Nanocomposites and Nanotubes: 11th Annual Conference

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11th Annual Conference

and Nanotubes
Wednesday 6 and Thursday 7 April 2011 – Brussels, Belgium

The international forum for professionals in polymer research and applications

SAVE €200
Register your place
before Friday 4th
February 2011*

Featuring: Platinum sponsor

Dr Leonid Ponomarenko Dr Ivica Kolaric
Condensed Matter Physics Group Head of Process Engineering Functional
The University of Manchester Materials Department
Professor Thomas Pinnavaia
Department of Chemistry and Center Tie Lan
for Fundamental Materials Research General Manager
Michigan State University Nanocor
11th Annual Conference

and Nanotubes Register online at:
Conference enqu

6-7 April 2011– Brussels, Belgium

Nano-scale technologies promise radical changes for business Day One – Wednesday 6 April
and society. For plastics manufacturers this means the potential
to make lighter, cheaper and better performing components 09.00 Registration and refreshments
– the challenge for the plastics industry is to turn this vision into
reality. 09.30 Chair’s opening remarks
Chris Smith, Editor, European Plastics News
The 11th Annual Nanocomposites and Nanotubes
09.45 Introduction and overview
Conference will focus on research and development in all • Current impact and use of nanotechnology in the polymer sector
nano-particles, polymer processing and application, as well as • Innovation capabilities and future outlook
market direction, growth and potential for commercialisation. Dr Steffi Friedrichs, Director, Nanotechnology Industries Association
Expert speakers from across the supply chain will keep you
10.05 The business case for using and benefitting from nanocarbons
up to speed with the latest developments and opportunities • Key success factors, opportunities, risks and challenges
including: • Legal aspects
• Technical opportunities and issues
l The reality of the timetable to commercialisation • Attitudes towards nanocarbons across the value chain
l Bridging the gap between research and application Ivica Kolaric, Head of Process Engineering Functional Materials
l Toxicity, global regulation and the impact on your business Department, Fraunhofer
l Graphene and the properties it may bring to the sector
10.25 Panel discussion: sector funding and investment
Attend this conference to keep up to speed with polymer • Is this an area for investment?
materials science, and to gain the knowledge that enables • Advancing to commercial implementation
you to make informed decisions. Discuss setbacks, challenges, • Competition strategy
successes and future thinking with peers in a wide range of Delegates have the opportunity to ask questions and share
functions. Leave with contacts from across the polymer sector experience with the session speakers.
that will help you grow your business.
10.45 Tea and coffee

Benefits of attending 11.15 Using carbon nanotubes

• Latest developments in carbon nanotubes
l Evaluate tangible opportunities for sector development and • Making progress – bridging potential and real applications
growth, look at realistic timescales, recognise true prospects – • Achieving and enhancing desired properties of carbon nanotubes
where to invest, what is possible and what is profitable in polymers
Roberto Mongiovi, Global Sales and Marketing Manager
l Examine sector business strategies, identify factors contributing Thermoplastics, Nanocyl
to gains, challenges and risks
11.35 The effect of carbon nanotubes on the properties of non-halogen
l Listen to others’ experience of taking nano-polymer materials
flame retardant thermoplastic polyurethanes
through research and development to application stage, translate • Influence of carbon nanotubes on flame properties and rheology
learning to your own field of expertise • Studying structure properties with respect to the type and amount
l Learn from expert assessments on toxicology issues, gain crucial of additives
updates on global regulation of nano materials Nico Rems, Project Manager, Lubrizol
l Hear from Manchester University on the discovery of graphene, 11.55 Joint question and discussion session
new developments and potential uses
12.15 Lunch
l Participate in interactive panel discussions with speakers and
your peers across the supply chain 13.30 Compatibilisation of carbon nanotubes with thermoplastic
l Consolidate existing business relationships and create new ones matrices
• A non-covalent functionalisation method for carbon nanotubes
• Polymer side chains – compatibilisation with a specific matrix
Who should attend • Extending a technology platform from thermoset to thermoplastic
matrices and evaluation using a melt compounding process
Professionals from across the polymer supply chain with an interest • Rheology and electrical properties of the nanocomposites,
in nanocomposites, nanotubes and their applications including: assessment of compatibility between filler and matrix
l Chief Executive Officers, Presidents and Company Directors Dr Jill Kunzelman, Senior Research Engineer, PolyOne Corporation
and Dr Weijun Wang, Staff Scientist – Polymers and Nano-Materials
l Business Development and Commercial Managers Zyvex Technologies
l Research and Development Managers
14.10 Nanotubes and graphene as reinforcing fillers in polymer based
l Materials Development Managers composites: maximising reinforcement and minimising cost
l Application Design and Development Engineers • Effect of carbon nanotubes on the mechanical properties of fibre-
l Process Design and Development Managers reinforced composites; the role of nanotube content and orientation
• Making very strong composite fibres by reducing fibre diameter;
l Product and Project Managers
the relative roles of nanotube orientation and defects
l Quality Assurance Managers • Tough composites, adding nanotubes and graphene to elastomers
l Nanotechnology Policy Makers, Analysts, Working Groups and • Reinforcement of thermoplastics with graphene; problems and
Committees solutions
Prof. Jonathan Coleman, School of Physics, Trinity College Dublin

Forthcoming events 2011 14.30 Using nanocomposites as flame retardants under industrial
conditions: commercial success and what remains unsolved
l Plastics in Medical Devices North America 11-13 April – Ohio, USA • Understanding nanocomposites and unsolved problems
• Fulfilling more severe fire tests including the Construction Product
l Product Design and Innovation – 18-19 May – London, UK
Directive for Europe
l Food Contact Plastics – 7-8 June – Brussels, Belgium • Cost saving through the use of nanotechnology for cables
For a full list of forthcoming conferences and events please visit • Examining the synergistic effect of carbon nanotubes and
our website: organoclays forming a perfect flame retardant system
Gunter Beyer, Lab Manager, Kabelwerk Eupen
Sponsorship and exhibition opportunities 14.50 Question and discussion session
Levent Tounjer, Tel: +44 (0)20 8253 9623, Email: [email protected] 15.10 Tea and coffee
uiries: Tel: +44 (0)20 8253 9621 Email: [email protected]
15.40 Five case study examples: application of nanotube containing 10.50 Tea and coffee
Analysis of five prototypes including how they were obtained, 11.20 A focus on graphene: new devices and prospects for
problems and solutions, functionalisation and surface treatments: applications
– Ropes and sling • Properties of flourographene
– Deformation sensors for automotive applications • Graphene for transparent conducting coating
– Flame retarded sandwich panels for rail and aerospace • Graphene devices - quantum dot based transistor, strain gauge
– Domotic floor tiles based on graphene, quantum capacitance in graphene
– Refractory bricks Dr Leonid Ponomarenko, Condensed Matter Physics Group, The
Ignacio Buezas Sierra, Researcher, Aimplas University of Manchester*
16.00 Carbon nanotubes: from kayaks to windpower blades *Dr Ponomarenko works closely with nobel laureates Dr Andre Geim and
Dr Konstantin Novoselov, who discovered Graphene in 2004.
• The manufacturing process, differences in production techniques
• Advantages in kayaks and other case study examples
• Qualification process and the commercialisation road map: using 11.50 Questions and discussion session
leisure applications as a model and overcoming barriers to entry in • Latest developments in graphene particles and nanocomposites
more high tech sectors. • Unique selling points of graphene - what interesting properties and
• Recent patents, new developments and disclosures in some areas innovative solutions will be brought to the polymer sector?
of interest, case study results from industry research and development • A comparison of graphene and other carbon nanomaterials
Joachim Karthauser, Technical Director, Re-Turn AS • Manufacturing grade size, preparation and dispersion
12.00 Synthesis of talc-like filler with covalently bonded organic
16.20 Panel discussion: on the development of nanopolymer modifiers as novel additive for polymer nanocomposites
applications, commercial opportunities and challenges, • Formation of exfoliated nanocomposites
lessons learnt and moving forward • Increase in resistance to thermal oxidation and photooxidation
• The qualification process • A synthesis process easily tunable to modify structure
• Scaling up, cost, volume, evolution, applications and process • Towards a new class of functional polymer additives – dispersability
• Overcoming key barriers without leaching
Delegates have the opportunity to ask questions and share Sergio Bocchini, Department of Materials Science and Chemical
experience with the session speakers. Engineering, Politecnico di Torino
12.20 Attributes of mesoporous silicas as polymer additives
16.40 Chair’s concluding remarks
• Improving strength and modulus at low loadings
• Reducing the amount of polymer needed to produce a part
17.00 – 18.00
• Improving flame retardance
End of day networking drinks reception
• Reducing cycle times for both thermosets and thermoplastics
An opportunity for all conference attendees to share success stories and
• Eliminating the need for organic surface modification, allowing for
current challenges, in a relaxed and informal networking environment.
facile regrind and recycle
Professor Thomas Pinnavaia, Department of Chemistry and Center
for Fundamental Materials Research, Michigan State University
Day Two – Thursday 7 April
12.40 Joint question and discussion session
08.15 Refreshments
13.00 Lunch
08.45 Chair’s opening remarks
14.15 Hierarchical composites based on renewable materials –
Toxicity and Global Regulation current developments and future prospective
• Techniques to produce ‘hairy’ natural fibres – growing
09.00 Pulmonary toxicity of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT)
bacterial cellulose in situ and coating natural fibres with
Studying inflammation, fibrosis and mutagenic effects
cellulose nano-fibrils
The mechanisms of toxicity
• Aligning and distributing cellulose nano fibrils and crystals in
• Results of exposure to SWCNT, with other pathogenic influences
renewable matrices via melt-spinning
• Review of current protective measures and their sufficiency in
• The production and characterisation of hierarchical all-PLA and
occupational settings
bacterial cellulose nanocomposites
Anna Shvedova, Health Effects Laboratory Division, National Institute
Dr Jonny Blaker, Polymer and Composites Engineering Group,
for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London
09.25 The nanocomposite lifecycle
14.35 New technology advances for nanoclay modified plastics
• Substantiation of low risk from various nanocomposites: release of
• Commercialisation journey for new technology and products
micron-size hybrids, low hazard of inhalable fractions
• Regulatory consideration and current status
• A comparison of:
• Applications contributing to ecological benefit
– normal use versus do-it-yourself versus weathering
• Challenges and opportunities
– Carbon nanotubes versus nanoparticle fillers
Dr Tie Lan, General Manager, Nanocor
– Polymer versus inorganic matrices
• Results of the first in-vivo study of the human hazard emerging from
degradation of nanocomposites 14.55 Panel discussion: what further research is required in this
Dr Wendel Wohlleben, Polymer Physics Research and Nano Team sector? Where are the knowledge gaps? What do we need to
BASF SE move forward?
• Functionalisation and multifunctional polymers
09.50 Progress in regulation • Delivering special properties
• An analysis of the current legislative situation • Reinforcement
• A clear route-map for upcoming legislation worldwide • Enhancing electrical, thermal and mechanical properties
• Setting limitations in application • Long-term durability versus deterioration
• Reducing consumer fears • A more diverse array of particles and possibilities
• REACH status and the European White Paper • Compatibilisation, disentanglement and dispersion techniques
Anna Gergely, Director, EHS Regulatory, Steptoe and Johnson LLP Delegates have the opportunity to ask questions and share
experience with the session speakers.
10.30 Panel discussion: what does this sector think about
developments in understanding toxicity and in regulation? 15.15 Chair’s concluding remarks and close of conference
• What is holding us back?
• What challenges and risks does regulation pose for businesses?
• What solutions are yet to be found and how will we find them?
Delegates have the opportunity to ask questions and share
experience with the session speakers. Crain Communications / European Plastics News reserves the right to cancel
or alter the programme at any time
11th Annual Conference
How to register
Nanocomposites Please check the website for conference
programme updates
and Nanotubes Wednesday 6 and Thursday 7 April 2011 – Brussels, Belgium Tel: +44 (0) 20 8253 9621
Fax: +44 (0) 20 8253 9652
Register online at Email: [email protected]
Post: Crain Communications Limited
4th Floor, Carolyn House,
22-26 Dingwall Road
Croydon, Surrey CR0 9XF, UK

Le Meridien Brussels, Carrefour de l’Europe3,
Brussels, Belgium

Accommodation is not included in the
registration fee. A limited number of bedrooms
at a discounted rate of €229 B&B per night
have been arranged for delegates at the
hotel in Brussels. To book your room, please
Delegate details Please photocopy this form to register further delegates. contact [email protected] quoting
Nanocomposites Conference. All bookings will
The fastest and easiest way to secure your place is online at require a credit card.

Alternatively return this form by email. Please use BLOCK CAPITALS and complete in full Delegate Rates
Title (Dr/Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms) ................................... First name .................................................................................................................. Please register delegate(s) for the
Early Bird rate for all bookings received before
Surname .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Friday 4 February 2011 of €949 + applicable
Company name ................................................................................. Job Title ............................................................................................... VAT* per delegate.

Department ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Please register delegate(s) for the

Normal rate for all bookings received after
Address . ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Friday 4 February 2011 of €1,149 + applicable
VAT* per delegate.

* VAT will be charged at 21% Belgian VAT

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Email ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ [email protected] for further
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Payment Please note that payment must be received one week before the conference Please note
The conference fee covers entrance to all sessions, conference
documentation and available papers, refreshment breaks, lunch
Early Bird rate for all bookings received before Friday 4 February 2011 of €949 + and networking drinks reception on Wednesday 7 April 2011.
applicable VAT* per delegate. Hotel accommodation is not included.
Booking conditions
Normal rate for all bookings received after Friday 4 February 2011 of €1,149 + A confirmation email will be sent to you on receipt of your
applicable VAT* per delegate. booking. Payment must be received one week before the
conference. Registrations made less than two weeks before
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Expiry date / Valid from (if applicable) / Important notice – Bookings received less than two weeks
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