Filter Bank Multicarrier Modulation Schemes For Future Mobile Communications

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Filter Bank Multicarrier Modulation Schemes

for Future Mobile Communications
Ronald Nissel, Student Member, IEEE, Stefan Schwarz, Member, IEEE, and Markus Rupp, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—Future wireless systems will be characterized by Robust communcation

(reduced spectral efficiency) Low latency, high velocity
a large range of possible uses cases. This requires a flexible
allocation of the available time-frequency resources, which is diffi-
cult in conventional Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
(OFDM). Thus, modifications of OFDM, such as windowing
or filtering, become necessary. Alternatively, we can employ
a different modulation scheme, such as Filter Bank Multi-
Carrier (FBMC). In this paper, we provide a unifying framework,
discussion and performance evaluation of FBMC and compare

it to OFDM based schemes. Our investigations are not only
based on simulations, but are substantiated by real-world testbed
measurements and trials, where we show that multiple antennas
and channel estimation, two of the main challenges associated
with FBMC, can be efficiently dealt with. Additionally, we
derive closed-form solutions for the signal-to-interference ratio in Frequency
doubly-selective channels and show that in many practical cases,
one-tap equalizers are sufficient. A downloadable MATLAB code
supports reproducibility of our results. Large area, high delay spread
Time T ∝ F
Index Terms—FBMC, OQAM, OFDM, Waveforms, MIMO,
Channel Estimation, Time-Frequency Analysis, Measurements Required time-frequency F ... Frequency-spacing
resources for one symbol T ... Time-spacing

I. I NTRODUCTION Fig. 1. Future wireless systems should support a large range of possible use
cases, which requires a flexible assignment of the time-frequency resources.

F UTURE mobile systems will be highly heterogeneous

and characterized by a large range of possible use cases,
ranging from enhanced Mobile BroadBand (eMBB) over
As indicated in the figure, 5G will employ different subcarrier spacings [11].

enhanced Machine Type Communications (eMTC) to Ultra- communication system and determines supported use cases.
Reliable Low latency Communications (URLLC) in vehicular In this paper, we compare OFDM to Filter Bank Multi-
communications [1]–[5]. To efficiently support such diverse Carrier (FBMC) [12]–[14] which offers much better spectral
use cases, we need a flexible allocation of the available time- properties. There exist different variants of FBMC, but we
frequency resources, as illustrated in Figure 1. There has will mainly focus on Offset Quadrature Amplitude Modula-
been a lively discussion both, within the scientific community tion (OQAM) [15] because it provides the highest spectral
as well as within standardizations, which modulation format efficiency. Different names are used to describe OQAM, such
should be used for the next generation of mobile communica- as, staggered multitone and cosine-modulated multitone [13],
tion systems [6]–[9]. Eventually, 3GPP decided that they will which, however, are essentially all the same [16].
stick to Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) In [17], the authors present real-world measurement results
(with some small modifications) for fifth generation (5G) for third generation (3G) systems and found that the mea-
mobile communications [10], [11]. While such decision makes sured delay spread is much smaller than commonly assumed
sense in terms of backwards compatibility to fourth generation in mobile communication simulations. They also provide
(4G) wireless systems, it is not the most efficient technique convincing arguments for the lower delay spread, such as,
for all possible use cases. Although we do not expect order decreasing cell sizes and “spatial filtering” of the environment
of magnitude performance gains by switching from OFDM to through beamforming; these arguments will become even
alternative schemes, it is still important to investigate them more significant in future mobile networks due to increasing
because the modulation format lies at the heart of every network densification, application of massive two-dimensional
antenna arrays and the push towards higher carrier frequencies
Manuscript was submitted on Dec 16, 2016 and revised on May 1, 2017. implying larger propagation path losses. A low delay spread
The financial support by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research was also observed by other measurements [18], [19]. We,
and Economy, the National Foundation for Research, Technology and Devel-
opment, and the TU Wien is gratefully acknowledged. R. Nissel, S. Schwarz hence, identify two key observations for future mobile systems
and M. Rupp are with the Institute of Telecommunications, TU Wien, 1040 that impact the design of a proper modulation and multiple-
Vienna, Austria. R. Nissel and S. Schwarz are also members of the Christian access scheme
Doppler Laboratory for Dependable Wireless Connectivity for the Society in
Motion, TU Wien. (e-mail: {rnissel, sschwarz, mrupp} • Flexible time-frequency allocation to efficiently support

Copyright (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted. For any other purposes, permission must be obtained from the IEEE by emailing [email protected].
This is the author's version of an article that has been published in this journal. Changes were made to this version by the publisher prior to publication.
The final version of record is available at

diverse user requirements and channel characteristics. • We show that FBMC allows an efficient co-existence
• Low delay spread, especially in dense heterogeneous between different use cases within the same band and that
networks utilizing Multiple-Input and Multiple-Output it can be efficiently used in low-latency transmissions.
(MIMO) beamforming and high carrier frequencies. • We provide a detailed tutorial for FBMC, supported by a
These two observations make FBMC a viable choice for downloadable MATLAB code1 .
future mobile systems due to the following reasons: Firstly,
FBMC can be designed to have good localization in both, II. M ULTICARRIER M ODULATION
time and frequency, allowing an efficient allocation of the In multicarrier systems, information is transmitted over
available time-frequency resources. Secondly, the low delay pulses which usually overlap in time and frequency, see Fig-
spread guarantees that simple one-tap equalizers are sufficient ure 1. Its big advantage is that these pulses commonly occupy
to achieve close to optimal performance. only a small bandwidth, so that frequency selective broadband
While most papers which investigate FBMC are purely channels transform into multiple, virtually frequency flat,
based on simulations, we perform real-world testbed measure- sub-channels (subcarriers) with negligible interference, see
ments at a carrier frequency of 2.5 GHz (outdoor-to-indoor, Section IV. This enables the application of simple one-tap
150 m link distance) and 60 GHz (indoor-to-indoor, 5 m link equalizers, which correspond to maximum likelihood symbol
distance). Our measurements support the claim that FBMC detection in case of Gaussian noise. Furthermore, in many
is a viable choice for future mobile systems. We follow the cases, the channel estimation process is simplified, adaptive
measurement methodology presented in [20], [21]. FBMC and modulation and coding techniques become applicable, and
OFDM signals are pre-generated off-line in MATLAB and the MIMO can be straightforwardly employed [14]. Mathemati-
samples are saved on a hard disk. Then, a Digital-to-Analog- cally, the transmitted signal s(t) of a multicarrier system in
Converter (DAC) together with a radio frequency hardware up- the time domain can be expressed as
converts the signal to 2.5 GHz, respectively 60 GHz. Different K−1
X L−1
Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) values are obtained by a stepwise s(t) = gl,k (t) xl,k , (1)
attenuator at the transmitter. Furthermore, we relocate the k=0 l=0
receive antennas within an area of a few wavelengths, resulting
where xl,k denotes the transmitted symbol at subcarrier-
in Rayleigh and Rician fading; see for example [22] for a
position l and time-position k, and is chosen from a symbol al-
possible fading realization. The receiver itself down-converts
phabet A, usually a Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM)
the signal and saves the samples on a hard disk. After the
or a Pulse-Amplitude Modulation (PAM) signal constellation.
measurement, we evaluate the received samples again off-
The transmitted basis pulse gl,k (t) in (1) is defined as
line in MATLAB. Such off-line evaluation represents a cost
efficient way of emulating real world transmissions. Pictures of gl,k (t) = p(t − kT ) ej2π lF (t−kT ) e jθl,k , (2)
our 2.5 GHz testbed can be found in [23] and of our 60 GHz
testbed in [22], [24]. Throughout all of our measurements, and is, essentially, a time and frequency shifted version of
simple one-tap equalizers were sufficient in FBMC. Thus, the prototype filter p(t) with T denoting the time spacing
complicated receiver structures, as proposed for example in and F the frequency spacing (subcarrier spacing). The choice
[25], [26], are not necessary in many scenarios. We also derive of the phase shift θl,k becomes relevant later in the context
a theoretical Signal-to-Interference Ratio (SIR) expression, of FBMC-OQAM. After transmission over a channel, the
providing additional analytical insights and allowing FBMC received symbols are decoded by projecting the received signal
investigations for different channel conditions. Similar work r(t) onto the basis pulses gl,k (t), that is,
was recently published in [27], [28]. However, the authors of Z∞
[27] calculate the SIR only for a given channel realization yl,k = hr(t), gl,k (t)i = r(t)gl,k

(t) dt. (3)
but do not include channel statistics and instead rely on −∞
simulations. Authors in [28] utilize the ambiguity function to
which corresponds to a matched filter (maximizes the SNR) in
calculate the SIR. We, on the other hand, employ a simple
an Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channel. Note that
matrix description and compare the performance to OFDM.
the basis pulses can also be chosen differently at transmitter
Our contribution can be summarized as follows:
and receiver [29]. To keep the notation simple, however, we
• We validate the applicability of FBMC through real-world use the same transmit and receive pulse but shall keep in mind
testbed measurements and show that many challenges that they might be different, especially for Cyclic Prefix (CP)-
associated with FBMC, such as MIMO and channel OFDM and its derivatives.
estimation, can be efficiently dealt with. There exist some fundamental limitations for multicarrier
• We show that, from a conceptional point of view, there systems, as formulated by the Balian-Low theorem [30], which
is little difference in the modulation and demodulation states that it is mathematically impossible that the following
step between FBMC and windowed OFDM. Thus, many desired properties are all fulfilled at the same time:
hardware components can be reused.
1 All figures can be reproduced
• We propose a novel method to calculate the SIR for
(simulations instead of measurements). We also include BER over SNR
doubly-selective channels and show that in many cases, simulations and time-frequency offset SIR calculations for OFDM, WOLA,
one-tap equalizers are sufficient. UFMC, f-OFDM and FBMC.

Copyright (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted. For any other purposes, permission must be obtained from the IEEE by emailing [email protected].
This is the author's version of an article that has been published in this journal. Changes were made to this version by the publisher prior to publication.
The final version of record is available at


Power Spectral Density [dB]

−20 LTE like:
Maximum Independent T F =1.07
Time- Frequency- (Bi)- CP-OFDM
Symbol Transmit
Localization Localization Orthogonal
Density Symbols −40 T F =1.09
OFDM WOLA 24 sub-
yes yes no yes yes
(no CP) carriers
Windowed UFMC
/Filtered no yes yes yes yes f-OFDM
−80 OQAM
FBMC-QAM1 no yes yes yes yes T F =1
real (complex)
FBMC-OQAM yes yes yes yes
only −100
yes, −50 −40 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 40 50
yes yes yes after de- no Normalized Frequency, f/F
1 There does not exist a unique definition Fig. 2. FBMC has much better spectral properties compared to CP-OFDM.
Windowing (WOLA) and filtering (UFMC, f-OFDM) can improve the spectral
properties of CP-OFDM. However, FBMC still performs much better and has
the additional advantage of maximum symbol density, T F = 1 (complex).
•Maximum symbol density T F = 1 For FBMC we consider the PHYDYAS prototype filter with O = 4.
•Time-localization σt < ∞
• Frequency-localization σf < ∞
• Orthogonality, hgl1 ,k1 (t), gl2 ,k2 (t)i = δ(l2 −l1 ),(k2 −k1 ) , (Bi)-Orthogonal : T = T0 + TCP ; F = 1/T0 (8)
with δ denoting the Kronecker delta function. The localization T0 + TCP
Localization : σt = √ ; σf = ∞, (9)
measures σt and σf are defined as: 2 3
∞ where T0 represents a time-scaling parameter and depends
σt = (t − t̄)2 |p(t)|2 dt (4) on the desired subcarrier spacing (or time-spacing). Unfortu-
sZ nately, the rectangular pulse is not localized in the frequency

domain, leading to high Out-Of-Band (OOB) emissions as
σf = (f − f¯)2 |P (f )|2 df . (5) shown in Figure 2. This is one of the biggest disadvantages
of CP-OFDM. Additionally, the CP simplifies equalization
where Rthe pulse p(t) is normalized to have unit energy, in frequency-selective channels but also reduces the spectral
dt represents the mean time and f¯ =

Rt̄ ∞= −∞ t |p(t)|2
efficiency. In an AWGN channel, no CP is needed.
f |P (f )| df the mean frequency of the pulse. Such In order to reduce the OOB emissions, 3GPP is cur-
localization measures can be interpreted as standard deviation rently considering windowing [32] and filtering [4], [33]. The
with |p(t)|2 and |P (f )|2 representing the probability density windowed OFDM scheme is called OFDM with Weighted
function (pdf), relating the Balian-Low conditions to the OverLap and Add (WOLA) [32]. At the transmitter, the edges
Heisenberg uncertainty relationship [31, Chapter 7]. of the rectangular pulse are replaced by a smoother function
The Balian-Low theorem implies that we have to sacrifice (windowing) and neighboring WOLA symbols overlap in time.
at least one of these desired properties when designing mul- The receiver also applies windowing but the overlapping
ticarrier waveforms. Table I compares different modulation and add operation is performed within the same WOLA
schemes in the context of the Balian-Low theorem. The dif- symbol, reducing the inter-band interference. Note that the
ferent techniques are explained in more detail in the following CP must be long enough to account for both, windowing at
subsections. the transmitter and at the receiver. For the filtered OFDM
scheme, two methods are proposed. Firstly, Universal Filtered
A. CP-OFDM Multi-Carrier (UFMC) [33] which applies subband wise fil-
CP-OFDM is the most prominent multicarrier scheme and tering based on a Dolph-Chebyshev window. Orthogonality
is applied, for example, in Wireless LAN and Long Term is guaranteed by either Zero Padding (ZP) or a conventional
Evolution (LTE). CP-OFDM employs rectangular transmit CP. The performance differences between CP and ZP are
and receive pulses, which greatly reduce the computational rather small, so that we will consider only the CP version
complexity. Furthermore, the CP implies that the transmit here to be consistent with the other proposed schemes. The
pulse is slightly longer than the receive pulse, preserving filter parameters are chosen similarly as proposed in [33].
orthogonality in frequency selective channels. The Transmitter This leads to 12 subcarriers per subband and, if no receive
(TX) and Receiver (RX) prototype filter are given by filter is employed, to an orthogonal time-frequency spacing of
(  T F = 1.07 (same as in LTE). However, the receive filter is as
√1 if − T20 + TCP ≤ t < T20
pTX (t) = T0 (6) important as the transmit filter, see Section V. Thus, we also
0 otherwise apply subband wise filtering at the receiver. Orthogonality is
√1 if T20 ≤ t < T20 then guaranteed for a time-frequency spacing of T F = 1.14.
pRX (t) = T0 (7) To improve the spectral efficiency, however, we decrease the
0 otherwise time-frequency spacing to T F = 1.09 and allow some small

Copyright (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted. For any other purposes, permission must be obtained from the IEEE by emailing [email protected].
This is the author's version of an article that has been published in this journal. Changes were made to this version by the publisher prior to publication.
The final version of record is available at

self-interference (≈65 dB). The second filter-based OFDM polynomials is necessary because the sampled version of (10)
scheme considered within 3GPP is filtered-OFDM (f-OFDM) can be pre-calculated.
[4]. Here, the number of subcarriers for one subband is usually Another prominent filter is the so called PHYDYAS proto-
much higher than in UFMC and often includes all subcarriers type filter [12], [39], constructed by:
belonging to a specific use case. The filter itself is based on  O−1  
 2πt
a sinc pulse (perfect rectangular filter) which is multiplied  1+2 bi cos OT

by a Hann window; other filters are also possible [4]. For a p(t) =

O T0
if − OT 0 OT0
2 < t ≤ 2 . (14)

fair comparison, we consider the same time-frequency spacing otherwise
as in UFMC, that is, T F = 1.09 and increase the length
The coefficients bi were calculated in [40] and depend on
of the transmit and receive filters so that self interference is
the overlapping factor O (the interpretation of the overlapping
approximately 65 dB. The filters in f-OFDM are usually longer
factor will be more clear in Section III). For example, for an
than in UFMC.
overlapping factor of O = 4 we have:
As shown in Figure 2, windowing and filtering can reduce √
the high OOB emissions of CP-OFDM. However, this comes b1 = 0.97195983 b2 = 2/2 b3 = 0.23514695. (15)
at the price of reduced spectral efficiency, as indicated by the Orthogonal : T = T0 ; F = 2/T0 → T F = 2 (16)
product of T F , and lower robustness in frequency selective
channels. Furthermore, filtering and windowing still do not Localization : σt = 0.2745 T0 ; σf = 0.328 T0 −1 . (17)
provide as low OOB emissions as FBMC (see the next sub- Compared to the Hermite prototype filter, the PHYDYAS filter
section), which can additionally achieve a maximum symbol has better frequency-localization but worse time-localization.
density of T F = 1. The joint time-frequency localization σt σf = 1.13 × 1/4π is
also worse.
There does not exist a unique definition for FBMC-QAM. C. FBMC-OQAM
Some authors [34] sacrifice frequency localization, making the FBMC-OQAM is related to FBMC-QAM but has the
modulation scheme even worse than OFDM in terms of OOB same symbol density as OFDM without CP. To satisfy the
emissions. Others [35], [36] sacrifice orthogonality in order to Balian-Low theorem, the complex orthogonality condition
have a time-frequency spacing of T F ≈ 1 and time-frequency hgl1 ,k1 (t), gl2 ,k2 (t)i = δ(l2 −l1 ),(k2 −k1 ) is replaced by the less
localization. strict real orthogonality condition ℜ{hgl1 ,k1 (t), gl2 ,k2 (t)i} =
We, on the other hand, consider for FBMC-QAM a time- δ(l2 −l1 ),(k2 −k1 ) . FBMC-OQAM works, in principle, as fol-
frequency spacing of T F = 2, thus sacrificing spectral effi- lows:
ciency to fulfill all other desired properties; see Table I. Such 1) Design a prototype filter with p(t) = p(−t) which is
high time-frequency spacing increases the overall robustness orthogonal for a time spacing of T = T0 and a frequency
in a doubly-selective channel, see Section IV. However, the spacing of F = 2/T0 , leading to T F = 2, see (10), (14).
main motivation for choosing T F = 2 is the straightforward 2) Reduce the (orthogonal) time-frequency spacing by a
application in FBMC-OQAM, described in the next subsec- factor of two each, that is, T = T0 /2 and F = 1/T0 .
tion. 3) The induced interference is shifted to the purely imagi-
A possible prototype filter for FBMC-QAM is based on nary domain by the phase shift θl,k = π2 (l + k) in (2).
Hermite polynomials Hn (·), as proposed in [37]: Although the time-frequency spacing (density) is equal to
1 −2π Tt 2 X
√ t T F = 0.5, we have to keep in mind that only real-valued
p(t) = √ e 0 a i Hi 2 π , (10) information symbols can be transmitted in such a way, leading
T0 T0
i={0,4,8, to an equivalent time-frequency spacing of T F = 1 for
complex symbols. Very often, the real-part of a complex
for which the coefficients can be found to be [38] symbol is mapped to the first time-slot and the imaginary-part
to the second time-slot, thus the name offset-QAM. However,
a0 = 1.412692577 a12 = −2.2611 · 10−9
such self-limitation is not necessary. The main disadvantage
a4 = −3.0145 · 10−3 a16 = −4.4570 · 10−15 . (11)
of FBMC-OQAM is the loss of complex orthogonality. This
a8 = −8.8041 · 10−6 a20 = 1.8633 · 10−16
implies particularities for some MIMO techniques, such as
Orthogonal : T = T0 ; F = 2/T0 → T F = 2 (12) space-time block codes [41] or maximum likelihood symbol
Localization : σt = 0.2015 T0 ; σf = 0.403 T0 −1
. (13) detection [42], as well as for the channel estimation [43].

Such Hermite pulse has the same shape in time and frequency,
allowing us to exploit symmetries. Furthermore, it is based on D. Coded FBMC-OQAM: Enabling All MIMO Methods
a Gaussian pulse and therefore has a good joint time-frequency In order to straightforwardly employ all MIMO methods and
localization σt σf = 1.02 × 1/4π, almost as good as the bound channel estimation techniques known in OFDM, we have to
of σt σf ≥ 1/4π ≈ 0.08 (attained by the Gaussian pulse), restore complex orthogonality in FBMC-OQAM. This can be
making it relatively robust to doubly-selective channels, see achieved by spreading symbols in time or frequency. Although
Section IV. Note that no on-line evaluation of the Hermite such spreading is similar to Code Division Multiple Access

Copyright (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted. For any other purposes, permission must be obtained from the IEEE by emailing [email protected].
This is the author's version of an article that has been published in this journal. Changes were made to this version by the publisher prior to publication.
The final version of record is available at

2.5 GHz, 16-QAM, F =15 kHz, F L=180 kHz, [46] double integrals have to be solved. Furthermore, in practice,
2×2 MIMO the signal is generated in the discrete-time domain. Thus, we
ML detection
(2×bit rate) will switch from the continuous-time domain to the discrete-
time domain. Additionally, we employ a matrix description,
Bit Error Ratio

60 GHz, 4-QAM,
F =500 kHz, F L=24 MHz
2× simplifying the system model and allowing us to utilize well-
Indoor, Low Latency, [22] 1
known matrix algebra.
−2 ou
ti Let us denote the sampling rate by fs = 1/∆t = F NFFT ,

10 95 % confidence
where NFFT ≥ L represents the size of the FFT; see the next


interval obtained

subsection. For the time interval −OT0 /2 ≤ t < OT0 /2 +

by bootstrapping

(K − 1)T we write the sampled basis pulse gl,k (t), see (2),
−3 in a basis pulse vector gl,k ∈ CN ×1 , that is,
−5 0 5 10 15 20 √
Estimated Signal-to-Noise Ratio for FBMC [dB] [gl,k ]i = ∆t gl,k (t)|t=i∆t − OT0 for i = 0, 1 . . . , N − 1
Fig. 3. Real-world testbed measurements show that MIMO works in FBMC
once we apply coded FBMC-OQAM, that is, spreading symbols in time (or with N = (OT0 + T (K − 1))fs .
frequency). The spreading process itself has low computational complexity (19)
because a fast Walsh-Hadamard transformation can be used. FBMC and
OFDM experience both the same BER, but FBMC has lower OOB emissions. By stacking all those basis pulse vectors in a large transmit
matrix G ∈ CN ×LK and all data symbols in a large transmit
symbol vector x ∈ CLK×1 , according to:
(CDMA), employed in 3G, coded FBMC-OQAM is different  
in the sense that no rake receiver and no root-raised-cosine fil- G = g0,0 · · · gL−1,0 g0,1 · · · gL−1,K−1 , (20)
ter is necessary. Instead, we employ simple one-tap equalizers 
x = x0,0 · · · xL−1,0 x0,1 · · · xL−1,K−1 , (21)
which is possible as long as the channel is approximately flat
in time (if we spread in time) or in frequency (if we spread in we can express the sampled transmit signal s ∈ CN ×1 in (1)
frequency). Because wireless channels are highly underspread by:
[44], such assumption is true in many scenarios. Furthermore, s = Gx. (22)
the good time-frequency localization of FBMC allows the effi-
Due to linearity, matrix G can easily be found even if the
cient separation of different blocks by only one guard symbol
underlying modulation format is not known in detail. For that,
and no additional filtering is necessary. Another advantage can
we only have to set all transmitted symbols to zero, except
be found in the up-link. Conventional FBMC-OQAM requires
xl,k = 1. Vector s then provides immediately the l + Lk-
phase synchronous transmissions (θl,k = π2 (l + k)) which is
th column vector of G. Repeating this step for each time-
problematic in the up-link (but not in the down-link) [33]. In
frequency position delivers transmit matrix G.
coded FBMC, this is no longer an issue because we restore
We model multi-path propagation over a doubly-selective
complex orthogonality. The main disadvantage, on the other
channel by a time-variant impulse response h[m, n], where
hand, is the increased sensitivity to doubly-selective channels.
m represents the delay and n the time position. By writing
This, however, was not an issue in our measurements.
such impulse response in a time-variant convolution matrix
In [42] the authors utilize Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
H ∈ CN ×N , defined as,
spreading, while the authors of [41], [45] employ Hadamard
spreading. The latter can be implemented by a fast Walsh- [H]i,j = h[i − j, i], (23)
Hadamard transform, which reduces the computational com-
plexity and requires no multiplications; we thus prefer it over we can reformulate the received symbols in (3) by
FFT spreading. In [46], we provide a comprehensive overview y = GH r = GH H G x + n, (24)
of such Hadamard spreading approach and investigate the
effects of a time-variant channel. whereas r ∈ CN ×1 represents the sampled received signal and
Figure 3 shows the results of real-world testbed measure- n ∼ CN (0, Pn GH G) the Gaussian distributed noise, with Pn
ments presented in [46] for outdoor-to-indoor transmissions at the white Gaussian noise power in the time domain. Because
a carrier frequency of 2.5 GHz and [22] for indoor-to-indoor wireless channels are highly underspread, the channel induced
transmissions at a carrier frequency of 60 GHz. Both, FBMC interference can often be neglected compared to the noise [47].
and OFDM, have the same Bit Error Ratio (BER), validating This means that the off-diagonal elements of GH HG are so
the spreading approach. However, FBMC has much better small, that they are dominated by the noise; see Section IV
spectral properties. for more details. Thus, only the diagonal elements of GH HG
remain, allowing us to factor out the channel according to:

III. D ISCRETE -T IME S YSTEM M ODEL y ≈ diag{h} GH G x + n, (25)

The continuous-time representation, described in Section II, with h ∈ CLK×1 describing the one-tap channel, that is, the
provides analytical insights and gives physical meaning to diagonal elements of GH HG. The operator diag{·} generates
multicarrier systems. However, such representation becomes a diagonal matrix out of a vector. In OFDM and FBMC-
analytically hard to track in a doubly-selective channel because QAM, the orthogonality condition implies that GH G = ILK

Copyright (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted. For any other purposes, permission must be obtained from the IEEE by emailing [email protected].
This is the author's version of an article that has been published in this journal. Changes were made to this version by the publisher prior to publication.
The final version of record is available at

while in FBMC-OQAM we observe only real orthogonality, Another advantage of our matrix representation is the
ℜ{GH G} = ILK . The imaginary interference in FBMC- straightforward calculation of the expected signal power in
OQAM can be canceled by phase equalization of (25) followed time, PS ∈ RN ×1 :
by taking the real part. Note that discarding the imaginary
PS = diag{E{ssH }} = diag{G Rx GH }, (29)
interference does not remove any useful information in an
AWGN channel. To show that, we utilize a similar approach whereas Rx = E{xxH } describes the correlation matrix of the
as for the derivation of the MIMO channel capacity, that is, we transmit symbols, often an identity matrix. The Power Spectral
employ an eigendecomposition of GH G in (25). We get rid Density (PSD), PSD ∈ RN ×1 , on the other hand, can be
of border effects (which become negligible for a large number calculated by:
of subcarriers and time symbols) by cyclically extending the KL−1
X √
pulses in time and frequency (which is equivalent to K → ∞ [PSD]j = |[WN G U Λ]j,i |2 , (30)
and L → ∞). Then GH G has exactly LK/2 non-zero i=0
eigenvalues, each having a value of two. This corresponds where WN is the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) matrix of
to the same information rate we can transmit with LK real size N and U and Λ are obtained by an eigendecomposition
symbols (the SNR is also the same), so that, by taking the real of Rx = UΛUH . Again, in many cases Rx is an identity

part, we do not lose any useful information. matrix, leading to U Λ = ILK . Note that the index j in (30)
The coded-FBMC scheme, see Section II-D, operates on top represents the frequency index with resolution ∆f = fNs .
of an FBMC-OQAM system and can thus be described by
IFFT Implementation
x = C x̃ (26)
Practical systems must be much more efficient than the
ỹ = CH y, (27)
simple matrix multiplication in (22). It was shown in [49], for
where C ∈ CLK× 2 is the (pre)-coding matrix, x̃ ∈ C 2 ×1
example, that FBMC-OQAM can be efficiently implemented
the transmitted data symbols and ỹ ∈ C 2 ×1 the received by an Inverse Fast Fourier Transform (IFFT) together with
data symbols. To restore orthogonality, the coding matrix has a polyphase network. However, the authors of [49] do not
to be chosen such that the zero-forcing condition holds, provide an intuitive explanation of their implementation. We
therefore investigate an alternative, intuitive, interpretation
CH GH GC = I LK , (28) for such efficient FBMC-OQAM implementation. A similar
interpretation was suggested, for example, in [29] for pulse-
which can be achieved by spreading in time or frequency based shaping multicarrier systems, or in [50] for FBMC-OQAM
on Hadamard matrices. For example, in case of frequency (without theoretical justification). However, most papers still
spreading we can express the coding matrix by C = IK ⊗ C0 refer to [49] when it comes to an efficient FBMC-OQAM
whereas ⊗ represents the Kronecker product. The frequency implementation. We therefore feel the need to show that the
spreading matrix itself, C0 ∈ RL× 2 , can be found by modulation and demodulation step in FBMC is very simple
taking every second column out of a sequency ordered Walsh- and actually the same as in windowed OFDM.
Hadamard matrix H ∈ RL×L , that is, [C0 ]i,j = [H]i,2j . The To simplify the exposition and without losing generality, we
time spreading approach works in a similar way, but we have consider only time-position k = 0. The main idea is to factor
to alternate between [H]i,2j and [H]i,1+2j for neighboring out the prototype filter p(t) from (1):
subcarriers. Of course, the mapping to C is also different.
For a fair comparison of different modulation schemes,
s0 (t) = p(t) ej2π lF t e jθl,0 xl,0 . (31)
we always consider the same average transmit power P̄S =
R∞ 2 l=0
KT −∞ E{|s(t)| } dt. This leads to a certain per-symbol
E{|xl,k |2 } The exponential function in (31) is periodic in T0 due to
SNR, defined as SNRQAM = Pn and SNROQAM = F = T10 , so that we only have to calculate the exponen-
E{|xl,k |2 }
1 ,
whereas we assume that the channel has unit power. tial summation for the time interval −T0 /2 ≤ t < T0 /2.
2 Pn
One advantage of our matrix notation is the straightforward Furthermore, with the sampling rate fs = 1/∆t = F NFFT ,
equalization of the channel in OFDM and FBMC-QAM, we deduce that the exponential summation corresponds to an
for example, by a zero-forcing equalizer (GH HG)−1 , or a NFFT point inverse DFT. Thus, the sampled version of (31),
Minimum Mean Squared Error (MMSE) equalizer. In FBMC- s0 ∈ CONFFT ×1 , can be expressed by (e jθl,0 = jl+0 ):
OQAM, such direct inversion is not possible because GH HG
 
x0,0 j0+0
has not full rank. Even more problematic is the inherent  .. !
imaginary interference which influences the performance, so

 . 

H xL−1,0 jL−1+0  , (32)
that a straightforward matrix inversion is overall a bad choice. s0 = p ◦ 1O×1 ⊗ WN FFT  
We can avoid some of these problems by stacking real and

 0 

imaginary part into a supervector, as done in [26], [48] (they ..
do not use our matrix notation). However, all those papers | {z }
ignore channel estimation and, as we have already elaborated IFFT
| {z }
and will further discuss throughout this paper, in almost all repeat O-times
| {z }
practical cases one-tap equalizers are sufficient. element-wise multiplication

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at subcarrier position l and time-position k, so that (24)
transforms to:
yl,k = gl,k H G x = (G x)T ⊗ gl,k
vec{H}, (34)

× where we employ the vectorization operator vec{·} to simplify
statistical investigations. The SIR follows directly from (34)
t t
+ + and can be expressed as (uncorrelated data symbols):
i = (35)
T0 T0
2 2
tr{Γ} − [Γ]i,i
with matrix Γ ∈ CLK×LK given by
Fig. 4. From a conceptional point of view, the signal generation in windowed  H H

OFDM and FBMC-OQAM requires the same basic operations, namely, an Γ = GT ⊗ gl,k
Rvec{H} GT ⊗ gl,k . (36)
IFFT, copying the IFFT output, element wise multiplication with the prototype
filter and finally overlapping. The correlation matrix Rvec{H} = E{vec{H}vec{H}H } de-
pends on the underlying channel model and has a major impact
on the SIR. Note that i = l + Lk in (35) represents the i-th
where ◦ denotes the element-wise Hadamard product and ⊗ index of the vectorized symbol; see (21) for the underlying
the Kronecker product. The sampled prototype filter p ∈ structure.
CONFFT ×1 in (32) is given by:

[p]i = ∆t p(t)|t=i∆t − OT0 for i = 0, 1 . . . , ONFFT − 1. B. OQAM
(33) The SIR in OQAM transmissions cannot be calculated as
easily as in QAM, because OQAM utilizes phase compensa-
Figure 4 illustrates such low-complexity implementation
tion in combination with taking the real part. This is exactly
and compares FBMC-OQAM to windowed OFDM. Both mod-
what we have to do in order to calculate the SIR:
ulation schemes apply the same basic steps, that is, IFFT, re-
peating and element-wise multiplications. However, windowed Γ = ΩΩH , (37)
OFDM has overall a lower complexity because the element- |[Ω]i,v |
wise multiplication is limited to a window of size 2 TW and [Ω̃i ]u,v = [Ω]u,v , (38)
time-symbols are further apart, that is, T = TW + TCP + T0
in windowed OFDM versus T = T0 /2 in FBMC-OQAM. Γ̃i = ℜ{Ω̃i }ℜ{Ω̃i }H . (39)
Thus, FBMC needs to apply the IFFT more than two times We perform a matrix decomposition of (36) according to (37),
(exactly two times if TW = TCP = 0). Of course, the overhead delivering an auxiliary matrix Ω ∈ CLK×LK which is phase
TW + TCP in windowed OFDM reduces the throughput. compensated based on the i-th row of Ω, see (38). As a final
Because the signal generation for both modulation formats step, we combine the phase equalized auxiliary matrix, see
is very similar, FBMC-OQAM can utilize the same hardware (39), allowing us to express the SIR for OQAM by:
components as windowed OFDM.
The receiver works in a similar way, but in reversed order, [Γ̃i ]i,i
i = (40)
that is, element-wise multiplication, reshaping the received tr{Γ̃i } − [Γ̃i ]i,i
symbol vector to NFFT ×O followed by a row-wise summation
and, finally, an FFT. Note that the same operations are C. Optimal Subcarrier Spacing
also required in WOLA. In contrast to FBMC, however, the
For a fair comparison between different modulation formats
transmit and receive prototype filters are different in WOLA.
and filters, we consider an optimal (in terms of maximizing
the SIR) subcarrier spacing. As a rule of thumb, the subcarrier
IV. S IGNAL - TO -I NTERFERENCE R ATIO spacing should be chosen so that [13]:
So far, we argued that the channel induced interference can σt τrms
be neglected in FBMC systems. This is indeed true for all of ≈ , (41)
σf νrms
our measurements conducted so far. In this section, we will
formally derive an analytical SIR expression. Similar to our where time-localization σt and frequency-localization σf is
measurements, we also conclude that the interference can be given by (13) for the Hermite pulse and by (17) for the
neglected in many cases, especially if we consider an optimal PHYDYAS pulse. Note that F = T10 in OQAM and F = T20
subcarrier spacing, as also investigated in [28]. in QAM. For a Jakes Doppler spectrum, the Root Mean
Square (RMS) Doppler spread is given by νrms = √12 νmax
whereas the maximum Doppler shift can be expressed by
A. QAM νmax = vc fc with v the velocity, c the speed of light and
The SIR in case of a QAM transmission can be straight- fc the carrier frequency. On the other hand, the RMS delay
forwardly calculated by employing our matrix notation. We spread is τrms = 46 ns for a Pedestrian A channel model and
set the noise to zero and evaluate only one received symbol, τrms = 370 ns for a Vehicular A channel model [51].

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This is the author's version of an article that has been published in this journal. Changes were made to this version by the publisher prior to publication.
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Channel Model: PedestrianA, τrms = 46 ns, fc = 2.5 GHz Channel Model: VehicularA, τrms = 370 ns, fc = 2.5 GHz
50 50
, T F =1. CP-OFDM, T F =1.07, F =28kHz, Equation (42)
07, F =17
Signal-to-Interference Ratio [dB]

Signal-to-Interference Ratio [dB]

40 40
FBMC-OQAM Hermite F =94kHz
F =130kHz QA
30 OFDM (no CP) 30 FBMC-O M Hermite CP-OFDM, T F
TF = 1
(complex) F =55kHz OFDM (no F =42kHz
20 20 TF = 1
(complex) F =20kHz
10 10
Subcarrier Spacing, F = 5 kHz Subcarrier Spacing, F = 5 kHz
Subcarrier Spacing, F > 5 kHz Subcarrier Spacing, F > 5 kHz
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Velocity [km/h] Velocity [km/h]

Fig. 5. For a Pedestrian A channel model, the SIR is so high, that the channel Fig. 6. As in Figure 5, the interference can often be neglected, but now OFDM
induced interference can usually be neglected: it is dominated by the noise. (T F = 1.07) and FBMC have a similar performance for high velocities.

Channel Model: TDL-A, τrms = 30 ns, fc = 60 GHz

Note that (41) represents only an approximation. The exact CP-OFDM, T F =1.07, F =247kHz, Equation (42)
relation can be calculated, as for example done in [52] for the

Signal-to-Interference Ratio [dB]

CP-OFDM, T F =1.07
Gaussian pulse, and depends on the underlying channel model
and prototype filter. However, for our simulation parameters, FBMC-O
30 QAM Her
the differences between the optimal SIR (exhaustive search) mite F =547kHz
and the SIR obtained by applying the rule in (41) is less than PHYDYAS
0.1 dB for FBMC-OQAM and less than 1 dB for FBMC-QAM. 20 OFDM (no CP F =755kHz
TF = 1 )
As a reference, we also consider an optimal subcarrier spac- (complex)
F =383kHz
ing in OFDM. The rule in (41), however, cannot be applied 10
Subcarrier Spacing, F = 100 kHz
because the underlying rectangular pulse is not localized in Subcarrier Spacing, F > 100 kHz
frequency. Instead, we assume, for a fixed CP overhead of 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
κ = TTCP0 = TCP F = T F − 1, that the subcarrier spacing is
Velocity [km/h]
chosen as high as possible while satisfying the condition of
no Inter Symbol Interference (ISI), TCP = τmax , so that the Fig. 7. Even at a carrier frequency of 60 GHz, one tap equalizers are often
κ sufficient, especially if the RMS delay spread is relatively low.
optimal subcarrier spacing for OFDM transforms to F = τmax .
For a Jakes Doppler spectrum, the SIR can be expressed by a
generalized hypergeometric function 1 F2 (·) [53]:
 subcarrier spacing is lower bounded by F ≥ 5 kHz in order
 2  to account for latency constraints, computational efficiency
1 3 νmax τmax
1 F2 2 ; 2 , 2; − π T F −1 and real-world hardware effects. Figure 6 also shows that, in
opt.,noISI =   2  , (42) contrast to Figure 5, (42) is no longer optimal for velocities
1 − 1 F2 12 ; 32 , 2; − π νmax τmax
T F −1 higher than 200 km/h because the optimal subcarrier spacing
obtained through exhaustive search leads to a higher SIR by
For example, in LTE we have κ = 14 → T F = 1.07. Besides allowing some small ISI (black line).
the theoretical expression in (42), we also find the optimal Let us now consider a carrier frequency of 60 GHz. Here,
subcarrier spacing through exhaustive search. we employ the new Tapped Delay Line (TDL) model proposed
Figure 5 shows the SIR over velocity for a Pedestrian A by 3GPP [54, Section 7.7.3]. In contrast to Pedestrian A and
channel model. FBMC is approximately 10 dB better than Vehicular A, the delay taps are no longer fixed but can be
OFDM without CP. Furthermore, the Hermite filter performs scaled to achieve a desired RMS delay spread. Figure 7 show
better than the PHYDYAS filter, but only by approximately the SIR in case of a TDL-A channel model and the assumption
0.7 dB. CP-OFDM performs best but also has a lower symbol of an RMS delay spread of 30 ns. Overall, we observe a similar
density (T F = 1.07). Overall, the SIR is so high, that noise behavior as in Figure 6. In particular, for low velocities we
and other interference sources usually dominate the channel can combat frequency selectivity by decreasing the subcarrier
induced interference. Also, the limited symbol alphabet de- spacing, assumed to be lower bounded by F ≥ 100 kHz. In
creases the usefulness of high SNR values, see Section VI-B. contrast to the previous results, (42) no longer performs close
Figure 6 shows similar results as in Figure 5 but for a to the optimum SIR (exhaustive search) because the TDL-
Vehicular A channel model. The SIR performance is worse A channel model has a very small delay tap very far out,
than for Pedestrian A but still reasonably high. The SIR for so that the condition of an ISI free transmission is highly
CP-OFDM comes close to FBMC for high velocities, so that suboptimal. Figure 8 shows the SIR for a TDL-B channel
CP-OFDM with T F = 1.07 no longer provides a much model and an RMS delay spread of 900 ns, thus representing a
higher SIR compared to FBMC. Note that we assume that the highly doubly-selective channel. We expect that such extreme

Copyright (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted. For any other purposes, permission must be obtained from the IEEE by emailing [email protected].
This is the author's version of an article that has been published in this journal. Changes were made to this version by the publisher prior to publication.
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Channel Model: TDL-B, τrms = 900 ns, fc = 60 GHz 1

50 FBMC-OQAM, K → ∞
CP-OFDM, T F =2, F =232kHz, Equation (42) T F =1.07
The SNR is 3 dB lower than in FBMC-QAM! PHYDYAS
Signal-to-Interference Ratio [dB]

T F =1.1

Time-Frequency Efficiency ρ
0.8 Hermite
1 f-OFDM, K → ∞
.2 (approximately the same for all K)
0.6 =1
30 F
M Hermite F =183kHz
TF = 2 FBMC-QAM 0.4 Hermite
T F = 1 (complex)! F =194kHz
0.2 only if no overlapping between blocks is possible!
Subcarrier Spacing, F = 100 kHz
Subcarrier Spacing, F > 100 kHz
0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Number of Subcarriers L
Velocity [km/h]
Fig. 9. The time-frequency efficiency depends on the number of subcarriers
Fig. 8. In the rare case of a highly doubly selective channel, we might need and the number of time-symbols.
to sacrifice spectral efficiency (T F = 2) in order to increase robustness. In
such cases, FBMC-QAM even outperforms CP-OFDM (SIR and SNR).
Figure 9 compares the time-frequency efficiency of FBMC-
OQAM with that of f-OFDM. The guard time TG is chosen
scenarios will rarely happen in reality and a system should
so that 99.99% (= 40 dB) of the transmitted energy, see (29),
therefore not be optimized for such extreme cases, but of
is within the time interval KT + TG . Similarly, 99.99% of the
course it should be able to cope with it. In FBMC, we can
transmitted energy (utilizing the PSD in (30)) is within the
easily combat such harsh channel environments, simply by
bandwidth F L + FG . Depending on the specific use case, one
switching from an FBMC-OQAM transmission to an FBMC-
might want to apply different thresholds. However, the basic
QAM transmission, that is, setting some symbols xl,k to zeros.
statements will stay the same. If only a few time-symbols are
We thus deliberately sacrifice spectral efficiency, T F = 2,
used, for example K = 1 for f-OFDM and K = 2 for FBMC,
in order to gain robustness. It then turns out that FBMC
f-OFDM exhibits better performance than FBMC due to a
is even better than CP-OFDM. Additionally, the Hermite
larger guard time required in FBMC (only if no overlapping
pulse now outperforms the PHYDYAS pulse because it has
between blocks is possible). Approximately K = 5 complex
a better joint time-frequency localization. In FBMC-OQAM,
time-symbols (K = 10 real-symbols) are required to make
this effect is somewhat lost due to the time-frequency squeez-
the time-frequency efficiency of FBMC better than that of
ing. Note that we cannot transmit ISI free CP-OFDM with
f-OFDM, although this depends strongly on the number of
T F = 1.07 because it would require a subcarrier spacing of
subcarriers. Once the number of time-symbols approaches
F = 14 τ1max = 16 kHz < 100 kHz, violating our lower bound.
infinity, which is approximately true in many cases because
blocks (subframes) can easily overlap, only OOB emissions
V. P OSSIBLE U SE C ASES FOR FBMC are relevant and FBMC strongly outperforms f-OFDM. Al-
In this section we discuss how FBMC can be utilized to ready K = 15 complex time-symbols are sufficient to come
efficiently support different use cases, envisioned for future close to the limit of K → ∞ for the Hermite pulse (95%
wireless systems. We start with a definition of the time- threshold); for the PHYDYAS filter it is K = 30.
frequency efficiency. Then, we assume that two users with two
different subcarrier spacings share the same band and calculate B. Different Subcarrier Spacings Within The Same Band
the SIR, similar as done in [55]. However, in contrast to [55], Let us now discuss how FBMC can efficiently support
we employ a simple matrix notation and compare to OFDM. different use cases within the same band, as illustrated in
Finally, we discuss the applicability of FBMC in eMTC and Figure 1. For that, we assume two users. User 1 employs
URLLC. a subcarrier spacing of F1 = 15 kHz and user 2 employs
F2 = 120 kHz. Such different subcarrier spacings will be
included in 5G [11] and allow, for example, to deal with
A. Time-Frequency Efficiency
different channel conditions, see Section IV. Another reason
We define the time-frequency efficiency as for different subcarrier spacings are different performance
KL requirements. For example, a high subcarrier spacing allows
ρ= , (43) low latency transmissions whereas a low subcarrier spacing
(KT + TG )(F L + FG )
increases the bandwidth efficiency and makes the system more
where TG represents the required guard time and FG the robust to delays.
required guard band. The time-frequency efficiency helps Our metric of interest here is the SIR. To keep the analysis
us to answer the question which modulation format utilizes simple, we ignore the channel (although it could be included
available time-frequency resources best. Note that in the limit similar as in Section IV). The transmitted signal of the first
of K → ∞ and L → ∞, the time-frequency efficiency user is characterized by G1 , see (22), and employs L1 = 96
depends only on the symbol density ρ = T1F . subcarriers with a subcarrier spacing of F1 = 15 kHz, leading

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This is the author's version of an article that has been published in this journal. Changes were made to this version by the publisher prior to publication.
The final version of record is available at


0 M C
T1 F1 =1 f-O

Signal-to-Interference Ratio [dB]

PSD [dB]

−20 50 T2 F2 =1
−40 40
15kHz 120kHz 15kHz 120kHz 15kHz 480kHz
T F =1.07 T F =1.07 T F =1 T F =1 T F =1 T F =1
−60 T1 F1 =1.09; T2 F2 =1.27
0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 30
f/F L f/F L f/F L CP-OFDM
0 without receive windowing/filtering
10 F1 =15kHz, F2 =120kHz
PSD [dB]

−20 F1 =15kHz, F2 =480kHz

−40 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
15kHz 120kHz 15kHz 120kHz 15kHz 120kHz Normalized Guard Band, FG /F L
T F =1.09 T F =1.27 T F =1.09 T F =1.27 T F =1.09 T F =1.27
0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2
Fig. 11. FBMC has a higher SIR than OFDM, so that the required guard band
f/F L f/F L f/F L
is much smaller. Compared to the channel induced inference, see Section IV,
we often require a much higher SIR due to different receive power levels (not
Fig. 10. The PSD in case that two users with different subcarrier spacings included in (44) to keep the notation simple). Windowed and filtered OFDM
(F1 = 15 kHz, F2 = 120 kHz) share the same band. The transmission only perform well if windowing and filtering is also applied at the receiver.
bandwidth is the same for both users F1 L1 = F2 L2 = 1.44 MHz. In case
of FBMC, we also consider a subcarrier spacing of F2 = 480 kHz, leading
to approximately the same latency as for OFDM with F2 = 120 kHz. In this
example, the guard band is set to FG = 0.2 F1 L1 . Additionally, we should keep in mind that, without receive
windowing and filtering, the interference from user 1 to user 2
is higher than the interference from user 2 to user 1, which can
to a transmission bandwidth of F1 L1 = 1.44 MHz. Similarly, be deduced from Figure 10. Once we apply windowing and
the second user is characterized by G2 , employs L2 = 12 filtering at the receiver, both users experience approximately
subcarriers with a subcarrier spacing of F2 = 120 kHz, leading the same interference power. As shown in Figure 11, WOLA,
to the same bandwidth as before, that is, L2 F2 = 1.44 MHz. UFMC and f-OFDM can improve the SIR but the performance
Additionally, G2 is shifted in frequency by F1 L1 + FG . is still not as good as in FBMC. Let us assume we require
Figure 10 shows the PSD, see (30), for both users and a guard an SIR of 45 dB. Then, f-OFDM needs a guard band of
band of FG = 0.2 F1 L1 . For WOLA, UFMC and f-OFDM, we FG = 0.24 F L. Thus, the time-frequency efficiency for user 2
assume a time-frequency spacing of T1 F1 = 1.09 for the first becomes ρ = 1.24×1.271
= 0.64. In contrast to that, FBMC
user, same as in Figure 2. For the second user, on the other has a much higher efficiency of ρ = 0.97. Therefore, the
hand, we assume a time-frequency spacing of T2 F2 = 1.27 data rate in FBMC is approximately 50 % higher than in
in order to reduce the OOB emissions further. Our proposed f-OFDM. One reason for the high subcarrier spacing of user 2
matrix notation again simplifies the analytical calculation of (F2 = 120 kHz) is to enable low latency transmissions. This
the total SIR, defined for FBMC-OQAM as: implies that, for a fair comparison in terms of latency, we
L1 K1 + L2 K2 have to increase the subcarrier spacing in FBMC further by
SIRtotal,2-use-case = , (44) a factor of four (O = 4), leading to F = 480 kHz and thus
||ℜ{G1 G2 }||2F
H + ||ℜ{GH 2
2 G1 }||F
approximately the same latency as in OFDM. The number of
where || · ||F represents the Frobenius norm. To keep the subcarriers in FBMC then decreases from L = 12 to only
notation in (44) simple, we ignore self interference (≈65 dB) L = 3. As shown in Figure 11, a higher subcarrier spacing
within one use case, that is, the off-diagonal elements of (F = 480 kHz) requires a larger guard band (FG = 0.13 F L
1 G1 and G2 G2 . In CP-OFDM, WOLA, UFMC and for a 45 dB SIR threshold), but the time-frequency efficiency
f-OFDM, the ℜ{} in (44) disappears because we operate in (ρ = 0.88) is still approximately 40% higher than in f-OFDM.
the complex domain. Furthermore, the transmit and receive Thus, the statement that FBMC is not suited for low-latency
matrices are different. In (44) we consider the sum interference transmissions is not true in general. We only have to increase
power but should keep in mind that subcarriers close to the the subcarrier spacing. Of course, this further increases the
other user experience a higher interference than subcarriers sensitivity to time-offsets and delay spreads (but decreases the
farther away. Furthermore, to keep the notation simple, (44) sensitivity to frequency-offsets and Doppler spreads). Note
does not account for different receive power levels caused that the superior spectral properties of FBMC also simplify
by different transmit power levels and different path losses. frequency synchronization [57].
Thus, compared to Section IV, we require a higher SIR to Once we apply a higher bandwidth per user, say 10.08 MHz
account for those factors. Figure 11 shows how the SIR, instead of 1.44 MHz, the possible improvement of FBMC com-
see (44), depends on the normalized guard band, whereas pared to f-OFDM reduces to only 15% (45 dB SIR threshold).
we assume K ≫ 1, so that T + TKG ≈ T . The higher the
guard band, the less interference we observe. As illustrated
in Figure 11, receive windowing and filtering are of utmost C. eMTC and URLLC
importance. Without it, there is not much difference between If the number of subcarriers is high, OFDM has a relatively
WOLA, UFMC, f-OFDM and conventional CP-OFDM [56]. high spectral efficiency. This will usually be the case in eMBB.

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This is the author's version of an article that has been published in this journal. Changes were made to this version by the publisher prior to publication.
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However, other use cases, such as eMTC, might not always interference at the pilot position is canceled. The drawback is a
employ a high number of subcarriers (per user/machine). slightly higher computational complexity due to de-spreading
FBMC then becomes much more efficient, as already dis- at the receiver [38]. This complexity, however, can be reduced
cussed in the previous subsection. If only one subcarrier is by a Fast-Walsh Hadamard transform and by exploiting the
active, FBMC can even act as a single carrier scheme with the limited symbol alphabet (at least at the transmitter). Another
advantage of a reduced Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR). way of reducing the complexity is to combine it with the
The time-frequency efficiency then decreases but is still much method of [63], as proposed in [70] (the performance becomes
higher than in OFDM. If the bandwidth is sufficiently small, slightly worse because now energy is wasted). Note that the
we can also employ simple one-tap equalizers and have the spreading method also performs reasonably well in doubly-
additional advantage of a high SNR. Of course, a small selective channels [71]. For a more detailed comparison of
bandwidth implies low data rates but many use cases do not pilot-symbol aided channel estimation in OQAM we refer to
require high data rates. [38], [72].
Another important use case is URLLC. We have already
shown in the previous subsection that FBMC has a higher B. Performance Metric
spectral efficiency than OFDM in low latency scenarios. We
only need a high subcarrier spacing. For example, we were In order to compare different modulation schemes, we have
able to transmit a 2×1 Alamouti FBMC and OFDM signal to find a meaningful metric. Some authors, such as [65], use
(one subframe) within less than 40 µs [22], thus satisfying the the BER over Eb /N0 to compare FBMC with CP-OFDM.
low latency condition [58] (the evaluation was performed off- However, in our opinion, Eb /N0 has some serious drawbacks.
line to keep hardware costs reasonable low). High reliability To understand why, let us assume a signal 1, consisting of
can also be achieved in FBMC by switching from an FBMC- two OFDM symbols (without CP), and a signal 2, consisting
OQAM transmission to an FBMC-QAM transmission, thus, of one OFDM symbol where the CP is as long as the useful
deliberately sacrificing spectral efficiency but improving ro- symbol duration. Thus, both signals occupy the same time
bustness in doubly-selective channels and with respect to time- duration. However, the same Eb /N0 implies that there is a
frequency offsets. Of course, we have to include additional 3 dB difference in transmit power between the signals. In
steps, such as diversity (frequency, space), to guarantee high our opinion, a meaningful comparison must include the same
reliability. transmit power. This results in the same receive SNR and
thus the same BER (AWGN channel). However, signal 1 has
twice the data rate. The idea in Eb /N0 is to account for such
different data rates, but a simple power normalization is not
A. Channel Estimation a good solution because the symbol power affects the rate
In FBMC-QAM and coded FBMC-OQAM, we can straight- only logarithmically. Instead, we should use the achievable
forwardly employ all OFDM channel estimation methods rate (capacity) and the throughput. The ergodic capacity [73]
known in literature. In FBMC-OQAM, however, this is not for one time-frequency position is:
possible. The main idea of FBMC-OQAM is to equalize the  
C = Eh log2 1 + |h|2 SNR . (45)
phase followed by taking the real part in order to get rid of
the imaginary interference. This, however, only works once Such expression assumes Gaussian inputs which is an un-
the phase is known, thus only after channel estimation. The realistic assumption. The data symbols are usually chosen
channel estimation has to be performed in the complex domain from a fixed signal constellation which is included in the Bit-
where we observe imaginary interference, so that the estima- Interleaved Coded Modulation (BICM) capacity [74], [75]:
tion process becomes more challenging. Possible solutions for    P 
 m pdf h (y|x) 
preamble-based channel estimation are discussed in [59]–[62]. 
 X  x∈X 

However, in a time-variant channel, pilot symbol aided channel CB = Eh max m − Eb,y|hlog2 P 
X ∈{A1 ,

pdf h (y|x) 
estimation is usually preferred over preamble based methods A2 ,...} i x∈Xb
because pilots allow to track the channel. A simple method (46)
for pilot aided channel estimation was proposed in [63], where where X is the symbol alphabet and Xbi the subset of X
one data symbol per pilot is sacrificed to cancel the imaginary whose label has the bit value b ∈ {0, 1} at position i. In
interference at pilot position. Authors in [64] proposed the contrast to [74] we also include an adaptive symbol alphabet
name auxiliary symbol for such method. The big disadvan- {A1 , A2 , . . .} = {4, 16, . . .}-QAM. We could also include
tage is the high power of the auxiliary symbols, worsening channel estimation in our BICM expressions [76], [77], but
the PAPR and wasting signal power. Subsequently, different assuming perfect channel knowledge provides enough insights
methods have been proposed to mitigate these harmful effects to get an understanding of the system. The achievable rate is
[38], [65]–[69]. From all those techniques, we think that the then obtained by TL C where we account for the bandwidth
data spreading approach [65] is the most promising method (number of subcarriers) and the time-spacing. If pilot symbols
because no energy is wasted, there is no noise enhancement, are included, the achievable rate is accordingly lower.
and the performance is close to OFDM [43]. The idea of [65] Figure 12 shows the measured throughput [78] as well as
is to spread data symbols over several time-frequency positions the theoretical bounds discussed so far (for Rayleigh fading).
(close to the pilot symbol) in such a way, that the imaginary FBMC has a higher throughput than OFDM due to a higher

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This is the author's version of an article that has been published in this journal. Changes were made to this version by the publisher prior to publication.
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10 0
Throughput, Achievable Rate [Mbit/s]
mean Gaussian Input reduction

Power Spectral Density [dB]

8 −20 LTE like:
BICM (4, 16, 64, 256-OQAM)
CP-OFDM T F = 1.07
95 % confidence BICM (4, 16, 64-OQAM) FBMC 4-Bit 24 sub- SIR = 34 dB
interval obtained
6 by bootstrapping −40 carriers
FBMC-OQAM 8-Bit SIR = 55 dB
4 −60

Information- 12-Bit SIR=65 dB (due to O=4)
2 −80 OQAM
T F =1
Measurements, similar to [78], but FBMC 16-Bit (complex)
channel estimation based on data spreading
0 −100
−5 0 5 10 15 20 25 −50 −40 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 40 50
Signal-to-Noise Ratio for FBMC [dB] Normalized Frequency, f/F

Fig. 12. Real-world testbed measurements at 2.5 GHz show that FBMC has Fig. 13. The superior spectral properties of FBMC are destroyed if we include
a higher throughput than OFDM (1.4 MHz LTE resembling SISO signal) due poor quality hardware. The proposed concept in Figure 1 only works if the
to a higher available bandwidth and no CP overhead. The channel estimation in power amplifier is sufficiently linear and the DAC resolution sufficiently high.
FBMC is based on the data spreading approach [65]. The measured throughput
performs close to the achievable rates, based on (45) and (46).
those problems are not limited to FBMC but also appear in
windowed and filtered OFDM. Thus, the concept of sharp
usable bandwidth and because no CP is used. Different to digital filters to enable a flexible time-frequency allocation, see
our previous paper [78] we now employ the data spreading Figure 1, only works for a sufficiently linear power amplifier
approach discussed in Section VI-A and not auxiliary symbols. and a sufficiently high DAC resolution. If these conditions are
This further improves the throughput. OFDM and FBMC have not met, we have to rely on less flexible analogue filters.
the same transmit power which leads to a smaller SNR for
FBMC compared to OFDM because the power is spread over VII. C ONCLUSION
a larger bandwidth [78]. OFDM based schemes such as WOLA, UFMC and f-OFDM
The measured throughput is only 2 dB worse than the have a relatively high spectral efficiency once the number
theoretical BICM bound. Such differences can be explained of subcarriers is high. However, not all possible use cases
by an imperfect coder, a limited code length, a limited number envisioned for future wireless systems will employ such a
of code rates (we employ turbo coding [79] and 15-Channel high number of subcarriers. For a small number of subcarriers,
Quality Indicator (CQI) values, same as in LTE) and channel FBMC becomes much more efficient than OFDM, in particular
estimation errors [80]. An important observation here is that if the transmission band is shared between different use cases.
the throughput saturates. If we increase the SNR from 0 dB Many challenges associated with FBMC, such as channel
to 10 dB, that is, by a factor of 10, then the throughput estimation and MIMO, can be efficiently dealt with, as vali-
increases by approximately 300%. On the other hand, if we dated by our real-world testbed measurements. Additionally,
increase the SNR from 20 dB to 30 dB, also a factor of 10, one-tap equalizers are in many practical cases sufficient once
the throughput only increases by 20%. Even if we consider a we match the subcarrier spacing (pulse shape) to the channel
symbol alphabet of up to 256-OQAM (BICM), the achievable statistics. In highly doubly selective channels, we can switch
rate only increases by 40%. Thus, a high SNR provides only from an FBMC-OQAM transmission to an FBMC-QAM trans-
a small throughput gain while power and hardware costs are mission, thus deliberately sacrificing spectral efficiency but
significantly higher. We therefore often operate in medium gaining robustness. This leads to an even higher SIR than in
SNR ranges. CP-OFDM.
While it is true that the computational complexity of FBMC
C. Quantization and Clipping is higher than in windowed OFDM, both methods require the
Figure 2 shows the superior spectral properties of FBMC same basic operations, allowing us to reuse many hardware
compared to OFDM. Unfortunately, such figure only holds components.
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