that the
Muslim may beware of them. He began them by

f yy i yy !>t
Know, that the nullifiers of Al-Islaam are ten

16 | Page

He, may Allaah have mercy upon him, chose this title:
The Nullifiers of Al-Islaam. It could be called: That by
way of which the Person Apostates from the Religion;
or Affairs which Expel one from the Religion; or
Affairs which causes the One who Falls into them to
be a Disbeliever. It could be called by a number of
titles. Yet, the Shaykh, may Allaah have mercy upon
him, chose the title: The Nullifiers of Al-Islaam. Him
choosing this title has a precedence amongst the
people of knowledge. It is a term which the people of
knowledge used to use in this field and it is a usage
that is correct in this regard as it relates to the
linguistic meaning and its legislative implication.

The term A=a'A is the plural of which is derived

from A^1 the opposite of confirmation. The
nullification of a thing is the invalidation of it.
Nullification of something which has been confirmed
is the invalidation of its ratification. Due to this it is
said: JjAl A3*5 i.e., The (spool of) yarn became undone;
J^aJl A3^ i.e., The rope became unwound; A3^ i.e.,
The (foundation of the) building became destroyed;
CuJi A3^ i.e., The house was destroyed. What is
intended by all of this is that it was rendered null.

From this is the statement of Allaah:

17 | P a g e

And be not like her who undoes the thread

which she has spun after it has become strong.
[Soomh An-Nahl 16:92]

Likewise, the statement of Allaah:

^ & Sif >

Those who break Allah's Covenant after

ratifying it, [Soorah Al-Baqarah 2:27]

Also, Allaah's statement:

And break not the oaths after you have

confirmed them. [Soorah An-Nahl 16:91]

Hence, nullification is the opposite of ratification; and

it is the invalidation of something. Nullification of the
religion or nullification of Al-Islaam or Eemaan is
doing something which invalidates or annuls it. Due
to this, the nullifier of the religion of Al-Islaam is not
referred to as this except in relation to that which the
religion is invalidated and annulled due to it if it
occurs. For this reason, the people of knowledge say
that Al-Islaam has nullifiers and it has things
which diminish it y The nullifiers are the things
which invalidate it at its foundation and completely

18 | Page

annul it. The things which diminish it are the things

which remove its obligatory completion.

They are also called (depredators). This word is

applied to both the nullifiers and the diminishers.
This is because from the depreciators is that which
depreciates at the foundation such that it becomes a
nullifier of the religion and from them there is that
which depreciates the obligatory completion and thus
is a diminisher of the religion. Each of them is
referred to as e-i'jS. As for the nullifiers, they are that
which invalidates the religion and annuls it. The one
who does them or commits them is outside of Al-
Islaam and the folds of the religion and he is an
apostate, a disbeliever in Allaah, the Magnificent. If
he dies upon that then on the Day of Judgement he
will be from the people of the fire. That which
establishes this is the statement of Allaah:

And they will never get out of the Fire. [Soorah

Al-Baqarah 2:167]

This is as it relates he who dies and meets Allaah, the

Glorified and High, having committed a nullifier
from the nullifiers of the religion. Allaah, the Exalted,
has said:

19 | Page

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And whosoever of you turns back from his
religion and dies as a disbeliever, then his
deeds will be lost in this life and in the
Hereafter, and they will be the dwellers of the
Fire. They will abide therein forever. [Soorah
Al-Baqarah 2:217]

Due to this, from that which is of great importance,

and there is dire need and extreme necessity is that
every Muslim know the nullifiers of the religion in
order that he may beware of them himself and that he
may warn those who are under his care against them
and advise the people against this crime which is the
greatest of all crimes and this sin which is the greatest
of all sins. Due to this, this treatise and its likes from
that which the people of knowledge have written in
its field are considered to be treatises of the utmost
importance which every Muslim is in need of
familiarizing himself with.

Before studying this treatise I wish to bring some

introductory speech which I previously wrote within

20 | Page

my book: Fiqh Al-Ad'iyah wal-Adhkaar3 regarding

clarifying the importance of the Muslim knowing the
nullifiers of Al-Islaam and the dire need for that. I
will make it to be an introduction before mentioning
the ten nullifiers of Al-Islaam.

Indeed from that which is proper that the Muslim

give due importance to in this great field is knowing
the nullifiers of this statement in order that he may
beware of them. Indeed Allaah, the Blessed and High,
has clarified within His Book the path of the believers
who actualize this statement in detail, and He has
clarified the path of the criminals who oppose it in
detail. He, Glorified be He, clarified the end result of
each group and the deeds of each group as well as the
reasons why one has been successful and the other
has been destroyed. He has clarified the two affairs
within His Book and exposed and clarified them with
the utmost clarity. Allaah, the Exalted has said:

And thus do We explain the Ayat in detail, that
the way of the Mujrimun (criminals), may
become manifest. [Soorah Al-An'am 6:55]

3 Under the heading: Nullifiers of the Testimony that None has

the Right to be Worshipped Except Allaah 1/171

21 | P a g e

Allaah, the Glorified, said:

£ c £> u J^>
bwG oillj pi J_y £ «.^j> C£si5^' i_Gr-“

And whoever contradicts and opposes the
Messenger after the right path has been shown
clearly to him, and follows other than the
believers' way. We shall keep him in the path
he has chosen, and burn him in Hell - what an
evil destination. [Soorah An-Nisa 4:115]

He who does not know the path of the criminals and

it is not clarified to him is on the verge of falling into
some of that which they are in from falsehood. For
this reason, the chief of the believers, Umar ibn Al-
Khattaab, may Allaah be pleased with him, said:

• * i' • * U • ' * * - t - - ?!
CjS—5 oJj-* «jj-* dH O'3 ‘ • ’

4_L-L-*LG_)I lyS

22 | P a g e

"Al-Islaam will be unraveled tie by tie when

one grows up in Al-Islaam not knowing
(anything about) Pre-Islamic Ignorance ."4

Due to this, many texts have come within the Book

and Sunnah warning against the means of apostasy as
well as the remaining types of polytheism and
disbelief which nullify the statement of Tawheed: Laa
Ilaha Illa-Allaah (None has the right to be worshipped
except Allaah). The scholars have mentioned within
the field of the ruling of the apostate from the books
of Fiqh that the Muslim may apostate from the
religion and leave the faith such that the mere
utterance of Laa Ilaha Illa-Allaah will not benefit him.
Hence, this great statement which is the best means of
remembrance and the most virtuous, will not benefit
the one who says it unless he fulfills its conditions
and avoids all that which will nullify it.

There is no doubt that the Muslim knowing these

nullifiers is greatly beneficial in the religion if he
knows them intending to safeguard himself from

4 Shaykhul-Islaam mentioned it with this wording in numerous

places within his books. From there is that which is within Al-
Fataawaa 10/301. It is from that which the researchers tire
themselves in trying to determine who reported it. It was
reported by Ibn Aboo Shaybah within Al-Musannaf in the Book
of Virtues: Chapter: From the Virtues of the Arabs no. 33012
11/229 there are other narrations which bear a similar meaning.

23 | Page

these evils and safety from those ills. Due to this, he

who knows Shirk, Kufr, falsehood and its paths, and
hates them, is cautious of them and warns against
them whilst repelling them from himself and does not
leave them to sully his Eemaan; rather, he increases in
knowledge of them by having insight into the truth
and loving it while hating those affairs and fleeing
from them, then there will be, within this knowledge
of his, fruits and benefits which none knows (their full
extent) except Allaah.

Allaah, the Glorified, loves that the path of truth be

known in order that it may be loved and traversed
upon. He likewise loves that the path of falsehood be
known in order that it may be avoided and hated.
Therefore, just as the Muslim is required to know the
path of goodness so that he can walk upon it, he is
similarly required to know the paths of evil in order
that he may beware of them. For this reason it is
affirmed within the two Saheehs on the authority of
Hudhayfah ibn Al-Yamaan, may Allaah be pleased
with him, that he said:
f ’
j b_>-k——i — ft

j ‘ - <ii
^ • > • >
• <

24 | Page

"The companions, may Allaah be pleased with

them, used to ask the Messenger of Allaah
(£!§%!%$£) about the good. I used to ask him
about the evil out of fear that it would overtake

Likewise, it is said:

jJLu-tf jJLllvLijJ.

o~t J-lJ' ^ j

I learned evil, not for (doing) evil; but to avoid it;

For he from the people who does not know evil will
fall into it.

Since the affair is like this having this importance,

then it is obligatory upon every Muslim to know the
affairs which nullify the statement of Tawheed: Laa
Ilaha Ilia-Allaah (None has the right to be worshipped
except Allaah) in order that he may beware of them.
As has preceded, it is nullified by way of many
matters, however, the most dangerous of these
nullifiers and those which are most frequently fallen
into are ten nullifiers that many of the scholars have

5 It referencing has preceded.

25 | P a g e

mentioned, may Allaah have mercy upon them. (End

of introduction)

Most of this speech is summarized from the book Al-

Fawaa'id by Ibnul-Qayyim, may Allaah have mercy
upon him, under the title: A Great Principle: The
People of Guidance and the People of Misguidance.
He cited the statement of Allaah:

<0 ^ cspi; 342 ^ >

And thus do We explain the Ayat in detail, that
the way of the Mujrimun (criminals) may
become manifest. [Soorah Al-Ariam 6:55]

He also cited the statement of Allaah, the Exalted:

And whoever contradicts and opposes the

Messenger (Muhammad £££■£&$?) after the
right path has been shown clearly to him, and
follows other than the believers' way. We shall
keep him in the path he has chosen. [Soorah An-
Nisa 4:115]

He, may Allaah have mercy upon him, mentioned

that Allaah clarified within His Book the path of the
26 | Page

believers, in detail and He clarified the path of the

criminals, in detail. He likewise clarified the end
result of each group and the actions of each. All of
that has come clearly within the Book of Allaah and
the Sunnah of His Prophet ().

Then he indicated that the people, in this regard (i.e.,

knowing the path of the believers and the path of the
criminals), are divided into four categories or groups:

The First Grouy: He to whom the path of the believers and

the path of the criminals is clarified in detail, in knowledge
and action; these are the most knowledgeable of the

The Second Group: He who is blinded from (knowing) the

two paths; he is similar to cattle. These are closer to the
path of the criminals and more likely to traverse their path.

The Third Group: He who devotes his attention to

knowing the path of the believers without knowing its
opposite. So he knows its opposite in general and opposes it.
He knows that all of that which opposes the path of the
believers is falsehood although he does not understand it in
detail. Rather, if he hears something from that which
opposes the path of the believers he turns his hearing away
from it and does not busy himself with understanding and
knoiuing the details of its falsehood. He has the status of one
who safeguards his soul from wanting (the fulfilment of)

27 | Page

desires. So he does not imagine (these things) with his heart

nor does his sold call him to them. This is as opposed to the
first group; for they know it and their souls incline towards
it but they strive against their souls and abandon it.

The Fourth Group: A group which knows the path of evil,

innovation, and disbelief, in detail but knows the path of
the believers in general. This is the state of many of those
who concern themselves with the writings of the nations
and the writings of the people of innovation. So they knoiv
them in detail but do not knoiv that which the Messenger
has come with in a similar fashion (i.e., in
detail). Rather, they know it in general, although
somethings are explained to him in detail.

The point is that this greatly beneficial section can be

referred to and reviewed within the book Al-Fawaa'id
by Ibnul-Qayyim, may Allaah have mercy upon him,
on page 147 within the Daar An-Nafaa'is print with
the checking of Ahmad 'Aroosh; likewise, that which
comes after it under the title which I indicated.

That which is important is just as the Muslim is

required to know the truth and the path of the people
of Eemaan and guidance in order that he may
traverse upon it, he is also required to know the
falsehood and the path of its people so that he may
beware of it.

28 | P a g e

Due to this objective, the likes of these treatises are

written in clarification of the nullifiers of the religion
and clarifying the affairs which cause to person to
apostate; likewise, the books regarding innovations
and major sins. All of that in order that the person
may know it and hate it in so that he may beware of

Now, we will begin with the treatise:

29 | P a g e


< " ✓ ^

: 01 f-Ul

With the Name of Allaah, the Most Merciful; the

Bestoiver of Merciful

Know, that the nullifiers of Al-lslaam are ten:


He, may Allaah have mercy upon him, said: "With

the Name of Allaah, the Most Merciful, the
Bestower of Mercy." He began this treatise with the
Basmalah, following the example of the Book of
Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, and the guidance of
our Prophet, prayers and peace be upon him, as he
would do in his correspondences.

What is intended by the Basmalah is: Seeking aid and

beginning with the Name of Allaah, (asking for) favor
and blessing by way of mentioning His Name; as well
as seeking aid and assistance from Him, Glorified be
30 | Page

He. The letter Baa' <-h in the statement: <&l (With the
Name of Allaah,) is the Baa' of seeing aid. Its meaning
is: I begin this book of mine seeking the Help of
Allaah by saying ^ (With the Name of Allaah,).
Hence, it is a statement of Al-Isti'aanah (Seeking aid).
Due to this, it is legislated for the Muslim to say it
when he enters and when he exits, when he eats his
food, when he reads the Book of Allaah, and in many
other instances, he performs this Sunnah. He does so
seeking blessing, aid, assistance, and Tawfeeq from
Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic.

His statement: "Know," It was his, may Allaah have

mercy upon him, manner —in most of his treatises —
to begin with this statement: "Know..." It is a
statement which is said before matters which are
greatly important and every Muslim in in need of.
Within numerous places in the Qur'aan, this
statement is begun with. Such as the statement of
Allaah, Glorified and Exalted be He:

So know (O Muhammad) that Laa Ilaha Illa-

Allaah (none has the right to be worshipped
but Allaah). [Soorah Muhammad 47:19]

31 | Page

Therefore, this statement is begun with before

important matters inciting (people to) listen and to
draw attention and make the hearts attentive and
alert the listener to the fact that that which he will
hear from knowledge is a matter which is great and
he is in need of listening and paying attention to it in
an excellent manner. Due to this, he began with the
statement: "Know," Meaning, that which you shall
hear is a great matter from the fields of knowledge
and it requires from you that you pay attention and
give it due importance.

"Know, that the nullifiers of Al-Islaam are ten." We

have come to know that the term An-Nawaaqid being
used to denote the affairs by way of which one
becomes a disbeliever and by way of which the
Muslim apostates from his religion is a correct usage
(of the term), and the Salaf would use it. In this field
and within this gathering we have heard a narration
from one of the Salaf who used this term; 'Umar ibn
Al-Khattaab, may Allaah be pleased with him, who

o-» 4 '*yA ilj

32 | P a g e

"Al-Islaam will be unraveled tie by tie when

one grows up in Al-Islaam not knowing
(anything about) Jahiliyyah."

Ibn 'Abbaas, may Allaah be pleased with him, also

has a narration in this regard in which he used this
terminology regarding that by way of which the
individual would exit the religion. He, may Allaah
have mercy upon him, said:

j <i>4 4^i t fULJ jULil

• ; > > ; > c •;

. 0, a__ > 4______________ > yj2. Ji—i )J—ajl_i

"Al-Qadar is the infrastructure of At-

Tawheed. So he who believes in Allaah but
belies Al-Qadar, then his belying (of it)
nullifies his Tawheed."6

The point is that this term has been used by the

people of knowledge, from the companions and those
who followed them in excellence, regarding the
things by way of which the person becomes a
disbeliever and exits from the religion. Here, as well,

6 It is reported by AI-Faryaabee within Al-Qadar (no. 205); also,

'Abdullaah ibn Ahmad within As-Sunnah pgs. 123-124, also well
as Ibn Battah within Al-Ibaanah (no. 1624) and Al-Laalikaa'ee
(no. 1224)

33 | Page

there is a resemblance between applying the term

Nawaaqid to these matters and the term Nawaaqid to
the nullifiers of Wudoo'. You find within the books of
Ahkaam that they say: u^y (the Nullifiers of
Purification) or that: The Purification is nullified by
such and such.

There is a connection between Tahaarah (purification)

and At-Tawheed. Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic,

And your garments purify! [Soorah Al-

Muddaththir 74:4]

The scholars said that the meaning of this verse is:

(purify them) by way of the Tawheed of Allaah and
sincerity for Him. It is also said that it means: Purify
them from filth.7

Just as purity is nullified by way of the occurrence of

the things which are known to nullify it, such as the
exit of urine or passing wind etc., Tawheed is also
nullified by the occurrence of one of the well-known

7 It also has other meanings. Refer to Ma'aalim At-Tanzeel by Al-

Baghawee 8/274-275

34 | Page

nullifiers which have been clarified within the books

of Tawheed and within the books of Ahkaam.

35 | P a g e

. «J i!l>^ oJlJ~j 4jI sSULp iij—iJl : JjS/l

A 3$ 54 £ £5 ^ £2 J 2 & k >: Jlj

•*“' f. Aii 4>C j_pil : j t [£ A :*L~Jl] tLEs

-.sjulii].( 0 j^A <^u£u £S jlS fcfc

j' r ;±j c 4ii jJJj £_j1ji H-j j . [vy


The First: Tire association of partners in the worship

ofAllaah. Allaah, the Exalted, said:

Verily, Allaah forgives not that partners should be

set up with him in worship, but He forgives except
that (anything else) to whom He pleases. (An-Nisa

And He, Exalted be He, said:

Verily, whosoever sets up partners in worship with

Allaah, then Allaah has forbidden Paradise for him,
and the Fire will be his abode. And for the Zalimun
(polytheists and wrongdoers) there are no helpers.
(Al-Ma'idah 5:72)

36 | Page

From it is slaughtering for other than Allaah; such as

he who slaughters for the Jinn or for (the inhabitant
of) the grave.


He, may Allaah have mercy upon him, said: "The

First: The association of partners in the worship of
Allaah," He began with this, may Allaah have mercy
upon him, because it is the most dangerous of the
nullifiers and the greatest sin with which Allaah is
disobeyed. Allaah, the Majestic and High, said:

Verily, Allaah forgives not that partners

should be set up with him in worship [Soorah
An-Nisa 4:48]

And he said:

{ i/fo & iAA A}

Verily, whosoever sets up partners in worship
with Allaah, then Allaah has forbidden
Paradise for him. [Soorah Al-Ma'idah 5:72]

Allaah, the Majestic arid High, also said:

37 1 P a g e

•S {+& £2. v Zz, Jf liS'ye >

l©'i :pjA-^==‘ c4 >4^

But those who disbelieve, for them will be the

Fire of Hell. Neither it will have a complete
killing effect on them so that they die, nor
shall its torment be lightened for them. Thus
do We requite every disbeliever! [Soorah Fatir

Likewise, Allaah said:

And they will never get out of the Fire. [Soorah

Al-Baqarah 2:167]

The association of partners with Allaah is the greatest

sin Allaah is disobeyed with. It is:

• c
5—?-ijJr-i i/4 ‘*Lj.

Making other than Allaah equal to Him in something

which is specific to Him or in His rights

38 | Page

Things which are specific to Him, such as Lordship,

Names and Attributes. His rights, such as Him being
singled out in worship and that one specifically
subjugate himself and humble himself to Him. Hence,
one does not make a partner for Him in any of that.

And the places of worship are for Allaah

(Alone), so invoke not anyone along with
Allaah. [Soorah Al-Jinn 72:18]

Just as He, Glorified and Exalted be He, is singled out

in creating, providing, giving life, causing death, and
He is singled out with Qualities of perfection and
attributes of greatness, and majesty and He is also
singled out with Beautiful Names and Lofty
Attributes, it is subsequently obligatory to single Him
out Alone in worship. Shirk is that one makes other
than Him equal to Him in any of the things which are
specific to Him or any of His rights.

Shirk is equalizing two things in a specific matter.

Therefore, he who makes other than Allaah equal to
Him in any of His rights or the things which are
specific to Him then he is a Mushrik (one who
associates partners) with Allaah and a disbeliever in

39 | Page

Allaah, the Magnificent. His polytheism had nullified

his religion and invalidated Iris actions.

4 «■$ jj; £S >

* $ © S*# 4 %p*6 &■


And indeed it has been revealed to you (O

Muhammad), as it was to those before you: "If
you join others in worship with Allaah, (then)
surely (all) your deeds will be in vain, and you
will certainly be among the losers." Nay! But
worship Allaah and be among the grateful.
[Soorah Az-Zumar 39:65-66]

Shirk is the greatest form of oppression.

Verily! Joining others in worship with Allaah

is a great Zulm (wrong) indeed. [Soorah Luqman

It is violation of the rights of Allaah, Glorified and

Exalted be He; from worship, humbleness, and
humility. It is likewise belittlement of His Lordship
and evil assumption regarding the Lord of all that
40 | Page

exists. It is the greatest of the major sins. There has

come within a Hadeeth:

Shall I not inform you of the greatest of the

major sins?

They said: "Certainly, O Messenger of Allaah." He


<iL, iljJLj!

The association of partners with Allaah.

Hence, it is the greatest of sins and the worst of

crimes. For this reason, the author began with it. He
said: "The association of partners in the worship of
Allaah," Meaning, that one sets up a partner along
with Allaah in worship; Du'aa, seeking aid, trust,
bowing, prostrating, slaughtering, vows, and other
than that from the acts of worship.

Worship is the right of Allaah upon His slaves. It is

not permissible to associate anything with Allaah in

41 | Page

-( 0 C\ $ £ <h 4^"^ >

And the mosques are for Allaah (Alone), so
invoke not anyone along with Allaah. [Soorah
Al-]inn 72:18]

Meaning, no matter who (or what) it may be; whether

it be an angel brought near or a sent Prophet, or an
ally from the allies of Allaah. Worship is a right of
Allaah, the Lord of all that exists.

He cited two verses. The First:

-( its 54 £ jii5 ^ J ££ ^ sfct oi )■

Verily, Allaah forgives not that partners

should be set up with Him in worship, but He
forgives except that (anything else) to whom
He pleases. [Soorah An-Nisa 4:48]

This verse has come within two places in Soorah An-

Nisaa'. It contains a clear indication of the danger of
Shirk and that it is the sin which is not forgiven for
the one who meets Allaah, the Glorified and Exalted,
with it; i.e., the one who dies upon it.

42 | P a g e

"Verily, Allaah forgives not that partners should be

set up with Him in worship," Meaning, he who dies
upon that. As for the Mushrik who is alive, then
Allaah will forgive him for his Shirk if he repents
from it. Due to this, Allaah, the Glorified and High,
said within Soorah Az-Zumar:


Say: "O 'Ibadi (My slaves) who have
transgressed against themselves (by
committing evil deeds and sins)! Despair not
of the Mercy of Allaah, verily Allaah forgives
all sins. Truly, He is Oft-Forgiving, Most
Merciful. [Soorah Az-Zumar 39:53]

He said: "Verily Allaah forgives all sins." Meaning,

including Shirk. There is no contradiction between
this and the other verse: "Verily, Allaah forgives not
that partners should be set up with Him in
worship," This is because the verse within Soorah
An-Nisaa' is in reference to the one who dies upon
that whilst the verse within Soorah Az-Zumar is in
reference to the one who repents. "Verily Allaah
forgives all sins." i.e., For those who repent. The
proof is the statement: "Despair not of the Mercy of

43 | Page

Allaah," His statement: "Verily, Allaah forgives not

that partners should be set up with Him in
worship," is in reference to the one who dies upon
that and meets Allaah as a Mushrik. For this one,
Allaah will not forgive him and he will have no
chance —on the Day of Judgement —for the
forgiveness of Allaah. Rather, he will have nothing on
the Day of Judgement except the Fire, abiding therein
for eternity.

He also cited the statement of Allaah:

", '
r- jji ^ Qy

iyi aij.

Verily, whosoever sets up partners in worship

with Allaah, then Allaah has forbidden
Paradise for him, and the Fire will be his
abode. And for the Zalirndn (polytheists and
wrongdoers) there are no helpers. [Soorah Al-
Ma'idah 5:72]

This also establishes that the Mushrik will have no

chance of mercy and forgiveness and that he will
have nothing on the Day of Judgment except the Fire,
abiding therein forever.

44 | Page

He said: "From it," i.e., Shirk, " slaughtering for

other than Allaah; such as he who slaughters for the
Jinn or for (the inhabitant of) the grave." This is a
type of Shirk. Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, said:

Therefore turn in prayer to your Lord and

sacrifice (to Him only). [Soorah Al-Kawthar

Allaah also said:

-( 0 % 44
Say (O Muhammad): "Verily, my Salat
(prayer), my sacrifice, my living, and my dying
are for Allaah, the Lord of all that exists; He
has no partner. And of this I have been
commanded, and I am the first of the
Muslims." [Soorah Al-An'am 6:162-163]

Meaning, my slaughtering (is for Allaah Alone).

Within the Hadeeth that is in Saheeh Muslim on the

authority of 'Alee, may Allaah be pleased with him, it
mentions that the Prophet () said:
45 | P a g e

-til jj> 4)1 jJlJ

"May Allaah curse the one who sacrifices for

other than Allaah."8

8Reported by Muslim within his Saheeh (no. 1978) from the

Hadeeth of 'Alee, may Allaah be pleased with him.

46 | P a g e


^ ^ / T"'' • "
; Lji
J-^r a-* '■ <_s~il

. >Li jU+4•U

T/ie Second: He who sets up intermediaries between

himself and Allaah; supplicating to them, beseeching
them for intercession, and relying upon them, has
disbelieved by way of unanimous agreement. (Ijmaa')


This is the second nullifier of Al-Islaam. He said: "He

who sets up intermediaries between himself and
Allaah; supplicating to them, beseeching them for
intercession, and relying upon them, has
disbelieved by way of unanimous agreement.
(Ijmaa')" The setting up of intermediaries between
the servant and Allaah in order to draw near to
Allaah is claim of the polytheists:

47 | P a g e

"We worship them only that they may bring us

near to Allaah.". [Soora/7 Az-Zumar 39:3]

The setting up of intermediaries is a type of making

rivals and partners with Allaah and it is calling
something by other than its name. This is the action of
the polytheists. They set up rivals with Allaah giving
them the rights that are due to Allaah upon His
slaves; from humility, subjugation, slaughtering,
vows, Du'aa, and the likes of that. They say:

"We worship them only that they may bring us

near to Allaah." [Soorah Az-Zumar 39:3]

Meaning, we take them as such so that they may be

our intermediaries.

From that is that which has come within His


>' ^ >>\
>» i jj J Jr

And they worship besides Allaah things that

hurt them not, nor profit them, and they say:
"These are our intercessors with Allaah."
[Soorah Yunus 10:18]
48 | Page

Meaning, they are our intermediaries with Allaah.

This is a type of association of partners with Allaah
and a type of making partners and rivals with Allaah,
the Glorified and High. They call these rivals:
Mediators, intermediaries, and intercessors that will
bring the supplicant closer to Allaah, according to
their claims.

They have done that as an analogy, comparing the

Creator, Blessed and Exalted be He, to the creation.
This is since they saw the kings of the Dunyaa and the
leaders are such none contacted them except by way
of intermediaries and those who are near to them.
Therefore, they compared Allaah to His creation and
they gave some of His creation some of His rights,
desiring that this intermediary draw them near to
Allaah, the Blessed and High. This is association of
partners with Allaah.

He said: "The Second: He who sets up

intermediaries between himself and Allaah;
supplicating to them, beseeching them for
intercession," Intercession is a possession of Allaah.

< tJrJs>

49 | P a g e

Say: "To Allaah belongs all intercession. His is

the Sovereignty of the heavens and the earth."
[Soorah Az-Zumar 39:44]

He who desires intercession must seek it by way of

the Tawheed of Allaah; not by taking rivals (unto
Him). Due to this, there has come within the Hadeeth
that Aboo Hurayrah, may Allaah be pleased with
him, said:

vIdl-^lUL lL)I ’• 5 <il

ijLit o-* L7 : UJ

"<i)i vi <J\ ^ : JlJ jp )) : jiJ ? pi: pi jp;

(( pjj p. L

"I said: 'O Messenger of Allaah, who will be

the most fortunate of the people by way of
your intercession on the Day of Standing?' He
said: 'He who says: Laa Ilaha Illa-Allaah
(None has the right to be worshipped except
Allaah), sincerely from his heart.'"9

Within another Hadeeth, he (dSsitSip) said:

9 Reported by Al-Bukhaaree within his Saheeh (no. 99) from the

Hadeeth of Aboo Hurayrah

50 | Page

- ^ > ' ■$ .s' ^ .

o j_CO

l_s-i^y j_c-lLj. o' Jl j «■ > ;• •

oLi 0-*
• ^ er-p
4jb\ pLjl LJljLJ c ‘ i-*Lr-5-!' fj-i

. LLLi -iL. i ^ t-T-i-*' 0-J

"Every Prophet has a supplication guaranteed

to be answered. Each Prophet hastened to
make his supplication (during his lifetime).
However, I have delayed my supplication to be
for intercession on behalf of my Ummah on
the Day of Standing, and it will be attained,
insha-Allaah, for everyone who dies from my
Ummah not associating anything with

Hence, intercession entirely belongs to Allaah and it

will not be attained except by way of the Tawheed of
Allaah and making the religion purely for Him. As
for setting up intermediaries on the premise of
intercession this is a type of Shirk and making rivals
unto Allaah which will not increase the person in
anything except farness from Allaah.

10 Reported by Muslim within his Saheeh (no. 199) The first

sentence in within Saheeh Al-Bukhaaree (no. 6304) from the
Hadeeth of Aboo Hurayrah

51 | P a g e

He said: "...beseeching them for intercession, and

relying upon them," Meaning, depending upon them
in bringing about blessings or repelling harm and
calamity. The Shaykh, may Allaah have mercy upon
him, said: "...has disbelieved by way of unanimous
agreement. (Ijmaa')" Meaning, according to the
unanimous agreement of the people of knowledge
regarding the fact that this is a nullifier of the religion
and that by way of it the person exits the religion of

52 | P a g e


" 0
ji * j-SjlJi ii fJ jj; : IjlLji
^ 5 " •? • °- £-
■ j-0—* L f 6 : ***—* ^ jl c ^^-as

The Third: He who does not deem the polytheists to

be disbelievers or doubts their disbelief, or deems their
path to be correct has disbelieved.


This is the third nullifier from the nullifiers of Al-

Islaam. He said: "He who does not deem the
polytheists to be disbelievers or doubts their
disbelief, or deems their path to be correct,"

This contains three matters.

The First Matter: "He who does not deem the

polytheists to be disbelievers," Meaning, he does not
believe that they are disbelievers. He says, for
example: The Jews are not disbelievers; or: the
Christians are not disbelievers; or: the Magians are
not disbelievers; or: the idol worshippers are not

53 | P a g e

He said: "...beseeching them for intercession, and

relying upon them," Meaning, depending upon them
in bringing about blessings or repelling harm and
calamity. The Shaykh, may Allaah have mercy upon
him, said: "...has disbelieved by way of unanimous
agreement. (Ijmaa')" Meaning, according to the
unanimous agreement of the people of knowledge
regarding the fact that this is a nullifier of the religion
and that by way of it the person exits the religion of

52 1 P a g e


LS-?j til—i jl : Ijl_Lil

' jl
^ -f I * ’ <•
■ y-5 t f (8 t c

77;e Tlrird: He who does not deem the polytheists to

be disbelievers or doubts their disbelief, or deems their
path to be correct has disbelieved.


This is the third nullifier from the nullifiers of Al-

Islaam. He said: "He who does not deem the
polytheists to be disbelievers or doubts their
disbelief, or deems their path to be correct,"

This contains three matters.

The First Matter: "He who does not deem the

polytheists to be disbelievers," Meaning, he does not
believe that they are disbelievers. He says, for
example: The Jews are not disbelievers; or: the
Christians are not disbelievers; or: the Magians are
not disbelievers; or: the idol worshippers are not
53 | P a g e

disbelievers. He does not declare the polytheists to be

disbelievers. The one who does not declare the
polytheist to be a disbeliever— Meaning, he does not
deem him to be a disbeliever, does not believe that he
is a disbeliever, and does not say that he is a
disbeliever, Then this person—himself—is a
disbeliever. This is because he does not deem to be a
disbeliever he whom Allaah and His Messenger have
declared to be a disbeliever.

•( lijs ii' Kj jj&y

Surely, disbelievers are those who said:

"Allaah is the third of the three (in a Trinity)."
[Soorah Al-Ma'idah 5:73]

Hence, the one who says: "They have not

disbelieved," has, himself, disbelieved by way of

The Second Matter: "...or doubts their disbelief,"

Meaning, he doubts in the disbelief of the one whom
Allaah and His Messenger have declared to be a
disbeliever; the one whom Allaah and His Messenger
have ruled upon as being a disbeliever. He who
doubts in the disbelief of a disbeliever has
disbelieved. Therefore, it is obligatory upon the
Muslim to not allow any hesitation or doubt to creep
into his heart regarding the disbelief of the one whom
54 | Page

Allaah and His Messenger have declared to be a


The Third Matter: "...or deems their path to be

correct," Such as him saying regarding something
from the creed of the disbelievers which is an affair
that is disbelief that expels one from the religion: This
matter is correct; or: There is nothing wrong with
this. So he who deems the way of the disbelievers to
be correct or (deems correct) anything from their
creed of disbelief that expels one from the religion has

These are three affairs which cause disbelief and are

nullifiers of the religion:

1.) Not deeming the polytheists to be disbelievers

2.) Doubting their disbelief
3.) Deeming their way to be correct

We will conclude (discussion on this point) with this,

and Allaah knows best. May prayers and peace be
upon the slave of Allaah and His Messenger
Muhammad; his family, and companions altogether.

55 | Page


41 fL b\ ULLpI : ^ijJlo

,1 ^ J_Lii - jJLi 5 <ll

pci [ Oji 1JJ 'u-’A-J'-S’ 3 j. I

_>:ii j4i

The Fourth: He who believes that guidance other than

the Prophet's (&&*£%$?) is more complete than his
guidance; or that a judgement other than his is
superior to his judgement - such as he who prefers
the judgement of the Taivaagheet over his
judgement-is a disbeliever.


At the beginning of the explanation we mentioned

speech regarding the importance of the Muslim
knowing the nullifiers of Al-Islaam and that the intent
of this knowledge is that by way of it the Muslim may
abhor these nullifiers and beware of them and that he
56 | P a g e

may fear them for himself. Rather, these nullifiers are

the greatest of that which the Muslim must fear for
himself; and his fear of falling into them should be
great. He must constantly ask Allaah, the Blessed and
High, to protect him from disbelief, Shirk, and
hypocrisy, and from the things which bring about His
Displeasure and His painful punishment.

Our Prophet used to supplicate to Allaah

three times in the morning and three times in the
evening, saying:
✓ 0 • > •
J i>-? -3 j-i-sLi I lo-j5 Jjl. IjJJ u r*~ui

. j-:-‘ Jl i—>IJLc- SLj iJ

"O Allaah, we take refuge with You from

disbelief and poverty; and we take refuge with
You from the punishment of the grave."1 i

The supplications which come bearing this meaning

are many. From that is his teaching his companions to

11 Reported by An-Nasaa'ee within Al-Kubraa (no. 9766) and

Aboo Daawud (no. 5090); Shaykh Al-Albaanee declared it
Hasan, as did Shaykh Ibn Baaz within Tuhfah Al-Akhyaar (pg.

57 | Page

: • if iL, ijJL5 4
• -r ^

"O Allaah, we take refuge with you from

associating partners with You, knowingly; and
we seek Your forgiveness for that which we are
unaware of."12

Shaykhul-Islaam, Muhammad ibn 'Abdul-

Wahhaab —may Allaah have mercy upon him—
mentioned ten nullifiers within this treatise. They are
the greatest in terms of their danger and the most
frequently fallen into from the nullifiers of Al-Islaam.
This is from that which necessitates great fear and
caution; and that the Muslim should be a sincere
advisor to himself by knowing them in order that he
may beware of them and that he may warn others
from them.

We previously mentioned the first three of these

nullifiers. The author went on to say: "The Fourth:"
Meaning, the fourth of the nullifiers:

12 Reported by Al-Bukhaaree within Al-Adab Al-Mufrad (no.

716), and Aboo Ya'laa within his Musnad (nos. 54, 55, and 56)
from the Hadeeth of Aboo Bakr As-Siddeeq, may Allaah be
pleased with him. Ahmad also reported similar to it (no. 19606)
from the Hadeeth of Aboo Moosaa Al-Ash'aree, may Allaah be
pleased with him

58 | Page

"He who believes that guidance other than the

Prophet's (££%£$&) is more complete than his
guidance; or that a judgement other than his is
superior to his judgement —such as he who
prefers the judgement of the Tawaagheet over
his judgement—is a disbeliever."

This is a nullifier from the ten nullifiers of Al-Islaam;

that the person believes that guidance other than the
guidance of the Prophet is more complete
than the guidance of the Prophet (); which is
disbelief in Allaah. This is because the guidance of the
Prophet is revelation sent down from the heavens,
whereas the guidance of other than him is an affair
which originates within the earth, and the difference
between them is great.

He (££&££$£) used to say, when delivering sermons

on Friday:

j i <iii Ji-M djJ « JlU \J\

- ^_a_^ j a-Le- <*>1 - a la ^ii tfiiii

(5-C4J1 j 4

59 | P a g e

As to what follows: Indeed the most truthful

speech is the speech of Allaah, and the best
guidance is the guidance of Muhammad

Therefore, his guidance is the straight path of Allaah

and Allaah's ancient religion; He is not pleased with a
religion for them besides it. Allaah, the Exalted, said:

% CJ&\ C IX'C \y Si )•
tiiCe Si ttil s* \jy isux s>3j S^V'

And thus We have sent to you (O Muhammad

) an Inspiration of Our Command.
You knew not what is the Book, nor what is
Faith? But We have made it a light wherewith
We guide whosoever of Our slaves We will.
And verily, you (O Muhammad are
indeed guiding (mankind) to the Straight Path.
The Path of Allaah, to Whom belongs all that
is in the heavens and all that is in the earth.

13 Reported by Muslim within his Saheeh (no. 867) from the

Hadeeth of Jaabir, may Allaah be pleased with him; also
reported by An-Nasaa'ee (no. 1577)

60 | Page

Verily, all the matters at the end go to Allaah

(for decision). [Soorah Ash-Shura 42:53]

Meaning, this revelation which He sent down upon


Therefore, his guidance is the best guidance, the most

complete and holistic and the strongest. He who
believes that other than his guidance is more
complete than his guidance then he is a disbeliever in
Allaah who has exited the religion.

Similarly, he who believes that a judgement other

than that of the Prophet is more complete
that his judgement whereas his judgement is
revelation from Allaah—as Allaah has said:

Nor does he speak of (his own) desire. It is

only an Inspiration that is inspired. [Soorah An-
Najm 53:3-4]

Therefore, he who believes that a judgement other

than that of the Prophet (?££%£$&) is better than the
Judgement of the Prophet the he is a disbeliever in
Allaah. This is because he prefers the judgement of
Jaahiliyah and has chosen it over the judgement of Al-
Islaam; the judgement of the Prophet ().
61 | Page

Therefore, this person is a disbeliever in Allaah, the

Glorified and High, and His Messenger
and he is a believer in the Taaghoot. Allaah, the
Exalted, has said:

ol \j'J Zj ol ^ UJ0 05 ^

Have you seen those (hypocrites) who claim

that they believe in that which has been sent
down to you, and that which was sent down
before you, and they wish to go for judgement
(in their disputes) to the Taaghoot (false
judges, etc.) while they have been ordered to
reject them. But Shaytaan (Satan) wishes to
lead them far astray. [Soorah An-Nisa 4:60]

This is from going to for judgement to the Taaghoot,

which is disbelief in Allaah. This is because the
person is not from the people of Laa Ilaha Illa-Allaah
(none has the right to be worshipped other than
Allaah) or from the people of Tawheed unless he
disbelieves in the Taaghoot. Due to this, Allaah, the
Majestic and High, stated within the verse that
follows Ayatul-Kursee — and Ayatul-Kursee contains

62 | P a g e

affirmation of Tawheed and a mention of its

evidences — He followed this by saying:

^ ^ £5 i 0 4 >
mi ajSS o

There is no compulsion in religion. Verily, the

Right Path has become distinct from the wrong
path. Whoever disbelieves in Taaghoot and
believes in Allaah, then he has grasped the
most trustworthy handhold that will never
break. [Soorah Al-Baqarah 2:256]

Therefore, disbelief in the Taaghoot is a pillar from

the pillars of steadfastness upon Laa Ilaha Illa-Allaah
(none has the right to be worshipped except Allaah),
and it is the trustworthy handhold. So he who does
not disbelieve in the Taaghoot is not from the people
of Laa Ilaha Illa-Allaah. And the one who prefers the
judgement of other than the Prophet over
his judgement and believes that judgement other than
his is better than his judgement then he is one who
gives preference to the judgement of the Taaghoot;
and he who gives preference to the judgement of the
Taaghoot is a disbeliever.

He said: "...such as he who prefers the judgement of

the Tawaagheet over his judgement," At-
63 | P a g e

Tawaagheet is the plural of At-Taaghoot 14

cjj&lLli. It is derived from Tughyaan uW*-13 (i.e., to
transgress). It is: That regarding which the servant
transgresses beyond bound, from that which is
worshipped, followed, or obeyed.15

14 Ibnul-Qayyim said: At-Taaghoot is that with which the person

transgresses the bounds, from that which is worshipped,
followed, or obeyed.

15 This was mentioned by Shaykhul-Islaam Ibnul-Qayyim within

Tlaam Al-Muwaqqi'een 2/92

64 | Page


— Jj—“J-Jl U-i ujlo

The Fifth: He who hates anything which the

Messenger came with, even if he acts
upon it, has disbelieved.


The fifth of the nullifiers of Al-Islaam is: "He who

hates anything which the Messenger () came
with," He who hates anything which the Messenger
() came with, whether it be religious beliefs —
which are the most correct and firm beliefs —or
legislated acts of worship—which are the most
complete and best acts of worship — or refined
etiquettes—which are the most beautiful and best of

"He who hates anything which the Messenger

[&£&&$$) came with," Meaning, there is within his
heart hatred or dislike and the absence of love, then

65 | P a g e

he is a disbeliever, "...even if he acts upon it," i.e., he

is still a disbeliever in Allaah; even if he acts upon this
thing which he hates. This is because by his mere
hatred for that which the Messenger came with or
anything from that which the Messenger came with
he has disbelieved.

His disbelief is the disbelief of Nifaaq (hypocrisy).

This is because the disbelief of Nifaaq, as the people
of knowledge have clarified, is divided into a number
of categories. From them is hating anything which the
Messenger has come with. This hatred invalidates the
actions and expels one from the religion. The believer
is one who is pleased with Allaah as his Lord, Islaam
as his religion, and Muhammad as his Messenger. As
for the one who hates that which the Messenger
(%) came with or he has within his heart dislike
for anything which the Messenger came with then
this negates the reality of Eemaan and the reality of
Islaam; submission to Allaah, and it negates being
pleased with His legislation and His religion.

He said: "He who hates anything which the

Messenger () came with, even if he acts upon
it, has disbelieved." Meaning, even if he acts upon
this thing which he hates then he has disbelieved by
way of the mere existence of hatred for it within his

66 | Page


jl jl 4)1 0“J So ■i ^ Ul

- j ‘ tr>^-e

✓r,/. 'S'l

. fn-io ^ £^£4

T?7e Sixth: He who mocks anything from the religion

of Allaah or His reward or His punishment has
disbelieved. The proof is the statement of Allaah, the

Say: "Was it at Allaah, and His Ayat and His

Messenger ) that you were mocking?
Make no excuse; you have disbelieved after you had
believed." (At-Tawbah 9:65-66)


He, may Allaah have mercy upon him, stated: "The

Sixth: He who mocks anything from the religion of
Allaah or His reward," Meaning, that which He,
Glorified and Exalted be He, has prepared for His
pious slaves; the one who mocks the religion, whether

67 | Page

that be beliefs, acts of worship, or etiquettes, then by

way of this mockery he has disbelieved. Similarly, he
who mocks the reward, whether that be affairs which
are worldly that have been brought forth for His
believing slaves as a recompense or that which He has
prepared for them within the abode of the Hereafter
from the magnificent reward and eternal bliss and
safety from the Fire; he who mocks any of that then
he is a disbeliever. It is the same whether he is
mocking the religion of Allaah or a parts of it or he is
mocking the reward of Allaah which He has prepared
for His believing slaves, then he has disbelieved.

He, may Allaah have mercy upon him, said: "...or

His reward or His punishment," Meaning, the
punishments that He has prepared for the
disbelievers or the disobedient sinners, then by way
of this action (of mockery) he has disbelieved and left
the religion. This is also from the disbelief of Nifaaq
and from the characteristics of the hypocrites and
their actions.

He said:

"The proof is the statement of Allaah, the


68 | Page

> »; »<
1 0 j— J)

Say: "Was it at Allaah, and His Ayat and His

Messenger (£$$%£%$?) that you were mocking?
Make no excuse; you have disbelieved after
you had believed." [Soorah At-Tawbah 9:65-66]"

His statement: " have disbelieved after you

had believed," is evidence that these people, prior to
this mockery, were upon Eemaan and by way of that
they disbelieved and left the religion. He said: "
have disbelieved after you had believed," Meaning,
after being from the people of Eemaan. However, by
way of this mockery they left the religion.

This is from that which calls the intelligent person to

have great fear of the nullifiers of Al-Islaam. It was a
statement which these people said then sought to
excuse themselves thereafter, saying: We just wanted
to liven things up and ward off the boredom of

"We were only talking idly and joking." (At-

Tawbah 9:65)

69 | Page

Meaning, we did not really intend the reality of the


Allaah said:

Make no excuse; you have disbelieved after

you had believed. (At-Tawbah 9:66)

Therefore, mocking the religion or the reward or

punishment is from the characteristics of the
hypocrites and from the affairs which expel the
person from the religion of Al-Islaam. This is because
this mockery does not emanate from one who knows
Allaah, the Glorified and Exalted, as He should be
known, and knows His religion and His legislation, or
knows His reward or His punishment. It does not
emanate except from a heart which has been afflicted
with the disease of hypocrisy.

He said:

"The proof is the statement of Allaah, the


■i <& Pi J>

Say: "Was it at Allaah, and His Ayat and His

Messenger () that you were mocking?

70 | P a g e

Make no excuse; you have disbelieved after

you had believed." (At-Tawbah 9:65-66)"

71 | P a g e


> °
__a j t
> •
j <—}
■ £=L

y■- J • 5-e (S—?j J

^ tGi ^ C!l%£ ^ Jo-1


The Seventh: Magic. From it is As-Sarf and Al-'Atf

He who does it or is pleased with it has disbelieved.
The proof is the statement of Allaah, the Exalted:

But neither of these two taught anyone (such things)

till they had said, "We are only for trial, so disbelieve
not (by learning this magic from us)." (Al-Baqarah


Then he cited the seventh nullifier, which is magic.

Magic is tying knots and blowing upon those knots,
as well as connecting and joining the devils and the
magician seeking nearness to them. This is disbelief in
Allaah, the Glorified and High.
72 | Page

It has a reality, and it is that it harms and damages. It

also has an effect, and it is that it can kill. From it is
that which causes illness and from it is that which
causes separation between a person and his wife.

•( V1' £4 brt <4

And from them people learn that by which
they cause separation between man and his
wife, but they could not thus harm anyone
except by Allaah's Leave. [Soorah Al-Baqarah

Due to it, various types of harms occur; from death,

poverty, murder and other than it.

•( 9% bt ** us y
But they could not thus harm anyone except by
Allaah's Leave. [Soorah Al-Baqarah 2:102]

This is because the entire affair is within the Hand of

Allaah, the Majestic and High. Hence, magic is
disbelief in Allaah, and the author has mentioned the

73 | Page

He said: "From it is As-Sarf and Al-'Atf." Meaning,

from the types of magic. By way of this statement he
is indicating that magic is of various types. Due to
this, when he authored a chapter within Kitaab At-
Tawheed regarding magic and warning against it, he
authored behind it a chapter clarifying the types of
magic. This is because magic is of numerous types.
He has indicated this with his statement: "From it is
As-Sarf and Al-'Atf." Meaning, magic is of numerous
types and from its types are As-Sarf and Al-'Atf. He
mentioned this type specifically due to the abundance
of its occurrence and the abundance of people tried
with it.

As-Sarf means to turn the person away from that

which he loves and inclines towards. Al-'Atf is to
connect the person, or make him incline towards that
which he does not love and has no desire for. This is
from magic. It occurs frequently amongst the people.
Frequently, the magicians gain mastery over the
people by way of this; (disturbing affairs) between
spouses, between business partners, between
associates, as it relates to trade and seeking profit,
earnings and monetary affairs. By way of this type of
magic, the magician claims to the one who comes to
him that he is able to make the people incline towards
and attached to him and for those whom the person

74 | Page

does not like he can turn them away from him. This is
disbelief in Allaah.

And from them people learn that by which

they cause separation between man and his
wife. [Soorah Al-Baqarah 2:102]

This type is Sarf. Meaning, it turns the two spouses

against one another and enmity and hatred are
brought about between them. This is from disbelief
and the magician is a disbeliever in Allaah. Magic is
from the destructive and deadly sins and from that
which causes the person to leave the religion. Due to
this, the author mentioned it here amongst the
nullifiers of Al-Islaam.

He said: "Magic. From it is As-Sarf and Al-'Atf. He

who does it," Meaning, practices magic and is from
its people, the he has disbelieved by way of that.
Similarly, "...or is pleased with it," even if he is not a
magician, but he is pleased with magic then he has
disbelieved by way of that. This is because being
pleased with disbelief is disbelief. Similar to being
pleased with the worship of idols or being pleased
with the statement of one who says that Allaah is part
of a trinity, or other than that from the statements of

75 | P a g e

disbelief. He who is pleased with disbelief has


He said: "He who does it or is pleased with it has

disbelieved. The proof is the statement of Allaah,
the Exalted:

< 123 ** & Z\ it

But neither of these two taught anyone (such
things) till they had said, "We are only for trial,
so disbelieve not (by learning this magic from
us)." [Soorah Al-Baqarah 2:102]

This is textual evidence that when the person engages

in magic and is from its people then he has
disbelieved in Allaah. " disbelieve not."

So if you engage in magic and practice it and are from

its people then you have disbelieved in Allaah.

The Shaykh, may Allaah have mercy upon him,

sufficed with this portion (of the verse) to prove the
disbelief of the magician. However, the entire verse
along with the verse before it proves the disbelief of
the magician from seven perspectives which have
been clarified by Al-Haafidh Al-Hakamee with a

76 1 P a g e

clarification that is beneficial within his book Ma'aarij

Al-Qabool. Refer to it.16

16 Ma'aarij Al-Qabool 2/549-553

77 | Page


T *” • ^ ^ >
j Li. II : o-jlIji

^> : - - 'JjJ j^jljl j ■

. [ 0 > :5JGlll] 4 0? ^sJt tf V ii' 0} ^ ^

The Eighth: Giving victory to the polytheists and

aiding them against the Muslims. The proof is the
statement ofAllaah, the Exalted:

And if any amongst you has allegiance with them,

then surely he is one of them. Verily, Allaah guides
not those people who are wrongdoers. (Al-Ma'idah


The eights of the nullifiers of Al-Islaam is: "Giving

victory to the polytheists and aiding them against the
Muslims." This does not occur except from a
disbeliever in Allaah. That which is intended by
'ijilkill is victory; giving victory to the
polytheists, "...and aiding them against the

78 | Page

Muslims." This is such that there occurs a war

between the people of Islaam and the people of
disbelief, and he stands in the ranks of the people of
disbelief and supports and helps them, standing as
one rank with them aiding them against the people of
Islaam. This is from disbelief in Allaah, the Blessed
and High. He said:

"Giving victory to the polytheists and aiding

them against the Muslims. The proof is the
statement of Allaah, the Exalted:

•f( rri pP (Aa •yj y

And if any amongst you has allegiance with

them, then surely he is one of them. [Soorah Al-
Ma'idah 5:51]

Meaning, he is from them in disbelief due to this

allegiance. That which is intended by allegiance in
His statement: "And if any amongst you has
allegiance with them," is giving victory to the
disbeliever against the Muslim when there occurs a
war between them (doing so) with the intention of
making the disbelievers triumphant over the
Muslims; his heart loves that the disbelievers should
be victorious over the Muslims. This does not occur
from a Muslim at all. The Muslim does not love that

79 | P a g e

the disbelievers should be victorious over the

Muslims nor does he love that the religion of the
polytheists should be superior. He loves that the
religion of Allaah should be superior.

< 4^=^
It is He Who has sent His Messenger
(Muhammad &£&&$?) with guidance and the
religion of truth (Islaam), to make it superior
over all religions [Soorah At-Taiobah 9:33]

Therefore, he who loves that the religion of the

disbelievers should be superior over the religion of
Al-Islaam then he is not from the people of Al-Islaam.

Therefore, having allegiance is give victory to the

disbeliever over the Muslim when there occurs a war
between them intending by way of that to aid in the
superiority of the religion of the disbelievers; this is
allegiance, and it is disbelief in Allaah.

Moreover, there is a difference between allegiance

and friendship. Allaah says:

80 | Page

rpji iQi j&S i,3*£ V y» $£ )-


O you who believe! Take not My enemies and

your enemies (i.e. disbelievers and polytheists,
etc.) as friends, showing affection towards
them. [Soorah Al-Mumtahinah 60:1]

Muwaalah means loving them—i.e., the

disbelievers — and having affection for them in order
to attain the Dunyaa and not for the sake of making
the religion of the disbelievers superior nor out of
desire for their religion or love to see their religion be
superior to the religion of Al-Islaam. Rather, due to
the Dunyaa and for worldly affairs. This is evil-doing
and from the major sins, but it is not disbelief that
expels one from the religion. Due to this, Allaah
addressed the one who falls into that which the
description of Eemaan:

aj pis d:ja !4i£ •} ip: sj }

O you who believe! Take not My enemies and

your enemies (i.e. disbelievers and polytheists,
etc.) as friends, showing affection towards
81 | P a g e

them, while they have disbelieved in what has

come to you of the truth [Soorah Al-Mumtahinah

Allaah said:

< 0 UJa '&\ ^ v & Zfe. ^ fc: £> ).

And if any amongst you has allegiance with
them, then surely he is one of them. Verily,
Allaah guides not those people who are
wrongdoers. [Soorah Al-Ma'idah 5:51]

Zulm here refers to Kufr (disbelief).

82 | Page


: ^-lLm . £ U oi li.Ui o-* •

i ^ >

• T "

. j4J - foLUi

T/je Ninth: He who believes that some of the people

are allowed to depart from the legislation of
Muhammad (teiS&gZdff) just as Al-KJwdir departed
from the legislation of Moosaa, upon him be peace,
then he is a disbeliever.


This is the ninth nullifier of Al-Islaam. "He who

believes that some of the people are allowed to
depart from the legislation of Muhammad ()
just as Al-Khadir departed from the legislation of
Moosaa, upon him be peace," This person is a
disbeliever. This is because this contains denial of the
legislation of Muhammad which is the
83 | P a g e

legislation for all of the creation. He was sent to all of

the creation. Those before him were sent to their
specific people, whereas he was sent to all people and
his legislation is not for a certain group of people or a
certain set of people to the exclusion of others. Rather,
it is for all people.

<0 >
And We have sent you (O Muhammad
) not but as a mercy for the 'Alamin
(mankind, Jinn and all that exists). [Soorah Al-
Anbiya 21:107]

Allaah also said:

Li-f- ^=C^\ -it Cil

Say (O Muhammad "O mankind!

Verily, I am sent to you all as the Messenger of
Allaah [Soorah Al-A'raf 7:158]

So if one were to say that from the people there is he

who is allowed to depart from his legislation such
that the legislation of Muhammad is not applicable to
him, then this is disbelief.

Those from the people of disbelief and misguidance

who say this use as evidence the fact that Al-Khadir

84 | Page

was allowed to depart from the legislation of Moosaa,

upon him be peace. This is an improper utilization of
evidence. Rather, the Prophet () said:

^-pLLjI S?l Li Ll_>- (_J—oLS' _jJ

"If Moosaa were alive he would have no choice

but to follow me."37

Moosaa, upon him be peace, the one to whom Allaah

spoke, he was from the messengers of strong will and
he had messengership from his Lord, yet if he were
alive he would have no choice but to follow the
Prophet So how about other individuals
from amongst the people? Yet the say that from the
people there are those who are exempt from the
legislation of Muhammad This is disbelief
that expels one from the religion. The means of
derivation or point of view of these people, that Al-
Khadir was exempt from the legislation of Moosaa,
upon him be peace, is falsehood and applying the
affair in other than it proper place. Shaykhul-Islaam
ibn Taymiyah, may Allaah have mercy upon him, has
within the 11th volume of Majmoo' Al-Fataawaa a

17 Reported by Imaam Ahmad (nos. 14,631 and 15,156) Shaykh

Al-Albaanee graded it Hasan within Fee Dhilaal Al-Jannah (no.

85 | Page

detailed response in refutation of this doubt. It refutes

the extremists of the Soofee orders and the leaders of
falsehood. He, may Allaah have mercy upon him,
responded to this doubt with an answer that was
detailed, complete, and sufficient. From that which he
said was:

"From that which clarifies the error which has

occurred from them in their arguing on the
basis of the story of Moosaa and Al-Khadir to
oppose the legislation is that Moosaa, upon
him be peace, was not sent to Al-Khadir and
Allaah did not make it obligatory upon Al-
Khadir to obey and follow him. Rather, it is
affirmed within the two Saheehs that Al-
Khadir said to him: 'O Moosaa, indeed I have
knowledge from Allaah which Allaah has
taught me that He did not teach you and you
have knowledge from Allaah that He has
taught you which He did not teach me/18 That
is since the Da'wah of Moosaa was specific
and was not for all of mankind."

If the Da'wah of Moosaa was for all of mankind then

Al-Khadir would not have been exempt from it. He
went on to say:

18 Reported by Al-Bukhaaree (nos. 3220 and 4448) and Muslim

(no. 2380)

86 | Page

"It is affirmed within the authentic books of

narrations from more than one (of the
companions) from the Prophet ()
regarding that with which Allaah favored him
over the other Prophets:


'The Prophets used to be sent to their own

people; but I have been sent to all of

Therefore, the Da'wah of Muhammad

() is for all of the slaves and none is
exempt from following him and obeying him.
None can do without his messengership as Al-
Khadir was exempt from following Moosaa,
obeying him, and was independent of him due
to that which Allaah had taught him. It is not
for anyone whom Islaam reaches to say
regarding Muhammad: Indeed I have
knowledge from Allaah which He has taught
me that He did not teach you/"

19 Reported by Al-Bukhaaree (no. 330) and Muslim (no. 521)

87 | Page

This is the statement which Al-Khadir said to Moosaa.

Shaykhul-Islaam continued:

"He who deems this to be correct or believes

that anyone from the creation, the abstemious
or the worshippers, or other than them, is
exempt from the Da'wah of Muhammad and
following him then he is a disbeliever by way
of the consensus of the Muslims and the
evidences for this within the Book and the
Sunnah are too many to mention here."20

20 Majmoo Al-Fataawaa 11/425

88 | Page


- > > f
J 4_<>—l 'j <. 4il : j—iiUU’l
✓ / ——


. [YY

The Tenth: Turning away from the religion ofAllaah,

the Exalted; not learning it and not acting upon it.
Tlie proof is the statement ofAllaah, the Exalted:

And who does more wrong than he who is reminded

of the Ayat of his Lord, then he turns away
therefrom? Verily, We shall exact retribution from
the criminals. (As-Sajdah 32:22)


This is the tenth and final nullifier from the nullifiers

of Al-Islaam which he, may Allaah have mercy upon
him, has mentioned. It is: "Turning away from the
religion of Allaah, the Exalted; not learning it and
not acting upon it." This is the one who turns away
completely from the religion of Allaah; and this is
89 | Page

from the types of disbelief. The people of knowledge

refer to it as: Kufr Al-I'raad

The people of knowledge have said, in clarification of


This is when the foundation with which one

enters into Al-Islaam is nonexistent within the
person and he turns away completely, not
learning it or acting upon it.

As Ibnul-Qayyim said:

"It is that the person turns with his hearing

and his heart away from the Messenger
(&*£££!$£) not believing in him nor belying
him; not having allegiance for him nor enmity;
and he has no inclination whatsoever towards
that which he has come with."21

So he who this is his state then he is a disbeliever and

his disbelief in Allaah, the Majestic and High, is
disbelief of turning away; this is what is intended by
Kufr Al-I'raad.

As for the one who turns away by leaving off some of

the obligations from that which does not reach the
level of disbelief, or he leaves off the recommended

21 Madaarij As-Saalikeen 1/347

90 | Page

actions then this does not enter into this affair. What
is intended —as has preceded —is that the foundation
with which one becomes Muslim is nonexistent
within the person and he turns away from this
(religion) completely; does not learn it, nor does he
act upon it, nor does he embark upon (practicing it)
nor is he inclined towards it, the disbelief of this
person is Kufr Al-I'raad. He said: "The proof is the
statement of Allaah, the Exalted:


And who does more wrong than he who is

reminded of the Ayat of his Lord, [Soorah As-
Sajdah 32:22]

The question posed here bears the meaning of a

negation; it means that none does more wrong than:

ot \ ') <■£> '5) y

...he who is reminded of the Ayat of his Lord,

then he turns away therefrom? Verily, We shall
exact retribution from the criminals. [Soorah As-
Sajdah 32:22]

91 | P a g e


J JjLjJl ;i_a ^ <3J—» ^ j

pla—C'l (j_* L U j i 'i/l t j

L_PjAj C* j • J t la >-

j ‘ Lajj^-j ol ^ uJu
J 3 • i-iLS-p (r—it j 5-r
0-J «iiL. i

T7iere is no difference regarding all of these

(nullifiers) betiveen the one who is joking, serious, or
scared, with the exception of the one who is
compelled. All of them are from the most dangerous
and the most frequently fallen into. Therefore, it is
befitting for the Muslim to beware of them and to fear
them for himself. We seek refuge with Allaah from
that which brings about His anger and His painful

May the blessings and peace from Allaah be upon the

best of His creation, Muhammad, his family, and

92 | P a g e


He, may Allaah have mercy upon him, said:

"There is no difference regarding all of these

(nullifiers) between the one who is joking,
serious, or scared,"

Meaning, all of them are the same; they have

disbelieved whether they have fallen into these
nullifiers and entered into them out of fear, or they
entered into them out of joking, joshing around, folly,
and play —and we have previously mentioned that
which proves this —or one in serious; there is no

Then the Shaykh says: "There is no difference

regarding all of these (nullifiers) between the one
who is joking, serious, or scared, with the exception
of the one who is compelled,"

Meaning, if the affair reaches the point of compulsion

and he is forced upon disbelief, to do an act or say a
statement (of disbelief) then Allaah will not punish
him for that nor is he, by way of that, from the
disbelievers. As Allaah has said:

< £ n>
93 | P a g e

Except him who is forced thereto and whose

heart is at rest with Faith [Soorah An-Nahl

Therefore, if the affair reaches the point of

compulsion then it is only an action or a statement. As
for the belief which is within the heart then it cannot
be compelled. This is because that which is within the
heart of the person is not known. Hence, compulsion
is only in statement and action. If the person is forced
to say a statement of disbelief or the person is forced
to do an act of disbelief so he says a statement or does
an action under the pressure of compulsion then he
has not disbelieved by way of his statement or action.

The author made an exception with his statement:

"...with the exception of the one who is compelled,"
The evidence for this exception is the statement of
Allaah: "Except him who is forced thereto," Allaah,
the Majestic and High, only made an exception for the
one who is compelled. He said:

-All owki *^=*i o* V1^-

Except him who is forced thereto and whose

heart is at rest with Faith [Soorah An-Nahl

94 | Page

Then he, may Allaah have mercy upon him,

concluded these nullifiers by saying: "All of them,"
meaning, all of these nullifiers: "...are from the most
dangerous," meaning, they are from the most
dangerous affairs and the most harmful matters, the
greatest deadly sins and the worst destructive
matters. "All of them are from the most dangerous
and the most frequently fallen into," Take note,
within this statement two affairs are brought together.

The First Matter: They are the most dangerous

The Second: They are the most frequently fallen into;

they occur often

So what does this obligate? If you know that they are

the most dangerous of that which there is for the
person and that they are also the most frequently
fallen into this brings about fear of these nullifiers.
Due to this, he said: "Therefore, it is befitting," He
based this upon that which has preceded. "Therefore,
it is befitting for the Muslim to beware of them and
to fear them for himself." He, may Allaah have
mercy upon him, has a tremendously beneficial
chapter which is of the utmost importance within
Kitaab At-Tawheed; it is entitled: Chapter: The Fear of
Shirk. He cited within it the statement of Allaah, the
Mighty and Majestic:

95 | Page

.(0 'f zzi o\ ^ >

And keep me and my sons away from
worshipping idols. [Soorah Ibrahim 14:35]

Hence, if Ibraheem; the Imaam of the monotheists

who destroyed the idols with his own hand was
afraid of it (saying):

© pCiMT %*

And keep me and my sons away from

worshipping idols. O my Lord! They have
indeed led astray many among mankind.
[Soorah Ibrahim 14:35-36]

Ibraheem At-Taymee, may Allaah have mercy upon

him, said: "Who can feel safe from trial after

So once the Muslim knows the danger of these

matters and that they are the most dangerous and the
most frequently fallen into this brings about fear

22 Refer to this chapter from Tayseer Al-'Azeez Al-Hameed

1/240. The explainer transmitted this from him (pg. 236) It was
reported by Ibn Jareer within his Tafseer 13/687-688

96 1 Page

within the heart from the nullifiers and great caution

from them. "Therefore, it is befitting for the Muslim
to beware of them and to fear them for himself."
Then he concluded with this great and blessed
supplication: "We seek refuge with Allaah from that
which brings about His anger and His painful
punishment." These ten nullifiers are the greatest of
that which brings about the anger of Allaah and His
painful punishment.

Then he closed by sending the prayers and peace

upon the Messenger of Allaah ():

His statement: "There is no difference

regarding all of these (nullifiers) between the
one who is joking, serious, or scared, with the
exception of the one who is compelled," He
has in confirmation of this statement and a
clarification of it along with providing its
proof great and beneficial speech with which
he concluded his great book: Kashf Ash-
Shubuhaat.23 He, may Allaah have mercy upon
him, said: "We close the speech —if Allaah
wills—with a very great and important issue
which is understood from that which has
preceded; however, we will separately mention

23 Jaami' Al-Fareed (pgs. 277-278)

97 | Page

speech regarding it due to the greatness of its

status and the abundance of the mistakes that
take place in it. We say:

There is no difference regarding the fact that it

is a must that Tawheed be exemplified with
the heart, tongue, and actions. If any of this is
lacking then the person is not Muslim. If he
acknowledges Tawheed but does not act upon
it then he is a disbeliever; obstinate in his
disbelief, like Fir'awn, Iblees, and their like.
Many of the people err in this and they say:
This is the truth and we understand it and we
testify that it is the truth; however, we are not
able to do it, and it is not permissible with the
people in our land, we must be in agreement
with them; and other than that from the

The deprived person does not know that most

of the Imaams of disbelief know the truth and
did not abandon it except due to some type of
excuse. As Allaah, the Exalted, has said:

They have purchased with the Ayat (proofs,

evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations,
etc.) of Allaah a little gain. [Soorah At-Tawbah

Likewise, His statement:

98 | Page

They recognize him as they recognize their

sons. [Soorah Al-Baqarah 2:146]

If one acts upon Tawheed outwardly but does

not understand it or believe in it within his
heart then he is a hypocrite. He is more evil
that the pure disbeliever. Allaah, the Exalted,
has said:

Verily, the hypocrites will be in the lowest

depths (grade) of the Fire.. [Soorah An-Nisa

This issue is a great and long issue which will

become clear to you if you reflect upon the
affairs of the people. You will see he who
knows the truth and abandons acting upon it
due to fear of loss of the Dunyaa or status or
out to patronize someone. You see he who acts
upon it outwardly but not inwardly. If you
were to ask him about that which he believes
within his heart he would not know. However,
you must understand two verses from the Book
of Allaah. The First of them is that which has
preceded; His statement:

Make no excuse; you have disbelieved after

you had believed. [Soorah At-Taiobah 9:66]

99 | Page

If you affirm that some of the companions who

fought against Rome along with the Messenger
of Allaah disbelieved due to a
statement which they had said jokingly and
playfully then it will become clear to you that
the one who speaks with disbelief or acts with
it out of fear of the loss of wealth or status or to
patronize someone has done worse than one
who says a statement jokingly.

The second verse:

Whoever disbelieved in Allaah after his belief,

except him who is forced thereto and whose
heart is at rest with Faith but such as open
their breasts to disbelief, on them is wrath
from Allaah, and theirs will be a great torment.
That is because they loved and preferred the
life of this world over that of the Hereafter.
And Allaah guides not the people who
disbelieve. [Soorah An-Nahl 16:106-107]

Allaah did not excuse from these people except

the one who is compelled while his heart is at
rest with Eemaan. As for other than this person
then he has disbelieved after having Eemaan,
whether he did it out of fear, hope, or
patronizing someone, patriotism for his land,
his family, wife, or wealth or he did it
100 | P a g e

This explains and clarifies his speech which is at the

end of the Nullifiers of Al-Islaam. "...or for another
reason, with the exception of compulsion." This is
because Allaah made no exceptions other than
compulsion. He went on to say:

"The verse indicates this from two perspectives: The

First is His statement: '... except him who is forced
thereto/ Allaah made no exceptions other than the
one who is compelled. It is known the person is not
compelled except to act or say (something). As for
the beliefs of the heart, none can be compelled upon

The Second: His statement: 'That is because

they loved and preferred the life of this world
over that of the Hereafter/ He explicitly
mentions that this disbelief and this
punishment was not due to belief or ignorance
or hatred for the religion or love of disbelief. It
was only due to the fact that he had a portion
of the Dunyaa and preferred it over the
religion, and Allaah, the Glorified an High,
knows best."

With this, we have arrived at the end of the speech

regarding this valuable treatise: 'The Nullifiers of Al-
Islaam' by Shaykhul-Islaam Muhammad ibn Abdul-
Wahhaab, may Allaah have mercy upon him. We ask
101 | P a g e

Allaah the Generous, the Lord of the Magnificent

Throne, to protect us all from the nullifiers of Al-
Islaam and to preserve our religion for us; O Allaah,
safeguard us with Islaam whilst standing; safeguard
us with Islaam whilst sitting; safeguard us with
Islaam whilst reclining.

O Allaah, rectify for us our religion which contains

the preservation of our affair and rectify for us our
Dunyaa which contains our livelihood. Rectify for us
our hereafter which is the place of our return and
make like an increase for us in every good and death
to be a rest from every evil.

O Allaah, we have submitted to you and believed in

You, in You we put our trust and we turn in
repentance to You; we depend on You in dispute and
we take refuge with You Might; none has the right to
be worshipped except You. You are the Ever-Living
that does not die whereas the Jinn and mankind die.

O Allaah forgive us and our parents and our scholars

and the Muslim males and females and the believing
males and females; the living from amongst them and
the deceased.

May Allaah increase you all in Tawfeeq and

uprightness. May prayers and peace be upon the
Messenger of Allaah.

102 | P a g e

TilE Kinr:r:rara^ £
My brother; this is a study of a
valuable treatise by the Imaam, the
rectifier, the reviver,
Shaykhul-Islaam Muhammad ibn
' Abdul-Wahhaab—may Allaah
have mercy upon him and forgive
him—entitled: "The Nullifiers of
Al-Islaam". He, may Allaah have
mercy upon him, wrote it advising
and warning; because just as the
Muslim is required to know the
truth and guidance in order that he
may love it and traverse upon it, he
is also required to know falsehood
and misguidance in order that he
may hate it and avoid it

ISBN 978-1-9430-9086-0
51 000>

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