Rotex: Torsionally Flexible Couplings

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ROTEX® Torsionally flexible couplings For advanced


Coupling selection
The ROTEX® coupling is selected in accordance with DIN 740 part 2. The coupling has to be dimensioned in a way that the permissible
coupling load is not exceeded in any operating condition. For this purpose the actual loads have to be compared to the permissible
parameters of the coupling.

1 Drives without periodical torsional vibrations 2. Drives with periodical torsional vibrations. For drives sub-
e. g. centrifugal pumps, fans, screw compressors, etc. ject to high torsional vibrations, e. g. diesel engines, piston
The coupling is selected taking into account the rated torques compressors, piston pumps, generators, etc., it is necessary
TKN and maximum torque TK max. to perform a torsional vibration calculation to ensure a safe
operation. If requested, we perform the torsional vibration cal-
1.1 Load produced by rated culation and the coupling selection in our company. For ne-
torque TKN ⱖ TN · St cessary details please see KTR standard 20004.

Taking into consideration

the ambient temperature, PAN/LN [kW]
TN [Nm] = 9550 · –––––––––– 2.1 Load produced by TKN ⱖ TN · St
the permissible rated n [1/min] rated torque
torque TKN of the coupling
has to correspond at least Taking into account the ambient temperature, the permissible
to the rated torque TN of rated torque TKN of the coupling has to correspond at
the machine. least to the rated torque TN of the machine.
2.2 Passing through the
resonance range TK max ⱖ TS · St
1.2 Load produced by
torque shocks TK max ⱖ TS · Sz · St + TN · St Taking into account the temperature, the peak torque TS
The permissible maxi- arising when the resonance range is run through must not
mum torque of the coup- Drive-sided shock exceed the maximum torque TKmax of the coupling.
ling has to correspond at TS = TAS · MA · SA 2.3 Load produced by vibratory
least to the total of peak Load-sided shock torque shocks TKW ⱖ TW · St
torque TS and the rated TS = TLS · ML · SL Taking into account the ambient temperature, the per-
torque TN of the machine, missible vibratory torque TKW of the coupling must not be
taking into account the JL JA exceeded by the highest
shock frequency Z and MA = ––––––– ML = –––––––
J A + JL JA + JL periodical vibratory torque TW
the ambient temperature. PKW ⱖ PW
with operating speed.
This applies in case if the For higher operating frequencies f > 10, the heat produced by
rated torque TN of the machine is at the same time subject to damping in the elastomer part is considered as damping po-
shocks. wer PW.
Knowing the mass distribution, shock direction and shock mode, The permissible damping power PKW of the coupling
the peak torque TS can be calculated. depends on the ambient temperature and must not be
For drives with A. C.-motors with high masses on the load side exceeded by the damping power produced.
we would recommend to calculate the peak driving torque with
the help of our simulation programme.

Description Symbol Definition or explanation Description Symbol Definition or explanation

Rated torque TKN Torque that can continuously be transmitted Peak torque of TLS Peak torque with torque shock on load
of coupling over the entire permissible speed range load side side, e. g. braking

Maximum TK max Torque that can be transmitted as dynamic Vibratory torque of TW Amplitude of the vibratory torque effective
torque load ⱖ 105 times or 5 x 104 as vibratory machine on the coupling
of coupling load, respectively, during the entire operating
life of the coupling
Damping power PW Damping power which is effective on the
Vibratory torque of TKW Torque amplitude of the permissible perio- of the machine coupling due to the load produced by the
coupling dical torque fluctuation with a frequency vibratory torque
of 10 Hz and a basic load of TKN or dynamic
load up to TKN, respectively Moment of inertia JA Total of moments of inertia existing on the
of driving side driving or load side referring to the
Damping power PKW Permissible damping power with an coupling speed
of coupling ambient temperature of + 30 °C. Moment of inertia JL
of load side
Rated torque TN Stationary rated torque on the coupling
of machine
Rotational inertia MA Factor taking into account the mass
coefficient of driving distribution with shocks and vibrations
Peak torque of the TS Peak torque on the coupling
side produced on the driving or load side

Peak torque on the TAS Peak torque with torque shock on the
driving side driving side, e. g. breakdown torque of the JL JA
electric motor Rotational inertia ML MA = ––––––– ML = –––––––
coefficient of JA + JL JA + JL
load side


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