On The Need For Optimization of The Software Development Processes in Short-Term Projects
On The Need For Optimization of The Software Development Processes in Short-Term Projects
On The Need For Optimization of The Software Development Processes in Short-Term Projects
Departamento de Ingenierías, Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla
21 sur #1103 Col. Santiago, Puebla Pue., México C.P. 72310
[email protected]
1 Introduction
The appropiate use of techniques is a difficult job for micro, small and medium-sized
business (MIPYMES)1 engaged in software production [9]. Still, a considerable
amount of software produced worldwide is built by MIPYMES, who often operate with
limited resources both financial and time related. The vast majority of software
producers, who do not use software development process, are paying high production
costs and maintenance of systems, and therefore are being displaced in the domestic
market, since they are not in a level of competitiveness as companies that use methods
of developing and implementing process models [8].
Some software development businesses have been trying in recent years to
incorporate best working practices for ensuring their productivity. This has also
enabled them to deliver the quality demanded by the adoption of activities, practices,
specific roles and norms of behaviour. Agile methods are mechanisms for software
development that meet the specification of production speed and product quality [5].
As in most modern methodologies, agile methods are based in iterative and incremental
development, encouraging deliveries in an evolutionary way and including modern
values and practices in addition to the traditional ones. Authors and supporters of “the
agile manifesto” ensure that, following its principles, it is possible to reduce risks and
maintain precision [2]. In the agile methods, the planning takes place in each iteration
and the plan is aligned with the business goals. In addition, the involvement of the
client in the development ensures that the requirements are identified. By correctly
using the “agile” philosophy it is possible to reach improvement goals of projects,
efficiency and efficacy in the product, without affecting the quality. The agile
methodology considers humane, organizational and technological aspects of the
software development process [7].
One of these mechanisms for improvement is the systematic training, which ensures
constant learning and application of new development tendencies. The key to success
or failure of a software project depends strongly on solving the right problem [11].
On the other hand, there exist robust project management methodologies (not agile)
such as the following:
PMBOK, proposed by the Project Management Institute (PMI) [4] of the
United States of America.
PRINCE2, the project management method sponsored by the United Kingdom
of Office of Government Commerce (OGC) [3].
The International Project Management Association (IPMA) [13], represented
in the United Kingdom for the qualification of the Association for Project
Management (APM).
However, we do not believe that these methodologies contribute as expected to the
success of the projects developed by micro and PyMEs. One of the researchers of this
project was a full-time partner/director of a micro-company dedicated to software
development for eleven years, and found that the problem raised in this paper is very
common. Since 2006, this author has held informal talks with over thirty software
development businesses from both CANACINTRA, Puebla and Huajuapan de León. In
this period, the subject of short-term projects has been brought up repeatedly, where
clients with a limited and fixed budget wish to automate some vital tasks from their
businesses, however, They need the software immediately to get results as soon as
The problem is that short-term projects, which are extremely constrained in cost and
time, have a high probability of failure. In addition to this, there is no specific
development methodology that takes into consideration the variables that determine the
success of failure of them.
2 Project Overview
Projects with a timeline of less than twelve weeks for the delivery of
full and put into operation project.
Short-term projects, with the features described above, are sometimes the only way for
companies to justify the steady wage of its staff of programmers, and therefore develop
these projects but with poor results or even catastrophic for both customer and
It is then that the following questions are raised:
Is it possible to deliver short-term projects with success, i.e.
guarantee customer satisfaction as well as with revenues for the
What are the characteristics that these projects must have?
How can you measure the size of these projects?
What are the requirements of the work team?
What tools must developers use for each kind of project?
What techniques and methodologies are appropriate for
administration, requirements, design, development, and
What is the appropriate size for a work team?
The problem lies in analyzing a large sample of short-term projects to respond to the
questions raised in the previous paragraph. We are seeking conclusions on the
methods, strategies, techniques and tools that must be implemented according to the
characteristics of short-term projects to ensure its success.
2.2 Justification
Between 80 and 90% of Mexican companies that develop software are micro and small
companies MIPYMES (fewer than 50 employees) [6], of which, it is necessary to
determine how many there are and how they often have been faced with the realization
of short-term projects (this research is in progress). It might be thought that the short-
term projects are responsible (hired) in turn by MIPYMES, however, in the experience
of the authors, large organizations (more than 500 employees) are those who through
some department with a specific need, require the implementation of short-term
For this reason, it is necessary to identify the variables that maximize the probability
of success, to ensure that the beneficiaries obtain the solution to their problems and
needs with quality products, in a timely manner and within budget.
This study not only enhances the efficiency and competitiveness of small
developers, but also will offer direct benefits to the contracting of the software projects.
There are agile development methodologies such as extreme Programming (XP) [1],
SCRUM [10, 12], test-driven development, among others, that offer short deliveries;
however, those are not methodologies for such small projects, but rather, are aimed at
making rapid and partial deliveries in projects of medium length (or long duration).
However, it is very likely that under certain conditions, these same methodologies can
be used to develop existing short-term projects.
2.3 Goals
The objective of this research is to identify and classify the factors that directly impact
the success of short–term software projects, classifying projects based on the
technology used, operating environment, as well as in the scope and size, to
subsequently determine the methodologies, techniques and tools to develop this kind of
projects, that will allow creating systems of limited size in a few weeks and with small
teams of development. In addition, to identify the preconditions required according to
the characteristics of the project and the number of weeks available for their
The specific objectives are:
To determine the approximate number of short-term projects that small
companies develop per year
To obtain a sample of at least twenty short-term software projects from at
least five different companies
To analyze the factors that took the management process of the sample,
from conception, recruitment, project management, product development,
to the delivery
To identify the characteristics that a short-term software project must
have in order to be classified in this category and to be delivered
To find out what type of knowledge and skills successful development
teams have had
To know the tools that were used in the projects
To develop a ranking of projects according to its technological features
and functionalities, identifying the variables that influenced each type
To determine the variables that have been a factor of success or failure in
each of the sample projects
To determine the degree of incidence for each variable
To develop a hypothesis about the degree of importance and influence of
each variable in each of the types of projects, testing the hypothesis in
projects that are in progress in the last phase of this research
To determine the tools that must be made available to the development
To propose a set of techniques and/or process model for the development
of short-term software projects
3 Methodology
Our research is divided into three stages. The first stage will be basically for the study
of our target population. The second stage will be training and analysis. In the last stage
we'll be proposing a set of techniques and tools based on what has been achieved in the
previous stages. Figure 1 shows in general terms the proposed methodology described
in this section. Below the stages of the project are explained in detail.
Figure 1. Methodology of the research
3.2 Stage 2: Training and Analysis
In this stage the research team will be trained to manage projects and to develop
software using different methodologies and techniques. Training will be considered
according to the results of the previous stage. In this stage we will collect companies'
projects in order to carry out their pre-analysis. After that, we will analyze the projects
to determine variables that influence their success or failure. The analysis will take into
project size (modules), functionality and scope
system technological infrastructure
technology used for development
project services enclosed
management methodology used
development methodology used
tools used for management and development
cost and time performance project analysis
technical capabilities and team experience
team size
team roles assigned
When this stage is complete, we will choose at least twenty software projects and
generate a list indentifying the most important characteristics of the projects. We will
identify the key factors that directly influence project performance. We will create a
comparative framework about methodologies and tools with the purpose of identifying
the best option.
In order to select the projects that will be the subject of the research, we will have to
analyze and study projects provided by the participating companies, the selection
criteria will be:
size and characteristics of the project, i.e. it will be validated that is a complete
project, which has required analysis, design, construction, testing and
delivery, and which has been obtained through a formal contract as well as has
required administration;
delivery time of projects, the research team considers short-term projects to
those with delivery times under or around 12 weeks;
the size of the team: having less than three programmers is ideal to be
considered short-term project.
are starting. Finally, we will model the development of activities from a process-based
The goal is to generate a proposal list to develop short-term projects:
administration methodologies
development methodologies
process models improvement
4 Partial outcomes
A national survey was disseminated and conducted with the support of the Secretaría
de Economía and Insitituto Mexicano de Desarrollo de Software. There was a total of
107 participating companies. The survey data are being analyzed and will be presented
in future articles. At the same time, we are conducting an analysis of software projects
of some companies to determine their degree of complexity. To do this, we are using
function points analysis. By analyzing projects, we can identify key factors which
contribute to its success or failure.
[8] Herrera, E.M. and Ramírez, R.A.T. 2003. A Methodology for Self-Diagnosis
for Software Quality Assurance in Small and Medium-Sized Industries in Latin
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[9] Punter, T. and Anacleto, A. 2003. Software Measurement for Small and
Medium Enterprises. (2003), 1-19.
[10] Rising, L. and Janoff, N.S. 2000. The Scrum software development process for
small teams. Software, IEEE. 17, 4 (2000), 26–32.
[11] Rumbaugh, J. 1994. Getting Started: Use Cases to Capture Requirements.
Journal of Object Oriented Programming. 23, (1994), pp. 8-12.
[12] Schwaber, K. and others 1995. Scrum development process. OOPSLA Business
Object Design and Implementation Workshop (1995), 10–19.
[13] Turner, J. 1996. International Project Management Association global
qualification, certification and accreditation. International Journal of Project
Management. (1996).