PI Manual Logger 2014 R3 Data Collector Guide
PI Manual Logger 2014 R3 Data Collector Guide
PI Manual Logger 2014 R3 Data Collector Guide
• HTML5 browser
A web browser that is compliant with the HTML5 internet markup language. A mobile
device running such a browser is compatible with PI Manual Logger Web 2014.
• MobilePC
PI Manual Logger PC installed on a mobile computer (laptop, tablet PC) with the ability to
run in a disconnected mode from your network including PI Data Archive.
• Queued data
By design, PI Data Archive rejects future data, thus preventing PI Manual Logger from
sending recorded data with timestamps in the future. Instead, the application saves the data
in a queued state, which can be sent to PI Data Archive when the timestamps become
• Tag group
Associate tags within a tour by placing them into a tag group. The tag group can be a piece
of physical equipment or a set of measurements for a process that are usually measured
• Tour
A list of PI tags grouped together in order to facilitate data collection.
• Tour run
A set of values, statuses, comments, and associated timestamps taken for tags in a tour.
PC data entry
You can set up a PC as a data entry station using PI Manual Logger's built-in data entry screens.
You can also use the data entry screens for review. Lab data and plant log sheet data entries
are typically handled in this way.
Data transfer
PI Manual Logger supports both wired and wireless data transfer between devices and the PI
Manual Logger SQL database.
• Manual transfer
You can use Mobile Devices > Device Data Transfer. Refer to Manual data transfer for more
• Automatic transfer
You can use the PI Manual Logger AutoSync utility.
• Check any queued future data in the PI Manual Logger database and send this data to the
target PI Data Archive when the queued time passes.
• Update the cached tag values in the PI Manual Logger database from PI Data Archive.
• Update the cached tag attributes and digital states in the PI Manual Logger database from PI
Data Archive.
1. Select Start > All Programs > PI System > PI Manual Logger > PI Manual Logger.
2. In the Please Log in window, enter the PI Manual Logger username and password you have
been given by your administrator.
The password to log in to the PI Manual Logger client is case-sensitive.
3. Click OK. The PI Manual Logger window opens.
Getting Started
Status bar
The status bar at the bottom of the main window shows the current PI Manual Logger user,
current SQL Server database, the current connected PI Data Archive, any status messages, and
the current version of the main PI Manual Logger application.
Whenever the Getting Started window is closed, you can click the information on the status bar
to change settings or review version information.
• Click beside the logged in user icon ( ) to switch user and to change your password.
• Click the database icon ( ) to open the Database Connection Setup window (if you are a
member of an administrative user group).
• Click PI Manual Logger 2014 to open the About PI Manual Logger window.
Menu bar
When the Getting Started window is closed, you can access the following menus. Some features
are unavailable if you are not a member of an administrative user group.
Menu Description
PIML Enables you to manage the user database, view the message log, maintain cached PI
data, change your user password, switch users, manage work requests, and exit the
Tours Enables you to create and manage tours and tour runs; import tour configurations, tour
runs, and tour data; and enter data.
Menu Description
Mobile Devices Enables you to initialize data transfers between mobile devices and the host (PC or
server), configure the way mobile devices synchronize, initialize device databases, and
download the user database from PI Manual Logger to a mobile device.
Tools Enables you to set up user preferences and perform administrative tasks, such as
change PI Data Archive, change the SQL Server database, and set global options.
MobilePC Enables you to specify the Central SQL Server and test the connection, select offline
transfer options to a mobile device, and to conduct tour runs while not connected to PI
Data Archive.
Window Enables you to select a PI Manual Logger window in which to work, if more than one
window is open.
Help Enables you to access the PI Manual Logger help system and view system information.
Menu shortcuts
The following tables describe the options on the shortcut menus that appear when you click
items on the main menu.
1. Select Tools > User Options.
2. On the General tab, select the Display Getting Started Window on start up check box if you
want the Getting Started window to be displayed each time you start PI Manual Logger.
3. On the Trending Options tab, enter your default time range for all trending displays in the
Default trending time range field and select whether the range should be in Hours or Days.
You can adjust the trend time range for an individual trend with the pop-up menu of
that trend. See Trending for details on how to adjust the display time range for an
existing trend.
4. On the Digital States tab, specify the order in which you want digital states to be displayed
in the Tag Value drop-down list in the Tour Run Data Entry Form tab:
◦ To sort by State Code, select Sort by State Code.
◦ To sort in ascending order, select Sort by State Name (A to Z).
◦ To sort in descending order, select Sort by State Name (Z to A).
Search Options
The Search Options pane enables you to enter search criteria to locate the tours you want to
work with. You can click to toggle the Search Options pane on and off.
• In Tour List Options, administrative users can choose to display only the tours assigned to
them, or all tours in the database.
• In Show Runs, you can decide to display all runs, only unarchived tour runs, or incomplete
tour runs.
Tour List
The Tour List pane enables you to select the tour on which to perform a tour run. The tour list
displays only those tours for which you have at least Data Entry permission. If you are a PI
Manual Logger administrator user, you can select all tours.
The default sort order is by tour modification timestamp. To change the sort order, click a
column header.
The default sort order is by tour run timestamp. To change the sort order, click a column
Select a tour
Select a tour so you can create a new tour run, as well as review and approve existing tour run
1. To select a tour, choose from the following actions:
◦ Select Tours > Tour Run List (Manual Data Entry and Review).
◦ Select PIML > Getting Started Window > Manage Tour Runs/Enter Manual Data.
◦ Press F6.
2. Optional. In the Search Options pane of the Select a Tour Run window, select a Show Runs
option and click .
The tour runs associated with the selected tour are displayed in the Tour Run List pane.
4. Choose from the following actions.
To ... Do this ...
Create a new tour run Click .
Modify or add values to a tour run Double-click a tour run in the list, or select a tour
run and click .
1. Select the tour you want to work with in the Tour List pane of the Select a Tour Run window.
2. Click .
3. In the New Tour Run window, choose from the following actions to establish a timestamp:
To ... Do this ...
Advance the Time Stamp value by 1 hour Click until the time you want is displayed.
Decrease the Time Stamp value by 1 hour Click until the time you want is displayed.
The Data Entry window for the selected tour opens, with the first tag name to be collected
on the Data Entry Form tab.
The timestamp you selected is displayed in the Tour Run Time Stamp field in the Tour
Run Info pane.
By default, the Data Entry window displays three panes on either side of the data entry tabs.
You can also display a Message Logs pane below the data entry area. For more information,
see View and edit a tour run message log.
Tag Info
By default, the Tag Info pane displays the tag attributes for the currently selected tag name.
You can see previous values for the tag in the Previous Values tab, and any added tag events in
the Added Values tab. For more information, see Review previous tag values and Review
additional tag values.
Tag List
By default, the Tag List pane displays the tag names in the tour run organized into tag groups.
You can also see just the tag names organized in a sequence in the List View tab. For more
information, see Review tag list details.
1. Verify that the Tour Name and Tour Description read-only fields display the tour run for
which you want to enter tag values.
2. Optional. The Workstation or Device ID field displays the PC or Mobile Device identifier that
was originally used to collect the data. If you are reviewing or modifying tour run data and
want to change the ID to the machine you are currently using, click Lookup.
3. If you are reviewing or approving tour run data, verify that the User Name read-only field
displays the login name of the user whose tour run data you are reviewing/approving.
4. Optional. The Tour Run Time Stamp field displays the PI Time used when the tour run was
defined. If you have tour timestamp edit permissions, you can click to change the
1. Review any instructions that may be displayed in Operator Instructions.
2. In the Tag Value field, choose one of the following methods to enter or edit a valid tag value.
To ... Do this ...
Enter a value Type a tag value. Refer to the attributes
displayed in the Tag Info tab to ensure you type a
valid entry. For example, check the data entry
format and the validation limit values.
Enter a digital state (if configured) Select a digital state from the drop-down list.
Enter a previous value a. In the Tag Info pane, click the Previous
Values tab.
b. In the Previous Values list, right-click a
previously collected tag event.
c. From the menu, choose:
▪ Use Selected Value to select the value
▪ Use Selected Comment and Value to
select both the value and the comment.
◦ In the Tag List pane, is displayed if the limit violation is rejected. You need to locate
the tag and enter an acceptable value.
3. In the Value Comments field, choose one of the following methods to enter or edit a
To ... Do this ...
Enter text Type a comment of up to 4,000 alphanumeric
Enter text from a predefined comment template a. Click .
b. In the Comment/Log Entry window, type a
comment of up to 4,000 alphanumeric
characters in the Please enter text pane. You
can also select predefined text. For more
information, see Enter text from a predefined
comment/log template.
Enter text from a previously entered tag event a. In the Tag Info pane, select a previous value
in the Previous Values tab.
b. Right-click and select Use Selected Comment
or Use Selected Comment and Value.
4. The Tag Timestamp field displays a valid absolute PI time. If the tour was configured to
allow editing of a timestamp, to set it to the current time, click . If you leave the field
blank, the tour run timestamp is used when you close the data entry form or click .
You cannot use the * character in this context to denote the current time.
5. Optional. Choose from the following actions.
View signatures for the tag Click or move your mouse over the icon.
If a trigger action has been configured that
requires a signature on a mobile device,
this icon is displayed when the tag value
has been signed. This occurs after the tour
run data has been transferred to the PI
Manual Logger database.
7. Continue entering tag values and comments until you complete the last tag in the tour run.
8. Choose from the following options.
You must have write access to PI Data
Archive and archive permissions for the
1. In the Data Entry window, click the Data Entry Sheet tab.
2. In the Value field, choose one of the following methods to enter or edit a valid tag value.
To ... Do this ...
Enter a value Type a tag value. Refer to the attributes
displayed in the Tag Info tab to ensure you type a
valid entry. For example, check the data entry
format and the validation limit values.
Edit a value ◦ Select a row (or press Enter until the row to
be edited is highlighted).
◦ Click the cell that needs to be changed.
◦ Enter a new value.
Enter a previous value a. In the Tag Info pane, click the Previous
Values tab.
b. In the Previous Values list, right-click a
previously collected tag event.
c. From the menu, choose:
▪ Use Selected Value to select the value
▪ Use Selected Comment and Value to
select both the value and the comment.
◦ In the Tag List pane, is displayed if the limit violation is rejected. You need to locate
the tag and enter an acceptable value.
3. In the Comment field, either type a comment or use a comment from a previously entered
tag event, as follows:
a. In the Tag Info pane, select a previous value in the Previous Values tab.
b. Right-click and select Use Selected Comment or Use Selected Comment and Value.
4. Optional. Choose from the following actions.
To ... Do this ...
Add another value a. Right-click a tag value and select Add
Another Value. The row is cleared and a
timestamp for the current time is displayed.
The original tag event is entered on the
Added Values tab in the Tag Info pane. For
more information, see Review additional tag
b. In the Value field, type a new value.
Alternatively, to enter a digital state, right-
click and choose a state from the Set Status
drop-down list.
c. In the Comment field, type a new comment.
5. To enter a tag value for a different tag, click in another row or use the arrow keys on your
keyboard. Alternatively, click one of the following icons to move to another row.
To ... Do this ...
Move to the next tag Choose from these actions:
◦ Click .
◦ Press Enter.
◦ Double-click in the Current position box,
enter the next number in the sequence and
press Enter.
Move to the previous tag Click , or double-click in the Current position
box, enter the previous number in the sequence,
and press Enter.
Move to the first tag Click , or double-click in the Current position
box, enter 1, and press Enter.
Move to the last tag Click or double-click in the Current position
box, enter the last number in the sequence, and
press Enter.
6. Continue entering tag values and comments until you complete the last tag in the tour run.
7. Choose from the following options.
To ... Do this ...
Submit the completed tour run for supervisor's Click .
This icon is enabled when the Manual data
must be submitted for approval tour
option is set to True.
You must have write access to PI Data
Archive and archive permissions for the
1. In the Tag List pane, select a tag group.
The Tag Group tab is displayed in the Data Entry window.
2. To enter a tag group status, choose one of the following methods:
◦ In the Tag Group tab, select a status from the Set Tag Group Status drop-down list.
◦ In the Tag List pane, right-click a tag group and select Set Status. Then, select a status
from the drop-down list.
3. In the Comment field, choose one of the following methods to enter or edit a comment.
To ... Do this ...
Enter text Type a comment of up to 4,000 alphanumeric
Enter text from a predefined comment template a. Click .
b. In the Comment/Log Entry window, type a
comment of up to 4,000 alphanumeric
characters in the Please enter text pane. You
can also select predefined text from a
comment template, as described in Enter text
from a predefined comment/log template.
1. In the Comment/Log Entry window, click .
The window is refreshed with a Template Names and a Template Entries pane.
2. In the Template Names pane, select a template.
The Template Entries pane is refreshed with the contents of the selected template.
3. In the Template Entries pane, double-click a predefined text entry to add it to any text
already entered in the Please enter text or Please enter your log pane.
The tag or tag group has data that violates its limit specifications in which case a
value is rejected and will not be sent to PI.
1. In the Tag List pane, select the Tree View tab (if not already visible).
2. Choose from the following actions.
To ... Do this ...
Review tag group details a. Click on a tag group in the tree.
b. Review the tag group status and comment in
the Tag Group tab of the Data Entry window.
Set digital status for a tag or tag group a. Click on a tag or tag group in the tree.
b. Right-click and select a status from the Set
Status drop-down list.
Turn off/on tag icon descriptions a. Right-click anywhere in the tree.
b. Select View.
c. Deselect/select Tag Icon Descriptions.
Collapse all tree nodes a. Right-click anywhere in the tree.
b. Select Collapse all nodes.
Expand all tree nodes a. Right-click anywhere in the tree.
b. Select Expand all nodes.
3. To view tags only in list format, click the List View tab.
1. In the Tag Info pane of the Data Entry window, click the Added Values tab.
2. Choose from the following actions.
To ... Do this ...
Add or modify a comment a. Right-click the added value and select Add/
Modify Comment.
b. Click OK in the Confirmation Request
c. In the Comment/Log Entry window, type a
comment of up to 4,000 alphanumeric
characters in the Please enter text pane. You
can also select predefined text from a
comment template, as described in Enter text
from a predefined comment/log template.
Delete an added value a. Right-click the added value and select Delete
Added Value.
b. Click OK in the Confirmation Request
1. In the Tag Info pane of the Data Entry window, click the Previous Values tab.
2. Select a value entry from the list.
3. Choose from the following actions.
To ... Do this ...
Use the previous tag value as the current value Right-click and select Use Selected Value.
Use the previous comment entry as the current Right-click and select Use Selected Comment.
value comment
Use the previous tag value and comment as the Right-click and select Use Selected Comment
current value and comment and Value.
Review the trend Right-click and select Show Trend.
Show tag value details Right-click and select Show Details on this value.
For more information, see Show previous tag
Change the search range Right-click and select Search Criteria. For more
information, see Search previous tag values.
View the cached value Right-click and select Show Cached Data. Cached
values are displayed in the Value (Cached)
column and the background color is modified. To
display the database data value again, click
Add or modify a comment a. Right-click the value and select Add
b. In the Comment/Log Entry window, edit an
existing comment or type a comment of up to
4,000 alphanumeric characters in the Please
enter text pane. You can also select
predefined text from a comment template, as
described in Enter text from a predefined
comment/log template.
c. In response to the You are about to make
changes to data in the PI Data Archive. Are
you sure you want to continue? prompt, click
Delete selected value from PI a. Right-click the value and select Delete
Note: Selected Value from PI.
Only possible if a PI Manual Logger b. In response to the You are about to make
administrator user has unchecked the Only changes to data in the PI Data Archive. Are
Admin users can delete data from PI global you sure you want to continue? prompt, click
option. OK.
1. In the Tag Info pane, click the Previous Values tab and select an entry from the list.
2. Right-click and select Show Details on this value.
3. In the Tag Value Details window, right-click an entry in the annotation list to toggle the view
between show details or hide details. You can also copy text annotations to your clipboard.
4. To close the Tag Value Details window, click OK.
1. In the Tag Info pane, click the Previous Values tab and select an entry from the list.
2. Right-click and select Search Criteria.
3. In the Search Previous Values window, the default setting of 25 previous values from PI Data
Archive is displayed. To change criteria, choose from the following actions.
To ... Do this ...
Modify the number of previous values In the Number of previous values field, enter the
number of values you want to view.
The number of values retrieved from PI Data
Archive is always equal to or less than this limit,
even though there may be more values in the
specified Start Time and End Time range.
1. Although the Audit Log content is read-only, you can select it if you wish and copy it to
paste into another application.
In PI Manual Logger trends, you can show annotations and events, and scroll through time
Trending does not include data from unarchived tour runs, including the tour run in
The following features are available on the PI Manual Logger Trending window menu bar:
• Add Trace
Enables you to search and add new PI tags to the trend.
• Revert
Enables you to revert the trend displayed to the initial time range.
• Version
Enables you to view the version information of the PI Trend Library.
Trending options
Users can access the Trending Options tab in Tools > User Options to change the default time
span for trends. See "Specify user preferences" in the PI Manual Logger Data Collector Guide.
1. In the Data Entry window, choose one of the following actions:
◦ In the Data Entry Form tab, click .
◦ In the Tag Info pane, select the Previous Values tab, where you can double-click the mini
trend display, click , or right-click and select Show Trend.
1. In the Select a Tour Run window, select a tour run from the Tour Run List.
2. Click .
3. In the Tour Run History Display window, choose from the following actions on the Detail
View tab:
To ... Do this ...
Move to the next tag event Click .
Move to the previous tag event Click .
Move to the first tag event Click .
Move to the last tag event Click .
If you prefer to see tour run details in a grid, click the Grid View tab.
4. Click Close to return to the Select a Tour Run window.
1. Select a tour run from the Tour Run List pane in the Select a Tour Run window.
2. Click and select Page Setup from the drop-down menu.
3. In the Page Setup window, select the specifications you want. You can change paper size
and source, output orientation, as well as margins.
4. Click OK.
1. To open the Message Logs pane, click and select Message Log.
A sample XML dataset file (Sample PIML Tour Run Dataset.xml) is available in the
PIPC\PimlWindows\Samples folder. However, you must create the PI points used in the
sample before you can import it.
1. Choose from the following actions:
◦ Select Tours > Import Tour Run (Import Manual Data).
◦ In the Select a Tour Run window, click .
2. In the Import tour run data window, perform one of the following actions:
◦ Enter the full path and filename of the import file.
◦ Click to browse for the file.
i. In the Please select a tour run data file window, navigate to the folder where the
import file is located.
ii. If necessary, select a file type (*.xml or *.sdf).
iii. Click Open.
3. In the Import tour run data window, click OK.
The message Tour run import completed successfully is displayed.
4. Click OK.
• Update tour definitions (using on the home page). Tour definition updates
include previous values, historical values, changes to which tags are collected or to tag
limits, and so on.
Otherwise, data collection can be performed entirely offline.
Future events
Future events, where the Data Item timestamp is in the future, are stored in a Queued table.
You can send such event data to PI Data Archive when the server permits:
• Manually from the Queued Data tab in PIML > PI Tags and Digital States
• Automatically via PI Manual Logger Windows Services (if installed).
If PI Data Archive is unavailable and the data is not future data, data is sent to the PI
Manual Logger database, and stored in the Not Queued table. The data can be sent to PI
from either PI Manual Logger PC or resent again from PI Manual Logger Web, using
(or if you are working in the tour run).
Timeout version
If you are using a timeout version of PI Manual Logger and you have exceeded the timeout
date, you can still enter tour run data in PI Manual Logger Web and then send it to the PI
Manual Logger Application Server; however, you cannot send it to PI Data Archive.
Informational messages
Informational messages include information regarding a tour run, such as:
• When it was archived in PI Data Archive
• When it was saved by the PI Manual Logger Application Server
• Total number of data items in the tour run
• Total number of empty data items (items not collected)
• Total number of data items archived
• Total number of errors
Error messages
Error messages are also written to the PI Manual Logger Message Log, which includes errors
such as not having the correct permissions to write to the PI Tag in PI Data Archive.
1. Open a browser on your desktop or mobile device.
2. Enter the following address:
where webserver is the name of the server hosting the PI Manual Logger Web site.
Change languages
The default language in PI Manual Logger Web is English, but you can change it as needed. PI
Manual Logger Web retains your selection until you change it.
1. In the PI Manual Logger Web home page, click or tap .
◦ Chinese
◦ Japanese
1. Choose from the following actions.
To ... Do this ...
Run a new tour from a. Select a tour from the list.
the home page
b. Tap or click .
Enter a URL for a new a. Enter a tour run URL in one of the following formats:
tour run
▪ http://webserver/Piml.Web/#/tourrun?
▪ http://webserver/Piml.Web/#/tourrun?
▪ http://webserver/Piml.Web/#/tourrun?
▪ http://webserver/Piml.Web/#/tourrun?
▪ http://webserver/Piml.Web/#/tours?
▪ http://webserver/Piml.Web/#/tours?
▪ http://webserver/Piml.Web/#/tours?
▪ http://webserver/Piml.Web/#/tours?
Where TourName is the name of the tour.
For example, PIMLServerName/piml.web/#/tourrun?name=Pump
You cannot use the following characters in tour names: < > " ' &
Continue a recent tour Tap or click one of the incomplete tour runs listed in the Recent Tour Runs
run list.
Scan or enter a barcode a. For any tag and/or tag group in the tour with
Note: which a barcode is associated, tap or click
Individual data entry page only. .
Review previous values Expand See historical values and review the tag
history on the individual data entry page.
To expand the row details, click , then review
the previous value along with the tag history in a
trend on the grid page. Trends do not show
historical data for strings and time stamps.
If you enter an invalid value, an error message is displayed and you cannot move to
another tag before you resolve the issue.
4. In the Comment field, you can enter a comment on the tag. This is usually optional, unless a
comment is required after a limit violation has occurred.
If a comment is entered for a tag that has a value, the comment is written to Annotations in
the PI system. The comment is also written to a Comment tag if configured for a tag in Tour
Configuration (in PI Manual Logger PC).
5. When you have completed a tag, choose one of the following actions:
To ... Do this ...
Move to the next tag in the tour ◦ On individual data entry page, tap or click
◦ On grid data entry page, tap or click the Value
field on the next row.
Move to the previous tag in the tour ◦ On individual data entry page, tap or click
◦ On grid data entry page, tap or click the Value
field on the previous row.
The tour run is saved to the local browser storage. If wireless connectivity is available,
the tour run is also sent to the PI Manual Logger Web Application Server.
If the tour run was saved in an offline mode and wireless connectivity is available later,
tap or click to send the tour run to the PI Manual Logger Web Application.
Tour configurations and historical data for all tags in the local browser storage are
To review tour run data before removing from local storage, open the existing tour run,
make any necessary changes, and tap or click .
◦ To discard the new tour run and not save any changes made to an existing tour run, tap
or click .
• If you enter an invalid value for the current tag type, an error message is
displayed. You cannot navigate to any other area until you clear or correct
the value.
Field Description
Limits If defined, limits are displayed under the Value field:
• HiHi(HiHi limit)
• Hi(High limit)
• Lo(Low limit)
• LoLo(LoLo limit)
• Delta(Delta limit)
Previous The previous tag event (value, timestamp, and comment if defined) is
displayed after the Previous label. When you expand See historical values,
the previous tag event is also displayed at the top of the list.
Timestamp The timestamp associated with the current tag event is displayed. Depending
on tour configuration settings, you can change the timestamp. See Change
Comment A comment is optional unless a limit is configured that requires a comment
when violated. If a comment is entered for a tag that has a value, the
comment is written to Annotations in the PI system. The comment is also
written to a Comment tag if configured for a tag in Tour Configuration (in PI
Manual Logger PC).
Historical data Expand See historical values to view historical tag events.
The number of historical tag events displayed for a tag is determined by the
cached number set in Number of PI Tag Values to Cache (per tag) field in PI
Manual Logger PC Tools > Global Options.
Historical tag events (cached events) are updated either manually in PI
Manual Logger PC or automatically, using PI Manual Logger Windows
Attributes Expand See attributes to view attributes associated with the current tag
(such as UOM, Zero, Span, Point Type, or Digital Set).
Only one of the historical data or attributes controls can be expanded at a time. Once
selected, the control remains expanded as you navigate from one tag to the next, unless
you select the control header again to close it.
Character Description
) close parenthesis
Default columns in grid data entry are Name, Description, Value, Previous Value, UOM,
Comment, Timestamp, and Limits. You can also customize the columns and move them to
different positions, as required.
A PI ML administrator can modify the default column settings in the web.config file. For
more information, see the Configure tours (https://livelibrary.osisoft.com/LiveLibrary/
Live Library topic.
The following additional column selections are available.
Column Description
Index Sorts tags in numeric order, in the same order as the tag sequence.
Group Sorts tags in group order, as defined in the tour configuration.
Instructions Displays instructions, if defined. Note that you can also display instructions
by expanding a tag entry.
Limits violated Displays true or false for each tag.
Rejected value Displays true or false for each tag.
To return to the individual data entry page, you click or tap the Switch to individual data entry
Enables you to select how many items to list per page: All, 5, 10, or 20.
• Choose from the following actions.
Filter data items a. Click or tap the column heading you wish to
b. Click or tap .
c. Click or tap Filter.
d. Click or tap your selection criteria.
For alphanumeric data items, such as UOM,
select from:
▪ Is equal to
▪ Is not equal to
▪ Starts with
▪ Contains
▪ Does not contain
▪ Ends with
You can also create an And or Or expression,
as required.
For boolean data items, such as Limits
violated, select from:
▪ is true
▪ is false
To view only specific groups, first show the
Group column and then check the desired
group names from the filtered list.
To view all data items that have limit
violations, show the Limits Violated column
and filter on all rows by selecting is true.
To quickly identify all data items that do not
have values, click the Value column header to
e. Click or tap Filter.
Clear filtered data items a. Click or tap the column heading you have
previously filtered.
b. Click or tap .
c. Click or tap Filter.
d. Click or tap Clear.
Change timestamps
You can change timestamps depending on the Tour Time and Tag Time timestamp
configuration that has been defined for the tour in PI Manual Logger PC. For more information,
refer to "Timestamp tour options" in Live Library (https://livelibrary.osisoft.com) in the PI
Manual Logger Administration Guide.
• To edit a tour timestamp, the Allow Tour timestamp to be edited option must be selected in
the Tour Options > Timestamp tab.
• To edit a tag timestamp, the Allow Tag timestamp to be edited option must be selected in
the Tour Options > Timestamp tab.
1. Beside the timestamp on the individual data entry page, click . In the grid view, click in
the Timestamp field.
A data entry field is displayed.
3. Navigate away from the edit field to apply the new timestamp.
If the tour is configured with the Timestamp Tour Option Default Tag Time to Tour
Timestamp enabled, all tag timestamps are adjusted to the new Tour Run timestamp.
Problem When you start the web application and you receive errors such as DNS could not find
the server and “Webpage not available”, or website-unavailable is displayed, what’s
Resolution Try entering the IP address for the server rather than the server name.
Problem My Apple device is not connecting to the PI ML Web application and prompts several
times for my credentials and appears to be hung. What’s wrong?
Resolution Refer to Troubleshoot Apple devices.
Problem My web browser just shows PI Manual Logger title, Tours menu item, OSI logo, and a
red pop dialog that says “Could not retrieve data.” What’s wrong?
Resolution 1. Verify that your Windows log on account has read/write access to the PI Manual
Logger database, as well as execute permissions on all the stored procedures in the
2. Verify the Web.config file was configured for the correct database.
3. Verify Kerberos Delegation is enabled for double-hop scenarios.
Problem My web browser just shows PI Manual Logger title, Tours menu item, OSI logo, but no
error message. What’s wrong?
Resolution 1. If you are running Internet Explorer, verify you are not running in compatibility
2. Verify JavaScript is enabled in your browser.
3. Verify that PI Manual Logger group and user security permissions are configured
correctly in PI Manual Logger User Management when tour authorization is
Problem When I start up the Web application, the Data Entry page is displayed with no data,
with “#1 of 0 (NaN remaining)” in the upper right section of the gray area, and with
“Limits violated:” in red. What is wrong?
Resolution Clear the browser cache and enter the main URL http://webServer/PIML.Web in
the browser’s Address field where the webServer is the name of the server hosting the
PI Manual Logger Web. For more information on how to clear the cache for a specific
browser, refer to KB01066 (https://techsupport.osisoft.com/Troubleshooting/KB/
Problem On the Data Entry page, I do not see the Previous value below the Value field or any
Historical values.
Resolution You do not have appropriate access to the SQL Server stored procedures in the
database. Refer to "Manual installation of SQL Server stored procedures" in the PI
Manual Logger Administrator Guide.
Problem Values are not being sent to PI Data Archive. What’s wrong?
Resolution Verify PI tags are configured with Windows Security. Refer to "PI Data Archive
security" in the PI Manual Logger Administrator Guide and the PI Data Archive 3.4.390
Security Configuration Guide.
Messages concerning this issue may also appear in the PI Manual Logger
Message Log.
Problem I enabled authorizing tours using the BypassAuth application setting in IIS but still
see no tours. What’s wrong?
Resolution Verify the Windows security users are configured correctly. Refer to "Tour
authorization for Windows user accounts" in the PI Manual Logger Administrator
Additionally, select on the home page to re-download tours to the local
The PIML Web IIS web site defaults to connecting to the database as NETWORK
SERVICE. If you want individual Windows accounts connecting to the database, verify
you have ASP.NET Impersonation enabled for the PIML Web IIS web site. If the SQL
Server instance is on a different server than the IIS host machine, Kerberos Delegation
will need to be enabled. Refer to the PI Data Archive 3.4.390 Security Configuration
Problem All users can see every tour even though they are not authorized. What’s wrong?
Resolution Verify the security is configured correctly in IIS and in PI Manual Logger PC for the
permission groups. Refer to "Configure tour authorization" in the PI Manual Logger
Administrator Guide.
Problem I am receiving the following error message when I attempt to open the web
application in my browser. What’s wrong?
HTTP Error 500.21 - Internal Server Error
Handler "ExtensionlessUrlHandler-Integrated-4.0" has a bad module
"ManagedPipelineHandler" in its module list
1. You should always clear your cache and history before trying these solutions.
a. Close any open Safari tabs.
b. Go to Settings > Safari.
c. Clear History, Cookies, Data, and Cache. These items differ depending upon the version.
2. Perform the following actions.
Option Description
If you are being prompted for credentials twice a. Enter your credentials in domain\username
format if applicable.
b. If the page does not load after the credentials
are entered in correctly, but the dialog to
enter credentials is no longer being
displayed, immediately stop and refresh the
Turn on private browsing a. Close any open Safari tabs.
b. Go to Settings > Safari.
c. Turn on Private Browsing.
d. Clear Cache and History.
If the Web page is prompting more than twice, or Remove Negotiate from IIS providers under
is still not working Windows Authentication.
a. Open Internet Information Services (IIS)
Manager and navigate to the Piml.Web site in
the Connections pane.
b. In the IIS section, double-click
c. In the Authentication window, right-click
Windows Authentication and select
d. In the Providers window, select Negotiate
from the Enabled Providers list.
e. Click Remove and then click OK.
f. In the Connections pane, right-click the
computer name and select Refresh, or select
Stop and then Start to restart IIS.
g. Exit Internet Information Services (IIS)
If all these steps fail, install a different browser on the Apple device, such as Google Chrome.
• Soft Keyboard
• Character, Letter, or Block Recognizer
• Microsoft Transcriber
• Hardware Keyboard (attached or built-in)
In addition, several third-party soft keyboards—large keys and numbers-only keyboards—and
other data entry methods, such as barcode scanners, work well with PI Manual Logger Mobile
• If Barcode, if assigned, must be scanned or manually entered before data entry is allowed
is selected, you must scan a barcode associated with a tag or tag group before you can enter
data for it. The data entry screen is locked until you scan a barcode.
• If Display barcode enter screen before data entry screen is selected for a tour in which a
barcode is associated with every tag, a barcode screen is displayed on your mobile device
for each tag in a tour. The data entry screen for the associated tag is only displayed after
you have scanned a barcode.
• If Use barcode scanning for navigation instead of data entry on data entry screen is
selected for a tour, when you scan a barcode on the device entry screen, PI Manual Logger
navigates to the tag that is associated with that barcode but does not record a value for that
tag (available only on specific Motorola Symbol devices only).
Conditional checking
An operator can disable all conditional checking (Clock Scheduling and CMDE) on a mobile
device in order to collect tour run data without the automatic display of only tags that are due,
and without prompts for collection of empty tags that are still due for collection based upon
Clock Scheduling or CMDE. To do this, an operator should tap the Turn all scheduling off check
box before clicking OK in the Start a new tour run screen.
You start PI Manual Logger Mobile by selecting Start > Programs > PimlMobile.
The login information is the same as the PI Manual Logger user account and password you use
on the desktop.
As with the desktop application, the username is case insensitive and the password is
case sensitive.
After you log in successfully, the Tour List screen opens.
If your device is configured for single-user mode, you are not asked to log in. Instead, the
screen indicates you are in single-user mode.
If you start PI Manual Logger Mobile before the database is initialized, a welcome screen is
displayed on the device. The welcome screen displays instructions on how to initialize the
mobile device for its first use.
After a data transfer is complete, a tour run can remain on the device under the following
• If the Import only completed tour runs option is selected on the Receive Options tab in the
Device Data Transfer Options window, and a tour run has a status of In Progress.
• If the Number of tour runs per tour to retain on the device after transfer value on the Send
Options tab in the Device Data Transfer Options window is greater than zero.
PC Tour List
The PC Tour List pane lists the tours currently available in the PI Manual Logger database. The
following tools are available.
Tool Description
Refresh Refreshes the list.
Tool Description
Logs Opens data transfer logs from the current transfer session.
When you close the Logs window, the transfer logs are not
saved. Auditing information, however, such as send to PI
events, exceptions, and tour changes, is logged by the tour run
audit trail or the message log system and saved in the PI
Manual Logger database.
Filter by Enables you to enter a case-sensitive string to filter the tour list. You
can include a * wildcard, for example Pump* displays only tours
where the name begins with Pump.
Apply Applies the filter to the tour list.
1. Choose one of the following methods of opening the Device Data Transfer Console window.
◦ Select Mobile Devices > Common Tasks > Device Data Transfer.
◦ Select Mobile Devices > Device Data Transfer.
◦ Press F7.
2. In the PC Tour List pane, select the tours you want to transfer.
3. Click .
The tours to be transferred are displayed in the Device Tour List pane. Tours that have not
been downloaded to the device are displayed in the Device Tour List in blue and are
italicized. Tours that already exist on the device are in black and normal font.
4. Click to initiate the transfer.
1. Select Mobile Devices > Mobile Data Transfer Wizard.
2. Click Next.
3. Select a data transfer type and click Next.
◦ Select Windows Mobile Device if you are transferring data between a connected mobile
device and the PI Manual Logger PC through a cradled connection.
◦ Select A Mobile Database file if you are transferring data using a mobile database file.
4. Choose one of the following actions.
Option Description
Windows mobile device a. Click Device Settings and configure your
device settings in the Mobile Device Settings
b. Click Next.
c. If you are using a mobile device for the first
time with PI Manual Logger Mobile, click
Device DB Creation and in the Device
Initialization window, click Start.
Mobile database a. Navigate to the folder where
pimlmobile.sdf is located.
b. Select the file and click Open.
c. If you need to change any device settings,
click Device Settings and modify settings in
the Mobile Device Settings window.
5. Click Next.
6. Click Finish.
The Device Data Transfer Console window opens, where you can specify tours to transfer and
other transfer options.
• In PI Manual Logger Mobile, select a Tour and click File > Delete Tour.
• In Manual Logger PC, an administrative user can reinitialize the mobile device database. See
"Initialize the mobile database" in the PI Manual Logger Administrator Guide.
After you reinitialize the database, you can transfer new tour definitions to the device.
• Copy the database file (pimlmobile.sdf) to a host system and use Mobile Devices >
Device Data Transfer on the host system to synchronize data back to the central PI Manual
Logger database. In the Device Tour List pane, you select which database to use for the
• Install and configure PI Manual Logger Web Services on the mobile PC, and then transfer
data back to the host system and directly to PI Data Archive, if configured to do so. You use
the transfer icon ( ) on the PI Manual Logger Mobile main toolbar.
1. Click File > Retrieve New Tours from Host.
2. In the Tour List from Host screen, choose one of the following actions to retrieve a tour list:
◦ To retrieve a complete tour list from the host, leave the Filter text box empty and click
◦ To retrieve a filtered tour list, enter a simple search term in the Filter text box and click
This action searches tour names and descriptions. For example, enter the term pump to
retrieve all tours where the term pump appears in either the Tour Name or Tour
Description, without regard to case.
You can expand column headers by selecting the column header separator and
dragging to increase or decrease the width of the column.
3. To download new tour definitions to the device, select the check box beside each tour name
you want and click Download.
◦ A green row without a check mark indicates a tour that resides solely on the host.
◦ A blue row with a check mark indicates a tour that presently resides on the host but is
selected for download to the device.
◦ A black row with a check mark indicates a tour that currently resides on the device.
• To download new tour definitions from the PI Manual Logger host, you click File > Retrieve
New Tours from Host.
• To initiate bi-directional transfer from the mobile device, you tap .
After you confirm your action, the device sends your collected data to the host, and
downloads any updated tour definitions, global options, and/or user database changes.
• To send collected data from the mobile device to the server only, you click File > Send Data
to Host.
• To update existing tours from the PI Manual Logger host, you click File > Update Data from
PI Manual Logger Mobile erases all existing tour run data during the Update Data from
Host step. If there is previously collected data on the mobile device that has not yet been
sent to the PI Manual Logger desktop database or to PI Data Archive directly, it is erased
if you tap Yes.
To transfer collected data prior to re-initializing your mobile's database, you should tap
No and use the Send Data to Host feature.
The Tour List screen is organized in a tree view. The top node in the tree view represents the
tour name. Each sub-node in the tree view represents a tour run and shows both the
timestamp of the tour run and the ID of the user who created it.
Main toolbar
The following PI Manual Logger Mobile main toolbar items are available.
Tool Description
Initiates a bidirectional wireless data transfer between the server and the
• Any collected manual data is sent to the host PI Manual Logger web
• Updated tour definitions and cached tag attributes are downloaded onto
the device.
Enables you to view, modify, and add log entries.
Cleans up the mobile database by erasing all tour run data on the device.
Enables you to view or change the current user account by opening the login
The current user cannot be changed if Single User Mode is displayed.
The Tour and Tour Run toolbar items are described in the following table.
Tool Description
Creates a new tour run for the selected tour.
Deletes the selected tour run data. You must have Full Access permission to
use this tool.
File menu
You use the PI Manual Logger Mobile File menu to execute the following commands:
Starts a new tour run for the tour you have selected in the tour list. You can also tap .
The user ID defaults to the login name, and the tour's timestamp defaults to however it was
configured in the tour options: it could be to the nearest hour or the current time.
• Edit/Resume run
Edits previously collected data, or resumes a tour run for the tour currently selected in the
tour list. You can also edit or resume a tour run in the tour list itself by positioning the
cursor on a child node and tapping it.
• Delete run
Deletes a selected tour run from the device.
• Retrieve New Tours from Host*
Downloads new tour definitions to the device wirelessly, using PI Manual Logger Web
• Update Data from Host*
Receives updated tours and update cached information wirelessly, using PI Manual Logger
Web Services.
• Send Data to Host*
Sends collected data wirelessly using PI Manual Logger Web Services and (optionally) sends
data to PI Data Archive.
• Delete Tour
Deletes a selected tour from the device. Note that all tour runs must be deleted before you
can delete a tour definition.
• Message Log
Shows the local message log saved on the mobile device. You can also create manual entries,
as described in Create a message log entry.
• Send Log to Server*
Sends the message log stored on the device wirelessly, using PI Manual Logger Web
Services, and clears the log on the local device. You can also create manual entries.
• Switch User
Logs on as a different user or logs off the current user session and keeps PI Manual Logger
running. You must log on again to be able to enter or transfer data if you have logged off.
This feature is not available in Single-User mode.
• Exit
Logs off and exits PI Manual Logger Mobile.
* This menu command only appears if you are connected through PI Manual Logger Web
Tools menu
You use the PI Manual Logger Mobile Tools menu to execute the following commands:
• System Clock
Links to the system clock setting on the mobile device. You use this feature to adjust the
device system clock manually. Note that only users in the PIMLADMINS group can modify
the system clock.
• Sync Date/Time*
Synchronizes the device time and date with the PI Manual Logger Web Service host. This is
useful for restoring the device time after the device power has been drained.
• Device Initialization
Cleans up the mobile database by erasing all tour run data. Tour lists and historical data are
not deleted. Note that only users in the PIMLADMINS group can reinitialize a mobile device.
You cannot recover collected data after deleting it. Verify the collected data is no
longer needed prior to deleting it.
• Global Settings
Changes the mobile database path, temporary data storage path, device ID, and PI Manual
Logger Web Service URL. Note that only users in the PIMLADMINS group can make changes
to the global settings.
• User Options
Changes the tag display, the font size for some fields, and the order in which digital states
appear in the Tag Value field. Note that these options might not take effect until you
advance to the next tag in the tour run.
• Device Status
Show the device's memory, battery, and network connection status. When a wired or
wireless network connection is present, the device displays the correct network IP address
followed by the text Connected.
View menu
You use the PI Manual Logger Mobile View menu to execute the following commands:
Help menu
You use the PI Manual Logger Mobile Help menu to execute the following commands:
• About
Shows the summary of system information regarding the device and a list of running
processes. The displayed system information can be used for troubleshooting and
diagnosing potential problems.
• Contents
If you are editing an existing tour run, the Data Entry screen is displayed.
If barcode scanning has been configured so that you need to scan a tag before you enter
associated data, the Scan barcode screen is displayed.
Scan barcode
Tag menu
You use the PI Manual Logger Mobile Tag menu to execute the following commands:
• Validation Limits
Displays the limit definitions for the current tag.
• Operator Instructions
Displays the operator instructions.
• Show Trend
Displays a simple, static trend.
• Tag Attributes
Displays the Tag Attributes screen.
• Discard and Close
Discards any changes made to the current tour run and exits the Data Entry screen.
• Save and Close
Saves the current tour run and exits the Data Entry screen.
Go menu
You use the PI Manual Logger Mobile Go menu to execute the following commands:
• Go To Next
Goes to the next tag in the sequence.
• Go to Previous
Goes to the previous tag in the sequence.
• Go to First
Goes to the first tag in the sequence.
• Go to Last
Goes to the last tag in the sequence.
You can also use the navigation icons described in PI Manual Logger Mobile Data
Entry screen.
• Go To Next Empty Tag
Opens the Data Entry screen for the next due tag, that is, one for which a value is not yet
entered and is due for collection.
• Scan a Barcode
Opens the Scan barcode screen.
• Add a comment
Opens the Comments screen for the current tag. See Create a comment.
Value menu
You use the PI Manual Logger Mobile Value menu to execute the following commands:
• Use Previous Value
Uses the most recent historical value as the current tag value.
• Use Previous Comment
Uses the most recent historical comment as the comment for the current tag value, if a
comment exists for the most recent tag event.
• Use Previous Value and Comment
Uses the most recent historical value and comment for the current tag, if a comment exists
for the most recent tag event.
• Add Another Value
Enters one or more additional values in the same tour run for the tag. Added values appear
in the History tab and are indicated by the tilde character. This can be useful, when, for
example, you need to make an adjustment while in the field, but want to maintain all values
for the record.
• Set Group Status
Selects a status to apply to all tags within the tag's parent group and any subgroups within
the parent group. This is useful for handling groups of tags quickly.
• Reverse digits
Transposes the digits for the current value. This is useful for meters when the digits have to
be read from right to left. If 1234 is entered and you select this menu item, the entry
becomes 4321.
• Restore/Clear Value
Undoes any editing changes to the Value field and restores the value from the last saved
state, or if there is no previous value, clears the Value field.
• Feet-inch Conversions
Converts data in number.number.number format to feet-inches. The conversion factor is
configured on the Other tab in the Tour Options window in PI Manual Logger PC.
Time menu
You use the PI Manual Logger Mobile Time menu to execute the following commands.
Timestamp settings are configured on the Timestamp tab in the Tour Options window in PI
Manual Logger PC.
• Enter Current Time
Uses the current time as the timestamp for the current tag. This option is enabled when the
timestamp is editable.
• Enter Tour Time
Uses the tour timestamp as the timestamp for the current tag. This option is enabled when
the timestamp is editable.
• Edit Tag Timestamp
Makes the tag timestamp box editable so you can enter a new time in it. Click this menu
option again to toggle between an editable and read-only timestamp.
• Edit Tour Timestamp
Opens a screen to edit the current tour's timestamp. If the tags are configured to default to
the tour timestamp, the timestamps for all the tags reset to the new tour timestamp.
• Restore/Clear Tag Timestamp
Opens a window to undo all timestamp-related editing changes for the current tag, and
restores the timestamp from the last saved state or clears the timestamp box. This option is
enabled when the timestamp is editable.
View menu
You use the PI Manual Logger Mobile View menu to execute the following commands:
• Read Only
Makes the current data entry session read-only. You use this function to review entries and
prevent accidental overwriting or editing. You can choose this menu option again to toggle
between Read-Only mode and Edit mode.
• Options
Opens the Tag Display Options screen, which enables you to change the tag display, font size
for some fields, and the order in which Digital States appear in the Value field. Options are
user-based, so each PI Manual Logger mobile user can adjust settings to suit their individual
tastes. Any changes you make take effect when you navigate to a different tag.
• Device Status
Shows the current device memory usage, battery power, and network connectivity status.
Only limits that are configured for a tag are displayed below the Timestamp field where:
• LL = LoLo Limit
• L = Low Limit
• H = High Limit
• HH = HiHi Limit
• D = Delta Limit
If limits are not configured, then the Zero/Span attribute as defined for the point in PI Data
Archive is displayed.
Navigation tools
Depending on how tour options are configured, the navigation tools in the tour run Data Entry
screen may display:
• Only the tags that are due for collection.
If you need to see a tag that is not due, tap the Group tab, select the tag, and tap Go.
To navigate to the next tag that is due, select Go > Go to Next Empty Tag, or tap .
• All tags, whether they are due or not.
The following navigation tools are available.
Tool Description
Go to the first tag in the sequence.
Go to the previous tag in the sequence.
Go to the next tag in the sequence.
Go to the last tag in the sequence.
Indicates that the entry violates a limit. Tap this icon to display the details
about limit violation.
Indicates that there are operator instructions for this tag. Tap this icon to
display the instructions.
Shows the tag attributes for the current tag.
Indicates that there are comments associated with the current tag. See Create
a comment for details.
Tag tools
Tool Description
Switch to the tag value data entry screen.
Tour tools
Tool Description
View and modify tour comments.
All "due for collection" tags in the group have values entered, even if tags that
are not due for collection exist in the tour.
The group contains tags with limit violations.
When you select a tag group in the list, a toolbar specifically for tag groups is displayed, as
described in the following table.
Icon Description
Sets the status of the group. You can then select the SYSTEM digital state to associate
with all the tags in that group.
The target name and icon displayed in the Set Status screen indicate the current target
for which the status is set. The target can be a tag group ( ) or the whole tour ( ).
Adds a comment to the group. The comment will be associated with all subgroups and
tags within the group.
Icon Description
Refreshes the display.
1. Choose one of the following actions.
◦ To start a new tour run, click .
Skip to step 4.
2. In the Start a new tour run screen, choose from the following Tour Timestamp options. Note
that changing the timestamp is only feasible for a tour run if the Allow Tour timestamp to
be edited tour option is enabled.
To ... Do this ...
Add an hour Tap .
Disable all conditional checking (Clock Tap the Turn all scheduling off check box.
Scheduling and CMDE)
You can now collect tour run data without the
automatic display of only tags that are due, and
without prompts for collection of empty tags that
are still due based on clock scheduling or CMDE.
Some tour scheduling options provide a drop-down list for the Tour Timestamp of
selectable timestamps of tours that have not yet been created.
3. Tap OK to start the new tour run.
4. In the Value field of the Data Entry screen, enter a tag value, or select a pre-configured
digital tag status from the drop-down list.
If a barcode represents the tag's value and not the identification of a tag, you can scan a
value by placing the cursor on the tag value field on the data entry form and scanning in the
Click View > Options to view the Digital States tab to set the display order of the
digital states in the Value field.
5. To process the entry and go to the next due tag, choose one of the following actions.
◦ Tap .
Enter a signature
If a tour is configured with the Signature required for each tour run save (on mobile device)
tour option, you must enter a signature before you can close a tour run.
1. After you save, a signature page opens.
2. Enter your signature in the text entry area.
3. Choose from the following actions.
◦ Tap OK to save the signature and associate it with the current tour run edit event.
◦ Tap to clear the current signature screen and sign again.
After you save the signature image and transfer the tour run to the PI Manual Logger database,
your signature can be viewed later in PI Manual Logger Client in the Tour Run History Display
window. For more information, see View the history of a tour run.
Create a comment
Use a comment to provide extra detail about a tag, a tag group, or an entire tour.
To use predefined comments:
1. Choose one of the following actions.
To ... Do this ...
Create a tag comment On the Data Entry screen, do one of the following:
◦ On the left side of the toolbar, tap .
◦ Tap the Comment tab.
Create a tag group comment a. Tap the Group tab.
b. From the tag tree hierarchy, select the tag
group you want to comment on.
c. Tap at the bottom of the screen.
Create a tour run comment On the Data Entry screen, on the right side of the
toolbar, tap .
The comment tag on the Comment screen shows the target with which the current
comment is associated. The target can be an individual tag listed with the icon, a tag
group with the icon, or the whole tour with the icon.
3. In the Comment Text Entry screen, choose one of the following actions.
To ... Do this ...
Enter a comment manually Tap in the text entry area and type a comment.
Enter a predefined comment a. Tap .
1. Tap the History tab at the bottom of the Data Entry screen.
2. On the Tag History page, choose from the following actions.
The tilde character indicates the values that have been added for a tag on the same
tour run.
◦ To show the detailed historical value and comments for a tag, select the value you want
from the list and tap . Click OK to close the detail screen.
◦ To apply the selected historical comment as the current comment, select the value from
the list and tap , or click Value > Use Previous Comment.
◦ To apply the selected value and comment as the current value and comment, select the
value from the list and tap , or click Value > Use Previous Value and Comment.
1. On the Data Entry screen, tap the Log tab. A screen of previously defined messages is
2. To refresh the log view, tap .
4. On the New Log Entry page, choose one of the following actions.
To ... Do this ...
Enter a message manually Tap in the text entry area and type a message.
Enter a predefined message a. Tap .
1. On the Data Entry screen, tap the Audit tab.
On the Tour Run Audit Info screen, you can review the read-only audit log. It lists the
changes made to a saved tour run:
◦ Tag values
◦ Tag value timestamps
◦ Tour run timestamps
◦ Tag comments
◦ Tour comments
Access to trending
You can display a trend for a tag by tapping Tag > Show Trend.
You can also tap on the Data or History tabs.
Trending information
Be aware of these points about trending:
• If the tag uses a PI point type of Timestamp, it cannot be trended.
• Trending does not include data from the tour run in progress.
• If you do not have enough archived data on your mobile device for trending, a Too few
data to display trend error message is displayed.
• On devices that run Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition and later, you can select Trend >
Rotate to toggle the screen display between portrait and landscape modes.
Offline work
When a Windows mobile PC is disconnected from the network and you are working offline, the
following menu options remain available.
PIML menu
• Transfer tours to the mobile PC from the Central SQL Server database
• Choose transfer options for the mobile PC
• Transfer tour runs from the mobile PC to the Central SQL Server database
The trend control is not available in offline mode.
1. Open PI Manual Logger and verify that you are connected.
When you are connected, Work Disconnected on the MobilePC menu is not checked.
2. Click MobilePC > MobilePC Data Transfer Options to verify that the Send and Receive
Options are set appropriately.
3. Click MobilePC > MobilePC Data Transfer to open the MobilePC Data Transfer window.
4. In the upper left pane labeled Tour List, select the tours to transfer to the mobile PC.
5. Click in the center Tool Strip.
1. Open PI Manual Logger.
2. To select a tour run, choose one of the following actions.
◦ Select Tours > Tour Run List (Manual Data Entry and Review).
◦ Select PIML > Getting Started Window > Manage Tour Runs/Enter Manual Data.
◦ Press F6.
3. In the Tour List pane, select a tour from the list.
4. In the Tour Run List pane, choose one of the following actions.
◦ To add values to a tour run, double-click a tour in the list.
◦ To create a new tour run, click .
1. Click MobilePC > MobilePC Data Transfer to open the MobilePC Data Transfer window.
2. If you have partial tour runs, click in the center Tool Strip and select the appropriate
4. To transfer additional tours to your MobilePC database or remove tours from your
MobilePC database, use the and icons in the center Tool Strip and click .
information 15
data entry tag 27
PI Manual Logger Web 44