Bahan Klinik Fasa 1 Bidang Dan Topik Penting 2009 Answers

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A. After attending this KLINIK UPSR 2009 (Fasa 1), the participants would be able to:

1 Prepaire themselves with the latest and best technics and strategy of learning
2 Identify the exact format and types of science questions.
3 Learn and understand science process skills thoroughly.
4 Apply Critical and Creative Thingking Skills (CCTS) while answering question.
5 Realise that science can be learedn step by step for easy understanding.
6 Connecting the learning of science through simple experiments.
7 To prepare oneself to achieve maximum marks using KLINIK UPSR (Fasa 2) as a



1. Multiple choice
A 30 30 60 %
2. Multiple

B Subjective: 4–5 20 40 %

50 100

The UPSR Science Questions - Analysis (2004 – 2008)

Theme 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Living things 7 8 9 6 8
Force and Energy 9 5 9 7 6
Materials 5 9 6 9 6
The Earth and The
6 3 2 5 5
Technology 3 5 4 3 5
Total 30 30 30 30 30

Section a Science Questions - Analysis (2004-2008)

Type of Questions 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Facts 2 2 4 4 5
Terminology 2 1 2 2 2
Sequencing 2 3 2 3 2
Method 3 - 2 2 -
Classification 2 2 2 1 2
Principle / Concept 4 7 3 2 1
Translation 4 - 2 3 1
Interpretation 2 5 5 5 5
Prediction 5 4 2 5 4
Application 4 6 6 3 8
Total 30 30 30 30 30

Distribution of Marks for UPSR Science Paper

Section B Science Process Skills (2004 – 2008)

Science Process Skills 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Inferencess 4 5 4 4 2
Variable 4 4 2 6 6
Hypothesis 1 1 4 3 3
To Predict 3 4 2 2 3
Analysis Data 8 6 8 5 6
Application - - - -
Total 20 20 20 20 20


Section A

1) Classification
(Creative Thinking Skills)

Diagram 1 shows three types of animals.

Rajah 1 menunjukkan tiga jenis haiwan.


Diagram 1
Rajah 1

What is the breathing organ for these animals?

Apakah organ pernafasan bagi haiwan-haiwan ini?

A Moist skin Gills Trachea system Gills
Kulit lembap Insang Sistem trakea Insang
B Lungs and moist
Trachea system Lungs Moist skin skin
Sistem trakea Peparu Kulit lembap Peparu dan kulit
C Trachea system Moist skin Lung books Lungs
Sistem trakea Kulit lembap Peparu buku Peparu
D Trachea system Lungs Moist skin Lungs and moist
Sistem trakea Peparu Kulit lembap Peparu dan Kulit

2) Make Sequences:
(Critical Thinking Skills)

The following are a few planets.

Berikut adalah beberapa planet.

P Mars Q Mercury R Saturn S Neptune

Marikh Musytari Zuhal Neptune

Which of the following shows the arrangement in descending order, for the period of
revolution of the planets around the Sun?
Antara yang berikut, yang manakah susunan mengikut tertib menurun, bagi tempoh
pusingan planet mengelilingi Matahari?


3) Prediction:
(Creative Thinking Skills)

Time / minutes
0 5 10 15 20 25
Masa / minit
Temperature / ºC
27 42 57 72 87 ?
Suhu / ºC

Table 1
Jadual 1

Table 1 shows the temperature against time for heating of water. Would the
temperature be at 25 minutes?
Jadual 1 menunjukkan suhu mengikut masa semasa pemanasan air. Apakah suhu
pada minit ke-25?

A 92º C
B 97º C
C 100º C
D 102º C

Section B:

1) Making Conclusion
(Critical Thinking Skills)
When four tissue papers are moisted, their total weight is 200g. The tissue papers
are put to dry and their weights are recorded every hour. The result of the
investigation is recorded in the Table 2.
Apabila empat helai kertas tisu dilembapkan, jumlah beratnya ialah 200g. Kertas tisu
itu dibiarkan kering dan beratnya dicatatkan pada setiap jam. Keputusan
penyiasatan itu dicatatkan dalam Jadual 2.

Time Total weight of eight tissue papers / g

Masa Jumlah berat lapan kertas tisu / g
1 hour
1 jam
2 hours
2 jam
3 hours
3 jam
4 hours
4 jam
Table 2
Jadual 2


State one conclusion from this experiment.

Nyatakan satu kesimpulan daripada penyiasatan ini.

[1 markah]
2 Making Inference:
(Creative Thinking Skills)

Remaining number
of animal X
Bilangan haiwan X
Yang tinggal

Jan Feb Mac Apr May Month

Diagram 2
Rajah 2

Diagram 2 shows a graph about the remaining number of animal X for five months.
Jadual 2 menunjukkan sebuah graf tentang bilangan haiwan X yang tinggal untuk
lima bulan.
State one inference about the number of animal X from January to May based on the
information in the diagram.
Nyatakan satu inferens tentang bilangan haiwan X dari bulan Januari ke Mei
berdasarkan maklumat dalam rajah.

[1 markah]

3 Tabulating Data:
(Creative Thinking Skills)

Diagram 3 shows object P, Q and R are of the same size, shape, and material. P, Q
and R were blown with equal strength. It was found R toppled fisrt, followed by Q and
Rajah 3 menunjukkan object P, Q dan R yang mempunyai saiz, bentuk dan bahan
yang sama. P, Q dan R ditiup dengan kuatan yang sama. R didapati tumbang
dahulu, diikuti Q dan P.


Diagram 3
Rajah 3

What is the relationship between manipulatied variables (the things you changed)
and responding variables (to measured)?
Apakah hubungan antara perkara permboleh ubah dimanipulasi (yang diubah) dan
pemboleh ubah bergerak balas (yang diperhati)?

[1 markah]


1. 3 Phases of Learning Science

How do I plan for a systematic and
affective way of learning science?

Prepare earlier for

BEFORE the next topic

3 PHASES  Pay attention

OF  Take down
SCIENCE  Ask questions

 Assessment
AFTER  Enrichment
 Reflection

2 Sequences for Experimentall Activities

 Observation
 Inferences
 Prediction
 Controlling variables
 Experimenting
 Collecting Data
 Tabulating Data
 Making Conclusion

 These skills will assess by the UPSR Science Practikal Work

Assessment (UPSR PEKA)
 UPSR PEKA is to enable the students to Master the Scientific Skills:
- Science Process Skills (20 marks)
- Science Manipulative Skills (30 marks)

4 Techniques of Making Notes during Science Revision

Guide line and steps in making note:

Write down the topic

Complete set of stationery

Identifiy keywords
Read the specific notes

Detect the main idea and

concept Using symbols / colours to
differientiate main points

Simplify the main points

Rearrange the key words and their explanation

according to your own choice of note

Types of notes Examples

1) Collecting - Energy
important point
Sources of energy: Forms of Energy:
- The wind - Light energy
- The sun - Solar energy
- Food - Heat energy
- Water - Sound energy
- Batteries - Potential energy
- Fuels - Kinetic energy
- Chemical energy

2) Mind / Concept

3) Flow chart Pickling Process

Cut the fruit into pieces

Mix the fruit with salt

Wash and rinse the fruit

Put the fruit into concentrated sugar solution

Add some vinegar

Seal the bottle tightly

4) Diagram

The correct way to measure the temperature of

boiling water

Water takes the shape of its container

5) Table

Properties Solid Liquid Gas

Has mass / / /
Has a fixed volume / / X
Occupies space / / /
Has a fixed shape / X X
Can be compressed X X /
6) Summary note 1) Shapes of objects in Structures
- Buildings are built on shapes such as cone, sphere,
cuboid, cube, cylinder and pyramid
- Most buildings are built by combining several
2) The strength of a structure depends on:
- the types of materials used
- the size of the structure
- the shape of the structure

7) Neumonic The nine planets in the Solar

System with the nearest to the Sun

Mercury  My
Venus  Very
Earth  Excellence
Mars  Mother
Jupiter  Just
Saturn  Serve
Uranus  Us Asid MERAH
Neptune  Nine
Pluto  Pizza


(YEAR 4, 5 AND 6)


 Complete the boxes and statements with their details.

Year 4

1 Basic Needs

Humans Animals Plants

Shelter Shelter Sunlight
Food Food Water
Water Water Air
Air Air
2 Life Process

Breathing The lungs
Excreation and The lungs, skin, kidneys
Response The skin, eyes, nose, ears, tongue
Reproduction Giving birth
Bad habits Smoking, taking drugs, drinking alcohol

Breathing The lungs, moist skin, trachea system, gills
Excreation and The lungs, kidneys, skin, gills
Reproduction Giving birth, laying eggs
Life cycles Mosquito, frog, butterfly

Response To sunlight, water, gravity
Reproduction By seeds, spores, suckers, stem cuttings, leaves

3 Protection

Animal Protect Themselves by:

Hard scales Tortoise, pangolin, crocodile, snail
Bad smell Skunk, bed bug
Change colour Chameleon, arctic fox
Strong thorns Buffaloo, Goat, cow
Long legs and strong Horse, mouse deer,
Danger and their
Breaking off tail Lizard
Move in groups Wild bulls, wolves
Produce poison Cobra, bee, scorpion
Sharp spines Porcupine,
Pretend to be dead Beetle, millipede
Curl up body Milipede, pangolin
Extreme weather
Hide in shell Snail, garden snail
Thick fur Bear
(polar region)
Thick fat Seal, penguin
Extreme weather Migrate Flamongo, swallow, swan
condition Hibernate Bear, mouse
(desert habitat)
Wallowing Buffaloo, hippopotamus
Hump Camel

Plants Protect Themselves

Thick and hard bark Coconut tree, shorea tree
Fine hairs Pumpkin plant, bamboo
Danger and their
Produce latex Papaya tree, rubber tree, jackfruit
Thorns Cactus, durian, pineapple, mimosa
Produce poison Mushroom, yam plant
Extreme weather Drop leaves Rubber tree, bougainvilla
condition Hairy leaves Watermelon plant, pumpkin plant
(hot and dry Waxy leaves Pandan leaves, banana tree, hibiscus
regeion) Curls up leaves Banana tree, lallang, maize plant
Divided leaves Coconut tree, nipah tree
Extreme weather
Can sway
Needle-like leaves Casuarina, pines, conifers
(strong wind)
Buttress roots Flame of the forest, mangrove plant

Year 5
4 Microorganisms:
- Microorganisms are classified as living things because they carry out life
processs such as breathing, growth and movement.
- 4 main types of microorganisms.

 Match the microorganisms with their details.

Microorganisms Shape




- Useful Microorganisms : Making tapai, bread, tempe, fertilisers

- Harmful Microorganisms : Cause illnesses, food poisoning, food to turn bad, tooth

5 Survival of Species

Survival of Animals
By keeping in the mouth Crocodile, guppies
By carrying their young Kangaroo, scorpion
By staying in herds Buffaloo, elephants, buffalo
the eggs
By laying slimy eggs Frog,
or young
By attacking their enemies Hen, tiger, cat
By feeding their young Bird
Survival of Plants
Dispersal Plants
of seeds By the wind Lallang, shorea, angsana, cotton
By water Coconut, nipah, lotus, pong-pong
By animals Rambutan, mango, durian, cillies, love grass
By explosive Sword bean, balsam, rubber, chesnut

6 Food Chains and Food Webs

Class or animals food

Herbivores Goat, cow, butterfly, grasshopper, mouse deer, caterpillar
Carnivores Tiger, lion, mosquito, snake, eagle, frog, shark, wolf,
Omnivores Bear, rat, chicken, duck, pig

Year 6

7 Interaction among Living Things

For safety and food

Group animals
Ex : Lion, champanzie, buffalo, zebra, ants, bees, elephants
To avoid competition for food and space
Solitary animals
Ex : Eagle, pangolin, snake,

- Among animals for : Space, foods, mate

- Among plants for: Sunlight, water, space

Protecting Endangered Species:

Animals that are extinct Ex : Dodo, dinasour, Tasmanian tiger, mammoth

Endangered animals Ex : Pangolin, tiger, hornbill, rhino, tapir
Endangered plants Ex : mangrove, rafflesia, pitcher plan
Factors Human activities : Illegal or excessive logging, hunting,
Ways to prevent Campaign, educating the public, re-plant, enforcing law


 Complete the boxes and statements with their details.

Year 4

1 Measurements:

Tools Ruler, measuring tape

Units mm, cm, m, km
Formula Length x width
Units mm², cm², km²
Cube, cuboid Length x width x height
Volume Liquid By beakers, measuring
Units mm³, cm³, ml, l
Tools Lever balance, electronic valance
Units mg, g, kg
Time Tools Clock, stopwatch
Units Second, minute, hour, day, month

Year 5
2 Energy

Sources of Energy (7) Forms of Energy (7)

1 The wind 1 Light energy
2 The sun 2 Heat energy
3 The water 3 Kinetic energy
4 The fuels 4 Potencial energy
5 Batteries 5 Solar energy
6 Food 6 Sound energy
7 Coal 7 Chemical energy

- Renewable energy: Solar energy, wind energy, water energy, biomass fuel

- Non-renewable energy: Natural gas, petroleum, coal

3 Electricity

Sources of electricity: 1Dry cells__________ 2 Accumulator

3 Solar cells 4 Dynamo

Which are the series circuits and parallel circuits?

Parrallel Circuit Series circuit

4 Light

- Light travels in a straight line. The formation of shadow is

a phenomenon that shows light travels in a straight line when an opaque

object blocks a ray of light.

- When light travels in a straight line and strike the surface of an object, it will

Year 6

5 Force

A force can cause:

- Stationary objects to start moving
- A change in the shape of an object
- A change in the motion of an object
Effects - Make the surface warm, makes a moving object slow down
and stop
Factors - Depends on the condition of surfaces and on the weight of an
Advantages - Ex: Allow us to walk or run without slipping, vehicles to travel
on the road safely and enables us to hold things.
Disadvantages- causes surfaces which are touching each other to wear out.
Ways to reduce- Using rollers, ball bearings and using lubricants

6 Movement

- Speed shows how fast an object moves.

- Objects that remain stationary do not have speed.
- Formula: Speed = Distance


 Complete the boxes and statements with their details.

Year 4

1 Properties of Materials:

Conduct electricity Nail, screw, thumbtack, copper wire

Conduct heat Metal spoon, paper clip, nail, needle
Absorb water Towel, cloth, tissue paper, paper
Float on water Cork, straw, wooden ruler, boat
Elastic Spring, rubber band
Transparent Glass, plain water, lens
Translucent Ice cube, tracing paper,
Opaque Umbrella, roof wood,

Natural materils: Wood, metal, leather, soil, cotton, fur, rubber, silk, coal, clay

Man-made materials: Nylon,plastic, glass, synthetic rubber, synthetic cloth

2 Rusting of Materials:

Rusty objects Iron rod, Iron nail, drink can, zinc roof, needle
Non-rusty objects Gold-ring, pencil, clay, glass, sink, plastic
Factors which cause rusting Reaction of iron with oxygen and water
Coating with oil or grease
Ways to prevent rusting

Year 5
3 Heat

- The Sun is our main source of heat. The temperature of an object is a

measurement of its degree of hotness or coldness.

- Matter expands when heated and matter contract when cooled.

4 States of Matter

Properties Solid Liquid Gas

Has mass / / /
Has a fixed volume / / X
Occupies space / / /
Has a fixed shape / X X
Can be compressed X X /
Marble, chalk, Shampoo, glue,
Oxygen, nitrogen,
Examples wooden block, ice tomato sauce,
hydrogen, air
cube water, oil, milk

Change of state of water

Melting Solid  liquid
Boiling Liquid  gas
Evaporation Liquid  gas
Water vapor  liquid
Freezing Liquid  solid

5 Acids and Alkalis

Blue litmus Red litmus Examples

paper paper
Acidic Fizzy drink, vinegar,
Turn to red Unchanged Sour
grapes, orange
Alkaline Detergent, shampoo,
Turn to
Unchanged Bitter baking powder,
Neutral Tasteless, Sugar cane, common
Unchanged Unchanged
sweet, salty salt, mineral water, rice

Year 6

6 Food Preservation

- Food preservation is important because it makes food last longer and its kills
bacteria and fungi.
- Bacteria and fungi can easily grow in damp and warm conditions.
- We can preserve food by killing the bacteria and fungi.

Preservation process Examples

Drying Fish, prawns, cuttlefish, fruits
Cooling Vegetables, fruits, eggs, cake
Vacuum packing Nuts, crackers, powdered mik
Pickling Fruits, vegetables, chillies
Freezing Chicken, meat, prawns, cuttlefish
Canning Meat, curry, red beans
Pasteuring Ice cream, juices, milk

7 Waste management

Ways of Disposing Waste

Proper Improper
Reuse or recycle Littering
Bury waste that can decay in soil Open burning
Dispose of waste in the right place Release of waste into the rivers
Treat waste before disposing of into the darin Release of smoke into waste


 Complete the boxes and statements with their details.

Year 4
1 The Earth and the Universe:

 Match the objects for their details.

The Sun Rock or metal that orbit around the Sun

Planets A star in the centre of the Solar System
Natural satellites Rock and metal which lie between the orbits of
Mars and Jupiter
Comets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus, Neptune, Pluto
Meteors Ice and dust that orbit around the Sun
Asteroids The moon around the planets

2 Day and night

- The Earth rotates on its own axis from west to east.

- Its cause the day and night to the Earth.
- The earth also moving around the Sun
Year 5

3 Constellations
- A group of stars which form a certain shapes.
- Four main types of constellations are:_big dipper, orion, southern cross, scorpio

4 Phases of Moon

New Moon  New crescent  New half-Moon  New gibbous  Full Moon  Old
gibbous  Old half-Moon  Old crescent

Year 6
5 Eclipse

Eclipse of the Sun Eclipse of the Moon

- Caused by the Moon revolving around the Earth. The Earth and Moon also
revolve around the Sun.
- Also occurs because light travels in straight lines and light cannot pass
through an opaque object.


 Complete the boxes and statements with their details.

Year 4
1 Technology around us

Devices and Inventions Examples

Communication devices Telephone, satellite, cell phone, internet
Kitchen appliances Rice cooker, oven, electric kettle,
Electronic games and toys Robot, control car, computer game
Building and structures Penang bridge, KLCC tower, condominium
Devices for performing calculations Calculator, computer,

2 Development of technology

Field of Example
Smoke signal  beating drum  carrier pigeion  telegraph
 telephone  cell phone  teleconferencing
Walk  riding animal  bullock  steam poer car  petrol
Land transportation
Water transportation Tree trunk  canoe  raft  sailing ship  cruise
Air transportation Hot air balloon  airship  glider  aeroplene
Agriculture Sticks & animal bones  hoe & rake  plough  tractor
Buildings Cave  hut  wooden house  concrete house 
Bridges Tree trunk  wooden bridge  concrete bridge  concrete
& steel bridge
Year 5

3 Strength and Stability

- Shapes of Objects

Pyramid hemisphere cylinder cube cuboid sphere cone

- The strength of an object depends on the types of material, the shape of the
object and how the object is placed
- The srability of an object depends on base area and the height of an object

Year 6
4 Machines

Simple Machines Examples

Lever Bottle opener, claw hammer, see-saw, pliers, scissors
Pulley Raising or lowering a flag, lifting a heavy object
Wedge Axe, knife, saw, ice pick, needle, arrow
Screw Drill bit, spanner, tap
Gear In bicycle, in a watch
Incline plane The staircase,
Wheel and axle Car spanner, screw driver, pencil sharpener

- A tool with more than one simple machine is called a __________________


Year 4
Excreation – is the process by which waste materials are dischgarged from the
human body(Upsr 2003, 2004)
Defecation – is the process in which faeces is removed from the human body
Reproduction – is a process to produce offspring
Drugs – are substances that can affect the functions of human’s body
Alcohol – is a substance used to make alcoholic drinks
Area – is the size of surface (Upsr 2004)
Length – is the distance between two points
Volume – is the amount of space taken up by the object (Upsr 2007)
Mass – is the amount of matter in an object
Time – is the period between two moments
Natural Material- object originated from plant, animal and trock (Upsr 2007)
Man-made Material object are obtained through chemical processes (Upsr 2001)
Conductor – is a material that conducts electricity or heat
Insulator – is a material that does not conduct electricity or heat
Transparent - materials that allow most of the light to pass through them (Upsr 2001,
Translucent - materials that scatter light and allow some light to pass through them
Opaque - materials that do not allow any light to pass through them
Reusing - use waste materials again for purposes other than its original use
Recycling - process waste materials to produce new ojects
Natural Satellites- are the natural objects which orbit around planets
Asteroids - are small pieces of rocks mixed with metals orbiting the Sun
Comets - are small pieces of ice and dust that orbit round the Sun
Meteoroids - are small pieces of rock or metal floating in outer space
Meterors - are meteroroids which enter the Earth’s atmosphere
Technology - the use of scientific knowledge in practical ways to design devices and

Year 5

Bacteria - are a major group of living microorganisms

Viruses - are the tiniest of the microorganisms
Protozoa - are the biggest microorganisms
Survival of species -
the ability of a species to survive in this world (Upsr 2000)
Dispersal - means scattering or distributing the seeds to other places for
Carnivore - animal only eat other animals
Herbivore - animal only eat plants (Upsr 2008)
Omnivore - the animals eat bothh other animals and plants
Food chain - a relationship between living things
Food Webs - a relationship between all the living things in a habitat
Renewable energy- energy that can be replenished when used up (Upsr 2008)
Non-renewable energy - that energy can’t be replenished when used up
Series Circuits - is a circuit in which the bulbs are arranged one after another in the
same path
Parallel Circuits- is a curcuit in which the bulbs are arranged in two or more branches
Melting - is the process when a solid changes to a liquid
Condensation - is the process when a water vapour changes to water
Evaporation - is the process when a liquid changes to gas
Constellations - the arrangements of a group of stars with certain shapes or
Phases of the Moon- are the different shapes of the Moon that can be seen from the Earth

Year 6

Competition - occurs when two or more living things have the same needs that are
Preservation – to maintain the condition of habitats so that living things can live
naturally (Upsr 2006)
Conservation - to care for something by improving it towards its original state to avoid
Extinction - occurs when all the animals or plants of that species die
Endangered - animals or plants are facing the threat of becoming extinct
Friction - is a force that opposes the movement of an object
Food preservation- makes food last longer by delaying it from becoming bad
Machines - are tools that help us to do most of our work
Simple machines- is a device that allows us to use less force to make it easier and faster
for us
Complex machines- is a tool with more than one simple machine to work

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