TG EmTech Week 1 and 2 Final

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Yllana Bay View College, Inc.

“The Builder of Future Leaders”

Senior High School Department
Enerio Street, Balangasan District, Pagadian City


Empowerment Technology

Week(s) 1-2
Topic/Lesson Information and Communication Technology covering the
topics of:

1. The current state of ICT technologies (i.e., Web 2.0,

3.0, convergent technologies, social, mobile, and
assistive media).

2. Online systems, functions, and platforms.

3. Online safety, security, ethics, and etiquette.

4. Contextualized online search and research skills.

Content Standards The learner demonstrates an understanding of:

1. ICT in the context of global communication for

specific professional track.

Performance Standards The learners:

1. at the end of the 2-week period independently

compose an insightful reflection paper on the nature
of ICT in the context of their lives, society, and
professional tracks (Arts, Tech-Voc, Sports,

Learning Competencies The learners:

1. compare and contrast the nuances of varied online

platforms, sites, and content to best achieve specific
class objectives or address situational challenges.

2. apply online safety, security, ethics, and etiquette

standards and practice in the use of ICTs as it would
relate to their specific professional tracks.

3. use the Internet as a tool for credible research and

information gathering to best achieve specific class
objectives or address situational.

Time Allotment 4 hours and 30 minutes / 270 minutes

Teaching Strategy Discussion, Oral Recitation, On-site research


I- Introduction The instructor will call someone to lead the opening prayer,
greet the students, check them in regards to their personal stuff
last weekends, and after checking their state of mind, and to
make sure that their focus is in the class, there will be a brief
summary or recap of the last topic.
II- Motivation The instructor will then introduce the topic by asking some
questions that is related to the topic.
III- Instruction/ Delivery After the motivation, the instructor will then discuss the topic:

(Review part)


- the application of scientific knowledge for practical

purposes, especially in industry.
- machinery and equipment developed from the application
of scientific knowledge.
- the branch of knowledge dealing with engineering or
applied sciences.


- facts and statistics collected together for reference or


- are raw, unorganized facts that need to be processed.

- It can be something simple and seemingly random and

useless until it is organized.


- facts provided or learned about something or someone.

- what is conveyed or represented by a particular

arrangement or sequence of things.

- (in information theory) a mathematical quantity

expressing the probability of occurrence of a particular
sequence of symbols, impulses, etc., as contrasted with
that of alternative sequences.

- When data is processed, organized, structured or

presented in a given context so as to make it useful, it is
called information.

The Current State of ICT

What is Information and Communication Technology?

Sometimes, it is also called as Information and

Communications Technology. So, what is ICT?

ICT – Information and Communications Technology.

It is an extended term of Information Technology (IT), that

stresses the role of unified communications and the integration
of telecommunications, computers, as well as necessary
enterprise software, middleware, storage, and audio-visual
(AV) systems, which enable users to access store, transmit,
and manipulate information.

The World Wide Web (WWW)

- is combination of all resources and users on the Internet

that are using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).

- A broader definition comes from the World Wide Web

Consortium (W3C): "The World Wide Web is the
universe of network-accessible information, an
embodiment of human knowledge."

Web 1.0

- It is a term coined to differentiate the first stage of the

World Wide Web (www) in comparison with the present
stage of internet technology.

(Review part/fun fact part)

Differences between Internet and internet:


- the term internet in its lower case spelling was a common

short form of the term internetwork, and this spelling and
use may still be found in discussions of networking.



- the Internet refers to the worldwide set of interconnected


Hence, the Internet is an internet, but the reverse does not


(continuation of Web 1.0)

- At the beginning, there were few web content creators.

- Webpages were static and were called Read only web.

- The only available feedback mechanism was through

private emails.

Web 2.0

- This term was first used around 2004.

- Internet technology became more and more interactive.

- The internet became more available for everyone.

- The users can now interact, contribute, and create their
own internet space and content (Explosion of
Information & Social Media (SocMed)).

- The term was popularized by Tim O’Reilly and Dale

Dougherty at the O’Reilly Media Web 2.0 Conference in
late 2004, though it was coined by Darcy DiNucci in

Web 3.0

- It is described by Tim Berners-Lee (Father of WWW) as

the read-write-execute web.

- It is referred to as the semantic web or data driven web

content and response.

- The context of the search of the user is processed by a

programming language to help the user by presenting
options of what the person is interested in.

- It will not make Web 2.0 obsolete.

- This phrase was coined by John Markoff of the New York

Times in 2006, refers to a supposed 3rd generation of
Internet-based services that collectively comprise what
might be called “the intelligent web”.
Technology Convergence

- It is an evolution of technological developments that

merge into a new system bringing together different types
of applications and media.

- It is the single-most important example of technological


Social Media (SocMed)

- It is a collection of internet-based communication tools

and computer assisted channels dedicated to allow users
to interact, communicate, and share information in a
virtual community and network.

Mobile Media

- A range of handheld devices from mobile phones, tablets,

and e-readers to game consoles, primarily used as
personal, interactive, Internet-enabled and user-controlled
portable platforms that allow interconnected users to
exchange personal and nonpersonal information.
Assistive Media

- It is a nonprofit organization founded in 1996 in

Michigan, USA.

- It was founded by David H. Harvey.

- The organization was the first internet-based reading

service for persons with visual and reading impairments.

- The produce and publish voice-recorded written materials

on cassettes, CDs, and the internet.

Collaborative platforms

- Is a category of business software that adds broad and

social networking capabilities to work processes.

Convergent Technologies

- It is an extension of the term convergence, which means

“coming together of two or more disparate disciplines
or technologies”. Convergent Technologies also refers to
an American computer company formed by a small group
of people who left Intel Corporation and Xerox PARC in

Online Systems

- Are online versions of information systems, which is “the

process of and tools for storing, managing, using, and
gathering of data and communications in an
organization. An example of information systems are
tools for sending out communications and storing files
in a business.”


Online systems, functions, and platforms:

“If you can program it, then it’s a platform. If you can’t,
then it’s not.” – Marc Andreessen


- A computing platform or digital platform is the

environment in which a piece of software is executed. It
may be the hardware or the operating system, even a web
browser and associated application programming
interfaces, or other underlying software, as long as the
program code is executed with it.

Online Platforms in ICT

It makes it easier for users to interact, to collect, and use the

data from the user’s interactions for their own particular needs.

Online Platform Categories

- Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.)

- Search Engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.)

- Communication Services (Smart, Globe, Sun, PLDT, etc.)

- Payment Systems (PayPal, PayMaya, G-cash, etc.)

- Advertising Platforms (YouTube, Dailymotion, Facebook

Ads, Google Ads, etc.)

- Creative Content Outlets (YouTube, Twitch, etc.)

Web Search Engines

- It is a software system that is designed to search

information on the World Wide Web (WWW). The search
results are generally presented in a line of results referred
to as Search Engine Results Page (SERPs).

- The information may be a mix of webpages, images, and

other types of files.

Communication Services

- These are outsourced enterprise communications solutions

that can be leased from a single vendor or provider.

- A communications service provider (CSP) is a provider

that transports information electrically and can encompass
public and private companies in telecom, internet, cable,
satellite, and managed services business.

Payment System

- It is any system used to settle financial transactions

through transfer of monetary value and includes the
institutions, instruments, people, rules, procedures,
standards, and technologies.

Advertising Platforms

- It allows users to create and manage advertising

campaigns, generate reports, and retrieve information
about the ads, campaigns and organizations that are
associated with an account.

Creative Content Outlets

- It is content that needs to be translated creatively

- Topic/concept -> Creative presentation


Online safety, security, ethics, and etiquette:

Dangers on the Internet

E-mail Spam (a.k.a. Junk Mail)

- Usually unsolicited commercial e-mail sent from an

unknown source with identical message sent to multiple
- Usually not dangerous but can be time and space
- Dangerous ones can carry viruses and other malicious
software (Malware).

E-mail spoofing

- It is deceitful e-mail practice in which the sender address

is changed, so that it would appear to have come from a
different source which is usually someone you know.
- E-mail spoofing is usually used by spammers to hide the
origin of the spam.


- It is a deceitful practice of trying to get confidential

information such as passwords and usernames, and credit
card details by making it appear as if it comes from a
trustworthy source.
- It is usually done through emails or using popular entity
such as Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Amazon, and financial


- This is a dangerous hacker attack on a website which

directs all traffic to that website to another fictitious
- the main objective is to obtain username and passwords,
as well as credit cards and financial information, and use
these to steal their money electronically or use the credit
cards of the victims.
- It is a major concern of many online banking and e-
commerce (electronic commerce) transactions.


- A computer program that is installed covertly on a

personal computer to collect information or even take
control over computer without the knowledge of the user.
- It can monitor and collect information about the user’s
internet habits and practices.
- It can also affect the performance and setting of the

Computer Worm, or Worm in short

- It is a dangerous computer program that replicates itself

through a network.
- Some worms delete files, others disrupt the network
- It is usually spread through email and running of
attachments from suspicious sources.
- It spreads by exploiting weaknesses in operating systems.

Trojan Horse

- A malware fronting to perform a good task, but covertly

performs undesirable function with the intention of
entering the computer without the user’s consent.
- It can disable the computer’s defenses, opening it to
unauthorized entry.
- It can erase data, corrupt files, allow access to computer
and disrupt everything.

Computer Virus

- It is a program that duplicates itself and then infects the

computer. It spreads like a biological virus.
- It can be transferred by the use of removable storage
media devices.
- Damages may be mild to severe.


- This is a person who is able to enter and control other

people’s computer without authorization.
- Usually vandalizes the victims’ website, steals personal
information, obtains intellectual property, and performs
credit card fraud.
- Firewalls are able to prevent entry by hackers.

Some other Trivia/Glossary:


- is a website or Web application where headlines and other

content are collected for easy viewing. Aggregators such
as Google News compile news articles and posts.


- is a two- or three-dimensional icon that represents a

computer user or a gamer. Avatar can be a cartoonish
graphic, a photograph, a screen name, or a fully
developed character.


- from the term “weblog”, is a type of website usually

updated by an individual or a group of bloggers. Some
blogs provide news or opinions on a specific subject,
while others are more like online journals. Most blogs
allow readers to leave comments on blog posts.


- is the act of saying mean things online, usually in ALL

CAPS, and often in a public forum with the intention
to humiliate. Flame wars can occur easily online, as it
can be difficult to figure out people’s intentions or
emotions online.


- is a remix or blend of multiple songs, videos, or

another media content into one product. Fan fiction
writing is one form of a mash-up, as writers take
characters from a well-known video game, movie, or
book, and rewrite their actions or relationships.

Massively multiplayer online game (MMOG)

- is usually an online virtual world that multiple players
navigate and play in together. While in this virtual
world, their avatars chat, cooperate, and quest together,
oftentimes towards a goal.

P2P, or Peer-to-Peer
- it is a network allows for sharing of mp3s, videos, and
other digital files by transferring information directly
between two computers rather than by going through a
central server. P2P technology is also behind the
popular Internet phone service Skype.


- is a downloadable video or audio file. Podcasts can be

verbal, based on a certain topic, or can include music,
video, and commentary. Most podcasts are updated
regularly through the addition of new episodes.

Short Message Service (SMS)

- or text message, is a short message of fewer than 160

characters sent from a cell phone.
- A Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) is a text
message that contains an attached multimedia file, such
as a picture or song.


Contextualized online search and research skills:

Online Search

- Is the process of interactively searching for and

retrieving requested information via computer from
databases that are online.
- Interactive searches became possible in the 1980s with
the advent of faster databases and smart terminals.

Pros and Cons:


- Ability to obtain a large sample, which increases

statistical power.
- Data is automatically coded so no data entry errors.
- Reduced cost of conducting research.


- Online is not totally secure and theft is one of the

numerous dangers it poses, researches personal
information is at risk of being access by rogue persons.
- Some of the materials on the Internet have not been
evaluated by experts or thoroughly screened.
- Lack of accreditation and low quality.

Research skills:

Research, sometimes just means finding out information

about a topic.

You can certainly develop advanced information retrieval

skills in Working with Sources.

However, in specific understandings of “research” carry a lot

of weight. The classic definition is that “research” leads to an
original contribution to knowledge in a particular field of
inquiry by defining an important question or problem and then
answering or solving it in a systematic way.

So, you will need to read on to a develop a relevant

understanding of what research means in your subject.

Important aspects of research:

- Research design covers the key issues in developing a

successful research project.
- Research methods takes you to resources on essential
techniques for carrying out convincing research.
- Working with data will provide resources on the use of
statistics and other numerical skills in research.

Some examples of research skills that you may have


- Report writing.
- Analyzing lots of information from different sources.
- Finding information off the Internet.
- Critical thinking.

IV- Practice Week 1:

Day 1: The instructor will ask the students to group

themselves into 6 groups. Each group must have a
representative on the said activity below:

Name of the Activity: Explain yourself!


1. Each representative will be given specific questions

that will be discussed by the group within ten (10)
seconds, and will discuss it individually.
2. Once ten seconds has been exhausted, the
representative will then give his or her explanation of
the specific topic or question within fifteen (15)
3. Once fifteen seconds has been exhausted, the
instructor, then, will give the final verdict, and will be
given certain points according to the explanation given.
(The questions and explanations are open-ended, to be
4. The scoring will be: 5 points for the most convincing
answer, 4 for the convincing answer, 3 for the “okay”
answer, 2 for the least convincing answer, and, 1 for no
5. The groups will also be given the right to have an on-
site research of the said activity.

Teamwork: 40%
Content of explanation: 40%
Audience Impact: 20%
Total: 100%

Day 2: The instructor will ask the students to group

themselves into 6 groups.

Name of the Activity: Let’s do Roleplay!


1. Each group will be given a scenario that they will need

to role play.
2. Each group will be given ten (10) minutes to discuss
and act their roleplay.
3. Once ten minutes has been exhausted, the instructor
will give them numbers in which they will pick
randomly, whoever gets the last number will go first.


Teamwork: 40%
Content of the roleplay: 40%
Audience Impact: 20%
Total: 100%


Week 2:

Day 1: The instructor will ask the students to group

themselves into 6 groups.

Name of the Activity: Guess it!

1. Each group will have a representative, and the
instructor will give them a specific topic that they will
need to portray, and the group will guess what the
representative is portraying.
2. Each group has one (1) minute to guess.
3. First group to guess the right answer gets a point.


Teamwork: 30%
Accurate guessing: 40%
Accuracy of the answer: 30%
Total: 100%

Day 2: The instructor will ask the students to group

themselves into 6 groups.

Name of the Activity: Google it!

4. Each group will be given a specific topic or item or a
hint that they need to search online, using their phones.
5. Searching the topic will have a duration of 10 seconds.
6. If a certain group has found the answer, then they will
shout their specific yell, to be recognized and give their
answer to the class within 5 seconds, otherwise, the
other groups will have a steal
7. The scoring will be: 3 point per correct answer, 2
points if it is a steal.


Teamwork: 30%
Active Listening and active searching: 40%
Accuracy of the answer: 30%
Total: 100%

V- Enrichment The instructor, then, will ask the students how they understood
the topic, the importance of the topic, and the relevance of the
topic in their daily lives.
VI- Evaluation At the end of the 2-week period, the instructor will ask the
student to independently compose an insightful reflection
paper on the nature of ICT in the context of their lives, society,
and professional tracks (Arts, Tech-Voc, Sports, Academic).
VII- Recommended Resources and Internet Connection:
- The Current State of ICT Technologies; Online
Systems, Functions and Platforms; and, Online Safety,
Security, Ethics and Etiquette, a PowerPoint
Presentation by Maria Eloisa Blanza

- Contextualized Online Search and Research skills, a

PowerPoint Presentation by Angelica Marie S. Joven

Prepared by:



Approved by:


Yllana Bay View College, Inc.
“The Builder of Future Leaders”
Senior High School Department
Enerio Street, Balangasan District, Pagadian City


Instructor’s Name: Prince Virniel B. Carumba, LPT Subject: E-Tech: ICT for Professional Track
Week(s): 1 – 2
Grade& Block: Grade 12 | Block B1
Days: MWF Time: 4:10 PM - 5:40 PM
Room Number: Room D

I – Topic Information and Communication Technology covering the topics of:

1. The current state of ICT technologies (i.e., Web 2.0, 3.0, convergent technologies,
social, mobile, and assistive media).
2. Online systems, functions, and platforms.
3. Online safety, security, ethics, and etiquette.
4. Contextualized online search and research skills.

II – Time Frame One (1) hour and thirty (30) minutes per session; total of Four (4) hours and thirty (30)
III – Learning The learners:
1. compare and contrast the nuances of varied online platforms, sites, and content to
best achieve specific class objectives or address situational challenges.
2. apply online safety, security, ethics, and etiquette standards and practice in the use
of ICTs as it would relate to their specific professional tracks.
3. use the Internet as a tool for credible research and information gathering to best
achieve specific class objectives or address situational.

Instruction or Delivery:
 The instructor will give the student some insights on what the discussion is all about and
Week 1 will discuss the topic, collaborate with the students to have an engaging environment.

 The instructor will also conduct an activity for the students to help them understand further
the topic, and will be assessed through a one-question essay right after the discussion and

 The instructor will give the student some insights on what the discussion is all about and
will discuss the topic, collaborate with the students to have an engaging environment.
Week 2
The instructor will also conduct an activity for the students to help them understand further
the topic, and will be assessed by independently composing an insightful reflection paper
on the nature of ICT in the context of their lives, society, and professional tracks (Arts,
Tech-Voc, Sports, Academic).

Approved by:


Yllana Bay View College, Inc.

“The Builder of Future Leaders”
Senior High School Department
Enerio Street, Balangasan District, Pagadian City


Instructor’s Name: Prince Virniel B. Carumba, LPT Subject: E-Tech: ICT for Professional Track
Week(s): 1 – 2
Grade& Block: Grade 12 | Block B2
Days: MWF Time: 5:40 PM – 7:10 PM
Room Number: Room A

I – Topic Information and Communication Technology covering the topics of:

5. The current state of ICT technologies (i.e., Web 2.0, 3.0, convergent technologies,
social, mobile, and assistive media).
6. Online systems, functions, and platforms.
7. Online safety, security, ethics, and etiquette.
8. Contextualized online search and research skills.

II – Time Frame One (1) hour and thirty (30) minutes per session; total of Four (4) hours and thirty (30)
III – Learning The learners:
4. compare and contrast the nuances of varied online platforms, sites, and content to
best achieve specific class objectives or address situational challenges.
5. apply online safety, security, ethics, and etiquette standards and practice in the use
of ICTs as it would relate to their specific professional tracks.
6. use the Internet as a tool for credible research and information gathering to best
achieve specific class objectives or address situational.

Instruction or Delivery:
 The instructor will give the student some insights on what the discussion is all about and
Week 1 will discuss the topic, collaborate with the students to have an engaging environment.

 The instructor will also conduct an activity for the students to help them understand further
the topic, and will be assessed through a one-question essay right after the discussion and

 The instructor will give the student some insights on what the discussion is all about and
will discuss the topic, collaborate with the students to have an engaging environment.
Week 2
The instructor will also conduct an activity for the students to help them understand further
the topic, and will be assessed by independently composing an insightful reflection paper
on the nature of ICT in the context of their lives, society, and professional tracks (Arts,
Tech-Voc, Sports, Academic).

Approved by:


Yllana Bay View College, Inc.

“The Builder of Future Leaders”
Senior High School Department
Enerio Street, Balangasan District, Pagadian City


Instructor’s Name: Prince Virniel B. Carumba, LPT Subject: E-Tech: ICT for Professional Track
Week(s): 1 – 2
Grade& Block: Grade 12 | Block C1
Days: MWF Time: 7:10 PM - 8:40 PM
Room Number: Room C

I – Topic Information and Communication Technology covering the topics of:

9. The current state of ICT technologies (i.e., Web 2.0, 3.0, convergent technologies,
social, mobile, and assistive media).
10. Online systems, functions, and platforms.
11. Online safety, security, ethics, and etiquette.
12. Contextualized online search and research skills.

II – Time Frame One (1) hour and thirty (30) minutes per session; total of Four (4) hours and thirty (30)
III – Learning The learners:
7. compare and contrast the nuances of varied online platforms, sites, and content to
best achieve specific class objectives or address situational challenges.
8. apply online safety, security, ethics, and etiquette standards and practice in the use
of ICTs as it would relate to their specific professional tracks.
9. use the Internet as a tool for credible research and information gathering to best
achieve specific class objectives or address situational.

Instruction or Delivery:
 The instructor will give the student some insights on what the discussion is all about and
Week 1 will discuss the topic, collaborate with the students to have an engaging environment.

 The instructor will also conduct an activity for the students to help them understand further
the topic, and will be assessed through a one-question essay right after the discussion and

 The instructor will give the student some insights on what the discussion is all about and
will discuss the topic, collaborate with the students to have an engaging environment.
Week 2
The instructor will also conduct an activity for the students to help them understand further
the topic, and will be assessed by independently composing an insightful reflection paper
on the nature of ICT in the context of their lives, society, and professional tracks (Arts,
Tech-Voc, Sports, Academic).

Approved by:



- the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.

- machinery and equipment developed from the application of scientific knowledge.
- the branch of knowledge dealing with engineering or applied sciences.


- facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis.

- are raw, unorganized facts that need to be processed.

- It can be something simple and seemingly random and useless until it is organized.


- facts provided or learned about something or someone.

- what is conveyed or represented by a particular arrangement or sequence of things.

- (in information theory) a mathematical quantity expressing the probability of occurrence of a particular
sequence of symbols, impulses, etc., as contrasted with that of alternative sequences.

- When data is processed, organized, structured or presented in a given context so as to make it useful, it is

called information.

The Current State of ICT

What is Information and Communication Technology?

Sometimes, it is also called as Information and Communications Technology. So, what is ICT?

ICT – Information and Communications Technology.

It is an extended term of Information Technology (IT), that stresses the role of unified communications and the
integration of telecommunications, computers, as well as necessary enterprise software, middleware, storage,
and audio-visual (AV) systems, which enable users to access store, transmit, and manipulate information.
The World Wide Web (WWW)

- is combination of all resources and users on the Internet that are using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol

- A broader definition comes from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C): "The World Wide Web is the
universe of network-accessible information, an embodiment of human knowledge."

Web 1.0

- It is a term coined to differentiate the first stage of the World Wide Web (www) in comparison with the
present stage of internet technology.

(Review part/fun fact part)

Differences between Internet and internet:


- the term internet in its lower case spelling was a common short form of the term internetwork, and this
spelling and use may still be found in discussions of networking.



- the Internet refers to the worldwide set of interconnected networks.

Hence, the Internet is an internet, but the reverse does not apply.

(continuation of Web 1.0)

- At the beginning, there were few web content creators.

- Webpages were static and were called Read only web.

- The only available feedback mechanism was through private emails.

Web 2.0

- This term was first used around 2004.

- Internet technology became more and more interactive.

- The internet became more available for everyone.

- The users can now interact, contribute, and create their own internet space and content (Explosion of
Information & Social Media (SocMed)).

- The term was popularized by Tim O’Reilly and Dale Dougherty at the O’Reilly Media Web 2.0 Conference
in late 2004, though it was coined by Darcy DiNucci in 1999.
Web 3.0

- It is described by Tim Berners-Lee (Father of WWW) as the read-write-execute web.

- It is referred to as the semantic web or data driven web content and response.

- The context of the search of the user is processed by a programming language to help the user by presenting
options of what the person is interested in.

- It will not make Web 2.0 obsolete.

- This phrase was coined by John Markoff of the New York Times in 2006, refers to a supposed 3rd
generation of Internet-based services that collectively comprise what might be called “the intelligent
Technology Convergence

- It is an evolution of technological developments that merge into a new system bringing together different
types of applications and media.

- It is the single-most important example of technological convergence.

Social Media (SocMed)

- It is a collection of internet-based communication tools and computer assisted channels dedicated to allow
users to interact, communicate, and share information in a virtual community and network.

Mobile Media

- A range of handheld devices from mobile phones, tablets, and e-readers to game consoles, primarily used as
personal, interactive, Internet-enabled and user-controlled portable platforms that allow interconnected
users to exchange personal and nonpersonal information.

Assistive Media

- It is a nonprofit organization founded in 1996 in Michigan, USA.

- It was founded by David H. Harvey.

- The organization was the first internet-based reading service for persons with visual and reading

- The produce and publish voice-recorded written materials on cassettes, CDs, and the internet.

Collaborative platforms

- Is a category of business software that adds broad and social networking capabilities to work processes.

Convergent Technologies

- It is an extension of the term convergence, which means “coming together of two or more disparate
disciplines or technologies”. Convergent Technologies also refers to an American computer company
formed by a small group of people who left Intel Corporation and Xerox PARC in 1979.

Online Systems

- Are online versions of information systems, which is “the process of and tools for storing, managing,
using, and gathering of data and communications in an organization. An example of information
systems are tools for sending out communications and storing files in a business.”


Online systems, functions, and platforms:

“If you can program it, then it’s a platform. If you can’t, then it’s not.” – Marc Andreessen


- A computing platform or digital platform is the environment in which a piece of software is executed. It
may be the hardware or the operating system, even a web browser and associated application programming
interfaces, or other underlying software, as long as the program code is executed with it.

Online Platforms in ICT

It makes it easier for users to interact, to collect, and use the data from the user’s interactions for their own
particular needs.

Online Platform Categories

- Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.)

- Search Engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.)

- Communication Services (Smart, Globe, Sun, PLDT, etc.)

- Payment Systems (PayPal, PayMaya, G-cash, etc.)

- Advertising Platforms (YouTube, Dailymotion, Facebook Ads, Google Ads, etc.)

- Creative Content Outlets (YouTube, Twitch, etc.)

Web Search Engines

- It is a software system that is designed to search information on the World Wide Web (WWW). The search
results are generally presented in a line of results referred to as Search Engine Results Page (SERPs).

- The information may be a mix of webpages, images, and other types of files.

Communication Services

- These are outsourced enterprise communications solutions that can be leased from a single vendor or

- A communications service provider (CSP) is a provider that transports information electrically and can
encompass public and private companies in telecom, internet, cable, satellite, and managed services

Payment System

- It is any system used to settle financial transactions through transfer of monetary value and includes the
institutions, instruments, people, rules, procedures, standards, and technologies.

Advertising Platforms

- It allows users to create and manage advertising campaigns, generate reports, and retrieve information
about the ads, campaigns and organizations that are associated with an account.

Creative Content Outlets

- It is content that needs to be translated creatively

- Topic/concept -> Creative presentation


Online safety, security, ethics, and etiquette:

Dangers on the Internet

E-mail Spam (a.k.a. Junk Mail)

- Usually unsolicited commercial e-mail sent from an unknown source with identical message sent to
multiple recipients.
- Usually not dangerous but can be time and space consuming.
- Dangerous ones can carry viruses and other malicious software (Malware).

E-mail spoofing

- It is deceitful e-mail practice in which the sender address is changed, so that it would appear to have come
from a different source which is usually someone you know.
- E-mail spoofing is usually used by spammers to hide the origin of the spam.


- It is a deceitful practice of trying to get confidential information such as passwords and usernames, and
credit card details by making it appear as if it comes from a trustworthy source.
- It is usually done through emails or using popular entity such as Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Amazon, and
financial institutions.


- This is a dangerous hacker attack on a website which directs all traffic to that website to another fictitious
- the main objective is to obtain username and passwords, as well as credit cards and financial information,
and use these to steal their money electronically or use the credit cards of the victims.
- It is a major concern of many online banking and e-commerce (electronic commerce) transactions.


- A computer program that is installed covertly on a personal computer to collect information or even take
control over computer without the knowledge of the user.
- It can monitor and collect information about the user’s internet habits and practices.
- It can also affect the performance and setting of the computer.

Computer Worm, or Worm in short

- It is a dangerous computer program that replicates itself through a network.
- Some worms delete files, others disrupt the network function.
- It is usually spread through email and running of attachments from suspicious sources.
- It spreads by exploiting weaknesses in operating systems.

Trojan Horse

- A malware fronting to perform a good task, but covertly performs undesirable function with the intention of
entering the computer without the user’s consent.
- It can disable the computer’s defenses, opening it to unauthorized entry.
- It can erase data, corrupt files, allow access to computer and disrupt everything.

Computer Virus

- It is a program that duplicates itself and then infects the computer. It spreads like a biological virus.
- It can be transferred by the use of removable storage media devices.
- Damages may be mild to severe.


- This is a person who is able to enter and control other people’s computer without authorization.
- Usually vandalizes the victims’ website, steals personal information, obtains intellectual property, and
performs credit card fraud.
- Firewalls are able to prevent entry by hackers.

Some other Trivia/Glossary:


- is a website or Web application where headlines and other content are collected for easy viewing.
Aggregators such as Google News compile news articles and posts.


- is a two- or three-dimensional icon that represents a computer user or a gamer. Avatar can be a
cartoonish graphic, a photograph, a screen name, or a fully developed character.

- from the term “weblog”, is a type of website usually updated by an individual or a group of bloggers.
Some blogs provide news or opinions on a specific subject, while others are more like online journals.
Most blogs allow readers to leave comments on blog posts.


- is the act of saying mean things online, usually in ALL CAPS, and often in a public forum with the
intention to humiliate. Flame wars can occur easily online, as it can be difficult to figure out people’s
intentions or emotions online.


- is a remix or blend of multiple songs, videos, or another media content into one product. Fan fiction
writing is one form of a mash-up, as writers take characters from a well-known video game, movie, or
book, and rewrite their actions or relationships.

Massively multiplayer online game (MMOG)

- is usually an online virtual world that multiple players navigate and play in together. While in this
virtual world, their avatars chat, cooperate, and quest together, oftentimes towards a goal.

P2P, or Peer-to-Peer
- it is a network allows for sharing of mp3s, videos, and other digital files by transferring information
directly between two computers rather than by going through a central server. P2P technology is also
behind the popular Internet phone service Skype.


- is a downloadable video or audio file. Podcasts can be verbal, based on a certain topic, or can include
music, video, and commentary. Most podcasts are updated regularly through the addition of new

Short Message Service (SMS)

- or text message, is a short message of fewer than 160 characters sent from a cell phone.
- A Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) is a text message that contains an attached multimedia file,
such as a picture or song.

Contextualized online search and research skills:

Online Search

- Is the process of interactively searching for and retrieving requested information via computer from
databases that are online.
- Interactive searches became possible in the 1980s with the advent of faster databases and smart

Pros and Cons:


- Ability to obtain a large sample, which increases statistical power.

- Data is automatically coded so no data entry errors.
- Reduced cost of conducting research.


- Online is not totally secure and theft is one of the numerous dangers it poses, researches personal
information is at risk of being access by rogue persons.
- Some of the materials on the Internet have not been evaluated by experts or thoroughly screened.
- Lack of accreditation and low quality.

Research skills:

Research, sometimes just means finding out information about a topic.

You can certainly develop advanced information retrieval skills in Working with Sources.

However, in specific understandings of “research” carry a lot of weight. The classic definition is that “research”
leads to an original contribution to knowledge in a particular field of inquiry by defining an important question
or problem and then answering or solving it in a systematic way.

So, you will need to read on to a develop a relevant understanding of what research means in your subject.

Important aspects of research:

- Research design covers the key issues in developing a successful research project.
- Research methods takes you to resources on essential techniques for carrying out convincing research.
- Working with data will provide resources on the use of statistics and other numerical skills in research.

Some examples of research skills that you may have include:

- Report writing.
- Analyzing lots of information from different sources.
- Finding information off the Internet.
- Critical thinking.

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