Town of Bow Island Agreed Statement of Facts

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1. On Information 200188712P1, the Town of Bow Island also known as The Town of Bow
Island ("Bow Island") stands charged that:

Count 5: On or between the 181 day of January 2014 and the 31 st day of
December 2017, at or near the Town of Bow Island, in the Province of
Alberta, did fail to immediately report to the Director by a method under
section 7.1.1, any structural or equipment malfunction in the waterworks
system that may affect the quality or supply of potable water contrary to
section 7.1.2 of the Code of Practice for a Waterworks System Consisting
Solely of a Water Distribution System contrary to section 227(e) of the
Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act, notice of the offence
having first come to the attention of the Director on February 14, 2018.

2. Bow Island has around 2,043 residents. Bow Island, under an Alberta Environment and
Parks registration, operates a drinking water distribution system. Bow Island does not
directly treat drinking water. Instead, Bow Island obtains drinking water from a treatment
facility and then distributes the water to the residents of Bow Island.

3. Bow Island's registration requires them to comply with the Potable Water Regulation and
the Code of Practice for a Waterworks System Consisting Solely of a Water Distribution

System. Section 5.1.4 of the Code of Practice sets out the requirements for sampling.
The Code of Practice is adopted as part of the regulations under the Environmental
Protection and Enhancement Act.

4. "Chlorine residual samples" are used to test whether there are sufficient levels of
chlorine in the water to kill bacteria in the water during the treatment process. Chlorine in
the Bow Island distribution system is required to be checked 5 times per week except on
weeks where a statutory holiday falls.

5. The majority of sampling on water distribution systems is done to confirm that no

bacteria are in the system and the system has enough chlorine to kill any bacteria in the

6. Lead testing is less frequent. Operators are required to confirm lead levels once per

7. Operators of a water distribution system are required to report water main breaks and
undertake special steps to ensure no contamination of the water distribution system.


8. In September 2017, Bow Island hired a new operator to work under the existing
operator. Bow Island increasingly gave more responsibility to the new operator. Bow
Island wanted to ensure that their water distribution system was running properly.

9. Sometime prior to December 7, 2017, Bow Island attempted to contact the Alberta
Environment and Parks ("AEP") Inspector who commonly came to inspect their facilities.
She was holidays at the time they initially tried to contact her.

10. On December 7, 2017, Bow Island's new operator called the AEP complaint line to make
a report. He reported that Bow Island had discovered that 20 daily chlorine samples had
not been taken as required from January to September 2017. Later, in written follow up,
Bow Island reported that 26 samples had actually been missed.

11. Bow Island had ongoing discussions with AEP. Eventually, AEP noted that Bow Island
had failed to file their 2016 Annual Report. AEP required Bow Island to file the 2016
Annual Report.

12. On February 13, 2018, the Bow Island Public Works Manager contacted AEP to advise
that the lead sample results from their 2015 and 2016 annual reports appeared to have
been copied from their 2014 annual report (again by the same prior operator).

13. Bow Island emailed AEP its 2016 Annual Report on February 13, 2018. Bow Island later
followed up that email by properly filing the 2016 Annual Report using the computer
database system on February 20, 2018.

14. AEP conducted an inspection on February 15, 2018. Through the combination of the
2014, 2015, and 2016 Annual Reports and the AEP inspection, AEP concluded that:

a. The Drinking Water Safety Plan and Operations Program had not been updated
since 2013;

b. 31 unreported water main breaks had occurred from 2014 to 2017.

15. Further, as a result of the previous operator's inactions and actions:

a. 9 chlorine residual samples had been missed in 2014;

b. 12 chlorine residual samples had been missed in 2015;

c. 82 chlorine residual samples had been missed in 2016;

d. 29 chlorine residual samples had been missed from January to September 2017;

e. No monthly reports had been made for January, February, and March 2015
(these reports are cumulative summaries of various monthly sampling results);

f. In the annual report, for the months of April, July, September, and October 2016,
prior chlorine sampling results appeared to have been copied from prior months
and passed off as the results for each month; and

g. The 2015 and 2016 annual report lead test results were identical to the 2014 test

16. Bow Island relied upon the individuals who held water treatment certificates to meet
regulatory obligations as a water distribution system operator.

17. The prior operator's employment with Bow Island was terminated on February 26, 2018.
Bow Island took the position that the termination was for cause. Bow Island had initially
discovered some missing chlorine samples in November 2017. On January 19, 2018,
the former operator confessed to the new operator and the Public Works Manager that
he had falsified lead reports. The former operator was suspended from January 23-25,
2018 for contravening the Code of Practice.

18. Since January 2018, Bow Island has put in place systems that will enable administration
to confirm Bow Island is meeting the regulatory obligations.


19. The parties agree:

a. Bow Island will plead guilty to Count 5 on Information 200188712P1 described in

paragraph 1 of this Agreed Statement of Facts.

b. Bow Island agrees that it will be sentenced on the facts set out herein forming
part of the circumstances of the offence that could constitute the basis for
separate charges pursuant to s. 725(1)(c) of the Criminal Code of Canada.

c. The facts contained within the Agreed Statement of Facts are fully admitted and
acknowledged by Bow Island and will solely form the facts to be considered by
the Judge pronouncing sentence upon Bow Island. The parties will be at liberty
to make further submissions about those facts to the Court.

d. The parties will jointly submit that Bow Island should receive a penalty of $10,000
plus 2.5 years probation on agreed conditions for Count 5 on information

e. This Agreed Statement of Facts may be filed and relied upon even if signed
electronically and in counterpart or by facsimile copies of the signatures of any
person or both.




Craig A. Kalla
Solicitor for th rta Crown
Prosecution Service·,
Specialized Prosecutions Branch

Reynolds Mirth Richards & Farmer LLP


Sh una N. Finlay
licitor and Agent for Town of Bow Island
so known as The Town of Bow Island

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