English Test. Extraorinary Task. June 2020 NAME ............................................................... Choose The Correct Answer

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ENGLISH TEST. EXTRAORINARY TASK. JUNE 2020 ____9) They ...horror films. ____19) I haven’t got ...bottles of water.

NAME ............................................................... a) watch never b) never watch c) not watch a) a b) some c) any

CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER. ____10) Where ...you live? ____20) She wants ...milk.

___1) …you interested in music? a) are b) does c) do a) a b) some c) any

a) Are b)Is c) Have ____11) I usually go to the country ....Saturday​. ____21) We always cook in the ....

___2) Is Anne American? a) on b) in c) at a) bedroom b) kitchen c) living-room

a) Yes, she is b) No, she is c) Yes, Anne is ____12) What time do you get up? ....8.00 ....the ____22) A bedroom is a room for ...
___3) This is ... a) cooking b) sleeping c) dancing
a) at/ on b) at/ in c) in/ in
a) the computer of my dad b) my dad’s computer ____23) What’s the weather like?
____13) Do you like theme parks?
c) my computer’s dad a) Playing football b) It’s sunny c) It’s mine
a) No, I not like b) Yes, I do c) Yes, I like.
___4) Robbie and Peter ...a dog. ____24) Tigers ....fly.
____14) I go to a ... to eat hamburgers and pizzas.
a) are b) has got c) have got a) can b) must c) can’t
a) pub b) shop c) fast-food restaurant
___5) How old are you? ____25) Yesterday I ...at 10.00
___15) She goes to the...to play basketball.
a) I’m tall b) I’m sixteen c) I have six years old. a) had b) lived c) got up
a) swimming-pool b) park c) sports centre.
___6) I’ve got ...and ... ____26) .....at the cinema yesterday?
____16) ...five books on the table.
a) hair long/ eyes blue b) blue eyes/ long hair a) They were b) Were they c) They are
c) eyes big/ long hair a) There is b) There are c) Are there.
____27) ....TV last evening?
____7) Alba ... American. She is from London. ____17) ....a computer in the classroom?
a) Did they watched b) Watched they
a) is b) isn’t c) has got a) Is there b) Are there c) There is
c) Did they watch
____8) She ...TV in the evening. ____18) There are ....tomatoes.
____28) My friends and I ...swimming in summer.
a) isn’t watch b) isn’t watching c) doesn’t watch a) a b) some c) any
a) play b) do c) go
____29) She usually .... gymnastics. ___39) Fruit is ... than meat. ___49) I was painting my room all the evening, so I was
very .....
a) plays b) does c) goes a) healthier b) more healthy c) the healthiest
a) worried b) tired c) excited
____30) Why don’t we go swimming tomorrow? ___40) This is .... box in the room.
___50) “Dracula” and “Saw” are ......films
a) Sorry, I can’t b) I can play football a) the most big b) bigger c) the biggest
c) Because I like it. a) exciting b) adventure c) frightening
___41) She .....a book.
____31) I always ...by bus. ___51) “........the teacher?”. “She is in the playground”
a) brought b) did bring c)built
a) go b) am going c) went a) Who is b) How is c) Where is
___42) ....sweets have you got?
____32) They ....their grandparents today. ___52) Mr and Mrs Marshall ....in that house.
a) How b) How much c) How many
a) visit b) visited c) are visiting a) live b) lives c) wash
___43) ....do you go to school? By bus.
___33) A mechanic works at a/an ... ___53) “.....?” “It’s here”.
a) When b) How c) When
a) restaurant b) office c) garage. a) Who is he b) Where are they from
___44) .....did you buy a present? .....it was his birthday. c) Where’s my book
___34) In a TV studio works a/ an....
a) Why/ because b) Why/ why c) How/ because ___54) Complete the “family” of words: apple,
a) nurse b) farmer c) actor
shampoo, eggs...
___45) Last week I .....my keys.
___35) “Ahora caigo” and “Pasapalabra” are
a) toothpaste b) chair c) skirt
a) losed b) lose c) lost
a) reality shows b) games shows c) cartoons
___55) You are walking in the country with a friend.
___46) I ......all my money on a mobile phone.
___36) They ..... football matches every Sunday. Your friend says: “I’m tired”. What can you say?
a) spended b) spent c) spend
a) are watching b) watch c) watched a) Are you tired? b) Let’s rest for a minutes c) Run
___47) .....does she eat vegetables? Every day. faster
___37) When I .....into the room, they .....
a) When b) How often c) How ___56) You .....watch this film. You’re not old enough.
a) went/ screamed b) was going/ were screaming
c)went/ were screaming ___48) Students ....use their mobile phones in class. a) doesn’t b) can’t c) don’t watch

___38) Watching TV is .....than playing sport. a) must b) mustn’t c) can

a) badder c) more bad c) worse

___57) There was a test yesterday. I ....... the questions ___67) We like eating in restaurants, so we ....three ___76) Remember to ....your English books, said the
carefully but I didn’t know the answers. times a week. teacher.

a) understand b) have c) read a) go out b) eat out c) look out a) wear b) bring c) spend

___58) Do you like ...sport on TV? ___68) In football, you ....touch the ball with your ___77) Complete the “family” of words: waiter,
hands. teacher..
a) watch b) watching c) playing
a) can b) must c) mustn’t a) school b) restaurant c) judge
___59) I ....romantic films. They are terrible.
___69) If you want to be healthy, you .....drink alcohol​. ___78) I ....send you an e-mail because my computer
a) love b) like c) hate doesn’t work.
a) should b) shouldn’t c) can’t
___60) She is usually sitting on the sofa. She is so ....! a) am not b) can’t c) mustn’t
___70) It’s .....hot in here. I will open the window.
a) active b) tidy c) lazy ___79) Complete the “family” of words: lake, river....
a) enough b) a lot of c) too
___61) My mum is always smiling. She is very .... a) hill b) nose c) fire
___71) I can’t wear this jacket. I wear size L and this is S.
a) patient b) cheerful c) lazy ___80) Sarah is wearing a short red ....today.
a) It’s not big enough b) It’s too big
___62) My sister never ...the rubbish out. c) It isn’t small enough a) shoes b) skirt c) hat

a) takes b) puts c) tidies ___72) Paul Gasol: 108.9kg Allen Iverson: 78.8 kg

___63) Ssshhhhh! I .....an exam. a) Paul is heaviest b) Allen is heavier c) Paul is heavier

a) am doing b) do c) did ___73) You can find skyscrapers in ...

___64) She .....jogging twice a week. a) the country b) a city c) both

a) does b) plays c) goes ___74) If my friend....to my house tonight, we

.....computer games.
___65) Did you ...a good time?
a) comes/ play b) come/ will play c) comes/ ‘ll play
a) take b) make c) have
___75) I’ve lived here ....1998.
___66) They ....a walk when it started to rain.
a) since b) for c) already
a) are having b) were having c) had
READING I READING II 90. Who is the letter to?

In the year 2002, two sisters played against each other New Castle Summer School a. Greg b. the families c. the students
in the tennis finals at Wimbledon, England. After that, Wood Bridge Street
Venus and Serena Williams often played against each Kent
5th May
other in many other exciting competitions.
Dear Student, WRITING. (10 POINTS). Choose 
Venus Williams was born on 17th June, 1980 and ONE topic and write about 100 
Thank you for choosing New Castle Summer School.
Serena was born on 26th September, 1981. Both sisters
We hope you enjoy your summer here in the UK.
started playing tennis when they were four years old.
You are going to be with us from 15th July to 15th
Their father taught them how to play.
August. During this time you are going to stay with 1. Write about your town. 
Venus and Serena live, practise and travel together. They an English family, but you are going to come to the 2. Write about a friend.  
love dogs, fashion and playing the guitar. They are school every day for all types of activities and
always excited for each other when one of them wins a classes. Remember, all the courses are in English.
competition and they are always glad to be together.
We hope you have a fantastic time and improve
81. Venus and Serena are ​cousins / sisters​. your English.

82. They ​never / often​ play against each other. Yours,

83. They were ​four / five​ years old when they Greg Davis
started playing tennis.
86. What is the letter about?
84. They both play the ​guitar / piano​. a)English b)a community centre c )a summer school

85. Serena and Venus are ​happy / disappointed 87. When does it start?
when they are together a. 15th July b. 15th August c.5th May

88. Where are the teenagers going to live?

a. on tours b. at New Castle c. with a family

89. Where is the school?

a. Kent b. London c. Wales

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