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Financial Bubbles with Finite-Time Singularity:

Models, Calibration and Predictions

D. Sornette
Department of Management, Technology and
Economics, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Member of the Swiss Finance Institute
Founding member of the Risk Center at ETH
Zurich (June 2011) (www.riskcenter.ethz.ch)

"In the short run, the market is

like a voting machine, tallying
up which firms are popular
and unpopular. But in the long
run, the market is like a
weighing machine, assessing
the substance [intrinsic value]
of a company."

– Benjamin Graham (father of
value investing)

billions US $
30’000 Stock markets losses

20’000 direct subprime loss

World GDP loss
The Global Bubble (2003-2008)
the illusion of the perpetual money machine (1980-2008)
Index of

PCA first component on a data set containing, emerging markets

equity indices, freight indices, soft commodities, base and
precious metals, energy, currencies...

The “perpetual money

machine” broke.

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

D. Sornette and P. Cauwels, The Illusion of the Perpetual Money Machine,
Notenstein Academy White Paper Series (Dec. 2012) (http://arxiv.org/abs/1212.2833)
Real-estate in the USA

W.-X. Zhou and D. Sornette, Is There a Real-Estate Bubble in the US?

Physica A 361, 297-308 (2006) (http://arxiv.org/abs/physics/0506027)
The  Great  Experiment
• In  response  to  the  Great  Financial  Crisis,  central  banks  are  experimen9ng  
with  non-­‐conven9onal  “Code  Red”  policies  like  quan9ta9ve  easing,  zero  
interest  rates,  large-­‐scale  asset  purchases  and  currency  debasement.  These  
policies  will  lead  towards  infla9on  in  the  long  run.  
• Central  bankers  want  everyone  to  keep  borrowing  and  spending  by  crea9ng  
nega9ve  real  interest  rates  on  cash.  Infla9on  in  most  countries  is  higher  
than  interest  rates,  so  cash  is  trash.  Their  policies  are  designed  to  
encourage  borrowing  and  specula9on.  
• Poli9cians  and  central  bankers  want  to  encourage  exports,  so  they  are  
trying  to  devalue  their  currencies  and  make  goods  and  services  cheaper  for  
foreigners.  Unfortunately,  not  everyone  can  devalue  their  currency  at  the  
same  9me.  Currency  wars  have  happened  before  in  the  1930  and  1970s.  
They  rarely  end  well  for  anyone,  but  governments  pursue  currency  wars  

Code  Red,  by  John  Mauldin  and  Jonathan  Tepper  (Oct.  2013)
Easy  Money  will  lead  to  more  Bubbles  

Financial  bubbles  are  a  (big)  part  of  financial  

market  lives  and  are  likely  to  be  even  more  
relevant  in  the  future  !

The  present  and  future  financial  opportuni?es  

and  risks  can  only  be  understood  from  the  
a@empt  of  policy  makers  to  fight  the  
consequences  of  past  bubbles!
What is a bubble?

Academic Literature: No consensus on what is a bubble...

Ex: Refet S. Gürkaynak, Econometric Tests of Asset Price Bubbles: Taking Stock.
Can asset price bubbles be detected? This survey of econometric tests of asset price bubbles
shows that, despite recent advances, econometric detection of asset price bubbles cannot be
achieved with a satisfactory degree of certainty. For each paper that finds evidence of
bubbles, there is another one that fits the data equally well without allowing for a bubble. We
are still unable to distinguish bubbles from time-varying or regime-switching fundamentals,
while many small sample econometrics problems of bubble tests remain unresolved.


Professional Literature: we do not know... only after the crash

The Fed: A. Greenspan (Aug., 30, 2002):
“We, at the Federal Reserve…recognized that, despite our suspicions, it was very
difficult to definitively identify a bubble until after the fact, that is, when its
bursting confirmed its existence… Moreover, it was far from obvious that bubbles,
even if identified early, could be preempted short of the Central Bank inducing a
substantial contraction in economic activity, the very outcome we would be
seeking to avoid.”
What is a bubble?

-exponentially “exploding” prices?

-exploding volatility?
What is a bubble?
-Positive feedback of price on volatility?
(Jarrow and Protter)

Implied vol before and after

the crash of Oct. 19, 1987

=> NO ! Volatility is not a predictor

What is a bubble?
standard law of supply and demand
price price

p l y
Positive feedbacks
p pl
s u
m nd
an a
d em

quantity quantity
Mechanisms for positive feedbacks in the stock market

• Technical and rational mechanisms

1. Option hedging
2. Insurance portfolio strategies
3. Market makers bid-ask spread in response to past volatility
4. Learning of business networks, human capital
5. Procyclical financing of firms by banks (boom vs contracting times)
6. Trend following investment strategies
7. Algorithmic trading
8. Asymmetric information on hedging strategies
9. Stop-loss orders
10. Portfolio execution optimization and order splitting
11. Deregulation (Grimm act repelling the Glass-Steagal act)
• Behavioral mechanisms:
1. Breakdown of “psychological Galilean invariance”
2. Imitation(many persons)
a) It is rational to imitate
b) It is the highest cognitive task to imitate
c) We mostly learn by imitation
d) The concept of “CONVENTION” (Orléan)
3. “Social Proof” mechanism

Positive feedbacks until 2008...
•Financial innovations

Real-estate loans and MBS as fraction of bank assets

Securitization of finance


Under-estimating aggregate risks

•Outsourcing of risks

✴Deregulation and lack of oversight

✴Bad quantitative risk models in banks (Basel II)

✴Rating agency failures

✴Lowering of lending standards

✴Managers greed and poor corporate governance problem

•Facilitating factors

✦ Loans to poor’s

✦Freddy Mac and Fanny Mae...

✦Growth of over-capacity

✦Moral hazards
Positive feedback leads to SYNCHRONIZATION

Synchronization is a disaster for financial markets: !

a synchronisation of sell orders leads to a crash;!
a synchronization of buy orders leads to a rally or a bubble regime!

Z. Néda, E. Ravasz, Y. Brechet, T. Vicsek and A.-L. Barabási, Self-organizing processes: The sound of many hands clapping Nature 403, 849-850 (2000)
Universal bubble scenario => ENDOGENEITY
Charles Kindleberger, Manias, Panics and Crashes (1978)
Didier Sornette, Why stock markets crash (2003)

Financial bubbles, which we have been observing for over 400 years:

Tulip mania South Sea bubble IT bubble Housing bubble14

Growth Processes

! exponential growth

 p(t) ⇠ e t

! finite-time singularity
! 1
p(t) ⇠
! (tc t)1/
! power-law


 p(t) ⇠ t1/|
Super-exponential growth
(positive feedbacks)

Korotayev, Malkov

Khaltourina (2006)

Multivariate endogeneous growth models and FTS
Case θ+β>1 : FTS


•Singularity theorems of Penrose and Hawking in General Relativity

•Formation of black holes (general relativity coupled to a mass field)

•Planet formation in solar system by run-away accretion of planetesimals

Finite-time •Tokamak physics of plasma turbulence (Zakharov equation of beam-driven

Singularity •Front genesis in meteorology

•Turbulence and Euler equation for inviscid fluids

•Rupture and failure of materials and engineering structures

•Earthquakes (Ruina-Dieterich state-and-velocity weakening solid friction)

•Micro-organisms chemotaxis aggregating to form fruiting bodies

•Surface instabilities to form spikes (Mullins-Sekerka instability)

•Jets from singular surfaces

•Fluid droplet snap-off

•Euler’s disk (rotating settling coin)

Famous historical bubbles

Semper Augustus

Source: Elliott Wave International; data source for South Seas, Global Financial Data
Positive feedbacks and origin of bubbles

Prices in the learning-to-forecast market experiments
Next period returns r(t+1)versus current returns r(t) for
(Hommes et al., 2008).

group 2. Points on the diagonal correspond to constant
Five out of six markets exhibit long lasting bubbles with
growth rate (r(t+1)= r(t)), points above the diagonal (r(t
asset prices increasing to more than 15 times fundamental
+1)> r(t)) correspond to accelerating growth. Returns
are defined as discrete returns:

r(t+1) = [p(t+1)/p(t)] − 1.

A. Hüsler, D. Sornette and C. H. Hommes Super-exponential bubbles in lab experiments: evidence for anchoring over-optimistic expectations on price,
Journal Economic Behavior and Organization 92, 304-316 (2013)
I Fulvio Corsi and Didier Sornette (2012)
Martin Pleisch Didier Sornette Fulvio Corsi (2013)
Synthetic tests with simulated FTS-GARCH time series

(false negative test)
ex-post diagnostic

ex-ante signal

ex-ante signal

NASDAQ Composite 1971-2001: estimated gamma (upper panel) and corresponding t-statistic (lower panel) in a FTS GARCH model

NIKKEI 1976-1992: estimated gamma (upper panel) and corresponding t-statistic (lower panel) in a FTS GARCH model

DAX 1991-2000: estimated gamma (upper panel) and corresponding t-statistic (lower panel) in a FTS GARCH model (yt = log(Pt))
Rational Expectation Bubbles and Crashes


A. Johansen, D. Sornette and O. Ledoit

A. Johansen, O. Ledoit and D. Sornette, Crashes as critical
Predicting Financial Crashes using discrete scale invariance,
points, International Journal of Theoretical and Applied
Journal of Risk, vol. 1, number 4, 5-32 (1999) Finance Vol. 3, No. 2 219-255 (2000)
Bubble with stochastic finite-time singularity
due to positive feedbacks

Stochastic finite-time singularity
The price

drives the

crash hazard

D. Sornette and J.V.

A Nonlinear Super-
Exponential Rational
Model of Speculative
Financial Bubbles,

Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 13
(2), 171-188 (2002)

Contains two ingredients:
(1) growth faster than exponential
(2) growth of volatility

Standard Geometric random walk

Wilks’ test of embedded hypotheses

Test of the existence of both ingredients

Example of a “fearful” super-exponential bubble


Red line is 13.8% per year: but

The market is never following the average
growth; it is either super-exponentially
accelerating or crashing

Patterns of price trajectory during 0.5-1 year before each peak: Log-periodic power law

Real-estate in the USA

W.-X. Zhou and D. Sornette, Is There a Real-Estate Bubble in the US?

Physica A 361, 297-308 (2006) (http://arxiv.org/abs/physics/0506027)
U.S. real-estate bubble

r n
r e


Real U.S. House Prices between 1974 and 2014. Levels are shown in black and should be read on the left axis. Yearly growth rates
are shown in blue and should be read on the right axis. Three peaks in the growth rate coincide with a correction in the levels. When
the growth itself grows, the process becomes unstable and a correction follows (Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
international house price dataset, http://www.dallasfed.org/institute/houseprice/)

Presentation of three different mechanisms leading to discrete scale invariance, discrete
hierarchies and log-periodic signatures

! Co-evolution of brain size and group size

(Why do we have a big Brain?)

=> Discrete hierarchy of group sizes

W.-X. Zhou, D. Sornette, R.A. Hill and R.I.M. Dunbar, Discrete Hierarchical Organization of
!Social Group Sizes, Proc. Royal Soc. London 272, 439-444 (2005)
! Interplay between nonlinear positive and negative
feedbacks and inertia
! K. Ide and D. Sornette, Oscillatory Finite-Time Singularities in Finance, Population and Rupture,
Physica A 307 (1-2), 63-106 (2002)
! Technical analysis:Impulse-retracting market
wave analysis
Elliot waves.... => self-fulfilling structures !36
The Fedwire interbank payment network. !
a, This ‘furball’ depiction takes in
thousands of banks and tens of thousands
of links representing US$1.2 trillion in daily!
transactions. !
b, The core of the network, with 66 banks
accounting for 75% of the daily value of
transfers, and with 25 of the banks being!
completely connected. Every participating
bank, and every transaction, in the full
network is known (akin to an ecologist
knowing all species in an ecosystem, and
all flows of energy and nutrients). So the
behavior of the system can be analysed in
great detail, on different timescales and, for
example, in response to events such as
9/11. !

Soramäki, K. et al. Physica A 379, 317–333 (2007).
network topology of the interbank payments transferred between
commercial banks over the Fedwire® Funds Service

Kimmo Soramäki, Morten L. Bech, Jeffrey Arnold, Robert J. Glass, and Walter E. Beyeler, Physica A 379, 317-333 (2006)
Rational expectation bubble models
with social interactions
Key idea: return-risk relationship also holds during bubbles via
the no-arbitrage (or close to no-arbitrage) condition.

Two classes of models:

1) Risk is first (h(t): crash hazard rate controlled by
herding noise traders)
and returns have to come to remunerate against the risk
2) Return µ(t) is first (rate of returns controlled by
positive feedbacks from bubble price)
and risk (crash hazard rate) follows.
A. Johansen, D. Sornette and O. Ledoit A. Johansen, O. Ledoit and D. Sornette, Crashes as critical points,
Predicting Financial Crashes using discrete scale invariance, International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance
Journal of Risk 1 (4), 5-32 (1999) 3 (2), 219-255 (2000)
Log-Periodic Power Law model and Extensions

From the perspective of economics From the perspective of complex

and econometrics: systems:

Rational expectation bubble Rational expectation models 

model in the presence of of negative bubbles 

an (unknown) fundamental value and anti-bubbles

Rational expectation bubble Rational expectation bubble

model in the presence of model with beta-function-type
stochastic singularity time solution of the RG
(RG: renormalization group)

Rational expectation bubble

Rational expectation bubble
model in the presence of
model with higher order solutions
mean-reverting self-consistent
of the RG
The Log-Periodic Power Law is a combination of

Classical methods of economics:

Complex systems approach:
extension of the Blanchard-Watson (1982)
Rational Expectation bubble model
The crash is a tipping point (critical
point), around which the system
Diffusive dynamics of log-price in the exhibits self-similar properties:

presence of discontinuous jump j:
! !
! The renormalisation group solution
! has the form:

Under the no-arbitrage condition
! !
! !
the excess returns are proportional Where the log-periodic oscillations
to the hazard rate: for hazard rate are the first order
approximation of the RG solution.
Positive feedback Discrete scale invariance
with d>1
e.g. as a result of herding in dynamics of as a result of RG solution around
“noise traders” the tipping point (end of bubble)

Faster-than exponential growth Log-periodic oscillations

Martingale hypothesis

(no “free lunch”)

Johansen-Ledoit-Sornette (JLS) model

(Log-Periodic Power Law)
Extensions of the Log-Periodic Power Law model

From the perspective of economics From the perspective of complex

and econometrics: systems:

Rational expectation bubble Rational expectation models 

model in the presence of of negative bubbles 

an (unknown) fundamental value and anti-bubbles

Rational expectation bubble Rational expectation bubble

model in the presence of model with beta-function-type
stochastic singularity time solution of the RG
(RG: renormalization group)

Rational expectation bubble

Rational expectation bubble
model in the presence of
model with higher order solutions
mean-reverting self-consistent
of the RG
Extensions of the Log-Periodic Power Law model

From the perspective of economics From the perspective of complex

and econometrics: systems:

addresses expectation bubble
problem of the joint Rational expectation models 

model of
estimation in the
the fundamental
presence of and of negative bubbles 

an (unknown) fundamental value
bubble components and anti-bubbles

mechanism for bubblebubble

Rational expectation survival Rational expectation bubble
by lack of synchronization
model in the presence of due to model with beta-function-type
heterogenous beliefs ontime
stochastic singularity critical solution of the RG
(RG: renormalization group)

Rational expectation bubble

Rational expectation bubble
model in the presence of
model with higher order solutions
mean-reverting self-consistent
of the RG
Construction of alarms
Prices converted in stochastic singular times for crash

Bubble diagnostic if

(iv) Dickey Fuller unit root test is rejected at 99.5% significance level
Li Lin, Didier Sornette, Diagnostics of Rational Expectation Financial Bubbles with Stochastic Mean-Reverting Termination Times,
The European Journal of Finance 19 (5-6) 344-365 (2013).
Extensions of the Log-Periodic Power Law model

From the perspective of economics From the perspective of complex

and econometrics: systems:

addresses expectation bubble
problem of the joint Rational expectation models 

model of
estimation in the
the fundamental
presence of and of negative bubbles 

an (unknown) fundamental value
bubble components and anti-bubbles

mechanism for bubblebubble

Rational expectation survival Rational expectation bubble
by lack of synchronization
model in the presence due
of to model with beta-function-type
heterogenous beliefs ontime
stochastic singularity critical solution of the RG
(RG: renormalization group)

Rational expectation
addresses the critic of bubble
Granger Rational expectation bubble
andmodel in the
Newbold presence
(1974) of
and Phillips model with higher order solutions
(1986) self-consistent
about spurious fits of non- of the RG
stationary price processes
A Consistent Model of ‘Explosive’ Financial Bubbles!
With Mean-Reversing Residuals!
L. Lin, R. E. Ren and D. Sornette (2009)
Rational Expectation formulation

There is also a Behavioral discount factor formulation.

Bayesian approach
S&P500 1987 and Hong-Kong 1997
(answering to Chang and Feigenbaum, 2006)
Extensions of the Log-Periodic Power Law model

From the perspective of complex


Rational expectation models 

of negative bubbles 

and anti-bubbles

Rational expectation bubble

model with beta-function-type
solution of the RG
(RG: renormalization group)

Rational expectation bubble

model with higher order solutions
of the RG
Extensions of the Log-Periodic Power Law model

From the perspective of complex


Rational expectation models 

of negative bubbles 

and anti-bubbles

Positive bubble Positive anti-bubble

(the pressure builds up, (the pressure is progressively
generally in multiple stages) released, generally in multiple

t = tc Time

(pressure towards panic = (negative pressure released,

herding in bearish phase) progressively)

Negative bubble Negative anti-bubble

Extensions of the Log-Periodic Power Law model

From the perspective of complex


Rational expectation models 

of negative bubbles 

and anti-bubbles

US S&P500 Rational expectation bubble

model withWeierstrass functions
solution of the RG
(RG: renormalization group)

Rational expectation bubble

model with higher order solutions
of the RG
Extensions of the Log-Periodic Power Law model

From the perspective of complex


Japanese Index: model and prediction

Rational expectation bubble

second-order and third-order
model with higher order solutions
Landau LPPL
of the RG

A. Johansen and D. Sornette, Financial “anti-bubbles”: log-periodicity in Gold and Nikkei collapses, Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 10(4),
563-575 (1999); Evaluation of the quantitative prediction of a trend reversal on the Japanese stock market in 1999, Int. J.
Mod. Phys. C Vol. 11 (2), 359-364 (2000)
Methodology for diagnosing bubbles
" Positive feedbacks of higher return anticipation
✴ Super exponential price
✴ Power law “Finite-time singularity”
" Positive feedback of negative spirals of crash
✴ Accelerating large-scale financial volatility
✴ Log-periodic discrete scale-invariant patterns

The Log-Periodic Power Law (LPPL) model

A. Johansen, D. Sornette and O. Ledoit

A. Johansen, O. Ledoit and D. Sornette, Crashes as critical points,
Predicting Financial Crashes using discrete scale invariance,
International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance Vol. 3, No.
Journal of Risk, vol. 1, number 4, 5-32 (1999) 2 219-255 (2000)
Predictability of the 2007-XXXX crisis:
30 year History of bubbles
and of Endogeneity
• Worldwide bubble (1980-Oct. 1987)

• The ICT (dotcom) “new economy” bubble (1995-2000)

• Real-estate bubbles (2003-2006) D. Sornette and R. Woodard

Financial Bubbles, Real Estate bubbles,
Derivative Bubbles, and the Financial and
Economic Crisis (2009)(http://arxiv.org/abs/
• MBS, CDOs bubble (2004-2007) 0905.0220)

D. Sornette and P. Cauwels,

The Illusion of the Perpetual
• Stock market bubble (2004-2007) Money Machine, Notenstein
Academy White Paper Series
(Dec. 2012) (http://ssrn.com/
• Commodities and Oil bubbles (2006-2008)

• Debt bubbles
6 months

7 years
Super-exponential growth

Real-estate in the UK

Wei-Xing Zhou and Didier Sornette 2000-2003 Real Estate Bubble in the UK but not in the USA, Physica A 329, 249-263 (2003)
Real-estate in the USA
bubble peaking in Oct. 2007

positive bubble
negative bubble

The fingerprint of a positive (in green) and a negative bubble (in red) can be seen in the S&P500 before and during the credit crisis.
Notice the distinct pattern combining oscillations with a faster-than-exponential rise (or drop for a negative bubble) in the price. For
both bubbles, the LPPL model is fitted to the data in the window between t1 and t2.The critical time tc is given as a result of the model,
it is the most probable time for a change in regime. This may be a crash after a positive bubble or a rally following a negative bubble.
2006-2008 Oil bubble
Speculation vs supply-demand

D. Sornette, R. Woodard
and W.-X. Zhou, The
2006-2008 Oil Bubble
and Beyond, Physica A
388, 1571-1576 (2009)

Typical result of the calibration of the simple LPPL model to the oil price in US$ in shrinking windows with starting dates
tstart moving up towards the common last date tlast = May 27, 2008. !64

R.Woodard and D.Sornette (2008)


Total liabilities of the U.S. financial and non- financial sectors divided by the GDP
The data are taken from the Flow of Funds accounts of the U.S. (http://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/z1/), the non-financial
sector includes the federal government, government sponsored entities, household and non-profit and non-financial business. The
smooth curves show the fits of the models.

D. Sornette and P. Cauwels, The

Illusion of the Perpetual Money
Machine, Notenstein Academy White
Paper Series (Dec. 2012) (http://

This picture demonstrates that debt levels are on unsustainable tracks that, according to our
bubble models, are expected to reach a critical point towards the end of the present decade.
The efficiency of U.S. Non Financial debt. The dots tell you how many USD of GDP are
generated for each USD of U.S. Non Financial debt. The black double line gives an LPPL model fit and the
grey line gives the DS LPPL Trust index. When this index exceeds the 5% level, the process is not
sustainable and there is a substantial risk for a critical transition of the system.

source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Change of regime around 1980

2500000 religio

1945 1952 1959 1966 1973 1980 1987 1994 2001 2008

Assets (Cash, Securities and Loans)

Deposits (Checkable and Time Deposits)

rate of profit
Rate of profit and rate of accumulation: The
United States + European Union + Japan
* Rate of accumulation = rate of growth rate
of the net volume of capital * Rate of profit
= profit/capital (base: 100 in 2000)

Sources and data of the graphs: http://

transfer of wealth from populations hussonet.free.fr/toxicap.xls

(young debtors buying houses
to financial assets (older sellers)
(Spencer Dale, Chief economist
Bank of England savings

Thee gap widens between the share of wages

and the share of consumption (gray zones),
so as to compensate for the difference
between profit and accumulation. FINANCE
consumption allows increasing debt and virtual wealth
growh... which can only be transitory (even if
very long).

United States Share of wages and of private

consumption in Gross Domestic Product
wages (GDP)
Source of data and graphics: http://
Financial Crisis Observatory
D. Sornette
R. Woodard
P. Cauwels

Financial Crisis Observatory

•Hypothesis H1: financial (and other) bubbles can

be diagnosed in real-time before they end.!
•Hypothesis H2: The termination of financial (and
other) bubbles can be bracketed using probabilistic
forecasts, with a reliability better than chance
(which remains to be quantified).

The Financial Bubble Experiment!

advanced diagnostics and forecasts of bubble terminations
•Time@Risk: Development of dynamical risk
management methods

Financial Crisis Observatory

Advanced real-estate bubble detection
with Dorsa Sanadgol and Diego Ardila



Advanced real-estate bubble detection


Advanced real-estate bubble detection



Advanced real-estate bubble detection



Advanced real-estate bubble detection


South Korea

Advanced real-estate bubble detection



New Zealand
Advanced real-estate bubble detection



South Africa
Overview of the different asset classes and indices!
FCO Cockpit!
(end of January 2014 calculations, ETHZ FCO)


The DS LPPL ConfidenceTM indicator measures the sensitivity of the observed
bubble pattern to the chosen starting time. If the value is close to zero, it means that
the pattern was found only in a few of the data windows that were analyzed; if the
value is close to one, it means that the pattern is practically insensitive to the choice
of the data window. A very low value of this indicator means that the signal is not
robust and only pops up in one or two specific data windows, in that case, there is a
risk of over-fitting or data snooping and the result should be interpreted with care;

The DS LPPL TrustTM indicator measures how closely the pattern matches the
theoretical LPPL model, zero being a bad and one being a perfect match.

Overview of the different asset classes and indices!
monitored in the FCO Cockpit!
(end of January 2014 calculations, ETHZ FCO)
436 systemic financial assets or indices in fixed income, equities, commodities and currencies
Clear bubble signals in Spanish, Irish and Italian government bonds and in
European financial subordinated bonds
recovery in the form of bubble exuberance
Energy products down -2%, agricultural products -12%, industrial metals -14% and
precious metals down a whopping -29%.
Weak negative signal bubbles
This is in great dissonance with the equities bull market that we are riding now.
Gold Bullion(Zurich) kg(995) CHF
Significant weakening of some emerging markets currencies
Negative bubble for the Argentine Peso, the Turkish Lira and the
Indonesian Rupiah
Clear indication of an overreaction in this market.
Turkish lira vs ChF
Worrying exuberance in equity markets
1 out 3 markets are diagnosed in bubble regime

BRICS disappointed in the past year with the Brazilian Bovespa down -21%, the Russian RTS
Index -12%, the Indian BSE +7% and the Shanghai Composite -11%.
This is to be compared with a Dow Jones index +20% and Eurostoxx +19%.
strong bubble warnings are flashing in internet retail equities (where Amazon is part of),
life sciences, consumer finance, auto components, aerospace and defense, health care…
Bubble warnings in social network companies,
venture capital and dividend paying stock

• Regime shifts and change of regimes are the

“norm” rather than the exception and will be
growing in the future.
• Financial markets exhibit transitions between
phases of growth, exuberance and crises.
• Most crises are endogenous and are the
consequence of procyclical positive feedbacks that
• Based on a solid monitoring infrastructure, a
dynamical time@risk management based on
scenarios is possible by recognizing the ubiquitous
positive feedbacks and “pockets of predictability”.
Further Reading
D. Sornette and R. Woodard Financial Bubbles, Real Estate bubbles, Derivative Bubbles, and the Financial and
Economic Crisis, in Proceedings of APFA7 (Applications of Physics in Financial Analysis), “New Approaches to
the Analysis of Large-Scale Business and Economic Data,” M. Takayasu, T. Watanabe and H. Takayasu, eds.,
Springer (2010) (http://arxiv.org/abs/0905.0220))
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D. Sornette and G. Ouillon, editors of the special issue of Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics on ``Discussion and
debate: from black swans to dragon-kings - Is there life beyond power laws?'', volume 25, Number 1, pp. 1-373

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