Compendium of Order Milk Products PDF

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New Delhi, the 28th November, 2000

S.O. 2719 – Whereas, for the development of the export trade of India certain proposals for
subjecting milk products to Quality Control and Inspection prior to export, were published as
required by Sub-rule (2) of rule 11 of the Export (Quality Control and Inspection) Rules 1964 in
the Gazette of India of Part II, Section 3, Sub-section (ii) dated 6-5-2000 vide order No. S.O. 939
dated 19-4-200 of the Government of India in the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Department
of Commerce;

1. And, whereas, the objections and suggestions were invited from all persons likely to be
affected thereby, within a period of forty five days of the copies of the said Gazette were
made available to the public on 11-5-2000.

2. And, whereas, it is necessary to maintain the highest quality standards and stipulate
health requirements that would encompass the standards prescribed in
National/International level;

3. And, whereas, health requirements should be laid down for the production, storage and
transport of milk products ;

4. And, whereas, in particular, it is important that rules be laid down governing the approval
of establishments;

5. And, whereas, it is important also that the health requirements to be met by milk products
be laid down;

6. And, whereas, it is the primarily responsibility of the processors to ensure that Milk
products meet the health requirements laid down in this order;

7. And, whereas, the Competent Authority must be carrying out Quality Control Inspection
and monitoring to ensure that processors comply with the above mentioned requirements;

8. And, whereas, the rules governing these Quality Control Inspections and Monitoring must
take account of the demands of the international market;

9. And, whereas, a random check must be made to detect the presence of residues of
substances liable to be harmful to human health;

10. And, whereas provisions should therefore, be made as a procedure for monitoring to
ensure the above conditions of equivalence with reference to the requirements of the
importing countries.

11. And, whereas Central Government nominated Authority to ensure the effective
compliance of the quality standards in the country;

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12. And, whereas, the Central Government has formulated the proposals specified below for
the said purpose and has forwarded the same to be Export Inspection Council as required
by sub-rule (2) of the rule 11bof the Export (Quality, Control and Inspection)Rules 1964;

13. Now, therefore in exercise of the powers conferred 6 of the Export (Quality Control and
Inspection) Act. 1963 (22 of 1963). Central Government after consulting the Export
Inspection Council being of the opinion that it is necessary and expedient to do so, for the
development of the export trade of India, hereby;

(a) notifies that milk products shall be subjected to quality control and inspection
prior to export;

(b) specifies the type of quality control and inspection in accordance with Export of
milk Products (Quality control Inspection and Monitoring) Rules, 2000 as the type
of Quality Control, Inspection and Monitoring which shall be applied to such milk
products prior to Export;

(c) recognises the specifications as set out in Schedule appended to this order as
the standard specifications of milk products;

(d) Prohibits the export of milk products by a unit in the course of international trade
unless it Conforms to the standards applicable to it and is accompanied by a
certificate stating that Such unit is approved and monitored by the Export
Inspection agency established under Section 7 of the Export (Quality Control and
Inspection) Act, 1963 (22 of 1963);

14. Nothing in this order shall apply to the export by land or sea or fir of bonafide samples of
milk products to prospective buyer, the value of which shall not exceed permissible limits
as laid down in EXIM Policy from time to time where no such provisions exist the value
limit of free sample(s) shall not exceed Rs. 10,000.

15. In this order, milk products means :-Milk products namely products exclusively derived
from milk, it being accepted that substances necessary for their manufacture may be
added, provided that these substances are not used to replace in part or in whole any
milk constituents, and composite milk products of which not part replaces or is intended
to replace any milk, constituents and of which milk or a milk products is an essential part
either in terms of quality or for characterization of the product.

Specifications for Milk products recognized as per Clause of section 6 of the Export
(Quality Control and Inspection) Act, 1963 shall be:
(a) National Standard of the importing countries or codex standards of codex
Alementeriours Commission.


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(b) Contractual specifications to between the foreign buyer and the exporters
provided the same is not below the national standards.
(c) In the absence of (a) or (b) above, the National Standard Specifications as
notified shall apply.
(d) In case of any Milk Products for which no standard is available at (a), (b) and
(c) above, the standard formulated for these products by the standing
Committee of the following members shall be made applicable.

1. Chairman, Agricultural and Processed Chairman

Food Products Export Development Authority

2. Joint Commissioner (Dairy) Member

Department of Animal Husbandry
and Dairying, Ministry of Agriculture

3. Deputy Commissioner (Dairy Development) Member

Ministry of Food Processing Industries

4. One representative of National Dairy Member

Development Board

5. One representative of Dairy Association Member

Of India

6. One representative of Diary Association Member

of India

7. Representative of Export Inspection Member


[F. No. 6/1/2000-EI & EP]

P.K. Das, Director

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